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Version 1.2

Hotek Hospitality Group

Munnikenheiweg 27
4879 NE Etten-Leur
Tel. +31 (0)76 5024750
Fax +31 (0)76 5024760
1. General Information ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Hotek 2900 PLUS Software ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 System requirements ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard Encoder ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Daily use of the Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System ............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Guest Keys ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.1 How to create a guest key............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.2 Creating a second guest key / Blocking a guest key ................................................................................................ 8
2.1.3 Modifying and erasing a guest key .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Staff Keys ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.1 Creating a Master Card .............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.2 Creating a Floor Card ................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.3 Creating a HSKP Card ................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.4 Creating a Department Card...................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.5 Creating a Staff Card.................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.6 Creating a Lift Card ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.7 Blocking Individual Staff Keys ....................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.8 Blocking Groups of Staff Keys ...................................................................................................................................... 18
2.3 Other Key types...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.3.1 The System Card ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
2.3.2 The Shift Card ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
2.3.4 Setting of Date and Time using a Clock Card .......................................................................................................... 22
2.3.5 Blocking a room using the Inhibit Card ...................................................................................................................... 23
2.3.6 Creating a Meeting Card for stand-open function ................................................................................................. 24
2.3.7 Blocking staff keys using an Erase Card ..................................................................................................................... 25
2.3.8 Creating and using Spare Cards ................................................................................................................................. 26
2.3.9 Readout a lock using the Query Card ....................................................................................................................... 27
2.4 Readout, Modify or Erase a key using the Read Button .................................................................................................. 28
3. Extended system functions................................................................................................................................................. 29
3.1 User Management................................................................................................................................................................. 29
3.1.1 How to add / change / delete a user........................................................................................................................ 29
3.1.2 How to add / change / delete a role ........................................................................................................................ 30
3.2 Readout of a lock .................................................................................................................................................................. 32
3.3 Changing System Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 34
3.3.1 System Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
3.3.2 Function Parameters ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
3.4 Changing the password of your user account ................................................................................................................. 39
4. Maintenance and Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................... 40
4.1 Software – Messages and solutions .................................................................................................................................... 40
4.2 Hardware – Messages and solutions .................................................................................................................................. 40
4.3 Replacing the batteries of the Hotek 2900 lock ............................................................................................................... 41
4.3.1 Replacing batteries of the Hotek 2900 Classic Lock ................................................................................................ 41
4.3.2 Replacing batteries of the Hotek 2900 Mini Lock ..................................................................................................... 41
4.4 Replacing a complete Hotek 2900 Lock ........................................................................................................................... 42
4.4.1 Replacing a Hotek 2900 Classic .................................................................................................................................. 42
4.5 (Re)Programming the Hotek 2900 lock .............................................................................................................................. 44
4.6 Mechanical Emergency opening Hotek 2900 Mini Lock........................................................................................... ... 44
4.7 Installing and connecting the Hotek 2900 Plus lift controller ........................................................................................ 466
4.7.1 Lift Controller Specifications ......................................................................................................................................... 46
4.7.2 Measurements ................................................................................................................................................................ 46
4.7.3 Cabling ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48
4.8 Connecting the Hotek 2900 Plus Wall Reader ................................................................................................................ 544
5. Hotek Contact Details....................................................................................................................................................... 555
5.1 Service call............................................................................................................................................................................ 555
5.2 General Contact Details .................................................................................................................................................. 5656

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 2

1. General Information

1.1 Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard

This manual describes the Hotek Keycard System, model 2900 PLUS. The keycard system uses
the Mifare Remote frequency technology.
The keycard contains a transponder, that can receive and transmit radio signals. It allows a
contactless connection with a lock and encoder.

1.2 Hotek 2900 PLUS Software

The Hotek Keycard System is the software that is installed on the computer. All system
transactions that are described in the menu Daily use of the system are based on this
The software can be started by double-clicking the following icon on the desktop:

After starting the software the user has to log on to use the system. The following logon screen

The User ID and Password have to be entered. Press OK to enter the software.

