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Starch digestibility in food matrix: a review.

Trends Food Sci Technol

Article in Trends in Food Science & Technology · April 2010

Impact Factor: 4.65 · DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2009.12.001


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3 authors, including:

Jaspreet Singh Lovedeep Kaur

Massey University Massey University


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Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 168e180


Starch digestibility in
food matrix: a review rapidly (rapidly digesting starch), a portion that digests
slowly (slowly digesting starch) and a portion that is resis-
tant to digestion (resistant starch) (Englyst, Englyst, Hudson,
Jaspreet Singh*, Anne Dartois Cole, & Cummings, 1999). Resistant starch has been defined
as the portion of starch that is not hydrolysed by the enzymes
and Lovedeep Kaur in the small intestine and passes to the large intestine. One of
the most widely used methods to classify the starches based
Riddet Institute, Massey University, on kinetics of in vitro digestion was suggested by Englyst,
Palmerston North, New Zealand Kingman, and Cummings (1992). The method is based on
(Tel.: D64 6 3505062; e-mail: the in vitro digestion of starch by simulating stomach and in-
testinal conditions and measuring glucose release at differ-
In this review, recent reports on in vitro starch hydrolysis kinet- ent times. Based on the method, different starch fractions
ics are reviewed with regard to the structural characteristics of are defined as:
starches. Factors such as starch granule morphology, amylose
e Rapidly digestible starch (RDS): amount of glucose
to amylopectin ratio, molecular structure, degree of branching
release after 20 min.
in terms of steric hindrance and consequently mass transfer re-
e Slowly digestible starch (SDS): amount of glucose
sistance and their effects on the digestibility and absorption of
released between 20 and 120 min of in vitro digestion.
digested carbohydrates have been examined. The physical
e Resistant starch (RS): total starch minus amount of glu-
state of the starch ingested has a major impact on the digest-
cose released within 120 min of in vitro digestion
ibility therefore effects of processing techniques (thermal pro-
which can be explained by the following equation:
cessing, extrusion cooking, autoclaving etc.) and starch
modification have been discussed. The other constituents of
the food matrix, such as proteins, lipids and polysaccharides, RS ¼ TS  ðRDS þ SDSÞ ð1Þ
play a significant role during processing which affects the
physico-chemical characteristics of digesta and the final di- where TS is total starch.
gestibility of starch. Some molecules naturally occurring in Accurate determination of bioavailable carbohydrate in
food sources may confer an inhibitory effect during starch a given product enables the manufacturer to communicate
hydrolysis. the glycemic response per serving of a food, especially in
the case of diabetes therapeutic food, management of dia-
betes and disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. The con-
cept of glycemic index has been introduced to classify
foods on the basis of their postprandial blood glucose re-
Starch is the commonest storage carbohydrate in plants
sponse. The glycemic index is defined as the postprandial
and also the largest source of carbohydrates in human
incremental glycemic area after a test meal, expressed as
food. Starch consist of two types of molecules: amylose (lin-
the percentage of the corresponding area after an equi-car-
ear polymer of a-D-glucose units linked by a-1,4 glycosidic
bohydrate portion of a reference food such as glucose or
linkages) and amylopectin (branched polymer of a-D-glu-
white bread (Goni, Garcia-Alonso, & Saura-Calixto,
cose units linked by a-1,4 and a-1,6 glycosidic linkages).
1997; Jenkins et al., 1987). Several workers have indicated
Starch and starchy food products can be classified according
a good relationship between the rate of in vitro digestion
to their digestibility, which is generally characterized by the
and the glycemic response to food. Such studies may be
rate and the duration of the glycemic response. Predicting
used to identify food of potential use in the diet of individ-
and controlling the glucose absorption due to ingestion of
uals with diabetes.
starchy food is of great interest in the context of worldwide
Physico-chemical and structural characteristics of starch
health concerns. Most starches contain a portion that digests
vary among different botanical sources (Singh, Kaur, &
McCarthy, 2007; Singh, Kaur, & McCarthy, 2009). Several
* Corresponding author. studies have indicated relationships between different
0924-2244/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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J. Singh et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 168e180 169

starch characteristics and in vitro digestibility. Chemically regard to sample preparation especially cooking procedures,
modified starches are commonly used in food applications use of amylases and proteases and the confirmation of find-
as they offer improved functional properties than native ings through an in vivo method. An account of some recent
starches. Several reports suggest that chemically modified studies on starch digestibility is given in Table 1. The pro-
starches exhibit greater resistance towards a-amylase diges- cess of in vitro starch hydrolysis is highly influenced by
tion (Han & BeMiller, 2007). The textural and rheological starch characteristics and composition of starch based
characteristics of food; the presence of other food compo- foods. There is a wide variation in the rate of starch hydro-
nents, such as proteins, lipids and non-starch polysaccha- lysis among different food products, from the lowest for len-
rides; and the changes and interactions occurring in them tils, and to the highest for boiled potatoes. An improved in
during food processing affect the enzymatic digestibility vitro method to study starch hydrolysis at different time in-
of starch to a considerable extent. Our review presents a de- tervals was suggested by Goni et al. (1997). A first order
tailed survey on the factors affecting the starch digestibility equation for the hydrolytic process of starch hydrolysis in
in food. It includes all the scales, from starch structure, foods has been proposed:
food processing to the digestion, with a particular focus

