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Introduction relative abundances of the fern D.

across altitudinal gradients and environmental
Dicranopteris linearis (N. L. Burm), a structures within the Yellow trail, Camp John
dense, extensively thicket-forming (around Hay, Baguio City, Province of Benguet, Northern
more than 3 meters depth) fern species under Luzon, Philippines.
the family Gleicheniaceae, is a common
inhabitant of wet and mesic forest ecosystems References
(Russel et al. 1998). According to the paper
Banaticla, M.C.N. and Buot, I.E. (2004). Fern
published by Russel et al. (1998), this particular
plant organism is an appropriate study Patch Structure and Species Diversity
Along the Altitudinal Gradient of Mt.
specimen during conduction of species-
ecosystems relationship researches as their Banahaw De Lucban, Luzon Island,
Philippines. The Philippine Agricultural
distribution and abundance vary significantly
along well-defined environmental gradients Scientist. 87(1): 49-60.
such as elevation and moisture regimes and Russel, A.E., Raich, J.W., and Vitousek, P.M.
they significantly contribute to the process of (1998). The Ecology of the Climbing
nutrient cycling of the environment to which Fern Dicranopteris linearis On
they are present. However, despite of their Windward Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Journal
wide distribution across wet tropical of Ecology. 765-779.
ecosystems and their capacity to tolerate poorly
drained and oligotrophic soils, they are
intolerant to the conditions of drought, shade
and frost (Russel et al., 1998).

In the Philippines, studies regarding

pteridophyte biology and ecology are scarce
and lacking (Banaticla and Buot, 2004).
According to the paper published by Banaticla
and Buot in 2004 which deals with the fern
patch structures and species diversity along the
altitudinal gradients of Mt. Banahaw de Lucban,
the following authors, with their respective
study sites, were among the very few research
studies made on the Philippine pteridophyte
flora: Mt. Makiling (Price, 1975); Mt. Santo
Tomas, Benguet (Tolentino, 1988); Mt.
Pangasugan, Leyte (Belonias and Banoc, 1994);
Mt. Kitanglad, Mt. Apulang, and Marilog forest
(Amoroso et al., 1996).

In this present study, the researchers

aim to describe, both quantitatively and
qualitatively, the fern-patch structures and

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