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APOULO eae in SECOND EDITION * WORKBOOK Unit 1 Extreme Weather..... Bee. eet eee eer re Unit 2 Copycat Animals......... 6 . 14 Unit 3. Music in Our World... Ghtkcoctra nage a 26 Units 1-3 Review... peter 38 Unit 4 Life Out There........ ard Unit S Arts Lost and Found .. pene Eee 54 Wake G6) Amazing Clanton eee eee een OO Units 4-6 Review. ce ae 78 CUT Pl teres crmchon cn cuounaccrcioe rasa sosoucuuuakon apapuoreck Unit 8 Reduce, Reuse, REEVE... eecereseeseeeereeeeeres 194 Unit 9 Wonderful Holidays! oo... eee cece eeeete es ee rere reese: 106, Units 7-9 Review. ue Additional Activities and GaMeS............csccccssseseeseseseseseeneees ABZ NATIONAL A GEOGRAPHIC A LEARNING APOLLO ran eno Srgspore Une Wings ed Sates ENGLISH Unit 1 Extreme Weather VOCABULARY 1 © Read and write. Do the extreme puzzle. rite the words, Across 3. 2 Unit! Abad storm with very fast, dangerous winds . Go up |. How fast somerhing travels . Too little rain . Go down A storm with strong inds that spir fast Down L 2 4 5. ‘Aloud noise from a storm Can make night look like day From low to high or high to low AA storm with a lot of snow and strong winds, A rainstorm can change into this when it is very cold 7. Strong winds blowing in a desert Very hot for many days A storm with heavy rain and fast winds . Too much water © iisten ana ‘le. Listen for the puzzle words. Circle them in the puzzle in Activity 1.mmeaa Put the letters in order to make words. 1. egnar Beotpd cas aeaueecet 3. ughdrot 4. natdoor 5, dazibr: —___ 6. tansmords Read and write. Use the words from Activity 3 to complete the sentences. 1. The water in the lake was low because of the 2. The winds from the ________ lifted a car and moved it 30 metres (98 feet)! 3. If there is a in the temperature, 1 will need to wear a coat. 4, When itis windy in a desert, there can be a ___ 5. What was the ____of temperatures today, from lowest to highest? 6. In a really bad , all you can see is white! 6 Usten and write. Use verses from the song.1r:.2 ‘There's bad weather on the way! ‘There's going to be a storm. ‘There's bad weather on the way! tim going to go inside! Is it going to rain? Yes, itis Be prepared for emergencies. Is there going tobe a storm? Yes, there is!___It's always good to be safe, youl see! Is there going to be thunder and lightning? Get supplies and a torch, too. Yes, ther Seek shelter. I's a safe thing to do! © write a new verse for the song. lf Are se caneneteesaaaeeaaneett Veg ‘ A eee Is/Are__ 2h yes 4 Unitt GRAMMAR 1 Future predictions and plans with be going to its snow | tomorrow. Ym | goingto | stay _| athome with my mum. (Were [watch [a film. (Question i) Yes, tis ts [it snow te going to tomorrow? | No, itisn’t. What [are | you do {im going to stay at home, Use be going to to talk about the future. 6 Write, What are they going to do on a rainy Saturday? |. Mario /walk to the park Mario's going to walk to the park. 2, Pedro /read newspaper 3. 1) write /story 4, Marta and Carla/listen radio 5, Pablo/ sleep — © rite. answer the questions using the words in brackets. 1. What's the weather going to be like tomorrow? (hailstorm) ‘Tomorrow there's going to be a hailstorm. 2. What's going to happen if trains For another day? (flood) 3. What are you going to do when there i a drought? (water) 4, When she sees lightning, what is she going to hear? (thunder) 5. Its going to snow. What is he going to do? (boots) VOCABULARY 2 © reas and tick. Petes BEN meu cL 1, There's a hurricane and the streets are flooding. | 2. The winds are strong and trees are falling down, 3, Get fresh water and other supplies. 4, room under a house. You can go there ‘during a hurricane. 5, Have a torch with you at all times. © comptete the sentences. Use the words in the box. Some words may be used more than once, (emergency evacoatepan sheer suppies torch) 1. 1'm going to take -his torch _with me to afn) shelter _ 2. You need a(n) ___ so that you know when to —__. 3. In a(n) ___, you will need like food and water. 