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IMMIX-Intrusion Detection and Prevention System

for Computing, Communication, Controls, Energy and Materials (ICSTM),

Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, T.N., India. 6 - 8 May 2015. pp.96-101.

IMMIX-Intrusion Detection and Prevention System

Sarode Harshal Vasudeo1, Prof. Pravin Patil2 and R. Vinoth Kumar3
M. Tech. Wireless and Network Security, Center for Development of Advance Computing, Pune, India
Computer Engineering, PICT, Pune, India
Asst. Prof. Department of Information Technology, VelTech University, Chennai, India

Abstract— Computer security has become a major problem in

single system administrator can monitor whole networks as
our society. Specifically, computer network security is
concerned with preventing the intrusion of an unauthorized well as host systems.
person into a network of computers. An intrusion detection
system (IDS) is a tool to monitor the network traffic and users
activity with the aim of distinguishing between hostile and non- II. SURVEY
hostile traffic. Most of current networks implement Misuse
detection or Anomaly detection techniques for Intrusion Intrusion is set of action used to compromise security of the
detection. By deploying misuse based IDS it cannot detect network components in terms of Confidentiality, Integrity
unknown intrusions and anomaly based IDS have high false and Availability. This can be done by an internal or external
positive rate for detection. To overcome this, proposed system person to get unauthorized access to systems.
uses combination of both network based and host based IDPS
as Hybrid Intrusion Detection and Prevention System which To secure infrastructure of networked components intrusion
will be helpful for detecting maximum attacks on networks. detection system (IDS) provide mechanisms which will
gather and analyze information from various network
Keywords— anomaly based; attacks; classification; intrusion
detection; intrusion prevention; misuse based;
resources using host or network to identify possible security

I. INTRODUCTION Intrusion detection systems provides functionality like

monitoring and analyzing user systems and network
Computer systems are handling large amount of data over activities, configuring systems for generation for possible
networks, so that data communications must be secure vulnerabilities, file integrities, access control for specific
enough to transceiver data. In earlier day’s firewalls, data files, recognizing pattern of typical attacks, user policy
encryptions, antivirus are used to prevent unauthorized violation and analyzing abnormal activity of the user.
access to network system.
Intrusion detection system works on the principle of
But these tools are compromised and accessed data. There is intrusion activities are different from normal system
one tool called intrusion Detection System which will be activities and that can be detectable by intrusion detection
used to monitor unwanted attempts to access, attacks or system.
manipulate user data over the network called Network
Intrusion Detection System. There are different types of attacks mainly external and
internal. Internal intruders have authorized to access the
Host based Intrusion Detection Systems are used to monitor system but they are not super user or root access to system.
particular host in the network. This system cannot identify External intruders are unauthorized users of machine.
network based attacks and vise versa so we have to create a
system which can monitor both host system based intrusion A. Different Types of Attacks [2][4]:
and network based intrusion in the single system so that it 1. Virus Attacks— This is self replicating program that will
will be handy to network administrators to ease their work infect system files without permission of user. This will
by eliminating two different systems monitoring. Using a increase infection rate if the file is on Network File
System and accessed by another computer.

