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Feature Article/Parker and Associates

Toxins and Diabetes Mellitus:

An Environmental Connection?
Veronica G. Parker, PhD; Rachel M. Mayo, PhD; Barbara N. Logan, PhD, RN, FAAN; Barbara J.
Holder, PhD, RN, FAAN; and Patricia T. Smart, PhD, RN

Several international studies have nisms. The Internet (World Wide
examined the relationship between Web) was also used to obtain gener-
environmental influences and dia- al information.
betes mellitus. The purpose of this The findings suggest that two
study was to provide a comprehen- environmental toxins, arsenic and
sive review of those findings from dioxin (dibenzo-p-dioxins), may have
the scientific literature of the past 30 some relationship to an increased
years. Literature relevant to the rela- risk for diabetes. It should be noted
tionship between diabetes and envi- that results only indicate a possible
ronmental toxins was reviewed. The relationship between diabetes and
literature search was conducted environmental toxins. The authors
using the National Library of strongly suggest that further studies
Medicine, Expanded Academic, be conducted to determine the true
Health Reference Center, and nature and extent of the relationships
PubMed (Medline) search mecha- reported in the literature.

iabetes is a major cause of mor- ~0.0001 ppm.2

D bidity and one of the leading

causes of death in the United
States. Several studies worldwide have
Arsenic combined with other ele-
ments, such as oxygen, chlorine, and
sulfur, is referred to as inorganic
examined the relationship between arsenic. Arsenic in plants and animals
environmental influences and dia- combines with carbon and hydrogen
betes. This article reviews findings to form organic arsenic. Organic
from the scientific literature between forms of arsenic are usually less toxic
1977 and 2000. The purpose of this than inorganic forms.3
review was to examine studies that The main exposure to inorganic
addressed factors in the environment arsenic in the general population is
that could be attributed to or associat-
through the ingestion of high-arsenic
ed with the prevalence of diabetes.
Findings have suggested that two drinking water.1 In the United States,
environmental toxins, arsenic and the Environmental Protection Agency
dioxin, may have some relationship to (EPA) standard for arsenic in drinking
an increased risk for diabetes. water is 0.05 mg/l water.4 Of major
concern today is exposure through
BACKGROUND untested well water. It has been esti-
Arsenic mated that ~350,000 people in the
Arsenic is a naturally occurring ele- United States may regularly drink
ment that is widely distributed in vari- water containing more than the
ous compounds throughout the acceptable level of arsenic.4
earth’s crust. Pure arsenic is a gray- In the general population, exposure
colored metal, but this form is rarely to both inorganic and organic arsenic
found in the environment. Arsenic occurs through medicinal, environ-
concentrations in the earth’s crust are mental, and occupational routes.
usually around 1.5–2 mg/kg.1 Drugs containing inorganic arsenic
In the environment, arsenic is have been used in the treatment of
Address correspondence and reprint transported mainly by water. In the leukemia, psoriasis, and chronic
requests to Veronica G. Parker, PhD, United States, it is present in soil at bronchial asthma and as a tonic, usu-
School of Nursing, Clemson levels ranging from 0.2 to 40 g/g, in ally at a dose of several hundred
University, 535-A Edwards Hall, urban air at levels of ~0.02 g/m3, micrograms per day. Wine and miner-
Clemson, S.C. 29634. and in water at levels averaging al waters can sometimes contain
Diabetes Spectrum Volume 15, Number 2, 2002
Feature Article/Environmental Toxins and Diabetes Mellitus

