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MODULE NO. 3“Non-digital and Digital Skills and Tools in Delivering Technology-Enhanced

NAME: Gratil, Joseph P. COURSE/ YEAR: BEED 3B

Refer to Module 3 Lesson 1.

1. Complete the table that follows on the appropriate instructional materials to be used based on a
specific topic.

History Diorama

Ecosystem Nature Table

Math solving Writing Board

letters Wall display

2. “Non – digital instructional materials are still relevant in 21 st century teaching and learning. Agree or
disagree?” Defend your point.
Yes , I agree that non-digital instructional materials are still relevant to use even in 21 st century as a
way of teaching .Children are the best subject to associate with this situation because first of all, children need
to develop their senses and comprehension and the best way to fulfill those things is to expose them outside
the house and bring them to school by which they will guided with the teachers and engage them to what they
need to develop. We all know that children have levels of development that must be fulfilled and school is one
of the best venue for them build their mind and personality well. Children are curious about everything that is
why teachers are highly needed to answers and guide them to what they must know. Having the non-digital
teaching methodology can provide engagement to the children for them to develop relationship and their
personality. Teachers will able to identify the lacking and recommendation to child/ren by having into non-
digital way of teaching.

Task 2:

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