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July 2010, Volume 7, No.7 (Serial No.

Journal of Communication and Computer, ISSN 1548-7709, USA

End-to-End QoS Management Mechanism for Mobile


Kwang Sik Kim1, Shintaro Uno2 and Moo Wan Kim1

1. Department of Information Systems, Tokyo University of Information Sciences, Chiba 265-8501, Japan
2. Graduate School of Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Tokyo 105-0002, Japan

Received: March 16, 2010 / Accepted: April 12, 2010 / Published: July 25, 2010.

Abstract: Mobile multimedia communications have been tremendously increased in the number of users, diversity of applications and
of interface technologies. In this paper, we propose a new adaptive End-to-End QoS (Quality of Service) management algorithm and
signaling mechanism based on the concept of utility function which we have borrowed from the field of microeconomic. By this
mechanism, the adaptive resource allocation based on user preference in wireless portion and wired portion for mobile network can be
realized. Also, we show the simulation result for call setup and hand over with analysis.

Key words: QoS (Quality of Service), End-to-End, utility function, mobility.

1. Introduction mobile operators have an intension to differentiate

users by their rates. It is based on the idea that more
In the mobile networks, QoS (Quality of Service) is
important or valuable mobile users who pay more
being considered and studied in 3GPP(3rd Generation
payment should be prioritized for each service. To
Partnership Project) [1], where QoS is managed by
perform the differentiation, flows are becoming more
PCRF (Policy and Charging Rules Function) in IMS
adaptive in the sense that they can adjust their
architecture. Also QoS class is defined, and the
bandwidth according to the amount of resource
mapping between QCI (QoS Class Identifier) and
available. Actually, many Internet services are
DSCP (DiffServ Code Point) is studied [2]. However it
increasingly becoming adaptive and can adjust their
is not on End-to-End QoS because it is just focused on
level of performance based on the amount of the
wireless portion of the mobile network. On the other
resource available such as MPEG [4-5]. Considering
hand, in the area of the fixed network like NGN (Next
these requirements, a QoS framework has to allocate
Generation Network), there are several studies on
resource based on users’ preferences or payments and
End-to-End QoS [3], but they don’t include the
also provide the media flows with a simple way to
wireless access networks. Especially, for VoIP service
make the best use of the resources. In order to achieve
or other multimedia real time services for mobile
this, we borrow the concept of utility function from the
network, building a mechanism and an architecture is
microeconomic field. Utility function qualifies the
now required that enables an End-to-End QoS
value that an application or user receives for all
possible amounts of resource allocated.
Moreover, all mobile users have been managed
There are some studies based on utility functions for
equally by the mobile operators, but recently many
prioritized download service [6-7], but there are very
Corresponding author: Kwang Sik Kim, Ph.D., research few studies where utility function is adopted to
fields: ubiquitous network, mobile network, IMS. E-mail: End-to-End QoS. In this paper, we propose a new
48 End-to-End QoS Management Mechanism for Mobile Network