2. Worm— This self replicating program propagates anomaly attacks are launched by the outsider’s attackers
through the network without user permission and highly who want unauthorized access to network resources and
consumes bandwidth and harm network. steal information. Normally network is connected to rest of
3. Trojan— This is malicious program does not replicate the world throughout internet. The NIDS reads all the
itself but gives a backdoor access to the system, so that packets which are coming from outside and tries to find
hacker can be able to control user system without user suspicious patterns. For example if large number of TCP
permission. Port connection is happened between fractions of seconds
we can assume someone tries to commit port scan on
4. Denial of Service (DoS)— It attempts to block access to
computers in the network. NIDS also provides valuable
computer or network resources. This can be
information from attack packets like ip address of attacker.
implemented by forcing target computer to reset or
Misuse based intrusion detection systems usually find
consuming own resources, because of this no user can
known patterns from flow of data but Anomaly based
communicate each other due to non-availability of
intrusion detection system tries to find unusual data patterns
flowing through network data.
5. Network Attack— Any process is used maliciously to
attempt to compromise security of network from data Typically intrusion detection mechanisms are classified in
link layer to application layer by changing protocols or to three types (i) Misuse-based [1] (ii) Anomaly based [1]
by injecting false user information to illegally access and (iii) Hybrid detection mechanisms [2]. Hybrid
network resources. intrusions detections are most effective because they can
detect both known as well as unknown types of attacks.
6. Password Attack— This can be performed by logging in
as different passwords using dictionary attack. 1) Misuse-Based Techniques
7. Information Gathering Attack— It is used for finding These techniques used to find known set of attack
known vulnerability of existing system through scanning signatures which are already predefined in set of Rules. It
host system or network. will only detect known pattern of attacks which are in rules.
8. User to Root— By exploiting existing vulnerabilities to Here writing signatures which contains all types of
access super user privileges using normal user logging variations of attack pattern is complicated assignment.
system. It includes password sniffing, dictionary attack
2) Anomaly-Based Techniques
B. Classification of Intrusion Detection System[2] These techniques are used to find anomalous patterns which
There are two types of Intrusion Detection Systems are flowing over the network and which are not generated
from normal user and it can be detected by data analysis
1. Host-based Intrusion Detection System algorithms. It analyses traffic with the help of learning the
2. Network-based Intrusion Detection System expected behavior of system for particular events. It
monitors traffic for long time and generate alarm when
1) Host-Based Intrusion Detection System significant deviation occurs. There are three types of
A Host-based Intrusion Detection System monitors only the anomalies viz. (i) Point Anomalies (ii) Contextual
host system and analyses internals of system working not Anomalies (iii) Collective Anomalies, Point anomaly is
includes its external interfaces connected to it. Normally considered if one instance of data is anomalous with other
host based system monitors System Calls which are rest of data within the context, Contextual anomaly is
generated from User installed programs or Operating considered if instance of data in anomalous with respect to
system itself [3]. other in specific context not otherwise most likely its
depends on Contextual and Behavioral attributes, Collective
It also detects which program is using which files and anomaly in considered when collection of data set is
resources and its access privileges. For example, any newly anomalous with respect to entire data set like individual
installed program starts to collect user information and try data is not anomalous but collection of occurrence of all
to send it over network or document processor suddenly individual instance of data set is anomalous [3].
starts finding Logs folder of system.

2) Network-Based Intrusion Detection System III. FINDINGS OF SURVEY

A Network-based Intrusion Detection System detects Most of current intrusion detection system are used to
intrusion in networked data. Intrusion normally occurs in functioning as for only one type of monitoring system,
anomalous patterns through data in sequential manner. The means network based intrusion detection systems are useful
2015 International Conference on Smart Technologies and Management for Computing, Communication, Controls, Energy and
to the network infrastructure not for the host based network If all instances in Set Z are negative. Create a NO node and
and Host based intrusion detection systems are used to stop.
monitor only host systems which will monitor file integrity
of system, file access permission and monitors each and Otherwise select attribute A with values N1, …, Nn and
every program on the host. create a decision node.

Each system have its own control panel to monitor and Step 2: Partition the training instances in Z into subsets
modify rules for detection and report generation so that Z1,Z2,….,Zn according to the values of N.
network or system administrators have to simultaneously
work on two systems which increases workload to the Step 3: apply these steps recursively to each of sets of Zi
administrator. then STOP.
Given a collection S of c outcomes
IV. PROBLEM IDENTIFIED TO BE SOLVED Entropy(S) = ∑ - p(I) log2 p(I)
where p(I) is the proportion of S belonging to class I. ∑ is
The existing systems are bound to single type of system. over c. Log2 is log base 2.
We have to create a system that will monitor both network
and host based system using single system control panel so Note that S is not an attribute but the entire sample set.
that it is easy to administrator to monitor whole association Gain(S, A) is information gain of example set S on attribute
activity in single panel. A is defined as [11]
Gain(S, A) = Entropy(S) - ∑ ((|SN| / |S|) * Entropy(SN))
∑ is each value N of all possible values of attribute A
By using proposed system we can detect both signature SN = subset of S for which attribute A has value N
based network attacks, anomaly based network attacks and
configuring rules belonging to particular host operating |SN| = number of elements in SN
systems we can also detect host based attacks. This system |S| = number of elements in S
also handles known and unknown types of attacks.


