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Life Lessons



Title: WhatsApp Messages

Of LIFE Lessons 2
Author: Oh Teik Bin
Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia

Front and back cover by Oh Teik Bin


This e-book is published in pdf format

for free viewing/reading and downloading.
This Edition : October 2021

This Dhamma Dana literature is a gift,

published solely for free distribution
/circulation.It should not be used in any
way for commercial gain. It is a priceless
gift given freely to all who seek the truths
of life or Life Lessons to grow in peace,
compassion and wisdom.

List of Websites where the author has posted

lots of educational and Dhamma material
The author has also posted at LinkedIn

My Weebly Website
My Slideshare Website

My Slideshare Website My YouTube Video Channel

My Weebly Website My Scribd Website


My other Dhamma / Life Lessons books

that have been published for free distribution
1 Dhamma Matters
2 ‘Why Like That One?’
3 Life Lessons with Power Points
4 More Life Lessons to Learn
5 A Collection of LIFE Lessons
6 Thoughtful Twitter Tweets To Treasure
7 Seeing Dhamma Matters
8 100 Instagram Posts Of LIFE Lessons
9 100 Instagram Posts Of LIFE Lessons 2
10 100 Instagram Posts Of LIFE Lessons 3 (eBook)
11 WhatsApp Messages of LIFE Lessons

My Motivational & Humor books for the commercial

market ( royalty earnings of which helped in the
publishing and printing of my Dhamma / Life Lessons
books for free distribution )
1 Wisdom From Laughter (Advantage Quest Publications)
2 Wisdom From Laughter 2 (Advantage Quest Publications)
3 Wisdom From Laughter 3 (Advantage Quest Publications)
4 School Stories, Travel Tales, Hotel Happenings
(The Inspiration Hub )
5 Weekly Food For The Mind (The Inspiration Hub)
6 An Essential 2-in-1 Companion (The Inspiration Hub)
7 Another Essential 2-in-1 Companion (The Inspiration Hub)
8 Spreading Humor, Sharing Wisdom (The Inspiration Hub)
9 The Thing Is To Think (The Inspiration Hub)
10 A Little Companion of Humor and Life Lessons (eBook)
(The Inspiration Hub)


“WhatsApp Messages Of LIFE Lessons 2”

is dedicated in ever loving memory of
My Late Parents
OH KHAY LENG ( 1924 – 1999 )
LIM SAW GHIM ( 1924 – 2012 )
My sincere thanks and gratitude go to the following:
All Sangha and lay members who have taught the
sublime Dhamma and valuable LIFE LESSONS at
Persatuan Buddhist Hilir Perak, Teluk Intan
since 1987
All my friends who have in one way or other
contributed to my growth in the Dhamma
May all beings share in the merits
of this Dhamma Dana.
May they find happiness, peace and liberation.

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu


My book “WhatsApp Messages of LIFE Lessons” for
free distribution was published in early 2020. The
feedback for this book that contains my WhatsApp
Messages of Dhamma/Life Lessons, was quite
encouraging. This has motivated me to come out with
“WhatsApp Messages of LIFE Lessons 2” for free
distribution. It is a selection and compilation of 60
WhatsApp Messages ( with attached documents of
useful Dhamma/Motivation/Inspiration and Humor
material that aims to help us develop the mind to grow in
Virtue, Metta, Compassion, Peace and Wisdom.
In this book I have done some editing, correction and
adjusting to the original WhatsApp Messages that were
sent to Dhamma friends and posted in certain WhatsApp
Groups , my Facebook Page and the Facebook Page of
Persatuan Buddhist Hilir Perak. The 60 WhatsApp
Messages with their attachment files in this book do not
follow exactly the chronological order - for reasons of
manuscript composing/typesetting and also from the
perspective of content suitability.
At a time where not many read voluminous Dhamma
books, it is hoped that the presentation used in this book
can help to (a) share and promote the most important
Dhamma teachings (b) provide material for constant
reflection and contemplation on the Dhamma (c) remind
Buddhists to practice the Buddha-Dhamma diligently.
“May we all walk The Noble 8-Fold Path ardently.
May our Compassion and Wisdom grow most steadily.”

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin Oct. 2021


General Information ( ii)

List of Websites with Dhamma / Life Lessons (iii)
My Dhamma/Life Lessons Books (Free Distribution) (iv)
My Motivation and Humor Books (v)
Dedication (vi)
Preface (vii)

Message Main Contents of Message Attachments Page

1 My Wish for You… Story with Life Lessons 1-2

2 Dhamma Teachings Humor with Life Lessons 3–5

3 “Wuhan Flu” Q & A with Ajahn Suchart 6–7

4 ‘Good Heart, Clear Mind’ Humor for Reflection 8 – 10

5 Right View Inspirational Thoughts 11 – 13

6 Right Thought Inspirational Story 14 – 16

7 Right Speech Story of Wisdom 17 – 19

8 ‘Mind Matters, Love Conquers’ Motivation 20 – 22

9 Accepting Things … Story with Life Lessons 23 – 25

10 Thoughts on Impermanence Humor Piece 26 – 28

11 ‘Goodbye Samsara, Hello Nibbana’ Motivation 29 – 31

12 The True Meaning of Life Inspirational Story 32 – 35



Message Main Contents of Message Attachments Page

13 Anxiety in the Mind Inspirational Piece 36 – 38

14 ‘Doing Good, Seeking Truth’ Humor with Reflection 39 – 42

15 Dhamma Couplets Inspirational Story 43 – 45

16 Virtue and Mindfulness Humor with Reflection 46 – 49

17 Counting Our Blessings Inspiration Piece 50 - 52

18 Eight Worldly Winds Humor with Reflection 53 - 56

19 On Giving Inspiration Piece 57 – 58

20 ‘Buddha My Guide, Dhamma My Light’ Humor Piece 59 – 62

21 ‘Am I A Buddhist?’ A Good Buddhist… 63 – 68

22 “Noble Thoughts, Righeous Ways” Humor Piece 69 – 74

23 The Training Inspiration Piece 75 – 76

24 On Blessings Humor for Edutainment 77 – 80

25 Subjects for Recollection Story for Reflection 81 – 84

26 ‘Sharing Dhamma, Spreading Metta’ Humor Piece 85 – 89

27 Contemplation on Wise Sayings Inspiration Piece 90 - 92



Message Main Contents of Message Attachments Page

28 ‘In The Master’s Steps’ Humor with Life Lessons 93 – 97

29 Words of Inspiration Inspiration Piece 98 – 101

30 Advice & Teeachings : True? Story for Reflection 102-105

31 Best Advice to live Happily Wisdom from Humor 105 -110

32 ‘Walk The Dhamma Way’ Inspirational Thoughts 111-114

33 On Rites and Rituals Story for Reflection 115 - 118

34 Beneficial Life Lessons Inspiration Piece 119 – 122

35 ‘Ehipassiko – Life’s Lessons to Know’ A Story 123 – 126

36 Three Sayings of Wisdom Humor with Wisdom 127 – 130

37 The Instagram Way Inspiration Piece 131 – 134

38 On Affirmations Humor with Life Lessons 135 – 137

39 Impermanence Story for Reflection 138 – 141

40 On Metta Humor with Life Lessons 142 – 144

41 Of 5 Cs & The Dhamma Inspiration Piece 145 -150

42 Short Bits of Advice Story for Reflection 151 – 154

43 Coping with Stress Wisdom from Humor 155 - 157


Message Main Contents of Message Attachments Page
44 Retrospecting; Conditioning Motivation 158 – 160

45 Seeing The Dhamma Story for Reflection 161 – 163

46 ‘Open Heart, Radiant Mind’ Humor Piece 164 – 167

47 On Restlessness Story for Reflection 168 – 171

48 Habits & Conditioning Motivation 172 – 174

49 How Can I Be Happy? Humor Matters 175 – 178

50 ‘Troubled Times, Dhamma Chimes’ Inspiration 179 – 182

51 Patience & Endurance Motivation 183 – 186

52 Happiness and Peace A Story for Reflection 187 – 190

53 ‘Right Vision, Good Action’ Humor Piece 191 – 195

54 On Cheng Beng matters Instagram eBook 196 – 201

55 Buddhist Humor Inspiration Piece 202 – 206

56 Practicing Dhamma Humor with Wisdom 207 – 212

57 Mindfulness & Compassion A Story 213 – 218

58 Lesson from a Terrapin Thoughts of Inspiration 219 – 222

59 Quest for Happiness & Peace A Story 223 – 227

60 On Wisdom; Paramis Motivation/Inspiration 228 – 233


1 Message 13.12.2019
Dear Friend in the Dhamma,
Good and Peaceful Morning!
I do hope you are feeling in the pink.
May there be good in what you do or think.
May there be for you many a Blessing!
For this week, I’d like to pen some good wishes for you.
My Wish for You…
* Where there is sickness or undue pain,
may you be calm with health soon regained.
* Where there is any worry or anxiety,
may you SEE the futility of worry.
* Where there is much self-doubting in the mind,
may your faith or confidence grow with time.
* Where there is sheer exhaustion or tiredness,
may you rest and sleep well to curb weariness.
* Where there is setback, failure or a loss,
may you be patient and learn from the cause.
* Where there is a feeling of being so down,
may you note and KNOW that things will turn around.
* Where there is a negative encounter,
may you SEE that transient is this matter.
* Where there is any mental state of dis-ease,
may you strengthen your Dhamma practice for peace.

I attach a good story with Dhamma reflections.

With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 1 ( Story: Self- Control )

One day there was an earthquake that shook the entire Zen temple.
Parts of it even for Message
collapsed. 1 (of
Many Story: Self- were
the monks Control )
terrified. When
the earthquake stopped the teacher said, "Now you have had the
opportunity to see how a Zen man behaves in a crisis situation. You
may have noticed that I did not panic. I was quite aware of what
was happening and what to do. I led you all to the kitchen, the
strongest part of the temple. It was a good decision, because you
see we have all survived without any injuries. However, despite my
self-control and composure, I did feel a little bit tense - which you
may have deduced from the fact that I drank a large glass of water,
something I never do under ordinary circumstances. "One of the
monks smiled, but didn't say anything. "What are you laughing
at?" asked the teacher. "That wasn't water," the monk replied, "it
was a large glass of soy sauce."
* “Though one may conquer a thousand times a thousand
men in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who
conquers himself.*
The Buddha in Dhammapada Verse 103
* To conquer one's mind is the greatest challenge. To have a
mind that is truly calm, composed and equanimous requires
continuous and ardent training and development of the mind."
* The Self or Ego in us is very strong – it is a root cause of
our Dukkha – our greed, anger/hatred, delusion and fear.
* One without a well-cultivated mind, when facing stressful
situations, loses mindfulness and mental clarity. He can then
speak or act foolishly.
* May we practice diligently the Dhamma ( Sila, Samadhi
and Panna ) to develop the mind and eventually be liberated
from all the forces of Dukkha.

2 Message 31.1.2020
Dear Friend in the Dhamma,
The New Year Celebrations came and will soon go.
Hope your mind remains peaceful in this flux or flow.
The mind settles when the Dhamma
we SEE and KNOW.
May your good Dhamma practice continue to grow.

Recently I received a message from a friend that gave

an interesting Acronym to the word ‘BREATHE’.
I altered most of it to convey good Dhamma points.
Here is the ‘BREATHE’ Acronym with my reflections within quotes.

BREATHE (“Mindfully”)
B reak all conditioned bad habits.
( “Bad habits hinder us in spiritual improvement.
They’re an obstacle on our Path to Enlightenment.” )
R emember to practice mindfulness.
( “Mindfulness is the Practice to Deathlessness.
Right Mindfulness leads to states of Peacefulness.” )
E ase your body and mind.
( “The body needs movement, the mind needs stillness.
Then you’ll be more free from dis-ease and sickness.” )
A ttend to things that matter truly.
( “Fools engage in sensual pursuits endlessly.
The wise practice Dhamma conscientiously.” )
T ake time to meditate and reflect mindfully.
( “Mental Development is called Bhavana in Pali.
Without Bhavana we’ll suffer in pain and misery.” )
H elp selflessly the needy.
( “Dana or charity is an integral Dhamma Practice.
This praiseworthy deed leads to joy, happiness and mental peace.” )
E mbrace conditioned happenings peacefully.
( “The 8 worldly winds all beings are certainly subjected to.
Cultivated ones brace life’s ups and downs calmly and wisely too.” )

I attach a file of some Humor with Life Lessons.

“Moment to moment be mindful.

Keep the mind happy and peaceful.”
With Mega Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 2 (Humor with Life Lessons)


3 Message 7.2.2020
Dear Friend in the Dhamma,
Hope you are keeping well in body and mind.
Practice to be peaceful, contented and kind.

I would like to pen a Dhamma poem on

the Wuhan Flu.
“Wuhan Flu”
Many are gripped by the dis-ease we call Wuhan Flu.
There’ve been Sars, JE, Ebola, and Avian Flu too.
Why, why, we all ask … does anybody have a clue?
In Samsara, there will be Dukkha, it’s a fact so very true.
Struck by such worldly happenings, do we feel so blue?
Now or later dis-ease can come to no matter who.
At such difficult and trying times what do we do?
To whom or what do we turn to – Guru or Voodoo?
We’re so terrified of meeting with our Waterloo.
We can pray and pray to a Being for a breakthrough.
So sad - clinging and delusion stick to us like glue.
The real solution? - The Middle Way we must pursue.
( The Middle Way refers to The Noble 8-Fold Path )

I attach a File containing a truly wise answer given by the

forest meditation monk, Ajahn Suchart Abhijato to the question
Question: “How do we practice
during this pandemic situation?”
(Pandemic (of a disease) – prevalent over a whole country or the world)

Stay hygienic, healthy, calm and stress-free.

Contemplate on the Dhamma constantly.
Take care.
With Much Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 3 (Q & A with Ajahn Suchart)


4 Message 28.2.2020

Dear Friend in this

cyclic Wheel of Samsara,
Hope all is well with you
with little Dukkha.
May you keep at bay the forces of Mara.

Dhamma practice entails things of the mind and heart.

Compassion is integral in walking the Path.
The mind too must be developed most constantly.
Only then can we put an end to misery.

In our 1st Dhamma Youth Camp in 1993, I gave the theme

“Good Heart, Clear Mind”.
Below are the Sayings of the Buddha I selected that have a
bearing with the Theme “Good Heart, Clear Mind”.

The Buddha Says…

* Not harming living beings, not speaking lies, taking

nothing in all the world unasked, nor going to the wives of
other men, and never drinking intoxicants:
One who gives up these five harmful acts and does not
engage in them is truly called a virtuous man.
* In every virtue all accomplished with wisdom full and
mind composed, looking within and ever mindful – thus one
crosses the raging flood.
* To one who is without evil, always striving for purity, a
wrong the size of a hair tip seems as big as a rain cloud.
* The world is led around by mind; by mind the world is
plagued. Mind is itself the single thing which brings all else
beneath its sway.

* Live without covetous greed, fill your mind with

benevolence. Be mindful and one-pointed, inwardly stable
and concentrated.
* My mind is firm like a rock, unattached to sensual things,
not shaking in the midst of a world where all is shaking. My
mind has thus been well-developed, so how can suffering
come to me?
* No mother nor father nor any other kin can do greater
good for oneself than a mind directed well.

For the 1993 Dhamma Youth Camp, the Buddhist Hymn

“Anthem of Unity” was chosen as the Theme Song.
You can check the song out at:

I attach some Humor for your Reflection.

Here’s wishing you a meaningful weekend.

May the Dhamma be with you, my dear friend.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 4 (Some Humor for Reflection)


5 Message 3.4.2020

Hi there! How are you doing rooted

at your home base?
I hope that you are quite peaceful
in your confined space.
It can be good not to be caught up in the rat race.
Watch your mind… of every unwise thought
you must erase.
Make your Buddha mind your true refuge, a peaceful place.
With a strong, tranquil, wise mind, all problems you can face.
Inevitable things, wise ones peacefully embrace.
This will happen to you, if Dhamma teachings you chase.

For this Message, I’d like to pen my thoughts on

“Right View”

* Right View or Understanding is Samma Ditthi.

To attain this Noble Ones practice ardently.

* Develop Right View in Walking The Path.

Learn the Dhamma well and practice with heart.

* Right View arises when the 4 Noble Truths are

SEEN clearly-
Dukkha, its Cause, its End, and The Way to end it
* Deluded ones believe there is no Kamma.
Such a wrong view will lead them to much

* Deluded ones dismiss Rebirth in Samsara.

They are very easily conquered by Mara.

* Deluded ones believe that Noble Ones are non-

Those with Right View know that Noble Ones
exist – this they’re certain.

* Awaken, develop Right View, do not wait!

Right View will lead you to Liberation Gate.

I attach a File of Inspirational Thoughts for


Stay peacefully at home.

Do not wander or roam.
Stay safe with wise ways.
You’ll have happy days!

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 5 (Inspirational Thoughts)


6 Message 17.4.2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

We’re now into Week 5 of this
CORONA Lockdown thing.
Ha, ha we’re now all ‘equal’ ...
a pauper, Romeo or King.
What makes us all different is the mind … what and how we
Many are in DIS-EASE of what else CORONA will bring.
Happenings can change so very fast, just like an eye blink.
We have gain and pleasure … then upon us comes a strong
The true Nature of all things, the Enlightened Ones have
They KNOW Dukkha will arise when we attach, grasp and
May the Dhamma free us all from Dukkha in our being.

I would like to pen some Dhamma thoughts on
Right Thought.

* Right Thought in the 8-Fold Path is Samma Sankappa.

It’s the second factor in the Path to end Dukkha.

* Right Thought follows from Right Understanding or Right

This Clear Thinking will pave the Way to our Liberation.

* Positive states must be developed in the mind strongly.

Thoughts of harmlessness must be cultivated mindfully.

* The mind must constantly be imbued with thoughts of

We should wish for all beings to be out of Samsara.

* Right Thought also entails eliminating thoughts of

Evoke Compassion towards all beings in misery.

* Right Thought needs cultivating thoughts of detachment.

Craving and Attachment obstructs Enlightenment.

* With Right Understanding and Right Thought or Right

may our Wisdom help lead us all to Dukkha’s Cessation.

I attach a File of an Inspirational Story for your Reflection.

You might also want to check out the Buddhist Hymn

“Right Thought” at the Url:

May your good Dhamma Cultivating

lead you to many a happy thing.

With Metta,
Bro Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 6 (Inspirational Story)


7 Message 1.5.2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

How time just zooms by ,
it is the start of May.
Hope you are coping very well,
come what may.
Follow MCO to keep Corona at bay.
Be ardent in Dhamma practice, wise ones say.
There is something good you can do every day.
‘We are all still alive and kicking, Yeah, Yeah!’

For this Message, I would like to pen my Dhamma Thoughts

on Right Speech.

* Right Speech is Samma Vaca in Pali.

This is important in Morality.

* Right Speech is the third factor in the Middle

This we must practice mindfully, needless to say.

* Wrong Speech can cause much Dukkha to arise.

Think before we speak, many wise ones advice.

* The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill

a man six feet high.
So you see Friend, we must practice Right
Speech or we’ll regret, sigh or cry.

* It’s important to refrain from lying.

Speaking the truth is a most noble thing.

* Do refrain from slandering or tale-bearing.

Speaking harmonious words is a wholesome

* Harsh speech can cause much hurt and

Speak words of gentleness and loving-kindness.

* Gossip and frivolous talk can be harmful,

useless and time-wasting.
Speak beneficial words of Dhamma that benefit
every being.

I attach a Story of Wisdom for your Reflection.

Stay Safe Daily. Act most kindly. Live Mindfully.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 7 (Story of Wisdom)


8 Message 20.3.2020

Dear Friend in The Dhamma,

Warmest Greetings from me again!
COVID-19, politicking ….
there’s much dis-ease and pain.
With the Dhamma, we’ll cope better,
in sunshine or in rain.

In Buddhist practice, whatever the school or tradition,

the final Goal is happiness, peace and liberation.
For this we need to cultivate Wisdom and Compassion.
Open the door of your heart, to the mind pay attention!