1.3 System requirements

The Hotek Keycard System software can be installed one or more computers. Therefore, the
following is needed:
- Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7
- Hard Disk: min. 250mb
- Other requirements: Pentium III processor, equal, or better
Minimum 512mb internal memory
User Account with sufficient rights to install software

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 3

1.4 Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard Encoder
When installed, an encoder is connected to the Keycard System. For each system
transaction, the following keycard encoder is used:

The encoder is connected to the computer using USB connection.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 4

2. Daily use of the Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System
Daily use of the Hotek 2900 Keycard System gives an overview of all the system transactions:
how to create, delete and block guest and staff keys.
After logging on using a valid user account, the user gets the following main menu:

The keycard software has different parts. Each part can be opened by pushing one of the
big buttons in the menu bar on top:

The following chapters give an overview of the different types of keys that can be made.
Depending on the authorization of your user account, some of the keys can or cannot be

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 5

2.1 Guest Keys

2.1.1 How to create a guest key

A guest key is made based on one or multiple rooms. Creating guest keys always starts from
the button Guest in the main menu:

After clicking the button, the following menu to create guest keys appears:

Take the following steps to create a guest key:

o Holder Name: Insert the guest/user name. The field cannot be empty. ID No. can be
used for a (reservation) number, this can be blank.
o Common Door: Each guest key is made for one or more guest rooms and one or more
optional (common) doors. Check the common doors the guest should be able to
o Option: It is possible to select the amount of keys and to select if the keys must be new
(blocking former keys) or duplicate (extra) keys.
o Parameter: Insert the room number. The room number has to be inserted in 4 digits
(example: 0101).
o Day(s): The key can be made for multiple days. Change the amount of days to the
desired check out date.
o Check-out Time: Check-out time is the final time the key works. It can be changed.
o Click OK to create the key.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 6

When pressing the button next to the room number:

the following screen appears:

Select the room numbers and press [Select] to add them to a key. Click [OK] to go back to
the guest menu.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 7

2.1.2 Creating a second guest key / Blocking a guest key
When a key already has been made for a room, next to the room number “Occupied” will
show the amount of keys that has been made already.

o By choosing [Duplicate] an extra key can be made for the room, without blocking the
existing key.
o By selecting [New Key] a complete new key will be made. As soon as the new key is
used on the lock(s), the existing keys are blocked.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 8

2.1.3 Modifying and erasing a guest key
From the moment the guest key has passed its checkout date and time, it does not work
anymore on the lock(s). But, the key still contains information.
Press the button [Read]:

The following screen appears:

o By using the button [Erase] the can be erased.

o By changing information and pressing the button [Modify], the changed information
can be written on the key.
o At “Log” the issuing information of the key is shown.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 9

2.2 Staff Keys
Staff Keys can be made according to the locking plan that is set in advance. The locking
plan is divided in Floors. The Floors are connected to Floor Cards and HSKP Cards with certain
There are several different types of staff keys. For each staff key, it’s functionality is described.
Also you can take a look at the way how to create it.
Press [Staff] in the main menu:

The following screen appears:

For each type of Staff Key, the following functions are the same:
o Name: User name can be entered
o ID No: if desired, an ID number can be written on the key
o Card(s): the amount of keys created. It is recommended to only create 1 key for each
person for security reasons.
o Shift Time / Parking: Shift hours or parking possibility. Last Date: end date of the key.
o Parameter: when there is the possbility to select a zone, it will be shown here.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 10

2.2.1 Creating a Master Card
The Master Card is valid for all locks in the Keycard System.
Go to menu button “Staff”. At Card Type select Master Card. The following screen appears:

o At Holder Name insert the user name. ID No. Can be empty.

