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Ring complexes of the Peruvian Coastal Batholith:

a long-standing subvolcanic regimel

Department of Geology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, Merseyside, England L693BX

A special feature of the composite Coastal Batholith of Peru is the presence of ring complexes,
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which suggests a very high-level crustal environment and a direct connection between the
magmas of the constituent plutons and caldera-centred volcanicity. The nature of four such
complexes is commented on in detail, especially the high degree of structural control of emplace-
ment, the association of mylonites and tuffisites with ring-fractures, the roles of stoping,
fluidization and entrainment during the intrusion of ring-dykes, the co-existence of highly mobile
magmas, their pulsatory injection, and the connection between these and volcanics of the same
general age. Such mechanisms of cauldron subsidence located at the plutonic-volcanic interface
operated throughout much of the 70 m.y. history of the batholith.

Un caractere particulier du batholite compose de la c6te du Perou est la presence de complexes

circulaires ce qui suggere un ambient localise tres haut dans la croCite et une connexion directe
entre les magmas des plutons constituents et le volcanisme du type caldeira. La nature de quatre
de tels complexes est commente en detail, particulierement le haut degre d'influence structurale
sur la mise en place, I'association de mylonites et tufisites avec les failles circulaires, les r6les du
stoping et de la fluidisation oh les fragments des roches ont e t t entraines dans le mouvement d'un
gaz pendant I'intrusion des dykes circulaires; la coexistence des magmas tres mobiles, leur
injection pulsatoire, et la connexion entre ceux-ci et les produits volcaniques d'ige semblable. De
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tels mecanismes d'affaissement de cauldron, localises a I'interphase entre les niveaux plutoni-
ques et volcaniques, ont opere pendant une grande partie de I'histoire de 70 millions d'annees du
Can. J. Earth Sci. 13, 1020-1030 (1976)

Introduction 1976), who show that this immense intrusion,

In many respects, the Coastal Batholith of 1600 km by up to 55 km, has been emplaced over
Peru is similar to other western American batho- a period of 70 m.y. along a single, deep-seated
liths, particularly in its composite nature. One lineament running parallel to the present con-
special feature, however, is the presence of size- tinental edge. Following the initial up-welling of
able ring complexes (Fig. l), suggesting a high- gabbroic magma, the succeeding pulses of
level crustal environment and a particularly magma evolved in such a way as to produce a
direct connection between the magmas of the consanguineous suite of rocks (W. McCourt,
constituent plutons and caldera-centred vol- personal communication 1975) ranging from
canicity. The special characters of these centred early diorites, through many varieties of tonalite,
complexes bear on the nature of this plutonic- to late granodiorites and granites. These types
volcanic interface. are disposed in innumerable separate plutons,
The general form, setting, and age of the yet with a well defined intrusion chronology
Mesozoic-Cenozoic Coastal Batholith has been (Table 1) closely related to their magmatic evo-
described by Cobbing and Pitcher (1972a), lution.
Cobbing (1973), Pitcher (1972, 1974), Stewart In that sector of the Coastal Batholith so ad-
et al. (1974), Wilson (1975)~,and Myers (1975, mirably exposed in the western cordillera to the
north of Lima (Fig. l), the younger acid rock
'Paper presented at 13th Pacific Science Congress, units occur as ring dykes and cross-cutting, cir-
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1975, in a symposium cular, steep-walled and flat-roofed plutons, com-
organized by the Circum Pacific Plutonism Project of the
International Geological Correlations Programme. Publi- bining to define two centred complexes of
cation coordinated by D. L. Tiffin and R. L. Chase. granites of classical form and dimension (see
'The age determinations that are referred to throughout Fig. 2), namely the Huaura (Cobbing and Pitcher
this paper were determined by the K-Ar method on bio- 1972a) and the Fortaleza (Knox 1974). There are
tite, hornblende, and feldspar. They form but part of a n
extensive dating project (Wilson 1975) carried out in two other centres that are rather more rudi-
cooperation with the Isotope Geology Unit of the Insti- mentary in structure, the Chancay and Quebrada
tute of Geological Sciences, London. Paros, and these involve basic rocks of such rela-