For PBHP 4th Dhamma Youth Camp 1996,

I penned for the Camp the Theme
“Mind Matters, Love Conquers”
with the following write-up:

‘Mind Matters, Love Conquers’

The Buddha Says…

* When a man speaks or acts with good intentions, then
happiness follows him like his shadow that never leaves him.
* From meditation, wisdom arises; without meditation,
wisdom wanes.
* It is good to train the wandering mind. A mind under
control brings great happiness.
* He whose mind does not flutter by contact with worldly
contingencies, sorrowless, stainless and secure – this is the
Highest Blessing.

* Hatred is never appeased by hatred; it is appeased by Love.

This is an Eternal Law.
* Just as a mother would protect her only child even at the
risk of her own life, even so let one cultivate a boundless
heart towards all beings.
* A mind composed, well-concentrated, purified and
undefiled, full of kindness towards all beings – this is the
Way that leads to the Highest.
* See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What
harm can you do?
* A man is not noble if he injures any living creature.
The noble man is gentle to all living creatures.

You might want to reflect on the lyrics of the Theme Song

“Mind Matters, Love Conquers”.

Check out the URL link:

I attach a Motivation piece “Formula For Success” for your


With Mega Metta,

Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 8 (A Motivation Piece)


9 Message 24.1.2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma!

It is Chinese New Year’s Eve time!
Hope you are peaceful in the mind!
May things turn out for you just fine.
Good things come if you are more kind!
May you grow in the Wisdom Mine!

For this Dhamma Message I’d like to write on

“Accepting Things …”

In the 1990s, I learnt a very important Dhamma point or

principle from a monk. He said, “When reality does not
agree or match with what one considers to be ideal, with
what one expects, desires, wishes or likes, then Dukkha
(suffering, conflict, pain, problems, agitation, mental upset
and a host of other negative mental states) can arise in the
untrained mind.” When we reflect on this, we can see the
truth of this in our life.

Who has not experienced one or more of the following at one

time or other?
• We want to get good grades but things do not turn out
the way we want them.
• Certain persons treat us the way that we detest.
• We want to possess certain things but are not able to.
• Sickness and pain afflict us; we expect good health or
take it for granted.
• We do not get the promotions, posts, titles etc that we
yearn for.
• We encounter people we don’t like and people whom
we like are separated from us.

• We lose our material possessions and our loved ones.

• States of affairs do not turn out the way we think they
• We are ‘down’ for no apparent reasons; we want to
feel good.
• Misfortunes or ‘attacks of bad luck’ come upon us.

One who does not understand and realize the true nature of
things will experience even more Dukkha. We merely react
according to our conditioning, habits, “muddled thinking”
and our ego and delusion.

The Buddha once said, “Tolerance, patience and

understanding are the highest virtues a man can develop.’’
If we actualize more and more Dhamma teachings, we can
embrace things more peacefully, albeit negative things. We
will also SEE the root cause of Dukkha is Ignorance and
I attach a file of a short story with Life Lessons for

Gong Xi Fa Cai to You and Your Family!

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 9 (A Story with Life Lessons)


10 Message 27. 3. 2020

My dearest Dhamma Friend

in this ‘Lockdown’ time,
I hope you are getting along
well and fine.
May there be steadiness and
peace in your mind.
It’s good to understand the Dhamma Sublime.

I would like to pen my Dhamma thoughts on


Things arise and then die, at times slow at times fast.

It is Nature , wise ones know it’s not theirs to ask.
Knowing transiency, worldly things - do not amass.
The foolish ones crave, cling, grasp and so strongly lust.
Soon they’ll suffer much, this for sure one can forecast.
It means nothing, your possessions, status or class.
Even your body. into dust it will be cast.
When your WISDOM SEES that nothing can truly last
you’d strive to gain qualities that remain steadfast.
‘What is it that’ll go on, not lost or away pass?’
It is your Kamma and the Dhamma unsurpassed.

Recently I cam upon a teaching by Tulku Thondup , a
Tibetan monk, scholar and writer. There is much Dhamma in
it for reflection:

“If we ponder on the imminence of death

repeatedly, arriving at some understanding of it,

then the obstructions to practice such as laziness,

attachment to pleasure, and procrastination will
automatically be dispelled, and one will not
remain without practicing from this moment on,
just as one would not remain comfortable if one’s
head were on fire.”

I attach a file of Humor with Reflections.

Stay Safe. Stay Peaceful. Stay Mindful

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 10 (Humor with Reflections)


11 Message 17.1.2020
Dearest Brother in the Sublime Dhamma,
I hope you’re coping well
when there’s Dukkha.
Dukkha … no worldling
can escape this lah!
To check Dukkha, Dhamma’s the best by far.
May we all cross soon the Sea of Samsara.

For this message, I would like to pen my reflective thoughts

on the 2006 PBHP 14th Dhamma Youth Camp Theme
“Goodbye Samsara, Hello Nibbana”.

“Goodbye Samsara”
• ‘Samsara’ refers to the Realms of Birth and Death or
the Cycle of rebirths.
• As long as we are in Samsara, there is Dukkha –
Suffering, Unsatisfactoriness, Problems, Conflict, Pain,
Stress etc.
• The Buddha essentially taught the Four Noble Truths :
* The First Noble Truth - The Fact of Dukkha.
* The Second Noble Truth – The Cause of Dukkha which is
craving and attachment.
* The Third Noble Truth – The Cessation of Dukkha
* The Fourth Noble Truth – The Path leading to the
cessation of Dukkha.
• As long as we are in Samsaric existence, we will
have the mental defilements of Greed, Hatred and Delusion.
• Unless and until we free ourselves from Samsara by
getting rid of Greed, Hatred and Delusion, we will
experience Dukkha in all its forms.

• Let us start to say ‘Goodbye to Samsara’ by learning,

understanding, practicing and realizing the Dhamma.

“Hello Nibbana”
• Nibbana is the final goal of all Buddhists.
• Nibbana is the unconditioned state of perfect
happiness, peace and freedom.
• The Buddha taught that Dukkha ceases when
Nibbana is attained.
• The Way to Nibbana lies in the Noble Eightfold Path
of Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech,
Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right
Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
• Nibbana is realized when we completely free our
mind from any greed, anger or hatred and delusion. The
Cycle of Birth and Death then comes to a stop ... we become
• Let us walk The Path to Nibbana. Practice the Noble
Eightfold Path. Observe the 5 Precepts of ‘No Killing. No
Stealing. No Sexual Misconduct. No Lying. No
Intoxicants.’ Practice Dana ( Charity ), Sila ( Morality )
and Bhavana ( Mental Cultivation ) . With this, we will be on
the way to Nibbana.

I attach a file of a Motivation Piece for your Reflection.

All The Best.

“Gong Xi Fa Cai” to you and your family.
May Blessings be upon you most constantly.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 11 (A Motivation Piece)


12 Message 10.1.2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

I trust you are doing very fine
in this passage of time.
Keep reminding yourself what
matters most is Dhamma-Sublime.
A wise man so constantly develops
his imperfect mind.
One great day he will attain a Peace beyond the
mundane line.

Two days ago I chanced upon a poem titled “The

True Meaning of Life”. It’s pretty good with some
good Dhamma messages. I did some Dhamma
Reflection for each verse in the poem. I attach a file
of the Poem with my Dhamma Reflections
highlighted in Yellow. Hope you can see some
good Dhamma in the Poem.

I also attach a file of an inspirational story for your


Here’s Wishing You The Best of Everything.

May you receive many a good Blessing!

With Mega Metta,

Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 12

(Poem: The True Meaning of Life)

Attachment for Message 12 (An Inspirational Story)


13 Message 21.2.2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

Before long February
will be coming to an end.
I hope all things are running
smoothly for you my friend!

In a little Sutta (Discourse), the Devaputta-Samyutta, a

young god named Subrahma appeared before the
Awakened One and explained the problem weighing on
his heart:

"Always anxious is this mind,

The mind is always agitated,
About problems present and future;
Please tell me the release from fear."
In 4 piquant lines The Buddha told Subrahma the Only
Way to heal his inner world, to heal it with no danger of

"Not apart from awakening and austerity,

Not apart from sense restraint,
Not apart from relinquishing all,
Do I see any safety for living beings."

I would like to pen my reflective Dhamma

thoughts in couplet form:

“The unenlightened mind will never be free from


Dis-ease like worry, fear and grief prevails in
The mind is so trapped by the evil forces of Mara.
How can we all escape from Suffering through
the Dhamma?

Until we are Awakened there will be for certain

The root of all Dukkha is ignorance, attachment
and clinging.
Be ever mindful to guard well all the sense doors
in your living.
The 8-Fold Path’s the only Way for Dukkha to
meet its ending.

I attach an Inspirational piece for your reflection.

May there be lots of goodness in all your

thoughts, words and action.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 13 (An Inspirational Piece)


14 Message 10.4.2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

Hope you are keeping well
in both body and mind.
May the Dhamma help you
in this challenging time.
The more Dhamma you SEE, the more peace you will find.
With more time at home, learn more the Dhamma Sublime.
Nothing can match the treasure of the Dhamma chime.
It gives you a lofty mind of the peaceful kind.


The Theme for the PBHP (Persatuan Buddhist Hilir Perak)

13th Dhamma Youth Camp 2005 was

“Doing Good, Seeking Truth”.

The Dhamma reflections I wrote for this Theme were as
‘Doing Good, Seeking Truth’
‘Doing Good …’
• It is most important that we do good. The Law of
Kamma essentially states : “Do good and good comes upon
Do bad and bad comes upon you.”
• An action is good if that action brings about peace,
joy and happiness to oneself and others … it does not cause
harm or suffering to oneself and others.
• Good actions have their roots in generosity, kindness,
compassion, mindfulness and wisdom.

• A good Buddhist practices Sila or Morality. He

follows the Five Precepts to his best ability. The Five
Precepts are :
* No killing
* No stealing
* No sexual misconduct
* No lying
* No intoxicants
• Good actions like practicing Dana is most
meritorious. Dana refers to generosity, charity and service to
others out of kindness and compassion.

‘Seeking Truth …’
• More than 2500 years ago, Siddhartha Gautama left
his worldly material possessions, wealth and luxuries in
search of Truth …a Truth that will end all suffering, a Truth
that leads man to perfect happiness, peace and freedom.

• To live meaningfully as a worthy human being, we

need to fulfill a mission … a quest to seek and realize the
Truth just as Siddhartha did … ( He attained
Enlightenment … the mental state of complete bliss and
freedom. )
• “Ehi passiko” ( ‘Come and See’) is a pertinent
message in Buddhism. To learn, understand, practice and
realize the Truth of the Dhamma is the greatest Treasure one
can get in life.
• There is an urgency for us to seek, learn and practice
the Dhamma (Truth) … life is uncertain, death is certain. We
must not waste this opportunity … to be born a human being
is rare and privileged.

Seeking and realizing Truth entails the practice of Dana

( Charity ), Sila ( Morality ) and Bhavana ( Meditation)

You might want to check out the Theme Song

“Doing Good, Seeking Truth” (and reflect upon the lyrics)

at the URL below:

I attach a File of some Humor with Reflection.

With Dhamma insight,

may your mind be light,
may your mind be bright.
With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 14 (Humor with Reflection)


15 Message 6 . 3 . 2020

Hi, My Dhamma Friend,

A very Good Morning!
I hope you are coping well
in everything.
Do be mindful in your learning
or working.
May your positive spirits keep on soaring.
For you, may the Dhamma Teachings stay chiming!

Ha, ha … what Dhamma Messages should I try to pen?

I think I’ll share some couplets for reflection, my friend.

1 The life you live is what you create in your mind.

It pays to be moral, compassionate and kind.

2 Gratitude is a noble quality.

Forgiveness strengthens spirituality.

3 You cannot please everybody every time.

Realizing this brings mental peace to your mind.

4 There will be some kind of failure before success.

What is important is to keep trying your best.

5 Everything you experience will come to pass.

Peacefulness you’ll get realizing things don’t last.

6 Meaningful work and leisure

are indeed a true treasure.

7 Life is uncertain truly.

Death visits everybody.
Live righteously and wisely.

8 What matters truly is Compassion and Wisdom

in the mind.
These two noble qualities will lead to
Peace and Truth Sublime.

9 The Past cannot be altered or brought back.

The Future is uncertain – it’s a fact.
LIVE in the NOW – Profound Peace you will get.

10 Avoid Evil, Do Good And Purify The Mind.

This will lead to Peace and Bliss of the highest kind.

Realizing the true Nature of all things,

may we have happiness, peace and blessings!

I attach An Inspirational Story for your Reflection.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 15 (An Inspirational Story)


16 Message 24.4.2020
Dear Friend in the Dhamma,
It’s been more than a month
since the MCO
Hope your mind is good and
your spirits not low.
You must not take this as life’s terrible blow.
Wise Ones SEE the 8 Worldly Winds in Life’s flow.
Calmness, acceptance and peacefulness they show.
How long CORONA will live, no one can know.
Worry not of the past, future, let it go.
Be in the PRESENT in sunshine , rain or snow.
Practice Dhamma well, don’t just drift to and fro,
May your Compassion and Wisdom grow and grow.

For this Message I would like to pen some Dhamma

Couplets on ‘Virtue’ and ‘Mindfulness’ for your Reflection.


* So many deceive and cheat today.

The wise knows this is a foolish way.

* For what we have or get, be grateful.

This leads to a mind that is peaceful.

* We need to constantly stop and reflect.

Then we can all wisely think, speak and act.

* One needs to practice selfless giving.

This will help to stop painful craving.

* When young ones are not guided morally,

this will lead to regret and misery.

* Wisdom is not attained through mere study.
It comes from SEEING Dhamma mindfully.

* When we are mindful of wise things or advice,

it's a step to a life that's peaceful and nice.

* Sustained mindfulness gives the mind great clarity.

Concentration grows and things are seen more clearly.

* The mindful person has a more steady and

peaceful mind.
He is attentive and can remember most of the time.

* Right Mindfulness or Samma Sati in Pali

is essential to conquer pain and misery.

The Theme for Persatuan Buddhist Hilir Perak
7th Dhamma Youth Camp 1997 was:
“Living Virtuously, Acting Mindfully”

For this Camp, I listed some of the Sayings of the Buddha on

‘Virtue’ and ‘Mindfulness’ :
‘Living Virtuously, Acting Mindfully’
The Buddha Says…

* Here in the world one should train carefully to purify

virtue; for virtue when well cultivated brings all success to
* Virtue is the foundation, the forerunner and origin of all
that is good and beautiful; therefore one should purify virtue.
* Virtue is a mighty power, virtue is a mighty weapon,
virtue is the supreme adornment, virtue is a wonderful
* One is not low because of birth nor does birth make one
holy. Deeds alone make one low, deeds only make one holy.
* Train yourself in doing good that lasts and brings
happiness. Cultivate generosity, the life of peace, and a mind
of boundless love.
* Even when the obstacles crowd in, the Path to Nibbana
can be won by those who establish mindfulness and bring to
perfection equipoise.
* Knowing that the other person is angry, one who remains
mindful and calm acts for his own best interest, too.
* If your mind runs wild among sensual pleasure and things
that arise, quickly restrain it with mindfulness as one pulls
the cow from the corn.

You might want to check out the

Theme Song for PBHP 5th DYC 1997

“Living Virtuously, Acting Mindfully” at the Link:

I attach a file of some Humor with Reflections.

Be Mindful. Be Peaceful.
With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 16 (Humor with Reflections)


17 Message 29.5.2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

We are fast approaching
the end of May.
Hope you are peaceful
every night and day.
Hope Dhamma’s helping keep Dukkha at bay.
Hope you’re doing well on The Middle Way.
“Be ‘kindful’, heedful, mindful”, wise ones say.

A few weeks ago, I got a most touching WhatsApp post.

(I attach a Jpeg image of the post.)
It inspired me to pen the following “Dhamma Poem”:

Counting Our Blessings

For so long we have got many a Blessing.

For so long we have enough food for living.
For so long we have great comfort so pleasing.
For so long we have a good mind for learning.
For so long we can still have clear thinking.
For so long we have a loving surrounding.
For so long we have means to go traveling.
For so long we have enjoyed many a thing.


For too long we have taken things for granted, sad to say.
For too long we value not the good things that come our way.
For too long we have not been grateful in our work and play.
For too long we have not thanked those that keep danger at

For too long we think not of those who for our welfare pray.
For too long we forget our parents who care night and day.
For too long the great Gifts of Mother Nature we downplay.
For too long we don’t appreciate things wise ones convey.


Let us make Aspirations and actualize them mindfully.

May we be grateful to our parents who love us so greatly.
May we be grateful to teachers who teach us so selflessly.
My we be grateful for the things we receive so constantly.
May we be grateful to those who help, care for us sincerely.
May we be grateful to Nature for her wonders and beauty.
May we be grateful for the Dhamma that will end misery.
Be Grateful to Buddha – Practice the Dhamma diligently!


I attach a file of An Inspirational Piece for your reflection.

There is much Dhamma in this prose by an unknown author.

Stay Safe. Be Patient. Be Understanding.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 17 (An Inspirational Piece)


18 Message 5.6.2020

Dear Friend in The Dhamma,

In this MCO period, I hope you’re
getting on peacefully.
Hope you can embrace the ups and
downs that come inevitably.
The more Dhamma we’ve realized
the better it will be certainly.
Let’s all strive to learn and practice the Dhamma most

I would like to reflect on the 8 Worldly Winds
SEEING things as they are, we can accept the 8
Winds calmly.
Worldly pleasure and happiness comes but so does
Times of misery and pain will pass away
There can be no gain without loss striking
The trained mind will have a good degree of
We like praises but can we accept blame from
KNOW that we’ll grieve if we get angry or react
Many crave for status, power, name and fame

The Wise SEE that these things don’t last, they
don’t attach foolishly.
May we KNOW the Truth through practicing
Dhamma diligently.
Some years ago I did a lesson on ‘The 8 Worldly Winds’ in
my Hokkien Dhamma Class based on a PowerPoint and
Video using Hokkien Couplets ( with rhyme and rhythm ).
You might want to check out ( and reflect upon the contents )
the Video ( Hokkien Narration with Texts in English ) at the
following link :

For your Edutainment this week, I attach some Humor with


From me to you, my Dhamma Friend,

Sukhi Hotu!
Practice well Dana, Sila and Bhavana too.
With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 18 (Humor with Reflection)


Attachment for Message 18 (Humor with Reflection)


19 Message 12.6.2020

Dear Friend in The Dhamma,

It’s now RMCO for everybody.
It does not mean that
nothing is now risky.
Do take proper care of your mind and body.
Practice Mindfulness and remember “SAFETY”.
It pays to live life wisely and righteously.
Practice Dhamma well, else you can be sorry.
Always be PRESENT amidst this transiency.
Peacefulness will then be with you constantly.
May your Dhamma KNOWING bloom most steadily.

We must keep practicing DANA or GIVING.
This is a most important spiritual thing.
GIVING cuts the SELF that causes suffering.
Selfless Dana is indeed Liberating.
Much joy arises through serving or helping.
With a decreasing ‘I’, ‘My’ and ‘Mine’ feeling,
Calm, Love, Insights and Wisdom will grow within.

Do reflect mindfully on what the Buddha tells us on

GIVING by checking out the Video link below:

I attach a File of An Inspirational Piece for your reflection.

May you be ‘kindful’, mindful and peaceful.

With Metta, Bro.. Oh Teik Bin


Attachment for Message 19 (An Inspirational Piece)


20 Message 8.5.2020
Dear Friend in the Dhamma,
Life is not the same now
and will not ever be.
Hope you are getting along
at home peacefully.
The Corona Virus will change lifestyles greatly.
Good Dhamma practitioners can adapt wisely.
Their minds can still be free from dis-ease certainly.
Fools can’t leave comfort zones … they’ll be in misery.
Do not chase for the sensual things unceasingly.
Practice Metta to slay anger and enmity.
Check restlessness by stilling your mind constantly.
Learn to SEE Dhamma clearly to conquer worry.
Meditate, stay alert, mindful … don’t be lazy.
Take Refuge in the Triple Gem most sincerely.
Let Buddha-Dhamma be your Guide, Your Light daily.
You would have then lived your life most meaningfully.