o At Cards select the amount of keys that will be made for that user. It is recommended
to create only one key for each person, with unique names.
o At Shift Time/Parking select the different key functions:
o Last Date: End date of the key
o Parking Function: when selected the key can be used for the parking reader
o Shifts: pre-determined shifts can be selected
o Click [Issue] to write the key.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 11

2.2.2 Creating a Floor Card
The Floor Card can be made for a certain part of the hotel. Floor’s are based on the actual
floors in the building. The Floor card can be made based on a pre-determined locking plan.
Each Floor Card can contain one or multiple floors.
Go to menu button “Staff”. At Card Type select Floor Card.

o At Holder Name insert the user name. ID No. Can be empty.

o At Cards select the amount of keys that will be made for that user. It is recommended
to only create one key for each person.
o At Shift Time/Parking select the different key functions:
o Last Date: End date of the key
o Parking Function: when selected the key can be used for the parking reader
o Shifts: pre-determined shifts can be selected
o At Parameter, select the Floor Zone where the key should work. One Floor zone can
be selected at the same time.
o At Common Door, select optional doors.
o At Lift Control, select optional lift options.
o Click [Issue] to write the key.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 12

2.2.3 Creating a HSKP Card
The HSKP Card can be made for a certain part of the hotel. HSKP Zones are based on the
locking plan that is set in the database.
Go to menu button “Staff”. At Card Type select HSKP Card.

o At Holder Name insert the user name. ID No. Can be empty.

o At Cards select the amount of keys that will be made for that user. It is recommended
to only create one key for each person.
o At Shift Time/Parking select the different key functions:
o Last Date: End date of the key
o Parking Function: when selected the key can be used for the parking reader
o Shifts: pre-determined shifts can be selected
o At Parameter, select the HSKP Zone where the key should work. One HSKP zone can
be selected at the same time.
o At Common Door, select optional doors.
o At Lift Control, select optional lift options.
o Click [Issue] to write the key.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 13

2.2.4 Creating a Department Card
The Department Card has the function to open “Staff Doors” in a pre-determined
department. This makes it possible to have a separate locking plan for staff doors only.
Go to menu button “Staff”. At Card Type select Department Card:

o At Holder Name insert the user name. ID No. Can be empty.

o At Cards select the amount of keys that will be made for that user. It is recommended
to only create one key for each person.
o At Shift Time/Parking select the different key functions:
o Last Date: End date of the key
o Parking Function: when selected the key can be used for the parking reader
o Shifts: pre-determined shifts can be selected
o At Parameter, select the Department where the key should work. One Department
can be selected at the same time.
o At Common Door, select optional doors.
o At Lift Control, select optional lift options.
o Click [Issue] to write the key.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 14

2.2.5 Creating a Staff Card
The Staff Card has the function to open separate “Staff Doors” in a pre-determined
department. This makes it possible to have a separate locking plan for staff doors only.
Go to menu button “Staff”. At Card Type select Staff Card:

o At Holder Name insert the user name. ID No. Can be empty.

o At Cards select the amount of keys that will be made for that user. It is recommended
to only create one key for each person.
o At Shift Time/Parking select the different key functions:
o Last Date: End date of the key
o Parking Function: when selected the key can be used for the parking reader
o Shifts: pre-determined shifts can be selected
o At Parameter, select the Department where the key should work. Then select a Staff
o At Common Door, select optional doors.
o At Lift Control, select optional lift options.
o Click [Issue] to write the key.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 15

2.2.6 Creating a Lift Card
The Lift Card can be used to open the selectable Common Doors and Lift Controllers.
Go to menu button “Staff”. At Card Type select Lift Card:

o At Holder Name insert the user name. ID No. Can be empty.

o At Cards select the amount of keys that will be made for that user. It is recommended
to only create one key for each person.
o At Shift Time/Parking select the different key functions:
o Last Date: End date of the key
o Parking Function: when selected the key can be used for the parking reader
o Shifts: pre-determined shifts can be selected
o At Common Door, select optional doors.
o At Lift Control, select optional lift options.
o Click [Issue] to write the key.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 16

2.2.7 Blocking Individual Staff Keys
Blocking individual staff keys can be done using an “Erase Card”. The Erase card will tell one
or more locks that a certain key has been lost. When the lost key will be used on the lock, it
will be not accepted.
Go to menu button “Setting”

And then “Erase Card”

Under Parameter, select the “Card Type”, the status and, optional, the Zone. Then press
“Query”. The list will show the available keys.

