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Eulalia Chapter 5: Wrong Pollinator

Chapter 5: Wrong Pollinator

After nineteen years of my life or so, I figured out something. My purpose in life was to be a human shield for crazy people from other crazy people, or so it seemed. How did I come to this conclusion? I thought of this when a certain boy joined me in line out of nowhere. I swore this guy always came out of nowhere. Brice, thank god, said Etchi, grinning and bending over with his hands on his knees. You're my savior. Thanks for saving me a spot in line. I hadn't spoken to him since that fine day he pinched Eulalia's nose. And that was two days ago. When did I- You're so considerate, he continued and straightened his back. Obviously, my consent didn't matter. You know how busy my schedule is and you did this for me. Thanks Brice. I can finally eat real food for once. I sighed. I stood in line for thirty minutes... Since he was slightly shorter than me, he peered up at me with a wide smile on his face. You're quite a passive fellow, aren't you? I didn't answer him. I smelled a trick question right away. I'm pretty sure you're not a nice guy, but you're not willing to tell me to fuck off. I was frustrated, but I kept it to myself. Is there a particularly reason why you picked to cut me? You happened to be in the right line at the right time. I thought so. I'm joking. I want to eat dinner with you. But why would you want to eat dinner with me instead one of your clients? I kept my thoughts to myself again. I decided that revealing anything that may give myself away to this guy was dangerous. It wasn't as if he was some criminal, but I felt like he was the blackmailing type. Again, I said, exasperated. Why me? How do I put this into words that won't offend you... I seriously don't think that's a problem here. You've offended me enough already. Amused, Etchi held his laughter back. Frankly, I attract too much attention from girls and you don't. I must have a funny look on my face because he burst out laughing. He had to calm himself down. No. Seriously. You're like some kind of anti-girl magnet. You're right, I said solemnly. That was offensive. Told you. I brought it upon myself like always. Hey. Look on the bright side. At least, you're useful to me? And what would being useful to you do for me? Etchi looked away. Ouch. That hurt. Sighing, I kept my eyes ahead instead and said, I can be honest too... I

paused and remembered something from several nights ago. Quickly, I turned to him. Hey. He returned his attention to me. Is that why you said thanks to me that one night? Because I was some sort of human shield? Honestly, I don't remember. You and Eulalia are the same, you know that? Tilting his head, he asked, What's up with that Eulalia girl? What happened afterwards? She went to sleep... Oh, that's good. ...And she hasn't woken up. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Etchi laughed at me again. Oh my fucking God! Hasn't that girl heard about moderation before? I asked out loud, shaking my head. But that's boring. I threw him a hard glance. Boring? Never mind, said Etchi, rocking back and forth on his heels. Is she your girlfriend? I moaned. No way. Does she have any cash on her? That's low of you. Why do I feel like you're getting the wrong idea? How can I not? Etchi pointed at the front where the two ladies were waiting. Since you have to put up with me for the next hour, I'll cover you. How about it, bud? I'm not owing you anything, I said bluntly, taking out my wallet. I was well too aware how much blackmailing this boy might have over me. Smirking, Etchi took out his wallet as well. It was sparkly. Suit yourself. I will. Thanks. Besides the fact that this guy cut me in line, there was another reason why I was acting especially cold to him. One, I couldn't agree with his services. Two, he managed to piss me off way too many times. Three, I never liked his flashy type. Four, he snapped Eulalia out of that game mode when I couldn't do shit. This was like that one time when I couldn't save Vivien, and instead, Eulalia managed to accomplish that and quite easily. I hated when everyone around me do all the work and leave me behind. It was the same here. Almost. Sure, it wasn't fair to put the blame on Etchi and I knew too well that if he didn't do what he did, I might still be stuck trying to pull Eulalia away from her Pokemon game. But, hell, I could have thought of something eventually. He didn't have to come in and be the hero. No, that wasn't the right term. He didn't have to get involved in my business. I wanted to resolve my situation with Eulalia myself without anyone else butting in. Jordan. Etchi. Anyone. Thanks, I said, sitting down at the table. He lifted a brow. What for? For helping Eulalia the other day. Even though I hated what happened between them, I wanted to thank him a

