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In the movie adaption “PETER PAN”, the

characteristics of the children were seen as independent
and strong, identifying a particular agency all throughout
the entire movie. However, there are certain details of
interpellation, with which the characteristics tried to fight
against and eventually conform to the family and society
The movie starts with three young children in a
nursery. One day, they overheard the adults discussing
about Wendy, who is the oldest among the children. They
were saying that it was time for her to finally grow up and
possibly time more with the adults. However, Wendy was
against the thought of growing up. After that, the children
were given the opportunity to indulge in a magical
adventure. There were able to explore Neverland, where the
children never have to worry about growing up, and a place
where fairies and pirates exists. Later on, Wendy came to
realize that she really wanted to grow up, thus deciding to
return home. In the end, she and her brothers, as well as
all of the other boys went home to their parents. Still, Peter
Pan refuses to eventually give up all his childhood life, and
simply flies away. The older characteristics in the movie are
seen interpolated with certain roles in the modern society.
For example, the parents were rich socialites who always
attend big parties, wearing luxurious clothing, and even
attempting to conduct themselves in a dignified and proper
away. In one particular scene, the family was gathered
altogether inside the family room. The children were just
being children. When Wendy started to talk about her wish
for an adventure, she was stopped by her Aunt Milicent.
She was scolded that is not proper to think of those things.
During the first half of the movie, it is easy to observe that
Wendy was not interpolated into a certain role that her
Aunt wanted for her. As a matter of fact, she was even
against such idea of personally giving up want she wanted,
just to become a plain wife. Afterwards, she meets Peter, a
magical boy, running away with him, together with her two
brothers, going to a world where children have the freedom
to enjoy adventure. In one scene in Neverland, Captain
Hook captured the brothers of Wendy. The way that the
pirates treated them gives a connotation that the pirates
did not just view them as children, but actual characters
with their own identity, and them as adversaries.
While it may turn out to be odd thinking of a
movie with both agency and interpolated, I am looking at it
that way. However, I am emphasizing at the sometime that
in this movie, two separate worlds exist with two issues
occurring. There was clear interpolated in the start of the
film, when the children were still with their parents. All in
all, the movie ‘PETER PAN’ is a complex film which displays
interpolated and agency. While displaying both, it focuses
on adults, since the children actually ended up
interpolated to the roles that their families wanted for

What does it mean to be human? This question is discussed on

an almost daily basis although not always explicitly. Discussions
about medical technologies, doping, old age, human rights and
animal rights highlight how concepts such as human and
human dignity are contested. Furthermore, they reveal the role
played by implicit norms around humanity and its related
concepts. Our themed issue will explore and stimulate these
discussions by investigating how, by whom, where, and why the
concepts of humanity was, is, and can be used. This means that
we do not investigate what humanity really is, but how and why
the concepts of humanity is or can be constructed in different
situations (cf. Asad, 2015: Mol, 2012).
As a treatment of the meaning of human nature, the coarse
considers the human persons in relation to other persons, to
society, to God, and to the end, or purpose, of human life.
Humanities are instructional disciplines that take a look at
factors of human society and culture. In the Renaissance. the
time period contrasted with divinity and cited what’s now
called classics, the primary location of secular take a look at in
universities on the time. Humanities is the academic discipline
that the study human culture, incorporating methods that are
critical, analytic and hypothetical that also have important
historic components, acclaimed from the approaches from
natural science. Humanities consist of philosophy, performing
arts, modern and ancient languages, literature, religion and
visual. Social sciences such as history, anthropology, are
studies, communications studies, cultural studies, linguistics
and law are also viewed as a segment of humanities.
The key points for identifying humanities from other modes of
individual query is the point that humanities depends on
traditional and significant presentation rather than concept and
reasoning. Humanities consult about the human’s presentation
of his or her environment. The queries come from the common
inhabitants or an individuals own concepts of the reaction to
traditional events and the way of art, technology, politics,
literature music, structure, and religious beliefs. Other modes
of individuals query are centered off of confirmed information
and scientific concepts.
The study about Philosophy and politics are generally linked
together. As both talk about the query of what is excellent and
how individuals should remain. From olden days, and well
beyond them, the origins of justified reason for government
power were certainly linked with outlook on individual instinc.t
(Thagard 2008). In the Republic, Plato provided the discussion
that the perfect community would be run by authorities of
philosopher-kings, since those best viewpoint are best able to
recognize the excellent. Jonh Dewey, Martin Heidegger,
Herbert Marcuse, and Gunther Arendt are outstanding
philosophers from the 20th century that seen technology as a
pathway to the modern life. One of the attributes the people
liked about our new president is that he would end wars. Today
he is in a position to where he is going to have to start a war or
end one. According to SHAPIRO his philosophy is “Those
regimes that break the rules must be held accountable”, he
said in 2009, while accepting the Novel Peace Prize in Oslo,
Norway (Shapiro, 2013). Implied in many of these justifications
supporting the humanities are the components of arguments
against community assistance of humanities. Jonh Caroll claims
that we reside in a changing world, a world in which “cultural
capital” is being changed with “scientific literacy” and in which
the loving idea of an early humanities students is outdated
(Thagard 2013).
The word “humanista” is ultimately derived from the Latin
concepts humanitas. It enetered English in the nineteenth
century. However, historians agree that the concepts predates
the label invented to describe it, encompassing the various
meanings ascribed to humanistas, which included both
benevolence towards one’s fellow humans and the values
imparted by bonae litterae or human learnin. In the second
century AD, a Latin grammarian, Aulus Gellius (c. 125 – c. 180).
Those who have spoken Latin and have used the language
correctly do not give to the word humanistas the meaning
which it is commonly thought to have, namely, what the greek
call signifying a kind of friendly spirit and good felling towards
all men without distinction; but they gave to humanistas the
force of the greek; that is, what we call “education and training
in the liberal arts.
According to legal historian Richard Bauman, Gellius was
a judge as well as a grammarian and was an active participants
in the great contemporary debate on harsh punishments that
accompanied the legal reforms of Antoninus Pius ( one of these
reforms, for example, was the prisoner was not to be treated as
guilty before being tried). By assigning pride of place to Paideia
in his comment on the etymology of humanistas, Gellius implies
that the trained mind is best equipped to handle the problems
troubling society.
This study will help you understand, appreciate, and
produce art, music, theatre, and literature. It focus on
understanding beauty and the good, and give students the
opportunity to practice making good and beautiful things
This research paper seek to provide a basis in the
questions and concepts that have influenced people throughout
recorded history and have helped to shape the condition of our
lives today.
1. To demonstrate subject content knowledge and
understanding through the use of description and explanation,
supported by relevant facts and examples, and may show other
ways of knowing.
2. To understand and explain how environmental, political,
economic and social interactions can change levels of
3. To recognize, described and explain the patterns and
relationships in space, including natural and human