Select the key that has been lost.

Press “Issue” to create the Erase Card.
Use the Erase Card on the locks where blocking is necessary: for a Master Card on all of the
locks, for other types of keys on the locks where the key must be blocked.

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2.2.8 Blocking Groups of Staff Keys
Blocking groups of staff keys (for example all Master keys) can be done using an “Erase
Card”. The Erase card will tell one or more locks that the keys must be blocked. When the key
type will be used on the lock, it will be not accepted.
Go to menu button “Setting”

And then “Erase Card”

The select tab “Group Erase”

Select the key type of which all keys should be blocked. (blocking more types of keys at the
same time with one Erase Card is possible).
Press “Issue” to create the Erase Card.
Use the Erase Card on the locks where blocking is necessary: for a Master Card on all of the
locks, for other types of keys on the locks where the key must be blocked.

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2.3 Other Key types
In menu part Setting different types of programming keys are available.
Press the button Setting to open the menu.

2.3.1 The System Card

The System Card is used to ‘connect’ the lock to the database on the computer.
Select “System Card” at Card Type:

Insert a name at Holder. Click Issue to create the System Card.

Attention: When the installation is done, the System Card is already available in the
systembook. In that case the message “The System Card is existing” appears.

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2.3.2 The Shift Card
The Shift Card is used to program the pre-determined working hours in a lock. When the Shift
Card is NOT used on a certain lock, the lock will accept all keycards 24/7 until the end date.
Go to menu option “Setting” and select “Shift Card”:

At Holder insert a name. Click Issue. The key is made.

Attention: When the installation is done, the Shift Card is already available in the systembook.
In that case the message “The Shift Card is existing” appears.
Then you can take your existing Shift Card: put it on the encoder and click Read. Then click
When changed are done in the working hours, the Shift Card should be modified and used to
reprogram all locks.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 20

2.3.3 Setting of the room number using a Parameter Card
The setting of the lock regarding Floor Zone, HSKP Zone and Room Number is set in the lock
using a Parameter Card.
Go to menu option “Setting”. At Card Type select Parameter Card:

o At Holder Name insert the user name.

o At Parameter:
o Clock Setting: used for programming date/time
o Tabs: type of lock/common door/lift/parking
o Room numbers: select one or more room numbers.
o Click Issue to create the key(s).
o When the Parameter Card is used on a lock, the lock’s information changes.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 21

2.3.4 Setting of Date and Time using a Clock Card
Each lock as a clock. This clock is used to compare the key information with the actual date
and time. Based on the comparison, a user access is granted or not.
Go to menu option “Setting”. At Card Type choose Clock Card:

o At Holder insert the user name.

o At Parameter choose the date and time of use. To change the date/time, unselect
“System Time”
o Click Issue to create the key.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 22

2.3.5 Blocking a room using the Inhibit Card
The Inhibit Card can be used in case that the (guest)room should be blocked for use. When
the key has been used, only the Master Card, Emergency Card and mechanical emergency
key can be used on the lock.
Go to menu option “Setting”. At Card Type select Inhibit Card.

Enter a Holder Name and click Issue to create the key.

Use the key to block the lock. Use the key for the second time to unblock the lock.

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2.3.6 Creating a Meeting Card for stand-open function
The Meeting Card can be used alone or in combination with a Staff Key (depending on the
System Settings). When the Meeting Card is used, the lock will remain open until the Meeting
card is used for the second time.
Go to menu option “Setting”. At Card Type select Meeting Card.