TABLE 1. Chronological relationships of the main elements of the Coastal Batholith, north of Lima. Relative chronol-
ogy after Cobbing and Pitcher (1972a) and Myers (1975). Suggested time ranges are derived from stratigraphical con-
siderations and the K-Ar radiometric age determinations reported by Stewart et al. (1974) and Wilson (1975)

Rock unit Age

Pativilca unit ca. 34 m.y.
Sayin and Caiias units ca. 61 m.y.
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Puscao and San Jeronimo units ca. 65-66 m.y.
(granites, microgranites, granophyres)
La Mina unit ca. 66 m.y.
(tonalite and granodiorite)
Santa Rosa dyke swarm ca. 72-68 m.y.
Santa Rosa super-unit Range 95-72 m.y.
(quartz diorites, tonalites, granites; possibly includes Vista Alegre unit) (with main tonalites 95-84 m.y.)
Paccho super-unit, etc. > 95 m.y.
(pyroxene diorites, tonalites)
Patap super-unit > 95 < 105 m.y.
(gabbros, meladiorites)

(Bussell 1976). Major and minor fractures pro-

vided the paths for the magma, determined the
For personal use only.

form of the contacts, controlled the spalling-off

of material during the stoping process, and lo-
cated the outlines of the subsiding blocks within
the cauldrons.
The country rocks of the batholith are largely
of volcanic origin (Bellido 1969; Cobbing 1974;
Myers 1974) and have a span of ages comparable
to that of the batholith itself, i.e. mid-Cretaceous
to early Tertiary. Such rocks form part of a thick
Mesozoic cover to a basement constructed of
deformed Palaeozoic strata resting on a very old
gneiss complex (Cobbing and Pitcher 1972b).
Within the strata presently exposed, there are
two main stratigraphic elements. A thick series
of marine, andesitic volcaniclastics and flows,
relatively gently folded, constitutes the Casma
Group and is assigned to the Albian (100-106
m.y. according to the Geological Society of
London time-scale, 1964). In its uppermost part,
FIG.1. The location of four ring-dyke complexes terrestrial flows and pyroclastic deposits appear
within the Coastal Batholith of Peru. F-Fortaleza; and these have been assigned to a Pararin For-
P-Paros; H-Huaura; C-Chancay. mation. This is overlain unconformably by a
'plateau' of terrestrial lavas and pyroclastics,
tively early date in the evolution of the batholith predominantly andesites and dacites, which,
as to suggest that the formation of such centred though presently included in a Calipuy Group
ring complexes, and therefore possibly of cal- of presumed Lower Tertiary age, is likely to in-
deras, spanned the whole period of its emplace- clude several facies groups ranging over a con-
ment. siderable span of Tertiary time. One basal flow,
The linear arrangement of these four centres, however, has provided a minimum age of 52.5
evenly spaced and in a central position in the m.y.
batholith (Fig. 2), is a gross measure of the high The all-important age relationships between
degree of structural control of emplacement the batholith and its envelope are not yet exactly
1022 CAN. J. EARTH SCI. VOL. 13, 1976

likely, particularly between the late granite ring-

dykes and plutons, and the Tertiary volcanics.
In what follows, the special features of the
ring complexes are commented on with em-
phasis on their sub-volcanic environment, mode
of emplacement, and possible contribution to
the volcanic pile.
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The Quebrada Paros Complex