This study about humanities are academic disciplines that

study human culture. The humanities use methods that are
primarily critical, or speculative, and have a significant historical
element as distinguished from the mainly empirical approaches
of the natural sciences. Learning in the new normal is a
challenge for the teachers, students and even parents. The
humanities also boast a longer history than the social sciences.
While social science disciplines date back to the 19th century,
the humanities were studied long before then by the ancient
greeks and others classical-era scholars. This study draws on a
three-tiered methodological approach: close textual analysis of
primary source material: historical contextualization of both
primary documents and broader socio-cultural framework
through archival research and secondary histories: and
interpretation of primary texts through theoretical frameworks,
including spatial theories and gender studies.

You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.
” (John 12:8 from the New Living Translation). Even Jesus Christ said that the
poor will always live among us, and that  POVERTY will always be an issue in our

Expenses in our society, behavior problems and welfare all keep the ones
that are in poverty. Firstly, I believe that expenses are too high in our society. The
poor struggle to survive in this economy when food and clothing expenses are too
high. There are not enough places to shop that are affordable for people with a
low income.

If one wants to buy nice clothes for a funeral or wedding one has to pay
almost a hundred dollars for a whole outfit. These prices do not need to be so
high. It does not cost nearly that much to make the clothing, stores are only
increasing the prices to fit the economy. Meanwhile, there are hardly any jobs
paying more than minimum wage, which a single mother with six kids needs. A
single parent cannot support his or her family with a job that pays only minimum
wage, especially when housing and food and clothing are so expense. It is very
hard for a single parent to find suitable and affordable housing when they usually
have many kids. Low income housing needs to be more affordable and have more
than two rooms for bigger families.

Furniture expenses, foods, and basic needs also too high; families in poverty
sometimes cannot even afford more than one bed (if even one) because they are
so expensive. I think that our needy economy is one of the main problems that
cause poverty and sustain it. I believe that in order for child poverty to end in our
society has to lower expenses to make them more affordable for everyone.
Secondly, I believe that behavioral and mental problems keep people in poverty.
From a psychologist’s point of view, the pattern of poverty in a family is like the
circle of life. It starts when generations after generations in a family are poor.
Abuse, drugs and alcohol lead the next generations in having the same behaviors
creating the cycle to continue.
When a child is abused and grows up around drugs and alcohol, they grow
up to either believe that it is alright to behave in those ways or just exert those
behaviors because that’s what they were shown and are used to. If a child grows
up in one of these homes they often do not feel loved or have self-worth
therefore they need some other kind of satisfaction like drugs or alcohol. They
may also need to spend money on those foolish things, or even simply splurge on
clothes and food because they need a feeling of self-worth and satisfaction. In the
psychological mind set of poverty, behaviors and mental problems keep families
in poverty, and these behavioral problems are one of the main reasons why I
believe that child poverty will not end anytime soon. Lastly, I believe that going on
welfare will not end poverty. Simply giving people money will not solve the
problem of poverty. Firstly, the money is not enough.

The money people receive from welfare is not enough to be out of

poverty, it only covers ones basic needs. Once someone gets a job and there
income increases a little, that money is deducted from their welfare check and
they do not get as much. This makes it very hard for someone to get ahead and
save money when it is only enough to survive and then you do not get as much
when you get a job. Secondly, some people spend the welfare money on other
things like drugs, alcohol or other bad or unimportant things. Therefore the
money is not useful for them anyways and does not bring them out of poverty
because they use the money in a bad way. Some people are big spenders and use
the money for electronics, or unneeded clothes so the money is not really
benefitting them in bringing them out of poverty. The welfare money from the
government is not really eliminating poverty; therefore I believe it is another
reason why child poverty will not end in the near future.

Poverty is a huge issue in our society. The Government stated that their
goal was to end child poverty by the year 2000, however it is still an issue today. I
feel that poverty will continue to be an issue and this social change will not
happen because of high expenses, behavior problems, and welfare concerns.
These are the main reasons why this change will not happen in my opinion, but I
also believe it is because we as a society are not helping the poor out enough. We
should be supporting them with money, food, and shelter, and creating more
services to help them. We also need to raise awareness about poverty in our
society, as many people do not even realize it is happening in our own backyard.

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