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WEEK 2: LESSON 2 o Like plants that generate their own

Professor/Lecturer: Michael Dann Superio, MSc • Heterotroph/s
VIDEO LECTURE o Like animals that consume other
organisms for energy
The Beginning of Life The first life form wouldn’t have had other organisms to
The Properties of Life consume of course, so it must have been an autotroph
Why are Cells Small? generating energy either form the sun or from chemical
Classification of Organisms based on Metabolic gradients.
Activities So, what locations meet these criteria?
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Places on land or close to the surface of the ocean have
• A Comparison of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
the advantage of access to sunlight but at that time when
• A Summary of Organelles and Their Functions life began the UV radiation on Earth’s surface was likely
• Metabolic Processes of Prokaryotes and too harsh for life to survive there.
o Prokaryote Metabolic Processes Hydrothermal Vents
o Eukaryote Metabolic Processes • Offers protection from UV radiation and an
Summary alternative energy source
References • A fissure in the earth’s crust where seawater
seeps into magma chambers and is ejected back
THE BEGINNING OF LIFE out at high temperature along with a rich slurry of
minerals and a simple chemical compound
Billion of years ago on the young planet Earth, simple • Energy is particularly concentrated at the steep
organic compounds assembled into more complex chemical gradients of hydrothermal vents
coalitions that could grow and reproduce they were the • Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA)
very first life on earth and they gave rise to every one of o Another line of evidence that points to
the billions of species that have inhabited our planet hydrothermal vents
since. o Scientist identified genes that are
commonly found in species across all
At the time, Earth was almost completely devoid of what three domains of life (archaea, bacteria,
we’d recognize as a suitable environment for living things. eukarya)
The young planet had widespread volcanic activity and an o Since these genes are shared across
atmosphere that created hostile conditions. species and domains, they must have
been inherited from a common ancestor
So, where on earth could life begin? o These shared genes tell us that LUCA
lived in a hot oxygen-free place and
The basic necessities for any life form harvested energy from a chemical
• Hydrogen gradient like the ones at hydrothermal
• Methane vents
• Nitrogen
• Carbon Dioxide Two Kinds of Hydrothermal Vents
• Phosphate • Black Smokers
• Ammonia o Releases acidic carbon dioxide rich
water heated to hundreds of degrees
Water Celsius and packed with sulfur, iron,
• In order for the elements and compounds to co- copper, and other metals essential to life
mingle and react with ocher they need this liquid o Scientist now believe that these were too
solvent hot for LUCA
• White Smokers
In order to grow and reproduce all, life needs a source of o Lost City
energy. ▪ A field of hydrothermal vents on
the mid-atlantic ridge
Life forms are divided into two ▪ A top candidate for the cradle of
• Autotroph/s life

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▪ The sea water expelled here is o Multicellular organisms – they can

highly alkaline and lacks carbon replicate through sexual or asexual
dioxide but is rich in methane means
and offers more hospitable • Respond to stimulus
temperatures o They are constantly adjusting to these
▪ Adjacent black smokers may changes by adapting the internal
have contributed the carbon chemistry
dioxide necessary for life to • Has defined functions of its parts
evolve at Lost City o The interplay among the chemical
components of a living organism is
Other Theories: dynamic
• Panspermia ▪ Changes in one component
• Creation (not quite sure, kay hin2 kayg voice si causes coordination or
sir) compensation in another
component, with the whole
THE PROPERTIES OF LIFE system displaying a character
beyond that of its individual part
• Has a high degree of chemical complexity ▪ The collection of molecules
(and microscopic organization) carries out a program and the
o Thousands of different molecules make end result of which is
up a single cell’s intricate internal reproduction of the program and
structure cell perpetuation of that
o Each has its characteristics sequence of collection of molecules
subunits o Ex: Doing Aerobic Exercises
o Its unique three-dimensional structure ▪ The muscles will call for
and highly selection of binding partners additional oxygen, therefore you
in the cell breathe more rapidly, causing
• Can extract and transform energy your heart to pump faster so to
o Enabling organisms to build and maintain deliver the necessary oxygen to
their intricate structures and to do every muscle of your body
mechanical, chemical, osmotic, and o Any change in cone component will
electric work involve another change in another
o Ex: Inanimate Matter (stone, soil, air, or component
water) • Has history of evolution
▪ These tend to rather decay or to o Organisms change their inherited life
a more disorder state or to strategies to survive in new
become equilibrium with its circumstances
surroundings ▪ To survive that particular
o Living things tend to resist equilibrium environment, they have to adapt
with its surrounding • Adaptive mechanisms
• Can replicate and maintain itself require to reconstitute
o A single bacteria cell placed in a sterile their internal chemistry
nutrient medium can give rise to a billion or identity
identical daughter cells in 24 hours o The results of eons of evolutions are an
▪ Each of these cells which came enormous result in a diversity of life forms
from the mother’s cell contain ▪ Superficially, we are very
thousands of different different but…
molecules, some extremely ▪ Fundamentally, we are related
complex, yet each bacterium is a through our shared ancestry
faithful copy of the original
▪ Its construction directed entirely WHY ARE CELLS SMALL?
from the information contained
within the genetic material of the • The size of molecules that compose it are
original bacterial cell relatively small
o For prokaryotes (or single-celled) o Cells are relatively smaller than these
organisms – they do binary fission (type molecules
of sexual reproduction)