This relatively simple centre (cf. Cobbing
1973), wholly emplaced within the volcanics of
the Casma Group, consists essentially of a cres-
cent-shaped multiple intrusion of diorite and
granite separated by a country-rock screen from
two centrally placed, late granitic stocks (Fig.
3a). One of these internal stocks, a porphyritic
microgranite assigned to the San Jeronimo unit
(Table I), is only revealed by deep erosion along
the canyon of the Quebrada Paros, where the
volcanics of the screen form an arching roof;
the other, a La Mina type granodiorite-tonalite
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(Table I), intrudes this San Jeronimo pluton,

cutting, with vertical contacts, through this roof.
The external intrusion, a partial ring-dyke, is
composed of a simple crescent of quartz diorite
encasing a complex intrusion breccia (generally
designated as Puscao Granodiorite in Fig. 3a),
in which hornblende meladiorite first formed the
host to sheets of a porphyritic microgranite of
San Jeronimo type. Both were then shattered,
net-veined, and partially entrained in a granitic
magma of Puscao type (Table I), and a mix of
contaminated rocks and intrusion breccias has
resulted. The exact sequence of events is not easy
to establish, but it is envisaged that, as with the
Chancay Complex described below, the external
contacts of an original arcuate intrusion of mela-
diorite provided the locus for the emplacement
of the more leucocratic diorite member. During
FIG.2. Distribution of ring complexes within the the later phase of acid activity, the internal mela-
Coastal Batholith of Peru between the Rios Chancay diorite was partially stoped away and entrained
and Fortaleza. After Pitcher (1972), with revision.
in the new intrusions.
The principal point illustrated by this complex
known. The gabbros cut folds in the Casma For- is that the early diorites and even more basic
mation, yet were locally deformed before being rocks do occur as arcuate bodies, and that ring
intruded by tonalites with K-Ar ages as old as fractures were formed at a relatively early date,
95 m.y. Whereas certain representatives of the i.e. possibly in the 90-95 m.y. age range; also
batholith intrude basal sequences of the Calipuy that once such a centre was initiated, it could
volcanics, other sequences unconformably over- serve as the site for acid intrusions of much later
lie batholithic rocks. Such stratigraphic relation- date (ca. 62 m.y.). That this is more generally
ships have yet to be confirmed, but a considerable the case is illustrated by the relationships existing
overlap of volcanic and plutonic activity seems within the Chancay Complex.
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Contaminated Puscao Granodiorite

San Jeronimo Granite
La Mina Granodiorite
[r Intrusive breccia and tuffisites

Diorites of the ring complexes

Meladiorite and hornblende gabbro
FIG. 3. Generalized geological maps of the four ring complexes shown in Fig. 2. (a) Quadra
Paros; (b) Chancay; (c) Huaura; (d) Fortaleza. Data partly from Cobbingand Pitcher (1972a), Cobbing
(1973), and Knox (1974), with personal coamunications from W. P. Taylor (1975) and G . Mason
(1976). Designation 'diorites' includes a variety of dioritic rock types.
1024 CAN. J. EARTH SCI. VOL. 13, 1976

The Chancay Complex multi-component ring-dyke, the northern half

Central to the batholith in the valley of the of which has been obliterated by a second,
Chancay, a single, steep-sided stock of granite crudely centred complex of granites. The rocks
is intruded into a complex arcuate belt of dio- involved include most of the units of this par-
ritic rocks (Cobbing and Pitcher 1972a; W. ticular sector of the batholith, a fact that pro-
Taylor, personal communication 1975), an asso- vides the first clue as to the long (40 m . ~ . )dura-
ciation that might be considered to be fortuitous, tion of activity, albeit episodic, in this centre.
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yet which seems to provide further evidence for Within the cauldron, repeated subsidence and
the early initiation of cauldron mechanisms. intrusion has led to the progressive obliteration
One of the two basic members concerned (Fig. of the initial stages of its evolution, resulting in
3b), the earlier hornblende gabbro-meladiorite, the rocks concerned, the volcanics and horn-
again represents a fragment of the earliest basic blende gabbros, being preserved only as rem-
rocks of the batholith and is assigned to the nants. However, from their distribution and on
Patap super-unit (Table 1). The intruding biotite- the basis of the evidence provided by the other
bearing quartz diorite probably represents an centres, it can be deduced that volcanics of the
early basic phase of the Santa Rosa super-unit. Casma Group (ca. 105 m.y.) were intruded by
The age relationships between these and the the gabbros (assigned to the Patap unit, >95
tonalites external to this rudimentary centre are m.y.) and then along early ring fractures by a
complex, but a comparison with the situation quartz diorite similar to that of the Paros Com-
pertaining in the Quebrada Paros suggests that plex (the Vista Alegre unit of Fig. 4). Together
the quartz diorite originally formed a partial these rocks subsequently foundered into a tona-
lite pluton (assigned to the Santa Rosa super-
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ring-dyke here within a gabbro host. Later these