while now for that. I couldn't let my feelings and thoughts get in the way of common courtesy. After all, there was some merit in being able to think of such a plan so quickly. Etchi waved it off. Hey. It was nothing. How did it go with Vivien that day? I asked, thinking that if I didn't go ahead and start a topic, he would and that would be to my disadvantage. Etchi beamed, picking up a pair of chopsticks. Great. He was obviously being sarcastic. It seemed like every boy in this school wants my head now, especially that Andy fellow shes dating. I'm not surprised, I muttered. I'm used to it. I blinked. Used to it? Would you believe me if I say that this is the first time I had a dinner date with a guy the first time this year? No, I said blankly. Because you would be too busy with your clients, I assumed. Etchi managed to giggle mockingly at me. I glared at him. And what do you mean 'dinner date'? Oh. You know exactly what I mean. Back to Vivien, I grumbled. I was not touching that territory. Did that plan of hers work? Taking a sip of water, Etchi threw me an innocent look. How should I know? Etchi placed the cup back on the table. She paid me by the end of the day and that was it. If she wants to see me again, she needs to contact the number on the card. Besides, Etchi grinned. Isn't it make more sense if you ask her yourself how it went? I guess I will, then. Good boy. Don't say that again. There was a moment of silence before I noticed that he had already finished all his food. Looking at my own plate, I was only half-way done with me. Somehow, I felt slightly competitive towards him for no reason so I started eating faster. He lifted a brow at me and smirked in amusement. Hey, Etchi sat up straighter in his seat and observed me beneath those white designer glasses. Your food looks like an anus. I nearly choked, but I recovered in time and grabbed a hold of my drink. While chugging down my drink, I could hear Etchi snickering at me from the other side of the table. Etchi grinned at me. Just kidding. You nearly killed me. That would be really pathetic. I can see why you don't have any friends, I blurted out of anger. That makes two of us! I reddened and glared at him. I have friends. Judging by how offended you are of my statement, I can hereby declare my assumption a fact. Slumping in my seat now, I said, It's not that I can't make friends. It's that I

pick my friends wisely. Is that too much to ask? When I shifted my attention back to Etchi, he looked like he was fascinated with me. I scowled and glanced away. Whenever I was with this guy, I felt horribly uncomfortable. Sure, he wasn't exactly homosexual since he had that whole business of his going on, but it didn't help much that this guy was giving me so much unwanted attention. It was disturbing somewhat. Do you know why you're such an anti-girl magnet? A bit taken back by the question, I answered quickly, Not really. You don't like to approach people and you give off this 'Fuck you everyone' vibe. That's probably why people, especially girls, stay away from you. I wanted to laugh. What are you doing here, then? Isn't it obvious? he asked. I can eat without worries with you around. I see how it is, I stated, annoyed. In other words, you're using me to fend off the girls. Chewing on his straw, Etchi watched me closely. Now that we got that out in the open, you want to become my study buddy? We don't need to talk to each other. I just want to sit next to you and use you as a defense shield. Did he even for a second think I would agree to this? After he said something like that? Why can't you study in your room? Too many girls know my room number now. The library? It doesn't matter where I go. I'll be bothered. I glared at him. It's your own fault. How heartless, he faked a sad tone. At last, I finished my food and bolted up to my feet. I'm going now. Brice. That was the first time he said my name today so I gave him my attention one last time before I returned to the comforts of my room. Etchi grinned at me under that mess of light brown hair and white designer glasses. I blinked. What was he getting at? Was this his way of stalling me? What? I demanded. I'll make sure you reconsider, said Etchi smoothly, passing by me without wasting another second with his hands in his pockets. From afar, I watched as he walked a short distance before he was approached by a random brunette. The way I saw it, it was like she came out from hiding. How creepy and stalkerish. Anyways, since it was none of my business, I decided to forget this 'dinner date' even happened and went back to my room. After I got rid of my books and picked up a stack of paper on my desk, I headed out the door and straight toward Eulalia's room. She was most likely awake today. Surprisingly, Vivien answered the door after a single knock. By the way she dressed, I could guess that she wasn't going out today. From the smell of pizza in her room, I figured she was eating inside her room today as well. The blonde girl smiled sweetly at me and asked how I was. I hated idle chatter, but I went along with it in order to search for the roommate inside. There was no sight of Eulalia anywhere.