4. This is a(n) Everyone must ___ to an) 5. My {8 to keep a(n) ___ with my ak a = 6 Unitl GRAMMAR 2 Zero conditional (present tense) 2 | Coe i |i is sunny, | 1 wear | ahat. 1 | don'tsteep | enough, tired in the morning. ‘These two sentences mean the same thing. In the first sentence, natice the comma. If it snows, schoo! closes early. ‘School closes early if it snows. © write what you can see. 1. If she sees a stop sign, 2. - Ihe sees that itis 3. she stops her bike. raining, we wait at the bus stop. © usten and readiness Changes In Weather ‘We've always had extreme weather, But do you know that there is more extreme weather now than in the past? According to many scientists, this change started when people started to burn coal, oll and gas. The average temperature on Earth is rising. Some droughts are longer and hotter. More of the ice on ‘mountains melts faster. If this water goes to the sea, the sea level rises. Different places heve got different changes weather. Some places hrave got less rain. Other places hhave got more rain and floods. in most places, there are more storms. Storms are stronger, too, The warmer sea ‘temperatures make hurricanes stronger Weather change isa fact. But we can do something about it. For example, we can make factories and cars mote efficient. That way, we can burn less coal, oil and gas. We can also. build stronger houses in safer areas. We can use less energy. ‘There are also some practical things that everyone can do to be prepared for more extreme weather, People should have a plan and supplies for emergencies. People who live in areas that can flooc or in hurricane areas should evacuate in an emergency. The oldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -97.7°C (144°F) on an ce sheet deep in the middle of Antarctica. © circle the best answer. 1. When the weather gets warmer, ice on mountains melts faster b. the seas rise. c. both a and b. 2. To slow down changes in weather, we can 2. build stronger houses. b. burn less coal, oil and gas. both a and b. 3, Hurricanes are stronger because a, the sea water is warmer. . droughts are longer and hotter. ¢. people don't evacuate their houses. © sarite what you tearnt from the text. Then work with a partner. Compare your answers. (What did you know? { What did you learn? | (What do you want to know? WRITING © reas safe, not sorry!in your Student’s Book. How did the writer plan her writing? Read the steps. |. The writer chose something that happened. 2, Next, the writer wrote things that happened in the order they happened. 3. Then the writer wrote about her feelings about the things that happened. twas scary, Everyone was wertied lam so happy we had a family plan. 4. Next, the writer added descriptions of how she lived the experience through her senses. In the table below, see the sense words used. Notice that the writer didn't write about all of her senses. You can write about all or anly some senses. atwge tee | weather forecaster heawy wood wood overthe strong winds | es heavy rin | loud cash | | 5. Next, the writer wrote @ first sentence to say what the narrative was about. Ifa hurricane comes, we know what to do. 6. Then the writer wrote what happened in order. She included information about what she sav, what she heard and how she felt. 1. Finally, the writer wrote a sentence to close the narrative. Hopefully, there isn't going to be a hurricane for a while 10 Unit! © Pian to write about your extreme weather experience. Answer the questions and complete the table. 1. What extreme weather experience will you write about? 2. What feelings will you write about? a coc Touch acc oor © oliow the steps in Activity 2. in your notebook, write your narrative about an extreme weather experience. © xpress yoursett. Pian to write about something that happened to you Choose one of the items below. Then complete the table, Oarappy thing — Qhascary thing CO) beaut thing CI mene Pech es ST Sanaa Roe Cu Pires Remar © wirite each thing that happened. Put the events in order. fom eee stim ee sae eee 2. eee ee a © Wirite your personal narrative in your notebook. UNIT 1 REVIEW © ead. draw lines to match. 