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Chapter 18: Turned Leaves

Chapter 18: Turned Leaves

“I broke up with my girlfriend.”
I picked my head up from my history book and gawked at Jordan, who just
came back from a morning shower. “For a joke, I don't find it funny.”
“It's not a joke,” said Jordan, removing a t-shirt from a hanger.
“Long-distance relationships rarely work out anyways.”
Jordan chuckled. “As expected from you, Brice.”
“What's up?”
“You're not the type to pity me,” Jordan said, wearing his shirt.
“You probably got enough of that from all your fabulous fans,” I said
“Yeah. Because they are so sad that it happened.”
“Of course.”
Jordan closed the closet door and gave me this brilliant smile. “You have
something else to ask, don't you?”
I made a scowl. “When you put it that way, I do.”
“Go for it.”
“Are you dating Vivien now?”
At my blunt question, Jordan flushed bright red and cried, “That's not the
“Am I a fucking mindreader? How am I supposed to know what you want me
to ask?”
“Wouldn't it be natural for a friend to ask why I broke up with my girlfriend?”
“Why would I ask that? It already happened!”
Jordan turned away from me. “And the answer is no.”
“Really?” I asked, not convinced. “Vivien broke up with her boyfriend a few
days ago.”
“Are you implying something, Brice Worth?” Jordan demanded, keeping his
back to me.
“I thought that was quite clear.”
Jordan grabbed a jacket and wore it quickly. “Anyways, I'll be heading to
class now.”
“And eating lunch with Vivien after?” I asked, teasing him.
“Actually, no,” said Jordan with a sigh. “Word of my breakup spread like
wildfire. Now, whenever I look at a girl in the eyes, all I can see is fire.” I laughed
at his comment. I believed it. “That's why I'm not eating lunch with Sandara or
Vivien either.” Jordan smirked at me. “But it's okay. Lally's my lunch partner.”
“No way,” I waved it off. “She doesn't like to eat out.”
“Maybe that's just an excuse to not eat lunch with you,” Jordan said cruelly,
heading out the door.
“Hey,” I glared after him. “That was uncalled for.”
Jordan waved back at me. “Later, Brice.”
For a guy who just broke up with his high school sweetheart, Jordan acted
way too normal and carefree fro my taste. I could only think of a couple of
possible scenarios. One, their break up was a mutual one and they ended on a
positive note. Two, Jordan had already found someone else to date right after. It
didn't have to be Vivien. He had lots of other options. Three, Jordan hadn't quite
accepted the fact that he broke up with his girlfriend yet and maybe when he
realized it, he would break down. Four, for someone with as many ex-girlfriends as
he, this break up was probably like any other one. In any case, even though I was
curious about why he broke up with his girlfriend, I felt awkward asking him when
he showed no signs of regret at all.
After what happened on Saturday between Eulalia and I, I managed to
return to my former sleeping habits. Casey broke up the party about an hour after
I left it and ever since then, the dorms had returned to its previous state of
tranquility. Furthermore, I had no more heart aches after what happened between
Eulalia and I. At the expense of her being so depressed about it, I thought it was
for the best. Actually, I was quite happy. Anything was better than having to give
up on her. Plus, I was playing on the chance that maybe we could come to some
understanding at last.
Anyways, today was Thursday and for the past three school days, I fully
enjoyed all my classes and studied for all of them in a timely manner. This was
what college life should be like. For that short period of time that I kept obsessing
over Eulalia, I couldn't study well at all. My study habits were failing me and I was
losing too much sleep. After so much rest though, I felt energized once more. Yes,
I still cared about Eulalia and wanted to see her constantly, but somehow, a huge
burden had been lifted off my shoulders with that kiss. Somehow, that single kiss
made all the difference for me.
Since I was used to eating lunch by myself in my room, I was somewhat
surprised when Sandara called me and asked if I wanted to join her. Of course, she
would want to be with me now. I was the safe second option. Jordan would always
be her first choice and I her second. Our friendship was the same way. Wasn't that
the case with Vivien as well? I had become Brice, the back up. Well, who fucking
cares. Eulalia was well aware of me now and nothing else mattered at the
moment. Sandara could eat lunch with me every day until Jordan find a new
girlfriend for all I cared.
