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Reach K1 Trial lesson 1 Letters Aa & Bb

Language objective
The learner:
 can say the letters: Aa & Bb.
 can recognize and say the words: apple, ant, ball, bird.

 Letters: Aa, Bb
 Words: apple, ant, ball, bird.

Cover Page: Greeting (3mins)

 Welcome the student (show your enthusiasm and kindness).
 Introduce yourself in a simple way and encourage the S to say hello to you.
 You can say “Hi/Hello/What is your name/How are you?”. But do not waste too much time
on greeting if your S can’t answer even these simple questions.
 Introduce the title of the lesson briefly and move on.

Warm up (2mins)
 Open the video in the authorized resources.
 Encourage your student to sing along or clap with the song.

Letters- Look and say (2mins)

 Click on the sound icon to play the recording for the letters and ask your student to repeat
at least three times.
 Click on the icons on the right side to give feedback. (You are advised to give 3 stars to the
student to show your encouragement)
Practice 1&2 (2mins)
 Wait until the recording of Chinese instruction is over and turn to the next page.
 Practice 1- Click on the sound icon and have your student choose the letter he/she heard.
 Practice 2- Have your student look and click on the capital letter that matches the given
lower-case letter.

Words-Listen and repeat (4mins)

 Guide your student to look at the pictures and read the words. Have your student repeat
the words at least 3 times.
 Instruct the student to find the letters learned in the previous pages to review the letters.
 You can use some flashcards to play some games with the student to help him/ her
memorize the words.

Practice 3-Listen and click (3mins)

 Wait until the recording of Chinese instruction is over and turn to the next page.
 Click on the sound icon and have your student choose the word he/she heard.
 Click to show the answer.
 Have the student read the correct words for several times to consolidate.
Practice 4-Look and say (3mins)
 Wait until the recording of Chinese instruction is over and turn to the next page.
 Instruct the student to read the letters/ words shown
 Click on the green tick tag below to move on.
Practice 5 Let’s listen (3mins)
 Wait until the recording of Chinese instruction is over and turn to the next page.
 Step 1-Listen: Ask the student to listen carefully and click to play the music. Turn to the next
page when the music stops.
 Step 2-Learn lyrics. Have student repeat the lyrics shown on the page. You can guide the
student clap while repeating the lines.
 Step 3-Chant. Click to play the chant again. Invite the student to fill in the blanks.
Review & Feedback (3mins)
 Instruct the student to read them through for reinforcement.
 Give a general feedback on how your student performed during the class.
 Introduce Reach K curriculum mainly based on CORRELATION page.
 Show your warm welcome for their enrollment.

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