rocks became the roof to a tonalitic pluton, unit, ca. 95-84 m.y. BP). These events were fol-
when a roughly circular block, breaking away lowed by the injection of an important dyke
along fractures guided by the form of the early swarm (72-68 m.y.), after which granites and
ring-dyke, foundered into the new magma. microgranites (ca. 62 m.y.) were emplaced in the
Finally the Lumbre granite, representing a very form of bell-jar plutons and ring-dykes disposed
late stage in the differentiation of the Santa Rosa in a beautifully symmetrical pattern within the
super-unit (yet providing a minimum age of 65 margins of the gabbro - volcanic remanent. In
m.y.), was emplaced by the foundering of a block turn, these were partly stoped away (Fig. 6) by
of similar dimensions, isolated by fractures, the great granite plutons now forming the north-
located by the same old lines of weakness. ern segment of the complex, a process accom-
Thus, repeated cauldron subsidence led to the panied by a gentle updoming (Taylor 1976).
formation of the Chancay centre during the early These granites provide two groups of ages, viz.
stages in the history of the batholith, i.e. within 61 and 43 m.y.
an age span of ca. 95 to ca. 65 m.y. BP.
Evidence of an Early Ring Structure
The Huaura Com~lex Even within the isolated remnants of country
This spectacular centred complex holds the key rocks, the hornfelsed pillow lavas, quartzites,
to both the mode of emplacement of the Coastal and cherts seem little disturbed, and low dips
Batholith and the regional relationship between are the rule (Fig. 4). The gabbroic rocks, which
volcanicity and plutonism. Briefly described by relate to the great Huaral gabbro body locally
Cobbing and Pitcher (1972~)on the basis of forming the western flank of the batholith, oc-
regional mapping by Cobbing et al. (1971), it cur not only external to the centre but internally,
has recently been redescribed in structural, as remnants and partial screens within the ring
geochemical, and radiometric detail by Bussell dyke, and also as inliers within the central plu-
(1975), Taylor (1976), W. McCourt (personal ton, thereby revealing the foundered central
communication 1975), and Wilson (1975). block. The distribution of such outcrops sug-
gests the former presence of an arcuate pattern,
Structure an observation that applies even more strongly
The essential elements of the structure (Fig., to outcrops of the quartz diorite (the Vista
3c) are those of a cauldron, consisting of a cen- Alegre diorite of Fig. 4).
trally placed granitic pluton enclosed within a The absence of tonalites within the central

+ + I + *
+ + + f 7 + + + + + '
+ + + + + + + +

+ + + + +

+ + + + + * +
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+ + + + + + *
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> Younging direction

San Jeronimo Granite -I- o 4 Inclination of contact
L lnclination of xenolith swarm
- Horizontal xenolith swarm
Inclination of bedding

FIG.4. Simplified map of the southern part of the Huaura Centred Ring Complex. Inclination of
contacts shown as vertical, horizontal, and dipping.

FIG.5. Composite cross section of the southern part of the Huaura Centred Ring Complex. Fig. 4
shows section lines.
1026 CAN. J. EARTH SCI. VOL. 13. 1976

