Hormones and Weight

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Do you experience...
difficulty losing weight or weight gain?
decreased metabolism?
fatigue all day or in the afternoon?
mood shifts and stress?
difficulty falling or staying asleep?

Foundational Support
Nutrition: timing, quality, and quantity
Movement: strength training & aerobic exercise
Sleep: cool, quiet, dark bedroom, same
bedtime/day, no electronics 1-2 hours before bed
Stress management: physical and emotional
Pain management: pain increases cortisol

Sometimes you may need to dig deeper....

Ask your provider if the following

hormone tests may be helpful to
achieve your health goals.

Vitamin D
TSH, fT3, fT4, rT3, anti-TPO Ab.,
anti-TG Ab
Reproductive Hormone
Adrenal Thyroid
Progesterone, Estradiol,

Testosterone, DHEA-S
Adrenal Hormones
Cortisol x 4 samples during day

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(c) Dr. Alana McLau
Hormones are a complex system of
interactions that are impacted by
our genetics, environment, and
personal choices.

Outside Influences
on Hormones + Action Steps
to Create Change

Plastic/BPA/Parabens: hormone Switch to glass bottles, cups & containers

disruptors Choose more natural bodycare and
Fragrances/Candles/Air cleaning products -- > check EWG.org's
Fresheners/Body Care Products: interfere Skin Deep for your products
with hormone signaling and binding Ask your doctor if you have consistent
Digestion: digestion and liver function digestive concerns
greatly impact absorption and Nutrition: small, frequent meals of whole
elimination foods, anti-inflammatory diet
Standard American Diet (SAD) Breathing exercises & meditation
Stress Management: elevated cortisol, Showers: end with 30-60 seconds of
due to physical or mental stress, impacts cooler water
thyroid & adrenal hormones, as well as Move every 45-90 minutes; restorative
resting metabolic rate options: yoga, swimming, walking, body
Pain and inflammatoin weight exercises
Sedentary lifestyle Castor oil packs topically on abdomen

Supporting Hormone Fiber: vegetables, fruit, whole grains, chia, flax

Metabolism and Clearance Hydration: filtered/clean water with electrolytes
The included are a few, but as needed
Vitamins: Vitamins D, B6, B12, folate,
not complete, options to
magnesium, and calcium
consider researching and
Supplements: DIM, Calcium D-Glucarate, and
asking your doctor about.
Indole 3Carbinol
They are usually used in
Herbs: Chaste Tree, Schisandra, Pueraria, Red
combination within
Clover, Bacopa, Hops, Black Cohosh, Gotu Kola,
products. Supplements are Sage, Green Tea Extract
not regulated by the FDA Products: I like FemGuard + by Designs for
and this is for informational Heatlh and EstroMend by Douglas Labs
purposes only.

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