1. very, very cold rain a. drought 2. winds that spin b. thunder 3. very hot for a Tong time «hailstorm 4. high winds ina desert 4. sandstorm 5. very hot and dry for a Tong time «. tornado 6. loud noise heatwave © Write the temperature change. MbW mh £ sau M&W e sau MW mE sasu Ap seeaeeec ens, paeceauamencesa ee 35 eee ss 30 30 302 ot? za 2 25 2 a 20 La in temperature 2.a____in temperature 3. a of temperatures 6 Write true sentences. 1. After you see thunder, you may hear lightning. ‘After you see lightning, you may hear thunder. 2. Alot of rain after ¢ flood can cause a drought. 3. It.can be very hot during a blizzard or a hailstorm, 4. The wind speed is slow in a tropical storm. © eae. work with partner. Student 1, go to page 122, Student 2, go to page 124. 12. Uniti © isten. Tick T for True or F for False. m1 1. Xavier puts his winter coat on if t snows. 2.1F there isa blizzard, Xavier goes to visit his aunt, 3. Ifa storm is coming, Berta listens to the radio. 4, Xavier never watches the news on TV. Q009 ©O09 © rite what the weather is going to be like, Then explain what you normally do in that weather. Ws going to rain. 1 trains, Lalways stay at home © reas. draw_ines to match, 1. I there i lightning, 2. If the temperature drops and rises, 3. a tropical storm comes, 4 If the wind speed is 120 kilometres per hour (74 miles), IF it’s hot for two weeks, 6. If a hailstorm comes, a b. itis a heatwave, 4d. itis a hurricane. e the temperature drops. . there is also thunder. . there is a range of temperatures. will bring rain and high winds. B Unit 2 Copycat Animals ‘ind and circle. Hidden words are down and across. WEFTeforr este Te[TTU[CTAT XTC] ( comoutoge posonous ) wfRfefolrle(nfalnfe|ciulul ifr : { Chofetrferstifetatefefo[wfope] | Smcterities predator | Alolwlalelelale[ri[elolalrlo[r copies prey | mfrfotcfefetn[rfalwlalwit] vr] | tighten resemble | ofwfetali{ctstulctefelol [vie] | ae ae ufefol im, trfatttetstytpxta Fivigi/oljtjel|si|kle/RiPlojelolr hunt spots tis|Rielcis|miulrR{Plo|t}K[R| €| | imitates alti kfaleluleti [fel t[k[u[HIN] | insect | cfotsttial fetelstolstitrfefal — aay) e{cfo[xfe| [ifetr{ulalv[r fez o[nfols|yfxtrloli}sfofnfoluls alelm[Rpololuletcfate|y{ilzfu z[atmatetctetetstelmtelele[x e Read and write. Use words from the puzzle. 1, It's hard to see some animals because of the marks on their bodies. The —__ fon some animals can be used as 2. MAn ___uses camouflage so it doesn't frighten its when it’s time to hunt, 3. Some animals use colour so that other animals can't se them. An ____ that is green can___ ona leaf. 1% Unit2 © hiateh. Make logical sentences, 1. Some insects have got characteristics 2. A frog has got two spots on its back 3. The tiger has got stripes on its body 4, Predators try not to be seen ‘when they hunt prey a. that imitate eyes. b. that can run or hide when frightened. . that help to camouflage it in a jungle. 4d. that resemble other poisonous insects. © uisten for the puzzle words. write the matching words under the photos. Insect plants butterfly / characteristic black widow spider / species e Make sentences. Use at least two of these words in each sentence, (camouflage characteristics copy frighten hunt imitate poisonous resemble ) 5 SONG © Listen and write. choose sentences from the song for each picture.rm:22 1, Predators are everywhere and looking for a feast! ae 2 arises ee 6 Listen to the song again and answer. Choose words from the song. 1. What do a frog’s siripes tell its enemies? 2. Why do animals do amazing things? 3. What must the predator and prey do each and every day? 4. What do animals do to hide in front of our eyes? 16 Unit GRAMMAR 1 Comparisons with as... as (Thestipedtog [| _ [patonos [The edbutterty | ist | *© | prety the spotted snake. ‘the blue one. a... as = The two things are the same, ‘not as .. 5 = The two things are different. 6 Complete the sentences. ( clever dangerous fast green soft ) 1. A predator must be 48 fast 45__its prey. 2, Some insects can be __ the colour of a leaf. 3. The bite of a spider can be the bite of a snake. 4, The fur of a fox is —___ a cat's fur. 5, 1 think a wolf is a dog. © rite comparisons. 