To prove what I just said, I managed to spot her on her way back from class.
It was Thursday. We had the same break hours. I called after her. But at the
mention of her name, Eulalia scurried away without even looking back at me.
Before, she would ignore me like I didn't even exist. This change was much
appreciated. I felt proud of myself. I bet after what I did to her, she couldn't stop
thinking about me. A part of me knew it was cruel to be so happy about this
change because she must be hurting. But another part of me thought this was
just enough of a payback for all the pain and suffering she dealt on me for the
past month. Once both of us could recover from this, we might be able to face
each other.
“Brice, over here!”
At the sight of Sandara waving at me from one of the tables, I went straight
to her and greeted her. We bought sandwiches and talked about our classes for a
while. Then, after we got bored of that topic, Sandara mentioned something about
maybe joining some drama production and how she missed acting. I had no idea
she used to be part of drama club back in high school. It reminded me of how
shallow my friendship with Sandara and the others truly were. The only person I
could really claim to be friends with was Etchi, who was too busy to even answer
his phone these days. Then again, I thought it would be low of me to act normal
with Etchi so soon after I kissed Eulalia.
“Has Jordan been avoiding you?” I asked the topic she refused to bring up.
“You've noticed, huh?”
“Only this morning,” I admitted. “I've been studying too much.”
Sandara laughed. “I'm fine. He'll come around eventually.”
“What happened?” I asked, more to myself than her. “Just a few weeks ago,
we were still together.”
“Friendship change fast,” said Sandara.
“I know that,” I agreed. “But you and Jordan have been friends back in high
school, too.”
“Actually,” said Sandara after a sip of her soda. “We weren't that close back
at Wilson.” I had no idea again. I felt so out of it all of a sudden. “We only really
talk at the hospital we both volunteered at.”
“I see.”
“I wish Jin Song was here.”
“Jin Song?”
“How do I put this,” said Sandara with a thoughtful expression on her face.
“He was the reason why Jordan got out of the slump he was in back in high school.
He changed Jordan's life forever.”
“Where is he now?”
“He's gone,” said Sandara, sighing. “But never mind that. Don't you find it
strange how Jordan broke it off with his girlfriend without warning?”
“Who doesn't?” I cried. “It came out of the blue.”
“Sure, they haven't seen each other for two weeks but-”
“Honestly, I don't really want to know,” I said clearly. “It feels like some
twisted drama.”
Sandara released a long sigh. “You're right, but I'm so damn curious.”
“About Vivien,” I said slowly. “Have you been talking to her lately?”
“We talked on Tuesday about a shopping trip tomorrow. Why?”
“Is she with a new boyfriend or anything like that?”
“No. I'm actually quite surprised. I know a couple of upperclassmen asked
her out, but she told them she was too busy with her studies to go out again.”
I frowned. “That's just an excuse.”
“Why do you ask though?” Sandara asked with a worried expression on her
“I said some things I shouldn't have said to Jordan at the party,” I admitted.
Sandara's eyes widened. “I told him that he should keep helping Vivien out
because there's no hidden intention behind his friendship with her. He is simply a
good friend to all of us. He said in this joking voice that he doubted that.” I stared
at my half-eaten sandwich. “Should I have believed him?”
“No,” Sandara said quickly.
“He doesn't like Vivien,” Sandara said. “That's not the hidden meaning he's
joking about.”
“I told you before, didn't I?” Sandara asked with a sad smile. “Jordan used to
be very weak. He was very unstable. He was one of those people who could have
easily killed himself and assumed no one cared.” I stared at her in horror. “But
that changed with Jin Song.”
“That's good.”
“He empathizes with people too easily,” said Sandara. “He can't leave weak
Vivien alone at all. And the more time he spends with her the more his sense of
duty to her grows... He wants to help and protect her... probably more than a
friend should.” Sandara shook her head. “It's probably eating him up inside- that
he can be this close to another girl and stay faithful to his girlfriend at the same
“And this is why being nice sucks,” I stated.
“I feel insulted though,” said Sandara, stamping her right foot. “How can he
avoid me like this? How dare he groups me with all those other girls!” This was
more like the Sandara I knew. I felt relieved that she returned to her normal self.
