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~ ~ <l>~IJ.itc-, ~ ~ liij;&k1tc-, lhlsi. ~ ~ ~It??~~
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-g )(,J\i\?~Jt? ~~
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C\100~ ~ 4"' <l>l>Jl\i\ltt? t;l\8\ ~ J...2~~ ~ ~ ~ <1>}<1> .hka.k
(~) "\5llC<Wi"1<rlffi" \5/q ~ ~~(<r) <!I~ '5!&Fl- ~ ~91m ~ \!JIM<rl';l?iS>
~ \SRT, <rr <ii \51~ \5!~-ict-~ <!i~ '5!&Fl- ~-VTMJ\51 Rlfmct ~
\5!~-ict~~ \5ll~lc"1i'l 9ffW:~ ~!f<.l'-VTMJ\51 ~ \SRT, <Ii 'ffm ((8 <!IQ
, '5!&Fl- ~ <1Ji3'<t>i'lC~ \5ll~IC"1i'l 9ffW:~ J'f"~NI$ \!JIM<t>I~ ~ ~

(8) "Gi[iS><t>i'lct (opening)~" \51q 'ffm ~ <!IQ '5!&Fl- ~ ~91m ©"!(i3'<t>i'lct

<Ii ~ ©1(i3><t>i'lct ~ ;

( (() "~,, \5/q- AA~ Fi-~~~~~, >1~iSl01~1 ~ 9fctr, "'

<fll<f <Ii C'5J\!l C>i<!i ~ iSRT ~~~ f.'r<t>'i) ~ ~ '2frl$

(~) "<fll<f" \5/q- c:¥r9f~,

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<Ii ~9MT ~' ~g~, ~~ct, \5/~ct, ~' ~~'1
<Ii ~9fVil"1 ,,-~~ ~ ~' \5!~ ~' <uif~ '3 ~~
,,-~~91"1, ~ (l:I" c<rR ~ ~ ~ <!l<f~ ~ ~ ,,-~~
c'51 \!) C>i<!i <JN ~ ~ <Pwfu ~ \5fC~ '5lfif<!> ~ ~ ;
( q) "~" '51q c<rR ~ '5!&Fl- 9f'tr ,,-~~<Ii~ "<I'm <Ii,,-~~ '3 ~ ~
9f'tr ~'1 <!l<f~ <fll<f <Ii C>i<!i ~ ;

(b-) "L!l'~<t>lffi (procruing entity)" \5/q ~ \!l~Rtc01i'l \5/q ~ c<rR 9f'tr,

<fll<f <Ii C>i<!i ~ iSRT ~ '3 ~ "!'~ \!) l>i ""'m c<rR L!l'~ <t>lffi ;

()),) "L!l'~<rlffi ~ ~lft<T (Head of the Procuring entity)" \5/q c<PR

~ <Ii f<Rm'iKf J'fITT, ~ \5lfl:[Vf~ <Ii ~~ ~lft<T ~['ff,
~' ~ ~' ~9.lflJ ~' CiSlC'ft ~]<Ii~~
c<rR ~ ~ ~' ~ <Ii \5fflft-~ ~ 'ff
<re~ \5!~ ~ ~ '5!&Fl- ~ c<rR ,,.~~ ~lft<T ~;

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c~~) "~9fm" <rr .. ~,, '51q~91m ~ ~<rr, ~, ~ ~

~~ 9ffW;~ c<rR ~~ <Ii c<rR ~ <t>'i<t> 9f'tr, "<t>1<f <rt
C>i<!i >ii'l<1i'llC~ iSRT L!l'~<t>lffii'l f.'r<t>'i) ~ ~9!l?! <Ii ~ ; <!l<f~ <!I~
~~ 9JYfct<flrn, ~ ~~~~;

(~~) "~9fm~" <Ii "~~~<f~~" \51q~91l?!<!j~

~ ~ ~ ~ L!l'~<rlffi <r'i<r ~ ~~ <Ii ~
>ii'l<1i'll~\!l ~ ;

