Module - 5B Assignment For 12th Week

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Module -5B Assignment for 12th Week

1) Based on the given Guiding Principles of Higher Education towards creating

guidelines for the Prevention & Control of COVID-19, give 5 practical & concrete
projects that can help realize these principles in a school community.

 Putting on an event where children are taught about health and safety
standards including proper hand washing and facemask use, etc.
 hosting a class where students may learn about Covid-19 and what to do
in the event of a pandemic
 Students will be able to complete their education from the comfort of
their own homes, either through online classes or modular classes.
 Organizing a monthly event for students to participate in activities related
to their abilities in order to improve their mental health.
 Having a long day for activity deadlines and restricting the time of
synchronous meetings.


1. Anthrax Anthrax is a Bacillus anthracis The disease's Antibiotics can
contagious reproduces by spores symptoms differ be used to treat
disease that can that are tiny. These depending on anthrax.
affect the skin, spores cause how it was Treatment should
lungs, mouth, cutaneous anthrax contracted. begin soon after
throat, and when they penetrate Symptoms exposure to be
digestive system. a cut or abrasion on typically appear successful.
If treatment is not the skin. Inhaling the between 2 and 5 Anthrax can be
begun early spores causes days after fatal if left
enough, the inhalation anthrax exposure, but untreated or if
infection may because they are usually within 7 care is started
spread to other tiny enough to days. too late.
parts of the body. penetrate the lungs.
(mouth and throat) The symptoms
and gastrointestinal include:
anthrax may be  fever,
caused by eating chills,
contaminated,  swelling
undercooked meat. of neck
or neck
 abdomi
nal pain,
 fever,
 loss of
 vomiting
2. Botulinum Botulism is a Botulism is not Foodborne For those that
Toxins severe but transmitted from botulism have been
uncommon person to person. symptoms exposed to
paralytic illness normally occur 12 botulinum toxin,
caused by There are 3 types of to 72 hours after there is no
neurotoxins naturally occurring ingestion, but postexposure
(botulinum toxin) botulism; each result they can appear prophylaxis
formed by from absorption of anywhere available. A
Clostridium botulinum toxin into between 2 and 8 toxoid vaccine
botulinum, a the bloodstream: days after exists, but it takes
common  Foodborne consuming too long to cause
bacterium found botulism is infected food. immunity after
in soil and ocean caused by exposure to be
sediment all over ingestion of Botulism causes useful.
the world. food or drink flaccid paralysis,
containing which starts in the Supportive care
botulinum head and neck for botulism
toxin. muscles and patients can
 Wound spreads to the include
botulism is the trunk and mechanical
result of a extremities ventilation,
deep, muscles. nutrition via a
feeding tube,
contaminated Trouble seeing, and treatment of
wound. hearing, and/or secondary
 Infant/Intestin swallowing are infections.
al botulism is the first signs of
the result of botulism
eating food poisoning. Double
contaminated vision, sagging
with C. eyelids, and
botulinum blurred vision are
spores that all normal.
then go on to
toxin in the
3. Yersinia Plague is an Plague is diagnosed Fleas are natural People who have
Pestis infectious disease based on clinical carriers of Y. been exposed to
(Plague) caused by the symptoms and pestis, and the or infected with
bacterium verified by laboratory bacteria is usually the plague
Yersinia pestis, examination, which transmitted to should start
which is found takes between 24 and among taking antibiotics
mainly in wild and 48 hours. There rodents via flea right away.
rodents. Plague are no quick bites. Plague may Antibiotics such
was responsible diagnostic tests for be contracted by as tetracyclines
for three of the plague that are a flea bite, (e.g.,
modern era's commonly available. handling an doxycycline),
major A sudden influx in infected animal, fluoroquinolones
pandemics: in patients arriving at or inhaling an (e.g.,
the mid-6th hospitals and aerosolized form ciprofloxacin),
century, the mid- doctors' offices with of the bacteria. and
14th century symptoms of extreme aminoglycosides
(known as the pneumonia and (e.g.,
Black Death), sepsis will most likely streptomycin, but
and the early be the first sign of a not commonly
twentieth bioterrorist attack available, and
century. with plague. gentamicin)
have all been
used to prevent
and treat plague
after exposure.
4. COVID 19 Coronaviruses SARS-CoV-2 is Fever and cough Although
– Corona (CoVs) are a thought to spread are the most scientists are still
Virus group of RNA from one host to common COVID- gathering data
viruses that infect another through 19 symptoms. as the epidemic
humans and droplets formed by According to spreads, initial
cause mild coughing, breathing, studies, these case fatality ratio
respiratory illness. talking, or singing. symptoms rates with
The advent of the normally appear treatment range
extreme acute 5 days after from 1.4 percent
respiratory exposure, but to 4.7 percent. 13
syndrome they can appear Diagnosis and
coronavirus as early as 2 days Treatment
(SARS-CoV) in and as late as 14 Coronavirus
2003, however, days after infections are
showed that exposure. diagnosed in the
CoVs can also laboratory using
cause severe nucleic acid–
infections in based testing
humans. early in the
course of the
infection and
serology later.

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