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Day 21

Monday, May 31, 2021.

Activity No.16:
1. C
2. Music teacher
3. C
4. DJ
Freelance designer
5. London
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. Girl friend.
Activity No.17
1. Julia Smith
2. 46 West avenue Acton
3. 6593247
4. 50 pounds/ week
5. Single room
6. Bathroom
And kitchen
7. 200 pounds
One month and a half
8. Must pay deposit
Outpay 11o’clock
9. Yes
10. 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.
Activity No.18
Name of casualty: Susan Thomas Age: … Sex: female
Address: 37 merchants road Harrods
37 merton road ,Harrow
Occupation: housewife
Details of accident: Date …2nd March… Time…8h50.
Category of accident: Road: Yes Domestic: No Sporting: No Other: No
Injuries sustained: …cuts, bruises, shock…..
Witness’s name: Julia Smith
Address: 32 West Mrt Road Watford
32 Westminster Road Watford
Action: Police notified ✓ Ward:Windsor……..
Family notified ✓

Employer notified Casually offcer:……

Activity No.19:
Name of the Place Location Date of Eruption Number of People
Who Died
Vesuvius Italian 79 A.D 2000
Cotopasi Ecuador 877 1000
Krakatoa Indonesia 883 36000
Pelee Martinique 1902 38000

Mount St. Helens United States 1980 60

Mount Tambora Indonesia 1850 12000

Activity No.20
1. 6438186
2. 34 Just road Haygarth
34 Church road , Highgate
3. Single room.
4. 40 pounds/week
5. Bathroom and kitchen
6. Weekly on Monday
7. 160 pounds (one month rent)
8. Should not be about late 11o’clock
9. 5 minutes to the bus station.
10. 2 April
11. Post office
12. 8pm

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