Piskey Lore

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Piskey Lore [back]

Piskey Lore 1: What someone who knows the kith exists knows, or what a dimly rem
iniscent Piskey knows:
Piskies comes from the faerie dreams of British common folk and are conn
ected to the countryside and farm life of Britain.
Piskies are quick with fingers and feet.
Piskies really like mortals, especially children.
Piskies tend to steal things, and they tend to forget things -- the two
together can be very irritating.
Piskies like to work, and they often work with children, or simply in or
der to travel, which they also do a lot of.
Most Piskies are Seelie.
Piskies are generally very inquisitive.
Piskies are few in number, and were thought to be extinct since the 16th
century A.D. until recently.
Piskey Lore 2: What someone who has spoken a great deal with a Piskey knows, or
what a Piskey who comes back with Past Lives knows:
Piskies are related to Kinain among the Picts of Ancient Scotland, but t
hey keep secrets about that. Most Piskey Kinain are English, Cornish, or Welsh o
r of similar descent.
Piskey stories often tell of them leading people off track in the countr
yside by using magic to confuse them.
Due to the countryside nature of the dream that made them, Piskies are v
ery concerned with the welfare of mortals, especially the British.
Piskies tend to genuinely respect the Sidhe, but they are most friendly
with Satyrs, Eshu, and Pooka.
Most Piskies are inherently very trusting and frequently naive, like a c
hild or common villager. They tend to avoid politics.
Piskies are disliked by many other Kithain due to something they did dur
ing the Sundering.
Piskey Lore 3: What a Kithain scholar of Bygones and Gallain might have learned
about Piskies, or what a studied Piskey could know with concentration and effort
Early Piskies, experts at taking things, served the Sidhe by taking powe
rful artifacts and hiding them in secret places to protect them from enemies.
Early Piskies, concerned with mortal affairs, became divided among their
tribes, and often fought each other. There were Northern Piskies with the Picts
, Southern Piskies with the Bretons and Romans, and Western Piskies with the Wel
sh and Cornish, etc.
Southern and Western Piskies were very active in service of the Sidhe wh
en defending Wales, Cornwall, and England in ancient times before the Saxon conq
Piskies fought alongside Roman Satyrs in defending Britain, and the two
Kiths became close for a time before Rome withdrew.
Piskies are mostly Seelie because of a huge tragedy of the kith during t
he Sundering.
Knows that the Piskey homeland is lost Lyonesse and that many of the leg
ends of Lyonesse are true.
Knows about the efforts of the brave few Piskies who remained behind aft
er most hid in Lyonesse.
Piskey Lore 4: What a clever and devious spy of Piskies might know, or what a Pi
skey in the know might know so he can concentrate on his missions for the kith:
Snails are very important to the Kith and the Dreaming, but the question
is, "Why?"
Knows what some of the things the early Piskies stole and hid away are,
including the 13 Hallows of Britain.
Knows of the House of the Wheel and the House of the Spiral, and that th
ey are related to the Courts.
Knows that Redcaps are closely related to the cosmic cause of the demise
of the House of the Spiral in Scotland during the Sundering.
Knows the story of the theft of Lyonesse from the Autumn World.
Knows that Winter is coming very soon, and that the return of Lyonesse i
s a harbinger of it.
Knows that modern Piskies can also be Unseelie, but that the Unseelie of
today are not the same as the House of the Spiral as it used to be.
Piskey Lore 5: What only the greatest leaders of the Piskies know about their pa
rt of Dáán, or what might be made known to those chosen to assist them by Fate:
Knows the reasons behind stealing powerful artifacts, and knows some Pis
kies are always on the lookout for the time to quest for the return of those ite
ms, and that they form a secret society.
Knows some beginning clues to finding the artifacts stolen by Piskies, i
ncluding the importance of snails.
Knows that the House of the Spiral fell to the forces of change and hung
er that it sought to understand, but also that many werewolf prodigals had somet
hing to do with it.
Knows that the cosmic forces of change have grown so great that the retu
rn of Lyonesse is coming in order to rebalance the Autumn World some before Wint
er hits.
Knows that the House of the Spiral probably exists still, but in a form
that is probably too changed to recognize before it shows itself.

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