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Name of Student:_____________________________ Grade and Section:____________

School: _________________________________________________________________

Learning Competencies (Essential Competencies)

1. Give evidence for and describe the formation of heavier elements during star formation
and evolution (S11/12PS-IIIa-1).
2. Explain how the concept of atomic number led to the synthesis of new elements in the
laboratory (S11/12PS-IIIb-11).


After finishing the day 1 module, the learners should be able to:
⮚ Describe the formation of the elements in the Big Bang theory.
⮚ Explain the importance of the creation of the light elements in the universe that
eventually formed stars.
⮚ Interpret nuclear equations involved in the formation of elements found in the early

Imagine this. You are looking at the sky while lying on the ground. You start to marvel
at the vastness of the universe. You begin to wonder, how did these stars come to be? How
are they formed and what keeps them shining?

Did you know that behind the birth and

death of each star is the story of how
elements are formed?

Indeed, the life and death of stars are

closely intertwined with the formation of
elements in the universe. Without stars,
we would not be here at all. Stars are
factories for new elements. As they live
and die, they form almost all of the
elements on the periodic table. These
elements make up Earth – and us.

At the beginning of the universe, the only elements that existed were hydrogen, some helium,
and trace amounts of lithium and beryllium, the first light elements in the universe. These
elements played a big role to the creation of the first stars. In this lesson, you will trace the
origin of the elements, star formation, and the universe that you know today. Your knowledge
of the Periodic Table will be very useful this time.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Before accomplishing this module, let us review your previous lessons in
chemistry. Solve this puzzle to know the terminologies you will be encountering in this
lesson. Read the clues below and fill in the correct answer.


6 7

Down: 1. The best supported theory explaining
2. A subatomic particle of about the how the universe started in a massive
same mass as a proton with no expansion.
electrical charge 3. A subatomic particle with a positive
4. A chemical element with a symbol He charge.
and atomic number 2. 4. The lightest and most abundant
5. A nuclear reaction process between chemical element in the universe.
light elements to form heavier 6. The center of an atom composed of
elements. protons and neutrons.
7. Huge celestial bodies made mostly of 8. Quantity of matter equivalent to the
hydrogen and helium that produce number of protons and neutrons in an
light and heat by internal nuclear fusion. atom

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)
Do you have any idea where hydrogen, helium, carbon, iron, and so many others in the
Periodic Table came from and how they were formed?

BIG BANG NUCLEOSYNTHESIS: Formation of the First Light

Scientists believed that most of the
elements in the universe heavier than
helium were created in stars when light
nuclei fuse to make heavier nuclei. The
process wherein light elements fused to
eventually create heavier ones is called Big
Bang Nucleosynthesis. This process
produced the light elements particularly
hydrogen and helium, and some traces of
lithium and beryllium, during the Big Bang
In the early parts of the Big Bang timeline,
as the temperature cooled down, the
massive energy brought by the Big Bang
created the elementary particles such as
the leptons and the quarks. Due to the
relatively high temperature, these newly
created particles were moving so fast that a
number of collisions among them
happened, but they were not able to
combine. As the temperature continued to
decrease due to the expansion of the
universe, these elementary particles were
able to interact and combine to form the
atomic particles.
The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis nuclear
reaction sequence produced light elements
mostly hydrogen and helium, as well as
trace amounts of lithium and beryllium,
the first four elements in the Periodic
Table. A few seconds after the Big Bang,
the universe was filled with protons,
neutrons, electrons, neutrinos, and
positrons. After the first three minutes, the
universe cooled down to a point where
atomic nuclei can form.

The sequence begins with protons and neutrons combining to form atomic nuclei such as
deuterium or hydrogen-2 ( H), an isotope of hydrogen with one proton and one neutron.

However, the temperature of the universe was still much greater than the binding energy of
deuterium. Binding energy is the energy required to break down a nucleus into its components.
Therefore, deuterium easily decayed upon formation.

When the temperature cooled down below 1010 K, deuterium nuclei combined with other nuclei to
form heavier ones. Helium-3 was formed from the fusion of two deuterium nuclei and a release of

a neutron.
Tritium or hydrogen-3 (3H), an isotope of hydrogen with one proton and two neutrons, was
produced from the fusion of two deuterium nuclei and a release of a proton.

Helium-4 was also synthesized from deuterium and helium-3 with the release of proton.
Helium-4 was produced from the fusion of deuterium and tritium with the release of neutron.

