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South‌‌La‌‌Union‌ ‌Campus‌ ‌ ‌
Agoo,‌‌La‌‌Union‌ ‌ ‌
‌ el.‌ ‌072.682.0663‌ 

Embracing‌‌World‌‌Class‌‌Standards ‌ Care‌‌to‌‌learn,‌
Name: ___Ramos, Andrea_________________________Section:BSN2-C_____
Subject: _Care of Mother, Child and Adolescent Date: October 11, 2021

Q3. Describe the concept of preconception care, including its importance in achieving
the goal of a healthy and positive pregnancy outcome for the parents, newborn, and

Preconception care is when women and couples get biological,

behavioral, and social health interventions prior to conception. It
attempts to improve their health by eliminating the behaviors, as well
as individual and environmental variables, that lead to poor mother
and child health outcomes. Its long-term and short-term objectives are
to promote mother and child health. Furthermore, preconception care is
vital since that provides fundamental knowledge and practice to people
of all ages beginning with early adolescence after menarche, such as
education about sexually transmitted diseases, contraceptive pills,
and any materials used to induce and terminate pregnancy. Through
these, it lowers maternal and child mortality, prevents unplanned
pregnancies, and reduces pregnancy and delivery problems. It helps to
avoid stillbirths, premature births, and low birth weights, as well as
birth abnormalities, neonatal infections, underweight and stunting,
and HIV/STI vertical transmission. It also reduces the chance of
certain types of pediatric malignancies, as well as type 2 diabetes
and cardiovascular disease later in life. Even when excellent public
health programs are in place across the life span, they do not
guarantee that women will be in good health when they become pregnant.
It will guide families to the greatest and healthiest pregnancy,
neonatal, and family outcomes through these.

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