Global School System: Question # Q1 Q2 Total Obtained Marks Maximum Marks 15 15 30

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2nd Monthly Assessments, 2020-21

Name: Subject: English Class: 7A
Invigilator: _ Checked by: Rechecked by:

Question # Q1 Q2 Total
Obtained Marks

Maximum Marks 15 15 30
Q1(a). Choose the correct answer. /3
i. This is how Allah has_____________it.
a.Designed b. Asked c. Told

ii. His son's name was ____________.

a. Junaid b. Joseph c. Vander Woude

iii. Vander Woude gave his life to save______.

a. Brother life b. Son life c. Father life

b. Fill in the blanks with simple present or simple past tense. /3

i. we (feed) the birds every day.

ii. He (play) tennis at the district level, representing his college,last years.

iii. Sheemza _(be) a lazy child, but not anymore.

c. Identify the adverbs kind and write them in a given space. /3

i. Do you realize that our supplies are nearly over?

ii. I distinctly remember meeting her somewhere before .

iii. I could hardly believe that I was seeing my friend after ten years.

d. Rearrange the following sentences, to make it a meaningful sentence with adverbs in

correct order. /3
i. I saw working the laboratory patiently her in

ii. sundays me used to they initially, visit often on

iii. the cat on the ground happily sat swishing her tail

e. Encircle the correct spelling of words. /3

i. cuddle cudle c. cruddle

ii. unconciou unconscious unconsious

iii. ocassion occasian occanion

Q2. Answer the following questions. /6

i. In which season do leaves wither and fall ?


ii. Is Father's love different from mother's love? Give reason for your answer.


iii. What type of person Vander Woude was?

b. Write a letter to President of the resident's welfare association(RWA) of your

locality to explain to him/her the problem suggest steps that could be taken to remedy

it. /6


c. Make sentences of the words given below. /3



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