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1. What is the situation of the Philippines during Rizal's time?

The situation of Filipinos during the time of Dr. Jose P. Rizal during the Spanish period
was unfortunate since they were subjected to uneven rights and misuse of their Filipino status.
In terms of social structure, the Filipinos suffered at the hands of mapped slave Spaniards.
Their socioeconomic structure is organized into three categories: upper class, middle class, and
lower class, or regular Filipinos. The Spaniards governed the Filipinos in the 19th century in
terms of the Political System and the Sources of Abuses in the Administrative System. The
Filipinos were slaves by the Spaniards. The Spaniards claimed their taxes and worked under
the Spaniards' authority. During the 19th century, they were corrupt, with the Alcaldias/Alcalde
being the most corrupt of the corrupt.

2. How were these events in the 19th century crucial to the formation of Rizal’s love for
his country?

Rizal is the Philippines' national hero. He was the one who inspired the Filipinos to
fight against the Spanish government in order to obtain independence and sovereignty of the
nation. All of these events inspired Rizal to write his essay about his love for his homeland.
During his childhood and sophomore years, he witnessed the denial of religious liberties to
Filipinos. He also said that Filipinos were forced to rely on a government that did not care
about them. Because he saw the various injustices that were being done to the Filipinos, these
events were essential in the creation of Rizal's passion for his nation.

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