Name: Christian Matthew Wiwaha NIM: 001202100131: Class Frequency Midpoint X F

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Name : Christian Matthew Wiwaha

NIM : 001202100131

 Data of daily death in Indonesia because of COVID – 19

504 539 493 555 558 728

1040 852 871 826 1007 891
964 991 982 1205 1092 1093
1338 1280 1383 1449 1566 1415
1266 1487 2069 1824 1893 1759

 Class Width = 2069 – 493 = 1576 / 6 = 262,6 round up to 263

 Six Classes
Class Frequency Midpoint X*F
493 – 755 6 624 3744
756 – 1018 8 887 7096
1019 – 1281 6 1150 6900
1282 – 1544 5 1413 7065
1545 – 1807 2 1676 3352
1808 - 2070 4 1939 7756
N = 31 ∑ ¿35913
 Mean of Frequency Distribution

(x  f )
x 

= 35913/31
= 1158.48

No Relative
Vaccine Type Frequency Angle
. Frequency
1. Sinovac 8.000.000 0,014762 5,31432
2. AstraZeneca 16.121.640 0,029748 10,70928
3. Sinopharm 8.250.000 0,015223 5,48028
4. Moderna 8.000.160 0,014761 5,31396
5. Pfizer 1.560.780 0,002880 1,0368
6. Red and White 500.000.000 0,922623 332,14428
∑ f =541.932 .580
Source :

Pie Chart

sinovac astrazeneca sinopharm moderna pfizer red and white

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