area points to the former presence of a continu- more inhomogeneous suite including, in chrono-
ous block of basic rocks representing the original logical order of intrusion, a microdiorite with a
roof, so that again it seems that an arcuate struc- trachytic texture, a distinctive tuffisite packed
ture once existed comparable to those of the with angular xenoliths and fractured xenocrysts,
Quebrada Paros and Chancay, and that the pres- an aplogranite phase, and a biotite-hornblende
ent centre occupies the site of an earlier ring granite. Generally the granite is packed with
structure along which an intact block of roof, xenoliths, mostly of volcanics representing
isolated by established fractures, foundered into spalled-off pieces of the roof and walls, though
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the tonalitic magma. there are others representing a more viscous and
Several periods of movement occurred along a semi-consolidated early facies of the same in-
medial fault that transects the present centre; trusive suite; also very large angular blocks of the
one of these movements pre-dated emplacement San Jeronimo-type granophyre are present.
of the tonalite. It is thus likely that the whole re- Despite gradational contacts, chaotic mixtures,
gional system of master faults was active at this and an intimate intermingling of facies on the
early date and markedly controlled subsidence local scale, it is possible to identify two separate
of blocks of the roof. ring-dykes, one highly variable and largely frag-
mental in character, the other a xenolithic gran-
The Huaura Cauldron ite. These run together for part of their course
The foundered block provided the structural (Figs. 4 and 5) following the already-established
locus for the establishment of the Huaura Caul- ring fracture and thereby injecting and breaking
dron proper. The distribution and form of the up the earlier San Jeronimo ring-dyke and its
several acid intrusions involved is depicted in screen. The granite dyke, however, does break
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Fig. 4, the history of development being domi- out from this structure into the central vluton,
nated by interplay of two distinct units, the where it is emplaced partly along the medial
granites of San Jeronimo and Puscao. As ex- fault referred to above. The complex relation-
pected, these young granites have totally reset ships within the eastern part of this pluton, with
the K-Ar 'clocks' of the adjacent earlier units so additional shallow-dipping contacts between
that the ages of these have had to be gauged from gabbro and underlying granite (Fig. 5), result
their outcrops well away from the centres. from this particular xenolithic ring dyke turning
The earliest evidence of the San Jeronimo downwards into an underlying pluton of Puscao
phase of activity is recorded by preserved rem- type (Fig. 6 ) . A second phase of cauldron sub-
nants of a hornblende monzonite within the sidence is thus identified.
rather variable, hornblende bearing, equigran- Despite this clear indication of the order of
ular monzogranite of the ring-dyke. A screen intrusion, the relationship between the Puscao
intervenes between this and inner circular pluton and San Jeronimo suites is so highly contradic-
consisting of a more homogeneous, biotite tory in detail, including back-veining and com-
bearing, porphyritic granophyre; these two in- posite intrusion, that it seems likely that the
trusions are thought to be continuous at depth. San Jeronimo material was only semi-consoli-
Along parts of its outcrop, the ring-dyke con- dated when emplacement of the Puscao magmas
sists simply of a broad dyke, up to 1 km in width, took place. Indeed, so close in time are the in-
accompanied by minor sheets of granophyre trusive~that it is not possible to resolve separate
along its contacts; elsewhere, it is represented by intrusive phases by the K-Ar method.
a network of minor intrusions of this same mate- In the Huaura complex overlapping of intru-
rial. sive events is the rule, coexistence of magmas is
The outer contact of the central pluton with normal, and the marvellous complexity of the
the intervening screen is complicated by having ring dyke reveals a history of pulsatory intrusion
formed the locus of later intrusions; but within of magma and crystal mush of varying fluidity,
the pluton, deep canyon erosion reveals the flat- composition, and crystallinity.
lying contact between the granophyre forming
the arch of the bell-jar, and the underlying gab- Mylonites and TufSsites
bro of the foundered block (Fig. 5). Other features of this ring-complex are com-
The rocks of the Puscao phase form an even mon to this class of phenomena the world over.

