Nepomuceno - Eri 5

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Erwin A.

Nepomuceno Pastoral Field Education

Configuration Stage I ERI no. 5


Last PFE, Mr. Fiel Martinez gave an introduction the basic accounting principles but he
mainly dwelt on the discussion of the preparation of the three important financial records in
accounting which are balance sheet, income statement, and statement of financial position. He
also explained the nature of each document and how they are essential in keeping the financial
and accounting records of an organization, particularly business organization. In addition, he also
gave us the information that each report contains and how it helps in making financial decision
for the business. The persons who need those reports are also presented in his discussion and
lastly, he gave the importance of maintaining or keeping those documents in meeting the
regulatory requirements set by the authority.
It is was good that in just two hours, the speaker was able to cover at least the first
module of accounting lessons that is usually given to the students who are entering to the field. It
was also good that he presented some examples to us. But on the other hand, it seems like the
manner of presentation was too technical knowing that most of the seminarians do not have a
wide background or understanding of some accounting terms and technicalities. Another, the
speaker wasn’t able to present the application of the topic to the parish set-up because he mainly
dwelt on the business organization which may be the reason why it is hard for the seminarians to
understand it. Lastly, it seems that the topics being discussed in the PFE are just repetition of

From the session with Mr. Martinez, I was able to re-appreciate the importance of
keeping an organized accounting system and preparation of financial documents in every
organization, in both businesses, in the parishes or in any other sectors. This is part of
management of an organization and it is a form showing transparency in terms of financial
matters. Having a good documentation is not just a responsible management, it is also giving
what is just to the faithful who are giving and supporting their Church. Everyone’s act of
generosity must be respected by proper documentation and it must assured to them that whatever
amount they give to the parish are all intended to the good of the Church for they are part of it.
As future pastors of the parishes, it is important that we strive to manage the proper
documentation of the amounts that goes in and out in the accounting system of the parish. Before
these, it must start here in our formation in the seminary. We must always keep our financial
reports organized and transparent all the time because it shows our responsibility and sincerity in
doing the task entrusted to us. It is a good practice that we always strive to cultivate or maintain
in us so that we can apply this to our future ministry for the service of the Church and of God
most especially.

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