Helium then combined to other nuclei to form heavier ones such as lithium-7 and beryllium-7.

Lithium-7 was synthesized from helium-4 and tritium.

Beryllium-7 was produced from helium-3 and helium-4.

Among the light elements formed, deuterium, helium-3, helium-4, and lithium-7 were
stable. Beryllium-7 was unstable and decayed spontaneously to lithium-7.

Let’s Apply
Review the nuclear reactions involved in the Big Bang nucleosynthesis.
Complete the diagram to summarize the synthesis of the elements. Take note that the first
given value in the middle of the arrow is the reactant and the second given value is
the released particle. Please use the reference above.

Ɣ=gamma ray
Let’s Analyze
“Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in
your left hand probably came from a different star in your right hand. It really is
the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be
here if stars hadn’t exploded. Because the elements – the carbon, nitrogen,
oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life – weren’t created
at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear surfaces of the stars,
and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind
enough to explode. The stars died so that you could be here today.”

Based on the poetic quote of Lawrence M. Krauss, a theoretical physicist and cosmologist,
why do you think it is important for hydrogen and helium be produced in the Big Bang
Nucleosynthesis to the existence of the universe that we know today?


After finishing the day 2 module, the learners should be able to:
1. Give evidence for and describe the formation of heavier elements during star formation
and evolution.
2. Interpret nuclear equations involved in the formation of elements inside the stars.

In the previous lesson, you have learned how the light elements - hydrogen and helium
and some traces of lithium and beryllium were formed during the Big Bang nucleosynthesis.
Now the next question is, how were elements heavier than beryllium formed?

Elements heavier than beryllium are

formed through stellar nucleosynthesis.

Stellar nucleosynthesis is the process

by which elements are formed within stars.
The stars became the oven for the
heavier elements such as carbon,
nitrogen, oxygen, and iron, which
eventually combined and became planets,
galaxies, and ultimately LIFE.
Let’s Recall
Before accomplishing this module, let us review the importance of the elements
produced inside the stars to the universe we know today.
Identify the following. Use the jumbled words inside the box for your choices.

_______________1. The chemical element that exists in its pure form as diamond or
graphite, and is an important part of other substance such as coal and oil, as well as being
contained in all plants and animals.
_______________2. The chemical element that is a gas with no color or taste, forms most of
the earth’s atmosphere, and is used to make ammonia.
_______________3. The chemical element that is active in physiological processes of
almost all known organisms, and necessary by animals and plants to live.

Let’s Understand (Study of the Concept)

The star formation theory proposes that stars form due to the collapse of the dense
regions of a molecular cloud. As the cloud collapses, the fragments contract to form a stellar
core called protostar. Due to strong gravitational force, the protostar contracts and its
temperature increases. When the core temperature reaches about 10 million K, nuclear
reactions begin. The reactions release positrons and neutrinos which increase pressure and
stop the contraction. When the contraction stops, the gravitational equilibrium is reached, and
the protostar has become a main sequence star.

In the core of a main sequence star, hydrogen is fused into helium via the proton-proton
chain. When most of the hydrogen in the core is fused into helium, fusion stops, and the
pressure in the core decreases. Gravity squeezes the star to a point that helium and
hydrogen burning occur. Helium is converted to carbon in the core while hydrogen is
converted to helium in the shell surrounding the core. The star has become a red giant.
However, the fate of a massive star is different. A massive star has enough mass such that
temperature and pressure increase to a point where carbon fusion can occur. The star goes
through a series of stages where heavier elements are fused in the core and in the shells
around the core. The element oxygen is formed from carbon fusion; neon from oxygen fusion;
magnesium from neon fusion: silicon from magnesium fusion; and iron from silicon fusion. The
star becomes a multiple-shell red giant.

STELLAR NUCLEOSYNTHESIS is the process by which elements are formed in

the cores and shells of the stars through nuclear fusion reactions. Nuclear fusion is a type of
reaction that fuses lighter elements to form heavier ones. It requires very high temperatures
and pressures.

According to the George A. Gamow, a

theoretical physicist and cosmologist,
since there was an abundance of
hydrogen in the early universe, the
formation process of helium was vital to
create stars that eventually became the
element factory for heavier elements.