“Does he think that I will launch a frontal attack at the first sign of him breaking
up with his girlfriend?”
“I'm not like that,” cried Sandara. “I am genuinely concern for the two of
“I'm joking,” I smiled at her. “You're a good person, Sandara.”
“Yes, I do admit that there's a small part of me that wants him to be single,
but,” she had a firm look on her face. “That's only after he has had a genuine
break up with his ex-girlfriend.”
“You're always studying,” I said calmly. “Maybe you should try to pursue
your old acting hobby.”
Sandara smiled sweetly at me. “You want to come with me, Brice?”
“No thank you,” I said quickly, scowling.
“Oh, have you heard the rumors lately?”
“About what?”
“There's some rumor going around that Jordan and Lally are dating.”
I allowed a chuckle. “That's ridiculous.”
“People really would spread anything just because two people of the
opposite sex are constantly together,” said Sandara, annoyed.
I nodded. “Yeah. At a time like this, Eulalia is probably the safest choice in
friends for Jordan.”
“Yeah and that's all there is to it.”
“So I heard you would die for me.”
As per usual, I studied with Etchi that Friday evening. We were in the second
floor study room once more since everything returned back to how it was. Today,
the study room was pretty much empty for whatever reason. There were a couple
of people here and there, but not enough for me to feel bad for chatting with Etchi
after staring at written words for too long.
Etchi's lips curled into this cruel smile. “Oh really. Are you flattered or some
shit like that?”
“And what if I say I am?”
“Well, suck it elsewhere,” Etchi said. “I'm not falling for your crap today.”
I stared at him and asked, “Are you in a bad mood today?”
“No, fuck it.”
“You are.”
Etchi tossed me a glance. “And you being in a good mood is fucking creepy.”
“It's just my kind of week, I guess,” I smiled.
“Did you get laid?”
I remained calm and shook my head. “Nope. But I know you didn't.”
“Shut the fuck up,” said Etchi, turning a page of his book. Both he and I
knew we were referring to the Xara incident last week. “I only want Eulalia
“Hm, me too.”
Etchi gave me a deadly stare. “Don't tease like that.”
“And why not? You do it to me all the time.”
“If you haven't fucking noticed, I get serious when it comes to Eulalia.”
“Oh, I know,” I grinned at him. “The professional manwhore Etchi can do his
job anywhere, as long as Eulalia is not around. Am I right?”
Etchi laughed at my comment surprisingly. “You sure are full of confidence
today. Care to share?”
“I'm fixing my sleeping cycle.”
“That's it?”
I shrugged. “Yeah. I'm a simple kind of guy.”
“Sounds nice,” Etchi said. “I wish I can be more like that.”
“Simple doesn't suit you,” I said, returning my eyes to my books.
“That's because you only like what you know to be your one and only truth.”
“Yeah,” I said, not bothering to argue. “Like how even though our friendship
is a lie, you are the closest friend I have at this school.”
“I didn't know happiness and sentiment go hand in hand for you,” Etchi
“I'm not being sentimental. I just find my social life a bit pathetic, thank
Etchi twirled a pen in between his fingers. “And whose fault is that?”
“I know,” I sighed. “At the rate I'm going, I might as well join that drama
production with Sandara for the hell of it.”
“You don't need to be in a drama to make a fool of yourself.”
“Yes. That's definitely the encouragement I need from my best friend right
Etchi grinned at me. “I'm quite good at acting. If you're serious, I'll help
“Why am I not surprised?” I asked, exasperated.
“You can pay me with love, Brice.”
“That won't do,” I played along since I was in a good mood and nothing
Etchi say could get me down today. “I don't have enough of that to give away to
just anybody.”
“You can always do it in increments,” Etchi suggested with a straight face
“Your price is high. I don't think I want to deal with you for that long.”
Etchi placed his pen down and leaned toward me. “I think I'm worth it.”
I pushed him away. “I'm not stupid. Sandara would help me for free.”
Etchi feigned a hurt look. “But you know I'm better than Sandara.”
“How about you join drama with her?” I asked quickly when a couple of girls
passed by us.
“With my schedule?” asked Etchi in disbelief. “Not unless I get another client
like Master Xara.”
