Assignment 1

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Assignment 2


Name: MOHAMMED SHAHIN Student ID- A00132503

Submitted to – Khalid khan SCM115: Purchasing


It is clearly seen from this article the main purpose of this article is to examine the
role that theory has played in public procurement research. Theory is recognized
as an essential to disciplinary development in management science, little is known
of its use in the public procurement field. As management science has matured,
addressing this issue is timely. This article show that 29 percent of public
procurement research is theoretically grounded and five main theories are used
in public procurement research which are Economic, sociological, psychological,
and management but micro-economic theories play paramount role. The
procurement research is associated with North American and European regions.
And this article examines the types of papers characterize public procurement
research. It is also concluded that more theoretical discipline is required that
theories with high validity and utility are underutilized and that research foci
should be narrowed.

Thai drew attention to the scholarly neglect of public procurement in a paper
within over a decade. in the years since a lot has happened to address this
imbalance and more public procurement closer to mainstream but its research
remain continues to rise as scholars in management, public administration,
finance, law, supply chain and logistics management, mathematics, and
information technology devote themselves to the study of public procurement.
At the end, the new study fields have emerged like e procurement, small suppliers,
and buyer development of professionals. Public procurement is now with social inclusion,
economic growth and environment sustainability.

Theory in management
According to researchers, theory enables us to organize our thoughts and
knowledge, formalize our predictions, generate coherent explanations of real-
world phenomena, develop hypotheses, and integrate knowledge. hypothesis
furnishes us with sensible designs for clarifying and anticipating individual and
social wonders. It is the means by which we figure out, disaggregate, and excuse
the mind-boggling wonders we are keen on uncovering. At last, hypothesis drives
us to a more thorough comprehension of our marvels of interest than could at
any point be conceivable in its nonappearance.

The most useable theories are principal-agency theory and, after this, transaction
cost economic theory, contract theory and general systems theory. Seven of the
fifty articles used a combination of theories.

All in all, this journal explains the role of theory in the public procurement Our
purpose in this paper was to explain the degree to which extant research is
theoretically grounded and to shed light on what theories have been used to
date. I have also discussed studies to date have originated from two states that
are united states as well as Europe. So, this journal defines different theories
which will be very fruitful for the business.

Anthony Flynn, P. D. (2014, 03 14). Research Gate. Retrieved from

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