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>if:iC<lfii\15 I
.billtll>~ (~)t J2_t;>-(~ ;~C\ ~ q.'ot) '\l'Ot '~ (~;k) fJ:lt?l>~t))<I ~ St hhl\ Jill. J.filll
I Q\)6~
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~'.l SI <l>E(jk%j1 ~ G\J,~t'J J.Jilli.-W<,illll.)6 ~'.) ~ ~!;'\
<1>3'<1> .lilil&k ~.k_t;'\ '~ ~ ~ ~ <l>tji'kl>fl> & 1tll:!~ ~
& 'l!Rj,:,.)6 ~ & '.!:>~ fil.lli.Sl.gskk ti~llS\ltk ~ktl G\ll.slaj&l6 ~
~ SI fil.lli.Sl.gskk ~ ~ J..k 'l:ill1)6 ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~'.l ~ktl <l>f(jk%j1 ~ktl ..~ ~'.) SI cl>f(jk%j1,, (8~)~
~ ~ cl>?Gj~k ~ 'k~k '~ '~ ~~ktl '~
if>icl>~lit ~ '~ '~ ~ J:>Th$~~ktl ~ ~ ~ktl ..~,, (GI~)
~ -W<,~ ~ ~ktl ~ !;'\ 0 8 ~ .ltl[kfu.b_f!.
~ ~ & Q~,ikl>ti?SI 't'&h).k~k ~ ~ ~ktl ..-W6~,, (~~)
.lili.Th.k ~ ~!;'\ l>(gicl>Pll>l>l>k ~ft!;'\ & ~!;'\ ~ ~@cl>ti.J:i: ~ft!;'\
J..k ~!;'\ ~~~ ~~k SI .£b)6 ~ ~~~~ ~
& ~ '~ '~.k_t;'\ M ~ ~~k SI lbk. ~ktl ..~ **~" (\~)
~ ~ 1>11>~,lf->l!S> ~
~~~~~~~~~ktlM)6Q.h~ktl ..~-$,, (o~)
'1tl):!.)6 ~ (glcl>ti.J:i: '(gicl>ti.J:i: ~~k ~ '~ktl ..~~ ~.. (~\)
~ ~~J.Jilli.~~~ .. frlt?l>~'tjl6~ .. (4\)
~ l>(glcl>ti.J:i: ~ ~ ~ ~'.) SI cl>f(Jk~P ~ktl ..~ .. (b\)
l~ RP_ lli ~fa ~?ktl lliJt ~1)6 M ~
~ '~ ~~k .£b)6 ~.k_t;'\ fil.lli.Sl.gskk ti~jl.$\ltk ~ktl C;\jl.$\ajhl6 ~ ~
SI (]F~l{S ;}l{l JJO) fil.lli.Sl.gskk ~ ~ '~ '~)6 ~
~ & ~ '~ ~.k.t;'\ ~~SI ~)6 ~~ 'bol!tl<!I& ~ktl ..lbk.,, (C'V\)J,
~ 1tll:!tj & ~ ~ ~
~ <1>3'<1> ~ ~ .tilik ~Th-W~~ktl ~ ~ ~ktl ..~ ~.. ( {)\)
~ ~~ J.Jilli. ~ ~ ~'.) ~ <1>3'<1>
.lilil&k ~ !Ji~ lli ~.)6 ~ )6~ & ~~ J.Jilli. ~ ~ktl ..~~.. ( 8 \)
~ ~~]&Q.h~ktl ..~Q.h,, (GI\)

(~<l) "AA" 151q <!!~~151~~~AA;

~[(~~) "c-61\!) ~,, 151q-

(<r) 9f'tr ~<ft <P1<f ~ ~ ~ ~-~'ft ~vtH<rlffi

'@-9f<Rfcrffef <ft C<f'R ~Ni~IC'i'!1 ~ \G ~~ ~ \G ~'iTC<f'l'l'cf
<ft ~9f <ft '51'f11fll'i~"i<!' ~;<ft
(~) ~9fm ~, ~ ~, ~\!)'l? mw DT<fl <rt <!!<P<!' c~IV!H~"i<!'
~ 151m ~01~ 9f1ll' ~ C<f'R ~ ; <rr
(st) $-iSTl~l~<!''!1cf ~ [Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI)] <!!~
~, ~'Z <!!~ ~c'!11~1~'Z <!!~~, 9f'tr ~~, ~
<IH<'ll~'i "f'Z~, ~1"'11~1"'1 91Ri<'l~c'i'!1 ~ ~ ~ ~ <ft
('<T) 15lll5UcJilP1\ (out-sourcing) <!!'!1" m~ C!l'~<rlffi <r'f<r ~ ~
G'ft'lfJ <!!~ ~ 151~ HM'2<f\!) C<t>R ~ <rt ~ <r'f<r
<!!l!ill:clilic"'IT ~ c~ ~9i'T -mm HM'2<f\!) C<t>R ~ ;

~ g <!!~ ~ ~ 1511\£UcJilPi\ (out-sourcing) ~ <!!'!1" m~ ~

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<rr ;nNi~1"'11 <rr ~9f

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$i"R <rfu<T I

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~ ~ <l't<f ~ ~ "f5R Government Servants (Discipline and Appeal)
Rule, 1985 l!l~ rule 3(b) \!l<r~ 3(d) <rT ff~ <rT <t>~blffi~ ~ ~ ~'f
~ct 'S ~ J'f~~ ~AA~ '5l>i"llb~ct <rr ~ ~ ~ l!l<r~ ff m
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\~\ ~~ ~ l>e?Ql}'fd ~~ ~ ~ <l>%J'i':JIHI> SI l!jk ~~ I {)O\
48\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' a.k.l:i> t>fU1~'& I 80 \
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OGI\ ~JJtiak ~ filk.fili I {)~
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8~\ J,,~~JshlWli)-$~ p~[G\~ '~ '_(J,,.k, I \~
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ 1_ _L_ _L _ L
itiiii iitiiiii I I. ..l. L _l .l J_ l J -'
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~ ~ 400~ '~ \O JJill, 400~ '~ b~ g ~ '400~/~-o~ ~.I:! &I 'Blsl 'kt;>*
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'~ ~ £hl1J6 ~]!;:. ~ & ~ .l.o:l6.I!;:. ~ ~ G\J.(tlls\ 'J:ili.k
'oJ>,.~d> *1lit '~ t>lf>kol9i:ci~ ~~~]!;:. ...l.o:l6.i!;:.~~ .. (C\I)
! (~a~ 8~ .fil:!.1k cvoo~) cvoo~ ·~ frlt?t>~<tJl6 ~ ~]!;:. ..~.. (<J)
~ ~ ~ ~ Q.16~ t>(tld>t?<!Ji ~ ~ jl?ld>t?<!Ji %®'ak d>fod>
~ (tld>t>l~l>fl> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .P.t;> ~~ & ~hlj.I!;:.
'~ '~ ~ ~!!;:. .. (iu;:iw;:un;:io1d p;:ip~'i'i;:iJ;:ip) ~ ~.. (8)
! fu~~~~~~~
]&Q.h ~ ~ltkf>lir & ~ ~~ ~ lt<!Ji<>jfl> ~ (tld>t?<!Ji ~]!;:.
~jtj ~t;> ~!!;:. .. (s;:iJB(d Jo ;:iJBJd i<1Bpuo;:i;:is) ~ltkt-lic & ~ ~.. ((;\)
f>l..illtTuicl ~ & ]&Q.h ~ ~ t;> C\IGI ~ ~!!;:. ..~ f>l..ilttTuicl,, (~)
! ~~ (tld>f>ll..il6 f>l..iitdt·icl~~~~&k?
& ~ '1bk d>l>?IG\ltt? ~ .!.o:l6.I!;:. ~ ~ ~!!;:. ..~~ (tld>l>l..ilttTuicl,, (\)
-Wlhljtj ~t;> '~ lli ~ ~ ~@6 .Phl_kl6 & .lilaj-1 ~ak I ~
I ~~~~~~C\IOO~ '~ frlt?t>~tjl6~ (~)*
l~~~ .. ..qoo~
'J.Whljtj frlt'2l>~tjl6 ~ .. J.Whljtj ~t;> (\)-1 ~ SI ~ ~_ajak I\
_g &.k '~ 1! Wlhljtj k~ *1lit ko?l>IG\tt% £hl1J6 t;> Ob JJ:ill;! .P.t;> (~ ~.!:!. 8~
.fil:!.1k cvoo~) cvoo~ '~ frl't?t>~tjl6 ~-I 400~/~-(~ ~SI '~'kl;\
a~ ..qoo~ '~ 8~ to& 8\8\ 'hlk \\ '~
~ ~lf<l>t!.]cl>f],?>~cajl6 ~
~ f--tilf~k SI .j,,4&~~'6 f--till>~ll>
ti~l~lfitt. lf--1$d>~k.
(0.) "\5llC<!l1"14lm" Gf~ ~ ~ ~~ (<t>) <!1~ Gf~ ~ ~~ ~
\!llM41~13i ~ ~, <ii~ Gf~ Gf~'lff-~ <!1~ Gf~ ~-~ f.Tlfmcr
~15f~~Cffi\51l~IC"1'!19fWc~~-~~~, "<!"1"~({8
<!1~ \5f~ ~ <!J13i4'!1Ceffi \511~1C"l'!1 91Wc~ J'l"~N~ \!llM4l$1 ~

(o-) "~CC'1<!lliH4 ~ ~ ~ L1RT ( e Government Procurement)"

Gf~ c<rR \!ji$14lm 4'f4 ~c.,<!llif.i4 ~ ~ ~ m~ L1RT ;

(~) "@"[13'4'!1'1 (opening) ~" Gf~ ~ ~ l)j <!1~ Gf~ ~ ~9fl?f

©"[13>4'!1ct ~ ~~ ~ ;
(~o) "<!l<!'lf~ ~ ~ (multiple dropping)" Gf~ \!ji$14lm 4'f4 R~
<!l<!'lf~ ~ ~~ ~;

c~~) "~" \5[~ <!l~mmmmf.T~~~~~, >i~iSl.,~J ~

9\"IT, <t>N <ii c'51\!) CJf<1T ~ ~ ~~Cffi ~ ~ ~ '2!T~

(~~) "<Prf" \5!~ @01~, ~, ~, ~~1'>1\!?4 <ii c<f'R ~, \51<!4l~IC~I <ii~ <ii
~9Fli mtct, 9!"1"gmtct, ~~ct, \5f~ct, ~' ~"ITC<f'll'ct <ii
~9111"R J'l"~~ ~ <WS!, \5[~ ~' ~~ 'S ~~ J'l"~~91"1,
~ c<J" c<rR ~ mtct <WSf <!1"<1"~ ~ ~ J'l"~fu2 c'51\!) C:>t<ii
<TN~~ <l't-ITT ~ \5[C~ '5lf~ "1t ~ ;

(~~) "L!Rr" \5[~ c<f'R ~ \5[~ 9\"IT J'l"~~ <ii~ <!"!11 <ii J'l"~~ 'S ~ ~
9\"IT ~ct <!1"<!"~ <t>N <ii CJf<1T ~ ;

(~ 8) "<!ji$14lm (procuring entity)" \5!~ ~ \!lef.iCC4'!1 \5!~ mm c<f'R 9\"IJ, <fir<f

<ii CJf<1T ~ ~ ~ 'S ~ '*~\!) 1»t """m c<rR <!ji$141m ;

(~<1) "<!ji$14lm ~ ~~ (Head of the procuring entity)" \5!~ c<f'R ~

<ii~ ':>tf5<r, ~ \5ff~~ <ii 9ffuvf~ ~ ~[<ii, ~' ~
~' ~9ffe" ~' ~~)<ii~~ c<f'R ~ ~
~'~<ii l$1i ~~<ii <!'C~ ~ ~
~\5f~~(incorporated) C<PR~~~~;

(~l)j) "~(responsive)" \5!~ ~~~<ii~~~~

~ ~ 'S Hfiftf\!l ~ f.T~ ~ f.k<ifb\!l<!J ;

(~a.) "~~(contract price)"~~~~~ <!1"<!"~ ~g~ ~


(~1r) "~" 15[q ~ 15[~ c<P8 ~ ~ ~ '4'~<t>lffli1 ~ ~


(~~) "~-'B~" 15[q ~ ~ <T1QJ LQ'~<t>lffl ~ ~<t>'i<t> ~~~ ~

~~ ~ C~l~IC<1<t' ~ <I'm ~ <!i<f'Z ~ ~ ~<t'"l111Ci1i1 ~
<1>f<1' f.icmf@i~ ~ <!i<r'Z ~<t>ll11ci1i1 J'ffi~ <1M~lci1i1 ~ ~
91ITTrct~ ~ ~ ~~ (Bill of Quantities) ~ ~
9ffuxtlf~ ~ ;
(~o) "~"15fq<!J~m~c<PR~;

(~~) "~(defect)" ~~~l<J'!)'11~:11ffi c<P8~~15f'Z"f~;

(~~) "~ "f'Z~ "f'Z~ ~"!L?r (defects correction certificate)" 15[q ~

<1>f<1' ~ "f'Z~ ~ ~ ~9f<t'" <t>'i<t> \Stlfflt~ ~ ;

(~~) "lll"fG\StH~ ~ cmTt'f (defects liability period)" 15(q ~ ~

~ (Particular conditions of contract) ~ cmTt'f <T1QJ ~

(~8) "~"!L?r" ~ "~" 15(q 'Rf"!L?r ~ ~ ~, ~, ~ ~

~<Bf 91fu~ c<PR'Rf~~ c<P8 ~ <t>'i<t> 9fr:fr, ~~ D1<!T f'

>ii1<1i1IC~i1 ~ <!H'l<t>lfflii ~ ~ 'Rf"!L?r ~ ~ ; <!i<f'Z <!I~ ~

~'ff~, ~'Rf~~w;

(~~) "~"!L?r ~,, ~ "~" ~ ~ ~ ~,, 15(q 'Rf"!L?r ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ LQ'~<t>lffl <t>'i<t> ~ 'Rf~ ~ ~
>ii1<1i1l~t~ ~ ;

(~~) "~~,, 15[q'Rf91L?r~~;

(~ q) "t?M" 15fq fu~~lc<1 <t>l~M<l>i ~~"'ii~, ~ 9ff(9f<t'"f ~~ ffi ;

(~1r) "Ci1<r ~(Force Majeure)" 15fq ~<t'll11ci1i1 ~ >ii1<1i1l~lffl ~ ~

~ <1R:'i~ <!l"l'T c<P8 ~ ~ ~, <T1QJ ~l~lc11i1 \5l<1c~I ~ ~
<rmct ~ ~, ~ <T1QJ ~'1<f 'B ~ ; ~ >i14'c~~ ~ ~'i'GT
"!il:!JC"f ~ c<PR ~, ~, ~ f<T~, ~, ~, ~, ~R~ @f'i'f