A. Tools
Each Intrusion Detection and Prevention System is
integrated with SNORT based rules database to distinguish
normal traffic and suspicious traffic. These SNORT rules
are modified and generalized using text editor. We can be
able to create our own rules to detect and prevent attacks.

B. Algorithms[11]
We are using Decision based algorithm for classification of
data as anomalous and other data. Cluster based algorithm Fig. 1. ID3 Algorithm Tree
is used to further clustering of classified data. Iterative
Dichotomiser 3 which is used in machine learning and C. Language
natural language processing fields. It is based on Concept Java is open source language and network libraries are also
Learning System algorithm. available for capturing and analyzing data packets. Its
platform independent so that we can run this code on any
The algorithm steps are as follows: system which has Java Development Kit / Java Runtime
Step 1: if all instances in Set Z are positive, then create YES
node and stop.

The proposed model consists of three main components Its detection engines are customized signatures and rules
i) Network based Intrusion Detection and Prevention specific to operating system and most common applications
System (NIDPS) of host machine. It uses already created system snapshot of
all files to monitor current state from previous state and if
ii) Host-based Intrusion Detection and Prevention System any file is modified it will create log for that.
iii) Centralized Administrative Intrusion Detection We are proposing our own rule file format for detecting
Prevention Panel (CAIDPP). anomalous changes in host system. Rule formats are being
considering File Monitor, Registry Rules, Process Rules and
Model Architecture Service Rules.

File Monitor rules consists of File ID, Rule Tag Name,

Included Files or Directories, File Name, Files Creation
date, File Modification Date, File Original MD5 Hash, File
Owner Name, File Permissions.

Registry Rule contains Registry Rule ID,

RegRuleTagName, Registry Values that should be
monitored which are included in Include Block and registry
keys that we don’t want to monitor which are placed in
Exclude Block.

Process Rule consists of Process Rule ID,

Fig. 2. Proposed Model of IMMIX-IDPS System ProcRuleTagName for monitoring running processes.
A. NIDPS Architecture Service Rule contains Service Rule ID, SrvcRuleTagName,
It using multithreading approach to capture the data packets it includes all services which are running in Include Block
and parsed it in to multiple threads for concurrent execution and services which we don’t want to monitor are included in
for handling large amount of data and send it to the queue Exclude Block.
handler. The data packets from queue handler will be
checked for both Signature based and Anomaly based The incoming traffic is gone through Signature based and
intrusion detection. Anomaly based intrusion detection if packets are malicious,
alert will be generated to administrative panel and same will
We are using Snort [12] rule database for detecting be forwarded to (CAIDPP) and if packets are clean they are
malicious traffic on network, Snort uses its rule format for forwarded for further processing.
checking packet heeders, source port, destination port and
its payload, metadata. It uses pattern matching technique.

If packet is clean then it will be forwarded for further

processing and if it is malicious it will give alert to
administrative panel and the same will be forwarded to
Centralized Administrative Intrusion Detection Prevention
Panel (CAIDPP).

Fig. 4. Proposed Model of HIDPS System

C. CAIDPP Architecture
This is centralized intrusion detection and prevention panel
to collect data from both Administrative panels and log
them for generating repots. Using JSON technology we are
communicating to both NIDPS and HIDPS to monitor them
Fig. 3. Proposed Model of NIDPS System
from this centralized panel. Modifying rules for both
systems also it will send report to particular email address


We have implemented the system and successfully got Fig. 8. WiFi Access Point List
many results on both Linux and Windows which are
attached in this paper. We have registered jpcap, libpcap for
capturing data from promiscuous network adapters and
jnotify library for file monitoring on Linux and Windows.

Fig. 9. IP Address to Block


Using this system it is easy to Administrator to monitor

Fig. 5. File Monitoring of HIDPS System enterprise network perimeter in all three ways namely
private, public and wireless network, all using single
system. Using host based system we can monitor each host
in private network for malicious activity and if detected we
can take possible action or change rule from centralized
server system. Using network based system we can monitor
network for malicious activity and if detected administrator
can take various actions against threat. Using wireless based
system we can monitor companies wireless network for wifi
based attacks and prevent them.
Fig. 6. List of Network Adapters to Capture Data

The author wishes to thank to Mrs. Vaishali Maheshkar,

Senior Technical Officer, C-DAC, Pune and R&D Dept. C-
DAC, Pune, for their counsel in the preparation of this


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