“And I thought I lacked a social life.”
“I can't argue with you there,” said Etchi, sighing. He was clearly stressed
out from the workload. “Having two jobs is harder than I imagine.”
“You are human after all.”
“And what imperfect creatures we are.”
At around eleven o'clock, the two of us called it quits since we weren't
focusing as much as we liked to. I wondered whether Etchi had patched things up
with Xara. Last Friday, he completely ditched her and left me with the
responsibility of taking care of her. This week, I was going to make sure Etchi went
through with his job. He had to remain professional after all.
But like last week, the two of us noticed that Eulalia was crouching in front
of her plants that were still left on the second floor. I assumed that Casey would
force Eulalia to remove them so I was pleasantly surprised. Though, admittedly, I
should have noticed them when I climbed the stairs with Etchi earlier. We talked
too much for our own good.
Knowing Etchi well, I forced him to walk with me toward her. He had to
anyways if he wanted to head to Xara or leave the building altogether. As we
neared her, I noticed that she was actually collecting the leaves off her branches. I
wondered what she was up to now. First, tubers. Next, ethanol. Now, leaves or
whatever Eulalia wanted to call them.
Since Eulalia was so focused on her work, she hadn't noticed that Etchi and I
were right behind her. She was so adorable today with her pigtails tied up by
orange bands. Without warning, I tapped on the shoulder and said her name out
loud. Eulalia jerked up and dropped her Ziploc bag of leaves. Right when she was
about to dash away at the sight of me, she noticed Etchi standing right behind
me. Her face paled considerably.
“Shouldn't you be asleep?” I asked her.
Eulalia dropped her eyes and said, “I have nothing to say to you.”
“Don't be like that,” I said. “How about we walk you back to your room?”
“I'm not a child,” she peeped, keeping her eyes down.
“It's on the way anyways,” I continued.
“Leave me alone.”
Without picking up her bag, Eulalia bolted away and jumped down the stairs
carelessly. Thankfully, she managed to land correctly and continued hurriedly.
Shrugging, I bent over and picked up her bag. However, when I met Etchi's face,
he was not amused at all. Instead, he seemed to be interrogating me with his
eyes. I tried to smile but he didn't buy it.
“What exactly happened between you and Eulalia?” Etchi questioned.
“Nothing,” I lied.
“She's very conscious of you,” he noticed.
“Maybe she finally recognized my existence.”
“You don't get it, Brice,” said Etchi, following me down the stairs. “This is
beyond that.”
“Beyond what?”
“How do I put this,” Etchi searched for the right words. “It's like... she's
scared of you.”
“Eulalia? Scared? No way.”
“That's what I thought, too,” Etchi admitted. “Eulalia's not afraid of
anything. She doesn't care about most things enough to be fearful of them. Wait.”
Etchi stopped in his tracks. We were on the first floor now. “Since when does she
care about you so much?”
“I got through to her,” I said at last. “Isn't this what you and I both wanted?”
“I don't know what kind of messed up shit you wanted, but this isn't what I
had in mind at all.”
“Enlighten me, then,” I said, annoyed. “What did you have in mind?”
“You mean something other than you two getting along and becoming good
friends?” asked Etchi in mocked surprise.
“I'm getting there,” I reassured him, continuing our walk.
“By making her run the hell away?” Etchi lifted a brow. I blinked blankly at
him. “Good luck.”
“It might look counterintuitive now,” I argued stubbornly. “But believe me,
it's working.”
“I underestimated you, Brice,” said Etchi with a firm nod. “It's no wonder it's
taking you extra long to be friends with Eulalia. Your methods are quite, for lack of
better term, counterproductive.”
“Oh yeah?” I asked, more irritated than before. The two of us were in front
of my room now. “So, tell me, oh perfect one. How did you get Eulalia to notice
Etchi smirked. “Are you sure about this?”
“You really want to know?”
“Call me curious.”
“I hit on her,” Etchi said with no shame.
“You actually tried to pick Eulalia up of all people?” I asked in disbelief.
“What's wrong with Eulalia?” Etchi asked, frowning.
I glanced away at that familiar line Eulalia used on herself. “Has people's
definition of beauty changed that much?”