~cGT ~ 15fWf!f~ m
ooi:r, <!l<f'Z ~1"11~1"1 9lffi<1~crii1 ~ 15fWf!f~
m~ (freight embargoes)~~ w, 'WT~~ ~i:ITT:

(~~) "~ m" 15(q LQ'~<t'IC~ 15f'Z"f~ ~ c<P8 ~ <t>'i<t> \5ff"!J '11'Rrn ~
<11 f<T'fR ;


~[(1!>0) "9fcfJ" '5/q <f'ltil):\IG't, '@-~~ 9fcfm<IT {l <!1if~ <!l<TZ ~'~<fr~

~ 9fcfm<IT, ~ ~ ~ ~{lrn (off-the-shelf) {l

\5R"JFlT ~ ~'ffi3'\5il'!> '51~ >i):\\5!1~$1 ~rn <!i<TZ 9fcfT JfZ~ C>i"<fr, <ffef
~ ~ 9fe"fnf ~ '5K9f'll'r 15!f<f<!' "TT ~ ;l

(1!>~) "~" '51q 1~'{R3<t> {l c~ CJf<fT ~ ~ L!F$1<t>l~<'1 ~ ~


(1!>~) "~ ~9f<t>" '5/q ~ 91Wti!C'1"\I <!i<TZ <l'1<f ~ ~ ~ ~

L!F$1<t'I~ <t>'f<t> ~ ~ '51~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fb<t>ll'fl<'lc<t> ~
<PR1m ~ \5j"!J ~ CWtr ~ ;
(1!>1!>) "~~~~(intended completion date)" '51q ~ <f\~4'
<l'J<f ~~ ~ ~, mJ ~ ffil<f<f ~ R~ ~ <!i<TZ QT
~ ~ ~ <fflfect JfZV'ft~ ;

(1!>8) "~~f4>15<'1c):j-D" '5/q'~~mmm~;

(1!>({) "~ ~ (provisional Sum)" '51~ <m<fu ~ct~ ~ ~

~~ LQ>$1<f\I~ <t>'f<t> ~ ~ ~ct ~' mJ LQ>$1<f\I~ <t>'f4>,
~~ MC<'lti"\1$1, ):\C"\I~\!) ~-~ ~ '51q ~l:f <fr ~C$iliSl~{i l5fiID"\T

('!>~) "~ ~~
/ " '51 ~, ~ JfZ~ LQ>$1<t'I~,
~ ~ ~ l!fl:ff.1,
LQ>$1<f\C /

~ctfc11T <fr~ ">iW<r ;

(1!><\) "~- ~" '51q ~9Rlfr '5/Z><f~"i<'l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ iSll"\1~<'11<'1 ~;

(l!llr) ·~·(Form) <fr·~· (Format) '5/q <!l~fTI~~JfZ~ ~~


('!>?ii) "~m<tf ~" '5/q 9fcfT {l JfZ~ ~ ~ <!i<TZ, ~, ~ct <fr~

~ ~ ~~ ~ 9fcfT {l JfZ~ CJf<fT ~ ~ <!I<!' <fr <!i<rtfl:f4'
LQ>{l<t'l~<'l ~ <!I<!' <fr <!l<Ptf<f<!' >1<'1<'1<'1 1 ~1~<'1 <!I~~~~~

(80) "~9fiT" '51~ <rrt9f<f' ~ ~ JfZ<rl'f9Wl°, {JC$1<'1>il~'G <fr \5j"!J c<Pi'i

stcimi:rw:r ~ l:f1m 8 0 <!I~ '51~ ~ ~9fiT ;

(8~) "~" '5/q ~ ~ '5/Z><f~ct ~ ~' ~'if, ~ ):\lfdt<t>HI

~, '5/Z~~, ~, JfZ'T<fr~~;

)[(8~) "<i:Rti1R3<i> IS c~ ~,, \5Tq- <J:~1M<t> \5T~ c~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ <t>'f<t> ~ ~' <1i C<l'R ~ ~ISmBf IS \5T<'!TRT . ~
~~iS!I'-!> '5!~ >!lliS!!-.61~ ~ISmBf ~ct, <11 ~ '2!"crn<1, <11 ~
~<WT <11 <IJ<i~!Ri<t> ~ ~ ~ ~' cfl~~ ~ <t>'f<t> cfl~
~ c~ ~91"1 mm H~1\!) C<t>R <J:~iM<t> 1S c~ ~ J

~(81!l) "c-61\!) ~,, '5Tq'-

(<r) 9fct:r ~ <11 <f'1<f ~~~~-~<rt ~'1H<t>0'!

~™~ <11 C<l'R ~f\b0!C'l'!'l i5<l"f IS ~~ 91R\15IG4'1l IS ~crtc<i'l!'ct <1i
~9f <11 \5lo;pi~H~G'\<t> ~ ; <11

(~) ~. ~ ~. ~'-!>$ ~ ~ <1i cfl<f'<f' C>i<il"il'l~G'\<I'

~ \51~ 'f '61 ~ f f $ro c:<PR ~ ; <11

('it) ~-iS!l~!iSil<t>'!'lct 9lfuW [Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI)] cfl~

f.IDTM", ~~ cfl~~ <!'C'!'ll~lf&~ cfl~ f.IDTM", 9fct:r ~ <f'jigf, ~
l:!H<il~ J'f~~' lllG'\llllG'\ 91Ri<i~C'l'!'l "iSl"lJ ~ ~ ~ <11 ~

(~) '5l!IS'Gc>11Pf~ (out-sourcing) cfl~ 'IT~ C!l'~<t>lffi <t>'f<t> ~ ~~ ~

~ \5T~ H~1\!) C<t>R ~ <11 ~ <t>'f<t> c!i~ ~
c~ ~91"1 mm H~1\!) c:<PR ~ ;

~ g c!i~ m~ ~ \5ll~Uc>11Pf~ (out-sourcing) <WrN c!i~

'IT~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ <t>'f<t> cfi'-!>~k!C"!J JTllTif JTllTif iS!lffit\!>
f<if~ <11 ~Rbll IG'\I <11 ~9f c:<PR ~ ~ 1]

(88) "~" \5Tq 9fct:r, <f'1<f <11 ~ ~ct'i'f\5 ~;

(Ba-) "~ ~ (primary place)" \5Tq C!l'~<t>lffi'!'l ~ ~ ~9fl!r ~IS

(8~) "~ ~" \5Tq ~ ~ q cfl~ \5[~ ~ ~9fl!r <11 ~ ~


(Sq) "~ ~f\bC<i"i'l" \5Tq ~9fl!r, ~9fl!r <11 ~' ~ct9fl!r <11
~ ~"iJlm;'l'!'l ~ '5l'J:Clll'1'1<1'lffi ~~ f.'rl;U- ~ ~f\bC<i"i'l ;

(81r) "~ ~" \5Tq c:<PR ~ <t>'f<t> ~ '5lf;cl:!M f<lC<ib'll'!'l "iSl"lJ


)\!l'f, i3lB<, 13 OR ~8({ ~/~o~'<?, ~: ~~ ~, ~o~'<? 'ffiit~ 8~ ~9Rl, ~-~(">./)I

~l!l'f, i3lB<, 13 "1'Z '-'8<l ~/~o~'<?, ~: ~~ ~, ~o~'<? 'ffi1t ~ 8'-' ~9Rl, ~-~('>f) I

(8?i>) "~" \51"q ~ 'lll'lfl1';(1S' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C<W1
~ l!l<r~ ~ ~ (authenticated) <ffl<Jif ~ ~C"4<td.lf'l<t>

(({o) "~~~(completion date)" \51"q ~ ~91<!> <t>'f<t> ~ m


~[(({~) "~ ~" \51"q ~ ~ ~ CQ'{l<t>lffi'!i ~ <l'!il~t\!) \51"q,

'51"~ c<f>R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JJ"~~ <i>'f<i> >rn<i>IC'!1'!1 m~
CQ'{l<t>lffi'!1 ~ ~ ~ 'B <119" l!l<r~ ~ ~ 9f1"~ ~' (
\5l1111-~ ~ c<f>R ~ \51"~ ~ c<f>R JJ"~ffi~ JI"~~~ ;] ~

(({~) ">t'!1<1'!1l~lffi" \51"q ~ \51"~ 9f9T 'B JJ"~fuZ C>t"<1i >t'!1<1'!1IC~ ~

CQ'{l<t>lffi'!i ~~~;

(({'!l) "JI"~~~~" \51"q ~ i:fBl1 ({8 l!l"'!i" \51"~ ~ <1JIS'<!''!1C"@ '5ll~IC"1'!'1

9i"fu~ ~~ ~~ "["4Ji{1C"1'!1 91"'!1 'ffei1:M<I' 'B C~ C>t"<1i ~
~ ~ ~ iStHl~<11'!1 'Sf"1T c<T151T f<ic<ifb\!) '5llC<1V1"1<t>lffi~rr"0 ~;

(({({) "~-~ (sub-consultent)" \51"q ~ <t>'f<t> ~ ~ c<f>R ~

'51"~-xt ~ 'Sf"1T ~~~JI"~~ ;

(({~) "~-~ (sub-contractor)" ~ ~ ~ c<f>R '51"~-xt ~

'Sf"1T fb<PIV!IC'!1'!1 ~ ~ c<f>R ~ ~ ffi~ JI"~~~ l!l<r~ ~

(({'1) "Prf~ (CPTU)" \51"q~'B l!l~ffi~~9f1"~~<t>'f<t>

~ ~ <11~<11~"1 ~ct 'B ~ ~ ef91'5 ~
~M>IS<!ic~-0 c'G<i>f.l<i>Jl"'1 ~ ;

( ({lr) "C>t"<li" \51"q 9f9T JJ"~fuZ C>t"<li, c'51\!) C>t"<1i ~ <ffei1R3<i> 'B c~ C>t"<1i ;

c({?;>) "~ JJ"~'<!Nl" \51"q l!l~9f ~ ITTWT c<f>R ~ ~ ~ <i1<l>t1m<i> ~

c<f>R CQ>~<t>lffic<t> ~\!)<1Jm\!)I, ~' ~, ~, l!l<r~ ~~ ~ ~~l<l>i"J:C~
~· ~-~ct~~~~~mm<rfum~1

'!l I~ ~C~l'Srl\!ll I-~ l!l"'!i" i:fim '!l (~) ~ c<l" ~ ~ ~ ~

c<l'Ti'f ~~~
@R<!' ~<ft~~~\!)<ql~'t, ~. ~
~<ft~ ~~\!l<tl~ct
8 I~~~~ c.!l<r-_ ~ ~ M<q~'ftM 1-( ~) ~ ~ ~ ~
~-~, ~9!<!r <rr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W~ ~ ~ c.!l<r~
~~, ~-~(Schedule-I) c.!l ~ ~ 11M 0'P11[~ (Standard Document~)~~
~, (~) 9fctr 13 J'f~&2 ~, <rrf 13 C~I!> ~ i!Rl" J'f~~ 11M"1>11[~, ~, \5R'JPlT
l ~ f.i~;qft'f;5 R~rn>11f~ ~ ~-

("4') ~9f<!r <fT ~9f<!r ~ 13 ~ ~ J'f~~ ~ ;

~[(~) ~ ~9f<!r ~ \$G~ ~~ ~" (~)J ~ ~ ~~i~m·r <rrT
~ ~. ~9f<!r ~ ~ ~~ ~ \!l~~C"i (bill of
~ quantities) i.!l<!i<!' ~'ft~~ (official estimate) ;
(~) ~ ~9f<!r ~ ml:fWT ~ ~ ~ ~~)~met <rrf ~ ~,
'ft~~ (official estimate) ~ ~ ~'>f"\!l" ~ ~
~(bill of quantities) ;)

(~) ~9f<!r <fT ~9f<!r ~~ ~ >i~rn>l'i~I 13 ~ <fT ~Ii'\>!~~ ~

~ ~;

(~) ~9f<!r ~'f 13 ~ ~1{13'<t>~C~ ~, ~ (~) 13 ~ ~

~ ("'<T) ~9f<!r ~ iCffiJ (tender submission sheet) i.!!<r~, ~ ~, ~9f<!r
~. <rrf-~ ~(performance security) i.!l<r~ '@-~91111"\<t>lm
<t>f<t> ~ ~~9f<!r (authorisation) ;
(1!!) ~9f<!r <fT ~~ <11\5 "<t>"f9f '1["1" <!'f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
J'f~'</JT ;

(1>) ~ J'ffiffif'f i.!l<f~ ~ ~ ;

(~) bl~111'1'1!> 9f'tr <fT ~ M'(g!Rtl!> RP.:wfr"'Rr (specification) ~'f ;

(~) ~9f<!r ~ ~ <t>f<t> ~-~ ~ ~~ ~
~ ~~~~~~~;

(~) ~ ~ ~ ~9f<!r C<flf ~ ~ cmM ;

)<.!I~, ~, IS 'R ql!>-~/~o~~. ~ g ~q ~. ~o~~ ~ 11<PT ('P<l') <.!l<f~ (~) >if:it<1fiit\!l,
C'W'R-~ I

~<.!I~,~. IS •R 1!>8Q-~/~o~~. ~ g ~~ ~. ~o~~ ~ 11<PT "~(~)" ~~~~IS~

~('if) I
~"I!>(~)"~~~ IS "1<lf ~91'5, ~-~(<!>) I

(\$) ~- ~ ~9f<l! ~ ~9f<l! ~"1Jl~C"1~ igfi{J "fu<rn ~ '3 ~ c~

~ <!i<r~ ~ ~"1ll~C"1~ fufu;

~) ~~ ~C"ffi ~ ~8 C'J5 ~ c<l\"R ~, ~91, ~ ~
iST<1~'1Ril~"1<1' ~ ~ ~ rrr ~9f<l! ~ ~ ~ m

(~) C!l'~<1'111 ~ c<l\"R ~ ~ ~9f<l!, ~9f<l! ~ ~ ~ ~

9fifu<1 m <!!~ wcr ~ ~91 ;
(iS) ~9f<l! ~ ~ <1'i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ igfi{J, ~
~, ~ ~~~ ~ ~-~9f<l! ~ ~ Jj"~~

(1') i51IC<1'i"1<1'111 <1'i ~~ m

~q ~ ~ R* i51f'bt~M ~
~ ~ fuv.T ~9f<l! '@-9l"R3" ~ (application data sheet) ~
~9f<l! '@-9l"R3" ~ (tender data sheet) <!I ~ ; <!!~
( q)]
(ct) ~9f<l! ~ ~ JJ~~~~I ~cfu 9[C'f ~ c<l\"R ~ ~9f<l! JJ"~V'ft~,
~9R <1'i '2!1.!lJl~IC~~ igfi{J ~9\lfl'ill.!llC<l' ~ $1R ~ ~ m
<!!~~I (~
. (511
(~) C!l'~<1'11lc<1' ~9f<l!<i'i~~~~ '3 ~~~~

(<r) ~<rt<f '3 c'51\!) ~wet; (<Ii

(~) ~ ~ <!l<r~ ~(drawings) ; c~

(st) ~ 9fctr '3 JJ"~fflZ ~wet ; (D"

('<T) ~ <1'i ~~ ~ ; (~

(~) ~<!i<r~<l'!<T-~~~; ('Sf

(5) ~-~~9ff~~~; (~)

~[("DD) ~ <11~<11~C"1 'i~'ill.!ll~ ~~tender capacity ~91C~ ~ ~9f<l!