The Theme for the 7th Dhamma Youth Camp (DYC) 1999
of Persatuan Buddhist Hilir Perak (PBHP) was:

“Buddha My Guide, Dhamma My Light”.

For this Theme I penned the following:

Buddha My Guide
* I accept the Buddha as the highest ideal in life.
* I honor and pay homage to the Buddha, The Blessed One,
The Worthy One, The Fully Enlightened One.
* The Buddha is the Perfect Guide, the Perfect Teacher of
gods and men.

* The Buddha shows us the Way to Perfect Happiness,

Peace, Bliss and Freedom.
* The Buddha has realized the Ultimate Truth – the Truth
that ends all suffering.
* We too can be Enlightened through practicing and
realizing the Dhamma – The Teachings Of The Buddha.
* Let us cultivate the 10 Perfections of the fully Enlightened
Buddha: Dana (Generosity), Sila (Morality), Nekkhamma
(Renunciation), Panna (Wisdom), Viriya (Energy), Khanti
(Patience), Sacca (Truthfulness), Adhitthana (Determination),
Metta (Loving-Kindness), and Upekkha (Equanimity).

Dhamma My Light
* The Dhamma, The Teachings of The Buddha, is the Light
that dispels the darkness of Ignorance or Delusion.
* I follow the Dhamma in my life. The Dhamma will lead
me to overcome all problems, conflicts and suffering.
* Through my learning, understanding, practicing and
realizing the Four Noble Truths, I will attain Perfect
Happiness and Bliss – NIBBANA.

* The Four Noble Truths are:

1 The First Noble Truth of Suffering

2 The Second Noble Truth of the Cause of
3 The Third Noble Truth of the Cessation of
4 The Fourth Noble Truth of the Way leading to
the Cessation of Suffering ( Noble Eightfold Path )

* The Noble Eightfold Path consists of

- Right Understanding
- Right Thought
- Right Speech
- Right Action
- Right Livelihood
- Right Effort
- Right Mindfulness
- Right Concentration
* I shall practice the Dhamma with dedication, diligence and
determination until I reach my Goal.

You can check out the Theme Song for the PBHP 7th DYC

“Buddha My Guide, Dhamma My Light” at:

I attach a file of ‘Humor with Reflection’

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 20 (Humor with Reflection)


21 Message 15.5.2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

I hope this message finds you
in a mindful and peaceful state.
I also hope that despite MCO
you’re still feeling great.

Many years ago, I wrote an article titled

“Am I A Buddhist?”
Many people declare themselves to be ‘Buddhists’ when in
actual fact they do not know what being Buddhists actually
Today we still see so many different ‘Brands’ of “Buddhists”.
Let us look at them and do some reflection.

1 The ‘Burning’ “Buddhist”

You see quite a number of such “Buddhists” … they
burn bundles of joss sticks, joss paper and other paper
paraphernalia at home, in Buddhist Associations and
even Buddhist temples. Poor Mother Earth! She is
choking and suffering and our environment gets more
and more polluted. Talk about wise, wholesome and
good Kammic actions! When will such “Buddhists”
ever learn that the ‘gods will not be appeased’ (and we
don’t get peace within and without) through a
‘combustion reaction’? We need to conquer the Devils
of Greed, Hatred and Delusion.

2 The ‘Wesak’ “Buddhist”


These ‘once a year’ “Wesak Buddhists” throng Buddhist

associations and temples on Wesak Day carrying out so
many deluded practices. They perform many
meaningless rituals, have their fortunes read, their
amulets and talismans blessed, rush for free Dana food
(the “Hungry Ghost” Realm is very real!) and “Holy
Water”. They make supplication to the Buddha, asking
for all sorts of favors with promises to do certain things
if their material wishes are granted. Poor Buddha! He
must be very tired listening to the “bargains” of these
“Wesak Buddhists”.

3 The ‘Intellectual’ “Buddhist”

I have come across many friends who are like “Walking
Encyclopedias” when it comes to ‘intellectual Dhamma’.
They devour one Dhamma book after another, listen to
many Dhamma speakers, tapes and compact discs but
alas all these remain at the intellectual level.
The Dhamma is not practiced and actualized. Such
intellectual Buddhists still cling on to their negative
traits and habits. Talk about the practice of Dana … ha,
now we understand partly why so many Buddhist
organizations lack volunteer workers for Dhammaduta
work. We have too many “intellectual Buddhists”
walking around!

4 The ‘Ceremonies’ “Buddhist”

We can see such Buddhists in some Buddhist temples
and associations. They are caught up in lots of
devotional rites, rituals and ceremonies the whole year
long. So much of their time and energies are sapped

indulging in unnecessary rites and rituals. When will

they ever learn, understand, practice and realize the
Sublime Teachings of the Buddha? Unless and until
they do, the defilements will remain or even multiply.
We do not deny the role of a certain degree of
devotional Buddhism but beware…rites and rituals can
bind us more and more to the Wheel of Samsara.

5 The ‘Social’ “Buddhist”

There are Buddhists who are particularly active when it
comes to socializing and fun activities. Of course, we
need good Buddhist fellowships, excursions, tours and
other healthy recreational activities. But beware! Our
primary aim in being a Buddhist is to learn, understand
and practice the Dhamma, to seek and realize
Enlightenment. ‘Social’ Buddhists sometimes frequent
Buddhist temples, Buddhist societies and associations
with ulterior motives. They may be looking for
potential life partners or have a hidden business or
political agenda. The Dhamma takes backstage.

6 The ‘Deity’ “Buddhist”

It is interesting to note that many Chinese “Buddhists”
regard the Buddha as another of their gods or deities. If
you visit their homes, you can find the image of the
Buddha placed at their shrine altar together with a host
of other gods. ‘Deity’ “Buddhists” perhaps believe in
this: “The more gods, the better (and merrier) … more
protection and security!” Will they ever learn the
meaning of true refuge in the Triple Gem? I know of a

‘long-time Buddhist’ (He is also an ex-committee

member of a Buddhist organisation.) who was so afraid
of removing his many gods from his shrine altar at
home. He believes misfortune can strike him if he does

7 The ‘Emergency times’ “Buddhist”

Such Buddhists only pray to the Buddha or Kuan Yin in
times of trouble, problems and conflicts. They pray for
immediate solutions to their problems of health, poor
business, love relationships, academic studies etc. etc.
At other times, when they are relatively trouble-free,
they will be too busy chasing material wealth and
indulging in sensual pursuits. For such Buddhists, there
is no time and place for Dhamma.
I remember some time ago, there was a male “Buddhist”
member who came to our Buddhist association with a
very lost and stressed-up look. He wanted to learn
meditation to solve immediately his big problems…
insomnia and business loss. I suggested that he joined
our Dhamma Study Class first. He did but it did not last.
He was not patient and he just wanted to solve his
‘emergency’ problems.

8 The ‘Preaching’ “Buddhist”

The Buddha once said, “Others’ faults are easy to see
but one’s own faults one hides like a fowler in
disguise.” “Preaching” Buddhists do a lot of talking,
suggesting, ordering and commanding. They project
themselves as the “Know-All” in Dhamma but they
themselves do little when it comes to real Dhammaduta

work and Dana. Such Buddhists can be quite intelligent

and creative but alas they don’t really practice the
Dhamma. Talking and suggesting is one thing but wise
pro-active action is another. Intelligence and wisdom
can be worlds apart.

9 The ‘Cultish’ “Buddhist”

Such Buddhists can be found everywhere. They can be
filled with delusion, ego and conceit. Instead of
spending their time practicing good Dana (Generosity),
Sila (Morality) and Bhavana (Mental Cultivation), they
waste much time and energy chasing after many
“cultivated monks/nuns”, arguing over hair-splitting
Dhamma points, attempting to convert others to their
“cultish” brand of Buddhism and hero-worshipping and
tending to their ‘enlightened’ leaders or teachers.
Let us not forget that our real Teacher is the Dhamma.
The Buddha says, “He who sees the Dhamma sees

Now, What is a A Good Buddhist?

I attach a file of a summary of what, to my mind, constitutes
a good Buddhist

Strive on ardently and mindfully in the true Dhamma

which will lead us all to the cessation of all Dukkha.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 21 (A Good Buddhist)


22 Message 22.5.2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

Do you SEE clearly
Mind is the forerunner of everything?
We create our own world…
the one outside and the world within.
When we realize this, we will be ardent in our mind training.
It’s very important to have Right View or Understanding.
It’s the first factor in The Middle Way of Buddha’s Teaching.
May you follow the Noble 8-Fold Path without wavering.

The Theme for PBHP 16th Dhamma Youth Camp 2008 was:
Noble Thoughts, Righteous Ways.
Below are the Lyrics for the Theme Song and also the
explanatory write-up on the Theme:
Noble Thoughts, Righteous Ways
( Lyrics for Theme Song )
In noble thoughts
And righteous ways
Live by the Dhamma
The Noble Truths
The Eightfold Way
Are the guiding stars

The Teachings of The Buddha

Cherish in your hearts
His voice resound
Through the Suttas
To guide us on the Path

Chorus 1 Within this very lifetime


Let’s find the fairer day

Rejoicing in true freedom
Where Karma melts away

To seek the Truth

Gain Buddhahood
The greatest challenge in life
Facing the dualities of life
Take it all in your stride

Chorus 2 When seas are high

With thunderous skies
I put my fears aside
Abiding by the Buddha
I know I will survive.

Repeat Chorus 1 & 2

Explanatory Write-up for the Theme

Noble Thoughts, Righteous Ways

There are two key words in this year’s DYC Theme

“Noble Thoughts, Righteous Ways”
Noble – arising from superiority of mind or character
(Distinguishing qualities of a person)
Righteous – acting rightly; upright; according to what is
From the theme song of the PBHP 16th DYC, we can know
more about Dhamma and the practice. Here are the
explanatory notes on the 16th DYC Theme Song

In Noble Thoughts and Righteous Ways,

live by the Dhamma…

This implies the importance of inculcating thoughts that are

noble and behavior or actions that are righteous or blameless
in our daily lives as practicing Buddhists.

The Noble Truths, the Eightfold Way are the guiding

The essence of the Buddha’s Teachings is often summarized
into ‘Suffering and the cessation of suffering’.
The Noble Truths and the Eightfold Way when properly
understood and practiced will lead us out of the cycles of
birth and death thus ending suffering. They are therefore the
guiding stars which show us the way out of Samsara.

His voice resounds in the Suttas

Although the Buddha passed away more than 2500 years ago,
His Teachings are preserved in the sacred suttas. When we
read and study the suttas, it’s like hearing the voice of the
Buddha again and again, as though the Buddha is alive and
preaching endlessly. We should therefore cherish those
teachings and use them to help us become Enlightened
Within this very lifetime let’s find the fairer day….
Many teachers have taught that Enlightenment can be
attained within one life-time. Let’s strive towards that.
Who knows, some of you might be the fortunate ones!

Rejoicing in true freedom where karma melts away

Our karma follows as like a shadow into our subsequent
rebirths. Our karma causes us to be reborn. What happens
when karma exists no more? No more rebirths…no more
suffering…freedom from being reborn…isn’t that true
freedom to be rejoiced upon?

Facing the dualities of life, take it all in your stride.

The Buddha taught us the dualities in life – loss and gain,
praise and blame, pleasure and pain, fame and shame. In life
all of us have to face the dualities. We have no choice but to
accept them as part and parcel of human existence and
overcome them using the Dhamma.

When seas are high with thunderous skies…

For some, life is quite smooth and easy…for others, life can
be extremely miserable. However, at one time or another, the
sweetness of life can turn bitter due to unfortunate,
inexplicable circumstances. So what are we going to do?
Imagine yourself in a little boat in very high seas (waves)
with thunder and lightning in stormy weather! We have no
choice but to cultivate our minds and be in full control
allaying our fears until the storm is over. We can survive (i.e.
overcome or endure our hardship) by abiding in the
Teachings of the Buddha.

( The Write-up for the Theme, the Lyrics and music for the
Theme were all done by Bro. Kee Joo Sun, a PBHP teacher )

For the Theme Song on Video, please check out the

following Link:

I attach two Humor pieces for your reflection.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 22 (Humor for Reflection)


Attachment for Message 22 (Humor for Reflection)


23 Message 26.6.2020
Dear Friend in the Dhamma,
A new month of July will soon begin
before long,
Hope you are keeping
in body and mind very strong.
With the true Dhamma, what you do will seldom go wrong.
For you and your family may Blessings come along!
Spiritual practice requires much disciplined training.
Be earnest in your Dhamma learning and understanding.
The Dhamma practice is important, not merely praying.
Effort and diligence must never ever be failing.
Perseverance and patience within must be kept growing.
Never give up, spiritual Masters keep on reminding.
Ask yourself, ‘Am I entrapped in sensual pleasure chasing?’
Beware, Mara pushes you to attachment and craving.
It is so easy to find your moral conduct shaking.
To check all the mental defilements so fast arising,
Always be mindful, watching what the mind is creating.
Walk the Noble Eight-Fold Path without ever backsliding.
The happiness and peace you’ll attain will be amazing!
All the best to you on your Path to Full Awakening!
You might want to check out the Video Presentation
“Scriptural Readings on ‘The Training’ for Reflections.

I attach a file of an Inspirational piece for your Reflection.

With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin


Attachment for Message 23 (An Inspirational Piece)


24 Message 19.6.2020

Dearest Friend in The Sublime Buddha-Dhamma,

Hope you are coping well
with any Dukkha.
Peace will come
if we handle wisely Mara.
Be with the Now, fear not
what’s in Samsara.
Strive on to attain the Peace of Nibbana.

Do remember to watch the mind every time.
Never ever let negative things fill the mind.
Make Dhamma things in your mind strongly shine.
With good Dhamma practice, things will turn out fine.

Too often we dwell on unpleasant happenings.
These weaken the mind … remorse,
guilt from thoughts of ‘sins’.
Learn from mistakes and do more meritorious things.
Contemplate wisely and let go of all cravings.
With this will arise a thousand and one Blessings!

You might want to follow and reflect on the Verses in The
Mangala Sutta,
The Discourse on Blessings. The link for the Video is at:

( The Chant is in Pali with meanings in both English and


For the PowerPoint Version you can check the following

discourse-on-blessings )

I attach a File of 2 Humor pieces for your Edutainment.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

(Note: I attach the Links for two Playlists on my YouTube

Channel :
1 Playlist with all videos that pertain to Buddha Puja,
Chanting, Scriptural Readings,
Aspirations and other related matters for Buddhist
Deevotions. )

2 Playlist for selected Buddhist Hymns and Songs that

teach good Dhamma / LIFE Lessons

Attachment for Message 24 (Humor for ‘Edutainment’)


Attachment for Message 24 (Humor for ‘Edutainment’)


25 Message 17.7.2020

It’s Friday again … hope you’re in

a state of well-being.
May all The Blessings you want
and need The Triple Gem bring.
It’s good practice to always do Dhamma contemplating.
Soon you will find true Peace and a state so liberating.

Many do not think about and reflect upon ageing.
Many do not SEE that sickness is a natural thing.
Many forget that with people we love there’d be parting.
Many don’t realize that things we ‘own’ are never lasting.
Many shun the fact that anytime Death will come knocking.
Few can SEE that only KAMMA we’ll be inheriting.

On Transience, Uncertainty, wise ones keep on reflecting.
They live righteously, NO grasping, attaching and clinging.
They all walk The Noble 8-Fold Path with no backsliding.
Their life is one of happiness, joy, peace and much meaning.
May we live by The Dhamma with love and wisdom

For some good spiritual contemplation,
please check out the Video
“5 Subjects For Frequent Recollection” at the link:
( Texts in English and Chinese; the Audio Reading is in
English )

(The Video can also be found under my YouTube Channel

Playlist “ PBHP Buddha Puja, Chanting etc ) at the Link:

( The Slideshare Presentation (without Audio) can be viewed

at the Link:
recollection )

I attach a File of a meaningful story for your reflection.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 25 (A Meaningful Story)


Attachment for Message 25 (A Meaningful Story)


26 Message 10.7.2020

My very dear Sister

in The Sublime Dhamma,
Hope your mind is filled more with
Sukha than Dukkha.
Dukkha is inevitable in Samsara.
It’ll only end when you conquer forces of Mara.

There are two important Teachings of the Buddha.
We must all learn, KNOW, practice and spread the Dhamma.
Sharing Dhamma can help lessen others’ Dukkha.
A Sublime State is loving-kindness or Metta.
Radiate Metta to ourselves and all near or far.


The Theme for PBHP 10th Dhamma Youth Camp 2002 was:
“Sharing Dhamma, Spreading Metta”.
I penned the following write-up on the Theme:

“Dhamma refers to the Teachings of the Buddha. It is the

Truth or the true nature of all things…all physical and
mental phenomena. ‘The Gift Of Dhamma Excels All Other
Gifts’. Hence to teach the Dhamma or to share the Dhamma
with others is a most meritorious act of Dana or Charity.

When one learns, understands, practices and realizes the

Dhamma, one can
- become more happy and peaceful
- be more calm and tranquil
- cope and solve problems and conflicts much better

- grow in compassion and wisdom

- cut one’s greed, hatred and delusion
- have a good rebirth when one transits from this world
- attain to the Bliss of Nibbana

The central Teachings of the Buddha include the following:

- The Four Noble Truths
- The Noble Eightfold Path
- The 3 Characteristics of Unsatisfactoriness, Impermanence
and Non-Self
- The Law of Kamma and Rebirth
- The Law of Dependent Origination

The promotion and propagation of Dhamma is a most noble

and meritorious action. The Buddha exhorted His disciples to
go forth to spread and share the Dhamma for the happiness
and peace of all mankind. Let us all be Dhammafarers or
Dhammaduta workers. Let our commitment for the Dhamma
cause grow and grow.

Metta is Loving-Kindness, a boundless and unconditioned

love for all sentient beings. Metta is one of the four Brahma
Viharas or Divine Abodes. This Sublime State brings
benefits and happiness to oneself and others. The practice of
Metta or Metta Bhavana (Meditation on Loving-Kindness)
generates very good and wholesome Kamma. There are 11
benefits that one can obtain through the practice of Metta

Our world today is filled with so much anger, aggression, ill-

will, hatred, strife and enmity. It is indeed in need of loving-
kindness and compassion.

Let us spread Metta to all sentient beings.

The Buddha said, “You should develop thoughts of love to

friend and foe alike. And having reached perfection in love,
you will attain Enlightenment.”

You might want to check out the Theme Song

“Sharing Dhamma, Spreading Metta”
( and reflect on the lyrics )

at the following URL Link:

I attach a file of some pieces of Humor for your Edutainment.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 26 (Humor for ‘Edutainment’)


Attachment for Message 26 (Humor for ‘Edutainment’)


27 Message 7. 8. 2020

Dear Friend in The Dhamma,

Another week in these trying times
has passed.
Hope any hardship you face
will go off fast.
Remember that all conditioned things don’t last.
In Dhamma practice I hope you hold steadfast.
Much Dhamma Wealth is what we must all amass.


To grow in Compassion and Wisdom is our quest.

Practice well Dana and Sila and we’ll be Blessed.
Of all Paths, The Noble 8-Fold Path is the best.
Our ardent Dhamma Striving is a crucial test.
Enlightenment will end all Dukkha, pain and stress.


In 2015, I submitted an answer to a question asked in Quora:

Why is it important to reflect and contemplate on some
of the wise sayings of great or spiritual teachers?

I penned the following answer:

When such wise sayings are reflected upon and actualized,
they can help us

* see our weaknesses and defilements that cause us

so much suffering
* improve in our relationships with others

* attain greater happiness and peace in the mind

* to be motivated to do meritorious and meaningful
things in life
* to avoid the worldly traps and unwholesome
actions that will ultimately bring us pain
* in the spiritual path of self-development

You might want to check out:

“10 Wise Points To Ponder On” at the Link

I attach a File of an Inspirational Piece.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 27 (An Inspirational Piece)


28 Message 11. 9. 2020

My dearest friends in the Dhamma
everywhere, near or far.
Hope you’re experiencing less Dukkha
compared to Sukha.
In these tough times, seeing Dhamma
will make us less ‘Gila’.
The true Refuge is in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.
The Dhamma is without doubt our most precious shining
For long we have been spinning with Dukkha in Samsara.
For long we have been ensnared by the forces of Mara.
For long we have been led by ignorance or Avijja.
For long we have suffered because of craving or Tanha.
It’s time to practice well Dana, Sila, and Bhavana.
May our earnest Dhamma striving lead us to Nibbana!