Where's Eulalia? I asked in the middle of our chat after my quick scan. She woke up and went to take a shower. I nodded. Good. At least, she remembers her hygiene... Why don't you come in? asked Vivien, moving aside. What a strange invitation. Sure? I know how much you wanted to see her, Vivien mused, sitting on top of her bed. I really hoped Vivien didnt misunderstood. Then again, I didnt want to bother defending myself if I were to bring the topic up. You have a couple of things you want to settle with her right? Thats right. I suggest you stay here, then. That way, you cant miss her when she comes back. I couldn't disagree with that logic. I'll wait, then. You want some pizza? Glancing down at the notes I took for Eulalia, I shook my head, I already ate. Oh... that's too bad... Even though this was the first time I could talk to Vivien in private without fear of interruption, I had nothing to talk about. Sadly, I could only think of what I should or shouldn't say to Eulalia once she was done showering. In the middle of our silence, I noticed Vivien blinking at me, as if expecting me to start a conversation between us. I felt horrible so I went with the only topic I had in mind for her, even though I knew I shouldn't talk about it at all. How did it go with Etchi the other day? Oh... That doesn't sound good. Vivien shook her head with a shy look on her face. It... went... Yes? Horribly well. Why 'horribly'? Standing in front of me, Vivien said under her breath, Before, he didn't care. Now, he cares too much. He gets jealous over everything. Vivien lifted her eyes up at me. What should I do, Brice? I was the wrong guy to ask this to. What do you mean? I asked, glancing at the door nervously. Instead of getting upset at me, Vivien had a disappointed look on her face and answered, He... won't leave me alone ever... I can't go anywhere without him asking me a million questions.... and whenever I talk to another boy... he gets really mad... I really had no idea what to say, but at least, I now knew why Vivien was staying and eating in her room for once. She was usually either out with Jordan and Sandara or some boys. Oh... I said lamely at last. This happened back in high school, too. I see. I thought it would change here... but I guess not...

Frowning, I sighed. I'm sorry to hear that. Out of nowhere, Vivien started tearing up. I was taken aback by this. Even though she began rambling on about something about her past with various guys, I completely blanked out and said mindless things. I honestly didn't think Vivien was such an emotional girl from our first meeting. From my first impression of her, I thought she was the type who was nave and probably never had a boyfriend before. Now, I understood she was the type that attracted unwanted attention from the wrong types of men and she had so little willpower on how to reject them that she had to deal with them, whether she liked them or not. She was simply a weak girl at heart. I wish, said Vivien, attaching herself to me now. I just let her do whatever she wanted since I pitied her somewhat. A nice guy can like me instead for once. Sighing, I muttered, It'll happen one day. Someone like you or Jordan would be nice... This one line was hard to swallow. I could see why she would say someone similar to Jordan since he already has a girlfriend and was out of her reach, but why did she have to add me to that equation? I was nothing compared to Jordan in both looks and personality. I was simply a regular guy trying to get past life and make the best of it at the moment. Hell. For the past week, I was failing even at that. As if the situation wasn't tricky enough, I heard someone coming in. There she was! Eulalia! Still in the same clothes I last seen her, she stared at me with sleepy eyes. However, she shifted those dark orbs over to Vivien. This was when I realized what it looked like. The scene of it all. It's not what it looks like! I cried, pushing Vivien away abruptly. Vivien blinked at me in surprise. Why did you word it like that? I don't know, I said, frustrated. Eulalia did not bother to respond to us. Actually, she didn't care to stay in the room either. She had already turned around to head out of the room. Somehow, I must have gained super speed because I managed to close the door before she took more than two steps from her spot. I was from the other side of the room, too. I was sort of proud of myself. Where are you going? She stared at the closed door in silence. For a second, I thought she wasn't going to answer, but she did. One single word was her answer. Casey. Why? Because a stalker is touching Vivi. I paled, glanced at Vivien, and shook my head frantically. I am not a stalker! I swear! And I'm not touching her because- In the middle of my explanation, Eulalia managed to vanish. I nearly lost it, but I forced myself to calm down and look around. The door was behind me so she couldn't have escaped that easily. After searching the room a bit with Vivien watching silently, I spotted her rainbow socks sticking out from underneath the bed. Okay. At least I now knew Eulalia was so thin that she could slip under her