1. a duck’s walk / funny / a turtle’s walk ‘A duck’s walk is as funny as a turtle’s walk, 2. an alpaca’s wool / soft / a sheep's wool 3. a jaguar / dangerous / a tiger 4, a predator / can be / camouflaged | its prey 5. a bee sting painful J a wasp sting VOCABULARY 2 © compete the sentences. Some words may be used more than once, attack avoid confuse defend escape) 1. A bird goes underwater to 2. A zebra moves its head to —__ an attacking predator. the kick of another zebra. 3. Lions ___ buffalo. 4, Apenguin tums to___its nest from a seal 5. Fish swim in a circle around a hungry 6. A baby deer hides in the grass to seal to See _—_____ predators. 18 Unit2 GRAMMAR 2 Question tags ‘timative Neestve Weenie Atmative Thala [ie [urfomeet eres a] or | [testeet five 0 [pase [leg enquns [are ties, [arnt | meyt | [You [arent _[atot cos [are [yout ‘That snake | was | a cobra, wasn't | it? Thatsnake wasn't |dangerous, —|was |it? ‘nosaus | were [vertex [werent | hey? | [Those [werent [eons [were [her [EEE ee S| Yo af est | mest | dee] est] [Yanee ou fetter fee [ae et Amongcoe [eats |sries, [doesnt [n? | [Aatafe [docmecat|nest, [does |i? Thetens [ate [thet [art [theyt) Tetons [aartent [iets [a [mer ere Thelin endngee i? ‘emai Dds rete? © Read and write. 1. The colours are beautiful, 2. The spots on the wings look like eyes, 3. That butterfly doesn't taste bad to predators, 2 4, Well, I'm not going to find out myself, —__? 5. That’ a better way of finding the answer to my question, 2 © usten and say. wite the question. m2 is it 2 ? Aaa ee sca 4. -- 5? 6. 7 ieee 8 ts 6 Usten. Check your answers to Activity 2.124 READING Ne ; 6 Listen and read. m2 Why Do Mockingbirds Copy? Mockingbirds live in North and South America. They ate good copycats. They imitate other birds. But they can also imitate 5 other animals. They can even make sounds that resemble a piano or 2 car alarm. Mockingbitds learn to sing many songs. Some learn more than 200 diferent songs. They can often trick people, but they can't trick other birds. If mockingbirds can't trick other birds, why do they copy sounds? They do it to attract, and avoid other birds ‘Male mockingbirds are loud singers and they sing many songs. They always sing ‘when they want to meet females. A male bird can sing most of the day and night. The singing attracts females, but it also keeps away other males. The longer a mockingbird , the more songsit knows. To show this characteristic, the male mockingbird sings all the songs it knows, female mockingbird is attracted to @ male who has lived along time. Mockingbirds usually sing short songs. They sing each song several times. Then they ‘move to the next song. Female mockinghirds sing softly and less often than males. They usually sing from their nests in winter to keep away other birds. When another bird comes near, the mockingbird makes @ loud noise to frighten it t's amazing that the mockingbird can copy so many songs of other birds. Some songs ate not easy to learn. The mockingbird mus listen well to imitate the sounds. But a ‘mockingbird has also got good eyes and a good memory. When a person comes near its nest, the mockingbiré remembers that person. It knows that person's face after many years! © Tick t for True or F for False. 1. The female mockingbird sings more often than the male. @® © 2. When a mockingbird imitates, it often tricks other birds. ©0O 3. The female mockingbird sings to attract the male. © 4, Mockingbirds can remember human beings. @® 20 Unit 2 © Tick what you learnt from the text. Den) free on aon 1. ven South America 2, Imitate other birds 3. Are loud singers 4, Always sing many songs 5. Sing to attract 6, Sing to keep other birds away oe Write. List the facts that you know about the lives of mockingbirds. Use the text in Activity 1 and the table in Activity 3. Male mockingbirds Male and Female Female mockingbirds © waite. answer the questions in your notebook. 1. What is the most interesting fact you learnt about mockingbirds? 2. What other animals can imitate sounds? a WRITING 6 Read Animals that imitate in your Student's Book. How did the writer plan? Reac the steps. 1. The writer chose a type of animal. The writer chose copycat animals. 2. Next, the writer described the characteristics. Some species copy the appearance or the sound of another animal. 