Constantly reflecting on the Buddha’s Life can inspire.

We’ll then not slacken in Dhamma practice, this we require.

For the PBHP Dhamma Youth Camp 20th Anniversary in

2012, I gave the Theme “In The Master’s Steps”. I did the
following write-up for the Theme
“In The Master’s Steps”
‘Prince Siddhartha was born in Lumbini in 623 B.C.
Receiving an excellent education, he married at 16 and had a
son. When he was 29, after reflecting on the Four Sights of
an old man, a sick man, a dead man and a peaceful
mendicant, he realized the fleeting and unsatisfactory nature
of life; he resolved to renounce his worldly life in search of
peace and Truth. It was out of compassion for all the

suffering of all beings in Samsara. After an arduous course

of mental training for six strenuous years, he attained
Supreme Enlightenment – He was 35 years old. He had
found the Way to Perfect Happiness, Peace and Freedom.
For 45 years, the Buddha expounded the Dhamma. He taught
the Four Noble Truths:
* The 1st Noble Truth of Dukkha or Unsatisfactoriness
* The 2nd Noble Truth of The Cause of Dukkha
* The 3rd Noble Truth of The Cessation of Dukkha
* The 4th Noble Truth of The Path leading to the
Cessation of Dukkha

With compassion and wisdom, the Buddha diligently worked

for the good and happiness of Mankind until His dying
moment. His parting words are profound and important:
“….Be diligent, mindful, and extremely virtuous. With
thoughts collected, guard your mind.
In this Doctrine and Discipline, by living strenuously, you
will escape the cycle of rebirth and put an end to suffering.
Think not that you have no Teacher after my Death. Regard
the Dhamma and Vinaya I have taught you as your Teacher.
He who practices My Teachings best serves Me most. He
who sees the Dhamma sees Me. Transient are all component
things; strive on with diligence.”
The Buddha passed into Parinibbana at Kusinara. He was 80
years of age.

Brothers and Sisters in the Dhamma: In a world of troubled

times, a world where there is so much suffering, let us
resolve to Walk In The Master’s Steps … in an ardent,
patient and determined quest to seek real happiness, peace
and liberation of the mind and to attain the final Goal of

Nibbana. The Path leading to the Cessation of all Suffering is

The Noble Eightfold Way of
* Right Understanding, Right Thought ( Wisdom )
* Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood ( Morality )
* Right Effort, Right Concentration, Right Mindfulness
( Concentration )

To inspire and motivate us to walk in the Master’s Steps, let

us reflect on what the Buddha said in Anguttara Nikaya:

* We are all subject to ageing

* We are all subject to sickness
* We are all subject to death
* There will be change and separation from all that we hold
dear and near to us
* We are the owners of our Kamma or actions, heir of our
actions. We are born of our actions. We are related to our
actions and we have our actions as refuge. Whatever we do,
good or evil, of that, we will be the heir.’

May We Walk In The Master’s Steps Towards The Goal

of Enlightenment!

You might want to check out the Karaoke Video of the

Theme Song “In The Master’s Steps” at the following Link:

I attach some Humor with Life Lessons for your Reflection.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 28 (Humor with Life Lessons)


Attachment for Message 28 (Humor with Life Lessons)


29 Message 29 . 8. 2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

Hope you are getting on well
in this pandemic time.
Hope you can remain positive
be it rain or shine.
At such times, Dhamma is the priceless treasure you’ll find.
Keep on the Dhamma practice to prevent a decline.
You’ll have mental peace realizing the Dhamma Sublime.

The forerunner of all things is the mind certainly.
We need to introspect and reflect most constantly.
We need to watch our mind without fail most mindfully.
All that’s unwholesome we need to discard speedily.
Let not unwholesome things enter our mind easily.
All that’s wholesome in the mind don’t lose it heedlessly.
Let more wholesome things enter our mind most readily.

Dhamma contemplation is a most important thing.
Inspiring Words of Wisdom can help our well-being.
When actualized they’ll bring us much happiness within.
Vipassana Meditation needs contemplating.
With a still, focused mind wisdom can then start growing.
With Wisdom arising we will see Dukkha ending.

One interesting Quora question I attempted to answer some
years ago was this:

Have some words of inspiration benefited you and how?


I gave the following answer:

“Yes indeed they have. Some great quotes or sayings have,
upon mindful reflection, contemplation and actualization

* helped me to get rid of my wrong views and twisted

* improved my relationships with others
* helped me lead a more meaningful life
* developed my compassion and wisdom in living life
* built up my values and character
* helped me in my mind development
* led me to become a more happy and peaceful person.”

You might want to check out the following: “

I attach a file of 2 Inspirational pieces.

Practice Mindfulness to grow in Peacefulness.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 29 (Inspirational Piece)


Attachment for Message 29 (Inspirational Piece)


30 Message 16. 10. 2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

With the current CMCO in our country,
I hope you are coping with life
most peacefully.
At such times, there is a lot of uncertainty.
No longer can we do all the things so freely.
Buddha taught Anicca and Dukkha so clearly.
Contemplate on this constantly and mindfully.
When Wisdom arises, peace comes more easily.
Are we dealing with the hindrances most wisely?
It does matter to practice Dhamma ardently.
Sense desires we need to restrain certainly.
Anger and hate are cut with Metta constantly.
The restless mind needs watching and stilling daily.
Worry lessens if our Dhamma grows steadily.
Laziness we need to check with more energy.
Refuge in the Dhamma do take confidently.
With Wisdom, be ‘kindful’, heedful and act safely.

Last week I answered a question on Quora.
The Question was:
“How do I know if the advice or teachings of motivators
and 'spiritual' leaders are truly wise and to be followed?”

I penned the following answer:

‘Indeed, today we have so many religious/spiritual teachers
and motivational/inspirational speakers / leaders who advice,
teach ‘life lessons’ and persuade us to be their followers.
To my mind, we need to investigate and check things out
carefully and wisely with a calm, composed and focused

mind using certain criteria or guidelines.

The spiritual teachers, motivators, inspirational leaders and
advisors themselves must have the following ( to a good
degree ):
1 Great Virtues and Moral Character
2 Loving-kindness
3 Compassion
4 A mind of calmness, serenity and tranquility
5 A mind of equanimity
6 Non-Greed and Non-Covetousness
7 Non-Anger, Non-Illwill and Non-Hatred
8 Patience and Understanding
9 A life of non-attachment and the spirit of letting
10 Insights / Wisdom into the true nature of things
The teachings / advice given to us must not be
1 increasing our greed, craving and attachment
2 ineffective in cutting our anger, ill-will and hatred
3 increasing our ego and the delusion of an
important self
4 increasing our superstitions and irrational beliefs
and fear
5 making us less at peace within ourselves, with
others and the environment.
On the contrary, the teachings / advice given should
help us to
1 reduce the mental defilements that cause us
suffering: Greed, Anger, Delusion and Fear
2 grow in love, compassion and wisdom

3 live righteously and wisely

4 develop the mind so that it will have more
calmness, mindfulness, concentration, happiness,
joy, peace and equanimity.
5 live a life of meaning and moral purpose
You might want to check out the presentation
“Check it out Wisely” at the Link:

I attach a File of a short story for reflection.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 30 ( A Story for Reflection)


31 Message 14. 8. 2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

Hope you are in good health,
both in the body and mind.
Each day, passing us by is this
precious thing called time.
To use time unwisely leads to a Dhamma decline.
See that there’s urgency to learn the Dhamma Sublime.
Towards Dhamma practice our mind must always incline.


So many through mind, speech and body act foolishly.

This brings much Dukkha to one and all most certainly.
It’s through the Dhamma that Dukkha will fall steadily.
Greed, hate and delusion seem to grow so rapidly.
Small wonder that the world sees so much Dukkha daily.
Some live the Dhamma way, charting well their destiny.
Such people are wise, they’ll attain peace undoubtedly.


Another Quora question I answered some years ago was this:

“What is the best advice to live your life happily and


The answer I penned in Quora was this: ( minor editing)

‘In my view, it is Wisdom that is most important for the
mind to be calm, clear, happy and peaceful.
According to Wikipedia, Wisdom is the judicious
application of knowledge. It is a deep understanding and

realization of people, things, events or situations, resulting

in the ability to apply perceptions, judgments and actions
in keeping with this understanding. It often requires control
of one’s emotional reactions so that universal principles,
reason and knowledge prevail to determine one’s actions.
Wisdom is also the comprehension of what is true, coupled
with optimum judgment as to action.

In Buddhism, Wisdom or Panna in Pali, together

with Compassion are mental qualities or states that when
developed to perfection bring about Enlightenment. One
with great wisdom can see or realize to a great degree the
true nature of all physical and mental phenomena. He
realizes to a high level the Truth of

* suffering or unsatisfactoriness in all conditioned

* ignorance and craving as the cause of suffering.
* a mental state where suffering can cease.
* a Path that can lead to the end of Suffering.

The wise person can also see the Truth of

Dukkha (suffering), Anicca (impermanence)
and Anatta (non-self) in Samsara ( The cycle of birth,
ageing, death and rebirth ). He understands that we are
all subjected to the eight worldly vicissitudes, namely gain
and loss, pleasure and pain, praise and blame and honor
and dishonor.

The person of wisdom, realizing the Truth or Nature’s

Universal Laws, can live in harmony with all beings and

the environment. He is happy, peaceful and tranquil. He

lives a life of virtue and moral righteousness. He is loving,
kind, compassionate, generous, patient and offers selfless
service to others in need. He knows when to ‘let go’ and
let things be when they should be so. His steady and
unruffled mind has equanimity amidst the changing
conditions of our world.

An important thing to develop Wisdom is to

practice Mindfulness Meditation. ( Complete Wisdom is
attained through the realization of the 4 Noble Truths
which incorporates The Noble 8-Fold Path )
You might want to check out the following post on
“Mindfulness Matters” at the link: ( It contains some
useful pointers on Mindfulness)

I attach some pieces of ‘Wisdom From Humor’.

Stay Safe. Stay ‘kindful’, mindful and peaceful.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 31 ( Wisdom from Humor )


Attachment for Message 31 ( Wisdom from Humor )


32 Message 21. 8. 2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,
Merdeka Day will be with us
before long.
I hope you are coping well,
healthy and strong.
May you do no actions unwholesome or wrong.
May many Blessings in your life come along.

All over, different people live life differently.
Some are caught in amassing money greedily.
Some pursue status or titles unceasingly.
Some indulge in sensual pleasures most foolishly.
Some focus on possessions that are just worldly.
Some seek hard to get fame albeit immorally.

When will we SEE the Truth of impermanence or transiency?
When will we SEE that worldly things are unsatisfactory?
When will SEE that there’s no Self that goes on eternally?
When will we SEE that craving leads to Dukkha and misery?
When will we come to know the things that matter ultimately?
When will we truly live our life most righteously and wisely?

The Theme for PBHP 3rd Dhamma Youth Camp 1995 was:
“Walk The Dhamma Way”
For the Theme, I wrote the following for Reflection:
‘Walk The Dhamma Way’

The Buddha Says…

* The good luck of virtue never fades; faith also brings great
good. Wisdom is man’s most precious gem, merit no thief
can ever steal.
* Speak kind words, words rejoiced and welcomed, words
that bear ill-will to none; always speak kindly to others.
* Thoroughly understanding the Dhamma and freed of the
longing through insight, the wise one rid of all desire is as
calm as a pool unstirred by wind.
* By doing evil, one defiles oneself; by avoiding evil, one
purifies oneself. Purity and impurity depend upon oneself; no
one can purify another.
* Peaceful, quiet and restrained, speaking little, without
conceit – such a one shakes off all evil as wind shakes leaves
off a tree.
* He who takes delight in harmlessness, sharing love with
all that live, finds enmity with none.
* The straight Path has been clearly shown; walk forward
and don’t turn back. Urge yourself onwards by yourself; in
that way attain Nibbana.
* The flood is crossed by faith; by vigilance the sea is
crossed; pain is overcome by vigor; by wisdom one is
For the Theme Song “Walk The Dhamma Way”, you can
check out the following Link:
I attach 2 pieces of “Inspirational Thoughts” for reflection.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 32 ( Inspirational Thoughts )


Attachment for Message 32 ( Inspirational Thoughts )


33 Message 21. 8. 2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

I most sincerely trust you are
getting along very fine.
Ha, ha, hope this ‘Hungry Ghost Month’
is not disturbing your mind!
Practice the Dhamma, you’ll be peaceful anywhere, anytime.
Such is the great power of Truth, that is The Dhamma


More than 10 years ago, in my first free Dhamma book, I

wrote the following in one of the chapters of the book:
( I think the reflections are still so pertinent today.)
“I remember my childhood and teenage years when I got
pretty disillusioned with the meaningless rites and rituals in
our so-called “Buddhist” practices:
• Slaughtering innocent animals (pigs, chickens, ducks
etc.) and offering them to the gods. (My young mind used to
reason that the gods, as gods, would not need to eat these ...
and they could not possibly come and eat these physical
things ... I had seen a number of devotees (with craving?)
waiting to grab at these food items instead!)

• Meaningless burning of lots of joss sticks, incense

and strange paper paraphernalia. (I suffered and choked
whenever I went to the Chinese temples. How could I have a
calm, compassionate and peaceful mind in my praying?
Poor Mother Earth! How she is being polluted!)

• Asking the gods for all sorts of talismans, amulets etc.

to ward off evil or bad luck. (Today, how much commercial
business has come out of this? And how many innocent and
ignorant people have been conned?)

• Consulting almanacs, mediums, fortune-tellers etc. as

to what days and times are lucky enough to do this and
that ... and there is a sum of money to pay for this “spiritual”
advice. (Reflect on what the Buddha said:
“Fools wait for a lucky day; for the industrious one,
everyday is a lucky day.”)

• The numerous ‘pantangs’ (irrational and superstitious

beliefs) observed on occasions such as births, marriages,
deaths, New Year, “Hungry Ghost” Month etc. (so much of
conditioned fears, unhealthy mental attitudes and reactions
are being planted in the mind ...)

To my mind, meaningless and harmful rites and rituals

should be phased out. This would come through more study,
understanding and realization of the Dhamma.
Rites and rituals which

1 waste unnecessary money (the money saved can be

put to a better cause like welfare charity etc.),

2 waste unnecessary time (time that can be better spent

in meaningful matters)

3 cause our mind to be less peaceful but more attached,

clinging and deluded,

4 cause disturbance, harm and suffering to other

beings (for example loud noises, killing for sacrifices),
5 cause harm and negative effects to the Environment
(for example, pollution through open burning),

should be eradicated as we develop our wisdom and

compassion for Nature and all beings. It is indeed amazing
that for generations we keep on practicing meaningless rites
and rituals born out of ignorance, fear and conditioned habit
and thinking.”

I attach a file of a beautiful Zen Story for your Reflection.

Do Stay Safe in this extended RMCO.

May the Sublime Dhamma be with you in Life’s Flow.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 33 ( A Zen Story )


34 Message 18. 9. 2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

A week has zoomed past us
so very, very quickly!
I hope you are coping with your life
most peacefully.
Things, nice, not so nice come and go inevitably.
With wisdom, we need to embrace them positively.
Learn to cast out unwholesome states that come suddenly.
Evoke wholesome states that strengthen the mind certainly.
Don’t get ensnared in the pursuits of sensuality.
Realize that sensual delights don’t count ultimately.
Pay attention to what we think, speak and do daily.
Actualize Dhamma or Life Lessons most constantly.
Resolve to walk The Noble 8-Fold Path ardently.
May all be liberated from pain and misery!

More than a year ago, I penned an answer to the Quora
question that went like this:
“What are Life Lessons and what are some good
ones that have benefited you?”
Below is the answer I wrote:
“ To me, Life Lessons are great lessons / messages / advice
given by spiritual masters /teachers or good motivators or
virtuous, happy, experienced people that have helped to
develop the mind to be more peaceful, happy, calm,
wise/insightful into the true nature of things. Life Lessons
help us to rid the mind of the defilements that cause much
pain, sorrow, grief and suffering. These defilements include
Greed, Covetousness, Anger, Ill-will, Hatred, Ego, Delusion
and Fear.

Some good LIFE Lessons I have learnt and benefited include

the following:
1 All conditioned things are impermanent. Don’t attach,
grasp and cling.
2 Be patient. All things will come to pass.
3. What goes around comes around. Good begets good, bad
begets bad.
4 Conquer Greed by Generosity, Charity and Service.
5 Conquer Hatred by Loving-Kindness.
6 Conquer Delusion by developing Wisdom.
7 All are subjected to the Eight Worldly Winds of:
Pleasure and Pain
Gain and Loss
Praise and Blame
Honor and Ill-Fame
Learn to embrace whatever comes mindfully, peacefully and
8 Train the mind to be in the NOW. Don’t dwell in the Past
or worry about the uncertain Future.
9 Live a virtuous, moral life for the mind to be free of regret,
remorse, guilt, worry and fear.
10 Meditate to still the mind to SEE the true nature of all
You might want to check out the following:
I attach a File of an inspiration piece for your reflection.

With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin


Attachment for Message 34 ( An Inspirational Piece )


Attachment for Message 34 ( An Inspirational Piece )


35 Message 31.7. 2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

The month of August will be with us
all so very quickly.
I hope you’re going through these
challenging times most peacefully.
Take good care, physically, mentally and spiritually.
May your Dhamma learning and cultivating grow steadily.


Today we do have lots of teachings on spirituality.

We need to be mindful to practice the true Dhamma wisely.
Learn the Kalama Sutta, The Charter of Free Inquiry.
Don’t be led astray by false teachings that are spreading
It’s The Noble 8-Fold Path to end Dukkha and misery.


The Theme for PBHP 15th Dhamma Youth Camp 2007 was
‘Ehipassiko – Life’s Lessons To Know’.

I penned a write-up on the Theme as given here below for

your reflection.
Theme for 15th DYC 2007
‘Ehipassiko – Life’s Lessons To Know’
* Ehipassiko literally means “Come and See”.
* The Dhamma, The Teaching of the Buddha is not to be
believed blindly ; it is not a set of beliefs or doctrines based

on blind faith, superstitions, traditions or untested

‘philosophical principles’.
* One has to ‘come and see’ the Dhamma – to listen, to read
about it first, to try to understand and reflect on it, to
question and investigate for oneself, to put the Dhamma
teachings into practice to validate them … and when one
actualizes the Dhamma in the mind or realizes it, one
KNOWS … the question of blind belief has no place then.
* Ehipassiko is tied up with a Discourse the Buddha taught,
namely The Kalama Sutta, a Charter of Free Inquiry.
* In the Kalama Sutta,

The Buddha said : “ Come, Kalamas,

Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated
hearing, nor upon tradition, nor upon rumor, nor upon
scripture, nor upon surmise, nor upon axiom, nor upon
specious reasoning, nor upon bias towards a notion
pondered over, nor upon another’s seeming ability, nor upon
the consideration “The monk is our teacher.”
When you yourselves know: “These things are bad, blamable,
censured by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things
lead to harm and ill,” abandon them …
When you yourselves know:
“These things are good, blameless, praised by the wise;
undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and
happiness,” enter on and abide in them.”

* The most important lessons of life lie in the Dhamma,

which also refers to Truth, The Way things really are, the
Universal Laws that govern all physical and mental
* When one learns, understands, practices and realizes the
Dhamma, one develops compassion and wisdom and then

one will eventually attain true happiness, peace, bliss and

freedom of the mind.
* The most important Life’s Lesson lies in the Four Noble
Truths, that is
1. The First Noble Truth – The Noble Truth of Dukkha
2. The Second Noble Truth – The Noble Truth of The Cause
of Dukkha
3. The Third Noble Truth – The Noble Truth of the
Cessation of Dukkha
4. The Fourth Noble Truth – The Noble Truth of The Path
leading to the end of Dukkha.
* The Fourth Noble Truth is the Noble Eightfold Path
which is made up of
(a) Right Understanding
(b) Right Thought
(c) Right Speech
(d) Right Action
(e) Right Livelihood
(f) Right Effort
(g) Right Mindfulness
(h) Right Concentration

You might want to check out the Theme Song

‘Ehipassiko – Life’s Lessons To Know’ at the Link:

I attach a File of a Short Story for your Reflection.