Gamow was an early advocate and developer of

Lemaitre’s Big Bang theory and the first
mathematical model of the atomic nucleus, star
formation, Big Bang and stellar nucleosynthesis,
and molecular genetics.

HYDROGEN BURNING is the stellar process that produces energy in the stars. There
are two dominant hydrogen burning processes, the proton-proton chain reaction (PPCR)
and carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycle. These processes are nuclear fusion reactions
by which stars convert hydrogen to helium.


PPCR is one of two known sets of
nuclear fusion reactions by which stars
convert hydrogen to helium. It is the
dominant energy source in stars with
masses less than or equal to that of the
sun (below 15 million Kelvin). This
process is the longest stage in a star’s
life since the conversion of hydrogen to
helium is slow, and the complete
conversion of the hydrogen in the core of
the sun is calculated to take more than
ten billion years.
The sequence proceeds as follows:
1. The chain starts when two hydrogen fuse. When the fused proton breaks, one proton is
transmuted into a neutron due to beta-positive decay. The proton and neutron then pairs,
forming an isotope of hydrogen called deuterium, releasing positron and neutrino.
H + 1H 🡪 2H + e+ + v

2. Another proton collides with a deuterium/////

forming a helium-3 nucleus and a gamma ray.
///// 2H + 1H 🡪 3He + Ɣ

+ gamma ray

3. Finally, two helium-3 nuclei collide, and a helium-4 is created with the release of two
He + 3He 🡪 1H + 1H

///// ///// /////


* Two protons are released to repeat the cycle (chain reaction) to ultimately produce
another helium-4.


The CNO cycle is one of the two

known sets of fusion reactions by
which stars convert hydrogen to
helium. It is hypothesized to be
dominant in stars that are more
than 1.3 times as massive as the
sun (more than 15 million Kelvin).

This process of stellar nucleosynthesis happens in stars on the main sequence fuse
hydrogen into helium via a six-stage sequence of cyclic reactions.
C → 13N → 13C → 14N → 15O → 15N → 12C

1. Carbon-12 fuses with hydrogen to form nitrogen-13.

12C + 1H → 13N + ɣ
2. Nitrogen-13 decays spontaneously to carbon-13.
13N → 13C + e+ + ν

3. Carbon-13 fuses with hydrogen to form nitrogen-14.
13C + 1H → 14N + ɣ
4. Nitrogen-14 fuses with hydrogen to form oxygen-15.
14N + 1H → 15O + ɣ
5. Oxygen-15 decays spontaneously to nitrogen-15.
15O → 15N + e+ + ν
6. Nitrogen-15 fuses with hydrogen to form carbon-12 and helium-4.
15N + 1H → 12C + 4He

* A carbon-12 is produced to repeat the CNO cycle to continuously produce helium-4.

Let’s Apply
Use the Venn diagram to identify elements formed in hydrogen burning processes:
Proton-proton chain reaction (PPCR) and carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycle.

both cycle

Let’s Analyze
Answer the questions below. Write the correct answers inside the boxes.
1. How many helium atoms are produced in
one cycle?
2. How many beta-positive decay happened
in one cycle?
3. How many gamma rays are released?

4. How many new elements are produced in

one cycle?
Name the element that was mostly produced in both processes (PPCR and CNO cycle) and
explain its significance to the life cycle of stars.



After finishing day 3 module, the learners should be able to:
1. Explain how heavier elements were formed inside the stars that lead to supernova.
2. Interpret nuclear equations involved in the formation of heavier elements inside the stars.

In the previous lesson, you have learned that proton-proton chain reaction and CNO
cycle produce elements such as hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, the very
essential elements needed to eventually create galaxies, planets, and life.

Is your body really made up of star stuff?

The answer is yes! Almost 50% of the
mass of the human body is made up of
six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen,
nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus, and
about 0.85% is composed of sulfur,
sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. The
rest of it is phosphorus, iron, and traces
of a lot more elements. Virtually, all of
the elements that we see on the periodic
table were made at some point during
the life and death of a star.

Let’s Recall
Indeed, stars are element factories. What chemical elements can you
remember in your Periodic Table? Think of chemical elements that start with
specific mnemonic letters below. You may work with a partner or someone at
home to answer the mnemonic race. A periodic table will also help.

