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Graphic Novel, Manga, and Doodle Fiction:

Similarities and Differences

Why do we study Literature?

Literature is a timeless piece of entertainment. As the innovations of technological advancements have grown, the way

we read has revolutionised and evolved. However, the essence of storytelling and the effect it has on our lives hasn’t


Literature reflects human nature and a way we can learn and relate to others. By reading through a first-person

perspective, we can fully immerse ourselves into a different mindset and figure out how others think and feel. This is

important within today’s society as we’re becoming increasingly detached from human interaction through iPhones,

FaceTime, and social media. Literature is something that will never change in the way it makes you feel, regardless of

whether that’s on paper or as an eBook.

Graphic Novels are narrative and written in comic book formats. These novels can be

employed in broad manner, encompassing non-fiction to fiction, from short to long stories. An

example of this is Ben10 developed byJason Hall, Min G. Kuand and Heroic Age

Doodle Fictions are literary presentations where the author incorporates doodle writing,

drawing, and handwritten graphics in place of the traditional font to enhance the story, or to

add humurous effects. A perfect example to these are The Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney.

And lastly we have the Manga, a Japanese word for comics, is a generic term for all comic

books and graphic novels originally published in Japan. Manga has many genres as well, some of

these are Shonen, or boy's manga (e.g. Naruto), Shojo, or girl's manga (e.g. Sailor Moon), Seinin,

or men's manga (e.g. Akira), Josei, or women's manga (e.g. Paradise Kiss), Kodomo, or children's

manga (e.g. Doraemon), and many more.

PRO TIP: The three of these 21st century

literary masterpieces have many

similarities and differences in terms of

structure and elements, yet, these don't

actually matter when you read them. Just

have fun, be entertained, appreciate the

art, and live life at your fullest. Always

remember to keep rekindling the fire of


One other thing these genres have in common is that they all use drawing illustrations or graphics to tell

their stories. To be even more evident, each of these types includes images that effectively engage viewers.

Both of these are from the twenty-first century. Each genre could not have existed without the use of a

computer or other digital mechanisms.

They use panels of illustrations and text to help readers understand what's going on. Doodle Fictions and

Graphic Novels don't have to be from a particular country to be labeled as such; as long as the literary work

includes elements of or describes itself as these genres, it can be labeled as such.


The most noticeable structural disparity is in comparison to Doodle Fictions. Since both Manga and Graphic

Novels are written in the comic book format, there are few structural distinctions between them. Panels

distinguish one scene from the next in each of them. In terms of text, they vary the formality of the pieces'

language and structure. Unlike Manga and Graphic Novels, Doodle Fictions adopt a novel or story book style of

narration. Doodle fictions combine text and images in a manner similar to how papers are written, whereas

comic book types do not.


While they share many similar elements, the most notable differences are in art style and narration. Handwritten

elements are used to compose the text and draw in doodle fictions. Manga is read from right to left and uses a

very unique Japanese art style to draw the graphics.

Manga elements are always, and only, about the Japanese. Culture, people, climate, actions, and other aspects

of Japanese culture are included.

Doodle Fictions and Graphic Novels, on the other hand, can come from any country. Finally, graphic novels are

drawn in an Americanized art style and must be read from left to right.

What is wonderful about great literature is that it transforms

the man who reads it towards the condition of the man who
wrote, and brings to birth in us also the creative impulse.
~E.M. Forster

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