on the effects of other components present in the food ma- C ¼ CN 1  ekt ð2Þ
trix. The recent information about in vitro enzymatic di-
gestibility and the factors affecting it has been analyzed where C is the concentration of starch hydrolyzed at time t,
and is presented in this review. CN is the equilibrium concentration, k is the kinetic con-
stant and t is the chosen time. By using this equation, it
Kinetics of starch digestibility has been observed that legumes are hydrolysed to a much
The digestible starch is mainly hydrolyzed by the en- lesser extent than cereals. The term hydrolysis index was
zymes into glucose through several steps. Salivary a-amy- also suggested by Goni et al. (1997) based on the relation-
lase acts quite efficiently on starch but is rapidly degraded ship between area under the hydrolysis curve (AUC) for
in the acidic environment of the stomach and hence plays a given sample and the AUC for a reference food such as
a very minor role in the process of starch digestion. The white bread. The authors suggested that the hydrolysis in-
majority of the starch hydrolysis is carried out by the pan- dex can be a good predictor of glycemic response. The
creatic amylase, which is released in the small intestine via AUC is generally calculated using the following equation:
pancreatic duct. a-Amylase (1,4 a-D-glucanohydrolase, EC catalyzes the hydrolysis (endo attack) of a-(1e4)    
glycosidic bonds in amylose and amylopectin of starch AUC ¼ CN tf  to  ðCN =kÞ 1  exp  k tf  to
(Lehmann & Robin, 2007). Both the linear and branched ð3Þ
(amylose and amylopectin) polymers of starch are hydro-
lysed by virtue of binding of their five glucose residues ad- where CN corresponds to the equilibrium percentage of
jacent to the terminal reducing glucose unit to specific starch hydrolyzed after 180 min, tf is the final time
catalytic subsites of the a-amylase, followed by cleavage (180 min), to is the initial time (0 min) and k is the kinetic
between the second and third a-1,4-linked glucosyl residue constant. Kinetics at low starch concentrations can also be
(Gray, 1992). The final hydrolysis products from amylose described through a simple MichaeliseMenten equation
digestion are mainly maltose, maltotriose and maltote- whereas a modified first-order MichaeliseMenten model
traose. However, a-amylase from some microbial sources is required at high concentrations (Komolprasent & Ofoli,
may produce maltohexose and maltoheptose along with 1991). MichaeliseMenten kinetics describes the velocity
maltotriose (Yook & Robyt, 2002). a-Amylases have no of liberation of reducing sugars as a function of initial
specificity for a-1,6 branch linkage in amylopectin, there- starch concentration, although the concentration of a-1,6
fore their capacity to break a-1,4 links adjacent to the branching also affects it to some extent. The maximal ve-
branching point is decreased mainly due to steric hin- locity (Vmax) of the liberation of reducing sugars from
drance. The results obtained from the analysis of intestinal starch decreases whereas the value of the Michaelise
content of humans suggest that hydrolysis products from Menten constant (Km) increases with decreasing molecular
amylopectin mainly consist of dextrins or branched oligo- weight of starches (Heitmann, Wenzig, & Mersmann,
saccharides. The products obtained from a-amylase starch 1997). Maltose produced during the hydrolysis may inhibit
hydrolysis have been observed to possess a-anomeric con- a-amylase starch hydrolysis noncompetitively, although an
figuration of the substrate (Kuriki & Imanaka, 1999). The uncompetitive inhibition by glucose and maltose has been
resulting oligosaccharides (maltose, maltotriose and a-dex- reported recently for a-amylase hydrolysis of rice starch
trins) are further hydrolyzed efficiently by the action of (Apar and Özbek, 2007). The structural differences among
brush border enzymes of the intestine. the starches, such as molecular weight and degree of
Several in vitro methods have been proposed in the past branching, may influence the rheological characteristics
by various researchers to evaluate the rate of starch digest- of their solutions which also affect the velocity of starch
ibility through hydrolysis. Many of these methods vary in hydrolysis considerably.
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170 J. Singh et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 168e180

Table 1. Digestibility of different starches and starch based foods.

Source Starch digestibility Reference and method

Cooked potatoes >90 Mishra et al. (2008); in vitro simulated gastric and small intestinal
digestion using pancreatin and amylogucosidase
Sorghum meal 60e85b and 40e47c Wong et al. (2009); in vitro starch digestion with pepsin and without
pepsin pre-treatment using pepsin (porcine stomach mucosa) and a-
amylase (bacterial; porcine pancreas; human saliva)
Cooked rice noodle dough 43d and 33d Koh et al. (2009); in vitro digestion using a-amylase from
Aspergillus oryzae
Waxy maize starch 100e Han and BeMiller (2007); in vitro digestion by the method of Englyst et al.
(1999) using pepsin, pancreatin and amyloglucosidase
Chemically modified 76e87e
waxy maize starch
Normal maize starch 99e
Chemically modified 71e96e
normal maize starch
Potato starch 96e
Chemically modified potato starch 67e76e
Wheat flour 72f Englyst et al. (1999); in vitro digestion using pepsin, pancreatin
and amyloglucosidase
Corn flakes 81f
Cooked rice 70e80g Frei et al. (2003); in vitro digestion by the method of Goni et al. (1997)
using pepsin, a-amylase and amyloglucosidase from Aspergillus niger
Extruded amaranth seeds 93h Capriles et al. (2008); in vitro digestion by the method of Goni et al.
(1997) using pepsin, a-amylase and amyloglucosidase
Amylose-lipid complexes 48e71i Crowe et al. (2000); in vitro digestion using a-amylase and
Legume starches 80e90j Hoover and Zhou (2003); treatment
with porcine pancreatic a-amylase
Extruded beans 290e306k Alonso et al. (2000); in vitro digestion with pancreatic amylase
Autoclaved legumes 87e89l Rehman and Shah (2005); in vitro digestion with pancreatic a-amylase
Expressed as rapidly and slowly digestible starch (%).
Expressed as mg reducing sugar/h (with pepsin pre-treatment).
Expressed as mg reducing sugar/h (without pepsin pre-treatment).
Expressed as mg of maltose equivalent liberation per g of dough.
Expressed as digestibility (%).
Expressed as total glucose after 120 min incubation with enzymes.
Expressed as digestible starch (%).
Expressed as hydrolysis index.
Expressed as conversion to glucose (%).
Expressed as hydrolysis (%).
Expressed as starch digestibility (mg of maltose g-1).
Expressed as starch digestibility (%).

Sanromán, Murado, & Lema (1996) studied the influ- ðV ¼ Vmax S=ðKm þ SþKi SÞÞ ð5Þ
ence of starch structure on the kinetics of glucoamylase hy-
drolysis using two types of starches differing in their
apparent viscosity. In one case, the authors found that the where Ki is the inhibition constant. The mass transfer limi-
starch hydrolysis kinetics corresponds to Michaelise tation occurs due to the viscosity/rheological characteristics
Menten behaviour: of the starch, which may also influence the hydrolysis rate of
different starches. A higher degree of branching allows an
increase in the number of available points for the enzymatic
ðV ¼ Vmax S=ðKm þ SÞÞ ð4Þ attack (Sanromán et al., 1996). However, the branching may
increase the steric hindrance and, consequently, the mass
while for the other case, the hydrolysis rate of starch in- transfer resistance. This explains the behaviour of starches
creased with the concentration up to a maximum and at higher concentrations when the positive effect of branch-
then a decrease was observed once a determined concentra- ing is generally overcome by the diffusional restrictions to-
tion was surpassed. In the later case an inhibitory effect of wards the enzymatic action due to higher apparent viscosity.
the substrate (S ) due to its higher apparent viscosity was Therefore a decrease in starch hydrolysis may be observed
postulated in the model because of mass transfer limitation. In addition, the
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J. Singh et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 168e180 171

