Case Studies Worksheet

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Name RITIK RANA Date 4/10/21 Situation 1


Use this worksheet to evaluate each case study. Use one worksheet for each case study.

1. Identify the problem.

Answer -Suzy wants to be slim and fit just like her friends

2. What are the person’s choices?

Answer -Everyone is beautiful just the way he/she are but still she can Stop eating junk food
and start something healthy, do workout , read a book of high self esteem

3. Gather information: What information should the person gather that would be helpful to
know before making a decision?

Answer -What are side effects of eating junk food for long time
What exercises will good for weight control
Benefits of eating healthy food

4. Consider the outcome. What would be the results of the decision?

Answer -Good shape

A healthy body
High confidence

5. Make the decision. What should the person do?

Answer -She should start eating good food and hit gym

6. Evaluate your decision. Why do you think this is the best decision possible?

Answer-Instead of starving herself to death she can achieve her goals in better and healthy
way and healthy food , exercise high self confidence will help her in long run
Situation - 2
1. Identify the problem.

Answer- he does not know how to spend his money wisely

2. What are the person’s choices?

Answer- buy cheap clothes
Save more money to buy those clothes or change his job

3. Gather information: What information should the person gather that would be helpful
to know before making a decision?

Answer – look for discounts

Search for place where they sell cheaper cloth
Effective use of money

4. Consider the outcome. What would be the results of the decision?

Answer- less money wastage

More clothes

5. Make the decision. What should the person do?

Answer- save money for better future and buy cheaper clothes

7. Evaluate your decision. Why do you think this is the best decision possible

Answer- if he save more money he can buy more clothes or his fav. Ones
Situation -3

1. Identify the problem

Answer- she ruins her friend designer jeans

2. What are the person’s choices?

Answer- tell her parents and her friend that she ruins the jeans by mistake
Try to fix
Buy her new one

3. Gather information: What information should the person gather that would be
helpful to know before making a decision?

Answer- how to sew jeans

Think about how to tell her parents and her friend
How to buy new jeans

4. Consider the outcome. What would be the results of the decision?

Answer- she can loose her friendship

She could be forced to do job
Punishment from parents

5. Make the decision. What should the person do?

Answer- tell her parents and her friend and get a job

6. Evaluate your decision. Why do you think this is the best decision possible?
Answer- by doing this she can save her parents money and possibly save her friendship too
But she can be punished


1. Identify the problem.

Answer- Steve wants to quit piano lessons\

2. What are the person’s choices?

Answer- stop playing piano

Talk to her mom about quitting piano lessons

3. Gather information: What information should the person gather that would be
helpful to know before making a decision?

Answer- is learning piano good

Why her mom wants him to learn piano
Other activities to do

4. Consider the outcome. What would be the results of the decision?

Answer-quit piano lessons

Agreement with mom
Do another activity
5. Make the decision. What should the person do?

Answers- talk to her mom about it

6. Evaluate your decision. Why do you think this is the best decision possible?

Answer- if her mom agree maybe he can learn another activity with or without going to piano

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