arsenic. For wine, this result is proba- 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins effects noted in people exposed to
bly attributable to the use of arsenic- or TCDD. TCDD does not occur nat- high doses of TCDD include skin
containing pesticides.1 Both forms of urally, nor is it intentionally manufac- rashes, discoloration, and excessive
arsenic are present in varying amounts tured by industry, except in small body hair. Changes in blood and
in food. Marine foods are the main amounts for research purposes. It may urine that could indicate liver damage
source of arsenic in the diet. They be formed during the chlorine bleach- have also been seen in those exposed
contain relatively high concentrations ing process at pulp and paper mills to TCDD. Exposure to high concen-
of organic arsenic and could supply and with the production of polyvinyl trations of TCDD may induce long-
52% or more of the total daily intake chloride plastics. It is also formed dur- term alterations in glucose metabo-
of arsenic, depending on the food ing chlorination by waste and drink- lism and subtle changes in hormonal
habits of the population in question.5 ing water treatment plants. Dioxin levels.6
Occupational exposure to arsenic can occur as a contaminant in the
occurs mainly among workers manufacture of certain organic chemi- RESEARCH DESIGN AND
involved in the processing of copper, cals. The major source of TCDD in METHODS
gold, and lead ores; the manufactur- the environment, however, is incinera- We conducted a literature search
ing of glass and various pharmaceuti- tors that burn chlorinated wastes.6 using the National Library of
cal substances; the use of arsenic pig- Its ubiquity in food, persistence in Medicine, Expanded Academic,
ments and dyes; and the production the environment, and extreme toxicity Health Reference Center, and
and use of agricultural pesticides. justify the public health concern relat- PubMed (Medline) search mecha-
ed to TCDD (or dioxin) today. nisms. The Internet (World Wide
Dioxin Studies of exposure to TCDD in ani- Web) was also used to obtain general
Dioxin is a general term used to mals have shown a wide range of information regarding environmental
describe a family of compounds severe effects including carcinogenici- toxins. Keywords for the search
known as chlorinated dibenzo-p-diox- ty, immunotoxicity, developmental included: diabetes, diabetes mellitus,
ins. The major sources of dioxin for and reproductive toxicity, hepatoxici- environment, and toxins. All studies
the general population are in our diet. ty, neurotoxicity, chloracne, and loss published between 1977 and 2000 rel-
Since dioxin is fat-soluble, it bioaccu- of body weight.7,8 Effects in humans evant to the relationship between dia-
mulates up the food chain and is have been studied, but the picture is betes and environmental toxins were
mainly found in meat and dairy prod- neither fully consistent nor complete. included.
ucts, including, in order of greatest The most noted health effect in people
concentration, beef, milk, chicken, exposed to large amounts of TCDD is RESULTS
pork, fish, and eggs.6 chloracne, a severe skin disease with Arsenic
Dioxin is highly persistent in the acne-like lesions that occur mainly on Results of several studies have suggest-
environment. The most toxic form is the face and upper body. Other skin ed that an association exists between

Table 1. Findings Related to Arsenic Exposure and Diabetes Mellitus

Location of Study Source/Sample Finding Statistics

Bangladesh9 Drinking water Arsenic exposure suggested MH-PR = 5.9

as risk factor for diabetes (95% CI: 2.9–11.6)
Taiwan10 Drinking water Increased risk factor for Exposure: 0.1–15.0 ppm
diabetes found among people OR = 6.61
exposed to arsenic (95% CI: 0.86–51.0)
Exposure: ≥15.1 ppm
OR = 10.05
(95% CI: 1.3–77.9)
Taiwan11 Drinking water Increased risk of diabetes Males: SMR = 1.35
mortality among people (95% CI: 1.16–1.55)
exposed to arsenic Females: SMR = 1.55
(95% CI: 1.39–1.72)
Sweden12 Occupational: Weak relationship found MH Extension for trend:
copper smelters between diabetes mellitus 2 = 4.68; P = 0.03
and arsenic exposure
Sweden13 Occupational: art Slightly increased risk for MH-OR = 1.2
glass workers diabetes among workers (95% CI: 0.82–1.8)
exposed to arsenic

CI, confidence interval; MH, Mantel-Haenzel; MH-OR, Mantel-Haenzel Weighted Odds Ratio; MH-PR, Mantel-Haenzel Weighted Prevalence
Ratio; OR, odds ratio; SMR, standardized mortality ratio
Diabetes Spectrum Volume 15, Number 2, 2002
Feature Article/Parker and Associates

