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• Aim: Discuss the Project Management, Project Planning, Project Scheduling,

Risk Management about your application.

• Project Planning:

Name: Books Ordering System

• Objectives Of System:

Computer system makes it easy to maintain book record than traditional system.

1) Notification when the stock of the book falls below the recorded level.

2) Updating book records

3) Sorting (According to categories e.g – language, author, type of book)

So that searching of a particular book becomes fast & easy.

4) To maintain transaction details.

5) Reports & bills can be generated easily than traditional system.

6) If a computer wants a book list of a particular category in traditional system it

would be a mind crunching & time consuming job. But in computerized system, it
becomes easy.

7) Increased productivity of service.

8) There is less time difference in the order placement & carrying out of the order.

9) The database can be updated easily.

10) Reports can be generated easily & graphically as & when needed.

11) Important data can be provided proper security for restricted access.
12) The data can be backed up easily by using some kind of a removable drive, which
makes the system more reliable.

• Internal Guide:


• Team Size:

1 Person

Aim: Project Management

1. Project Planning

2. Project Scheduling

3. Risk Management

• Application: Books Ordering System

Project Objectives This project is developed in computer
system is for storing, maintaining all the
order of books , payment details , purchase
order etc.
Project Execution Model Waterfall Model
Internal Guide Mr. XYZ
Team Size 1 member
Duration 2-1/2 month

• Timeline Chart :


No. Tasks Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5

1 Decide project
name and
2 Discuss project
functionality with
internal guide
3 Changes in


No. Tasks Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5

1 Make system flow
2 Data flow
3 UML Diagram

4 Data Dictionary
related to project
5 Data Dictionary
related to project

No. Tasks Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5
1 Design Home

2 General page and

about it
3 Master Page


No. Tasks Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5

1 Design of Admin
2 Design Of book
body module
3 Design research


No. Tasks Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5

1 Design the login
2 Design database

3 Design feedback

No. Tasks Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5

1 Coding about
Home Page

2 Coding about
different forms
like order, pay
details etc.
3 Design feedback


No. Tasks Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5

1 Coding for
connectivity to


No. Tasks Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5

1 Coding for
admin module
and all other
modules used in

• Risk Management
Simplest and possibly best definition of risk is “the possibility of loss injury,
disadvantage or destruction.
Risks are of many types:

1. Programmatic risk
2. Schedule risk
3. Cost risk
4. Technical risk
5. Supportability risk
Risk management is the sum of all proactive management directed activities
within a program.

o Risk Identification

The purpose of this topic is to identify the risks involved in project. Here we will
consider all the possible risks that can affect the project. All such risks are
involved below. Due to some technical or managerial reason the project might not
be able to meet its requirement up to ultimate data given. This risk exists in almost
all the projects. Technology being used might not be able to meet the expectation.
This can occur when the design of some processes cannot be implemented in the
chosen programming language.

Developer inexperience is also one of the risks which will be considered. This
might happen if the person who chooses for one particular task has no experience
in doing similar work. Constant turnover might happen. The possibility of the risk
is hard to gauge. If developer turnover is high then there will be a very high
negative impact on the project. This also delay the project as new people will first
have to understand what is happening and the flow of the module. Database crash
is one of the technical risks that will be considered. This risk will be prioritized

 Risk Analysis
Risk analysis is a systematic approach for describing and/or calculating risk.
During risk analysis process, each identified risk is considered in term and a
judgment made about the probability and the seriousness of the risk.

Risks Probability Effects

Organizational financial problems Very low Catastrophic

force reductions in project budget

Key staff are ill at critical times in Moderate Serious


Software component which should Very low Serious

be re-used contain defect which
limit their functionality

Changes to the requirements which Very low Serious

require major design rework as

The organization is restructured so Very low Tolerable

the different management are
responsible for the project

The database used in system cannot Very low Serious

process as many transaction per
second as expected

The time require to develop the Very low Serious

software is under estimated

Customer fill to understand the Low Tolerable

requirement changes

The size of the software is under High Tolerable


The code generated is inefficient Low Insignificant

To handle the risks we have prioritized it. The damaging risks can be handled first and
then most likely risks. Since the risk related to the schedule slippage arise primarily
due to the intangible nature of the software, so I had to do the visibility of software
requirements documentation and reviewing the relevant documents during the
developments. Every phase can be broken into the reasonably sized tasks and
milestones can be scheduled for these tasks.
In this process each identified risk is considered in turn and a judgment made about
the probability and the seriousness of the risk.

1. The probability of the risk might be assessed as very low (less than 10%), low
(10-25%), moderate (25-50%), high (50-75%) or very high (greater than
2. The effects of the risk might be assessed as catastrophic, serious, tolerable or

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