A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V (Classification of Vertebrates)

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V

(Classification of Vertebrates)

1. Science V aims at improving the students' performance of simple experiments
about the human body, animals and plants, matter, electricity, simple machines,
weather, earth science and solar system.
2. Unit II helps the students to different plants from animals and their advantages to the human
3. The students will be able to appreciate and be concern on the animal and plant lives.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Differentiate them according to their characteristics and features.
2. Arrange the animals according to their classes.
3. Appreciate the existence of these animals.


Topic: Classifying Vertebrates

Reference: Science and Me V by Efrain Abracia
Materials: flash cards, visual aids


Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

A. Routine Activity
a.1. Greetings "Good Morning Class" "Good Morning Ma'am"

a.2. Prayer "First, let us pray" (one student will lead the

a.3.Classroom management "Arrange your chair properly and (the students will sit properly)
take your sit. How does a bright
student sits?"

a.4. Checking of attendance "let us check the attendance "present (the student will raise
(the teacher will call them one his hand as called)"
by one based on the class
a.5. Daily Health News "So, who will have the news for (One student will read the
today?" news he provided and give his
(the teacher will also comment insight)
on this)

a.6. Review of the past "Did you still remember our last "yes ma'am"
lesson lesson? Have you enjoyed it?"
"Ok, as a review we will have a (the students will form their
short group game, you can form chairs and the game
your chairs into circle. The commends)
grouping will be according to
your column, groups 1-5. Every
group will receive two colored
cards, green for vertebrates and
blue for invertebrates, you just
have to raise the appropriate
color as I show you the flash
card showing pictures of
animals. When I say go, you will
raise your answer."

B. Motivation "These animals, after being (the students will go to the

grouped according to their board and put together those
backbones, they are then whom they think belongs to
grouped according to their one family)
characteristics. On board,
posted are different names of
animals, you grouped them
according to who you THINK
goes together or belonging in
the same, everyone is allowed to
go to the board."

C. Presentation of the Lesson "Ok class, these animals can be (discussion and recitation)
group in five classes:

1. Fish are ectothermic,
aquatic vertebrates.
2. Their skin is generally
covered with scales.
3. Their limbs are modified
into fins for swimming.
4. They breathe with gills.
5. They lay eggs that must be in

1. Amphibians
are ectothermic vertebrates.
2. They have three-chambered
3. They lack claws on their toes.


1. Reptiles
are ectothermic vertebrates.
2. Their skin has scales, but
no hair or feathers.


1. Birds
are endothermic vertebrates.
2. Their skin is covered
with feathers.
3. They have four-chambered


1. Mammals
are endothermic vertebrates.
2. They have hair, which varies
greatly among species.
3. Most have sudoriferus (sweat)

D. Activity Proper (the students will do the

"Now that you already know the
classes of vertebrates, I want
you to form a group of 8-10
members and make a jingle
regarding the five classes; you
can use the tunes of some
E. Application songs."

"Each of the five classes leaves

us some values we could live by.

1. Recognize the importance of
fish in our diet and economy
2. Recognizing the
characteristics of amphibious
animals in order that we can
fully understand how to care for
and protect them.
3. Avoiding fear and developing
interest in observing snakes and
other reptiles but following
safety measures to avoid harm.
4. Be kind to birds; protect
them from harm instead of
shooting or putting them on
5. Thanking God for making us
human being who can think and
express different emotions as a


Seatwork: Answer the following questions

1. What do we mean by cold blooded animals? Give 3 examples
2. What is the common characteristic of amphibians?
3. What do we call a group of fish?
4. What do we call the protein found on the coverings of reptiles?
5. What senses are birds good at?
6. What do we call the gland to produce mother's milk?
7. What part of the fish helps them move easily through water?
8. Why do amphibious animals called amphibians, meaning dual life?
9. How do fishes breathe?
10. Why do you think we have to classify animals?


Answer page 78 of your book

Activity 4
How do vertebrates differ from one another?
You need:
Several sheets of paper
Pictures of vertebrates
1. Prepare an album containing several sheets
2. Draw or collect pictures of different vertebrates.
3. Group them into five as follows:

Fish Birds
Amphibians Mammals
4. Paste the pictures into your album according to the group they belong to.
5. Prepare a chart like the one below.

Kind of Vertebrate Common Characteristics Examples


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