“I don't think my taste in women agrees with the majority,” said Etchi
“So, how did you manage it?” I asked. “Flowers? A cheesy pick up line? A
confession letter?”
“No, those came later,” he said. “When I was in line with her-”
“What line?”
“The financial aid line.”
“There's a financial aid line?”
Etchi gave me the most disagreeable look ever. “Fuck you leeches.”
“What did you say to her?” I asked, scowling.
Thinking about it, Etchi happily answered, “I said something like I don't mind
risking public humiliation to start a conversation with a cute girl like her.” I
gawked at him in disbelief. How could anyone in their right mind say something
like that to Eulalia based on first impression? “Then, I continued with how we're
the only two lonely, underage individuals under this damn forsaken hot California
weather and how our parents must really hate our shitty asses to send us to this
fucking hell hole of a line and for what? To beg for a flawed financial package for
our own predetermined future and education.”
I admitted that Etchi was just being himself then.
“You really said all that to her?”
“More or less without the cussing.”
“I noticed you don't curse around her.”
“That's because she doesn't like it.”
“I guess I can see that.”
“How about you?” Etchi asked curiously. “How did you approach her?”
“I pretty much offered myself up for charity work for her sake,” I said,
feeling pathetic.
“Quite the pushover you are.”
“You think we'll be having this conversation right now if I weren't?”
Etchi winked. “Point taken.”
“But yeah, I can see why she would notice you and not me,” I said through
gritted teeth. “No matter what you say or do, you always stand out, Etchi. And I
just... don't.”
“Yeah, I get it. I'm conspicuous. You're not.”
“Your need to clearly rub it in pisses me off,” I stated clearly.
“I personally think it takes a special type of talent to be that invisible,” He
said with a sweet smile. As for me, I felt like he just slammed a book on my head.
“And that's where your charm lies, Brice. Rejoice in your good fortune.”
“I hate you,” I said, not being able to hold it back anymore.
“Love and hate aside,” Etchi somehow managed to back me up into a corner
with a devious smile on his face. “What exactly did you do to my Eulalia to make
her so fearful of you?”
“That again,” I sighed.
“Did you think I'd forget that quickly?”
“It's nice to be hopeful.”
Etchi snatched the bag of leaves out of my hands and said darkly, “I told
you once before, didn't I? Don't ever fuck around with a pretty boy.”
“What does it matter to you?” I asked, acting cool. “Why are you always so
worked up about her?” I glanced away. “What are you to Eulalia? You always
dodge that question for some reason.”
Frowning, Etchi replied, “I thought it was obvious.”
“Yes, it's so obvious that no one can figure it out.”
“It's a matter of privacy,” Etchi said carefully. “It's up to Eulalia, not me.”
“Whatever,” I resigned.
“So, what happened between you and her?” He asked again.
I decided to sound as casual about it as possible. “Oh, nothing. I kissed her
because she looked pretty with her hair down.”
Instead of getting mad like I expected, Etchi chuckled under his breath, “No
“You don't believe me?” I asked in disbelief.
“No fucking way.”
“Why not?”
“You don't have the balls to do that,” he said in dismissal.
Even though Etchi said that out loud, I noticed that he decided to turn away
and head toward Eulalia's room. This was exactly like him. On the surface, he kept
up this pretty and strong appearance. But underneath all that, he was probably
less confident than me. Of all the people in this world, he might have the least
amount of faith in Eulalia. How ironic.
Honestly, as I followed him from behind, I was really annoyed at how
confident he sounded when he said that I could not possibly kiss her. Yes, he had a
point that normally, I wouldn't have because of how passive I was. But since it
actually happened, I felt insulted and my pride wanted more than anything for
him to know the truth, even at the cost of us breaking up as friends.
Standing outside Eulalia's door, Etchi knocked on it. No answer. He waited
patiently for a full minute before I noticed he was shaking slightly. He knocked on
the door harder and called out her name. Surprisingly, no answer. We both saw
her coming down this way. Unless she decided to take a walk at eleven at night,
she was most definitely in her room. Also, shouldn't Vivien be in her room at this
time, too? Shouldn't Vivien answer in Eulalia's place?