Enter a Holder Name and click Issue to create the key.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 24

2.3.7 Blocking staff keys using an Erase Card
Blocking individual or group staff keys can be done using an “Erase Card”. The Erase card will
tell one or more locks that a certain key or a group of keys has been lost. When the lost key
will be used on the lock, it will be not accepted.
Go to menu button “Setting”. And then “Erase Card”

Under Parameter, select “Individual Erase” or “Group Erase”

Select the key or group of keys that must be erased.

Press “Issue” to create the Erase Card.
Use the Erase Card on the locks where blocking is necessary: for a Master Card on all of the
locks, for other types of keys on the locks where the key must be blocked.
Also refer to part 2.2.7 “Blocking Individual Staff Keys” and 2.2.8 “Blocking Groups of Staff

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 25

2.3.8 Creating and using Spare Cards
o Creating “Pull In Card”
When the system is installed, it is advised to create an amount of “Spare cards” and a “Pull In
Card”. When the system is not available and no guest keys can be created, the Spare card
can be activated in a lock.
Go to menu option “Setting” and then “Pull In Card”

The “Pull In Card” can have three different options:

o Activate Spare Card: to activate only
o Erase Spare Card: to erase only
o Erase existing & activate new: to activate and erase

Activate the “Pull In Card” by clicking “Issue”.

o Creating “Spare Cards”

Go to “Spare Card”

Insert a Holder Name and press “Series” to create multiple Spare Cards at the same time.
Press “Issue” to create the Spare cards.

o Activating Spare Card in lock

Use the “Pull In Card” on the lock, the green light can be seen. Use the Spare Card within 5
seconds. Now the Spare Card is activated
o De-activating Spare Cards
Use a “Pull In Card” with Erase function on the lock. All of the activated Spare Cards are
deleted from the lock.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 26

2.3.9 Readout a lock using the Query Card
In the system book there is a special readout card. It is marked with “Readout Card”.
Using the Query Card, you can obtain information from the lock’s memory.
In the main menu, go to “Setting”. Then, on the left side, select “Query Card”:

At Holder Name, insert the user name. Then at Parameter, you can determine which
information you are going to obtain from the lock:
o S/N of Query Card: the key can only contain a part of the information from the lock’s
memory. 1 = latest information; 5 = oldest information. 2-4 = information in between.
o Read all Audit Trail: gives ALL information
o Read latest Audit Trail: gives only information that hasn’t been queried earlier
Select the part information desired and press “Issue” to create the Readout Card.
For the further steps on reading the lock’s memory, refer to part 3.2: Readout of a lock.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 27

2.4 Readout, Modify or Erase a key using the Read Button
All of the keycards that are made can be readout using the [Read] button.

After clicking the Read button:

Put a key on the encoder and the key information is shown:

“Log” shows information regarding the issuing of the card.

If you have the rights to change the key information, you can change for example end date
and Shift Time.
Using the button [Modify], you can save the changes.
Using the button [Erase], the key is deleted.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 28

3. Extended system functions
Besides creating and reading out keys, there are many other possibilities in the Hotek 2900
Plus Software. This chapter contains the extended system functions of the software.

3.1 User Management

As system administrator of the Hotek 2900 Plus Keycard System you can create your own user
accounts for the keycard software. For each account you can insert which system functions
are available and which keys are available to create.

3.1.1 How to add / change / delete a user

Click menu part System and Users. Menu User Management appears:

 Click Add, the following menu appears:

 Insert the user information and click Next. The following menu appears

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 29

 Insert the password (twice) and click [Next]:

 Choose the user type. Click [Next]

 Insert the read and write-rights for each card type. Then click [Finish].

3.1.2 How to add / change / delete a role

Each user account is related to a role. The role determines which right the user has in the
system itself.
Click System and then Roles.