molecular weight distribution of the starches may also affect Table 2. Starch characteristics and their effect on starch
the enzymatic hydrolysis. Indeed a higher molecular weight digestibility.
can result in an increased hindrance towards active centres Starch characteristic Starch Reference
of the enzyme. The kinetics of the hydrolysis reaction de- digestibility
scribed through the MichaeliseMenten equation suggested Granule morphology
that a Km value is influenced by the degree of polymerization Native potato starch 0.86a Kaur et al. (2007)
and content of a-1,6 branching bonds of the starches (Heit- Large potato starch granules 0.83a
mann et al., 1997). All these studies confirm that the rate of Medium potato starch granules 1.12a
starch hydrolysis is controlled by mass transfer rate and the Small potato starch granules 1.35a
Amylose content
effects of the starch structure are dependent on the substrate Waxy maize starch (cooked) 96b Wolf et al. (1999)
concentration. Normal maize starch (cooked) 86b
High amylose maize starch 77b
Starch characteristics and starch digestibility (cooked)
Waxy rice (cooked) 80c Hu et al. (2004)
The morphological characteristics of starches from var-
Normal rice (cooked) 71c
ious botanical sources vary with the genotype. The varia- Waxy sorghum starch (raw) 90d Sang, Bean, Seib,
tion in the morphology such as size and shape of starch Pedersch, & Shi
granules is attributed to the biological origin (Singh, (2008)
McCarthy, & Singh, 2006, Singh et al., 2007). Firstly, Normal sorghum starch (raw) 81d
Langworthy and Deuel (1922) reported an apparent direct a
Expressed as hydrolysis rate (%) of starch granules.
negative relationship between large size granules and starch Expressed as digestible starch (%).
digestibility. Many studies were carried out afterwards to Expressed as digestible starch (%).
Expressed as rapidly and slowly digestible starch (%).
validate this relationship. Lindeboom et al. (2004) reported
that the small barley and wheat starch granules hydrolyze
faster than the large granules. Kaur, Singh, McCarthy, &
Singh (2007) observed that significant differences exist
among the enzymatic hydrolysis values for different native sources has been reported by Dreher, Dreher, & Berry
potato starches and their separated small, medium and large (1984). The authors suggested a higher digestibility for
fractions (Table 2). Among native starches, potato starch the cereal starches compared to tuber and legume starches.
with a higher percentage of small granules showed a higher This may be attributed to the presence of numerous pin-
hydrolysis rate than those containing large or medium size holes on the surface layer and pores that penetrates towards
granules. The separated large granule fraction showed the interior of the granules from cereal sources, such as
a lower hydrolysis rate than medium and small granule maize. The pores in the granule facilitate the entry of the
fractions. The lower susceptibility of the large granule amylases for digestion. This type of hydrolytic attack
starches to enzymatic hydrolysis has been suggested to be may be termed endocorrosion. The sites of enzymatic
due to their smaller granule specific surface area, which action on the starch granules have also been reportedly
may decrease the extent of enzyme binding and ultimately influenced by granule source. Starch from normal maize,
result in less hydrolysis than small granules (Tester et al., sorghum and millet form random round pits on the granule
2006). Capriles, Coelho, Guerra-Matias, & Areas (2008) surface followed by internal hydrolysis while waxy cereal
studied the digestibility of amaranth starch and their results starches show point hydrolysis (Dreher et al., 1984). Native
suggested that the higher in vitro digestibility of amaranth or uncooked potato starch granules due to their smooth sur-
starch is attributed to its small granule size distribution face and the absence of any pores or pits have been
ranging between 1 and 3 mm. observed to have very high resistance towards enzymatic
The surface of the starch granules from potatoes corn, hydrolysis. First studies on the enzymatic resistance proper-
rice and wheat has been reported to be smoother than ties of uncooked potato starches were reported by Lang-
corn, rice and wheat starch granules. Li, Vasanthan, Ross- worthy and Deuel (1920) using human subjects. After
nagel, & Hoover (2001) observed the presence of ‘pin that many studies reported the digestibility and fermenta-
holes’ and equatorial grooves or furrows in large-sized tion of uncooked potato starches (Tester et al., 2006).
corn starch granules. The presence of small nodules and Potato starches are generally eroded by exocorrosion (ero-
protuberances on potato starch granule surfaces, ranging sion of the entire granule surface or sections of it) during
up to 1 mm in size, has been reported in the literature. Singh enzymatic hydrolysis.
et al. (2006) have also reported the presence of some small The presence of some non-starchy substances such pro-
nodules or protuberances, and surface fragmentation, on teins over the granule surface may also limit the rate of en-
potato starch granules. The surface characteristics of the zymatic hydrolysis. Granule surface proteins and lipids can
starch granules have been observed to affect their enzy- reduce surface accessibility by blocking the adsorption sites
matic digestion. A comprehensive account of the enzymatic and therefore influences enzyme binding (Oates, 1997).
digestibility of native uncooked starches from different The individual granules, in the case of rice starch, develop
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172 J. Singh et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 168e180

into compact spherical bundles or clusters, known as com- Drews, & Björck, 1995). Similarly, Frei, Siddhuraju, &
pound granules, which fill most of the central space within Becker (2003) and Hu, Zhao, Duan, Linlin, & Wu (2004)
the endosperm cells. To initiate the hydrolytic attack, the reported the in vitro starch digestibility of different rice cul-
amylases must functionally bind the glucan chains via sev- tivars varying in amylose content. Their study suggested
eral glucose units to their subsites, which are located at the that starch hydrolysis was more rapid and more complete
active centre and are capable of interacting with one glu- for waxy cultivars than for the high amylose rice cultivars
cose residue in the substrate. The number of active sites (Table 2).
within an active centre vary from 4 to 9. The ‘A’, ‘B’, Phosphorus is one of the non-carbohydrate constituents
and ‘C’ patterns are the different polymeric forms of the present in the starches, which significantly affects the func-
starch that differ in the packing of the amylopectin double tional properties of the starches (Singh, McCarthy, Singh,
helices. The molecular structure of the starch granules es- & Moughan, 2008). Phosphorus is present as phosphate
pecially the arrangement in A-type or B-type crystallites in- monoesters and phospholipids in various starches. Phospho-
fluence their hydrolysis pattern. A-type polymorphic lipids present in starch have a tendency to form a complex
residues are less resistant to amylase hydrolysis than with amylose and long branched chains of amylopectin,
B-type. The shorter double helices and interior crystallites which results in limited swelling. Studies on the enzymatic
present in A-type starches are more susceptible whereas and acid hydrolysis of different chemically phosphorylated
longer chains form longer and more stable helices and are raw starches have confirmed that phosphorylation favours
more resistant towards enzymatic hydrolysis (Lehmann & a restriction towards both types of hydrolysis (Sitohy &
Robin, 2007). Ramadan, 2001). However, for swollen or partially swollen
The amylose content of the starch granules varies with granules, phosphate groups repel each other and conse-
the botanical source of the starch which may be attributed quently may promote amylase hydrolysis of starch granules
to differences in the activities of enzymes involved in the (Slaughter, Ellis, & Butterworth, 2001). No studies have
biosynthesis of linear and branched components. Amylose been reported on the effect of native phosphorus of starch
content of the starches varies from 14 to 31% for normal granules on the in vitro digestibility.
genotypes. However waxy genotypes, essentially without
amylose, and high amylose starches having amylose up to Food processing and starch digestibility
70% have also been reported. Raw starches high in amylo- A wide range of techniques is being used by the industry
pectin have been shown to digest more quickly than those for processing various food materials. Processing leads to
high in amylose. Legumes contain 30e40% amylose and an alteration in the food structure and also influences the
60e70% amylopectin in their starch granules, while most nutritional characteristics of the food including starch di-
other food starches contain 25e30% amylose and gestibility. The outcome of some recent studies related to
70e75% amylopectin (Hoover & Zhou, 2003). Amylopec- different processing techniques and their effect on starch
tin is a much larger molecule than amylose with average digestibility is presented in Table 3. When starch molecules
molecular weight at 105 and 106, whereas the average mo- are heated in excess water, the crystalline structure is dis-
lecular weight for amylose is 104. Therefore amylopectin rupted and water molecules become linked by hydrogen
has a much larger surface area per molecule than amylose, bonding to the exposed hydroxyl groups of amylose and
which makes it a preferable substrate for amylolytic attack. amylopectin, which causes an increase in granule swelling
Indeed, raw legume starch with high amylose has been and solubility. Therefore, the water activity or the availabil-
shown to be less digestible than corn starch in rats, and ity of water is an important factor that determines the extent
the rate of hydrolysis of legumes starch in vitro is less of starch digestibility through enzymatic hydrolysis. The
than that of corn starch (Thorne, Thompson, & Jenkins, Km of starch hydrolysis increased by a factor 2.5 e4 at
1983). In addition, legumes contain twice as much protein low moisture content compared to starch suspended in ex-
as cereals and anti-nutrients, which may affect the starch cess of water. It has also been observed that Vmax increased
digestibility. Furthermore, the glucose chains of amylose with increasing moisture content of the hydrolysis reaction
starch are more bound to each other by hydrogen bonds (Slaughter, Ellis, Jackson, & Butterworth, 2002). Process-
making them less available for amylolytic attack than am- ing has been observed to result in an increase in the degree
ylopectin which has many branched chains of glucose. of starch hydrolysis, with values higher than 90% (at the
For these reasons the nature of the starch in carbohydrate end of incubation with pancreatine) for wheat, barley and
foods is important to consider the expected glycemic re- oats (Anguita, Gasa, Martı́n-Orúe, & Pérez, 2006). Starches
sponse. Higher amylose content lowers the starch digest- in tubers and legumes are particularly well protected from
ibility because a positive correlation exists between the polar environment of luminal fluids, and even cereals
amylose content and resistant starch formation. such as wheat may not have access to a-amylase in the in-
The postprandial glycemic and insulinemic responses of testinal lumen unless they have been physically altered.
some commonly consumed maize products were studied The principal process facilitating starch availability for
and a higher resistant starch content was estimated for the water penetration and consequent a-amylase action are
products containing high amylose maize starch (Granfeldt, physical processing and cooking by heating to 100  C for
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J. Singh et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 168e180 173

