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Distribution Date: September 11, 2021

Activity 02: ART AND ME


• Art has remained relevant in our daily lives because most of it has played some
form of function for man.
• The different functions of art may be classified as either personal, social, or
• Art may serve either as imitation, representation, a disinterested judgment, or
simply a communication of emotion.

1. What art form or artwork has changed something in your life? In what

Starry Night, 1889 by Vincent Van Gogh

The artwork that has changed something in my life is the “Starry Night” by
Vincent Van Gogh. The way I see it, the painting is not really about depression. The
presence of the stars and lights from the windows is creating a sense of comfort, or
that there’s God. The painting is far more abstract. Van Gogh preferred to paint things
that actually exist, that can be seen and physically studied. But “Starry Night” is quite
different. The place portrayed in the painting, never existed. It was 100 percent from
Van Gogh’s imagination. And that troubled him greatly – he rarely spoke of this
particular painting. In my interpretation, Van Gogh was the twisted, dark, barren and
isolated tree at the forefront of the painting. Like the tree, Van Gogh’s life was filled
with loneliness, and darkness, caused by his battle with chronic depression. However,
just because he can’t feel joy and beauty, does not mean he didn’t understand it, or
long for it. And, like the tree, he was cursed to be forever on the outside, looking in.
The stars and the lighted windows, on the other hand, in the town below were beautiful
and serene. But knowing that the tree is rooted, then it can never obtain those things,
and is cursed to sit alone, seeing the beauty and serenity that it can’t obtain.

I, like Van Gogh, suffered from loneliness, hopelessness and failure after failure
to obtain joy, serenity and internal beauty. That painting allowed me to recognize those
emotions, get the help I needed, and never give up, or let myself believe that
happiness and serenity are forever out of reach. That painting saved my life. If I had
never seen it, I would almost have certainly, like Van Gogh, already be dead. Sadly,
Van Gogh (because of his inner darkness and isolation) failed to realize that the twisted
tree was part of the serene beauty he so desperately sought. The contrast between the
tree and the town and stars are the very thing that gave the tree meaning – the stars
are out, shining brightly, decorating the dark sky truly see the depth and value of the
beauty of the tree. The feelings of hopelessness and loneliness still take hold of me
from time to time. But thanks to Van Gogh, his masterpiece gave me a sense of
positivity to enjoy the real world and the beauty of life.

2. Do you think that art can be a catalyst for change? Expound your answer.

Art have been and will always be a catalyst for change. It can create a new world
where everyone can understand each other, and it can bring peace and a plan of action
(on how to solve the problems) in this confused and chaotic generation. The primary
goal and function of art is to communicate the artist's intentions, and to bridge the gap
between two minds that have their own interpretations and opinions about the reality.
Art presents reality in a way that may change the vision and perspective of audience
towards the world. Art works as a catalyst that sifts facts from assumptions and blends
these with imagination so that fresh meaning could be created. Art allows people from
different cultures and different times to communicate with each other via images,
sounds and stories. And art is often a vehicle for social change, and it can give voice to
the politically or socially disenfranchised. A song, film or novel can rouse emotions in
those who encounter it, inspiring them to rally for change.

Art communicates to people, makes them feel that they’re valuable and worth it,
comforts them in times of suffering and pain, and resonates the true and real beauty of
the world and within us. Art can shape our everyday lives, make a social statement and
be enjoyed for aesthetic beauty. Art can also make you feel that you are wanted, loved,
and attended – it is appreciating your very own existence. Moreover, art influences
society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space
and time. Painting, sculpture, music, literature and the other arts are often considered
to be the repository of a society’s collective memory. Art preserves what fact-based
historical records cannot: how it felt to exist in a particular place at a particular time.
Through art, we can fully express ourselves (an outlet for our unheard voices, joys and
cries), we can be better, we can make changes of our perceptions about the world, and
we can inspire other people – but we need to be inspired to create art first in order to
do that. Thus, art fosters the human need for self-expression and fulfillment. 

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