adaptive End-to-End QoS management algorithm and Utility

signaling mechanism based on utility function by Uj
integrating End-to-End QoS and mobility management.
Also, we show the simulation result of the proposed Uj-1
algorithm. The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
section 2 presents basic technologies description;
section 3 presents a description of the QoS r j-1 rj Throughput (Kbps)
management mechanisms with the mobility Fig. 1 Example of utility functions.
management; section 4 describes the associated
signaling mechanisms in the model system; section 5 following properties:
presents the simulation result for call setup and hand (1) Non-negativity: U(χ) ≥ 0 for all χ ≥ 0.
Obviously the users cannot associate a negative
over with analysis; finally conclusion is described in
utility with a positive resource allocation.
section 6.
(2) Non-decreasing nature: U(χ) has to be a
2. Basic Technologies Description non-decreasing function. Clearly also is the fact that
users cannot associate a higher utility with a smaller
This chapter describes the basic technologies
allocation that with a higher allocation.
utilized to develop a proposed End-to-End QoS
Fig. 1 shows some example of utility functions.
management algorithm and signaling mechanism.
2.2 End-to-End QoS
2.1 Utility Function
The approach for End-to-End QoS in this paper is
Utility function is a notation that we have borrowed
based on the following:
from the field of microeconomic [8] to refer to a user’s
y SURF (core Stateless Utility based Rate allocation
benefit from all possible resource allocation amounts.
Framework) [9] for the wire line portion of the
This work assumes that the network knows the users
utility functions by means of the signaling mechanism. y MSS (Maximum Segmental Slope) resource
Utility functions quantify the value that an application allocation algorithm [10] for the wireless portion of
or users perceives for all possible amount of resource the network.
allocated. Utility can also be thought as the price that 2.2.1 SURF
a user would be willing to pay to obtain a specific SURF is based in the same philosophy used in the
amount of resource. Therefore the users can tell the technologies like CSFQ (Core Stateless Fair Queuing)
system that for obtaining χ units of resource, they are [11] and Corelite [12]. This approach maximizes the
willing to pay b $/second. We let U(χ) denote the aggregate utility at each link in the network and
utility functions where χ is the amount of resource and support intra flow packet drop preferences. Key
U(χ) is the utility obtained from that allocation. The attributes of this model are: scalability, which is
user’s total utility will depend on several QoS metrics, accomplished using a core-stateless architecture and
such as bandwidth, delay, and jitter. As a first step we the support of intra-flow priorities. In the SURF
are going to concentrate on this work on the case that framework, only routers located at the edge of the
the users only are concerned with the bandwidth network maintain per flow state information. SURF
allocation they receive. This is a step towards a more treat utility functions from a user’s perspective by
general solution that will take into account the other collapsing the entire network into a single unified
factors as well. Utility function need to satisfy the resource, neglecting any hop count.
End-to-End QoS Management Mechanism for Mobile Network 49

The SURF framework has two primary concepts: Lower and Upper Q threshold Æ qlth, quth
Burstness Factor Æ Kq
First, an ingress edge router logically partitions a flow
Decrement factor based on Qinc Æ dec_p
into sub-streams. The sub-streams correspond to Heuristic based target ut Æ utgt
different slopes in the utility function of the flow. Subroutine update _threshold()
Sub-streaming is done by appropriately labeling the if(avg_qlen < qth) or(qinc < – Kq)
change = – dec_p*ut
headers of packets using incremental utilities. Second,
else if (avg_qlen > qth) or (qinc > Kq)
a core router has no notion of a flow, and treats The forwarding algorithm is:
packets independent of each other. The forwarding enqueue(pkt)
decision at any router is based on the incremental if (cur_qlen < qth) or(avg_qlen ≤ qlth )
utility labels on the packet headers. Router does not
else if (uί ≥ ut) and (cur_qlen + pkt.size ≤ qlim)
drop a packet with a higher incremental utility label as Accept(pkt)
long as a lower priority packet can instead be dropped. else Drop(pkt)
In other words, the core router attempts to provide the
2.2.2 MSS Resource Allocation Algorithm
same forwarding behavior of a switch implementing a
Let us consider the situation in which we have M
multi-priority queue, using instead a simple FIFO
users in the system. We let Uί (rί) denote the utility
scheduling mechanism, eliminating any need for
derived by user’s flow ί for a bandwidth allocation rί
maintaining multiple queues or sorting the queue.
and C is the total link capacity. User ί is allocated rί
The problem of dropping packets with lower
units of resource that is the i-th component of the
incremental utility labels before packets with a higher
solution r=[r1, r2, …, rM] of the following optimization
incremental utility can be approximated to the
problem of dynamically computing a minimum M
threshold value that a packet’s label must have, in Max
[r1,r2, & rM]
order for a router to forward it. We call this value the M
threshold utility ut. This threshold is the minimum subject to ∑ ri ≤ C
incremental utility value that a packet must have in
rί ≥ 0 for ί = 1,2, .. , M
order to be accepted by the router. Two constraints on
The MSS algorithm is used in QoS management
ut are that its value must be maintained at a level so
framework for admission control and resource
(a) it results in enough packets being accepted to fully
allocation aims to satisfy Eq. (1). When the allocation
utilize the link and (b) do not cause buffer overflow at
of resources via a microeconomic spot market is
the router. To determine a new threshold, we have
analyzed, the first derivative of each buyer’s utility
used a heuristic to determine a target value utgt such
function (in our case, utility as a function of
that the allocation associated with this utgt is less than
bandwidth allocated to a packet data traffic flow) is
the capacity of the link C. This is being done to reduce
determined in order to provide the individual demand
the probability of tail drops significantly. utgt is based
function of the user. That is, the quantity of the
on the average value of uί of all accepted packets and
resources a user would be willing to purchase at each
the maximum valued uί seen in the last two epochs.
price per unit. In the case of a fixed supply of
For more details on the threshold calculation please
communication channel capacity, the supply curve in
refer to Ref. [9]. For updating the threshold, this is the
the short run would be a vertical line. The intersection
pseudo-code and definitions:
of the market price with each of the individual
Current queue length Æ cur_qlen
demand curves of the user traffic flows determines
Maximum Link capacity Æ max_rate
Max Queue size Æ qlim how much bandwidth is allocated to each flow. In
50 End-to-End QoS Management Mechanism for Mobile Network