“Layla,” Etchi said under his breath. I was shocked he decided to use his
nickname for her in front of me. “Layla, we need to talk.”
At last, Eulalia must have given in because she opened the door and kept
her eyes down. She was still wearing the same clothes except her shirt was
hanging almost loosely against her tiny shoulders. Maybe it was because we
shared a kiss, but my heart was beating so fast at the sight of her. I glanced at
Etchi, who was playing the cool calm guy, and wondered whether his heart was
beating this fast as well. Was it not possible to have the same love interest and
remain friends with him?
“Too many people...” said Eulalia under her breath.
“It has to do with Brice,” said Etchi firmly. “So I'd rather have him hear this.”
Eulalia lifted her eyes up at Etchi. “I... have something to talk about... too.”
“You should go first,” he said.
“I've been having lunch with Jordan.”
“I heard the rumors. I don't believe them.”
Eulalia nodded weakly. “I've been asking him what a girlfriend is supposed
to do.”
“Oh,” said Etchi, sounding bothered by this.
“He says things like dates,” said Eulalia, uncertain. “And a lot of other
“How about kissing?” Etchi asked in a serious tone.
I glanced at Eulalia and noticed that she clasped her hands together. “He
mentioned that, too.”
“You told me before that you don't find it particularly interesting, Layla,”
said Etchi casually. Eulalia remained quiet at his comment. “And you know I would
never ever pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do.”
Eulalia looked like she was on the brim of tears. “I am fully aware of that.”
“But I'm starting to wonder if that's really a good idea.”
“If it's about the kiss,” Eulalia started, glancing at me once before returning
her attention to Etchi. “I...” Eulalia was holding back the tears. “Don't regret it.”
My heart halted to an abrupt stop.
“Really,” said Etchi, faking a laugh.
“But,” said Eulalia, staring straight at him now. “It's not because my feelings
have changed.” Eulalia glanced away, as if ashamed. “And it's not because I liked
it either.” Eulalia paused and took a deep breath. “It's because I want to live with
my choices in life.” Eulalia returned her eyes to the floor again. “My choice to
attend school here. My choice to make friends. My choice to not say 'no'. These
are all my choices and I refuse to regret any of them.” Eulalia lifted her hand and
grabbed a hold of his sleeve. “But it's also your choice to be mad at me.”
“I'm not that petty,” Etchi said sternly. I noticed that his legs were shaking
though. “How can I? I kissed hundreds of girls and probably went further with half
of them.” Eulalia chose to stay silent again as Etchi continued, “But they don't
mean anything to me.”
Eulalia apparently understood what Etchi was trying to say because she said
in reply, “My feelings haven't changed.”
“Just say it,” said Etchi forcefully. “Say that the kiss didn't mean anything.”
“I... wonder.”
Etchi pulled away from Eulalia's grip on his sleeve. “You're allowed to lie,
you know.” Etchi's voice was cracking. “You don't always have to say the truth
because no one will know whether you're lying or not. So,” Etchi dropped his
head. “Tell me that it was nothing but a spur of the moment thing.”
“I can't lie to the person I care about the most.”
“I have no idea what it means,” Eulalia said honestly. “But it's not 'nothing'.”
“It's midnight,” said Etchi after a short silence, checking his cell phone. He
had no expression on his face as he pocketed his cell phone. “I better get back to
my job.”
“I suppose,” she mumbled.
Looking back and forth between the heartbroken Eulalia and the distant
Etchi, I made up my mind quickly and chased after Etchi, who was heading to
Sandara's room now. This whole situation had not played out exactly what I had in
mind. I thought Etchi would get angry at Eulalia and I. I thought for sure he would
return to his room right after this. But none of that happened and it bothered me.
“If you want to punch me,” I said behind his back. “You should get it over
“Violence does not resolve anything,” Etchi grumbled, continuing on his
“But it makes one feel better.”
Etchi stopped and thought about it. “Which would imply I am feeling down
right now.”
“Aren't you?”
“Quite frankly, I don't feel shit.”
I wasn't sure what to say to that so I decided on, “Is this what they call
being a pro?”
“Perhaps,” he said, walking again. He refused to look back at me. “I told you
already. I am a pretty decent actor.”