Still Stay So Smartly Safe. NO to ‘Another Wave’!

Be Grateful. Be Mindful. Be Peaceful.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 35 ( A Story for Reflection )


36 Message 25.12.2020
Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

The year Twenty Twenty will be

ending shortly.
The 8 worldly winds have been
blowing so strongly.
I hope you’re bracing the challenges peacefully.
It’s a time to reflect on Dhamma mindfully.
It’s a time to take stock of what matters really.
It’s a time to practice the Dhamma ardently.
What is in store next year no one can know truly.
What we can be certain of is UNCERTAINTY!
We need to embrace this truth most courageously.
Good Dhamma practice will help us tremendously.
Can the outside world offer true security?
Can we find true refuge and peace externally?
The ignorant seek solace outside fruitlessly.
The wise KNOW that true refuge lies internally.
How then can we get the sublime peace and safety?
Practice Dana, Sila, Bhavana constantly!
Bhavana is mind development in Pali.
Without this, Wisdom will not arise certainly.
Wisdom will help to cut Dukkha and misery.
Bhavana needs doing these deeds persistently:
Meditation and Dhamma learning frequently.
Only then can we begin to SEE things clearly.
At last! Wisdom has grown in us most steadily!
We’ll then live more happily and meaningfully.

A Peaceful Christmas to you and your family!


In the year 2016, one of the questions I answered in

Quora was this:

“What three sayings or quotes have made a profound

impact on the way you live your life?”

I wrote and posted the following answer:

The 3 Sayings of Wisdom are:

1 “All conditioned things that arise must cease.”

2 “The Past is gone; the Future is yet to come.

Be in the Present.”

3 “Serve to be Perfect. Be Perfect to Serve.”

You might want to check out the following:

I attach two Files ‘Humor with Wisdom for your


May your mind be calm, mindful and peaceful

amidst things which many may deem ‘stressful’.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 36 ( Humor With Wisdom )


Attachment for Message 36 ( Humor With Wisdom )


37 Message 2. 10. 2020

Hello Friend in the Sublime Dhamma!

It’s been more than six months
since the visit of Covid-19.
Hope the Dhamma is helping to cope
with all that’s happening.
In this much more ‘confined life’, are our activities changing?
Some sleep more hours because they find life has become
Some indulge in more food, so carelessly eating and drinking.
Some get glued to TV or devices for things exciting.
Some spend endless hours chit-chatting or social networking.
Some just while away the time feeling life has little meaning.
There is so much we can do that’s meaningful and enriching.
Do try to read and write more, there’s much benefit it can
Do enjoy a good hobby – be it walking or gardening.
Do keep on doing Dana, charity or selfless giving.
Do spend more time in good Dhamma learning, and
Do discipline yourself well to set time for meditating.
The wise usage of time will bring us all many a Blessing!


These days I find not that many people, young and old alike
do that much reading. A lack of patience, a higher degree of
restlessness and the many sensual distractions might have
brought about this sad state of affairs.

Over the years, I have noted that not many people read
Dhamma books of many pages, understand, digest and

reflect on the Dhamma teachings. Wisdom cannot arise

without learning through listening or reading the Buddha’s
teachings, reflecting on them and putting them into practice.
Without Wisdom, one cannot see things as they truly are and
there will be Dukkha arising from ignorance and delusion
which will lead to greed, attachment, craving, anger, ill-will
and hatred. Ignorance and craving are the root cause of
In 2017, I started to use Instagram to post Dhamma teachings
with the help of images, pictures and photos. Instagram is
essentially a photo and video sharing social networking
service. I must be the ‘weird’ one using Instagram to share
important Dhamma Teachings for one to read, understand,
reflect and actualize repeatedly. Only then can one, over time,
grow in compassion and wisdom.
Since August 2017, I have posted more than 390 Instagram
pictures with texts that pertain to the most important
Dhamma teachings.
In April 2019, I did a Slide Share Post entitled
“10 Favorite Instagram Posts Of Life Lessons”

You can check it out at the following Link:

I attach a file of an Inspirational piece for your reflection

Stay very safe mindfully. Live righteously and wisely.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 37 ( An Inspirational Piece )


Attachment for Message 37 ( An Inspirational Piece )


38 Message 13. 3. 2020

Dear Dhamma Friend in our world

of Interconnectedness,
I hope your mind is suffused
with calm, peace and happiness.
Always recollect the Dhamma and
practice mindfulness.
Strive on in the Dhamma and you will attain Deathlessness.

For this Message, I would like to pen some Affirmations we

can all make from time to time.

(Affirmations are statements of positive thinking to foster a

good mental attitude.
When made with good mindfulness and concentration, we
are implanting good thoughts and qualities that will
develop our mind in kindness, compassion and wisdom. )


* Mind is the forerunner of everything.

I choose thoughts that support my well-being.

* 3 harmful mental poisons are Loba, Dosa and Moha.

I will strive to be free from defilements and end all

* The Buddha taught us The Noble 8-Fold Path as The

Way to Nibbana.
I follow the Path diligently and mindfully to leave

* The benefits of Metta practice are very many.

I will do Metta meditation most diligently.

* Dana is most important spiritually.

I give and render service to the needy.

* Having Right View is most important certainly.

I’ll learn and reflect on the Dhamma constantly.

* Virtue is the foundation for spirituality.

I will keep my moral precepts conscientiously.

* Bhavana is Mental Development in Pali.

I will meditate ardently and not be lazy.

Here is hoping you will have a meaningful weekend.

Lots of Metta, Joy and peace to you my Dhamma friend!

I attach a file of some Humor with Life Lessons.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 38 ( Humor with Life Lessons )


39 Message 30. 10. 2020

Dear Friend in the Buddha-Dhamma,
I hope you are getting along very well
and fine.
Mental states, good or bad arise and
fall all the time.
Life in this Pandemic is challenging, you will find.
Dhamma will certainly help you to still smile and shine.
With compassion and wisdom you’ll not blame the Divine.
With Birth, there’ll be encounters of the suffering kind.
When you embrace all things wisely, Dukkha will decline
For this to happen, to the Dhamma you must incline.

I would like to share an important teaching on
Impermanence based just on a mundane happening.
‘Many Buddhists think that Impermanence is such an easy
teaching to understand. Yes, intellectually they know that
nothing is permanent, everything must come to pass,
conditioned and compounded things cannot remain constant
- they ultimately decay, disintegrate or break down into their
components or elements. But then a book knowledge or
intellectual understanding of Anicca is one thing, actual
realization in the mind is another thing altogether. When the
changing world conditions sometimes bring much pain and
suffering, can the mind embrace it calmly, patiently and
Although we know that nothing remains permanent, how
well do we cope when we face with relationship trouble, lose
money, our jobs, possessions, loved ones, or when we fall
terribly sick, or when we get blame and verbal assaults or
encounter situations that threaten our lives, our families and

our security? Unless and until we have truly realized the

Dhamma, we will experience Dukkha. The more we have
Realization of the Dhamma, the lesser the Dukkha will be.
There was one happening I faced that made me realize the
world of difference between an intellectual grasp of
impermanence and the actual realization of this Dhamma.
My learning of Dhamma dated way back to the mid-
seventies – but it was mostly academic and intellectual stuff
– lots of reading, listening to Dhamma talks and taking
Buddhist Correspondence courses. There was hardly any
actual practice of the Dhamma.
In the early 1980s, I was teaching in a rural school about 17
miles from my home in Teluk Intan. I was driving a new
Opel Kadet to school. One evening, as I was driving home
after the evening sports practice in school, a large vehicle
rammed into the back of my car. The damage to the rear of
the car was pretty serious ; I felt very bad and my mind was
filled with negative emotions – sadness, disappointment,
anger and hatred. Such feelings dragged on for days! Oh,
didn’t I learn about impermanence? Why was I still feeling
the prolonged hurt? The intellectual knowledge did not help
me to embrace any negative happening with a calm and
peaceful mind.

Our local Buddhist Association started in 1987 and I was a

founder committee member. My Dhamma practice of Dana
(Charity or Giving), Sila (Morality) and Bhavana
(Mental development through Dhamma learning with
reflection, chanting and meditation ) began from this time. I
would follow the Dhamma programs quite consistently and
with diligence.
It was around the year 1993 that something ‘interesting’
happened. One Tuesday night, I drove my new Mitsubishi

Lancer to our Buddhist Association which occupied the 2nd

floor of a shop lot. The program was a meditation practice. I
parked my car outside the row of shop lots and went up the
building for the meditation session. At the end of the session
around 10 pm, I drove my car back. When I reached home,
one of my brothers switched on the porch lights. He and my
mother came out to the porch area. “Oh, what happened to
your car?” my brother shouted. “You didn’t know someone
had rammed into the side of your car? Wah! The dent is very
bad!” Interestingly, my mind remained calm and peaceful
upon hearing the ‘bad’ news. I just blurted out, “Everything
is impermanent lah! It must have been a hit-and-run motor
cyclist.” That night when I reflected on the happening, my
mind felt a sense of joy and peace. It was not overwhelmed
by the negative emotions I had years back when my Opel
Kadet was rammed at its rear. I understood that Dhamma
realization cannot come from mere book knowledge. One
has to practice The Noble 8-Fold Way mindfully with
diligence, patience and perseverance.
You might want to check out and reflect on a Presentation I
did many years back titled “Reflections on Impermanence”.
The Youtube Video is at the Link:
The SlideShare PowerPoint Presentation is at the Link:
I attach a File of a Story with a good Dhamma teaching.
Stay Safe. Act Wisely and Compassionately.
May you be free from dis-ease and misery.

With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin


Attachment for Message 39 (A Story with Dhamma Lessons )


40 Message 23. 10. 2020

Dear Friend in the Buddha-Dhamma,
It’s a Blessing if we’re at peace with
others and at peace within.
It’s a Blessing to be peaceful amidst
many a happening.
Such Blessings come through the good practice of Dhamma,
Buddha’s Teaching.
Blessings do not come to us through mere chanting or god
‘Do Good, Avoid Evil, Purify the mind’ – keep on practicing.
Great Blessings will then come upon us - this is a natural
The Covid-19 is bringing suffering to many.
Some sadly are not able to go to sleep easily.
Some wake up reluctantly feeling so very gloomy.
Some tortured by bad dreams and nightmares cannot sleep
Some are tormented by worry, almost unceasingly.
Some can’t concentrate and focus at what they do daily.
Some at home or work can’t be with others in harmony.
Some, ‘burnt’ by greed, hate and ego, fall into misery.
Indeed, Covid-19 has caused dis-ease undoubtedly.

One Dhamma practice with benefits is Metta Bhavana.

It’s Loving-kindness Meditation that helps to cut Dukkha.
This is a simple practice you can do wherever you are.
Naturally you have to practice constantly to get far.
The Buddha taught the monks this practice in the Metta Sutta.

With Metta you can live much more peacefully in Samsara.

To see the great effects ,be diligent in your practice lah!


To learn the ‘What, Why and How’ of Metta Bhavana

(Meditation on Loving-kindness ), you can check out the link

I attach a file of ‘Humor with Life Lessons’ for your


Stay safe. Radiate Metta to all Frontliners and victims of


With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

You might want to check out the Video on “The Chant of

Metta “ by Imee Ooi.

The Chant in Pali (Audio) : By Imee Ooi

Verses in Pali : Inserted
PowerPoint By Bro. Oh Teik Bin
Meanings in English and Chinese are inserted into the
(The Chant of Metta has benefited lots of people all over the
world )

Shared with Metta By Bro. Oh Teik Bin


Attachment for Message 40 (Humor with Life Lessons)


41 Message 13.11 2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

I hope this message finds you
joyful and happy.
It’s important to keep
body and mind healthy.
When one knows and applies the Dhamma correctly,
he will not think, speak, behave or act foolishly.
His mind will be more calm and peaceful certainly.
It’s The Middle Way he must walk diligently.
The end of Dukkha he’ll start to see more clearly.
His faith in The Triple Gem will grow steadily.
He will then live life righteously and most wisely.

So much misery and pain comes from wrong view and
The Dhamma runs opposite to the likes of the worldling.
We crave for riches, status and many a sensual thing.
When will we realize or SEE that all these are not lasting?
The impermanence of all things will lead to suffering.
What is wise to do is Dhamma learning and mind training.
In these troubles times, do step up Dhamma understanding?
States of peacefulness arise when our Wisdom keeps

I would like to share an experience which I wrote about in
one of my earlier free Dhamma books. I titled it
“Of 5 C’s and the Dhamma”.
‘ One of the interesting things in our Buddhist Association’s

Annual Dhamma Youth Camp is to decide on the names of

the Groups of participants in the Camp.
I remember one year there was a student who suggested that
we should name the five Groups using the 5 C’s, which
according to him are:


Ha! Such is the tremendous influence of the materialistic

world. Naturally we could not use these names. We
explained to the student (and his friends) that there are far
more important and meaningful things in life than those 5
C’s which do not guarantee a person happiness, peace and
wisdom. Of course, as lay people, there is nothing wrong
with earning some cash honestly, have a career based on
Right Livelihood, own a car for use, have a house for shelter
and using a credit card to facilitate things in our mundane
living. The problems and negative effects arise when one

• Spends one’s life chasing the 5 C’s with little time for
Dhamma. (Many of us would say: Well, we’ll wait until
we are older when we have more material comfort before
we learn and practice Dhamma. But we forget this
IMPORTANT POINT: We can’t be sure that there’ll be a
time and opportunity in the future for us to learn and
practice Dhamma. Life is Uncertain but Death is
Certain. Reflecting on this, wouldn’t it be wiser for us to
integrate Dhamma into our life, work and our family

• Attaches and clings on to the 5 C’s. Do not forget that

attachment, craving and clinging are the root cause of
Dukkha or Suffering.

• Is ‘ambushed’ or overwhelmed by more and more greed,

anger and delusion in the mad pursuit of these 5 C’s.

After explaining to the student and his friends the dangers of

these 5 C’s, we assure them that we would use 5 C’s to
name the Groups but in a different way. For the Dhamma
Youth Camp that year, the Groups were named as follows:

• Calmness Group
• Charity Group
• Compassion Group
• Clarity Group
• Confidence Group

A big problem today among the young and old alike is that
there is a greater and greater degree of restlessness, agitation
and boredom in our mind. When will we learn to tame this
mind of ours so that it is more concentrated, calm, mindful,
peaceful and wise? It is urgent that we start NOW and the
best way is The Dhamma Way.

Reaching out to others is an integral and essential aspect of
Dhamma practice. It is indeed sad to see people becoming
more greedy, selfish, self-centered and “Kiasu”. The practice
of Dana or Charity is greatly emphasized by the Buddha and

Dana is the first of the ten Paramis or Perfections and it is a

most meritorious action.

Karuna or Compassion is one of the 4 Brahma Viharas (The
Four Sublime States or Divine Abodes). The cultivation and
growth of compassion leads one on the Path to liberation of
the mind and perfect bliss. The world would be a better,
happier and more peaceful place if more people show
compassion to all living beings.

To develop a clear and wise mind is one of the most
important objectives of a good Buddhist. One walks the
Buddha-Dhamma Path cultivating compassion and wisdom
until the goal of Nibbana is realized.

Saddha or Confidence is one of the Five Spiritual Powers.
One must have confidence in the Triple Gem – The Buddha,
Dhamma and Sangha. The only true Refuge is Refuge in the
Triple Gem.

If we base our life on the wrong 5 C’s, we will for sure be

afflicted more and more with five more C’s:

* Confusion
* Conflict
* Calamity
* Chaos
* Clashes

Let us aspire to have or practice the good 5 C’s of:

* Confidence ’

I attach a File “An Inspirational Piece” for your Reflection.

“Cultivating ardently the good Buddha-Dhamma,

may we attain soon the cessation of all Dukkha.”

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 41 (An Inspirational Piece)


42 Message 20.11 2020

Dear Friend in the Sublime Dhamma,

Another week has passed us by

so very speedily.
I do hope all things are fine with
you and your family.
From time to time people bemoan with many a query:
“Why is this unfortunate thing happening to poor me?”
“Why is life so full of pain, suffering and misery?”
“ Why is the Heavenly God showing me little mercy?”
“I have prayed hard, why are things for me turning out
“I have practiced Dana, Sila, Bhavana constantly.
“Why then am I still suffering in my mind and body”?
“I have learnt about the fact of Dukkha and transciency.
“I have learnt I must be mindful and think positively.
Yet, why is my mind still filled with much dis-ease and
“Why, Why Why …when can my troubles and problems end


Not understanding the Sublime Dhamma sufficiently

will bring doubts and failure to cope with life’s uncertainty.
We’ve spun in Samsara for a long time undoubtedly.
We’ve done unwholesome things in the past inevitably.
How long the results of Kamma will last no one can SEE.
We need to endure, practicing the Dhamma patiently.
All conditioned things will pass, tell yourself confidently.
So what should we do to keep the mind peaceful and steady?

The Buddha in the Suttas gave a good analogy.

Think of a lump of salt – salt that’s saltish naturally.
If the salt’s put into a bowl of water carefully,
the taste of the water will be very saltish surely.
If lots of water are added to the bowl mindfully,
the saltishness is hardly felt, what a change this will be!
‘Salt’ is the ‘bad kamma’ from deeds done intentionally.
‘Water’ is the good kammic action you do knowingly.
The ‘taste’ is the result that befalls unavoidably.
Dhamma Friends, I hope you see the message very clearly.
“Keep on doing good, your mind can still shine very


Some years ago in my website “Quora”, I answered an

interesting and practical question. The question was:

“What are some of the short bits of wise advice you have
I wrote and submitted the following answer:

Here are some of the very short bits of advice I consider wise:
* Be in the NOW.
* Do not Procrastinate.
* Have Quiet Time.
* Have Enough Rest.
* You Must Exercise.
* Help The Needy.
* Learn To Meditate.
* Read Very Widely.
* Always Be Polite.
* Be Always Mindful.

* Do Not Worry.
* Learn From Mistakes.
* Use Time Wisely.
* Work With Diligence.
* Shun All Vices.
* Lead By Example.
* Radiate Constantly Loving-Kindness.
* Earn People’s Respect.
* Be Very Responsible.
* Do Dhamma Contemplation.
* Do Good, Avoid Evil and Purify The Mind.

You might want to check-out the Presentation:

I attach a File of a Story for Reflection.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 42 (An Inspirational Piece)


43 Message 27.11 2020

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

It’s time again to do my Friday
writing and reflecting.
I pray you’re getting on fine with
so many a happening.
I find time zooms by when one is
involved with things of meaning.
The Pandemic brings to some lots of things they find
Dukkha can come in so many ways, some of them most
‘Mind Dis-ease’ includes anxiety, pain, fear and worrying.
Dukkha is the Truth faced by every unenlightened being.
The root cause is ignorance, craving, grasping and attaching.
Conquering greed, hatred and delusion will end suffering.
Along the Noble 8-Fold Path we must all keep on striving.
We need much patience, endurance and diligence – no
With The Middle Way, we’ll attain the Peace of Awakening!

In the past and perhaps more so now many are facing stress.
Covid-19 has given us many challenges and tests.
Loss of jobs, poverty, sickness … many have become
This happens all over the world , in the East and in the West.
To relieve their pain, some seek out foolish ways, they are
hard pressed.
Some fall victims of scams and con men who know how to
Some seek out cultist groups and they get into a greater mess.

All people want good fortune, happiness, peace and to be

There’s no short cut – best prayers or chants as some
preachers attest.
The Way is, Do more good, Develop the mind … give this
your best.
This is what any wise Dhamma teacher would surely suggest.
Soon you’ll get a happiness and peace that surpasses the rest!