addition the utility functions which are considered by made to fi and the flows in the caller AR list. So, fi gets
the MSS algorithm are only of those users who have fi-er-alloc (bandwidth/sec), and the flows in
active session (i.e., calls). fi-erAR-re-flow-list get Σfi-erAR-re-flow-list-temp-
alloc = [temp-alloc-a + temp-alloc-b + temp-alloc-c
3. Proposal of QoS Mechanisms with
+ ...]).
(5) Same procedures are done for the flow fi at the
In this paper, we assume a network architectural callee AR. Flow fi gets fi-ee-alloc (bandwidth / sec),
model presented in Fig. 2. This network architectural and the flows in the list for callee AR
model comprises RAN (Radio Access Network) with (fi-eeAR-re-flow-list) get Σfi-eeAR-re-flow-list-temp
MNs (Mobile Nodes) and CN (Core Network) with -alloc= [temp-alloc-x + temp-alloc-y + temp-alloc-z
two main players: the QS (QoS Server) and the + ...].
MM(Mobility Manager) [13]. (6) QS calculates middle allocation for fi, this value
is called fi-mid-alloc which is the minimum of
3.1 QoS Management Mechanism
[fi-er-alloc, fi -ee-alloc].
The followings are the proposed a new adaptive (7) Now QS will detect if there is remaining
QoS management algorithm of the QS based on the un-utilized bandwidth in the ARs. This is done by
utility function : re-calculating the bandwidth of the other flows in
(1) QS receives resource allocation request from fi-erAR-re-flow-list similarly to the process above. The
caller or caller’s AR called erAR. calculation is done for the corresponding callee-AR of
(2) QS generates this new flow’s entry called fi every other flow in the list. And again a minimum is
which has the information of its caller’s access router selected for each flow. This is the last allocation for the
(fi-erAR), and callee’s access router (fi-eeAR). other flows in the caller AR. Resulting in last-alloc-a,
(3) From (2), QS generates a list of the existing flows last-alloc-b, last-alloc-c, .... Finally, QS sums up these
that need to be re-allocated due to fi’s joining. It is values [last-alloc-a + last-alloc-b + last-alloc-c + ...]
called fi-re-flow-list. This list is made of flows that are which can be expressed in Σfi-erAR-re-flow-list-
passing through the caller and callee ARs and that are last-alloc.
affected by fi joining. For example, fi-erAR-re-flow-list (8) In the similar manner, QS re-allocates each flow
(for example, it includes flow-a, flow-b, flow-c, ...) and in fi-eeAR-re-flow-list and results in
fi-eeAR-re-flow-list (for example, it includes flow-x, Σfi–eeAR-re-flow-list-last-alloc, which is the sum of
flow-y, flow-z, ...). [last-alloc-x + last-alloc-y + last-alloc-z + ...].
(4) By using the utility function based on MSS (9) Then the remaining bandwidth in caller side AR
algorithm described in 2.2.2, a temporary allocation is is fi-erAR-remain-bw = (fi -erAR-total-bw -
fi-mid-alloc - Σfi-erAR-re-flow-list-last-alloc).
RAN Manager (10) Similar, the remaining bandwidth in the callee
Core Network
MN AP1 side AR is calculated in the way as above and results in
Access Router A
fi -eeAR-remain-bw = (fi-eeAR-total-bw - fi-mid-alloc
AP2 Core Routers - Σfi –eeAR-re-flow-list-last-alloc).
Access Router B (11) Then the remaining bandwidth for caller AR
and callee AR for the flow fi is remain-bw = min [fi
Server -erAR-remain-bw, fi-eeAR-remain-bw ].
Fig. 2 Target network architecture model. (12) At last, as the result, the final allocation for fi
End-to-End QoS Management Mechanism for Mobile Network 51