3. Then, the writer wrote about specific animals and described how they copy other animals, 4. Then, the writer wrote a first sentence that says what the writing is about. Some animals copy other animals to avoid attack. The viceroy and monarch butterflies resemble ‘each other. The ash borer moth looks like a wasp. Termites make a hissing sound, like a snake. A dormouse does the same thing, How they look How they sound The ash borer moth hasn't gat a stinger like canlean't do ai iter they canon a Wasp, so it can't sting. 5. Next, the writer wrote about the characteristics of these types of animals. 6. Finally, the writer wrote sentences about specific animals. To show how these animals belong to a group, the writer used words such as both, like and but Imitate the appearance Imitate the sound 22 Unit2 © Pian to write about animals that have got some of the same characteristics. Make notes. 1. Choose a type of animal all the animals share. Is it how they look? 1s it how they 2. Describe the character sound? Is it what they can do? 6 Complete the table. Write the kind of characteristics you chose in the first column, Write the way the animals share each characteristic in the second column. How they look The animals resemble each other. 6 Now follow steps 1-6 in Activity 1 to write your paragraphs in your notebook. © wirite. choose one of the topics below and write two or three paragraphs, using classification. Plan your writing and follow the steps in Activity 1. Write in your notebook. + cats and dogs apples and oranges + pens and pencils 23 UNIT 2 REVIEW © bo the puzzle. write the words. Find the hidden word, camouflage charceteristics copies 7 frighten. hide hunt imitates 7 insect poisonous predator prey |_ resembles species spots stripes Hidden word: 1. To a hungry lion, an antelope is __. 2. One butterfly species the colour of another species that tastes bad. 3. This animal is often green or brown and is prey for birds. 4, ___ are round shapes on skin or fur that help camouflage an animal. 5, An animal uses __ to make it hard to see. 6. Allion walks quietly so that it doesn’t its prey. 7. This type of animal attacks and eats other animals, 8. An owl uses its serses to for mice. ‘9, ___ are long marks on animals, © asic and answer. Work with a partner. Student 1, go to page 122. Student 2, go to page 124. 24 Unit2 © compiete the sentences. clear sharp slippery sweet tall } 1. A frog is 28 slippery 48 snake, isn't it 2. The water in some lakes is ________glass, 3. He likes fruit that is sugar, 4, Your sister is______ my sister, ___? 5, The teeth of a shark can be —____a knife, © pur the words in order and add a question tag. 1. some actors are { famous | the films they make ‘Some actors are as famous as the films they make, aren't they? 2. his idea is { good / hers 3. earache is | bad / a headache 4, comic books are / fun to read J any book 5. that blizzard was | cold / a hailstorm 25 Unit 3 Music in Our World VOCABULARY 1 © ook ans tisten. write the words that you hear reas { band beat chords concert. drum flute guitar ead singer (melody note perform piano practise rhythm saxophone violin. practise ‘lute mo 26 unit3 e Put the letters in order to make words. So you want to start a band? If you're a good singer, you could be the dlae nreysi — You'll also need someone who plays the msurd to make the thae ___ for the music. To make the mythhr ‘you'll need someone who can play srodch on the rtaugi________. The entso______of the yoldme __ can be played on the opnai the hoopnrase or the oliin ____. You'll need to tarpesie a lot if you want the music to sound great. One day you might be good enough to rorpfem ___at a ecctnor. © Read the words in the box. Write them in the correct column, sr melody note piano saxophone violin) ee ee = © undertine the best answer. 1. play an instrument for others to hear (perform / practise) (beat chord drum flute g 2. play an instrument to get better at it (perform / practise) 3. a thing used to make music (lead singer / instrument) 4, a person who uses their voice to make music (lead singer / instrument) 1. Have you ever listened to Yes, Ihave. / No, Ihaven't. 2. Have you ever listened to 3. 