Many years ago I wrote and published a book titled “Every
Student’s Companion”. One of the Chapters was “Coping
with Stress” to address the issue of Stress that many
students (and even adults today!) face. From the contents of
the Chapters I made a PowerPoint Presentation and uploaded
it into one of my Web sites some years ago. I believe much
of the material can be of benefit to the young, ‘not-so-young’
and the old. You can check out the Presentation at the Link:

I attach a file of ‘Wisdom From Humor” for your


May you stay safe, be mindful, ‘kindful’ and peaceful!

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 43 (Wisdom from Humor)


44 Message 1.1.2021

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

A peaceful New Year to you

and your family.
May you be blessed with good health
in mind and body.
May your Dhamma practice grow very steadily.
May your good Kamma ripen continually.
Happy New Year … Do live righteously and wisely!

Much Dukkha comes from our negative conditioning.
Our foolish mental views and attitude are binding.
Our wrong speech and wrong actions we keep on repeating.
Our unwholesome traits and habits keep on surfacing.
Oh we are trapped in many a ‘conditioning’ thing.
This can be due to past lives or present upbringing.
Are we always unpunctual, keeping people waiting?
Are we always in the bad habit of postponing?
Are we always fond of empty talk or gossiping?
Do we so often take others’ things without asking?
Do we so often use words that are unbecoming?
Do we so often commit the deed of slandering?
Have we been often, complaining, condemning, cursing?
Have we been often unmindful playing or working?
Have we been often doing things without good thinking?
Alas! So many live their lives auto-piloting!
We do lack attention and mindfulness in living.
We do lack spending time for Dhamma contemplating.
Hence we do unskillful things as a human being!
It’s time we overcome negative conditioning.

Firstly we must retrospect very constantly.
Note all our bad conditioned ways most mindfully.
To cut our unwholesome ways , we resolve strongly.
Then we take steps to do the good deeds frequently.
The mind must be watched clearly and unfailingly.
Dana, Sila, Bhavana we must continue ardently.
Listen to or read the true Dhamma attentively.
Go over important Discourses repeatedly.
Have Dhamma dialogs or discussion regularly.
Contemplate on The Buddha’s Teachings very clearly.
Radiate Metta to all beings with sincerity.
Do Samatha and Vipassana diligently.
Before long, Enlightenment can be reached certainly!

You might want to check out the Slide Presentation
“The Conditioned Mind” at the Link:

The Video Presentation of “The Conditioned Mind” can be

viewed at the Link:

I attach a Motivation List for Reflection

Have a Happy New Year.
Stay Safe. Stay Mindful. Stay Peaceful. Be ‘Kindful’.
With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 44 (A Motivation List)


45 Message 15.1.2021
Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

From the Covid, we see Dukkha

and uncertainty.
Amidst all this, hope your mind
can still remain steady.
Some pray ardently for a quick full recovery.
Others hope that life can soon return to normalcy.
The truth is none can know how things will turn out to be.
This is the way things are: the future’s a mystery.
Those who SEE the Dhamma can live much more peacefully.
Things happen due to cause and conditions certainly.
If things can be changed then we all need to act wisely.
If things cannot be changed then it’s futile to worry.
Let’s do the best we can in this NOW Reality.
It’s wise to keep doing the things that matter truly:
Mind training, practicing Charity, Morality.
Meditate and reflect on the Dhamma constantly.
We all can then SEE things as they are much more clearly.
Embracing ‘bad’ things calmly will then be more easy.
We are then on the right Way to end Dukkha surely.


‘The Eight Worldly Winds’- we must reflect again and again:

Honor, Dishonor; Praise, Blame; Gain, Loss and Happiness,
This Dhamma teaching is not just an intellectual game.
If it’s mere academic reading, then all is in vain.
In calm, tranquility and wisdom, the mind must be trained.
Reflect that there are days when it is not sunshine but rain.

‘Bad’ times can befall all some days, so why blame or

The eight winds come and go, no permanent state is
This is Nature, SEE this and in your mind, peace can then
To SEE this, diligent Dhamma practice must be maintained.
With patience, in time wisdom and mental peace will be
May all your Dukkha or suffering and misery wane.

In 2015, I did a Lesson on “The 8 Worldly Winds or
Vicissitudes” in my Hokkien Dhamma Class at our local
Buddhist Association, Persatuan Buddhist Hilir Perak.
I composed a Hokkien Rhyming poem and did a video
presentation on it … having the narration in Hokkien
accompanied by a textual translation in English.
If you wish to view the video, you can check it out at the

I attach a File of a story for your Reflection.

May your Wisdom grow and bloom with the Sublime

May you strive on in The Middle Way to end Dukkha.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 45 (A Story for Reflection)


46 Message 29.1.2021

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

One week comes and goes off so fast
like a flash of lightning.
I hope you are peaceful
and coping well with everything.
Let us reflect on the First Noble Truth of Suffering.
SEEING Dukkha will spur us on to Dhamma practicing.
There’s Dukkha in Birth, this is an undeniable thing.
There’s inevitable sickness and Dukkha with ageing.
There is pain, sadness, sorrow and suffering in dying.
Distress, pain, lamentation and despair are torturing.
To be with the unwanted brings feelings very hurting.
Separation from the loved ones is truly tormenting.
Not getting what one wants is sorrowful and distressing.
Getting what’s not welcome is unbearable and troubling.

In this worldly life Dukkha we will face inevitably.
However we can lessen Dukkha and end it finally.
Let us take steps to conquer the forces that bring misery.
Overcome Ignorance by developing Right View firstly.
The 4 Noble Truths must be studied and understood clearly.
The Noble 8-Fold Path must be followed most diligently.
We need to watch the mind mindfully and very constantly.
Beware of the poison of craving that attacks us strongly.
Attach not to worldly things that hinder spirituality.
Gradually cultivate ‘Letting Go’, living contentedly.
Remember to practice Dana and observe Morality.
With Dhamma practiced so well, Dukkha will fall most

The Theme for PBHP 17th Dhamma Youth Camp 2009 was
“Open Heart, Radiant Mind”. One of our Buddhist
Association members, Bro. Kee composed the Theme Song
“Open Heart, Radiant Mind” … both the musical score and
the song lyrics. He also did a write-up on the meanings in the
lyrics. I reproduce here Bro. Kee’s write-up for the Theme
“Open Heart, Radiant Mind” ( with reference to the lyrics of
the song).

Theme for 17th DYC 2009

‘Open Heart, Radiant Mind’

What does it mean to have an open heart and a radiant

To have an open heart means to have unconditional, non-
discriminating, free-flowing love. To have love for others
that is equal to love for oneself. With that kind of love, your
heart will be filled with great compassion and generosity to
do things which are equally beneficial to yourself and others.
Now, what is meant by a radiant mind? Radiant means
showing great happiness and love. Imagine a person with
open heart and radiant mind; what sort of person would that
be? (Must be a very kind-hearted, very helpful, very
understanding, knowledgeable, loving, lovable, calm,
peaceful and happy person. )

Wouldn’t you wish to be such a person or to be in the

company of such a person? Wouldn’t the world be a more
pleasant place if there are more people with open heart and
radiant mind…
Ok. Let’s look at some of the lyrics in the theme song.
The Buddha’s Teachings…what did the Buddha teach?

Practically the whole teaching of the Buddha deals in some

way or other with the Noble Eightfold Path which can be
grouped into:
(a) Ethical conduct (Sila) – Right Speech, Right Action,
Right Livelihood
(b) Mental Discipline (Samadhi) – Right Effort, Right
Mindfulness, Right Concentration

( c ) Wisdom (Panna) – Right Thought, Right Understanding

Let’s sing in praise and thank the Lord…

Why? How?
Whenever you can…observe the breath…

Because He showed us how to escape from this suffering

state that we live in. In the thousands of discourses, He urged
us to meditate and practice the Dhamma and discover for
ourselves what He had discovered. For that we are grateful
and thankful.
May this Theme serve as a little reminder of what is good
and as a motivation for us to love , to serve and to learn and
practice the Dhamma to the highest level.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
You can check out the Theme Song “Open Heart, Radiant
Mind” at the Link:

I attach a File ‘Humor with Life Lessons’

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 46 (Humor with Life Lessons)


47 Message 5.2.2021

Dear Friend in the Sublime Dhamma,

Time passes by so quickly and

We have been jetted into the month
of February.
Twenty Twenty was most challenging undoubtedly.
Hope you’ve learnt good Dhamma and are living more
Soon, Chinese New Year will come, this time so quietly.
For all feelings that arise, watch the mind constantly.
All conditioned things are changing inevitably.
‘Good’ or ‘Bad’, Nice or Painful … they’ll pass, it’s
When we can SEE this Dhamma Truth so very clearly,
we can accept things and happenings more peacefully.
Often, expectations do not meet Reality.
Not SEEING this, Dukkha will assail us frequently.
What should we do to lessen Dukkha or misery?
Practice Dana, Sila , Bhavana unfailingly!
Have patience, good kammic fruits will ripen certainly!


Restlessness is a hindrance that impedes mental peace.

The ‘monkey mind’ runs, wanting things, bringing much
A few things we can do to help restlessness decrease:
Understand and practice the Dhamma, to say the least.
Have Noble friendship, your Dhamma learning will increase.
Why restless … investigate the causes piece by piece.

Watch your restless mind, wherever you are west or east.

Do Samatha meditation … restlessness can cease.
This needs training …it will lead you to stillness and bliss!


In 2015, there was a QUORA question that I answered. The

Question was this:

‘What steps should be taken to curb the rising degree of

restlessness and heedlessness among the young?’

I penned the following answer:

1 Good moral education starting at the young age - to

inculcate values and virtues like patience, carefulness,
mindfulness etc
2 Introducing mindfulness practice / exercises to the young
3 Encouraging hobbies which are more 'slow moving' for
example, reading, gardening, walking, yoga, writing etc
4 Checking the 'overuse' of hi-tech gadgets in playing fast-
moving games - this creates restlessness, impatience, 'easy
sinking into boredom' and so on
5 Involvement in outreach and community work among the
6 Good and regular spiritual practices like prayers, chanting,
7 Curbing over-indulgences and over-stimulation of the

You might want to check out 2 songs from PBHP previous

Youth Camps that touch on the problems of restlessness,
heedlessness and the non-peaceful mental state:

I attach a File of A Story for Reflection.

Here’s Wishing you a Happy and Cheerful New

May your mind be peaceful whether you’re far or
Take care, stay safe and keep the mind tranquil and
With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 47 (A Story for Reflection)


48 Message 12. 2. 2021

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,
‘A Most Happy Friday!’
Here is Wishing you
“Peaceful Chinese New Year Day.”
I hope that all things with you
are fine and okay.
Do live a life following well the Dhamma Way.
If we’ve not, then we must not anymore delay.
At such times, this is the wise way, needless to say.
Dhamma practice is not to merely pray and pray.
The Noble 8-Fold Way – attention we must pay.
Thoughts, speech and action must be pure at work or play.
May much of your pain and dis-ease be blown away.
May your mind be calm, steady and strong come what may.
Metta to all I send and regards I convey.
On this day, I would like to pen my thoughts once again on
‘Habits and Conditioning.’
“ Lots of our thoughts, speech and deeds are due to habits
and conditioning.
All of us have been conditioned in our views, attitudes and
It can be due to past lives or this life through factors like
Conditioning can bring about a good or bad thing.
Bad things have their roots in greed, delusion and hating.
This will cause us and others pain, grief and suffering.
Dhamma practice can cut the bad conditioning link.
To keep the good and wipe out the bad conditioning,
be determined and diligent in the following:

1 Learn and understand the Dhamma constantly.

2 Never fail to practice deeds of charity.
3 Observe your moral precepts unfailingly.
4 Contemplate on the Dhamma unceasingly.
5 Do good, shun evil, train the mind mindfully.
6 Send Metta to one and all regularly.
7 Watch your mind, cast out the unwholesome quickly.
8 Set aside time to meditate patiently.”
When bad conditioned ways are removed from the mind,
there’ll be better mental states of the peaceful kind.
Fill the mind more with wholesome states of the divine.
The practice of Right Effort is crucial, you’ll find.
Do not let wrong thoughts invade the mind anytime.
Let right thoughts permeate through the mind, time after
With diligence, you’ll be one so virtuous
and fine.
May you soon attain the Ultimate Truth Sublime.
You might want to check out the Video Clip
“The Conditioned Elephant” at the following:
I attach a file of ‘A Motivation List’ for your
“Happy New Year 2021 to You and Your Family”

Take care. Stay Safe. Be Mindful, ‘Kindful’ and

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 48 (A Motivation List)


49 Message 5. 3. 2021

Peace and Happiness to all

in the Dhamma Family!
Another week has flown by us all
so very quickly.
Hope your mind is growing
in the Dhamma most steadily.
We have to embrace wisely things with their uncertainty.
The present’s the Reality … live in the NOW mindfully.
The worldly affairs we need to tend to undoubtedly.
All these mundane things will pass, they do not last
KNOWING this, let not the mind be anxious or have worry.
Mindfully, just do what needs to be done, attentively.
Wise ones keep following the Dhamma conscientiously.
With Dana, Sila and Bhavana, things will shine brightly.
Have Faith the good Kammic fruits will ripen naturally.
May The Triple Gem’s Blessings Be Upon You constantly.

One question many have asked is this: “How Can I Be
Some years ago I came upon this most beautiful story.
From where, not sure… what matters is the Dhamma for you
and me.
Let me now narrate this story to you all very briefly.
‘A man went to see an Enlightened One living so simply.
He was so troubled, wanting to seek Happiness mentally.
He asked the Awakened One this question, quite impatiently.
He yelled out, “I WANT HAPPINESS … how do I get it
The Awakened One serene and calm, looked at the man

“I WANT HAPPINESS” – He repeated this to the man
“Just cut the ‘I’ and the ‘WANT’ away, what’s left to
KNOW and SEE?”
“What remains is HAPPINESS!” the man answered
The Enlightened One then explained the root cause of misery.
Let’s now reflect on the root cause of Dukkha and misery.
Greed, Wanting, Craving and Clinging – this stops you from
being truly happy.
Craving, attaching to sensual things – you can’t live
Chasing and grasping at the external ‘delights’ endlessly
will for sure cause you lots of Dukkha and ‘dis-ease’
Happiness is not outside, it’s in your mind internally.
Fools crave for ‘Outside Sukha’, it’s fleeting pleasure
These sensual delights end up in suffering eventually.
Let us Awake to the One Way to truly live happily.
Do Strive on along the Noble 8-Fold Path diligently.
The delusion of a Self, an ‘I’, ‘Me’, ‘Mine’ traps us strongly.
This brings untold Dukkha or Suffering inevitably.
The ‘I’, and “My’ clings to people, things, fame and power
Not SEEING Anatta, it’s a challenge to LET GO wisely.
The EGO in us has caused us pain for ages needlessly.
When others have it bad, we do not feel for them seriously.
When ‘bad’ befalls us, the pain in us drags on unceasingly.

Why, this is due to the wrong view of a permanent I and Me.

This Dhamma Teaching is hard for us to understand and SEE.
The ‘I’ - body and mind is not a permanent entity.
It is impermanent, changing, in a flux of transciency.
When the Ego is diminished, the Dukkha drops certainly.
Dhamma friends, let us practice Bhavana very ardently.
May we soon SEE Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta clearly.
Then True Happiness, Peace and Bliss is attained ultimately!

More than 5 years ago, I posted on the Net a very profound
article by Ven. Dr. Matthieu Ricard. The article in excellent
English is titled "Why Can't 'I' Be Happy?"
( Venerable Dr Matthieu Ricard has been called the
"happiest person in the world" by several popular media.
You can Google for more info.)
The article touches on the deep Dhamma Teaching of the
Buddha on 'Dukkha'. It is an insightful account into the root
of unhappiness. Many may not understand or comprehend
the deep Dhamma let alone SEE the truth of the Dhamma as
explained by the Venerable. There is a profound analysis of
Atta, the 'I', 'Me', 'Mine', 'Ego' and Self which lies at the root
of our suffering. I like the article very much.
You can check out the Link to the article at:
I attach a file of “Humor Matters” for your Edutainment.
Take Care. Stay safe.
Have a Peaceful and Meaningful Weekend.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 49 (Humor Matters)


50 Message 19. 2. 2021

Dear Friend in the Buddha-Dhamma,

From the start of two zero two one,
how have you been keeping?
I hope you’re coping well with
the Pandemic still prevailing.
Much Dukkha is hitting all around
every human being.
Many are badly affected in their day-to-day working.
Many are falling into states of mind that are depressing.
Many are facing tough times in education and learning.
Many are feeling terrible due to social distancing.
Many are feeling the growing pain of ill-health arising.
Many are finding the need to stay in very distressing.
Many are struck by restlessness due to no socializing.
There are indeed so many forms of Dukkha manifesting.
So Dhamma friends what can we do to lessen the suffering?
Certainly it’ll help a lot to have Dhamma understanding.
It will be useful to do mindful Dhamma contemplating:
‘We have all not gone beyond ageing, disease and
‘We and other beings have not gone beyond death or dying.’
‘We’ll be separated from all we love and things appealing.’
Soon, we’ll SEE that our refuge of peace and freedom lies
So we must all patiently keep our Dhamma practice going.


What does the Buddha say on so many a ‘bad’ happening?

Two Buddhist Scriptural Suttas suggest this important thing:

( The Suttas are: The Adhammika Sutta (AN 4.70) and The
Paloka Sutta (AN 3.56) )

‘Moral laxness gives rise to harmful effects and

Are we seeing this in our present world situation and scene?
Has there been more and more Loba, Dosa and Moha rising?
I leave this to your own pondering and mindful reflecting.
We Dhamma followers…for SILA there’s no compromising.
In the moral precepts we should most sincerely be keeping.
With Sila, Samadhi, Panna, there’ll be many a Blessing.


For the PBHP 11th Dhamma Youth Camp 2003, I suggested

the Theme “Troubled Times, Dhamma Chimes”.
For the Theme, I did the following write-up:

‘Troubled Times, Dhamma Chimes’

Troubled Times
* We are living in an age where there is much Dukkha –
Suffering, Trouble, Conflicts, Problems, Physical and Mental
* Dukkha arises due to the Greed, Hatred and Delusion of
* In the world today we can see or hear about so many
negative happenings: natural calamities, wars and political
conflicts, fatal diseases, stress and suicides, criminal and
violent acts that besiege society, social ills like drug abuse

* More and more youths today have troubled minds in these

troubled times.

Dhamma Chimes
* Dhamma refers to the Teachings of the Buddha or the
understanding and realization of the true nature of all things
– both physical and mental phenomena
* ‘Chimes’ connotes ‘sweet ringing sounds’
* In such troubled times, all the more we need the ‘soothing’
messages of Dhamma – to learn, understand, practice and
realize the Dhamma
* Unless and until we follow the “Dhamma Chimes”, we
cannot be really calm, peaceful and happy especially in these
Troubled Times.

You can check out the Theme Song for the PBHP 11th DYC
“Troubled Times, Dhamma Chimes” at the Link:

I attach a File “Inspirational Thoughts” for your Reflection

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 50 (Inspirational Thoughts)


51 Message 12. 3. 2021

“Sukhi Hotu”, that is, ‘May you be well

and happy!’
My best wishes and Metta thoughts
to everybody!
Do keep practicing well the
Dhamma most steadily.
It’s indeed a challenge more so now especially.
Have faith that Dhamma is the refuge internally.
Dhamma pursuit is the best ‘investment’ certainly.
Dhamma realization is what counts finally.
We must keep reminding ourselves very constantly.
We must not let Mara conquer us in victory.
It’s easy to cling to the fun of sensuality.
Leaving the Dhamma, this has happened to so many.
This is sad indeed, to lose this treasure needlessly.
The Buddha spoke on the causes of Downfall clearly.
The Parabhava Sutta you can read mindfully.
May we have patient Dhamma striving unfailingly!


One of the causes why some people give up on Dhamma

practice is the lack of patience and endurance. With
expectations and a goal-oriented mind, they become
impatient to attain ‘levels’ and get ‘results’. They cannot
persevere patiently and bear with the pains and hardship of
spiritual pursuits and practices.

I would like to pen some of my Dhamma

thoughts on ‘Patience and ‘Endurance’.

“Patience and endurance are indeed most praiseworthy.