is = [fi -mid-alloc + remain-bw]. be kept to a minimum. Specific signaling depends on

The algorithm takes into consideration the resources wireless access technologies.
over the air-links of the two ends of the call in RAN (3) Server signaling: Many entities in a network may
and performs a “local” allocation for the wireless link. need to communicate with each other. MM and QS
In addition, the algorithm treats the resources in CN as should communicate to enable handover. In this paper,
being “not over-provisioned” meaning that resources we use COPS (Common Open Policy Service)
need to be efficiently administered over every link signaling [15].
between the routers. (4) Control signaling: This signaling refers to layer 3
messages support call control and mobility
3.2 Mobility Management
management. Proxy MIP (Mobile IP) [16], SIP
In order for mobility management, MM uses (Session Initiation Protocol) [17] signaling may be
information (e.g., signaling strength) from MN and considered as candidate signaling. In this paper, we use
mobility profile (e.g., user location, frequency of user SIP in order to verify the feasibility of integration of
movement) as mobility triggers for handover. Such QoS and mobility management. We don’t extend it to
mobility triggers are used to initiate the resource MN as usual SIP operation does; this is done to allow
allocation at the AR. When a MN move from one AR the use of non-SIP capable legacy MN.
to another due to user’s mobility, resources must be
4.1 Call Setup
allocated for the MN in the new AR, and the already
allocated resources in the old AR should be released. Fig. 3 shows the call setup signaling and the entities
Moreover, in case if sufficient resources are not involved.
available at the new AR, the QS should be able to (1) MN1 sends Call Request to AR1 with application
adaptively adjust the level of service offered. ID. This Call Request message is functionally similar
Thus, MM needs to interact with QS to ensure the to SIP INVITE.
satisfied QoS for the MN located in the new AR. In this (2) AR1 responds with Wait Signal and forwards
perspective, integration of mobility management and MN1’s request to MM.
QoS mechanism is essential to provide the mobility to (3) MM finds the callee’s location (i.e., under AR2)
the user roaming from to ARs. and sends SIP INVITE to callee’s AR2.
(4) With the recognition of QoS call request and
4. Model System Description
confirming that the callee is attached to AR2, AR2
In this paper, we classify 4 classes of signaling answers with a reliable provisional response: 183
messages. Session Progress. At this time, AR2 doesn’t alert the
(1) Path signaling: These messages traverse the data caller until all the mandatory QoS preconditions in the
path of the flows, will be processed by routers in the answer are met later.
path from source to destination. We use proprietary (5) MM confirms the callee’s existence and then
version of RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol) sends MM SIP INVITE to caller’s AR1 with callee’s
[14] called RSVPLA (Resource Reservation Protocol location information (e.g., under AR2).
Light Approach) which is a light End-to-End (6) Same as (4), AR1 answers with a reliable
signaling. provisional response: 183 Session Progress. At the
(2) Access signaling: These message travels same time, with the callee’s location information
between the MN and the AR. As these signals use last written in received INVITE message, caller’s AR1
hop air-link, the frequency and size of messages must sends RSVPLA PATH message to callee’s AR2 to
52 End-to-End QoS Management Mechanism for Mobile Network