Table 3. Effect of processing on starch digestibility. formation of amylose lipid complexation, starcheprotein
interaction, and limited water availability which prolongs
Processing Starch Reference
the starch digestibility during enzymatic hydrolysis
(Guha, Ali, & Bhattacharya, 1997). The decrease in the
Cooking 34a Roopa and Premavalli
size distribution of the granule results in an increase in
Pressure cooking 42a the surface area. As a result, a process like grinding leads
Autoclaving 39.7a to a higher percentage of hydrolysis. Anguita et al.
Re-autoclaving 37.3a (2006) observed that extrusion provoked a decrease in par-
Puffing 33.4a ticle size compared to raw samples and affected the digest-
Roasting 37.2a
Baking 7.2a
ibility. Traditional and conventional processing methods
Frying 11.2a were compared with extrusion cooking and their effects
Germination 15.4a on bean starch digestibility were studied by Alonso et al.
Malting 15.5a (2000). Extrusion produced a higher increase in starch di-
Toasting 31.8a gestibility than other processing methods. Similarly, cook-
Gamma irradiation 75.2a Chung and Liu (2009)
Sheeting of pasta 156b Kim et al. (2008)
ing of legumes was carried out using boiling water and
dough (3 passes) with autoclaving at 121  C for up to 90 min and its effect
Sheeting of pasta 217b on starch digestibility was compared (Rehman & Shah,
dough (45 passes) 2005). Higher digestibility values were obtained which
Dehulled beans 151c Alonso et al. (2000) could be attributed the higher degree of starch gelatiniza-
Germinated (48 h) beans 178c
Extruded beans 306c
tion and destruction of anti-nutrients, when cooked by
Popped amaranth seeds 112d Capriles et al. (2008) autoclaving.
Cooked amaranth seeds 96d Processing of cereals such as dehulling, soaking and ger-
Flaked amaranth seeds 120d mination may result in an enhancement of digestibility due
Extruded amaranth seeds 93d to the loss of phytic acid, tannins and polyphenols which
Expressed as rapidly and slowly digestible starch (%). normally inhibit the activity of a-amylase and thus decrease
Expressed as rapidly and slowly digestible starch (%). the starch digestibility. It has been suggested that the re-
Expressed as starch digestibility (%).
d moval of tannins and phytic acid creates a large space
Expressed as hydrolysis index (%).
within the matrix, which increases the susceptibility
towards enzymatic attack and consequently improves the
starch digestibility (Rehman & Shah, 2005). An interesting
several minutes. Cooking increases the rate of hydrolysis by comparison of processing parameters such as popping,
gelatinizing the starch and making it more easily available roasting, flaking, and extrusion and their effects on ama-
for enzymatic attack. Bravo, Siddhuraju, & Saura-Calixto. ranth starch digestibility and predicted glycemic index
(1998) studied the effect of various processing methods has been reported recently in the literature (Capriles
such as direct cooking, with and without soaking and germi- et al., 2008). The authors reported that the rate of starch hy-
nation on the in vitro starch digestibility and resistant starch drolysis is significantly more enhanced by popping, roast-
content of Indian pulses. Sprouting and direct cooking re- ing and flaking than extrusion. Similarly, a range of
sulted in lowest resistant starch in freshly cooked and stored processing types was studied and their effects on in vitro di-
legumes, respectively while soaking increased the in vitro gestibility of finger millet starches were reported by Roopa
starch digestibility to a considerable extent. Processed le- and Premavalli (2008). The starch digestibility has been
gumes contain significant amounts of resistant starch in com- shown to increase by 35e40% during cooking, autoclaving
parison to other food products such as cereals and potatoes, and puffing followed by pressure cooking and germination.
irrespective of the processing treatment. The starch digestion They also reported that baking, frying and shallow frying
rate and the release of glucose in the blood stream are very reduced rapidly digestible starch (RDS) while roasting
low after the ingestion of processed legumes (Bravo et al., and pressure cooking enhanced the RDS to about 23% fol-
1998). lowed by cooking, autoclaving and puffing. The increase in
Extrusion cooking significantly increases the in vitro di- the sheeting cycles of pasta dough has also been observed
gestibility of starches (Alonso, Aguirre, & Marzo, 2000; to enhance the in vitro starch digestibility due to pulling
Altan, McCarthy, & Maskan, 2009). The increase in digest- away of protein from the starch granules (Kim et al.,
ibility of starch may be explained on the basis that the 2008). The reduction in cohesiveness between starch and
starch granules lose their structural integrity due to in- proteins of dough may increase the starch accessibility to
creased shearing action and kneading in the extruder barrel a-amylase which leads to greater digestibility. A detailed
which ultimately increase their susceptibility towards enzy- review has been published recently on the importance of
matic attack. Somewhat low values of digestibilities from structure development at microscopic and molecular level
the extrusion cooked starch or starchy foods have also during pasta making and its relationship with starch and
been seen sometimes which may be attributed to the protein digestibility (Petitot, Abecassis, & Micard, 2009).
Author's personal copy