bed frame with no problems. What was with this reaction though? Were we playing a game? Hide and seek? Come out, I called. No. This isn't a game. Stalker. For the last time, I am not a stalker. Harasser. I was speechless. Why did she have to add a second title to my good name? Let's talk, I said with a sigh. She refused to budge and I refused to touch her. Eulalia? At long last, Vivien decided to help out. Lally, he's not a bad person. Vivien crouched down next to Eulalia's legs. He waited here for you and brought you something, too. He closed the door and kept me captive inside... said Eulalia from under the bed. I groaned. What are you implying? That I am keeping your prisoner? Yes. Why? To harass you? Yes. Why would I ever do that? No reaction. No movement. Suddenly, I thought of something. Thats too bad And I even brought you a bag of oranges... At the magic word, Eulalia popped her head out. Ripe ovaries? Taking this chance, I pushed the notes into her hands. Here. For you. I didn't want to see or hear her reaction so I left abruptly. No, that wasn't right. As I walked out of the room, I knew that the reason why I left like that was that I didn't want to be rejected. I couldn't bear the thought of her not even glimpsing at the notes I had taken for her. Now, as I stood outside her room, I felt like an idiot once more. Why did I take them in the first place? She already labeled me as a stalker. Why would taking notes for her make things better in any way? She's going to throw them out, I thought. Brice! How sudden. Someone was here to talk to me already. How often did that happen? Too bad it wasn't the same girl I wanted to avoid. It would be nice if she would find me for once and apologize for her horrible behavior. A thank you would be lovely once in a while too, I suppose. But no. I was too familiar with her voice to think it was her. Therefore, I turned around and accepted the fact that it was Vivien standing next to me. Er, hi. I want to apologize for Lally... Oh, no. It's okay. Really. I'm sorry. It's not your fault... Vivien shook her head. You have to forgive her for her behavior, Brice. Please? Forgive her? For what?

You see... After Vivien's explanation, my eyes widened. I actually listened to every single word she said this time. I couldn't believe my ears. Could this be possible? I couldn't even remember whether I thanked her or not for the information on Eulalia because soon enough, I found myself on top of my bed, thinking. I wanted to do something, but at the same time, I shouldn't do anything since Eulalia would just hate me more. She never did appreciate my meddlesome ways anyways. No. I shouldn't think so negatively. I shouldnt give up either. I wanted to be friends with her or at least, acquaintances. If I tried anything reckless from here on, I might never recover in her eyes. However, it was better to try and fail and then, try again later. Yo Brice, Jordan greeted, entering the room. Hey. What's up? I sat up straight and smiled at him. Let's skip class tomorrow. *********************************************** That morning, as I waited at the designated area, I wondered when Jordan was going to show up. After all, when I asked him to skip his first class in order to go on a mission with me, he agreed eventually. At first, he thought he was hearing things from me until I summarized to him what Vivien told me. His reaction was similar to mine. Actually, he probably took it worse than I did. He was the sympathizing type so he became upset and bitter about what was going on with Eulalia. According to Jordan, this was the least the two of us could do for our friend. We're here, Brice. We? Hi Brice. I glared at Etchi, who was grinning at me. What was he doing here with Jordan? Don't you have classes? Don't you? Instead of arguing with Etchi, I turned my head to Jordan. Why is he here with us? Jordan glanced at Etchi once before he said, Etchi's client canceled on him so he called me and asked if I had anything to do. I told him we were stalking Eulalia today so he decided it would be fun to tag along with us. I didn't think you would mind. We're not stalking, I shot back. Sure, we're not, said Etchi, widening his grin. We're not, I told him. We're here to prevent the stalker from stalking Eulalia. Judging from his expression, Etchi wasn't impressed. Just because we're stopping a stalker from stalking Eulalia doesn't mean we're not stalking Eulalia, too. Jordan, I called to the blonde boy for help. To stalk is to pursue a person, game, or object stealthily, Jordan said.

Did you memorize the dictionary or something? I asked. Now that you mention it- Forget it. Etchi beamed at us. I can't wait to stalk Eulalia, then! We're walking, I stated, losing my patience. We're not pursuing her stealthily. We're walking normally in the same direction as she. And we're doing it in a group, too, so we're not stalking. I don't think numbers matter, Jordan said. I tossed him a look. Let's drop this. That means you lost the verbal argument, said Etchi in reminder. I ignored him. She's about to leave her class. At my words, Etchi giggled darkly at me. You sure did your research, my boy. If you're here to mess around, please leave, I said in the most polite voice I could manage. Jordan and I are on serious business here. The stalker prevention duo? Etchi asked. Jordan smiled at him. Pretty much. At least, tell me what's going on if you want me to be serious about this. May I? asked Jordan, seeking my approval. I sighed. Jordan, just tell him, though I doubt hell act serious. All right, said Jordan, focusing his attention on Etchi. I kept my eyes on the door, just in case. Long story short, according to Vivien, Eulalia is very weary of stalkers lately because she's being stalked by multiple guys on campus. Does this include Brice or not? asked Etchi innocently. You... I said, glaring at him now. Not, right? Etchi grinned sweetly. Since you're her boyfriend and that's allowed. At that word, I started to laugh in disbelief and shook my head. No. Just no. No? I'm not stalking and I'm not her boyfriend. We went over this already. Etchi blinked. Does she have a boyfriend? No, she doesn't, said Jordan immediately. Both Etchi and I stared at him, which made Jordan blush and add, I asked her out of sheer curiosity once and she said no. With a serious expression on his face, Etchi frowned and muttered, There's probably a misunderstanding involved, then... Misunderstanding? asked Jordan. We'll see, Etchi answered quickly. At his words, I was suspicious. What was this guy thinking? I could never get what he was thinking or saying. In any case, I decided to ignore it for now since Eulalia and the rest of her class left the room. We hid behind a wall as the students scattered to wherever they needed to go. Jordan kept an eye on Eulalia and motioned us to follow her once the coast was clear. The three of us kept a distance behind her and attempted to look normal. We weren't stalking her after all.