arsenic exposure and diabetes (Table betic workers as compared to non- the reactor, including a substantial
1). In particular, a somewhat increased diabetic workers and an increased amount of TCDD, were released into
risk for diabetes has been reported fasting serum glucose level in diabetic the air through an exhaust pipe and
among people exposed to arsenic workers versus non-diabetic deposited as far as 6 km southeast of
through drinking water.9,10 The poten- workers.16 the plant.
tial relationship between mortality In the Veterans of Operation Extensive monitoring of soil levels
from diabetes and chronic arsenic Ranch Hand Study,17 results indicated and measurements of human blood
exposure via drinking water has also an adverse relationship between diox- samples allowed classification of the
been evidenced.11 Indications of a rela- in exposure and diabetes, glucose exposed population into three cate-
tionship between arsenic exposure and metabolism, and insulin production. gories: A (highest exposure), B (medi-
diabetes have also been reported in Included in the study were Air Force an exposure), and R (lowest expo-
studies of copper smelters12 and art veterans of Operation Ranch Hand, sure).19 Long-term studies were con-
glass workers.13 the unit responsible for the aerial ducted using the large population liv-
spraying of herbicides, including ing in the non-contaminated sur-
Dioxin Agent Orange and its contaminant, rounding territory as reference. An
Results of epidemiological studies dioxin, in Vietnam from 1962 to increase in diabetes in females who
that focused on diabetes prevalence, 1971. In the Vietnam Experience had median exposure (Zone B) to
glucose and serum levels, and expo- Study,18 diabetes prevalence in the TCDD was reported in one study.19
sure to dioxin are mixed (Table 2). A Vietnam cohort was similar (relative Another study of the same cohort
follow-up study of German industrial risk = 1.1) to that in the non-Vietnam found an excess of diabetes cases.20
workers exposed to dioxin found veteran cohort, however. Most recently, Cranmer et al.21 per-
diabetes less often in the exposed One of the populations most heav- formed a study of 69 men and women
group than in the referent group.14 In ily exposed to TCDD is that involved from the Vertac-Hercules Superfund
another study of the same cohort, in the Seveso, Italy, industrial acci- site, located in Jacksonville, Ariz.,
mean fasting serum glucose levels in dent of 1976. The accident occurred who had long-term exposure to past
the exposed group appeared to in a chemical plant where 2,4,5 industrial pesticide contamination.
increase with current but not back- trichlorophenol was manufactured. Their findings are consistent with epi-
calculated dioxin concentration.15 A The accident originated in one of the demiological studies and suggested
study of U.S. industrial workers production kettles, causing a sudden that high blood TCDD levels are asso-
exposed to dioxin revealed an surge in pressure and temperature ciated with hyperinsulinemia and
increased mean dioxin level in dia- that blew a safety device. Contents of insulin resistance.

Table 2. Findings Related to Dioxin Exposure and Diabetes Mellitus

Location of Study Source/Sample Finding Statistics

Germany14 Industrial workers Diabetes found less often in P <0.05,

dioxin group than in referents Fisher’s Exact test
Germany15 Industrial workers Mean fasting glucose in exposed P = 062
group appeared to increase with regression analysis results
current but not back-calculated
dioxin concentration
United States16 Industrial workers Increased mean dioxin and fasting P <0.05
serum glucose levels in diabetic logistic regression results
workers vs. non-diabetic workers
United States17 Veterans of Vietnam Adverse relationship found between RR = 1.5
dioxin exposure and diabetes (95% CI: 1.2–2.0)
mellitus, glucose metabolism, and
insulin production
United States18 Veterans of Vietnam Diabetes prevalence in Vietnam OR = 1.0
cohort similar to that in (95% CI: 0.4–2.2)
non-Vietnam cohort
Italy19 Industrial accident Increase in diabetes deaths among RR = 1.9
females in population exposed (95% CI: 1.1–3.2)
to dioxin
Italy20 Industrial accident Excess of diabetes found among RR = 1.8
females (95% CI: 1.0–3.0)

CI, confidence interval; RR, relative risk

Diabetes Spectrum Volume 15, Number 2, 2002
Feature Article/Environmental Toxins and Diabetes Mellitus

