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Brief History of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship and the Invention of Money

Entrepreneurship is defined as the process of One of the key developments in the history of
starting a business. Today, entrepreneurs are entrepreneurship (and in human history) was the
romanticized as being the cornerstones of a successful invention of money.
capitalist economy.
Prior to the invention of money, all
The Beginnings of Entrepreneurship and Trade entrepreneurship and trade took place through the
barter system. If John wanted 5 bars of iron, then he
Believe it or not, the first entrepreneurs can be might have to sell 1 horse to get those bars. Of course,
traced back to nearly 20,000 years ago. The first known he would also need to find an iron merchant who
trading between humans took place in New Guinea, needed a horse.
where locals would exchange obsidian (a volcanic glass
prized for its use in hunting tools) for other needed goods The limits of the barter system were known as a
– like tools, food, etc. “coincidence of wants.” Understandably, this vastly
limited trade and entrepreneurship in early history.
This early type of entrepreneurship continued for
millennia. Hunter-gatherer tribes would trade goods from Over time, paper money and coinage would be
different parts of their respective regions to provide an developed. Currency gave entrepreneurs several
overall benefit for their tribe. important things:

Entrepreneurship and the Agricultural  It facilitated long-distance trade

 It acted as a medium of exchange
 It provided a way for entrepreneurs to store
The first big shift in entrepreneurship took place value
during the Agricultural Revolution, which occurred  Obviously, currency changed the fate of
about 12,000 years ago. entrepreneurship forever.

In agricultural revolution, humans started to Modern Entrepreneurship

domesticate plants and animals. Instead of having to
roam, forage, and hunt for their food in different regions Today, entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of
throughout the year, human populations could remain economies all over the world. Even in command
stationary in one location and farm the land . economies like China, entrepreneurs are valued for
their contributions to the economy and encouraged to
This was a fundamental shift in human history. innovate to compete with companies around the
Villages and towns started developing close to fertile world.
lands. There was no longer a need for everyone in the
The global economy – combined with modern
community to be directly involved with food production.
infrastructure and communications – has introduced a
People didn’t need to spend all day hunting and
gathering for their own sustenance – it was more new age of competition to the world of
entrepreneurship. No longer are you competing with
efficient to let a smaller number of farmers handle food
entrepreneurs in your tribe, town, village, or city: you’re
production while the rest of the population focused on
other tasks. competing with entrepreneurs all over the world.

As time went on, new areas of specialization began to Conclusion: Where Does Entrepreneurship Go from
emerge. Early entrepreneurs would work in areas like:
Since the beginnings of history,
 Pottery
entrepreneurship has always been ruled by the market
 Carpentry
forces known as supply and demand. Early
 Wool-Making
entrepreneurs in the Agricultural Revolution met the
 Masonry needs of farmers by providing them with tools and
shelter. In exchange, they received food that could
feed their families.
What is Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship? Risk Taking Ability – Risk taking enables and
encourages innov ation, w hich can be an
An entrepreneur is someone who locates the need
important product/service differentiator. Failed
of society and tries to meet the same, with his/her
risks aren't alw ays negativ e. Sometimes, they
innovative idea.
prov ide the most v aluable business lessons an
On the other hand, entrepreneurship refers to the entrepreneur can learn. Failure helps shape
process of establishing a business entity, intending to get future business strategies and can ev entually
profit, as a return in the future.
lead to business grow th.
You might have heard the names like Bill Gates,
Leadership ability - Leadership is an important
Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Jack
function of management w hich helps to
Ma and many more, for their innov ative and unique
products given by them to the society. They are not maximize efficiency and to achieve
businessmen, rather they are entrepreneurs as they have organizational goals. I nitiates action- Leader is a
established a business, to offer an innovative product and person w ho starts the w ork by communicating
took the risk in the hope of getting profit, as a return in the policies and plans to the subordinates from
future. w here the w ork actually starts.

Future oriented - People w ho believ e they

ENTREPRENEUR ENTREPRENEURSHIP control the future and learn to think like
COMPARISON entrepreneurs make better employees. They
Represents An innovator, who chased the A procedure through which an change lifestyles, technology, communities,
businesses and policy. The future-oriented
dream, till it becomes true. innovation is done.
become innov ators and achiev ers w herever
Business He/She is the one who sets up It is the activity, which an they are and at w hatev er they attempt.
Venture the business venture, to turn a entrepreneur undertakes to set up The company formed by an entrepreneur
concept into reality. the business venture. is usually a startup enterprise, w hich can be
understood as the liv e manifestation of his/her
Definition of Entrepreneur idea.