Let’s Understand (Study of the Concept)
In the previous lesson, you learned that hydrogen burning processes, such as proton-
proton chain and CNO cycle, convert hydrogen to helium through nuclear fusion reactions
inside the stars producing hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. With sufficient
helium produced in hydrogen burning, helium is then converted into carbon to produce
heavier elements, which mainly occurs after the star has evolved off the main sequence and
becomes a red giant. This process is known as helium burning.

HELIUM BURNING involves two different processes: triple-alpha process and alpha
1. Triple-alpha process is a nuclear
fusion reaction that starts with three
helium-4 nuclei that are converted to
Summary of nuclear reactions:
1. Two helium-4 nuclei fuse to form
He + 4He → 8Be + ɣ
2. Beryllium-8 fuses with another helium-4
nucleus to form the stable carbon-12.
Be + 4He → 12C + ɣ

2. Alpha process is also known as the alpha ladder. It is a set of nuclear reactions that
convert helium into heavier elements. In the reactions, helium atoms are consumed in every
nuclear reaction.

*Alpha process starts as soon as the triple-alpha process produce carbon-12. Alpha
process then converts carbon-12 into heavier elements by fusing to helium.

Summary of alpha (ladder) process nuclear reactions:

Synthesis of oxygen 12
C + 4He → 16O + ɣ

Synthesis of neon 16
O + 4He → 20Ne + ɣ

Synthesis of magnesium 20
Ne + 4He → 24Mg + ɣ

Synthesis of silicon 24
Mg + 4He → 28Si + ɣ

Synthesis of sulfur 28
Si + 4He → 32S + ɣ

Synthesis of argon 32S + 4He → 36Ar + ɣ

Synthesis of calcium 36Ar + 4He → 40Ca + ɣ
Synthesis of titanium 40Ca + 4He → 44Ti + ɣ
Synthesis of chromium 44Ti + 4He → 48Cr + ɣ
Synthesis of iron 48Cr + 4He→ 52Fe + ɣ
Synthesis of nickel 52
Fe + 4He→56Ni+ ɣ

*Check your periodic table, you will see that there is alternate production of elements
from carbon all the way up to iron, skipping one element to produce each element in the
alpha process. This is why the concept of an ‘alpha ladder’ was created.
The sequence ends at nickel; however, nickel undergoesg radioactive decay and returned
back into iron (56Fe), the most stable element produced having the highest nuclear binding
energy. Once iron comes back into the equation, the fate of the star is sealed. Since iron will not
fuse to produce more energy, suddenly, the star is no longer able to sustain equilibrium, the star
collapses in itself and casts off gaseous envelope in one fell swoop, sparking a supernova (star
explosion). This is why iron is also known as the “star killer.”

There are also different burning processes inside the star that created heavy elements right
before the supernova happens such as lithium burning, carbon burning, neon burning, oxygen
burning, and silicon burning which have sets of nuclear fusion reactions.

When silicon burning stops fusing, a massive star enters the stage of becoming a


space, where it provides the gas and dust for
Supernova nucleosynthesis is the theory first building new stars, planets, and everything on
advanced by Fred Hoyle indicating the them including our bodies.
occurrence of formation of elements heavier
than nickel during supernova explosions
involving endothermic reactions. At the end of
the star’s life, much of its matter is blown into
The fusion reactions cannot produce nuclei higher than iron-56 because fusion reaction becomes
unfavorable. This is because the nuclear binding energy per nucleon, the energy that holds the
nucleus intact, decreases after iron-56. Therefore, different pathways are needed for the synthesis
of heavier nuclei. Following the star explosion, the sequence begins with the process known as
neutron capture, a nucleosynthesis that occurs in core-collapse supernova.
rapid because the rate of neutron
capture is fast that an unstable nucleus
may still be combined with another
neutron just before it
undergoes −10β decay. The r-process
is associated with a supernova. The
temperature after a supernova is
tremendously high that the neutrons are
moving very fast. Because of their
speed, they can immediately combine
with the already heavy isotopes. This
kind of nucleosynthesis is also
called supernova nucleosynthesis.
Rapid neutron capture or r-process, on
the other hand, happens when there is a
large number of neutrons. It is termed
As of date, there are 94 chemical elements (the first 94 elements in the Periodic Table)
that are naturally occurring or can be found on Earth, and the other 24 chemical
elements are synthetic (man-made). As the Stellar Nucleosynthesis is believed to have
produced elements heavier than beryllium all the way up to iron, all other naturally
occurring elements after iron were presumed to have been created in the Supernova
Nucleosynthesis. However, the numbers may vary as some synthetic chemical
elements have been found naturally occurring on Earth in trace amounts after it had
been produced artificially.
Let’s Apply
Complete the nuclear equations of the alpha process then write the corresponding
letter on the line above each answer. The letters will spell out the clue to what
happens next following the production of iron inside the star.