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o Cells always have the minimum number • The earliest cells must have been simple, having
of biomolecules required to function only the minimum apparatus needed to sustain
• The rate of diffusion of molecules must be life functions
fast o Living things that resemble these earliest
o Diffusion – is the movement of molecules cells are known as prokaryotes
across a gradient (form high o Include (most) bacteria and
concentration to low coencentration0 cyanobacteria
o Ex: Oxygen Molecules o Single-celled, but can form colonies with
▪ If the size of the cell is the size of some simpler differentiation
a ball, it would take a long time • As these simple organisms evolved they became
for the molecule to diffuse within more advanced and the apparatus they need
the cytosol that by the time it became more specific and complex
reaches the mitochondrion, the o Living things that have membrane-bound
cell is starting to deteriorate organelles are known as eukaryotes
because in the absence of o Complex organisms that can be single-
oxygen to complete the electron celled (protozoa: amoeba, euglena, etc.)
transport chain or multicellular (plants/animals)
o Surface-to-volume ratio must be optimal
to avoid long time diffusion
o The size of the cells is actually an
evolutionary mechanism for efficiency of





Organelle Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

No definite
nucleus; DNA
Nucleus present but not Present
Note: Photoheterotrophs and chemoautotrophs are separate from rest
of cell
prokaryotic bacteria that live in extreme environments.
Cell Membrane
(Plasma Present Present
None; enzymes
The Biggest Biological Distinction for oxidation
• All cells contain DNA Mitochondria reactions located Present
o The total DNA of a cell is called a on plasma
genome membrane
• Individual units of hereditary controlling individual Endoplasmic
None Present
traits coding for a specific protein or RNA is called Reticulum
a gene Ribosomes Present Present
None; Present in green
Chloroplasts photosynthesis (if plants

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present) is
localized in



Organelle Function
Location of main genome; site of
most DNA and RNA synthesis
Energy-yielding oxidation
reactions; has its own DNA
Site of photosynthesis in green
plants and algae; has its own DNA
Continuous membrane throughout
Endoplasmic the cell; rough part studded with PROKARYOTE METABOLIC PROCESSES
Reticulum ribosomes (the site of protein
synthesis) • Prokaryotes have a diverse way of taking energy
Series of flattened membranes; from the environment: a different way from how
involved in secretion of proteins humans do
from cells and in reactions that link • While animals feed of other living organisms to
sugars to other cellular get energy, and plants rely on the sun,
components prokaryotes rely on the sun, prokaryotes rely on
Membrane-enclosed sacs multiple ways to metabolize food
containing hydrolytic enzymes
Sacs that contain enzymes Prokaryotes utilize the following processes to sustain life
Peroxisomes involved in the metabolism of processes:
hydrogen peroxide • Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
Separates the cell contents from o Obligate aerobes need oxygen to live;
the outside world; contents include obligate anaerobes need the absence of
Cell Membrane
organelles (held in place by the oxygen to live
cytoskeleton) and the cytosol o Facultative aerobes can live with oxygen
Cell Wall Rigid exterior layer of plant cells but can resort to anerobic respiration if it
Central Membrane-enclosed sac in plant is absent
Vacuole cells ▪ Handy mechanisms
• Sulfur Metabolism
o Bacteria that rely on this are the
“producers” in deep-sea ecosystems
• Nitrogen Metabolism
METABOLIC PROCESSES OF PROKARYOTES o Rely on nitrogen-based compounds such
AND EUKARYOTES as ammonia and nitrite; important in
Organisms can be classified according to their source of ▪ Feeding the bacteria that lives
energy (sunlight or oxidizable chemical compound) and among the roots of plants
their source of carbon for the synthesis of cellular • Eats ammonia and turn
material. it into nitrite or nitrate


Eukaryotes utilizes the following processes to sustain life

• Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
o Almost all eukaryotes are reliant on
oxygen, while there are certain
eukaryotes that are considered
facultative anaerobes
• Photosynthesis

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o Plants and protozoa that contain

chlorophyll rely on the energy from the
sun to generate energy


• Life began, hypothetically, on deep-sea beds or

oceans from which all life forms began
• What separates living things from non-living
things is their high degree of chemical complexity,
their ability to extract and transform energy, their
capability to replicate and maintain themselves,
ability to respond to external stimulus, their
defined functions and parts, and their
evolutionary history
• Cells, which are the basic unit of life, are
generally small because of their component size
as well as an evolutionary mechanism
• Cells can also be classified according to their
metabolic activity
o Eukaryotes are photoautotrophs and
o Prokaryotes are photoheterotrophs and
o Eukaryotes and prokaryotes differ in
metabolic activity and this allowed them
to exist in their respective environments


• “The Cells” Video Lecture via Canvas

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