I think Brice hates me, said Etchi in a whiny voice to Jordan. Annoyed, I forced myself not to look back and kept my eyes forward. I was leading the other two around campus. Currently, Eulalia seemed to be in her own world as always as she walked all over the place and admired the vegetation on campus. I noticed that she seemed to ignore all humans around her, as if they werent even there. Not that there was much to look at when it came to people anyways. Brice is always like that, Jordan said in respond. He always has that pissed off look on his face? It's not really a pissed off look. Hm. Okay. A rod up his ass look? I can hear you, I grumbled from up front. Do you have a girlfriend, Jordan? Great. Now, I was being ignored. Well, I had Eulalia to watch over while these two were distracted with each other. Why were they here again? I do. She lives far away. That sucks. Long distance relationship? Yeah. I visit her every weekend though. How nice of you. May I sleep in your spot over the weekends, then? Sure. If Brice is okay with it. Stopping in my tracks, I said, No. I like my privacy the way it is, thank you very much. The other two stopped talking for now. I was happy. They were starting to really annoy me. Sure, I was fine with either of them alone, but combined? In addition, I had to think about what to say to Eulalia. All of this was driving me up the wall. Why was I here? I wanted to be in class right now. I already missed some class thanks to Eulalia. Why was I missing more classes thanks to her? Jordan wouldn't have a problem missing classes since he had a million friends to take notes for him. Plus, he was quite a smart guy. Etchi didn't seem to care much for his education as far as I could see so this was nothing to him. But me... I wasn't good at anything, but studying. Plus, I needed to attend lectures to understand anything. What the hell? Why was I getting stressed out all of a sudden? Your girlfriend's pretty cute. I glanced over my shoulder to see that Jordan was showing Etchi something on his cell phone. Jordan probably had a million pictures of his girlfriend on there that he wanted to show off anyways. I actually never saw or heard of the girl, but I was sure that I would meet her eventually. I lived in the same room as Jordan after all. Do you have one? asked Jordan curiously. Etchi shrugged. There are two girls I really admire, but they're not my girlfriends and they're not around anymore. Where are they now? Not here, said Etchi safely. You don't mean... said Jordan, looking sad. Nothing like that. No worries. I'm glad, then, said Jordan, relieved.

You're quite a softie, aren't you? At times, I guess. Etchi smiled gently. It's good. I wouldn't have expected from first impressions. I coughed in interruption and said, Have you two forgotten what we're here for? Unlike this guy who completely meets my first impression of him, said Etchi, frowning at me. You started it with your grand study room scene, I grumbled. Etchi smirked at me. If so, why don't you try to end it? Listen- And just for your info, said Etchi, cutting me off deliberately. You probably didn't notice that the guy in the navy shirt had been walking in the same direction as Eulalia this entire time, too. I wonder if he's part of the stalker prevention committee? Wait, what? I asked, whirling around to search for him. All three of us had returned to our task at hand at Etchis information. Jordan's eyes widened at the guy in question. Etchi simply shrugged and pocketed his hands. The stalker was standing a few feet away from us. A typical Caucasian boy in overexpensive clothes. Him? I asked, motioning to the Caucasian. Him, said Etchi. He looks like his face got hit by a shovel, I said, disliking the stalker already. Your face looks like it got hit by a bus, then. I glared at Etchi. Who's side are you on? Hey. I'm just stating facts. Of all the possible students on this campus, I had to hang out with arguably the most annoying guy on arguably the most important mission since I entered this university. Jordan made a great companion since he knew when to talk and when not to talk. Our third companion on the other hand seemed to take great pleasure in torturing me with words. If it were out of spite, at least I could accept it somewhat. But in Etchis case, he seemed to just say it for his own entertainment. I dont think hes a real stalker. Etchi and I switched our attention to Jordan, who was watching the stalker carefully with a solemn expression on his face. I remembered the last time I saw Jordan make that face was when he thought Sandara was in danger. Wait. He wore that similar expression when he heard about this stalker deal last night, too. In other words, this meant that Jordan was not as easygoing as he usually was. Instead, he was in serious thinking mode and I wasnt sure what to make of this in this scenario. Is that good or bad? asked Etchi carefully, but still with a grin on his face. I was thankful Jordan was unlike this guy, who was so not taking any of this seriously enough. Good, actually, said Jordan, much to my relief. I can relate to him a bit.