Thus the ring fault is marked by flinty crush

rocks, i.e. ultramylonites, and the field relations
point to the contemporaneity of cataclasis and
the injection of fragmental material of tuffisitic
character (cf. Myers 1975). A complex process of
brecciation of both country rocks and semi-con-
krn lo
solidated magma is revealed that may have been 0

due to the erosive character of gases provided by

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a vesiculating magma, and the entrainment of the FIG.6. Schematic section across the Huaura Complex
with present topography shown as dashed line. Symbols:
fragments in the gas. However, the lack of tex- v-Casma Formation; c-Calipuy Formation; black-
tural evidence of vesiculation and hydrothermal gabbro and diorite of Patap super-unit; pa-Paccho
alteration is a problem when applying ideas of super-unit; sa-Santa Rosa super-unit; p-Puscao unit;
conventional fluidization mechanisms, and it j-San Jeronimo unit; s-Sayin unit; ca-Cafias unit.
may be that shock-wave vaporization effects,
similar to those proposed by Bennet (1971, derlying magma chamber, presumably at dif-
1974), could equally well have played a part in ferent times in the development of the ring-dykes
the fragmentation of wall rocks adjacent to ac- and possibly as a response to pulsatory changes
tive ring faults. Whatever the cause of the brec- in magma pressure.
ciation, the occurrence of intrusive breccias with The underlying magma chambers into which
strong platy fabrics suggests that turbulent mag- the block foundered are exposed in the dissected
mas suffered increasing protoclastic deformation mountainous divide between the Huaura and
in the ring-fault environment as they lost mobil- Supe valleys (Cobbing and Pitcher 1972a). In
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ity, cooled, and consolidated on rising towards particular, that of Puscao is shown in actual sec-
the surface; such rocks may even be intruded tion as a layered pluton varying progressively
by fresh magma surges (cf. Curtis 1954). The over 600 m from a xenolithic, biotite-hornblende
location of such breccias along lines of repeated granodiorite at low levels to a leucocratic gran-
fault movement emphasises the mutually com- ite under a roof of volcanics. Within the former
plementary roles of both tectonic and intrusive are layers crowded with the flat-lying spalled-
phenomena in the emplacement of the Puscao off fragments of the roof volcanics, which pre-
ring. sumably settled down onto a floor of the devel-
This structural control of the form of the com- oping crystal mush (Taylor 1976). Embedded in
plex is very clear. Not only is there a marked these layers are blocks of stoped-off San Jero-
overall relationship between the fault-controlled nimo material, below which (but not above) the
geometry of the gabbro-volcanic block and the layers of xenoliths are depressed in a manner
San Jeronimo ring-dyke, but the form of the strongly suggestive of penetration by sinking
contacts was locally determined by pre-existing blocks. The appearance of plutonic chambers in
fracture patterns. Furthermore, such contacts this form completes the model of cross-cutting,
were later reworked by the Puscao intrusions, differentiating plutons lying at a high level in
one of which also followed the line of a contem- the crust and capped by ring complexes leading
porary fault. upwards, perhaps, into volcanic calderas (Fig.
6). It is thus appropriate to now refer to the
Cauldron Subsidence into Magma Chambers Fortaleza Complex, which represents an even
The flat-roofed, bell-jar form of the San Jero- higher level member of this subvolcanic denu-
nimo granite supports a cauldron subsidence dation series.
model for emplacement of the ring-dykes and
central plutons. Pulsatory intrusion was asso- The Fortaleza Complex
ciated with intermittent subsidence of a central The form of the batholith in the area of Huayl-
block of pre-existing, basic rocks with a relatively lapampa and Huarmey illustrates well the epi-
high density. Along the ring fault the wall-rocks sodic nature of intrusion in which the repeated
and semi-consolidated magmas were either brec- foundering of crustal blocks has produced a
ciated, entrained in gas streams and removed complex of intersecting steep-walled and flat-
upwards, or spalled-off and stoped into the un- roofed plutons (Myers 1975). Along the Rio
1028 CAN. J. EARTH SCI. VOL. 13, 1976