They are true and great hallmarks of spirituality.
We must be patient when Blessings do not come quickly.
Good Kammic seeds need time to sprout and grow certainly.
Be patient and endure when things ‘stress’ you heavily.
All things, the good, the bad will pass inevitably.
Endure the ‘pain’ of good Dhamma striving mindfully.
Endure the Dukkha of body and mind peacefully.
Your wholesome deeds will bear good fruits undoubtedly.
Practice Sila, Samadhi, Panna diligently.
The Enlightened State will be attained ultimately.”


Great men have spoken on the importance and wisdom of

having patience and endurance in our quest for success,
happiness and peace.
Let us ponder and reflect on some of the sayings and quotes.

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” Aristotle

“Stay patient and trust your journey.” Unknown
“A man who masters patience masters everything else.”
“Be patient, good things take time.” Anonymous
“Patience is the companion of Wisdom” Anonymous
“To lose patience is to lose the battle.” Mahatma Gandhi
“He that can have patience can have what he will.”
Benjamin Franklin
“Endurance is patience concentrated.” Thomas Carlyle
“With Endurance will come final Victory.” Unknown
“Endurance is the crowning quality, and patience all the
passion of great hearts.” James Russell Lowell.
“We need to work on our Endurance.” Unknown

“He that can’t endure the bad, will not live to see the good.”
Yiddish Proverb

“He who wants to eat honey should endure the stings.”

Lebanese Proverb
“All Things are Difficult Before they are Easy”
Thomas Fuller
“Patience is bitter, but it bears sweet fruit.”
Turkish Proverb
“The cure for bad times is Patience.” Arabian Proverb
“Little by little, the bird makes its nest.” French Proverb
“Patience begins with tears and ends with a smile.
Spanish Proverb
“Patience is the key to Tranquility.” Swahili Proverb

You might want to watch the Video “Patience Quotes to

Strengthen Your Heart” at the Link:
( There are some good Dhamma teachings for Reflection. )

I attach a file of Motivation for your Reflection.

Take Care. Stay Safe. Be Mindful. Be Peaceful.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 51 (Motivation)


52 Message 19. 3. 2021

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

As time zooms by, there has been

many a happening.
Some ‘pleasant’, some ‘not so’ …
often there’s no controlling.
Hope you’re peaceful and filled with a sense of well-being.
Dhamma certainly helps us cope with things occurring.
Times are hard, everywhere there’s Dukkha or suffering.
When one SEES Dukkha, one wants Dhamma understanding.
With understanding, mental states can keep improving.
Let not the Dhamma be just a theoretical thing.
Learning, reflecting… there must also be practicing.
The Noble 8-Fold Path, we must all keep on striving.
Have patience, endurance … the Goal is most rewarding.
Be inspired by The Buddha’s Life and His Teaching!


All throughout time, Happiness and Peace has been Man’s

Thinkers, Truth Seekers and Mystics in the East or West
have taught theories, doctrines and ways to end our distress.
Today we still have so many suffering or stressed.
The desperate seek charlatans for ways to be blessed.
In worldly and sensual things the ignorant invest.
Instead of true peace, they often get into a mess.
Money, possessions, power, status … some are obsessed.
Have such people found true happiness, have they
Trying to be Number One, to outclass all the rest,

such foolish ones have actually failed in Life’s true test.

True happiness lies in the mind, the wise ones attest!


The First Noble Truth is the Truth of Suffering.

The Second Noble Truth states the Cause for this thing.
The root Cause is Ignorance, Craving and Attaching.
Linked up is the delusion of a fixed Self-being…
an Ego, ‘I’, ‘Me’, ‘My’ and ‘Mine’ that’s unchanging.
This can cause us so much undue pain and sorrowing.
Reacting badly when the Ego gets a ‘beating’,
we suffer in our heart and mind due to this clinging.
“Why is this happening to me?” the mind keeps thinking.
We Let Go with more and more Dhamma understanding.
With diminishing Ego, more peace will come visiting.
Depressing thoughts give way to a lighter joyous feeling.

Wise and compassionate ones are more peaceful and happy.
They think of the needy, not much on the ‘I’, and ‘Me’.
They do Dana, charity and reach out selflessly.
This spiritual practice is really most praiseworthy.
Of the Perfections, Dana is the first Parami.
Dana practice helps to cut the Self most steadily.
Dana can be practiced in many ways, think and see.
Through the mind, have kind thoughts, practice Metta
Through speech, speak kindly with words that benefit many.
Through action show compassion and generosity.
When we practice Dhamma well, Dukkha will fall surely.
May we strive along the Middle Way confidently.

I would like to share two Dhamma-based posts I did some
years ago. They have a bearing on the subject of Happiness.
You can check out the Video “Happiness – A Beautiful
Story” at the Link:

For the PowerPoint Presentation “16 Favorite Happiness

Quotes”, please check out the Link:

I attach a File “A Story for Your Reflection”

May Blessings be upon you day after day

as you practice ardently the Middle Way.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 52 (A Story for Reflection)

Attachment for Message 52 (A Story for Reflection)


53 Message 26. 3. 2021

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

Each day jets by us all so very speedily.

Hope all is well with you and your family.
Hope you are coping with things
most peacefully.
Wise Ones ponder on these questions mindfully:
1 Do I live my life very meaningfully?
2 Do I practice very well morality?
3 Do I give, help or serve very constantly?
4 Do I do meditation regularly?
5 Have I grown in the Dhamma most steadily?

Here are some Dhamma couplets for your reflection :

* Developing Compassion and Wisdom
is the Way to Peace and Enlightenment
* When we live mindfully the Dhamma Way,
mental peace will be with us come what may.
* True Peace and Happiness lies in the mind.
Meditate to realize this Truth Sublime.

The 8-Fold Path is The Way to end Dukkha completely.
Right View or Right Vision is Samma Ditthi in Pali
It’s also stated as Right Understanding by many.
This is needed to enter the Path to be Dukkha-free.
Much Dukkha arises because of Wrong View certainly.
If Right View is SEEN to a greater and greater degree,
we will all KNOW how to live life much more meaningfully.
And our mental suffering will lessen undoubtedly.

Let us contemplate on Right View with proper attention.
The Noble Right View is this insightful comprehension:
Understanding The 4 Noble Truths for Liberation.
The First Truth: Dukkha, Suffering, Sorrow, Stress and
The Second Truth: Cause of Dukkha, that is, the Causation.
The Third Truth: The End of Dukkha, that is, the Cessation.
The Fourth Truth: The Path to End Dukkha – the One
In solitude, in mental silence, do this reflection:
“Life’s meaning and purpose for us is to have this Mission-
To strive on this Noble 8-Fold Path with dedication.”

Worldlings with Wrong View suffer a long time in Samsara.
They do not believe in the fact of Kamma-Vipaka.
They don’t believe there’re Noble Ones who have conquered
They don’t believe in rebirths till we attain Nibbana.
Those with Wrong View often breach morality or Sila.
They indulge in much sensual pursuit to enjoy Sukha.
They don’t believe in and don’t do Dana or Bhavana.
They do not practice to cut Loba, Dosa and Moha.
With Wrong View, beings will meet with lots of stress or

The only Way to end Dukkha is The Noble 8-Fold Way.
As we practice along the Way, much Dukkha is kept at bay.
Our mind can remain more calm, steady and peaceful come
what may.
We will find happiness and wisdom rising, needless to say.

Life takes on a deep meaning Seeing Nirvana’s Endless Day!


The Theme for PBHP 6th Dhamma Youth Camp 1998 was
“Right Vision, Good Action”.
I penned the following write-up for the Theme – some basic
important Dhamma teachings for the young participants:

“Theme For 6th DYC 1998

‘Right Vision, Good Action’

“Right Vision”
* This is Right Understanding in the Buddha’s Teaching.
Primarily, it is an understanding of the Four Noble Truths:
1 The First Noble Truth of Dukkha or Unsatisfactoriness
2 The Second Noble Truth of the Cause of Dukkha
3 The Third Noble Truth of the Cessation of Dukkha
4 The Fourth Noble Truth of the Path leading to the cessation
of Dukkha
* Right Vision or View is the first aspect of the Noble
Eightfold Path
* In the practice of Dhamma, we must have Right
Understanding of the basic things for example, The 3 Signs
of Suffering, Impermanence, Non-Self; The Law of Kamma
and Rebirth.

“Good Action”
* When we have Right Vision, then we will practice GOOD.
We will lead a life of virtue.
* As lay Buddhists, we should observe the Five Precepts:

i ) No Killing ii ) No Stealing iii) No Sexual

Misconduct iv ) No Lying v ) No Intoxicants

* An important aspect of “Good Action” is the practice of

DANA or Charity/Giving/Generosity

You might want to check out the Theme Song “Right Vision,
Good Action” at the Link:

There is also a Video that pertains to the Noble 8-Fold Path I

did some years ago. You can check it out at the Link:

I attach a file of “Life Lessons from Humor” for your


Stay Safe. Be Mindful, ‘Kindful’ and Peaceful.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 53 (Life Lessons from Humor)


54 Message 2. 4. 2021
Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

The month of April has arrived

so very quickly.
Hope all is well with you and
all in the family.
There may be hiccups now and then naturally.
Remember that these hiccups are but temporary.
Dhamma practitioners will brace them courageously.
Note all mental states that arise very mindfully.
All that arise must in time fall away certainly.
Have endurance while we embrace things patiently.
There’ll be Dukkha if we always think negatively.
Watch the mind, cast off all unwholesome thoughts instantly.
If a ‘problem’ can be resolved, then ‘Why the worry?’
If the ‘problem’ is inevitable, don’t worry, let it be.
Reflect constantly on the Truth of Uncertainty.
Worry about the Future is futile, think and SEE.
Take care of the Present, do good, and live righteously.
We’ll have peace with our good kamma rising steadily.
Let not your mind dwell upon the Past habitually.
Guilt, regret, remorse weaken the mind progressively.
Learn from mistakes - move on doing good constructively.
In short, practice the Dhamma very diligently.
You will get closer and closer to end misery!
May Buddha’s Great Blessings be upon you constantly.

In April is the period of Cheng Beng or All Souls’ Day.
At this time we show respect to loved ones who’ve passed

It is a time of remembrance where traditions just stay.

To cemeteries family members gather to pray.
Lots of foodstuffs for the departed ones are on display.
Paper things are burnt to express ‘gratitude’, sad to say.
Rites and rituals are carried out to keep ‘evil’ at bay.
Away from meaningful religious ways people have strayed.
Traditional ways die hard but many ways have decayed.
The deluded, conditioned, they just follow and obey.
Cheng Beng! What has become of it, wise ones cry in
It’s time ‘Buddhists’ observe Cheng Beng the Dhamma Way!


I would like to express some of my reflective thoughts on

Cheng Beng ( or Qing Ming ).

* This traditional or cultural practice by the Chinese has its

good points – it is a time for family members to gather in
fellowship, to remember and pay respect to the departed
ancestors and to show filial piety and gratitude to our
departed loved ones.

* Unfortunately a lot of practices have just become mere

rites and rituals lacking in meaning. Food items offered at
cemeteries to the departed are thrown away or discarded out
of fear and delusion that such items ‘eaten’ by the dead will
bring ‘bad’ luck.
Lots of paper paraphernalia are burnt … paper money,
expensive paper houses, cars, luxury items etc for the
departed. So much money is wasted and poor Mother Nature
is being polluted!

* So many poor animals ( pigs, chickens, ducks … ) are

slaughtered, cooked and offered as food for the ‘spirits’(?) .
Due to delusion, such unwholesome acts of killing are done.

* Due to a lack of understanding and wisdom, Cheng Beng

Ceremony for many has become a conditioned way of
thinking albeit its delusion. Feelings of guilt, remorse and
fear arise if the ignorant ones cannot make it for the Cheng
Beng. Now with the COVID-19 and the MCO, SOP … will
people be wise enough to be flexible and adapt to changing
conditions? They can be peaceful if they can break out of
their unwise conditioned mind.

* It’s kind of sad that many do not realize this: What’s more
important than ‘praying’ to the departed ones is to practice
filial piety, Metta, and Compassion to our loved ones when
they are still alive. It’s quite meaningless to just show filial
piety and make offerings to our departed loved ones once a
year during Cheng Beng.

* As good Buddhists, we should do the following for our

departed loved ones as often as we can and not just on Cheng
Beng Day …
1 Practice our Dhamma well. Do acts of Dana, keep the
moral precepts and develop the mind ( meditation, learning
and contemplating on the Dhamma. ). Then share the merits
accrued with all beings and transfer the merits to our loved
ones and all beings in need.

2 Practice Metta Bhavana – Meditation on Loving-kindness.

Radiate Metta to oneself, family members, friends, enemies
or negative people, our departed loved ones and all beings in

* For our ‘Buddhist’ friends who have not come upon or

learnt the Dhamma, it is very meritorious to share the
sublime Dhamma with them ( provided they have the interest
or affinity). In this way they can gradually cut the
attachments/craving/grasping, ill-will/anger/hatred,
delusion/ego/ignorance and fear that cause so much Dukkha.
They can then grow in compassion and wisdom and be more
“The Gift of Dhamma Surpasses All Other Gifts”

I have just published my latest free Dhamma / LIFE Lessons
book “100 Instagram Posts of LIFE Lessons 3” in digital
pdf format (a virtual book ). It is a full color 115-page book.
I have uploaded it into a few of my Websites the primary one
being my Slideshare site. The Link is at:

The free pdf book can also be found at my Scribd

site. The Link is at:
The Preface of the book lists the objectives of the book and
some other useful info.
The book can be viewed / read online through the Website.
You can also download the pdf book to read offline.

The book can also be viewed / read through some of my

WhatsApp Groups like ‘Of Dhamma Matters’, ‘PBHP
Info’, “Pali Wake Chanting’ and ‘Meditation @ PBHP’.

The book is best viewed / read through a Desktop, a Laptop

the iPad or other tablets compared to the smart mobile
phone.. There will be greater clarity in terms of the color
images / pics and the text fonts.

I attach a file of a sample Instagram post from the book.

All the best. Sukhi Hotu.

Stay Safe. Be Mindful, ‘Kindful’ and Peaceful.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 54 (Sample Instagram Post)


55 Message 23. 4. 2021

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

Friday is upon us again

so very quickly.
In one week many things
can come unexpectedly.
Such is life… change, impermanence and uncertainty.
Where there’s Anicca, there is Dukkha naturally.
This Truth we must reflect well and see very clearly.
This is beyond our control, so where’s the ‘I’ and ‘Me’?
The Truth of a ‘Non-Self’ is indeed very tricky.
Anatta is SEEN through Dhamma practiced ardently.

What leads us to Dukkha , suffering or misery?

The root cause is this craving or Tanha in Pali.
We crave for physical and mental objects strongly.
For the nice, attachment comes quite inevitably.
Deprived of what we attach to, we grieve terribly.

Ignorance of what things constitute reality

is linked to craving and clinging inevitably.
We need to develop Right View or Samma Ditthi.
The Four Noble Truths we must all SEE very clearly.
The Noble 8-Fold Path we must walk diligently.

The delusion of an ‘I’ troubles us so greatly.

Conceit and Ego are linked to Dukkha certainly.
The ‘I’ wants certain things, happenings ‘to come to be’.
To have this always is an impossibility.
Blind to his we suffer so unnecessarily.

So what should we do to cut Dukkha effectively?

The best Way is The Middle Way most undoubtedly.
Practice Dana, Sila, Bhavana unceasingly.
Give, help and serve in acts of charity selflessly.
Be righteous, it’s important to have morality.
Mental development is crucial spiritually.
Be mindful of all phenomena unfailingly.
Watch the mind, cast out the unwholesome immediately.
Learn and understand Buddha’s Discourses mindfully.
Reflect and contemplate on the Dhamma constantly.
Shun the fools, associate with people wise truly.
Do have Kalyanamittas for company.
Take Refuge in the Triple Gem most unswervingly.
These are some ways to lessen Dukkha confidently.

I would like to share with you some Buddhist Humor and my

reflections on the key Dhamma teachings in the Humor piece.

1 Buddhist Humor 1
A Zen student asked his Master , “Is it alright to use
The Master replied, “Yes, but with no attachments.”

‘Attachment’ in Pali is Upadana.
Beware, this will lead you to lots of Dukkha.
‘Craving’ we all know in Pali as Tanha.
This will spin you on and on in Samsara.
Cut Craving and you’ll soon be in Nibbana!

2 Buddhist Humor 2
Someone sent the Buddha a Gift box tied with a ribbon.
Buddha opened it to find it empty.

“Aha!” the Buddha said. “Just what I wanted …Nothing”.

Thinking, No-Thing, Non-Self

We are caught in seemingly endless and unwise
This proliferation of unwise thoughts brings suffering.
We need to train to still the mind to ‘fill’ it with ‘No-
In stillness or Samadhi the true nature of all things is
better SEEN.
Oh! SEEING Anatta or Non-Self is Enlightening!

3 Buddhist Humor 3
One day a so-called Buddhist said to the Pizza Chef,
“Make me one with everything.”
The Pizza Chef prepared it and gave in to the so-called
The ‘Buddhist’ paid for the Pizza and asked for the
The Pizza Vendor said, “Change comes from within.”

Mental Development and Change

Dukkha arises because of Greed, Hatred and Delusion.
We crave, grasp, get angry, are deluded and do bad
The mental defilements are a true danger for attention.
We must transform the mind to have the Peace of
Indeed, Change comes from within…work hard with

I have a great passion for matters that pertain to Humor and
Wisdom or Life Lessons. I have worked quite a lot on
these … books, power points and documents
that are posted over some web sites and social media
Humor and things in lighter vein not only serve to ‘Edutain’
but can impart or teach useful Life Lessons or Dhamma
These upon reflection, contemplation and actualization can
help us reduce stress and grow in peace, compassion and

One of the Humor Power Points I did and posted on my

Slideshare website some years ago was

“Humor Pieces – My Reflections”. You might want to check

out the link at:

I attach a File of An Inspirational Piece for your

your reflection.

May you and your family be well, peaceful and

May you follow The Noble 8-Fold Way diligently.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 55 ( An Inspirational Piece )


56 Message 9. 4. 2021
Dear Friend in the Dhamma,
Upon everyone of us once again
comes Friday.
Hope you are well and peaceful
with the dawn of each day.
With Dhamma you can handle things
better come what may.
When good kammic fruits ripen, more Dukkha’s kept at bay.
Be diligent in Dhamma practice, needless to say.
The Path we must take …it is the Noble 8-Fold Way!
To this, focus, attention we must ardently pay.
Before long we’ll cross the Sea of Samsara, yeah, yeah!

Many of us know quite well the core teachings of Dhamma.
However sad to say we keep doing the foolish or
unwholesome things that generate the negative Kamma. This
we do via the doors of the mind, speech and body. We fall
easy victims to the Mara forces of Greed, Hatred, Delusion
and Fear. So we see Dhamma is not merely academic study
and intellectualism. The practice entails the following levels:
1 Studying or learning the Buddha’s Discourses again and
again with proper and thorough attention.
2 Reflecting or contemplating on the Dhamma constantly.
3 Practicing the Dhamma – through Dana, Sila, Bhavana
4 Doing both Samatha and Vipassana Meditation
When we through ardent, diligent and mindful Dhamma
practice SEE the true nature of all things – Anicca, Dukkha
and Anatta, then we attain Liberation of the mind – with no
more mental defilements, all Dukkha ceases – we reach

Nibbana and the Goal of Enlightenment is attained.

We are creatures of habits and mental conditioning – good
and bad. If the habits and mental conditioning are good or
wholesome of course they are a blessing and should be
stored in the mind. They help to guide and drive us to do
good and wholesome things ( of mind, speech and body) –
things that will enable us build our character and develop the
mind towards the goal of Enlightenment or Liberation from
all Dukkha. We can think of good habits or conditioning
like patience, respect, mindfulness, discipline, diligence,
honesty and integrity, helpfulness, kindness and many others.
Unfortunately for many of us, the bad habits and
conditioning take center place. Among the reasons are:
1 Past Kamma traits and tendencies
2 Upbringing in the home, our education and the mass
3 Strong sensual desires resulting in craving and
4 Being prone to anger, ill-will and hatred
5 Restlessness and worry
6 Mental laziness / sloth and torpor
7 Doubt and Skepticism
Unless and until we take steps to remove the bad or
unwholesome qualities, habits or conditioning, we will
continue to spin in the samsaric wheel of suffering.
The best of Paths to walk to overcome the defilements is
undoubtedly the Noble Eightfold Path.