174 J. Singh et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 168e180

The authors emphasized that the compact structure of pasta, refrigeration temperatures is greatly influenced by the ex-
the encapsulation of starch by proteins and the physical tent of retrogradation. Retrograded amylose from peas,
structure of starch are mainly responsible for the reduced wheat and potatoes is highly resistant towards enzymatic
enzymic susceptibility of starch in cooked pasta. hydrolysis. It has been observed that storing cooked rice
Assimilation of starches may be enhanced by a series of at refrigerated temperatures may lead to a reduction in their
processes, such as cracking of the grain, and then converting digestibility and estimated glycemic index (Frei et al.,
it from a crystalline to a gel structure, which promotes effi- 2003; Hu et al., 2004). The same phenomenon can be ob-
cient entry into the luminal polar solution for interaction served in cooked starchy tubers. Potatoes were cooked
with the a-amylases (Goni et al., 1997). Effects of micro- and then cooled at refrigeration temperatures for up to
wave heating and other heating methods such as cooking 2 days and their starch digestibilities were compared with
and pressure cooking on the rate of hydrolysis and glycemic the freshly cooked ones by Mishra, Monro, & Hedderley
index were compared between kudzu starch and maize (2008). They reported that the percentage of rapidly digest-
starch (Geng, Zongdao, & Toledo, 2003). The rate of hydro- ible starch in the refrigerated potatoes decreased to 45%
lysis for both the starches increased following heat treat- from 95% of the freshly cooked potatoes which could be
ment and to a greater extent with microwaving cooking, attributed to the retrogradation of starch and resistant starch
which may be attributed to the greater penetration of heat formation. The dispersed polymers of the gelatinized starch
during microwave heating. The change in degree of suscep- during refrigerated storage have been observed to undergo
tibility of the starches towards enzymatic digestion is a func- retrogradation which leads to the formation of to semi-crys-
tion of the extent to which the microwave heating process talline structures that resist digestion by amylases.
induced any changes in the crystalline structure of the
starches (Anderson & Goraya, 2006). Recently, the effects Modified starch and starch digestibility
of microwave treatment time on the digestibility of Canna Native starch is a good texture stabilizer and regulator in
edulis starch have been reported by Zhang, Wang, & Shi food systems, but limitations such as low shear resistance,
(2009). Their results indicated that both low (400 W) and thermal resistance, and high tendency towards retrograda-
high (1000 W) microwave powers are advantageous to the tion limit its use in some food applications. Chemical starch
formation of RS. Irradiation has been used to extend the modification is generally achieved through derivatization
shelf life and safety of food and is permitted now in many such as etherification, esterification, cross-linking and
countries. Degradation of starch polymers by gamma irradi- grafting of starch. Chemical modification involves the in-
ation may result in reduction in molecular weight of amy- troduction of functional groups into the starch molecule, re-
lose and amylopectin, decreased viscosity, and increased sulting in markedly altered functional properties. Such
acidity (Abu, Duodu, & Minnaar, 2006; Bao, Ao, & Jane, modification of native granular starches profoundly alters
2005). Chung and Liu (2009) studied the effect of gamma their gelatinization, pasting and retrogradation behaviour
irradiation on the enzymatic digestibility of corn starch (Singh et al., 2007). There are many reports available that
and reported that a slower dose rate decreases the RDS modifications of starch such as hydroxypropylation, octe-
and SDS contents and increases RS content. nylsuccinylation, and combinations of cross-linking and
During the gelatinization of starch, the crystalline struc- substitution reduce the extent of their enzyme-catalyzed hy-
ture of amylopectin disintegrates and the polysaccharide drolysis (Han & BeMiller, 2007). After carrying out chem-
chains take up a random configuration thus causing the ical modifications on maize starches, Chung, Shin, & Lim
swelling and rupturing of the starch granules (Singh (2008) suggested that substitution and oxidation contributes
et al., 2007). After gelatinization and cooling of the cooked to increasing the resistant starch content of the starches
starch, re-crystallization of the starch chains starts to occur. whereas cross-linking does not affect starch digestibility
Amylose aggregation and crystallization in the cooked to a considerable extent (Fig. 1). However, studies by
starch pastes have been reported to be complete within Hwang et al. (2009) on the in vitro digestibility of hydrox-
the first few hours while amylopectin aggregation and crys- ypropylated and cross-linked waxy and non-waxy starches
tallization occur at later stages during refrigerated storage have shown no significant changes in resistant starch con-
(Singh et al., 2006, 2008). The linear chains of amylose fa- tent compared to control unmodified starch samples. It is
cilitate the cross-linkages through hydrogen bonds whereas important to point out that the general resistant starch
the branched amylopectin delays its recrystallization. The assays may not be appropriate to measure the resistant
retrogradation properties of starches are also influenced starch content of chemically modified starches. It has
by the structural arrangement of starch chains within the been suggested that the pancreatinegravimetric method
amorphous and crystalline regions of the un-gelatinized involves exhaustive digestion and is therefore more appro-
granule, because this structural arrangement influences priate for the determination of resistant starch in chemically
the extent of granule breakdown during gelatinisation and modified starches (Hwang et al., 2009). Many modified
also influences the interactions that occur between starch starches made for food use contain only small amounts of
chains during storage (Kaur et al., 2007). The resistant substituent groups and have been used as safe food ingredi-
starch formation in the cooked starches stored at ents. The legislative approval for the use of novel starch
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derivatives in processed food formulations is still under de- decrease postprandial glycaemia following ingestion of
bate, but several tailor-made starch derivatives with multi- starchy food (Kaur & Singh, 2009). They are used in
ple modifications are being prepared and characterized starch-based products as a processing ingredient (thicken-
(Tharanthan, 2005). Some of the chemically modified ing agent, emulsifier, stabilizer). Ellis, Roberts, Low, &
starches are being increasingly used as fat replacers or fat Morgan (1995) studied the effect of adding guar gum (at
substitutes in different food systems. These starches are different concentrations) on the net apparent glucose ab-
either partially or totally undigested, therefore contribute sorption in growing pigs. The pig meals containing guar
zero calories to the food on consumption (Tharanthan, gum resulted in increased zero shear viscosity of jejuna
2005). The chemical modification of starch by acetylation digesta along with a significant reduction in the rate of glu-
also improves the satiating, glycemic and insulinemic prop- cose absorption. This postprandial effect of guar gum re-
erties of the meal (Raben, Andersen, Karberg, Holst, & sults because of the gum’s capacity to increase the
Astrup, 1997). Phosphorylated/cross-linked starches are viscosity of digesta within the gastrointestinal tract due to
slowly digestible and are thought to provide nutritional the enlargement of fully hydrated galactomannan chains.
benefits for humans (Sang & Seib, 2006). Also the slowly This whole phenomenon reduces the rate of digestion and
digesting modified starches could be used for the treatment absorption of carbohydrates and therefore lowers the post-
of certain medical modalities (e.g. glycogen storage disease prandial rise in blood glucose. The presence of galacto-
and diabetes mellitus) (Wolf, Bauer, & Fahey, 1999). Sev- mannan in the starch mixture impose restrictions on the
eral studies have highlighted various methods and technol- swelling of starch granules during gelatinization which re-
ogies (other than chemical modification) to modify the sults in the size reduction of starch granule remnants in the
starch for the formation of SDS (Lehmann & Robin, cooked starch paste whereas some of the granules may also
2007, and references therein). The prominent methods to not gelatinize properly because of less availability of water
produce SDS include annealing and heat moisture treat- molecules to starch granules (Kaur, Singh, Singh, & Mc-
ments of starch (Anderson et al., 2002; Lehmann et al., Carthy, 2008). This incomplete gelatinization of starch
2002; Lehmann & Robin, 2007; Shin et al., 2005). granules may also increase their resistance towards enzy-
matic hydrolysis. The viscous fibre derived from different
gums such as guar, tragacanth increases the viscosity
Viscosity of the food matrix and starch digestibility even at relatively low polymer concentration in the food
Among the several factors that can affect the enzymatic matrix which may increase the overall viscosity of digesta
digestibility of starch and glycemic response, reports are in the gastrointestinal tract. The consequence is the de-
also available on the effects of the food matrix viscosity. creasing of the postprandial carbohydrate absorption after
The physical texture of the food may affect the digestion ingestion of starchy food.
of starch and the absorption of hydrolysis products. Poly- The increase in viscosity of digesta can affect gastric
saccharide based gums belong to the water-soluble non- function and inhibit propulsive and mixing effects gener-
starch polysaccharides and their effects on the human ated by peristalsis. Under these conditions, interactions be-
metabolism are considered to be beneficial because they tween substrates and digestives enzymes are less frequent.
Apart from low rate of starch digestion, the transport of am-
ylolytic products (e.g. maltose, a-limit dextrins) has also
been slowed down through mucosa, when gums are present
(Brennan, Blake, Ellis, & Schofield, 1996). The addition of
some cereal based viscous fibre in meals also influences the
digestion and absorption of carbohydrates to a considerable
extent. However, the postprandial glucose response may be
slightly different as they are physically and functionally
different from the viscous gums.
In addition, it may be difficult to distinguish among the
two effects whether decrease in the rate of hydrolysis occur
by the inhibition of enzymes or by an increase in the viscos-
ity of gastrointestinal contents (acting on the mass transfer).
An inhibitory action of very small concentration (0.5%) of
galactomannan addition on amylase acting on a range of
concentrations of gelatinised starch was observed by
Fig. 1. Starch hydrolysis patterns of the chemically modified maize
Slaughter et al. (2002). The Km for the hydrolysis reaction
starches in the prime (granular) state with porcine pancreatic a-amy-
lase for 3 h at 37  C. PUM, unmodified starch in the prime state;
was not affected significantly by the presence of guar gum,
AC, acetylated starch; OX, oxidized starch; HP, hydroxypropylated but kcat/Km decreased considerably. Such action would be
starch; and CL, cross-linked starch (reprinted from Chung et al., normally interpreted as a non-competitive effect on starch
2008 with permission from Elsevier). hydrolysis.
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176 J. Singh et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 168e180