~~~clause <!i<r~ ~ ;]

(~) '3rnf.U", wfG\SlHl.!l Vfffi (defects liability) '3 ~~~~;

('Sf) ~~ct~$ <1'i ~.51JJ~C~ ~9f<l! ~ ~ 9lifu<1 ~ W ~

~.51JJ~C~ ~ <!l<r~ ~~~ ~~~;

(~) ~9f<l! ~ '3 <l't<f-~ \Sll~HCl.!l~ ~ <!i<r~ W ~ ~.51JJ~C~

(<!13) ~ ~ (contract price) ~~ ~ \g ~ ;

(tr) ~ ~ <t>l~lc~iS! ; \!l<f~

(~) ~~c<l'R~I
(s) ~~<1~1c~ iSMT f.imt\!) 9fctr <rr J'ffi~, 15!~ ~ ~ ms®
~ ~ Jl"~~"'[<f ~ ~ f.fifurct ~ iSMT ~~(test), "TR \g ~
5 ~~~ ~' ~ C'lKc?r, ~9f(!r ~ ~fb<t>~IC<1 ~~~I

(1) m'i\fu ~ \!!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 15!-~~1<1'.li<f'~

f (non-restrictive) \!l<f~ 9f'lf~ \g ~ ~ ffi\!)<f'~cct ~ ~ \!l<f~ ~9f(!r
~ ~ ~ ~ Jl"~~"'[<f ~I

(~) ~ ~9f(!r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l!F~<t>IID -.r@ <rr Jl"~~ <1~'i\!)
~'i\C~ ~ ~ ~ 9flfuc<f I

(<\) ~~~~ -m:~~'i\~~ (precedence) ~~9f g

1,' (<i>) ~1"1'Ri\!) ~9f(!r (contract agreement) ;
(~) ~ ~ ~ (notification of award) ;

('i\) ~9f(!r \!l<f~ ~~(tender and the appendix to tender) ;

(~) ~~~(particular conditions of contract) ;

(1;) ~ J'!T<:fmct ~(general conditions of contract) ;

("D) ms®~ (technical specifications) ;

(~) J'!T<:fmct ~(general specifications) ;

(~) ~(drawings);

(<it) ~~~ct~~~~ (priced bill of quantities)

<ff "'R"cmf ~ ~ ~
l5lf<P<OO (priced schedule of
requirements) ; \!l<f~

(<!13) 9f(!r ~ Jl"~~ ~ C<f'R ~ I

T (ir) ~ ~ ~ Jl"~~ ~rnliSt'il~ ~ (~ ~ ~i:f \g ~~)

l!l~ ro~ ~ G!l:fJ"lnffi ~i:ffi ~ct~~~ I

r (lil) ~~'~(materials),~~~' 15!~ 9ffuxtri:f ~ <rf

~ C<!il"f ~ ~ ~9f(!r ~ ~ ~ ~ C'lKc?r, ~ f<i~rn~~c~


(~o) 9f'1T >t~<l~ICQJ'.l ~ 01U~R3<t> (lot-by-lot basis) ~~ ~ <r>m ~.