There are three standard roles: Administrator, Duty Manager and Reception. You can change
those roles by selecting or unselecting the menu parts.
If three roles are not sufficient for your system, you can add extra roles by clicking tab

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 30

By right-clicking you can Add, Edit or Delete a role. When adding, you can select the same
options as when changing the standard roles.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 31

3.2 Readout of a lock
In the system book there is a Readout Card. Using the readout key, the memory of the lock
can be readout to see who has entered the room.
 Issuing Readout Card
In the main menu, go to “Setting”. Then, on the left side, select “Query Card”:

At Holder Name, insert the user name. Then at Parameter, you can determine which
information you are going to obtain from the lock:
o S/N of Query Card: the key can only contain a part of the information from the lock’s
memory. 1 = latest information; 5 = oldest information. 2-4 = information in between.
o Read all Audit Trail: gives ALL information
o Read latest Audit Trail: gives only information that hasn’t been queried earlier
Select the part information desired and press “Issue” to create the Readout Card.
 Obtain information from the lock
Now take the Query Card to the lock: When you use the key, a green light and beep signal
will appear. Keep the key against the reader until the green light and beep signal appear for
the second time.
Note: in the meantime the lock writes the info in the Readout Card, this may take a few

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 32

 Audit Readout Card in the software
When the information is written in the readout card, take it to the computer and put the card
on the encoder.
Press the button “Audit” in the Main Menu:

The information is read of the key. The following screen with opening information is shown:

On top of the menu the date of the opening scan be selected. Using button Report a
printout can be made. Using the button Excel a document can be created in Microsoft Excel.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 33

3.3 Changing System Settings
Attention: System Settings are set by the Hotek installer. Please take care when changing
system settings.

3.3.1 System Parameters

 Go to “System” and then “System Parameters”

 The following screen will appear:

The following settings should be checked

Property Name: Hotel name
Checkout Time: Standard Checkout Time
Net Port: Port used when server-client installation
Default Day(s): Standard amount of days when creating a guest key
1 Guest Card can open: Maximum amount of guest rooms on one guest key
Encoder Type: Type of encoder (standard MAR-15S)
Encoder Port: Encoder (virtual) COM Port as given in Device Manager

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 34

 Select the tab “Card”:

The following functions can be changed

Holder’s Name Needed When selected, user name is mandatory for each key
ID No. Needed When selected, ID no. is mandatory for each key
Allow to Add Key Function When selected, function adding a guest key is available
Allow to Duplicate Key Function When selected, guest card copy is available
Group Card Selected from vacant rooms only When selected, only available rooms are shown for Group
Auto Erase Guest Card when overdue Automatically blocking of guest cards

 Select the tab “Other”

Here you can select different options to keep the database small. If you don’t select any of the options, the
system will remember each key and each system transaction available.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 35

3.3.2 Function Parameters
 Go to “System” and then “Function Parameters”

 The following screen will appear:

Unlock Time (Sec.) Duration of unlocking

Erase Card works Alone / With Floor Card / With Master Card

Meeting Card works Alone / With Floor Card / With Master Card

Inhibit Card works Alone / With Floor Card / With Master Card

Query Card works Alone / With Floor Card / With Master Card

No beep for keycard reading Disabling the beep

No beep for low voltage alarming Disabling low voltage signal

Back Lever Audit Trail Shows using of inner handle when leaving room in lock readout

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 36

 Select the menu tab “Lift”:

In “Lift” the functions for each Lift Controller are shown.