1ean hear the 4, Have you ever played a 5, Have you ever played a 6. Have you ever played a ten to the song. Answer the questions in order. rr:3.2 hip-hop ? © Read and write. write new verses for the sone. Listen to the rhythm, Listen to that band! Sing the notes and clap your hands. ‘The flute is playing, The piano is, too, 1 can hear the guitar. Can you? 28 Unit3 Listen to the Listen to that ___ ‘Sing the and The is playing. The is, too, 1 can hear the Can you? Present perfect with ever and never stion ‘Answer |Yes. Ihave, the Yes, 've played it many times. Have | you Biaved|| cr al NE LGR ha No, I've never played the piano. ever = Yes, she has. , toa Yes, she’s been to a concert once. ae ae Hess een concert? |No, she hasn't. pergt = hes No, she's never been to a concert, 4) ‘once = one time never = at no time in the past 8 Read and write. 1, Have we ever been there? No, we have never been there _ — 2, __________ No, she has never listened to a flute. 3 aeseren No, he has never played a chord on the gui-ar. 4, No, Ihave never been to a concert. 5. Have they ever practised together? No, e Read and write. Write your own sentences. 1. This is the first time my teacher 2. Its the only time 1 3. That's the first time my friends 4, This is the only time my brother © write three questions beginning with Have you ever..? Then work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. Have you ever writen No, have never written song before? song before 24 VOCABULARY 2 © cook and match. write the name ofthe type of music. Then write the names of performers you know in each column, ssa Cg Td ca © ussten. Number the music styles in the order you hear them. maa Ochssica — Qrip-hop —Qiaze— Qpop rock 30 Unit3 Comparative adverbs (sre [ns taster = aa he sings better" 25 plays beautifully thai He [practises | ™** [often qu runs (fast | She [sings well as as |Ido. he (laws beautifully practises often Irregular forms: well— better (than) badly —» worse (than) With often you can use more or less: He practises more often / less often than | do © comptete the sentences. 1. He can perform ___ the other musicians if he practises. (=, well) 2. She plays classical musie ______ pop music. (-, often) 3. He plays the violin___he plays other string instruments. (+, well) 4, He moves his right hand _____ hi left hand. (+, fast) 5. [play the guitar_______1 play the drums. (, frequently) e Read and write. Write sentences using comparisons. 1. Hsin plays the piano well. Hua plays the piano better. Hua plays the piano better than Hsin 2. He practises the first song often. He practises the last song less often. 3, We can sing well. Our friends can sing well, 4, Like listening to rock music. | ike listening to hip-hop music a little less. 5, Pang goes to concerts two times per year. Ming goes to concerts three times per year. 31 READING 6 Listen and Listen to This! ‘Hey, turn that music down! Do you ever wondsr why your parents tell you to turn the volume down when you listening to loud musi? It's not because they dont like the rhythm and melody. (Well, ‘your favourite music might not be their favourite musi!) t's important to listen to music and other sounds at the right volume because if you don't, it can hurt your ears Did you know that sound travels in waves? These waves can move quickly or Sowly, depending on their Frequency. The type of sound that these waves make when they move is called pitch. 1a sound wave moves slowly, the pitch is low, like the sound of someone playing a guitar. If @ sound wave moves quickly, the pitch is high, Tike the sound of somzone playing a fut or violin ‘Sometimes, a sound has got a frequency that is too high or too low for people to hear. We ‘measure frequency in hertz. The range that humans can heat fs 20-20,000 hertz (Ha). Dolphins can hear sounds from 75 to 200,000 He! This means that they can hear things we car We measure the volume of a sound in decibels (dB). The sound of people whispering is about 30 dB, the sound of a rock concert is closer to 115 dB and the sound of a jet engine is about 140 dB! The maximum output of most mobile phones and digital music players i ‘between 70 and 90 dB, which is rally loud! Try to keep the volume at 50 dB instead. Your cars will hank you! ff = ~ Elephant Dog Dolphin 5-10,000 Hz 40-60,000 Hz 75-200,000 Hz 32 Unit © tick tt0r True oF tor Fase. 1. Sound travels in waves. 