Unlike followers of theistic religions who pray in
supplication ( a request or petition ) to an external
supernatural all-powerful Being , Buddhists make good and

right aspirations to develop the mind so as to grow in loving-

kindness, compassion, wisdom and peace – to ultimately
reach the Goal of Enlightenment – where the highest
Happiness, Peace and Bliss reign.
Making Aspirations in Buddhism is an important practice.
Aspirations are strong, good and right mental expressions in
the heart and mind of desire/intention/wish/aim with regard
to developing lofty spiritual qualities. This is a way to help
actualize the Dhamma. They have to be made constantly
with sincerity, faith, concentration/focus and mindfulness.
There should be a good degree of the Dhamma underlying
the aspirations made.

Many years ago, I did a set of Buddhist Aspirations we can
make constantly as a form of Buddhist prayer. I list here the
Aspirations I wrote in rhyming couplets.

* May we understand Nature as it is.

This will bring us tranquility and peace.

* May we see that craving causes sorrow and pain.

This ‘poison’ brings Dukkha again and again.

* May we walk The Middle Way ardently.

This will bring true happiness certainly.

* May we be free from unwholesome desire.

Such desire will bring much pain like fire.

* May we be free from ill-will and anger.

These defilements are wrought in great danger.

* May we be free from hatred and cruelty.

Then we will not cause pain and misery.

* May we abstain from slander and lying.

This is what the wise ones call wise speaking.

* May we abstain from harsh speech and gossip.

This good practice I must strive hard to keep.

* May we abstain from killing a being.

Realize that Life is a most precious thing.

* May we not steal or commit sexual misconduct.

These training precepts we must practice really hard.

* May we refrain from any wrong way of living.

Our livelihood must not harm a living being.

* May our livelihood not cause others pain.

From actions of cruelty we must refrain.

* May we overcome unwholesome things in our mind.

Unwholesome things slay happiness and peace

* May we cultivate morality and wisdom.

We will then be on the Path to Enlightenment.

* May we be mindful of the body and feelings.

Such practices are certainly important things.

* May we be mindful of the mind and thoughts


This heedfulness must be practiced most diligently.

* May we train our mind to attain good concentration.

Samma-Samadhi must be given good attention

* May our mind grow in right concentration and

We will then be nearer the Bliss of Ultimate Reality

At our local Buddhist Association, Persatuan Buddhist Hilir
Perak, we incorporate into our New Moon/Full Moon
Buddha Puja Services and the Wake Service Chanting a set
of Aspirations.
You can check out the Link:

I attach a file of a Humor Piece with Wisdom Teachings.

Take care. Stay Safe. Cultivate Metta, Mindfulness and


With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

You might want to check out the Video of a set of

Buddhist Aspirations ( with Audio reading, texts in English
and Chinese, visuals and background music ) at the Link:
With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 56 (Humor with Wisdom)


57 Message 30. 4. 2021

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

I hope in these trying times you’re

getting on peacefully.
Contemplation on Dhamma Matters
matters certainly.
The mind can then grow in love, peace
and wisdom steadily.
Do contemplate on the Four Noble Truths most constantly.
In Samsaric world, from Dukkha no being can be free.
Seeing this Truth, we can embrace Dukkha more peacefully.
Samudaya’s Dukkha’s Arising – the Causality.
Dukkha’s Cause is Tanha, Craving …this Truth know it
The more we cut our craving, the more peaceful we will be.
Nirodha is the End of all Dukkha and misery.
This Goal we strive to reach through Dhamma practice
Magga’s The Fourth Truth - the Path to end Dukkha
These Four Noble Truths are the core of Dhamma we must
Do practice SILA, SAMADHI, PANNA diligently.


Introspection with contemplation of Dhamma matters is an

important aspect of Dhamma practice.
Some time ago I wrote on 3 important Introspection
questions for us to reflect upon.

I list these as ‘Dhamma Food’ for you.


Material things don’t last in Life’s flow.
The Dhamma to practice I must KNOW.
Bad deeds will send me to states of woe.
Patient perseverance I must show.


Why are some having undue stress?
Not understanding Life’s true quest,
the ignorant strives to be best.
To beat stress, give more, attach less.

Just Rupa and Nama – body and mind.
Body will die, mind goes on over time.
So train the mind to cross Samsara’s line.
You’ll then attain joy, peace and Bliss Sublime.

To my mind among the most important Dhamma practices
are these two :
1 Mindfulness ( and particularly Right Mindfulness leading
to insight and wisdom.)
2 Compassion

Today we can see more and more Dukkha arising all over in
so many situations and circumstances due to a lack of
mindfulness and compassion / a lack of consideration for the
welfare and well-being of others. Greed, covetousness,

selfishness and self-centeredness seem to be on the rise and

with these more suffering.
More than 10 years ago in my first free Dhamma book, I
wrote a simple chapter on ‘Mindfulness and Compassion.’
For your reflection, I would like to put in here some excerpts
from what I wrote in the Chapter:
‘On Mindfulness and Compassion’

Many of the actions and things that we do in our interactions

with our fellow human beings lack mindfulness and /or a
consideration for the well-being of others. We are careless,
heedless and forgetful; we care little about how others would
feel or be affected by our actions. As a result of this,
oftentimes much suffering, conflicts and problems of human
relationship arise. Isn’t it an irony that we Buddhists talk
and preach so much about the importance of mindfulness and
compassion but yet so often in our daily lives we do not
practice these qualities? This may due to one or more of the
following reasons:

• Our old bad habits and conditioned thinking and

• Lack of realization of the Dhamma. (We are well-
versed with “academic Dhamma” only.)
• Lack of reflection before we do a thing.
• The defilements of “self”, “greed”, “covetousness”,
“ego”, “self-centredness” and “selfishness”.
• Adverse influences from the mass media, associating
with ‘fools’ etc.

It is time we put in more effort in our Dhamma practice to

grow in our compassion and wisdom. We need to strive
more ardently,

• in practicing Dana (Generosity), Sila (Morality) and

Bhavana (Mental Cultivation).
• in our study, reflection and practice of the Buddha’s
• in our Vipassana Meditation (Insight Meditation).


Things have changed a lot since I started Dhammaduta work

at our local Buddhist Association (Persatuan Buddhist Hilir
Perak) in the 1980s. Dhamma promotion has become more
challenging due to various reasons and conditions. More and
more people, young and old are more keen on ( or distracted
by ) high-tech things and the social media. Not so many are
keen in learning, understanding, reflecting on and practicing
the Dhamma. For them there are more ‘exciting’ things to
do! As for reading Dhamma books ( especially thick ones!)
and Suttas and reflecting on Dhamma teachings, only the
‘rare breed’ of Buddhists still value the Dhamma treasures.
I remember many years ago discussing such challenges of
Dhamma promotion with a visiting Western monk. He told
me something which I find very meaningful:
“You cannot help it … the social media platforms are very
powerful … Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Blogger etc etc
( and now Instagram, WhatsApp and so on.) Of course there
are lots of rubbish in these ‘modern stuff’. Rather than
feeling ‘conquered’, why not try putting some ‘precious
gems’ ( the Dhamma) among the heaps of rubbish!”
Since then I have been posting Dhamma / Life Lessons
materials at my various Web sites and social media platforms.
I find this in a way can be more impactful among most
people (especially the students and young adults ) compared
to the traditional methods of books and books and lots of

‘Chalk and Talk’.

Among the most important modern ways to impart Dhamma

teachings are Instagram and WhatsApp (and a few others.)
Since 2018 I have been writing WhtasApp Dhamma
messages/teachings on a regular basis to a group of students
and adult Dhamma friends. Of the many, I selected some
(which to me are very important) and made Power Points
and Videos out of them and posted them on my Slideshare
website and my Youtube Channel.

You might want to check out the Video “4 WhatsApp

Messages of LIFE Lessons”

I attach a File of a Story for your Reflection.

“With good Dhamma practice, may you grow in Wisdom

and Compassion.”
“May you soon conquer the mental taints and attain

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 57 (A Story for Reflection)


58 Message 14. 5. 2021

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

It is coming to the middle
of the month already.
Covid-19 indeed has brought lots
of thoughts to many.
I hope things are fine for you
amidst the uncertainty.
It’s a challenge to apply the Dhamma we have learnt wisely.
The more we SEE Dhamma the easier to stay steady.
Mental Cultivation must always be done certainly.
Our Blessings from the past must be ‘replenished’ constantly.
Keep at ‘Do Good, Shun Bad, Purify the Mind’ mindfully.
Practicing Dhamma well, embrace happenings peacefully.
What we can do to improve things, put in the energy.
What’s inevitable, learn to Let Go or Let it Be.
May your good merits bring ‘luck’ to you and your family!

The Covid situation none can predict for our country.
Better or worse, it depends on conditions undoubtedly.
Needless to say we must adhere to the prescribed SOP.
Sad to say many flout the SOP irresponsibly.
Let us take a look at the various reasons reflectively.
Heedlessness and mindlessness cause people to act foolishly.
Selfishness and self-centeredness cause suffering needlessly.
We need Compassion, Wisdom to stop things turning out
Religious delusions drive hordes to gather dangerously.
Restless ones cannot stay at home, they venture out

Sensual cravings push many to shop, eat and drink endlessly.

This they do disregarding SOP, wise rules of safety.
Socializing in crowds will now put people in jeopardy.
Alas, boys and men still party to find Maggie and Sally.
Ha, ha, girls and women party to find Ricky and Ronnie.
Social distancing …oh it’s so often flouted mindlessly.
There’s a price to pay if we act selfishly and heedlessly.
Ignorance and craving will lead to Dukkha and misery.
May more people practice the Dhamma very diligently.
When love and wisdom reign in the mind, Dukkha will fall


Some years ago. I wrote a story (adapted from a forwarded

email ) titled “Lesson from a Terrapin” and also did a
short write-up on some Dhamma points for reflection based
on the story.
Below is the story and the Dhamma Reflection:

Lesson from a Terrapin

“There was a boy who found a terrapin, more commonly
known as a turtle. He started to examine it but the turtle
pulled in its head and closed its shell like a hard object. The
boy was upset and he picked up a stick to try to pry it open.
The boy's uncle saw all this and remarked, "No, that's not the
way! In fact, you may kill the turtle but you'll not get it to
open up with a stick."

The uncle took the terrapin into the house and set it near the
fireplace. It wasn't but a few minutes when it began to get

warm. Then the turtle pushed out its head, gently stretched
out all its legs and began steadily to crawl.
"Turtles are like that," said the uncle, "and people, too. You
can't force them into anything. But if you first warm them
up with some real kindness, more than likely, they will do
what you want them to do."

Dhamma Points for Reflection

There is so much enmity, ill-will, aggression, cruelty, hatred and
violence in the world today. We hear daily of armed robberies,
rapes, tortures, murders and senseless killings. It is sad that man
does not realize that “Hatred can never be overcome by hatred;
it is overcome by love. This is the Eternal Law.”
Let us examine our own lives: do we practice charity, loving-
kindness and compassion to all sentient beings? How much
commitment to practice Dana and be of service to others do we

I attach a Files of “Thoughts of Inspiration” for your


May we grow in mindfulness, ‘kindfulness’, happiness and


With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

Attachment for Message 58 (Thoughts of Inspiration)


59 Message 4. 6. 2021

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

How are you in these challenging
times of uncertainty?
Hope things are getting on well
for you and your family.
All people do want happiness and
peace undoubtedly.
Sad to say, they do not know what happiness is really.
They think that happiness and peace is found externally.
They chase for the illusive ‘happiness’ unceasingly.
They equate happiness with power and being wealthy.
They work to satiate the self or ego foolishly.
They see not that what they crave for is so transitory.
They see not that what’s impermanent leads to misery.

Many out of ignorance do things very unwisely.

They gain power, fame, wealth and possessions immorally.
They pray and ask gods for worldly things and much luxury.
They run to temples, mediums and soothsayers constantly.
They resort to superstitious practices so silly.
They, entrapped in greed and craving decline karmically.
They see not that Blessings don’t come in wrong ways
They see not the need to do wholesome things continually.
They see not that their blessings are falling dangerously.
They see not our kammic storehouse must grow steadily.
‘Do Good, Shun Bad, Cultivate the mind’, do consistently.
We must always remind ourselves to practice charity.
We must always remember to practice morality.
We must always practice Bhavana conscientiously.

May we always walk the 8-Fold Way most diligently.


Many questions that people often ask pertain to

- In the world, why is there so much pain, suffering or
- What is the meaning of this term in Sanskrit called
- In Karmic terms, what are the many dangers posed
by Mara?
- Is there an end of Kamma, is it the state of Nibbana?
- Why are some born miserable while some like a
Super Star?
- Why are some so poor while some live so lavishly
like a Czar?
- Why are some happenings so very ‘unfair’ or so
- Can Karma help us to understand the way things
truly are?
- There’s a lot to learn and investigate and to
practice lah!


Some time ago, I chanced upon a good simple article

on Karma. It expounds the basic important teachings.
I reproduce the article here for your consideration.

“What is Karma and What Does it Mean in

Karma (or kamma) in Buddhism means
Karma among many people, is often linked to fate or
predestination. Karma, however, refers to actions that are
undertaken consciously. Stated simply, the Law of Karma
decrees that every deed we perform knowingly will
eventually produce similar results.
Just as the physical universe is governed by the laws of cause
and effect, so too in the moral sphere. In Buddhist
philosophy, Karma - Vipaka is voluntary, willed action and
the entire scope of its effects. Karma Phala is intentional
action and its result. The Law of Karma in its entirety,
therefore, refers to both conscious action and its
consequences in the fullness of time.
In Buddhism, the notion of Karma goes beyond a simplistic
division into ‘good’ or ‘evil’. Instead, Buddhist texts speak
of ‘Kusala karma’ and ‘Akusala karma’. Kusala means
‘skilled’, ‘intelligent’ and ‘wholesome’, while Akusala
means the opposite. Wholesome actions benefit oneself and
society at large. They arise from wisdom, feelings of love,
kindness, compassion and lead to happiness. Unwholesome
actions, on the other hand, originate from desire (in the sense
of greed), ignorance and ill-will; their consequence is
All actions emanate from three sources – the body, mind,
and speech. Buddhist texts list ten negative actions from
these sources that comprise Akusala Karma:
Actions of the body: Killing, robbing, sexual misconduct
Actions of the mind: Avarice, anger, delusion

Actions of speech: Lying, harsh words, spiteful gossip,

The fruits (Phala) of Karma may manifest themselves during
one’s present life, the following life, or after several rebirths.
While the short-term results of Karma can be easily verified
by us, it takes an enlightened being like the Buddha to
perceive long-term effects of Karma.

I attach a File of “ A Story for Reflection” .

Take care. Be Present. Be Kind. Watch the Mind.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

You might want to check out a very short video clip that
touches on some important aspects of Karma.
(How to overcome Bad Karma …by Monk LP John)

The Link is at:

Attachment for Message 59 (A Story for Reflection)


60 Message 11. 6. 2021

Dear Friend in the Dhamma,

How are you and the family in this

Lockdown lately?
Whatever that comes, hope you can
embrace it most peacefully.
I know it’s not easy, very
challenging certainly.
Causes and conditions bring changes inevitably.
If we are able to change what’s out there externally,
then of course we must put in the effort diligently.
Sometimes happenings are beyond what we want them to be.
Then acceptance and letting go will bring peace mentally.
We need Wisdom and discernment to act and do rightly.
To attain Wisdom is a great task for everybody.
Wisdom does not arise through just reading Dhamma theory.
Wisdom does not come through just praying to an Almighty.
Wisdom does not come through a hard academic study.
How then does Wisdom grow, you may ask most impatiently.
It’s by following The Noble Eightfold Way ardently.
Dana, Sila, Bhavana we must do repeatedly.
Bhavana’s mental development, a must you must see.
Bhavana leads to Panna, a priceless MIND faculty.
Dana and Sila must be well practiced concurrently.
What should we do to practice Bhavana effectively?
I would like to list 5 things we must do regularly.
Learn Dhamma through hearing or reading most attentively.
Carry out Dhamma learning and practice unceasingly.
Discuss Dhamma and clarify all doubts unfailingly.
Reflect and contemplate on the Dhamma most mindfully.
Meditate – Samatha , Vipassana - diligently.

Practicing the Sublime Dhamma most conscientiously

May our Wisdom grow and may we end all Dukkha quickly.
One of the good and useful Teachings in Buddhism pertains
to the Ten Perfections (Paramis or Paramitas).
We can use the 10 Perfections
1) to reflect upon them constantly with mindfulness
2) to practice the best we can in our daily life; to actualize
3) to make aspirations from time to time.

Some years ago, I did a write-up on the reflections and

aspirations we can make based on the Ten Perfections.
I reproduce here the reflections and aspirations for your use,

10 Perfections (Paramis or Paramitas)

1 Generosity ( Dana )
May my generosity grow.
May I be more able to LET GO.

2 Morality ( Sila )
May I keep my precepts well.
May my thoughts, words and deeds tell.

3 Renunciation ( Nekkhama )
May I realize that things ‘are not mine’.
May I grow in selflessness with time.

4 Wisdom ( Panna )
May I see things in their reality.
May my mind be calm, peaceful and free.

5 Energy ( Viriya )
May I strive on in the Dhamma diligently
May I serve to the best of my ability.

6 Patience ( Khanti )
May I be understanding and patient.
May I give others my kind attention.

7 Truthfulness ( Sacca )
May I always be honest and truthful.
May my mind always be clear and mindful.

8 Determination ( Adhitthana )
May I be firm and determined in my practice.
May I not swerve from the Path to Nibbanic Bliss.

9 Loving-Kindness ( Metta )
May I be kind, friendly and compassionate.
May I be free from anger, ill-will and hate.

10 Equanimity ( Upekkha )
May I attain calmness, peace and serenity.
May I strive on for equanimity.

More than 5 years ago, I did a Presentation ( PowerPoint and

Video ) on the 10 Perfections . For the Video, the narration is
in Hokkien; the captions based on the Hokkien narration are
in English.
You can check out the Links in the Comments section of the
Facebook post.

I attach 2 Files of “Motivation/Inspiration” for your


Take care. Stay Safe.

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

The Links for the Presentation “10 Perfections (Paramis)”

Video ( Narration in Hokkien; Captions in English )

PowerPoint ( Captions in English and Romanised Hokkien )

Attachment for Message 60 (Motivation)


Attachment for Message 60 (Motivation)


Unwise use of social media and internet sites can have negative
effects leading to mental states like unwholesome desires, greed,
craving, attachment, anger, aggression, aversion, ill will, stress,
anxiety, obsession, addiction and other states of mental dis-ease.
In an age of so many things that stimulate the senses, not many
are into reading and reflection on matters of Dhamma and life
lessons. Very few people read thick or voluminous books or texts.
I have used social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube and WhatsApp to post Dhamma material with visual
illustrations for a greater impact. I have also written a few
Dhamma / Life Lessons books for free distribution using posts of
Instagram and WhatsApp Messaging with attachments.
WhatsApp Messages of LIFE Lessons 2 essentially follows the
format of the earlier ‘WhatsApp Messages’ book published in
2020. It aims to share and promote the Dhamma, provide
important Dhamma teachings for reflection and practice and to
serve as a reminder to practice the Buddha-Dhamma constantly.

May this book help one and all to enrich the mind
with the Dhamma that is beautiful and sublime.

About the Author

Oh Teik Bin is a retired teacher and has been involved
in Dhammaduta work for more than 30 years at
Persatuan Buddhist Hilir Perak, Teluk Intan, Perak.
His Dhammaduta work and outreach services have
included Dhamma sharing and classes, academic
guidance classes and counseling, community library
work, Youth Camps, Buddhist Sunday School, Pre-
School Dhamma Classes and Buddhist wake and funeral chanting
services. Over the Internet and WhatsApp, Bro. Oh has posted lots of
Dhamma and educational material at various Websites and groups.
He can be contacted at Facebook and at the email

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