C a ll R e q u e s t

W a it S ig n a l C a ll R e q u e s t

1 8 3 S e s sio n P r o g re ss
1 8 3 S e s sio n P r o g re s s
2 0 0 O K (P R A C K )

2 0 0 O K (P R A C K )





C a ll R e q u e s t
2 0 0 O K (IN V IT E )
1 8 0 R in g in g
R in g in g
N O T IF Y (rin g in g )

R in g in g
C a ll R e sp o n se
2 0 0 O K (N O T IF Y )
2 0 0 O K (IN V IT E )

S e n d in g P e rm it
S e n d in g P e rm it


Fig. 3 Call setup signaling.

probe core network’s availability. This PATH message information, requested bandwidth, and core network’s
will be forwarded by CR (Core Router) and thus this Uth, and available bandwidth are listed in this message.
message collects each CR’s Utility Threshold (Uth) (11) QS checks its database for the utility function
based on SURF described in 2.2.1 and available associated with the caller and application ID and does
bandwidth. bandwidth allocation calculation for this session, and
(7) MM generates PRACK response to 183 to then send this allocation to caller’s AR1 and callee’s
caller’s AR1 and callee’s AR2. AR2 with COPS DEC message.
(8) Caller’s AR1 and callee’s AR2 send back 200OK (12) With this QoS notification, AR1 can answer the
to answer PRACK. early INVITE request with 200 OK to MM. Although
(9) AR2 receives RSVPLA message which records the QoS preconditions are met, AR1 doesn’t alert caller
CR’s highest Uth and lowest available BW (CN-a-BW) to send data packet at this time, since the session has
and sends these values in RSVPLA RESP message not been established yet.
back to AR1. (13) At the callee’s side, AR2 alerts callee MN2 with
(10) AR1 sends bandwidth request using COPS proprietary Call Request message and sends a
REQ message to QS. Caller, callee’s location provisional response (180 Ringing) to answer the early
End-to-End QoS Management Mechanism for Mobile Network 53

INVITE request from MM. 4.2 Call Hand Over

(14) MM may pass this information to AR1 and
When a MN moves from one AR to another,
MN1 by SIP NOTIFY message.
resources must be reserved for the MN in the new AR
(15) When MN2 picks up the phone, AR2 receives
and resources that were reserved in the old AR should
Call Response message from MN2 and answers
be released. If the network route changes due to HO
INVITE with the definitive response 200 OK to MM.
(Hand Over), resources in new network links that may
(16) At this time, MM receives two final responses
be used to reach the new AR need to be probed and
for the early two INVITE requests. It sends ACK to
released in old links.
both caller and callee.
Fig. 4 shows the HO signaling and the entities
(17) After receiving this ACK, ARs notice caller
involved. When a HO is about to occur, the MM
and callee with Sending Permit message. The final
initiates HO signaling based on inputs from the MN
allocated BW is listed. If necessary, ARs may do a
and/or ARs that the MN is adjacent to. In details, MM
re-allocation that block calls with lower utility
needs to setup another session with the moving node’s
new AR using SIP INVITE method and modify the
(18) After receiving Sending Permit, the caller and
established session with the corresponding node’s AR
callee begin to exchange data packets using notified
using SIP Re-INVITE method. After the new session
bandwidth for the communication.
setup, MM should close the old session using SIP BYE.



R e -R E G IS T E R

1 8 3 S e s s io n P r o g r e s s 1 8 3 S e s s io n P r o g r e s s


2 0 0 O K (P R A C K ) 2 0 0 O K (P R A C K )





2 0 0 O K (R e -IN V IT E )

2 0 0 O K (IN V IT E )

C a ll n o tify C a ll n o tify



2 0 0 O K (B Y E )

C O P S n o tify

Fig. 4 Hand over call signaling.

