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Call for Expression of Interest for

development of billing software

Department: Kudumbashree

Kudumbashree is the poverty eradication and women empowerment programme implemented by the State
Poverty Eradication Mission (SPEM) of the Government of Kerala. “Janakeeya Hotel” is an initiative by
Kudumbashree in association with LSGIs for providing affordable food for the public. Kudumbashree has
rolled out more than 450 such hotels across the state as of now and has plans to increase the number of
hotels to 1000.

The purpose of the EOI is to identify startup for development of a billing and inventory management
software for the Janakeeya Hotels of Kudumbashree.

Scope of work

● Bill generation for customers

● Inventory management - subsidized / non subsidized
● Food item wise inventory management and control
● Daily, weekly and monthly reports
● Projection of sales made by each hotel ( expected v/s actual)
● Break even analysis of each hotel using the data entered from Districts.
● LSG wise, District wise and State Wise monitoring of Janakeeya Hotels
● Integration with existing POS machine
● Provision to onboard food delivery partners (Swiggy, Zomato etc..) ( may be consider in Future)

Requirements in Detail

Kudumbashree Janakeeya Hotels

As part of “ Hunger Free Kerala “ project , Hon’ Finance Minister, Govt of Kerala, during his budget speech
2020 -21, has declared to form 1000 budget hotels, across the state in association with Local Self
Government Institutions. These budget hotels (also known as “Kudumbashree Janakeeya Hotels”) will
provide good quality, healthy meals to public at Rs.20/- . This project has become very helpful to people
who lives with marginal income, (Such as daily wage workers, labourers, lottery agents etc.). This project
will be implemented through Kudumbashree members who have prior experience in canteen /catering
sector and those completed training in relevant sector through kudumbashree. Kudumbashree will provide
financial support in terms of subsidy and also for initial setting up of hotels. Other support in terms of
revolving fund, building, and utility bills will be provided free of cost through Local Self Government
As of today kudumbashree has been able to start 448 Janakeeya hotels across the state, which has become
a livelihood for 1692 Kudumbashree members.

Hierarchy of users

The above diagram shows the hierarchy of users and the privileges required.
Each user shall be given the right to access the report based on their user roles.

State admin
- Shall have the overall control over the application with right to add/ remove any users and having
complete access.

District admin
- Shall have the privilege to edit hotel details under each district
- Access to reports LSG wise and hotel wise in the respective district.

Block Level Admin

- Shall have the privilege to edit hotel details under each district
- Access to reports LSG wise and hotel wise in the respective district.
- Get daily reports on billing and inventory usage.
Community Development Societies Admin
- Access to reports LSG wise and hotel wise in the respective district.
- Get daily reports on billing and inventory usage.
Hotel admin
- Shall assign users within Hotel
- Manage billing module, menu module, stock and inventory management.
- Get daily reports on billing and inventory usage.
- Add photos

Billing module
The billing module shall enable assigned users to generate bills on demand based on the customisation
required for each hotel.

Inventory management module

● The Janakeeya hotels under Kudumbashree are provided with subsidies for selected food items
from the Government on a monthly basis,.

● The inventory of each hotel gets updated daily, weekly and monthly. This update shall be given
as a user access within the hotel.
● While adding inventory the item has to be marked whether it comes under the subsidised category
or not.

● For each menu item added the amount of estimated consumption of the food item needs to be
specified. For example if 1 lunch being served 200 grams of rice is consumed. Since rice comes
under the subsidised food category it has get reflected and need to be reduced from the overall stock

Module for public

The portal shall have a page (responsive) with a list of Janakeeya hotels in every district with contact
details that can be searched district wise. Provision shall also be given for a public to submit feedback
(through mobile phone) to each hotel based on their experience at the hotel.

Reports module

The module shall provide access to reports as per the user hierarchy which comprises of Analysis of sales
and expenditure hotel wise, LSG wise, District wise and State as a whole in clear Graphical representation.
The system shall also give insight to expected sales and eventually give analytics based on expected sales
v/s the actual sales (Month wise). The software should analyze the data and help in identifying the
breakeven point of each hotel.

The EOI process

Kerala Startup Mission is approached by various Government Departments for the development of mobile
and web applications. These requests are met through a facilitation devised by KSUM. Kerala Startup
Mission facilitate the entire process by helping departments to finalise technical specifications, circulating
the same among startups, initial technical assessment and short listing for the committee to make final

Following are the steps involved:

1. Call for Expression of Interest among startups incubated/registered with KSUM
2. Submission of EOI (in the link provided by KSUM)
3. KSUM to organize interaction with Department for clarifying doubts and queries of interested startups.
4. Following the meeting the interested startups are requested Technical Proposals have to be submitted to
5. Startups who qualify the Technical Proposals are then asked to submit the Financial Proposals
6. Technical proposals are then evaluated.
Technical Evaluation parameters**:

Product Description 10

Understanding of
requirements by the vendor 20

Company's experience in
developing software similar
to vendor requirements 20
Technology Proposed 10
Attitude and flexibility 10
Timeline proposed for
development 10
Project Management 10
After sales support 10
**The evaluation parameters may change based on department requirements.

7. Those bidders scored with 70% marks in Technical evaluation will be considered for final selection and
L1 among these startups will be recommended to the department.
8. KSUM ensures that the startup delivers the product to the Department and Department is satisfied with
the work.
9. The payment is made directly by the department to the startup after signing an agreement and based on
the conditions as stipulated in the GO

Eligibility for Startup to participate in the EOI

The startup has to be registered with Kerala Startup Mission and Startup India (DPIIT)

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