Entrepreneur refers to a person w ho conceives So, an entrepreneur is:

a creativ e idea and takes all the necessary steps
 A beginner in the market, w ho has
required to conv ert the idea into reality, such as
something new to offer to society and
taking initiativ e to sets up a new business enterprise
starts right from scratch to establish and
by supplying sufficient capital, land, labor and all the
run the enterprise.
essential resources to produce the product, he/she
has in his/her mind and bearing all risks so as to gain
 An innovator, w ho has a thought-
profits in future .
prov oking idea or concept in his/her
mind, that has the capability to lead the
Self confidence - is concerned w ith how a person
feels about his ability. A successful entrepreneur
believ es in his abilities. He is not scared to explore un-
chartered territories, take risk and take difficult  A developer, w ho dev elops a business
model, to giv e shape to the idea.

Passionate and focused - Some entrepreneurs are  A leader, w ho prov ides guidance and
passionate for inv enting: They focus on identifying support to his/her men, to w ork in a
new opportunities or creating new products or specific direction or change the same (if
serv ices. Some entrepreneurs are passionate for required) so as to achiev e the target.
founding: They focus on setting up and nurturing the
initial v enture.
 A promoter, w ho takes all the relevant 3. Resourcing
steps to turn the dream into reality.
The third step in the entrepreneurial
 A forecaster, w ho foresees, future process is resourcing, w herein the entrepreneur
opportunities and threats w hich can affect identifies the sources from w here the finance
the v enture, positiv ely or negativ ely. and the human resource can be arranged. Here,
the entrepreneur finds the inv estors for its new
 A risk taker, w ho has the ability to v enture and the personnel to carry out the
anticipate the risk in the future mov es, and business activ ities.
take the risk, if they are beneficial to the 4. Managing the company
Once the funds are raised and the
employees are hired, the next step is to initiate
Definition of Entrepreneurship the business operations to achieve the set goals.
Entrepreneurship is the process or activ ity, First of all, an entrepreneur must decide the
of initiating, dev eloping, managing and management structure or the hierarchy that is
operating a startup company, w hile taking all the required to solv e the operational problems when
risks inv olved, so as to make profits. I t is one of the they arise.
four factors of production, the other being land, 5. Harvesting
labor, capital.
The final step in the entrepreneurial
Now , we hav e discussed the process is harv esting w herein, an entrepreneur
entrepreneurial process as under: decides on the future prospects of the business,
1.Discovery i.e. its grow th and dev elopment. Here, the actual
grow th is compared against the planned growth
An entrepreneurial process begins with the and then the decision regarding the stability or
idea generation, w herein the entrepreneur the expansion of business operations is
identifies and ev aluates the business undertaken accordingly, by an entrepreneur.
opportunities. The identification and the
ev aluation of opportunities is a difficult task; an The entrepreneurial process is to be
entrepreneur seeks inputs from all the persons follow ed, again and again, w henever any new
including employees, consumers, channel v enture is taken up by an entrepreneur,
partners, technical people, etc. to reach to an therefore, its an ev er ending process.
optimum business opportunity. Once the An entrepreneur uses sev eral factors to turn his
opportunity has been decided upon, the next idea into a profitable product. I t w ould really be
step is to ev aluate it. obv ious that an entrepreneur’s first investment in
2.Developing a Business Plan his business enterprise is an idea.

Once the opportunity is identified, an An idea is simply something an

entrepreneur needs to create a comprehensive entrepreneur has already conceptualized or
business plan. A business plan is critical to the imagined, painting a more or less clear picture in
success of any new v enture since it acts as a his mind, giv ing him a clear plan of action. In
benchmark and the ev aluation criteria to see if other w ords, an idea is a clear blueprint in the
the organization is mov ing tow ards its set goals. entrepreneur’s mind.