~ ~ \£1-<t>tU- ~~ ~ '>t'1T ~ \!l<f~ ff ~ ~~ '@-9ftig 1'TtW (tender data
sheet) \£!~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ QT, ~ c;ITT \51~ ~ 151l~C'G~>t~C~
~~ 1;0% (~
\5flfitt \5T'>t) \!l<f~ ~ oW ~ ~~ ~~% (~ ~
\5T'>t) \£!~ ~ ~~ ~ "'1"i <r>m ~ ff ~~ "A"-~~ <Wtm fa<ifb'lb ~ ;
\51~ C<t>T"1 .W-~ C<t>T"1 \£!<!$ 151l~c'Gc~~ ~ ~ .W ~ ~0% (~ ~
\5T'>t) \£!~ '5ff~ ~. ~~ '@-9ftig •
\£!~ m
~ ~ ~ QT C<t>R .w-~
ff 151l~c'Gorn ~ ~ "'1"i <r>m ~. ~ Gll~c'G~>t~CQJ'.l ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~
'>I"~~ 151l~c'Gc~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ <Wtm ~~ '@-9ffg ~ ~ <r>m ~.
~ ~~ct ~IS ff oW-~ )[~ (non-responsive)] cWtm ~
~I ,

(~ ~) \£!<!> <rt \!l<!>lf~ 151l~c'Gc~~ ~ 151l~c'G~~R3<t> (item-by-item basis) 9f'tr

>t~<l~ICQJ'.l ~ ~~ 151l~IC'i~ ~. ~ 151l~c'Gc~~ ~~~(offer)~
151l~c'Gc~~ \51~ 9[cf 91ffi~1cct~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1S ~ \£!<!$ ~~ ~ '>tctr w
\!l<f~ 1511"11l1l~IC<1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1'TtW (tender
submission sheet) \£1-<t>tU- ~'>I"~~ "<t>@m ff~ '>I"~~~~ I

(~-<) ~9f-AA (~) \£! ~ ~ ~ "'1"i ~. l!Hl<t>lm, C<t>R ~ ~ ~

.. ~. ff '@-9f-f<lf~ ~ l'iM"'l>t~c~ ~ ~~ '@-9ffg ~. ~~ ~9ff5
~ <ft ~ ~ ~. ~ IS \£!~ f<lf~ ~ \5PTtirW!J ~ \!Im '2jl{ll$l~hi

(~'-') Plf~~~~~ l'iM"'l>t~~ ~ 1Srn<i>tl~c'G $Wf ~ 1

~I ~ ~ ~ l!il°l>J~'fur ~ 1-(~) C<t>T"1 ~ ~ ~ C<t>1"1 9f'tr

~. <ft C<f'T"1 ~~<ft~~ (installation) ~ ~~ <t>'f<t> ~ ~
'>I"~~ IS~ CJf<ITTf~~~~~~~ I

(-<) ~ ~ <flm ~. >t~<l~l~lm <ft~~~ '>I"~~~ IS~~

QT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1511"11l1l~IC<1 ~~ ~ ~ 'lb~f>IC"'l ~ ~


(<1>) ~~~~<ft~~; <ft

(~) C<t>T"1 ~ ~ \5[~~ ~-~. ~91lf5. '@-9WfR, ~ ~. '\;-~ ~

\5f~g~, 91ffi<i\!lcii~ ~ ~~ ~T ~ "<t>m ~ ~ I

)<!!~, ~. \9 'R -<_o~-\5l1~"1/-<_oo~ ~ g )-<_ ~. -<_oo~ qf9f ""R~~" ~~ ~

"~~(non-responsive)" ~m <!I~~~ ~91\5, ~-) 1
·~~k (c-) ~k!J> (~) ~-)6~ 00 ~oo~ ·~ ~' g ~ ~oo~/~-oo~ ~ 61 ·~ 'kt;i~
I~-~ 'QlJo.~ ~ ..~ ..
~ filaj~ ..~ ~ .. 00 ~oo~ ·~ ~' g ~ ~oo~/~-oo~ ~ 61 ·~ 'kt;i\
[I~~ ~~k ~ ti(t!S\lti?l6 ~ ~ S- ~
fu.lS\_ ~ ~ & .aj ~~ ~ j,,t>cl>cf/IJl..~ ~~ ~t;l (~) ~-.k.~ (GI)
.hl!1J6 ~ & .aj t>Ll?[k!.lk ~ }lt>cl>cfl\Jl..~ ~ ~~ ~ t>Ll?fk!.lk
~ ~ ~ ~ *~ hl.hlk.ak ~ ~ ~ ,bt>cl>cfl\Jl.~ (~) h:
~ J.,t>c1>cf11Jl.~ ~ & .ti2J.s.~ ..trn..kk t>Ll?fk!.lk ~ t;l (n-;:i1np:n1::is) ~-~
·~ ~~ (glc!>f>Llitdt•lc\ .hlsli) ~ ~ ~.)6 ~ (glc!>IHv & ~ .00
~ ~~~ c1>foc1>~ & ~.16 • (glc!>ti<!V ( \)-1 ~ ~ J.,t>sl><fni~ ;b
I~ ti(t!S\lti?l6 .hlsli) ~ C!lgjl>?tJ ~ ti(t!sllti?16 ~ ~ (k)
~~t;l ! ~ .aj.k ·~-~ s- ~ ~ ·~ t-lsR?leJU? (~)
! ~2Nlt??l!\Jh?~ s- ~~(.!?.)
! ~ k.t>?lskl>? ~~k ~ ~ ~~k ~ (~)
~ (glc!>ti<!V ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & ~fili ·~
- $ ~ ~ hlsli)-1 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I'll
I ~ ~~~k~t;l .ltJ.k~ ~~
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ t>lf>?l!!,l;J ~ ~ ~~t;l ~ 2t;l ~
-~ C!l(tlt-?tt ~ ~ ~ hl.le)h ~~ 'tilt-q1>?tJ ~ ~ ·~ (b)
~ ~ ~ e!11e)c1><l>ll6 t>f1Jc1>fe!1?16 t>pittkttU'~Jlc\ ~ ~~ ~ ~
~~ ~ ~ ~ .wl1l6 ~ t>tt?U'illc\ ~ hl ~ .~s--.s:i?, ('11)
I~~ W1UJ6 ~ .lil..kk M ~ tt?<lVf>\ ~.)6 ~ ~ .
·~ ~ .k.~IJ' ~ .lilik M. fil.LJJ.k (~)4\ 'tglcl>ti<!V 'hl ~ ~ hlQ)_
g & ~ ~ .k.~ ~ t>ti?~ ttk .£lJt g~lk ~ ~ filk
.hlsli> .f.WkJ f>til!>~li> .ThTh. fil.LJJ.k (~)4\ & ·~ ~~k .Ihlk ~ ~h ~
~ .hlsli> ~ ltt~tittk l>P?lt>l>t>k lili!l~ ~-~ cl>(l~~ }lfilhlk (~)
I fil.J..k. ~ ~ .lil..kk M tt?<lVl-ot>k1lc\ ~ ~ ~
. .tij.s.~ [!J'?%?ik?J, ·~ sltll·t>llc\ .lilik ~ fil.LJJ.k (~)4\ ~ ~ ~ (8)

b-1 ~ ~ ~ l!ICR ~ ~1-(~) ~~'~~<ff~ (<r

~ R~ ~ ~ ~ C<l'R ~' ~-~ ~ ~ >1"1>\JC'i'!l ~

(~) '@9f-AA (~) ~ • ~ <i>filfGc~ lJ:"1Jmc01'!1 ~ ~ ~

~g>1'i>1JC'i'!l ~ ~ ~ ~<f~ f f >t'i>1JC'i'!lC<l' ~ ~ );!C<11;q)~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~' ~-~ ~ ~ ~ l["iJXl);!l'!l ~~ ~ ~' ~~ <fT


(l!l) Gl'J!');!!'i01<i>1ffi ~ff ~ mw ~ ~,

~ <TN 91MblC4<11 ~ <rr
~ Gl"J:C);!l'i01<i>1ffi ~ff~, <rr ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~9f'll' mw
~' ~ ~ 91MblC4<11 ~~~<ff );!tll"llC4{l <rr ~ ~ Gl'J!');!l'i<11!l'C);!

(8) IQ>{l<t>!ffi, '@9f-m (~) ~ ~ ~~ Gl'J!'~l'i<11!l'C);!, ~~ ~


(<i>) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<i>ro- ~ ~ mw ; ~g <TN ">j"~~ ~

<i>'f<i> ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ">i"~m ~~, ~~ <rr ~ ~ <i>m ~ ~ ~
~<i>ro- ~ ~~ <rr ~ ~ ~ m~ ~rn1iSJ;q){l ~<!RT~ <l'<;lT ~

. (~) ~<l'tf~ ~ mw ;
<TN IQ>{l<l'!ffic<i> ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~

(<iT) <.!)<Pf(;- \5flC'ff'iT ~ mw;

<TN -21Rrm<i>'!1Cf ~ ~' ~9R ~<f~ ~9
">1"~~ N9.J:'f <mPmff <rr ~ i!RT, <rr ~ ~ "<l'1<f <rr ~ ~ ">1"~~

(~) ~ C<l'R ~~~~I

( ({) ~ ~ >t'i>1JC'i'!l ~~<ff ">1"~~ ~~<I'm~ 9fT@,

(<t>) IQ>{l<t>lffi'il <t>14'1C4C{l'!l ">1"~~ ~\Sf.qcU'!l (~-~' ~ ~<f~ <!'lfus-@

~ISHt>tlJ:~) <i>~<i>lil1"'1 ;

(~) IQ>{l<l'!ffi <t>!4'!C4C{l'!l Fl{JO'.ll"i<t>lffi ~ <ff ~ <ff ~ \5f~ \5!'U c<liR