Brennan et al. (1996) studied the addition of guar gum in viscosity has been assessed by techniques such as echo-pla-
white bread and studied its microstructure along with in vitro nar magnetic resonance imaging (Marciani et al., 2000).
and in vivo digestibility. It was observed that the blood glu-
cose lowering action of gum is due to its ability to act as Food proteins and starch digestibility
a physical barrier to starch digestion along with increasing The presence of protein in the food matrix may influence
the viscosity of digesta. The association between guar galac- the rate of starch digestion. Digestibility of the starches and
tomannan and starch has also been confirmed through the proteins in various cereal products is significantly affected
microstructural analysis of pig digesta. However, according by their interaction with each other. The functional proper-
to Slaughter et al. (2002), the existence of a significant phys- ties and starch digestibility have been observed to be influ-
ical barrier to the enzyme resulting from the galactoman- enced by the presence of even small amounts of protein in
nanestarch interaction is unlikely under the conditions cereals and other food products (Ezeogu, Duodu, Emman-
selected for their experiments (a concentration range of bux, & Taylor, 2008). Protein fractions such as albumin,
guar galactomannan up to and including 1% by weight in globulins and glutenins help in gluing the protein bodies
the final concentration) because of the lack of effect on Km into a matrix surrounding starch granules that may act as
and a lack of time dependency of inhibition. It implies that a barrier towards starch digestibility (Hamaker & Bugusu,
there are still sufficient unmasked attack sites on the granule 2003). Cooking or processing may sometimes reduce the
where amylase can act. Moreover gums contribute to de- starch digestibility as the conformational changes in pro-
crease the water activity during hydrothermal processing of teins may occur that could facilitate the formation of disul-
the starch that could influence the a-amylase action and in- fide-linked polymers (Oria, Hamaker, & Shull, 1995). The
fluence the starch swelling power. Chaisawang and Suphan- presence of a protein barrier surrounding the starch granule
tharika (2005) demonstrated that xanthan inhibited swelling has been confirmed by the addition of pronase enzyme to
and prevented amylose leach out, whereas guar gum seemed hydrolyze the protein matrix and a significant enhancement
to have no effect on these properties. The ionic interactions of in vitro starch digestibility was observed afterwards due
between starch and gum play an important role on the viscos- to the clearance of passage for amylase and amyloglucosi-
ity and visco-elasticity characteristics. The strong electro- dase (Rooney & Pflugfelder, 1986). Wong et al. (2009)
static interactions between cationic starch and anionic gum have reported that a greater abundance of disulfide-bonded
results in an instantaneous aggregation of granules, whereas proteins, the presence of non-waxy starch and the granule
non-ionic gums form a sheet structure and loosely wrap the bound starch synthase enzyme may affect the digestibility
granules (Chaisawang & Suphantharika, 2005). These obser- of both starch and protein in sorghum grain endosperm. An-
vations are related to the changes in rheological parameters other study by Choi, Woo, Ko, & Moon (2008) reported an
such as storage modulus (G0 ) and loss modulus (G00 ) of increase in the in vitro starch digestibility when sodium sul-
starchexanthan and starcheguar systems (Chaisawang & phite was added during cooking of waxy sorghum flour.
Suphantharika, 2005; Kaur et al., 2007). However, to our The reducing agents such as sodium sulphite or bisulphite
knowledge, no reports are available on the effect of ionic in- may prevent the formation of enzyme resistant disul-
teractions of the gums during in vitro starch hydrolysis. phide-linked plant polymers which facilitate easy access
Koh, Kasapis, Lim, & Foo (2009) studied the effect of the of amylolytic enzymes to the starch granule. Effects of
addition of alginate on the in vitro digestion of rice dough the protein matrix on in vitro starch digestibility of pro-
and reported a decrease in starch hydrolysis with the addi- cessed starch products such as pasta have also been re-
tion of sodium alginate. Alginate forms a continuous net- ported (Kim et al., 2008). Jenkins et al. (1987) studied
work by suspending the starch granules in a coherent gel the effect of starcheprotein interaction in wheat and its ef-
which acts as a barrier when enzymes try to access the fect on starch digestibility. Their reports suggested that the
starch. They further postulated that starch based alginate net- occurrence of a starcheprotein interaction in white flour
works may help in the development of rice-dough based for- may account for the decreased glycemic response and re-
mulations with reduced glycemic index. The presence of duced rate of digestion. It has already been reported
non-starch polysaccharides from different plant sources (Liener, 1980) that 10e20% of the starch in white wheat
may affect the physical properties of the digesta at all sites flour may be malabsorbed as judged by breath-hydrogen
of the gastrointestinal tract. The high level of viscosity slows production. Subsequent studies verified that significant
down many of the physiological processes associated with amounts of starch may indeed enter the colon (Wolever
the digestion of foods and absorption of nutrients and thus et al., 1986). It has been observed that removing gluten
helps in improving the management of glucose intolerance from wheat flour eliminated the starch malabsorption but
and obesity. The well-documented blood glucose reducing this effect was not reversed by subsequently adding back
effect of dietary supplements of water soluble non-starch the gluten to the gluten-free flour. This raised the question
polysaccharides such as pectin and guar gum also depends of whether the natural starcheprotein interaction is respon-
on their capacity to increase viscosity of digesta in the stom- sible for the reduced digestibility of starch (Jenkins et al.,
ach and the small intestine (Johansen, Knudsen, Sandström, 1987). In vitro digestion studies showed that the concentra-
& Skjøth, 1996). Gastric response to increased meal tion of total starch-digestion products was significantly