Conclusions World Health Organization, 1981, p. 43–102 effect of arsenic exposure? Scand J Work
These findings, although merely sug- 2 Environ Health 22:146–149, 1995
International Agency for Research on Cancer:
gestive, indicate a possible relation- IARC monographs on the evaluation of the car- 14
Zober A, Ott MG, Messerer P: Morbidity fol-
ship between arsenic exposure and cinogenic risk of chemicals to man: some metals low-up study of BASF employees exposed to
and metalloid compounds. Lyon, France, Int 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)
diabetes. In addition, a relationship Agency Res Cancer 23:39–141, 1980 after a 1953 chemical reactor incident. Occup
between dioxin exposure and dia- Environ Med 51:479–486, 1994
betes, glucose metabolism, and insulin Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry (ASTDR): Toxicological Profile for 15
production has been suggested. Ott MG, Zober A, Messerer P, German C:
Arsenic. Atlanta, Ga., U.S. Department of Health Laboratory results for selected target organs in
However, the findings reported here and Human Services, Public Health Service, 138 individuals occupationally exposed to
cannot be viewed as conclusive, espe- 1993 TCDD. Chemosphere 29:9–11, 1994
cially because causal relationships 4
Smith AH, Hopehayn-Rich C, Bates MN, 16
Sweeney MH, Hornung RW, Wall DK,
were not evidenced. Goeden HM, Hertz PI, Duggan HM, Wood R, Fingerhut MA, Halperin WE: Prevalence of dia-
It is important to note that the Kosnett MJ, Smith MT: Cancer risks from betes and elevated serum glucose levels in work-
majority of the studies were conduct- arsenic in drinking water. Environ Health ers exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-
ed in countries other than the United Perspect 97:259–267, 1992 dioxin (TCDD). Organohalogen Compounds
10:225–226, 1992
States. As previously mentioned, the 5
Van Dokkum W, De Vos RM, Muys TH,
main exposure to arsenic in the gener- Weelstra JA: Minerals and trace elements in total 17
Henriksen GL, Ketchum NS, Michalek JE,
al population is through the ingestion diets in The Netherlands. Br J Nutr 61:7–15, Swaby JA: Serum dioxin and diabetes mellitus in
1989 veterans of Operation Ranch Hand.
of high-arsenic drinking water. Of Epidemiology 8:252–258, 1997
major concern is untested well water. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry (ATSDR): Toxicological Profile for 18
In the United States, contaminant lev- Centers for Disease Control: Health status of
Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs). Atlanta, Vietnam veterans II: physical health. JAMA
els in water are routinely monitored Ga., U.S. Department of Health and Human 259:2708–2714, 1988
by state health and environmental Services, Public Health Service, 1999 19
control agencies. However, private Pesatori AC, Zocchetti C, Guercilena S,
Institute of Medicine: Veterans and Agent Consonni D, Turrini D, Bertazzi PA: Dioxin
well water is not routinely tested, Orange: Update 1996. 1996 Presidential Address exposure and non-malignant health effects: a
unless requested. by Bruce Alberts, Washington, D.C., National mortality study. Occup Environ Med
In light of what has been reported Academy Press, 1996 55:126–131, 1998
here, it is still unclear to what extent 8
De Vito MJ, Birnbaum LS: Toxicology of diox- 20
Bertazzi PA, Bernucci I, Brambilla G, Consonni
environmental exposures to arsenic ins and related chemicals. In Dioxins and Health. D, Pesatori AC: The Seveso studies on early and
and dioxin contribute to the overall Schecter A, Ed. New York, Plenum Press, 1994, long-term effects of dioxin exposure: a review.
risk of diabetes in the United States. p. 139–162 Environ Health Persp 106:625–633, 1998
Hence, caution should be used when 9
Rahman M, Tondel M, Ahmad SA, Axelson O: 21
Cranmer M, Louie S, Kennedy RH, Kern PA,
interpreting these results. Nevertheless, Diabetes mellitus associated with arsenic expo- Fonseca VA: Exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetra-
several of the studies are continuing in sure in Bangladesh. Am J Epidemiol cholordibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is associated
148:198–203, 1998 with hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance.
an effort to overcome existing limita-
Toxicol Sci 56:431–436, 2000
tions and to explore new research 10
Lai MS, Hsueh YM, Chen CJ, Shyu MP, Chen
paths. SY, Kuo TL, Wu MM, Tai TY: Ingested inor-
ganic arsenic and prevalence of diabetes mellitus. Veronica G. Parker, PhD, and
Am J Epidemiol 139:484–492, 1994
Barbara J. Holder, PhD, RN, FAAN,
Tsai S-M, Wang T-N, Ko Y-C: Mortality for are associate professors; Barbara N.
Acknowledgments certain diseases in areas with high levels of Logan, PhD, RN, FAAN, is director
This study was funded in part by a arsenic in drinking water. Arch Environ Health
and a professor; and Patricia T.
grant from the Orangeburg Regional 54:186–200, 1999
Smart, PhD, RN, is a professor in the
Medical Center Hospital Foundation. 12
Rahman M, Axelson O: Diabetes mellitus and Clemson University School of
arsenic exposure: A second look at case-control
data from a Swedish copper smelter. Occup
Nursing, and Rachel M. Mayo, PhD,
References Environ Med 52:773–774, 1995 is an assistant professor in the
Clemson University Department of
World Health Organization: Environmental Rahman M, Wingren G, Axelson O: Diabetes
mellitus among Swedish art glassworkers: an
Public Health Sciences, in Clemson,
health criteria 18: arsenic. Geneva, Switzerland,

Diabetes Spectrum Volume 15, Number 2, 2002

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