O + 4He 🡪 __ + ɣ 40
Ca + 4He🡪__+ ɣ 44
Ti +4He 🡪__+ ɣ 12
C + 4He 🡪__+ ɣ 24
Mg+4He🡪__+ ɣ


Cr +4He 🡪 __ + ɣ 20
Ne+4He 🡪 __ + ɣ 28
Si +4He 🡪 __ + ɣ 32
S +4He 🡪 __ + ɣ

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
16 52 28 44 20 48 32 36 24
0 Fe Si Ti Ne Cr S Ar Mg

Let’s Analyze

I. Try to find all the hidden chemical elements produced in the Stellar and
Supernova Nucleosyntheses.


II. Group the chemical elements above according to its origin.



After finishing day 4 module, the learners should be able to:
Explain how the concept of atomic number led to the synthesis of new elements in the

Let’s Recall
Can you remember the chemical elements according to their atomic numbers?
Rearrange the letters to form the right word and arrange them in order. You may work with
a partner or someone at home to answer this activity.

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Let’s Understand (Study of the Concept)

In the previous lessons, you have learned that the number of protons determines what
chemical element will be produced in nuclear reactions. You have observed that in nuclear
fusion, any changes in the number of protons will change the chemical element creating the
naturally occurring elements that we know today. The question is, how about the man-made
elements and how does the concept of the atomic number lead to the synthesis of elements?
an English physicist who demonstrated that
the atomic number, the number of protons in
an atom, determines most of the properties of
an element. He began his study of
radioactivity in Ernest Rutherford’s laboratory
but later decided to explore more on X-rays.

Moseley was an English physicist, whose contribution

to the science of physics was the justification from
physical laws of the previous empirical and chemical
concept of the atomic number.

In 1913, Moseley published a paper on
the arrangement of the elements in the
Periodic table based on their atomic
numbers. He used X-ray spectroscopy
to determine the atomic number of an
element. He bombarded a beam of
electrons to different elements and
measured their X-ray spectral lines.
His results clearly showed that frequency of the X-rays given off by an element was
mathematically related to the position of that element in the Periodic table. The frequency is
proportional to the charge of the nucleus, or the atomic number.

When the elements were arranged

according to their atomic numbers, there
were four gaps in the table. These gaps
corresponded to the atomic numbers 43,
61, 85, and 87. These elements were
later synthesized in the laboratory
through nuclear transmutations.


In 1919, Ernest Rutherford
successfully carried out a nuclear
transmutation reaction — a reaction
involving the transformation of one
element or isotope into another element.
He bombarded alpha particles from
radium directed to the nitrogen nuclei.
He showed that the nitrogen nuclei
reacted to the alpha particles to form an
oxygen nuclei.
However, both alpha particles and atomic nuclei are positively charged, so they tend to repel
each other. Therefore, instead of using fast-moving alpha particles in synthesizing new
elements, atomic nuclei are often bombarded with neutrons (neutral particles) in particle


In the 1930s, the heaviest element
known was uranium, with an atomic
number 92. Early in 1940, Edwin
McMillan proved that an element having
an atomic number 93 could be created.
He used a particle accelerator to
bombard uranium with neutrons and
created an element with an atomic
number 93 which he named neptunium.
At the end of 1940, element-94 was
synthesized by Seaborg, McMillan,
Kennedy, and Wahl. They bombarded
uranium with deuterons (particles
composed of a proton and a neutron) in
a cyclotron. Element-94 was named

*Elements with atomic numbers greater than 92 (atomic number of uranium) are
called transuranium elements. Hence, neptunium and plutonium are both transuranium
elements. They are unstable and decay radioactively into other elements. All of these
elements were discovered in the laboratory as artificially generated synthetic elements. They
are prepared using nuclear reactors or particle accelerators. In the next lesson, you will learn
the nuclear reactions involved in the synthesis of these transuranium elements.