Jordans into stalking? asked Etchi loudly, bringing a handful of eyes to us. Jordan blushed bright red. N-No! Thats not what I mean! Oh, darn, said Etchi, disappointed. And here, I was going to tell you where I currently live. No one cares, I interrupted. Before Etchi could come back with one of his replies, I turned to Jordan and said, What do you mean by him not being a real stalker? I mean, said Jordan, frowning. From the way hes acting, it feels more like an admirer than a stalker. I must have given him a blank look or something similar because he continued to explain, You know when you really like someone you want to see them all the time I think this boy simply likes to watch Eulalia. Etchi lifted a brow. And you got all this from just observing the guy? I know it sounds like nonsense but No, I get it. You get it? Etchi nodded. Youre probably one of those types who can read people just like that. Its admirable. You want to get to know people better before jumping to any false conclusions. Etchi grinned. I like that, Jordan. Youre more than meets the eye. Thanks Jordan flushed. I swear, my respect keeps going up for you since we met. Thanks Still, I joined in. I dont trust him. Not after what Vivien tells me. I wouldnt take that girls words at full value if I were you, said Etchi under his breath. And why is that? I demanded. Etchi shook his head. Ill trust Jordan more on this one. He seems to know what hes talking about, at least. Its from personal experience, Jordan admitted. Oh? Etchi was obviously interested. You liked someone so much that you wish you could stalk that person all day? Its more like wanting to know what that person does at all times. Thats cute. Can we talk more about that later? I asked, irked. All of this talk was bringing back some bad memories for me. Were supposed to be on a mission here. Right, said Etchi, nodding at me. I thought he finally decided to act serious when he did the complete opposite. So tell me, guys, who are the girls in your little band of friends again? Sandara, Eulalia, and Vivien? Am I right or am I right? Youre right, Jordan agreed. Jordan, why must you go along with this guy? Why couldnt you just ignore him and follow Eulalia like we were supposed to? I sighed and decided it was no use. Now, what to do about this stalker Okay, said Etchi, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Who would you date out of those three?

The stalker was still following Eulalia, but I answered automatically. Vivien. Same, Jordan agreed. I thought otherwise for you, Jordan, Etchi commented, surprised. Honestly, Sandara is more my type, but theres a personal reason why I cant pick her. I blinked at this info. I see. How about to have a fling with? Etchi asked with a gleam in his eyes. I shrugged. Vivien. I guess the same, Jordan answered right after. Interesting, said Etchi with a quick nod. A few minutes ago, I wouldnt have answered his questions. Who know what he would use this piece of info to his advantage? But right now, I was concentrating on the stalker so hard that I wasnt exactly thinking. Besides, I didnt mind if Vivien knew since Jordan was pretty much giving the same answers as me. And knowing Vivien, she would like to date Jordan over me any day. That much was obvious. It didnt take a genius. This is a hard one, Etchi continued. How about to marry? He was right. It was a hard one. Judging by how much Jordan was thinking about his answer, it must be difficult for him too. I actually had no idea who I would like to marry out of three. Actually, it was only difficult between the last two since Eulalia was out of the question. Since we were playing this game anyways, I might as well pick the obvious choice once more. I guess Vivien, I said, trying to sound more confident in my answer. Also Vivien, Jordan copied me again once more. Etchi released a heavy sigh. I swear, you two are so typical. How so? I asked, feeling insulted. You guys picked the typical girl. How boring. Explain, I ordered. Shrugging, Etchi smirked and said loudly, Why would you want to settle with the girl who is so similar to every other girl in the world? How much fun can you get out of that? Why would you want the safe route? You only live once. I glared at him. You! Why are you raising your voice? If it were me, said Etchi, completely ignoring my question and continuing on in his strong, loud voice. I would date, fuck, and marry Eulalia. At least, she won't bore me to tears. What the hell is wrong with you two? In the corner of my eye, I noticed the stalker staring right at Etchi so I went up to Etchi and whispered fiercely, Stop that. The Eulalia stalker heard you! He did? asked Etchi, faking innocence. I thought I wasn't loud enough. You were more than loud, Jordan said calmly. I didn't notice, Etchi said, returning his voice to normal volume. I wonder if he went after Eulalia now? At Etchi's question, both Jordan and I gaped at the sight of him approaching Eulalia despite her going on her merry way. Oh, I guess so. You so did that on purpose, I moaned. He needed the extra push. No, he doesn't.

