Prometheus and Pandora Text

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THE MYTH OF PROMETHEUS Adapted from Mythology and You, published in 1994 by

the National Textbook Company

The earth was young when Prometheus, the clever Titan, created all the living creatures
from a mixture of earth and water. From his imagination, he fashioned birds for the air, fish for the
sea and animals for the land. However, from the image of the immortal gods, he fashioned man.
In the beginning, it was said Prometheus created the animals such as fish and other land animals
also men .
Gentle Epimetheus observed his brother’s activity with amazement and envy. He also
wanted to have some part in the creative process, so he pleaded with Prometheus do let him do
something for each living creature. Because Prometheus loved his gentle brother, he decided to let
him distribute the qualities that each of his creatures would need to survive.
Epimetheus admired his brother , Prometheus yet jealous of him ( line 4)
Epimetheus first gave qualities to help the animals protect themselves from other animals,
such as size, speed, teeth, and claws, and then qualities to defend them from their various
environments, such as leathery skin or thick fur. After distributing all the gifts, he thought he was
finished, but then realized he had forgotten mankind, who was naked and defenseless. He alone, of
all Prometheus’s creations, had received no gifts. Prometheus joined his brother, and observed the
terrible problem, saying “there isn’t anything left for man, is there?” This was a tremendous
disappointment to him, for of all his creations, Prometheus most loved man.
Prometheus resolved to do whatever was necessary to ensure man’s survival, regardless of
the risk to himself. That night, he stole up to Mount Olympus, home of his cousin Zeus and the
immortal gods. He knew that the Lord of Olympus would not help him. However, Zeus’s children,
strong-armed Hephaestus and grey-eyed Athena, sympathized with him because they too were
creators. They risked the wrath of their father’s thunderbolts, and taught Prometheus their
knowledge of arts and crafts so that he, in turn, could impart this knowledge to humankind. As a
parting gift, Hephaestus gave Prometheus fire, so that mortals could use their new knowledge to the

Prometheus returned to earth and became humankind’s great teacher. He taught them to
read and write, to understand their environment, to build houses and sailing ships, and to tame wild
animals for food, labor, and protection. He showed them treasures within the earth, such as copper,
iron, silver, and gold. And he taught them how to use the gift of fire to use these treasures to
improve and beautify their lives. Thus, it was that man, frail as he was, became master of this

He went too far, however, when he instructed mortals in methods to deceive the gods so
that they humans could keep the best fruit of their labors for themselves. When Zeus discovered this
deception, he punished man by taking away the gift of fire. But Prometheus was so bold as to steal
fire from the gods a second time, and when Zeus looked down from Mount Olympus and saw the
fire gleaming among Prometheus’s mortals, he became determined to punish Prometheus and
humankind. He began his retribution by commanding his son Hephaestus to imprison Prometheus in
torturous conditions.

THE MYTH OF PANDORA Adapted from Mythology and You, published in 1994 by the
National Textbook Company

While Prometheus, the courageous Titan, was enduring his punishment far to the north in
Scythia, Zeus proceeded with his next objective: the punishment of mortal men. Once again, he
called upon his son, Hephaestus, the smith.
“Hephaestus, “ he commanded, “I want you to create a beautiful woman from the same
ingredients that the clever Titan Prometheus used to create his beloved mortals. I want her to be
beautiful enough to be a blessing, yet evil enough to be a punishment for humankind.”
Strong-armed Hephaestus obeyed his great father’s order, giving the girl the face of a
goddess but human voice and strength. Then grey-eyed Athena dressed her in silver clothing and
placed an embroidered veil upon her head. Hephaestus crowned her with a golden wreath of
intertwined wild animal figures, a marvel which he alone could devise. When they had finished, the
children of Zeus led the mortal girl out among the immortal gods.
The Olympians gasped in admiration at the beautiful creature the renowned smith had
created. The Graces placed golden necklaces around her neck, while the Seasons placed spring
flowers among the golden animals of her crown.
Then the Lord of Olympus directed golden Aphrodite to give her the qualities of love and
desire. Finally, in order to ensure that the woman would be a source of sorrow to man, Olympian
Zeus instructed his cunning son, Hermes, to give the girl an inquisitive and deceitful nature.

As far-seeing Zeus commanded, all obeyed. Finally, as his gift, the Lord of High Thunder
gave Pandora a sealed jar and told Hermes the Wayfinder to accompany her down to earth, where he
should present her to gentle Epimetheus from the immortals.
Epimetheus could not resist such an appealing gift. Even though his brother Prometheus had warned
him never to accept any gift from Mount Olympus because it might prove to be a source of evil,
gentle Epimetheus could not believe that anyone as beautiful and as appealing as Pandora could
bring anything but delight. Therefore, he immediately married her.
Soon thereafter, Pandora became curious about what the sealed jar contained. No sooner
had she broken the seal and lifted the lid from the great jar than its contents flew out into the air,
scattering everywhere. Olympian Zeus had filled the jar to the brim with evils for man, thousands of
sorrows and sicknesses that now hovered, some to attack by day, and others to steal in by night.
Only one spirit remained behind in the jar. Hope had become caught under the rim, and it could not
fly away before Pandora replaced the lid. Through the contents of the jar, the Lord of High Thunder
completed his terrible revenge against Prometheus, thereby warning both gods and mortals not to
challenge his authority.

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