54 End-to-End QoS Management Mechanism for Mobile Network

MN1 MM QS MN17 threshold (Uth) of core routers is set to be zero where all
MN2 AR1 MN18 packets are passed through.
MN3 CR3 CR6 CR7 MN19
CR1 CR2 5.2 Simulations
MN4 MN20

CR4 AR5 For the non handover call simulation for simple
AR2 MN13 MN14 MN15 MN16 flows evaluation, MN1, 2, 3 and 4 under AR1 have
CR5 sessions with MN5, 9, 13, and 17 respectively. Flow1,
2, 3 and 4 have utility functions shown in Table 1
respectively. Flow1 in Fig. 6 enters the network at time
MN9 MN10 MN11 MN12
10s. As it is the only flow in the system, it is allocated
Fig. 5 Simulated network model system.
the entire AR1’s bandwidth. At time 20s, flow2 enters
In the lower end of the Fig. 4, we can observe that if the network. From MSS algorithm, flow1 and flow2
necessary other terminals in the target cell will have should be allocated by 2 units and this is shown in Fig.
re-allocated their resources or blocked; however this 6. Then at time 30s, with flow3’s join, the allocation
will depend on the utility function of the HO call. If the becomes f1:f2:f3 = 2:1:1. Finally after f4 enters, each
HO call has lower utility than other calls in the cell, flow has same bandwidth at receiver and this is the
then probably depending on operator policies, there allocation theoretically.
will be re-allocations only. If the HO session can’t be For the simulation for simple flows evaluation
setup successfully in the next cell (due to cell including handover, MN2, 6 and 8 have sessions with
congestion or other factors related to utility allocation), MN9, 10 and 14 respectively. Fig. 7 shows the
the call should be kept until the current radio access is receiving rate of the terminal when a handover takes
disconnected. When either caller or callee’s AR detects place. Utility value of Flow-big, between MN2 and
the session termination (how the AR detects that the MN9, Flow-small between MN6 and MN10, and
radio link is down is out of scope of this paper), it Flow-h (hand over), between MN8 and MN14 are
should notify MM by using SIP BYE. Then the MM
listed in Table 2. Flow-h starts its call at 30 sec and
uses the same method to notify the AR of the other
MN8 starts to move toward to new-AR (AR3) at 40 sec.
calling party. Whenever the AR receives SIP BYE, it
Before Flow-h enters to AR3, there are two flows in
should notify QS to update its bandwidth database.
AR3, our algorithm will therefore allocate 2 units of
5. Evaluations bandwidth to each flow (Flow-big and Flow-small).
Once a new terminal, with an additional utility function
5.1 Simulation Conditions
joins an area controlled by a AR, there is a need to
We have used the NS2 simulator for our simulations re-allocate the existing resources among the users in
with the topology shown in Fig. 5. We have the cell according to the values that the users have
implemented call setup and hand over signaling with contracted. Hence when Flow-h enters the area of AR3,
the proposed QoS management algorithm. Each access
Table 1 Utility values for flows.
router has 4 units of bandwidth to administrate (1 unit =
Flow 1U 2U 3U 4U
40 kbps) and the data flows use RTP packets. The Flow1 0.9 0.3 0.15 0.1
results in the following graphs show the results in Flow2 0.8 0.25 0.14 0.1
bandwidth when there are non handover and handover Flow3 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.1
in different conditions. In this simulation, the utility Flow4 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.1
End-to-End QoS Management Mechanism for Mobile Network 55

Fig. 6 Simple flows evaluation.

Fig. 7 Simple flows evaluation including hand over.