Fortaleza, these are so deeply dissected as to 2 km from ~otentialcontacts of the Anta intru-
reveal a complex of ring-dykes and plutons (Fig. sion; it seems that, as ductile deformation gave
3d) of classical centred type (Knox 1974), this way to brittle fracture (by cooling or increase in
time with an age span of 61 to 56 m.y. BP, i.e. strain rate), so microbreccias were formed in
within 5 m.y. these zones, with angular fragments of the central
Once again it is the Puscao and San Jeronimo portions mixing with others derived from less-
granites that are largely involved, the host rocks deformed margins and all included in a banded
being the various tonalites and diorites of the mylonite. Such zones can pass by gradation into
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Santa Rosa super-unit roofed by residuals of the the Baranda sheets, and in the capricious nature
volcanics of the Casma Group. Essentially two of the abrasion of the many included fragments
main ring-dykes, each approximately one km in these sheets, coupled with their disorientation
thick by 20 km in diameter, outline the Fortaleza and chaotic mixing, is seen evidence for vigor-
Complex (Fig. 3d): that of Anta-Patirumi, which ous mechanical attrition and entrainment. This
is recognisable as part of a bell-jar pluton of presumably occurred during the clearing and
Puscao type (Table 1); and that of Corcovado, a widening of the original tectonically developed
nearly complete ring-dyke of San Jeronimo type. fractures, possibly by the intrusion of gas-
The Anta-Patirumi intrusion, with its 2 km charged magma, though such effects could
thick, flat, sheet-like top, developed by permis- equally be produced, as noted above, during im-
sive intrusion around a foundering block, sub- plosion in rapidly opened fractures.
siding just the 2 km indicated. External to its Similar structures are found in association
main contacts, numerous granodioritic sheets with the Corcovado dyke (Knox 1974, p. 301),
occupy a network of fractures; these are the where the intrusive breccias are spectacular with
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Baranda sheets of Myers (1975). The contacts all the characteristic features of their type (cf.
themselves show a marked indentation, the ori- Pitcher and Berger 1972, p. 156), including tex-
ginal breaking away having been controlled by tural evidence of reciprocal chemical reaction at
early formed joints and fault-planes in the host the margins of fragments and xenocrysts.
(see Knox 1974, fig. 4); appropriately, there are The model for emplacement is of the early
some particularly fine examples of angular development of shear fractures above a rising
stoped blocks associated with such contacts. pluton, these fractures being part of a devel-
The Corcovado dyke, here representing a oping regional pattern. As plastic deformation
second phase of activity, consists of a porphyritic gave way to brittle fracturing in a regime of in-
granite grading to a granophyre in contact zones creasing gas pressure due to differentiation, in-
and marginal sheets. Belts of intrusive breccia vasion by gas led to gas-coring, entrainment,
and tuffisite occur both as bands within the main and the final intrusion of a fluidised magma.
ring-dyke or as individual dykes external to it. Myers (1975) hypothesised that "the central
During the emplacement, the central block sub- block of older rocks subsided into the fluidised
sided differentially about a horizontal hinge-line, rim of magma as if in quicksands and was cor-
now represented by a transecting fault; and roded by flow of the fluidised system around it".
from the stratigraphic relations of the flat-lying A final point of interest is that the recorded
volcanics thrown down within the ring-fault, a K-Ar ages are sufficiently different from those of
maximum subsidence of 1500 m can be deduced. equivalent units in the Huaura-56 m.y. is here
The ring dykes are essentially vertical and the recorded for the San Jeronimo type-as to sug-
space problem is again not to be solved by any gest that activity in the two centres was not syn-
geometry of subsidence. Processes of removal by chronous.
downward stoping and upward entrainment
must both have been involved, as in the Huaura
Complex, and both Knox (1974) and Myers The Association of the Fortaleza Centre with
(1975) draw special attention to the importance the Extrusives
of gas-coring, fluidisation and entrainment of There is no direct way of estimating the depth
the disrupted host rocks in the removal of coun- of burial in relation to the present erosion level,
try-rock material. Myers describes thin shear- but in the highest mountains (2710 m) the Cor-
zones developing as irregular networks up to covado ring-dyke (Fig. 3d) is still seen to have