For each type of elevator the valid guest cards can be selected.
 Select menu tab “Key Card”

Deadbolt Unlock By Key types that overrule the privacy function of the lock
Normal Open By Key types that support meeting function
Audit Trail Stores in Key types that store the openings
Lost Master Card Key types that hand over information on lost master card

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 37

 Select menu tab “ESD”

The functions in “ESD” are used when the special Energy Saving Switches. Currently Not Available
 Select menu tab “Sector”

Sector A Sector used for Lock Data

Sector B Sector used for Wall Reader / Lift Controller Data
Sector C Sector used for Lost Master Card information

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 38

3.4 Changing the password of your user account
Each separate user can change his own password. Click System:

Then click Change Password. The following screen appears:

o Password Insert the current password

o New Password Insert the new password
o Confirm Password Insert the new password again

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 39

4. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
The part maintenance and troubleshootings gives descriptions of common problems.

4.1 Software – Messages and solutions

When starting the software:
Message Problem Solution
Please Set System Parameters Database is empty, corrupt or Build the database

When creating a keycard:

Message Problem Solution
Communication Error! The encoder cannot be found in Check the cables and encoder
the software settings (System Parameters)

No Card! There is no key on the encoder Put a key on the encoder

Please Input Room No. There is no room number Insert the room number

Please Input Holder There is no information at Holder Insert a Holder Name

Read/Write Error The key on the encoder cannot Take another key
be written

4.2 Hardware – Messages and solutions

Green – Lock opens and locks after some seconds The lock responds normally

Red – Lock does not open The lock does not accept the key: the card is
invalid for that lock.
The lock is not programmed correctly. Reprogram
the lock.

Blue and Alarm signal – Lock opens The lock accepts the key, but the battery level is
low. Replace the batteries.

Red blinking light The lock is locked from the inside. The privacy
function is activated.
The lock is locked from the inside. The lock only
accepts keys that have “Unlock Deadbolt”

Blue blinking light The lock does not have any or incorrect
date/time. Use a Clock card.

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4.3 Replacing the batteries of the Hotek 2900 lock
When replacing the batteries, refer to the correct lock type first.

4.3.1 Replacing batteries of the Hotek 2900 Classic Lock

To reach the external battery box the battery cap has to be released.

o Use a cross-screwdriver to release the battery cap

o The battery box can be released to replace all 4 batteries, model AA, 1,5v.

4.3.2 Replacing batteries of the Hotek 2900 Mini Lock

To reach the batteries, the battery cap has to be released.

o Use a cross-screwdriver to release the battery cap

o The battery box can be released to replace all 3 batteries, model AA, 1,5v.

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4.4 Replacing a complete Hotek 2900 Lock

4.4.1 Replacing a Hotek 2900 Classic

Take off the Hotek 2900 Classic lock:
o Take off the battery cap on the back side using cross-screw driver

o Take off the battery box and disconnect the 2 connectors

o Take out the 4 screws on the corners of the backside of the lock. Attention: front- and
backside of the lock are released
o Take out the spindles on front and backside
o Take out the 2 screws on the head side of the door. Take off the plate
o Release the now visible small screw. Then turn the cylinder to the left until it is released.
o Take out the fixation screws holding the lock case and take out the lock case.
Installing the Hotek 2900 Classic lock:
o Take the lockcase out of the box and take out the cylinder by turning it to the left.
o Insert the lockcase in the door. Take care with the cables. Fix with the 2 screws.
o Turn in the cylinder and make shure that the cylinder is pointing like in this example:

o Fix the Small screw on the front side of the door. Check if the cylinder is fixed.
o Install the metal plate on the lockcase and fix with the 2 small screws.
o Install the spindles on front and backside of the lockcase.
o Install the longer and smaller spindle on the inside of the door. Insert the longest part in
the lockcase.
o Install the card reader on the front side and connect the cables..
o Then install the backside of the lock and fix it with the 4 screws.
o Make shure that all cables are well in the holes and if necessary, install the battery

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4.5 (Re)Programming the Hotek 2900 lock
To reprogram the lock, the following keys are needed from the system book:
System Card
Shift Card
Parameter Card To program the room number
o Program the Parameter card based on the room number (see 2.3.3 for detailed
explanation Parameter Card)
Programming Steps:
1. Take the programming keys to the lock.
2. Use the System. Two responds are possible
 Green light and alarm beep: Lock is reset,
 Green light and normal beep: System ID is accepted
3. Use the Parameter Card. The lock gives a normal beep and green light.
4. Use the Shift Card. The lock gives a normal beep and green light.
5. Test the lock using a valid key.