Table 2 Utility values for flows. For more complicated simulation including
Flow 1U 2U 3U 4U handover, Fig. 8 shows cases in which there are 8
Flow_big 0.7 0.5 0.14 0.1 sessions simultaneously running, while one flow (flow
Flow_small 0.45 0.3 0.14 0.1
6) makes a handover. The different flows utilized one
Flow_handover 0.5 0.4 0.14 0.1
of the utility functions listed in Table 3. Regarding
the allocation becomes Flow-big : Flow-h:Flow-small flow 1 to flow 4, they are the same as Fig. 6 and flow5,
= 2 : 1 : 1 units. The reason for this allocation is that in flow 6, flow 7 and flow8 are from MN6 to MN10,
this case Flow-big has higher utility than Flow-h and from MN8 to MN14, from MN11 to MN18 and from
therefore it is not affected by Flow-h joining the cell. MN15 to MN19 respectively. In this simulation, MN8
On the other side, Flow-small has lower utility than will move from AR2 to AR3 so that at AR3
Flow-h and therefore one unit is re-allocated to Flow-h. bandwidth will be reallocated. From this result we can
56 End-to-End QoS Management Mechanism for Mobile Network

Fig. 8 Multiple flows evaluation for hand over.

Table 3 Utility values for flows.

5.3 Analysis of Simulation Results
Flow 1U 2U 3U 4U
Flow1 0.9 0.3 0.15 0.1 Through the simulations, we have analyzed the facts
Flow2 0.8 0.25 0.14 0.1
from the results as below.
Flow3 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.1
Flow4 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.1
(1) We have confirmed that the allocation in the
Flow5 0.6 0.52 0.14 0.1 simulation is equal to the allocation calculated in
Flow6* 0.45 0.3 0.14 0.1 theoretically. Actually the algorithm and sequences
Flow7 0.4 0.25 0.14 0.1 were implemented in this simulation and it is
Flow8 0.24 0.15 0.14 0.1
confirmed that allocation in Fig. 6 is equal to the
confirm that the final allocation done by our algorithm allocation calculated theoretically. It is also confirmed
shown in Fig. 8 is equal to the allocation calculated that the allocation in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 is equal to the
theoretically. We can observe that due to its utility theoretical allocation in handover.
being higher than the threshold, this bandwidth is not (2) Normally, when the bandwidth is fully utilized
degraded and stays constant after the hand over (flow (i.e., congested), the new service request (i.e., new call)
6). From the simulation results of Fig. 6, Fig. 7 and Fig. is rejected and in case of handover, the flow is
8, it is also clear that the End-to-End delay related to suspended (i.e., mobility service is suspended). By this
allocation sequences is very low. method, however, since the priority control can be
This results validates the basic concept we are ought managed by handling the value of the utility functions,
to prove, that is, if a user with a higher utility value, the new service can be prioritized even in the congested
joins a group of users which have lower utility values, situation including handover cases. That is, from the
the allocation of resources is distributed fairly among user’s viewpoint, the users’ satisfaction will be
the users. Fair here means that the ones that pay more increased even in the congested or handover situation
for resources, receive more that those who pay less by this mechanism.
achieving a higher quality of experience. This is the (3) From the operator’s viewpoint, the revenue of
main value of utilizing the utility functions as tool for operators will be increased by using this method.
resource allocation. Actually by this method it is confirmed that the
End-to-End QoS Management Mechanism for Mobile Network 57

bandwidth can be utilized at maximum. If service price function for each flow, we assume two ways. The first
is linked to the value of the utility function, the user is the mobile operators may define utility functions for
will pay more payment so that the operators can obtain flows and save the information in QoS server, the
more revenue and profit. second is the mobile users may select a utility function
(4) We can expect that the situation for some heavy for a flow and send this information to QoS server by
users to dominate the resources will be avoided by using signaling.
managing utility functions. In case that there are heavy (2) In case the incremental value of user’s utility
traffic users whose incremental value of utility function is not high, and a new flow, where it’s
functions is not high, in the congested traffic incremental value of utility function is higher, is
environment, the heavy traffic users are affected by generated, the existing service may be suspended based
users whose incremental value of utility functions is on the proposed mechanism. To avoid such case, our
higher so that it can avoid for heavy users, whose mechanism can be modified slightly so as to whole
incremental value of utility functions is lower, to existing services should be guaranteed with some
dominate the resources in the congested traffic minimum bandwidth.
environment. It means that we can control this (3) Not only aspect of bandwidth allocation, but
mechanism to be applied to some limited users, not to other QoS metrics such as the delay or jitter can be
all users. studied in the next step.

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