">j"~~ <l'~<l'~l1"'1 ;
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~~ .. : k'.l ~ Jk,, JJilli <\(00~ '~ ~\ g ~ <\(Oo~/~-CIO~ ~~ SI '~ 'kl;l(
I ~~ W_hl & ~ '~ 1Willtk ~ (k)
& ~ ~~l:!k~~~tjJH;i 8~.l..lilt:i ~.ajk (J!,)
& ~ ~ ~~ JilB,k ~ ~ ~ 2k> il> 1khk ~ .ajk (~)
~ lli ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.181 & ~jcl>f.!>?jlc\
~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 'ikhk ~ .ajk (~)
lt?.V:f.!\ ful!.Th~ l!ticl>f.!..ijtt?'\ ~ 'u, ~ ~ ~ ~ (\\)
.ki.!86'.l ~ ful!.Th~ l!ticl>f.!..ijttlf•lc\ cl>l>?jl>\jlt? ~GI~ f.j..,l>?q:jl6 ~ (J!,)
~~t;i~~~~~~t;i~k (~)
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filfuk ~~t;i ~ ~ .ki.86) ~ 1Willtk ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (4)
I~ l>\l£;Jf.?lt ~~
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I~ ~'.l &~ ~ ~ W1illli. .ki.).!,ikhk ~
hlLJ ~ ~tj jl>\liQ•.aj_ ~ 4r;i ~~ l!ticl>f.!..ijltTulc\ .tili..k ~ ~ ~ '~
~ ~~ ~ f.!..ijtt?'\ SI .ki~ ~~~~GI ajtj (~)
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~~.k & '~ t>f.?l~q:Jl6 ~'.) ~ & ~ & '~
~ .lillaj %-®~.k $~.k SI ~h ~ ~~ ~ & '~ & .tiliJj:Jjlli.
~ hl ~ .lillaj ~ & ~ '~ '~~ '~ t>l..i?fk!..ik g~ (k)

(~~) (.<f'8 ~ ~ <lJ<Plirn<fi <ft '5!<n (.<f'8 ~ ~ ~ ~~9f ~

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(<r) ~<fi<fi~lc<l 9f'll'911\!)~"1\!)I~ ~ ~ctr ~ ~"<PW ~ ~


"15lffer..................................... c~ 13 ~) ~~ m ~ctr 13
f.i"b{J\!ll ~ <fifa\!)~ c<r, ~ 151-Z><t~~ (.<f'8 ~~ ~
151lt<ll1"1<filffi~ ~ ~ <ll<l'l1 lrn<fi <ft '5!<n ~9f ~ ~ i" ; ~~~

"~ mw ~~ m ~ <fifa\!)c~ c<r, ~ '2!f<t>@~cll-D ~'

~oo~ 13 ~~ '2!"~ fef~ ~<r-z f.'r~ ~~, ~~ <1i ~
eif\bc<ivtc'i ~ ~ ~ 13 <rcRr J1fb<r~lc<i eif\b<r~\!) <rm~ ~<r~
(.<f'8 ~~'1_{ 13 (.<f'8 ~ ~ <fit1 c-fl3m ~ ~" I

(~8) ~[l!)>{J<filffi ~ '2!"~ <ft ~<fi~<fi ~~~ <r:rfu>J, fuiot<r (.<f'8 ~91llT ~
~ ~C4Ji{Jt"1 <f\Tfu"® ~ ~ <rfoim ~ ~' ~-l!l (Schedule-III) ~"i1
'<r' 151-zv-t ~ J'jlj{J~ll1 ~ct ~9fe'll', ~-~~~"<PW <f\Tfu"® JTI<r-mw ~
~9ftfu<l" , <ft '@-9f-f<Wr (~) ~"i'l" Jf'Z~ ~lll<l~\!)I ~9fe'll', ~ <r~fGc\!) l5RWlJ
~ ~ ~ 9ftfu<l" I

~[(~<l) ~ mw 13 <f\Tfu"® ~ <Pf'51 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

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c~~) l!l['@-9f-f<Wl-J c~({) ~"i'l" 151~ 8

[~ mw ~<r-z <f\Tfu"® JT!<r-~i
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\!)Jf, ~, ~ "R ql!l-"G/1~/~o~~, ~ g ~q mt, ~o~~ ~~, ~-l!l(<P) I
-<c!IJf, ~, ~ "1"~ ql!l-~/~o~~ ~ g ~q mt, ~o~~ ~~9f\5, ~-l!l(~) I
-:ic!IJf, ~, ~ "1"~ ~ol!l-~/~ool;i ~ g ~~ 15ff5%, ~ool;i ~ "'5-91"-<ftm" ~ ~ "~"f-
m" "!'If ~9f\5, ~-8 (~) I
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c!iJf, '$
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1khk ~ ~ ~ .k.~t;1 ~ ~ak ~?'ttktziM ~ (s)
G\?Ql~d> ~ '.hl..)6.Llk ~ ~ ~ t;1 4 ~ s- ~ ~t;1 ~~~ ~
.ti?_ktj €,@ak & }l~~ t>e?l~G(Jl6 ~' ~ .f...kt;1 ~ ~ & ~
'~-.)J:!W,.~ '~ ~ '~ l>f..?t?jfkok ~ ~~ (c;1)
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1 ~ ~ ~ ~-Jx.a~ a~t;1 ~-Jx.a~ '~-J...a~
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I~ }l~'.) ~ ~~ leld>f.o!.i!, ~lkoleJ!.i t?(tlslli?I<; ~ S-
f.o!.il>?G(jl6 ~~~~-~ lili.k~~ ~~~~~
a~t;1 ~ ~ }l~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~>?G(JI<> ~ ~ ~
hl ~ <l>t>?IG\ltt? ~ f..J,.i!, ~ §l&ak hlk l>e?!.il>?Gjl6 ~ ~~
~-~ ~ Si":,') (4\) ~-_k.~ ~ ~ ~ lili.k lLJ ~ ~ ~
.&Q ~ ~ ~ & .!&~ '.!&~ ~ l>f..?!.il>?Gjl6 ~ ~ ('o \)