Let’s Apply
Copy the concept map onto a separate sheet of paper. Choose one chemical
element and fill in the concept map below.


chemical symbol

atomic number atomic mass period state

Let’s Analyze
Draw a model of carbon nucleus (6 protons, 6 neutrons) fusing with a helium nucleus
(2 protons, 2 neutrons). Assuming all protons and neutrons combine into a nucleus, what is
the identity of the new element?

NEW ELEMENT: _______________

Let’s Create
Getting involved in your community: One important application of getting
familiarized with the chemical elements is to know their uses. Sharing this information to
promote health and safety awareness as well as to prevent the spread of infection will help
with mastery as well.

Goal: Your goal is to scan your local newspaper for the names of the chemical elements.
Read the articles, product labels, or advertisements in which an element is mentioned in
disinfectants, supplementary vitamins, food products, etc. Make a trifold brochure
containing all the information about your chosen chemical element/s. Present the brochure
to any family member/s and explain the importance of the chosen elements to your
community. Create a video of the presentation.

Guide Questions:
1. Are any elements of special concern in your community? If so, explain why.
2. Have the names of some elements acquired other meaning?
3. Are some elements presented positively or negatively? If so, what are the advantages
and disadvantages?

Role: Your job is to act as a World Health Organization ambassador.

Audience: You are to present your video to your teacher and classmates, and/or present
the brochure to family member/s.
Situation: The challenge involves exploring the uses of the chemical elements in
connection to health and safety awareness as well as prevention of spread and/or infection.

Product, Performance, and Purpose: Your brochure and presentation will be judged by
your teacher and/or family member/s.

Standards and Criteria

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor
10 points 8 points 6 points 5 point

Content Extremely Presented in Most Format was

well a thoughtful transitions difficult to
organized; manner, but were easy to follow;
logical format at times ideas follow, but at transitions of
that was easy were unclear; times ideas ideas were
to follow; “solid” were unclear; abrupt
enhanced the product solid”
effectiveness product
of the project

Creativity Extremely Was clever at Fairly unique Little creative

clever and times, presentation energy used
unique uniquely
presentation presented

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following refers to the process of producing the light elements
such as hydrogen and helium?
A. Cosmic ray spallation
B. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
C. Stellar Nucleosynthesis
D. Neutron capture
2. Which of the following describes stellar nucleosynthesis?
A. The process of which elements are formed within the stars.
B. The formation of elements during a supernova explosion.
C. The process in which elements are produced in gas clouds.
D. The formation of light elements such as hydrogen and helium.
3. Which of the following is a star that has used up its hydrogen supply in the
core and switched into the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen in the shell
surrounding the core?
A. Cosmic ray spallation
B. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
C. Stellar Nucleosynthesis
D. Neutron capture
4. The formation of a star starts with the dense regions of molecular clouds.
What force pulls matter together to form these regions?
A. magnetic force
B. nuclear force
C. electromagnetic force
D. gravitational force
5. Which of the following is a major factor predicting the fate of a star?
A. strength of gravitational force
B. mass of a star
C. amount of iron produced
D. temperature of a star
6. Which of the following elements is not formed during a stellar evolution?
A. carbon
B. oxygen
C. gold
D. iron
7. Which does a massive star enters the stage of becoming a supernova?
A. when the star has used up all its hydrogen fuel
B. when chromium fusion stops
C. when the star burned all its oxygen
D. when the silicon fusion stops
8. In the CNO cycle, what isotope of carbon is formed when nitrogen decays?
A. carbon-12
B. carbon-13
C. carbon-14
D. carbon-15
9. A helium burning process in which three helium-4 fuse to form carbon-12.
A. proton-proton chain
B. CNO cycle
C. triple-alpha process
D. alpha process
10. The number of protons in one atom determines the atom’s _______.
A. mass
B. atomic number
C. weight
D. charge

● Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Focus on Physical Science, California Edition, 2425
Walnut Creek, California 94596
● Moncada, M.N., Ed.D., Physical Science for Senior High School, Educational
Resources Corporation, 11-B Sunrise Drive, Barangay Bagong Lipunan ng Crame,
Cubao, Quezon City
● Cervantes and Dizon, General Chemisty for Senior High School, LORIMAR
Publishing, Inc., 776 Aurora Boulevard, cor. Boston Street, Cubao, Quezon City
● Quipper.Com
● High School Teacher Program 2008: Are We Really Made of Stars?
● Binary Star
● Stellar Nucleosynthesis: Philosophy of Cosmology



July 2020

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