vertical walls against volcanics downthrown axial cleavages in narrow belts, as if responding
within the ring-fault. The lower levels of these to master structures in the basement. The asso-
encircled volcanics seem to correlate with the ciated brittle fractures comprise a set of strike-
very highest formation of the Casma Group, the slip faults oblique to the fold trend and so neatly
Pararin Formation as defined by Myers (1974, bisecting the two major joint directions that a
p. 482), and are therefore likely to be Upper common origin in relation to a single stress sys-
Cretaceous in age. Knox (1974) has identified a tem is likely. Studies by Knox (1974), Myers
minor discontinuity between these andesitic lava (1976), and Bussell (1975) have shown how the
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIV CALGARY on 10/05/12

flows and a younger sequence of sub-aerial, acid detailed form of the contacts of the constituent
pyroclastics, among which there are pitchstone- plutons and the trend of the dyke swarms were
bearing agglomerates, welded tuffs, true ignim- controlled by this regional fracture pattern. The
brites, and a breccia feeder-pipe, a facies assem- way in which this was imposed on the successive
blage much like that of the Lower Tertiary Cali- intrusions, yet was utilized during the emplace-
puy Formation. These rocks are petrologically ment of each into the other, coupled with evi-
equivalent to the hypabyssal facies of the San dence of repeated movement on associated
Jeronimo unit within the ring dyke, and cannot faults, clearly indicates an overall contempo-
be much different in age, so that it is an attractive raneity of fracturing and intrusion.
hypothesis that the latter may have reached the The possibility has already been mentioned
surface and there have provided ignimbritic tuffs that the centres, evenly spaced in line along the
and lavas as a caldera-fill, as in the Glencoe axis of the batholith, were located at the inter-
cauldron in Scotland (Roberts 1966). sections of the oblique faults with the major
It is not clear whether volcanic material in any Andean lineament along which the batholith
For personal use only.

quantity was vented from the volcanoes now was evidently emplaced (Pitcher 1972). It seems
represented by the central complexes, and not that magmas preferentially selected these lines
largely from regional fissures now represented by of weakness, rising along them and doming the
the great dyke swarms. However, it seems likely roof rocks, so opening pre-existing fractures,
that the ignimbrites intercalated with the basic even initiating new fractures, thus facilitating
flows of the Calipuy Formation were ejected sagging and collapse of the heavier roof rocks.
from the volcanic centres and the general thesis The existence of the early gabbroic centres can
remains that some part of the volcanic material be seen as an essential prerequisite for the subse-
originated directly from batholithic magmas. quent cauldron subsidence sequences.
The pattern of even spacing so clearly seen in
the Chancay-Fortaleza sector is not obviously
The Of Form and continued outside it, certainly not to the north
A comparative study of the four centred com- where a much more diffuse battern of plutons
plexes of Quebrada Paros, Chancay, Huaura, pertains along the batholithic lineament. This
and Fortaleza, shows that such centres were initi- change seems to be related to the nature of the
ated early in the emplacement history of the country rocks. Thus, the very ordered arrange-
batholith and continued to be rejuvenated by ment is only present where the Casma Group of
repeated cauldron subsidence during the very volcaniclastics is especially thick and buttressed
long period of its construction. However, in any by flows and sills, and where it is likely, on
one centre the events were episodic with inter- palaeogeographic grounds, that some of the
vening periods 'of quiescence, and particularly most incompetent horizons in the Andean Meso-
in the later stages were likely to have been short- zoic, including the black shales of the Carhuaz
lived as if activity depended on the limited life Formation, are missing from the successions
of the feeder pluton. Throughout the entire his- underlying the Casma at depth (E. J. Cobbing,
tory, the regional structure exerted a nice control personal communication 1975). Also, the strike-
of the location and form of the intrusion. slip faulting gives way northwards to a more
In outline, the structural environment of the intense folding. The nice spacing is thus likely
batholith is one of simple upright folds on An- to be related to the competency, homogeneity,
dean trends. For the most part these are open and thickness of the crustal carapace above the
flexures, but they tighten locally and develop rising plutons, a finding in some agreement with
1030 CAN. J . EARTH SCI. VOL. 13, 1976

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