(~) ~~ <ft \5RT c<l'R ~ '51'3f•~lvt'i<Plffi ~ff, ~ ff 9l<frCTf

'51'£C~ lvt'i<Plffi ~~ ~ c<l'R ~~~~"fl~ ; <ft

("1) C!Hl<Plffi ~ ~lfR <ft ~lfR ~ \51<'1J<1~ ~ 9lvtWll%1 c<l'R

~, ~ '51"£C~lvi'i<rtffi ~ff LQ'{]<Plffi ~ ~lfR <ft c<PR ~~w~
~~~'~<ft GfNi-~ ~~~ ~lfR R<ITTJ ~ ; <ft

(~) LQ'{]<Plffi ~ ~lfR <ft, ~' ~lfR R<ITTJ, ~ '51'£C~lvt'i<Plffi ~ff

9!Pib1"'1'il m,
<ft ~, <ft JJ:~ ~ff ~ ~ ~~~

(\lb) ~ ~ c<l'R ~ c<l'R <PGIT't LQ'{]<Plffi ~ ~lfR <ft, ~'

~lfR R<ITTJ ~9lf\!i')? ~ ~ ~ \!ll~JCV!'!1 '51<'1J<1~\!l ~ 9ivtWlivtf'!1
c<l'R~; <ft

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(~) ~ ~' ~ll>ll>8 (~ll>ll>8 ~ ~b- '1~ ~) ~~ \5[~ ~ c<PR

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('5!) ff JJ:9f1f¥1 <itf\!i"'1LQ>C~ 9['Tg~iiJJl{]C'i'!1 iSf"'iT f f <t>fiifGC<P ~1:1"


(G!i) ff JJ:9f1f¥1 ~ <ITTm ~ ~ ~~ m~ NlfR ~~· (8,

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(l!l) ~cC4<n!iH<P ~ ~ ~ ~ l!l~ ffi~ ~ '5!~ f<f'fR ~


~<1" I ~ ~ (procurement plan) l!l<R ~ ~ ~ 1-(~) C<PR l!lff

~ l!l<!'l"fl:f<P" ~ M~IS><P'!IC'Br ~' i!l'~<Plffi, C<P"R ~ ~ -2[~ 9)yf
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! fu&. JWo:& <>l(klf>?tt (~)
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!~116JWo:&~ak~¥ (~)

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(~)~~<rt~ i.!1"<i"Z. ~ <ilCiS!cU~ 'S'MJ \511"411'Tl~IC<i ~ ~ ~'TI!i'1
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(<l) \!l'~<t>lffi, ~ \5[~-~~ ~~, \5f"1fR:r ~ ~~ ~ ~

. ~ ~ MC<il5"11'4'C~, C<l'R ~ ~ <rt <t>~>[5l~ ~ ~ ~ i.!1"<1"~
~[~<mr (cost estimate)]~~~ i.!1"<1"Z. >ffe3;>i5fl!l~IC<i ~~ I

~(<l<r>) '159f-AA (<l) i!1 ~ ~ · ~ 'Tt C<l"'l, \!l'~<t>lffi ~~<rt~~ ~

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~~mm C<l'R ~ ~ VfT~ ~ <mT (official cost estimate)~
~ i.!1"<1"Z. VfT~ ~ <mT :2'.liN<t>tCC'\ ~ <ITTT, '3~, ~' ~' ~~
~' iS!NC'\l!ll (complexity)~' CiSlC'ft ~<rt~~?<,~ 'f1W, ~
~' ~ J'fZ.mtiS!<T ~ (VAT) i.!1"<i"Z. ~ \5ll~<t>~>f?Z (AIT) \5ll~f5t<t> \5f"1fR:r ~
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IS"il®<t>~'f ~~Mr~~,, 1J

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~~~ l>fko?Jt<ftjQ~~~fill.1)6~~Q.t;"l (b) ~-k~ (4)
~~ ~ G\~lttlls! ~ ~ ~~ (~ ~ ~) %0~ l>G\'.Jf.lttl!sl ~
-~ ~ ~~ (PO!Jgd Al!l!qB!I spgJgp) .hllili'.l .tili'.J.lli G\f::Jlslill<lz! [***]' (b)
~ ~ ~~ l>G\'.Jf.lttllsl ~-~ ~ ~ (~) 4~ ~ ~ ~
~jll!.k ~ ~ ~ ~ ·~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~jll!.k ~ Jclk (~)
AAWt ~'&~<ti'll9' \!!~ c~~

~~ I 9Mr, ~JIM'll <tilRMRt MMC~·t ~ ~ '51"J?1<!l'fur ~ 1-(~) ~

c<r1'T ~ ~ :!'.!rnliST~h! ><1~>1~C~ ~cf~~'~~ "fll:IT, ~

(<i>) ~ ~ f.T~ 9f'iT, <f't<f <rt ~ ~ 18 ~cf ;

(~) 9f9T, <pt<f <rt~~;

('>!) ~ <f't<f-~ ~ (required performance standard) <£!<1~

<r4''4'~1!ll'll c~~l"l<t>l"l ;

(1!!.) ~ ~ R~ 9f9T C~li{'<t>\Slll!l<f'Qcf, f8f01!l<f'Qcf '8 C"1"C<f"1 ~ \Sf<Tf


("D) ~ ~, ~ ~ f.T~ 9f'iT ~~ ~ ~ ~ <£J<r~


(~) \Q>~<r1ffi <rf<r ~m'>IRt f<lf.'l(Ac•t, ~ ~-

(<i>) ~ ~ ~ 911@ <£!~9f ~~~<rt <r~

~ ~ <1i mm, <f't<f-~ ~<rt~~~~~

~"ll~'il'tl- C\Sl"1lc'i!D'it~~~<P1Rf"1Rf~~~~~­
~ ~ ~ ~9f f.T~cf ~ ~ 911@, <r<rr g

(~) C\Sl"1lcQUQ DJG'J: QJT<f'i ~ ~ ~m'G" ~ ~


(~) C\Sl"11cQU<i1 DJG'J: QJT<f'i ~ ~ ~ ~ f.Tg~cf 'l1l1!t

(noise level) I

(~) Glll:SISl'INi<r~f.T~~~~<rt~~~<rt~<rr
<r~ (generic name) <!!~~<ref.TI~~ W I

(l!l) m'>ffu ~ c<fi'R 9iT:C'fRT ~ <!T 9iT:C'fRT <'lFP11m<l' 'Tl"T (trade name),
c~, ~<rt~' ~ ~~Jf ~ 'Tl"T (country of origin), ~~911"'1"1<l'lffi <rt CJf<rt
>ii'l<'li'll~<t>lffi'.1 'WT >J:Hfq'g~JC<'l ~fl~ "ff I
~1-(~) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' CQ>~<l'~ c<fi'R ~ - 'Tl"T
~~(named vehicle) "f'.1"91\ll" ~~~"ff <rt
c<fi'R ~ -21~\!l<J>lffi'.1 - m'>ffu Rf.icvfc•m J'fVf ~
~ R~1Rt\!) m'>ffu ~ ~ ~ 9ftfu<r "ff, ~
~-vr ~ m'>ffu Rf.icvfc•m • (tight)~ <f>Brr<t ~
~ '2j~'!l<l'lill 5 f't ~91\ll" ~ ~ ~ "ff ~ ; ~ ~
-21~\!l<J>lffi•tccm ~ i!l<r {3 ~ <n:r, ~ ~ - ~~ct {3 ~
rd) ; i!l<f~ ~ ~ ~ <l'l~l<l'I~ ~ 9fWT I <!I~ - <flffu'>ffu
~ Jft<ffif~ ~ f l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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~-c<fi'R - {3'Sf'T ~,o~) ~ ~ ~' ~ >rf.ifq'2~1c1

~ ISfi'rf ~"ft"~<flffu'>ffu Rf.icvfc•f i!l~~fl~ c<r, -

{3'Sf'T ~,ooo ~ ~ ~,o((o ~ ~l:IJ ~~I

~ 1-(~) ~ ~ ~, m"®
~ "'\'3~ ~<!1Jf{3 <1''-f<l'
~i!l<f~ JR1i!'2l"T~ ~ ~'1VTMT ~.. ~ f l ~, ~ m
C<l'l"1\Q'C~~ c<fi'R ~ ~ ~ 'Tl"T ~fl~ "ff I .
~I (8) ~9f-~ (l!l) <!I~~~ "ff~' zjq ~ Jft<ffif'1Q\9f '2j~'!l\Q'C~ ~
~~cm ~ ~ c<rrl:f$lJ ~ ~~91<1 ~ ~ CQ>~<J>1ffi'.1 ~~ m"®
~ -n- ~, ~ ~ CQ>~<J>lffi m'>ffu Rf.icvfc•t c<fi'R ~ ~ 9iT:cmT wet
~ ~ 9ftfu<r, ~ <!I~ ~ ~ ''<rr i!lm-vr <rr ~·· ~"CC'li c<rM ~
t~~ ~I
(({) ~, ~ ~, 9f9J, <fll<f <rr CJf<rt Jf~&2 <iM~l'.1<J>lffi <rr ~~cm
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i!i<f~ \5l"1JIC"1M ~l:IJ ~~<rt
~~- ~~01•Pi~~ <l''f<l' \5lij!:~IM'!l <rt~~ ~ct~,~ 8-
(<fl) ~ ~ 15!~ (Iternational Organisation for
Standardisation) ;
(~) ~ ~C"l<J>c;]!c:B<J>H<l'Jl"1 ~ (International Electrotechnical
~~ Commission) ; i!l<f~

(~) <!T~""1Wf'<f ~ <!1'(5 ~~ ~riPUfG\SG (BSTI) <rt 15!<n c<fi'R ~ <IT

"li'·:'il\Sf!fib<l' '2!fib0!C"1'.1 Ff~ c<fi'R ~I
g~q ~

(~) 9.['T8 9.['T8 l!RT fl~~ i!i'Bn9f Jft<ffif~ ~ 9f9J ( ~-~, ~

'>I"?[~ <rt ~ ~ l5!'U c<fi'R 9f9J) ~ ~' CQ>~<l'lffi ~ 9f9J '2j~'!l<l'lffi'.1
'1T c<ri\5 <rt ~ \5llC"4115"1ICQ>C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CQ>~<l'lffi'.1 {3~ ~, zjq ~'
~~9ftfu<f 1

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-Bo~ '~ 'll2)6.l>h l>?j~l>G\1 ~ ~ ~JJ..?-3k '~ ~ ~
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~ ~ ~~ '8 "51"J:Cllil't<i<t'lffi <r1ff
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(<1') ~. ~. ~~~15[f~~ ~.-

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~ \\ ~ ~ ~ ~jl&.k.~ ~~ 1?.!Jl (Wi.) s-- (~) lsk.!1k.~ (4)
~q I~~~ ~<t''Sl't 1-(~) ~-~ ~ ~ 1C4JXl~l'Sl °&~ ~ (8)~
J'f"~~ ~~~~~-~(Schedule - VI)~~~ Prf~ <il~
~ IS-rn<f ~ ~ ~ G$Tct ~ ~ ~<R ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~
~~ ISC{!<!'lil~C'G J'f"~~ct~~ I

(~) ~-~ ~ ~ 1C4JXl~l'll ~ ~ ~ c<TiffM (Q'~<Plffi ~ c<rtN

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~ ~ ~ ISC{!<l>11~C'G J'f"~~ct ~~I

(~) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- q (Schedule-VII) ~ ~ ~

(8) c<PR ~~ <rr ~ ~ ~ ~9ft!f <rr ~ ~ <1t ~m

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~ ~ ~9ft!f <IT~ \5ftt~ ~IS ~l'Gf!>"'11~ ~ ~, ~ ~
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91Rlt>l"4"11 IS~~~~ I

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damage)~ ~<r~ \5f<'1WITJ'f"~~ mm~~~~~ ~t'l"f'Ri\!l ~
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~ m ~,~(laboratory) ~<r~ ~IS ~ct <1M~lfq<si ~ <iT
"'lRM\!l <1M~tc<si<si ~ ~ ~<r~ ~ ~ ~ 1S ~ct ~ ~
a.t?.tJ1 ! ~ J.W<>~ ~.Gk.Th~~
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! ~~1tltlk.~ t>IG1l?.t>li!Li
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1'..&h ~ 'fil_ ~ ~ ~ ~ lk ~ ~ Wsl2J filo~$ ~ (~~)k
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(\Sf) ~ ~~ ~9f ~ ~ W-'ft ~ f.1-ifurct ;

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(5) ~<!!~(Force account).

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(") Jl'~<t>lffi ~~ ~ '1'!1"91i!f-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (priced

offer) ~<Pfu<r <!l<f~ 91'l'l<t<>mc~ ~ <!!~ '1'!1"~
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(<t>) zjq" c~, <tJ<t>ilrn<t> C$ft~ <!l<f~ <!!<'!RP ~~ (copyrights)

<!'Bfect <!!~ ~ 9f'tr ~ct \5l<11C'i'!IC<t' ~ m'<lt ~, ~ ~
<!!<'!RP~~ 9f'tr \S '>1"~~ ~ C<t'<t"i~ll!l <!!<'!RP~~~

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(~) ~<PiITT<:<r~~~~~~<rr, ~~\5/l~cDm
<il<P<P ~ R"iffirrcm ~ ~9f ~ g

(15!) ~4'1'11C'i'H1 <m.r-~ (cost estimate) ~ ~ ff~l\S!C"I (price

breakdown) ~ ~9fe'lr, \5f"IJ8J \5/l~c'Gc~'!l ~ ~ ~ ~
~ <il<P<P~ (direct unit cost),(~-~, 'i'l\5, ~~,
~~\!lJIM'i'l <il<P<P~); ~
(15ff) \.il'$!4'1m <il'f~ ~ ~ ~ ~<WTMJ <rf\SlBr ~ ~
~(fixed prices) ; ~

(~) '15-q ~ (15!) '3 (15ff) <il'i'l" ~ ~ <PiITT \5/l~cDc•rn ~ <il~

<m.r R-iffirrcm ~ ~ 4>'f4> "'1'i'l"91"Wr ~ ~-15ff9f ~
(~-~' '3~ '3 ~) c<rM <l'furr ~ ~ Gll~cU~si~c~
<il<P<P ~ Riffi1"f ~~I

(~) ~ '3lfuiffi'<l> <PiITT R~ ~ 4>'f4> ~ ~~ ~~ ~

~ 9!i\3<Tr'i'l M~lffiQl ~ 13 9!W:m:cm ~ '3l'J:Cl1IM\!l ~ <il<f'f1J ~ct~
~ ~ <il'f~ 9!i\3<Tr ~~ ~ ~4'1'11C'i'l'i'l l:11'i'll<llR4> ~ 9ffui<tr>:r (progress
payment) eifuic<i'1C"l'i'l ~ ~ ~ ~ 1

(~) \5l'!Cl11'1"14>1m <P'f~ '5l'!Cl11'1"1 <lJfu>C'!lC4' ~ Gl<l~IC\!l~ c<P8 ~

~ ~ ~ Glfuiffi'<l> 4>llflC'1C"!'i'l" 15!~ ~9f <!'11f-~ ~ ~ct ffi
<Tr I

(8) '15-?f-AA (~) <il'i'l" <iJfui\.il'~ ~, \!l~M(;c<1'!1 ~~~ ~ ~9fe'lr ~ ~
ei"l:!R ~ ~ ~ ~ Glfuiffi® ~llflC'1C"!'i'l" 15!~ ~~ e<r c<llR ~ \5/"l~f'1c-1C'ij
<r>11f ~ ~w ~ \5!iCVM ~ ~ ~ g

(~) ~ ~ <!'11f-~ ~W <Pm <Tr~~~ (public service)


(15!) ~~~ ~ ~ 15l'J:Cl1 IM\!l QJl" ~ ~ <il~9f <ll1<f ~

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f;\ ~~ ..~ IJ> t-~ .. .llilli l\(OOt '~ t\ g ~ 'll(oot/~-(;\Ot ~.l! f;\ '~ 'klJ>,
~ ~ ~J81 d>~IJS!~llt\ ·~~ ~ Q_l;1 GIGI J..iW:! ~ ( \)-1 ~
s- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l>IG\!g\t??~l;Y d>~l}Slliii!lc1 I M
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I Jill)& ~~ .w.tUl6' iuno:i:iy
;:J;)JO.:i ~ QJ!.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '!l!J.k,.2J.k ~
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ss;:i1i501d) MJ
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l~~~~(~'&kJ~~~~~ ti?;?1 k tt~J?il !cl
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'f> ) >
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~ ·~ <Sl\tj~lt\ t>fbo?~cf(Jq .kit [~tj Q_l;1 (G1)4b ~ l;1 ~-~]\ ~
.lillclt ~ ~~~ ~ ~ Q_jw?\.i?l)'ld> <Sl\tj~lt\ 1k_ ~ ~ (C\I)
~Rh. 'lili
I Jill)& ~ ~ ~ fuk ~ ~ l>?l<;;\d>!RIWk ~~ J;B..?L1?1J,l<1>
<Sl\tj~lt\ & ~ ~ ~ t>f.?1-ilttThlt\ ~~ lkid>f>!.iitdf,1c1 ~ (~) ~
I ~ ~ ~ .£f>1fu t>f.?!.il ttlf.lcl
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¥ ~ ~ 0;li) ~ 1iTh.kk ~ ~ ~ 8' ~ (~)
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~ ~9fffl ~ ~ ~ cfl<T~ ~ ~ ~~ <i>1zj'1cqcxm ~ b-8~

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(ll>) "'ll;;:J!iSflf\b<t> ~ ~~"l<J~~ ~ >i~<i~l~<r1 1Nct <rr~~ '@-~~

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AA l)jl)j"(;\!l" ~ ~~ct~' ™
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<f'1<f <rr ~ ~ ~~~ ~, ~) ~ '1~ m~ ~, <PiOO ~
~ ~'f (Bill of Quantities) <ff~ 9fC~ ~ ~ Wmct
(Schedule of Requirement) ~' ~'!>JIM>!~ ~ ~~ ~ .2fcffi<T ~
\!l'$l<t>lffi ~ ~' ~ 00 ~8 cfl~ '@-9f-OO (::i<i>) cfl~ ~l:fR ~ cfl<i> iqT9f ~ ~ \J 8'<1"