The two of us arrived in front of Sandara's room now. Etchi returned to his
usual routine of taking out his key and unlocking her door. I just stood there like
an idiot, waiting for some punishment for what I had done to him. Then, when he
thought of something, I could argue against it and we would return to normal
again. We would put this behind us and think of it as a funny memory for later.
Next, I would try for Eulalia's attention and Etchi would help me once more. Yes,
everything should work out just like that.
The world wasn't ready for it though. Soon, Etchi disappeared into Sandara's
room and closed the door shut behind him. I sat down against the wall and waited
for another five minutes, hoping for a delayed reaction. Nothing of the sort came.
Maybe he wasn't ready for it today, I decided. I got up and went back to my room.
Today, I told myself not to let anything get me down so I better make sure this
stayed true by going to sleep.
Unfortunately for me, I found Vivien sitting against the wall opposite to my
room. Earlier when Etchi and I went down the stairs, she wasn't there. I wondered
how long she had been sitting there by herself. Since I was her friend, I went up to
her and tapped her on the knee. She was hiding her face behind her tugged
knees, as if she was crying to herself. When she raised her eyes at me, I noticed
that they were red and puffy. She had been crying again.
“You should go back to your room,” I said.
“Thanks for your concern, Brice,” said Vivien softly. “But I'll be fine here.”
“What do you hope to accomplish by sitting here?”
“I want to see him,” Vivien answered in a hushed tone.
“Jordan refuses to see you?” I asked for the sake of asking. Vivien nodded.
“You should leave him alone for a while.”
“I want to see him,” she repeated.
“You shouldn't do that,” I said, feeling awkward. This looked like I mistreated
her somehow. “You're making it harder than him.”
“You see me as a desperate woman, don't you?”
I sighed. “No one said that.”
“But you don't understand at all,” Vivien cried tearfully. “I don't mind any of
that. I don't care what people say about me.”
“Yes, yes, I know.”
“I just want to be with Jordan.”
Whatever my thoughts were on this, I pulled Vivien into a hug out of
friendship, “It's okay now.”
“What is it?”
“I have never liked a boy as much as Jordan before,” she stated, sniffing
through tears.
I sighed again. “I know.”
“That's why I want to work hard,” she continued. “I will do anything for him
to like me back.”
“I don't think the world is fair.”
Vivien tightened our embrace. “If I lived in his area, I might have went to his
high school. If I went to his high school, I might have met him. If I had met him
earlier, he might have been my boyfriend instead.” Vivien started crying again.
“She was just lucky to be there at the right place and time. It could have been
“I know what you mean,” I agreed.
“You do?”
“If I had been in that financial aid line instead, things might have turned out
I shook it off and said, “Never mind. Continue.”
From midnight onwards, I spent the entire time listening to Vivien cry and
talk about Jordan constantly until she finally fell asleep against my arm. That was
about when Etchi finally left Sandara's room to head back to his hotel room.
Without saying a word, the three of us head back to Eulalia's room with Vivien
asleep on my back. Etchi used that extra key he probably received from Eulalia
ages ago to open the door. I went inside and dropped Vivien on top of her bed.
Etchi gave me Eulalia's bag right before I came in so I dropped that off at the
table, too. Taking a quick peek over at Eulalia's side of the room, I noticed that she
was well-hidden underneath her blankets. Slightly disappointed, I left the room,
only to find Etchi waiting patiently for me.
“I thought you would have left,” I commented.
“And leave you alone in a room with Eulalia?” He asked, arching a brow.
I smiled at him. “Did you sleep at all?”
“No,” he stated. “And not planning to.”
“What are you planning to do, then?”
Etchi shrugged. “Run and run some more.”
“May I join you?”
“No. You can't keep up.”
“All right, then.”
“Hey,” Etchi said clearly, staring at me straight in the eye. “Do you like
For the past couple of days since I kissed her, I asked myself this many
times. I pursued her. I tried my hardest to get her to look my way. I was in so
much pain when I decided to give up on her. I was so happy when she started
caring about my presence. No matter how I looked like it, I was exactly like Vivien,
who decided to sit in front of Jordan's room.
Smiling, I finally understood what Eulalia meant before and said, “I don't
mind her.”

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