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Assignment 1

SCM 100
Student ID: A00132503

1. Why are information systems so essential for running and

managing a business today?

ANS: the traders who can bring the new strategies and creative
methods that can get through the market and move to function
following the consumers request. Implantation for Information
System can benefit a lot in commerce and also assist in managing
the center and external operation.
Benefits of information system can be divided into few steps:

1. Products and Assistance: Information system can help in

inspecting process and initiate arranged project work,
information system allow the firm to understand company
income, developments on marketing the services or

2. IS (Information storage): record-keeping of activities is very

important for all the Company, to know the cause issues and
so to advice the solution at the same time.
Information system in business used to make it simple to
stock the operational-data, alter histories, presenting
records and log. Information system records the information
on the database in a simplified manner which helps to find
the data easily in future.

3. SIMPLYFY MANAGIING: trade information system, eases the

process of delivering the required information, by the help
of DECISION MAKING. Finally helps in choosing superior
decision instantaneously.

4. BEHAVIORAL CHANGE: Trade information system could be

successfully caried out to help to better the connection
among boss and the worker. Business information
technology work great as it updates documents and folders
that could be used and divide among the workers. This
guarantee to supervise the move of information technology
among the administration and the blur-collar worker.

This allows the front-line workers to include them in the decision-

making process. furthermore, they feel influenced and devoted
towards executing the Job.
2. How do systems serve the different management groups in a
ANS: Company application are planned to synchronize
multifunction and business process. A company’s system is
combined to the internal business process of a firm into a single
software system to improve coordination and decision making.
Different departments in a business need different kinds of
system, these systems need to be interconnected to the world
lines and the capacity of the Information system in a business is
Transaction processing system (TPS) basic firm system for
operational level and assists in recording daily routine, transaction,
and track the flow of transaction in the organisation.
General ledger- responsible for maintain records of a company’s
income and expense. Data and software tools for organizing,
analyzing, and providing access to data to help managers to make
more informed selection (middle and senior management)
business information system designates a specific category of
information systems serving Middle Management- provides them
with information about the firm’s performance. They answer the
questions that have been specified in advance with a predefined
procedure for answering them.
Decision support system that solves unique and rapidly changing
problems. Executive support system that helps to make a non-
routine decision requiring judgement, evaluation and insight.
Draws information from MIS (Main Information System) and DSS
(Decision Support System) but also provide data about new tax
laws, competitors, etc.
Portal- use a web interface to present integrated personalized
content (google, Chrome, safari). Digital dash board, on screen
graphs and charts of key performance indicators for managing a
company. Business application, system that span functional area,
focuses on executing business processes across all level of
management. This helps the business coordinators to find and
execute the business process.
3. How do systems that link the enterprise improve organizational

ANS: An enterprise process is reasonably aligned to some set of

activities, which defines how relevant trade tasks are carried out,
and they showcase a well-organized manner of work, knowledge
and information. Management authority need to look after the
business operation because the decide how skilfully the firm can
accomplish its business.


1. Enterprise Resource Planning: combine process in construct,

mass production, sale and marketing, finance and balance
sheet, and HRIS (human resources information systems)
onto a software system

2. Supply Chain Management Systems (SCM): The direct

relationship with suppliers will get information about orders,
production, inventory levels, etc.

3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): helps to

manage the relationships whit the buyer(customer) and
coordinates Sales, marketing department, etc. to develop
earnings, fulfilment from customers and possession.
4. Knowledge Management Systems: this helps the company
management to analyse the situation and apply the
knowledge with the help of expertise. Also, these links the
firm to outside sources of knowledge.
4. What are some of the issues to consider in determining
whether the Internet would provide your business with a
competitive advantage?
ANS: the Internet become larger at a significant rate than any
other sector in the past. There are some issues such as connection,
cost and information.
1. COST: the value of money has been consumed up to
produce something and finally it is not accessible for
anymore. In trade, the rate may be one of acquisition, within
the amount of price spend to acquire. It is calculated as

2. Relevancy: is a conception of one topic being related to

another topic in a way that makes it functionable to consider
the first topic when considering the second.

3. Information: is a data that has been processed is such a way

as to be meaningful to the person who receives it. Two
highlighted words refer that to provide a better trade in a
competitive market. We need perfect info, good service, and
the information to provide the business is relevant one.
The world wide web surely will supply your trade with a
competitive advantage. Because, competitive advantage is
evaluated by the goods and services and also info to supply.

Competitive AAdvantage depends on the market and opportunity

that you decide to enter. Also the aspect of the website,

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