Etchi rolled his eyes. I'm testing Jordan's theory out. We won't get anywhere by this rate... unless you were willing to just go up, punch him, and get it over with? I stared at Etchi, speechless. I thought so. No spine. No balls. You should be thanking me I'm doing the work for you. Dumb ass, I cried, running after the vanished Eulalia and her stalker. I was so angry right now. What if he does something to her? Jordan ran right behind me. I saw them went right inside the gardens up front. I glanced back and noticed only Jordan. Where's that troublemaker? I don't know, said Jordan, also surprised that Etchi disappeared all of a sudden. Forget him. He was only with us to kill time. Now that he has to run, he probably left. That does sound like him. Like I said, forget it. Let's make sure that creeper doesn't do anything to Eulalia. Agreed. At USC, there was this one new garden that the botany class planted a few years back. Now, the garden was one of the most popular places for students to hang out on a hot day. I had never actually been to this garden myself, but when I entered it, I was quite shocked at the variety of wildlife here. There were so many types of flowers and plants that I was almost interested in them. Almost. However, I wanted to find Eulalia as fast as I could. I didn't want either of them out of my sight. Brice, I found them, Jordan said, returning to my side. Okay. Where? Over here. Standing right in the shade of a huge tree, Eulalia was giving this stalker her full attention. At least, most of her attention since her eyes were as sleepy as always. He was acting civilized enough since he was standing a distance from her. Still, I shouldn't be careless. He might try something. Again, I didn't trust this guy. He had scared Eulalia into thinking she had many stalkers after all. At times like this, Jordan was quite a reliable guy. He found us a nice spot behind this one tree that was close enough that we could listen in on their conversation. Best of all, if this stalker tried anything funny, we could jump out from behind this tree and stop him from coming near Eulalia. Jordan and I agreed with a nod that we would stay quiet and still unless it was necessary. Eulalia... Eulalia yawned. Yes? I... he stopped and pulled something out of his bag. Both Jordan and I were on the defensive now. I wrote up some notes for you. The Hispanic girl blinked at the notes. Notes... You've been absent for some time and I thought you were dropping the class at first until the professor confirmed otherwise so I brought you my notes. Huh... I know you're the best student in our class- Say what? Eulalia?! -but even

you would be behind in class if you don't at least know what we've been talking about for the past week. Eulalia stared at his offered notes and said at last, No thank you. But- I don't need notes. You sure? Eulalia scratched the top of her right ear. Yeah. I'm sure. He had the most disappointed look on his face. I was sort of delighted. I can't trust you since... Eulalia tilted her head with a frown. I don't even know who you are. I blinked. Jordan turned and gawked at me. I was speechless. Wait a second... We sit next to each other in class! he cried in dismay. We do? Yes! Eulalia scratched the bridge of her nose now with a tired look on her face. How do I put this... What is it? You're one of a thousand faces I see at this school, Eulalia said, yawning again. And I guess you just don't fascinate me. Ouch, Jordan said under his breath, unable to hold that one in. I had to agree with Jordan. Even though I was given this treatment by Eulalia before, I never would have imagined she would be doing this to someone else. Actually, there was no guarantee that it was only us two. There might be... tens... no hundreds.... maybe even thousands of various people who she just didn't bother to remember at all. Knowing this now though, it didn't make me feel any better. I tried so hard. This guy probably tried really hard, too. Why wasn't it working? Moreover, as I stared at the depressed expression the boy's face, I actually felt sorry for him. At least, I didn't have feelings for this horrible girl. This guy probably did. How can I change that? he asked suddenly. Eulalia blinked. Change what? What can I do so that you'll notice me? Suddenly, I perked up at this. Yes, I wanted to know this too. Why didn't I think about asking her? Oh wait. I could never ask her such an embarrassing question. My situation was different from this guy. We couldn't possibly approach this the same way... There was no way. We were not alike at all. I took notes for her for a completely different reason... Why do you want me to notice you? asked Eulalia, perplexed. I don't understand. I could see how tormented he was by how he was struggling with himself, which reflected obviously in his facial expressions. This was a tough call. Should he make up a bullshit reason that most likely Eulalia would see through or should he just go with the truth? If it were me, I would just go with the truth, but not make it sound so obsessed. So, what did I miss? Jordan and I tossed Etchi stern looks. Now, he decided to come back.