An entrepreneur must dedicate his sufficient time Raw materials are the basic inputs that
tow ards its creation, the major components of a the entrepreneur uses to come up w ith his
business plan are mission and v ision statement, products. These inputs comes from his
goals and objectiv es, capital requirement, a env ironment, and are usually found to be in their
description of products and serv ices, etc. unprocessed or natural states. Thus, the term
‘’raw ’’.
Capital, on the other hand, refers to the A fifth contribution of entrepreneurs is their ability
building, machinery, equipment and tools to gain international popularity and prestige for
used in the course of production. More often their country. This is true especially w hen these
than not, an entrepreneur hires laborers – entrepreneurs are already able to export their
people directly responsible in the production products or ev en bring their businesses abroad.
process. The place w here all these physical The entrepreneurs country of origin becomes
factors are found is generally called a know n w hile allow ing the country to earn
production plant. Hav ing all these things allows income v ia stronger currencies.
the entrepreneur to hav e w hat he calls a
A sixth important contribution of
business enterprise.
entrepreneurs is their w illingness to take risks, risks
When these inputs are transformed into that society w ill otherwise be hesitant to take.
outputs or w hat w e call as finished products, These people accumulate great learning
the entrepreneur now brings these finished experiences, w hich may be passed on to other
products to his market. A market is simply the business people through seminars, w orkshops,
buyers and users of the entrepreneur’s speaking engagements and others.
product. Technically, people w ho buy the
product are called consumers or end users. Advantages and Disadvantages of Being an
Contributions of Entrepreneurship to the
First, entrepreneurship employs the
v arious resources present in the economy. I t is one of the key adv antages of being
Many of these resources tend to be unutilized an entrepreneur.
and unmaximized. Entrepreneurs, therefore,
Being your boss is the best feeling hence it comes
make productiv e use of otherw ise non-
at the top of the adv antages of the
productiv e resources.
entrepreneurship list. You don’t hav e to w ake up,
Second, entrepreneurs need commute to the w orkplace, and listen to
manpow er for their business operations. They someone saying, Hey! You are late again.
prov ide employment opportunities to v arious
There is no one to report to except for
indiv iduals. Note that w hen these
yourself. Another benefit of being an
entrepreneurs hire people, they also bear the
entrepreneur is you don’t need to follow
burden of prov iding training for these
instructions from your superiors as you steer your
indiv iduals. Professional grow th and skills
business in the right direction putting in your
enhancement, are also important
effort. I n simple w ords, you do w hat makes you
contributions of entrepreneurs.
happy and w hat feels right.
Third, it is said that entrepreneurship is
2. Time Efficiency
the backbone of the economy. Contrary to
popular belief, it is the small and medium Startups are usually know n for making the
enterprises that make up the great bulk of the most out of their time. Their w orkplace is their
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country. lounge, bedroom, or ev en their café. There is
only one thing common among them, and that’s
A fourth contribution of entrepreneurs is
w ork.
in their ability to innov ate goods and services.
The root of the w ord ‘’entrepreneur’’ means to With no limitation or probing superv isors
innov ate and this is precisely w hat abov e you, you can discuss w ork anytime, as you
entrepreneurs bring to society. They make life enjoy your meals. The biggest of the adv antages
more comfortable and conv enient for us. They of being an entrepreneur is you alw ays hav e to
make products more accessible and easier to use your time as efficiently as possible.
3. Control No matter w hat sort of business v enture you have,
it’s alw ays circled by different types of risks. From
You get to control the hiring process, work
market competition to income sources, anything
deadline, and ev en the financial ins and outs.
could lead to business failure if you don’t hav e a
Without relying on your superior’s decisions on what
contingency in place.
to do and how to do it, you get to choose how to
deal w ith emanating issues. Usually, entrepreneurs put their sav ings into
their business thus, instead of your employer, it’s
Being an entrepreneur means that you get
you w ho suffers the loss in case things unexpected.
to choose the w ork you’re going to be doing using
your strengths in the w ay you believ e are the best. 2. Toiling Workload
Your skills contribute to your earning potential
There’s too much to get done in too little
because you are in many w ays in control of your
time; w orkload and extra w orking hours are the
destiny, including your team’s.
most feared disadv antages of being an
4. Business Profits entrepreneur these days. Since you hav e to play
multiple roles simultaneously, expect more than
As you sow , so you reap; as you are the one
just 8 hours a day of w ork.
w ho inv ests into the v enture, you are the one to
ultimately enjoy its profits. The profits earned for as The early stages of setting up a business can
long as the business lasts w ill be yours to take. I t’s be cumbersome enough to turn you baffled. The
something that changes the w hole picture as you mounting w orkload of management, hiring,
are not obligated to make your employers richer. inv estment, and finding space can be exhausting.
This success of your business means it’s your 3. Financial pressure
success, and as your business grow s, so does your
There’s a gamble in play w hen you put your
potential income. Financial stability can be
incredibly motiv ating for many new entrepreneur entire sav ings into the v enture. Unlike a Joint Stock
Company or LLC, there are more financial risks
5. It’s the time to Polish your skills inv olv ed in Startup Companies.