2. Ifa sound wave moves slowly, the pitch is high. 3. A violin has got a higher pitch than a guitar, SOOO ©0008 4 People cam hear higher pitches than dolphins can hear. 6 Correct the false sentences in Activity 2. © hatch the words to the definitions. 1. pitch a. unit used to measure frequency 2. frequency 'b. the position of a sound in a range from low to high 3. decibel . the speed at which sound waves move 4. hertz 4d. unit used to measure the volume of a sound © aber the graph. Sars SEED eS) s s FS 8 8 hertz (Hz) WRITING e Read Composing, then and now in your Student's Book. How did the writer plan? Read the steps. 1. The writer chase the topic of composing. 2, Next, the writer chose a contrast in that topic: composing in the past and composing nov. 3. Then, the writer wrote different facts about the past and now. oO ey nad 1 Composers used pen and paper. 1, Composers use computer apps. 2. Composers wrote notes (short lines ‘and dots) on ined measures of 2. Camposers sing a melody and the app writes the notes. 4, The writer chose words of contrast to show differences: but, before, instead, while 5, Next, the writer wrote an opening paragraph describing what happened in the past and finished the paragraph with a contrasting sentence about the present. In the past, composers wrote down their music with paper and a pen. But now, 6. Then, the writer contrasted other characteristics of composing in the past and composing now. 17. Finally, the writer wrote a sentence to close the text. While a traditional composer was busy cleaning ink off his fingers, a modern composer writes more songs instead! e Plan to write about two styles of music or two instruments. 1. Circle your topic. ‘two styles of music ‘two instruments, 2, Write the main Facts you want to contrast First music style or instrument Second music style or instrument L L 2 2 34 Unit3 © choose words of contrast to show differences. Use them to contrast ‘the information in the table. 1 © rite more characteristics of the things you are contrasting. First musie style or instrument 2 3 Second music style or instrument 1X 2 3 © now fotiow steps 2-7 in Activity 1. write your text describing contrast in your notebook. e Express yourself. Choose a topic below to write about then and now. Plan your writing and follow the steps in Activity 1. Write your new text in your notebook. Cooking meals, then and now Going somewhere, then and now Having fun, then and now Using a phone, then and now 35 UNIT 3 REVIEW © ead and write. Read the second paragraph on page 40 of your (Gest stort wey oie ar) © complete the sentences. You don't need all ofthe words. Cana 1. You can be the concert lead singer practise rhythm saxophor 2. You can start a with others. 3. You can to get better. 4, You can go toa © choose and write. choose two words from the box. Write a sentence with the two words. band beat classical concert drum flute guitar hip-hop jazz lead singer perform pop rock saxophone | 2 2 4 5. 36 Unit3 © Read and write. Complete the sentences with words in the box. (Coetter better than ever ever been” more often than never ) Have you ___ sad and listened to music to make you feel happy? Few things work _____ music to change how we feel. Many people have {got a special song o piece of music. When they are feeling sad, they want to hearit any other music. Has this ______ happened to you? If this thas __ happened to you, try listening to different songs next time you feel unhappy. Perhaps you will ind one that works —__ than any other to change your mood. © uisten and write, mas |. Has Raul ever played that melody faster than Maria? _No, he hasn't. 2. Have you ever heard me play louder? 3, Has he ever practised as much as this week? 4, Does Robert ever sing that song better than Eric? 5, Has Carmen ever performed that piece at a concert? © write three things that you have never done. Then find someone in the class who has never done the things below. ride a bike ______play basketball hhave cereal for breakfast —___ listen to hip-hop go to a classical concert ________ sleep until eleven ___ Markus have you ever Fidden a bike? ‘Alex. have you ever legen ake? Review: Units 1-3 © paaten. connect the words with opposite meanings. Then label the pictures. 