Where have you been? I noticed that we're near where I stay at so I went and grabbed something. But most of the dorms are in the other direction... Jordan said, frowning at whatever Etchi was hiding behind his back. I don't live in a dorm, exactly. Whatever, I said, pushing Etchi over with my shoulder. Quiet. It's getting to the crucial part. Oh baby, Etchi whispered, excited. Is he going to confess? Maybe Etchi was a mind reader or something because the stalker did just that. He carefully picked his words because he knew very well what type of person Eulalia was. If you didn't say it straight out and in some clever way, she would never be able to understand you. At first, there was no reaction from Eulalia when she heard that he wanted to go out with her to improve his presence in her heart. Then, she blinked several times and thought about it. Flowers use different techniques such as color and smell to attract pollinators, Eulalia stated, sighing. It's one of the basics we learn from our class. Yeah. I recall that. But sometimes, certain types of pollinators get the wrong idea and try to pollinate flowers they're not supposed to touch in the first place. And nothing really happens. Are you... Eulalia rubbed her sleepy eyes. You're not the right pollinator. Right after her line, Jordan turned to us and said, Eulalia is harsh, isn't she? She outright rejected him without even giving him a chance. Man, poor guy... That's how it should be, I said coldly. It served him right trying to stalk and then, ask her out like that. It was absurd. She doesn't even know his name. How is she supposed to say yes? I still feel bad for him, Jordan sighed. He tried hard. No, he didn't, said Etchi this time. I was surprised it was from him of all people. He took the coward's way of loving her. If he wanted to make himself known to her, he should have done something grander than just taking a couple of stupid notes. Taking his guitar from inside his bag, Etchi stepped out from behind the trees and went toward where Eulalia was at. I glared after him since he basically insulted me, too. Again, I knew my circumstance was different from the stalker, but I still felt like Etchi was making fun of me. That stalker didn't approach her directly before was because of Eulalia's personality... not because he lacked the courage to. What did Etchi know? He never even had a conversation with Eulalia before. When Etchi arrived to where Eulalia was, he found her already sleeping against the tree. The stalker who was with her before left not long after she gave her answer to him. I wanted to run over and see what Etchi was up to, but Jordan told me to stay with him instead. I blinked. What was Jordan thinking? Didn't he remember that Etchi was the same guy who went into Sandara's room the other night? This guy was potentially as dangerous as the stalker from before. No, he

could potentially be more dangerous. With his acoustic guitar on his lap, Etchi closed his eyes and began strumming the strings quietly. Eulalia stirred slightly, but she kept napping nevertheless without a care in the world. A couple of people in the garden turned to Etchi, but he kept playing nevertheless. This of course brought me back to the first time I met him. He was so focused on his book that he didnt even notice that every pair of eyes in that study room were on him. I couldnt tell whether he simply didnt care or he was used to it already. I know this song, said Jordan softly. Same I said, realizing how familiar this song was. This was when Etchi opened his mouth to start singing. His singing voice was as strong and clear as his speaking voice. I was unfortunate enough to hear how loud he could be a few minutes ago. I hated to admit it, but I was sort of impressed by his singing. It was deep and trained. Even though he wasnt as great as he probably thought he was, he was much better than me. And Jordan. I heard him in the shower before. Judging by the people in the garden with us, they were pretty much having the same thoughts as me. Hey there Eulalia. Don't you worry about the distance. I'm right there if you get lonely. Give this song another listen. Close your eyes. Listen to my voice it's my disguise. I'm by your side. As Etchi moved on to the endless Oh, its what you do to me, Eulalia finally stirred awake. I wasnt the only one to notice that she was waking up. Etchi did too. Much to my surprise, he quickly got up to his feet and walked away in fast strides. Passing by me, he picked up his dropped bag and continued on his way without looking back. Jordan tossed me a look before he ran after Etchi. By the time I realized what was going on around me, I found Eulalia next to me. And she was staring up at me with wide eyes like she had never seen me before.

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