There's no better w ay to learn and earn as Since there are no inv estors inv olved, you’ll
per your potential and know ledge. New hav e to take the financial risks and be liable to
challenges help you deriv e new solutions every such on your terms in case of economic
day. The focus is only on the business and sorting dow nturns. Many entrepreneurs struggle to save
out how to build it from scratch w ith limited enough money in good times that they could use
resources. in bad times and get into serious financial
difficulties once crisis times hit.
This ability can help you make tomorrow's
millionaire, as big things start from small ideas and 4. Accountability for your employees
places. I n addition to that, you get to learn to
You’ll nev er want to go into the battle w ith
multitask and deal w ith pressure altogether and an
indiv idual. Your determination and abilities get to blunt w eapons, w ould you? Employees play a
piv otal role in taking your dream v enture to
solv e problems that others nev er get a chance to
heights. Entrepreneurship demands discipline and
solv e.
dedication. I t w ould be hard to find the perfect
candidates to acclimate to the v enture.
1.Business Risk Their mistakes can cost you in the business
I t is one of major disadv antages of being an and v ice-versa. There is not much time to
Entrepreneur experiment on hiring and letting go; it’s your
foremost priority to take full responsibility for all
things that might happen in your business.
5. Irregular Income
2. Attend events and workshops
I t's a no-brainer that the initial days of
You might also attend entrepreneurial
your startup business w on't get you profit. The
w orkshops and netw orking ev ents. Many of these
initial period is the most difficult as w ell as a
types of ev ents may hav e experienced business
crucial time to surv ive. You need to hav e a
ow ners and entrepreneurs speaking about business
backup for rentals, bills, w ages, etc., to keep the
and netw orking topics. Aside from the direct benefit
engines running.
of learning, you can also gain v aluable contacts,
Also, many first-time entrepreneurs make talk w ith experienced brand ow ners and speakers
the mistake of planning their income on the and get insight into your business.
good times instead of the bad times w ithout
3. Seek out experienced mentors
planning for the rainy day. Let's not forget that
income is the only thing that you can take home Much like asking questions in a class, seeking
that w on't be stable initially. Unstable income out mentors can also be highly beneficial to
can be among leading disadv antages of dev eloping your entrepreneurial skills. You might
entrepreneurship especially w hen you don’t shadow a brand ow ner for a day to observe how
hav e enough sav ed. they manage their business, or you might meet w ith
a professional group once a w eek to discuss how
Conclusion on Advantages and Disadvantages you are implementing v arious skills and resources to
of Being an Entrepreneur: build your brand. Oftentimes, experienced and
There’s the good, and there’s the bad successful entrepreneurs are more than happy to
about being an entrepreneur. How ever, if help mentor you and offer their professional advice.
you’v e got a business plan, a team of like-
4. Build your leadership skills
minded ones and plenty of sav ings, the
adv antages of being an Entrepreneur w ill You might seek out opportunities to be the
certainly outw eigh the limitations. team leader or manager to help you practice these
skills. As you perform in leadership roles, you might
I t’s also important to fully understand the
ask for feedback from teammates and other
Adv antages and Disadv antages of Being an
colleagues to help you further dev elop your
Entrepreneur before making a substantial
management and leadership skills.
financial and emotional inv estment.
5. Learn how to manage finances
How to improve entrepreneurial skills?
Another key aspect of ow ning your own
There can be many different methods
business is that you w ill most likely be managing your
that you can use to dev elop your
business's finances. You can usually employ a
entrepreneurial skills. You might take a class,
financial planner for assistance, how ever, it can be
attend a seminar or participate in a netw orking
to your adv antage to learn about the financial
w orkshop. You might also consider the following
processes that take place w ithin a business
steps to help you improv e your skill set.

1. Take a course
One highly effective method to
improv ing your skill set as an entrepreneur is to
take a course on business, marketing, financial
planning or another management aspect of
dev eloping your ow n brand. Taking a business
course, for example, can help you dev elop the
business management skills necessary to
achiev e success as an entrepreneur.

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