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lower for white bread than for gluten-free bread. In terms of Gelders et al. (2005) suggested that enzymatic resistance of
possible mechanism, all-purpose wheat flour is composed complexes increases with increasing amylose degree of
of granules with a starch core surrounded by a protein net- polymerisation, lipid chain length and complexation temper-
work. The protein network may inhibit the rate of hydroly- ature. They further reported that enzymatic hydrolysis of
sis in the lumen of the small intestine (Jenkins et al., 1987). these complexes gives rise to two or more dextrin subpopu-
lations, which originates from a sequence of lamellar units
Food lipids and starch digestibility with interconnecting, amorphous amylose chains.
The amylose chain of starch displays a natural twist pro-
viding a helical conformation with six anhydroglucose a-Amylase inhibitors, anti-nutrients and starch
units per turn (Zobel, 1988). Hydroxyl groups of glucose digestibility
residues are present on the outer surface of the helix, while The more common types of a-amylases are of protein or
the internal cavity is a hydrophobic tube (Zhou, Robards, glycoprotein nature, non-competitive, non-dialyzable and
Helliwell, & Blanchard, 2007). The hydrophobic complex- generally heat labile (Dreher et al., 1984). A wide variety
ing agents can stay or complex within the amylose helix of food crops such as beans, rye, wheat and oats contain am-
stabilized through van der Waals forces with the adjacent ylase inhibitors in varying quantities. Non-proteinaceous am-
C-hydrogen of amylose (Godet, Tran, & Delagw, 1993; ylase inhibitors such as polyphenolic compounds or phenolic
Zhou et al., 2007). The effects of free fatty acids (lauric, acids, acarbose, isocarbose, acarviosine-glucose have also
myristic, palmitic, stearic and oleic acids, lysolecithin and been reported (Farias et al., 2007). Some oligosaccharides
cholesterol) on the hydrolysis of starch, amylose and amy- derived from microbes also produce inhibitors that may in-
lopectin using a-amylase and amyloglucosidase have been hibit the amylase activity. Amylostatin and acarbose are
reported in the literature by Crowe, Seligman, & Copeland two of the a-amylase inhibitors produced by a fungi Strepto-
(2000). Around 60% amylose was converted to glucose in myces and bacteria from family Actinoplanaceae, respec-
1 h, reaching up to 90% after 6 h. The addition of lauric, tively. Many molecules that exist in plant sources are
myristic, palmitic and oleic acids reduced the enzymatic capable of inhibiting the activity of a-amylase. Results
hydrolysis of amylose by 35%. However neither stearic from clinical studies have shown that the natural inhibitors
acid nor cholesterol presented an inhibition. Lauric acid isolated from white beans significantly reduce the peak of
had no effect on the enzymatic breakdown of amylopectin, postprandial glucose in healthy and type 2 diabetic subjects
whereas the breakdown of whole starch was inhibited 12% (Boivin, Flourie, Rizza, Go, & DiMagno, 1988). a-Amylase
by lauric acid. These experiments suggest that only the hy- inhibitors of wheat do not affect the wheat amylase activity
drolysis of the amylose fraction (31% of the whole starch) but are known to inhibit mammalian salivary and pancreatic
is affected by lauric acid. Amylose presents a helical con- a-amylase (Lankisch, Layer, Rizza, & DiMagno, 1998).
formation and can form inclusion complexes with small hy- Some low molecular weight plant-derived molecules like lu-
drophobic molecules. Complexes between fatty acids such teolin, strawberry extracts, and green tea polyphenols have
as lauric acid and amylose can form rapidly under physio- also been observed to inhibit a-amylase or reduce postpran-
logical conditions which contribute to the formation of re- dial hyperglycemia (He et al., 2006; McDougall et al., 2005).
sistant starch (Seligman, Copeland, Appels, & Morell, a-Amylase inhibitors from kidney beans have the highest
1998). The formation of such complexes with lipids may inhibitor activity although it is pH dependent. Some of these
result in significant changes in the behaviour of the starch, inhibitors have a greater affinity for salivary amylases than
including decreased solubility, increased gelatinization pancreatic amylases. The amylase inhibitors present in legume
temperature and delayed retrogradation and resistance to- crops are generally inactivated at or above 100  C. Amylase
wards the action of digestive enzymes. Amylose may inhibitors tend to be specific against particular amylases.
bind one lauric acid molecule per w20 glucose units in The inhibitor forms a complex with amylase and causes reduc-
the glucose chain, but in contrast, very little lauric acid tion in starch digestion. Many inhibit the activity of exogenous
binds under the same conditions to amylopectin and other a-amylases such as those produced by insects and may play
branched glucans (Crowe et al., 2000). a role in protecting the seed against predation. Others affect en-
Enzymatic resistance of the pure amylose and lipid com- dogenous a-amylases and as such may participate in regulat-
plexes has also been reported in the literature (Gelders, ing a-amylase activity during seed development and
Duyck, Goesaert, & Delcour, 2005; Holm et al., 1983). germination. Most amylase inhibitors from plants are active
With the help of in vitro and in vivo digestibility studies on against animal amylases. A natural amylase inhibitor has
amyloseelipid complexes, Holm et al. (1983) observed been isolated from the germ fraction of wheat, which appeared
that complexed amylose is hydrolysed and absorbed in the very labile. It is indeed destroyed by heating treatment and by
gastrointestinal tract to the same extent as free amylose but passage through the roller mill (Snow & O’Dea, 1981). Vari-
at a somewhat slower rate. After studying the influence of en- ous commercial starch blocking products have been manufac-
zymatic action on the digestibilities of complexes formed be- tured since early 1940s but many of the clinical studies have
tween amylose of different average chain lengths (degree of proved that they do not work in vivo whereas some studies
polymerisation) and docosanoic acid/glycerol monostearate, have reported their positive role during in vitro experiments.
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178 J. Singh et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 168e180