1. ise a. flood 2. hunt b. hide 3. predator ©. defend 4, drought 4. heatwave 5. attack . drop 6. hailstorm f. prey 38 Review Units |-3 © read and write. Complete the sentences with true information. Ifa species copies anather species it imitates it 2. If Tlisten to classical music, 3. Ifa rabbit sees a fox, —____ 4. Ifthe beat of the musi is fast, 5, Ifa snake has got stripes, 6 5. IF she is the lead singer, —_____ © read, took and listen. Match. Then number the pictures. meas 1. The dog is 1 she always goes. 2. The storm isn’t 3. IFit’s a hi as nice as playing the piano. hop concert, c. more confused than frightened. 4, He explains that hailstorms are 4. as strong as a blizzard, 5. Ifthe cat attacks the insect, he's not going to watch. 6. She doesn’t think the sound of a guitar is e f, as bad as a hurricane, 4g. as nice as the sound of a violin. h 9. very common in winter, 34 oe ‘Answer the questions. Use words in the box. (attack concert escape hurricane 1. Why are we going to evacuate? There's going to be a hurricane. 2. What instrument is she going to play? 3. Why is the tiger hiding in a tree mear the zebra? 4, What are we going to hear after we see lightning? 5. When is the band going to practise? 6. What is the zebra going to do if it sees a predator? © reas the text and write the missing words. Write one word on each line, Example Have you __ever_ wanted to learn a ‘musical instrument, but you don't know which ‘one? There are so many different instruments, it's hhard to choose, —_ iv 2 ‘There are three main Hef 3 instruments: string, and percussion. If you want to play a string instrument like @ violin, you're going 4 — need to practise a lot! At first, 5 it may be harder to play ____a guitar, Heve you got a good sense of rhythm? You ‘may Ike to try playing the drums, but they 6 aren't quiet, —_ they? If you want 7 something you can play — quietly, a flute may be the instrument for you. Don't forget to practise your new instrument 8 every day ~ you'll soon play. Have fun! 40 Review Units |-3 oe Read. Tick T for True or F for False, ‘This octopus needs to hunt, but it must avoid being hunted. IFitis attacked, it frst tries to escape. It can shoot water out ofits body. The water pushes it at a fast speed through the sea. Ifthe predator follows, the octopus can shoot out black ink. The confused predator can't see and the octopus ‘escapes. Then the octopus tries to hide, It sometimes hides under the sand with only its eyes peeking out. It also changes colour to match its shelter. In some cases, an octopus will leave an arm behind! The arm still moves in the water and attracts the hunter. The octopus escapes. In six weeks, it grows a new arm, but the new arm hasn't got bones! An octopus hasn't got bones at all 1. The octopus doesn't hunt. 2, The octopus moves in the water by shooting black ink. 3. The octopus can change its colour. 4. The octopus will sometimes break a bone in its arm and leave it behind, ©2000 ©O©000 5. In six weeks, the octopus can grow a new arm. @ reas and write the answer. Use information from Activity 6. 1. What does an octopus do to escape from a predator? 2. An octopus is clever. What do you know about an octopus that shows it's clever? 3. An octopus hunts. What kind of animal is it? © rite. 4 shark wit hunt an octopus for food. What can happen if a shark finds an octopus? Write a short story. Use what you learnt in Activity 6, al Unit 4 Life Out There VOCABULARY 1 © 0 the puzzte. Read the cues. Write the words. atmosphere comet data debate extraterrestrials journey orbit planet solar system space universe " | galaxy | Across 1. People ‘whether there is life beyond Earth 6. Mars travels in a(n) around the sun. 7. Information = —__ 10, Earth is the third from the sun, 11. The is made of space and all the stars. 12, Earth's is lke a blanket that protects us. 42 Unit

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