4.6 Mechanical Emergency opening Hotek 2900 MINI lock

1. Loose the Handle.

2. Loose both screws and remove the handle set from the door.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 44

3. Loose the spindle.

4. Smash a screwdriver into the spindle hole and turn to open the lock.

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4.6 Installing and connecting the Hotek 2900 Plus lift controller
The system can contain a total amount of 128 lifts. Each Lift Controller can control 16 floors

4.6.1 Lift Controller Specifications

 Specification:
 Power Supply: AC 110 - 240V
 Communication distance between Lift controller and the readers:
o 800m (extreme)
o <500m (recommended)
 Communication Method: RS485
 Data format: 9600, N , 8,1
 Signal cable between Controller and It’s Readers: Shield twisted pair cable

4.6.2 Measurements

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4.6.3 Cabling

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 48

 Power: Supply power for PCB and Reader, Transfer 110-240 V AC to 12 V DC.
 Control PCB:
 RS485 communication: will connect with Lift Reader through Shield twisted pair signal
 Relay: Totally 16 relays in 4 groups, 2 terminals per relay, So totally 16 floors will be
controlled separately .
 Reset Switch: Clear existing program.
 Disable Switch: Will stop using of Lift Controller, so that anyone will use lift and no need
any keycards.
 Fire Signal: Connect fire signal.
 Light Indicator: in Control PCB, there are red and green lights to show controller’s
o Data precessing: Red – Flash.
o Reset Switch pressed: Red & Green – Flash.
o Relay terminal connected: Green – Flash.

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Lift Reader:
 RS485 Communication: will connect with Lift
 Controller through Shield twisted pair signal cable.
 Power: Reader’s Power will be supplied from Lift Controller DC 8-12V
 Note: Distance from Reader to Controller should be less than 10m
 Address Switch: in case one more readers in same lift cage, the readers should have
different address.

Note: A and B of RS485 cables must be cables which twisted together. See below picture:

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 50

Wiring of RS485:
In case one more readers connect with a Controller, Controller connect with first Reader, and
first Reader connect with second one, Second one connect third one, third one connect with
forth one.

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Address Switch of Controller:
Since one more Sub-Controller will be used in a hotel, so different Sub-controller should have
different address.

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Cabling between Main Controller and Sub-Controller:
There are A and B 2 terminals for RS485 Communication terminal, Main Controller will
communicate with Sub-Controllers through RS485 terminal.
Connect Main Controller’s A to Sub-controller’s A terminal.
Connect Main Controller’s B to Sub-controller’s B terminal.

Connect Sub-Controller and Keypad Panel:

Relay terminal start from 17th floor .

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4.8 Connecting the Hotek 2900 Plus Wall Reader

 Connection with “Normally Closed” Device

 Connection with “Normally Open” Device

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5. Hotek Contact Details

5.1 Service call

For a service call it is possible to use the service mode on the website.
 Go to our website

 Go to “Customer Service”:

 Select “Reporting a malfunction outside office hours” to log on.

 Insert your contact details and click “Inloggen”.

Hotek 2900 PLUS Keycard System – User Manual 55

 Insert the name, telephone number and message. Press “Meld Storing” to send the
 The message will be processed by the system. You will receive contact by our service
department within 15 minutes.

5.2 General Contact Details

For general questions or information you can call our Head Office in Etten-Leur, The
Netherlands, during office hours.

Hotek Hospitality Group

Munnikenheiweg 27
4879 NE Etten-Leur
Tel. +31 (0)76 5024750
Fax +31 (0)76 5024760

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