a-Amylase inhibitors have been found to be unstable in the this review, the authors feel that more research should be di-
stomach and active only after pre-incubation with amylase rected to explore the interactions between starch and non-
in the absence of starch (Lajolo and Genovese, 2002). starch components of the food matrix and how in turn, these
Dietary fibre has been suggested as the primary factor interactions affect the digestibility of starch. Use of novel
influencing the slower rate of glucose release in foods plant based polysaccharides and new processing techniques
through its high viscosity which slows down gastric empty- should be considered for the development of starch based
ing absorption of digested products in the small intestine. foods with low glycemic index.
The rate of starch digestion, however, cannot be explained
by the amount of fibre alone since some legumes (e.g., len-
tils) have similar fibre contents as certain cereal products Acknowledgements
(e.g., wholemeal bread) and yet are digested at very differ- The authors thank Professor Harjinder Singh, Co-Director
ent rates in vitro (Jenkins et al., 1980). The high concentra- (Riddet Institute) for providing valuable comments and sug-
tion of anti-nutrients such as phytic acid, lectins, enzyme gestions on this manuscript.
inhibitors in legumes may also play a role in starch digest-
ibility. Enzyme inhibitors and lectins have also been shown
to produce hypoglycemia and to decrease growth rates in
rats (Thorne et al., 1983). Abu, J. O., Duodu, K. G., & Minnaar, A. (2006). Effect of g-irradiation
Phytic acid is the most important phosphate reserve com- on some physicochemical and thermal properties of cowpea (Vi-
gna unguiculata L. Walp) starch. Food Chemistry, 95, 386e393.
pound in many plants. It can form a complex with proteins Alonso, R., Aguirre, A., & Marzo, F. (2000). Effect of extrusion and
and/or metal ions, reducing their biological availability. traditional processing methods on antinutrients and in vitro di-
Yoon, Thompson, & Jenkins (1983) have shown that the ad- gestibility of protein and starch in faba and kidney beans. Food
dition of phytic acid after pre-incubation with saliva de- Chemistry, 68, 159e165.
creased the sugar liberation significantly while little effect Altan, A., McCarthy, K. L., & Maskan, M. (2009). Effect of extrusion
cooking on functional properties and in vitro starch digestibility of
has been seen on simultaneous addition. The phytic acid barley-based extrudates from fruit and vegetable by-products.
may affect the starch digestibility through interaction with Journal of Food Science, 74, E77eE86.
amylase protein and/or binding with salivary minerals such Anderson, A. K., & Guraya, H. S. (2006). Effects of microwave heat-
as calcium which is known to catalyze amylase activity. moisture treatment on properties of waxy and non-waxy rice
The effects of processing on anti-nutrients (phytic acid, con- starches. Food Chemistry, 97, 318e323.
Anderson, A. K., Guraya, H. S., James, C., & Salvaggio, L. (2002).
densed tannins, polyphenolics, a-amylase inhibitor) acting Digestibility and pasting properties of rice starch heat-moisture
on starch digestibility are also important to consider (Alonso treated at the melting temperature (Tm). Starch, 54, 401e409.
et al., 2000; Rehman & Shah, 2005). For instance, the most Anguita, M., Gasa, J., Martı́n-Orúe, S. M., & Pérez, J. F. (2006). Study
efficient treatment for phytic acid reduction found was ger- of the effect of technological processes on starch hydrolysis, non-
mination for 72 h. Extrusion cooking also causes a significant starch polysaccharides solubilization and physicochemical prop-
erties of different ingredients using a two-step in vitro system.
reduction in phytic acid and in condensed tannins and poly- Animal Feed Science and Technology, 129, 99e115.
phenolics as well. Thermal processing methods have been re- Apar, D. K., & Özbek, B. (2007). Estimation of kinetic parameters for
ported (Rehman & Shah, 2005) to act by thermal degradation rice starch hydrolysis inhibited by added materials. Chemical En-
of the anti-nutrient molecules, changes in their chemical re- gineering Communications, 194, 334e344.
activity and formation of insoluble complexes. Bao, J., Ao, Z., & Jane, J. L. (2005). Characterization of physical
properties of flour and starch obtained from gamma-irradiated
white rice. Starch, 57, 480e487.
Conclusion and future research directions Boivin, M., Flourie, B., Rizza, R. A., Go, V. L., & DiMagno, E. P.
Factors acting on starch digestibility are multiple and not (1988). Gastrointestinal and metabolic effects of amylase inhibition
necessarily unrelated to one or more of the others. The impor- in diabetics. Gastroenterology, 94, 387e394.
Bravo, L., Siddhuraju, P., & Saura-Calixto, F. (1998). Effect of various
tant factors that can be considered to have an influence on the
processing methods on the in vitro starch digestibility and resistant
catalytic efficiency of the enzymes responsible during in vitro starch content of Indian pulses. Journal of Agricultural and Food
starch hydrolysis are the starch characteristics, the physical Chemistry, 46, 4667e4674.
access of the enzyme to the starch, the availability of water Brennan, C. S., Blake, D. E., Ellis, P. R., & Schofield, J. D. (1996). Ef-
needed for the hydrolysis of the glycosidic linkage and the fects of guar galactomannan on wheat bread microstructure and on
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high viscosity. The effects of galactomannan such as guar Capriles, V. D., Coelho, K. D., Guerra-Matias, A. C., & Areas, J. A. G.
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rect inhibition of the first step of the biochemical degradation H160eH164.
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xanthan gum additions on physical and rheological properties of
presence of other food components like proteins, lipids, cationic tapioca starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, 61, 288e295.
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