~~~~~~I <:!l'$l<t>lffi <Pf

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~,~-~Cl> I
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9f~l~lfl'fil<t> ~~~~;
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(<r) l.!l<P<P Ji~<l~l~<Plfil R<P'G- ~ l.!l<!'fG ~ ~ c<f'R ~ "fftm'f

9fe~ c'»fRg~ ~$~ ~ l.!l<f~ )[-2!niliSt'i~C\!l] ~
9l"Rlmct ~ 15Tf~ ~ ~ ;
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(approximate) ~ 9fct:r \!RT;

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~~ ~ ~ l.!l<!'fG ~9f ~ <PR1m l.!l<!'W ~~~
-21"~ ~~~ (lead agency) ~ \!RT ~9f'i"r:r ~ i5!of'f
~ 9fWq l.!l<f~ ~ ~9f ~ ~ ~~~ ~~
~m~ \5ff'<3~ ~ ~ ~ 15Tf~ ~

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\!Pf,~,'$ 'T~ ~~<l-~/~o~\r, ~ g '\ ~, ~o~\r ~ "'q<Pj (<!)" ~9115, ~-8 (<!) I
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~ ~~Jllli. ~ ~ G\~lli?t.J ~~~
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G\ ~lf kok ~ ~
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I J:illi,. fu ~ ~ ~-_k.$ ~
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~ '~ ~fi
• llikl&~ ~ ~ ~~ 'hl fil. G\<lajkot]k. ~ ~ (.<k.)
pk lil!_ fulJill,~ J:&~ ~ ~l':!J~k1~ }>Ja<k_ ~ filfuk ~ k<k_ ~ ~
~g0s llik ~ ~lh ~ ~ J:&~ ~ ~ 'fil..<k_ ~ ]&Q.h ~
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I~ GjQ.16 [~fu~
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~ '$~~ '~~~llik~~~J:&~
g~.Jill.ilk ~~ ~ hl ~ I~ ~ .til..kk fuk ~~ llzjoQ. ~ I
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hlhl .cl>.~~ ~J & fil ~ ~ ~ti"' ~ ~ J:&~ ~
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l>?JQ.~t.Jk .hll@1 J:&~ ~ ~ 'fil..<k. ~ llik J:&~ ~
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~~~' ~~tj~~ IR?k~ (~)
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J:&~ ~ I JWJ.,. ~ ~tj & ~~ ~ti"' ~?t><l>G\!<.jll>IQ.16
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~~ ~ ~~ ~~ .tili?lJ:?. G\~lfkok ~ ~tj ~ t>'C?ftk<l>li~aj
_k.~t;°' ~ .hll@1 J:&~ fil..<k. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ (~~ )

(~({) ~9fl?r "[C4Jl{JC<1Q 9i$l" <ffet 91ffiC4Rf>'!l ~ c<r, ~ "[C4Jlrn'!l ~~ ~ 'l'1J

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~ ~ctc<li'>f) ~ ~ ~@PIT9[cf ~' ~ ~ ~C{Jl'S!~{J ~ ~~'1J ~
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~~<ff~~~$ l£1~9f ~ 13 lilfilC)?Q 'f'Tg~ 1:f9f'ITTM <mm c<!'t%9f
"51'£Cllllii1<t>l11 ~~ ~ ~ ~ C9M ~~I

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\!l'{J<t>l11Q -

©111~Q9' ~ 1- c<fiR ~ ~~ 0l'Wr, i:!l'{J<t>l11 ~ ~~ ~ -~

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0l'Wr ff <rrVf ~~ WrnW ~etc<li'>!I ~~'>fe~ ~ ~
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c<fiR ~~~~~<Pm~ "111

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c<fiR '5!'2l'iff'T ~<ff c<fiR ~ ~ ~ cq;Jil
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I~ .l.1hl..tJ. Pkkd>tilf>~ ~ f:il ~@;k
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I ~ }>.l?.]6'.) ~ ~ ~ J/j,QJ,i ~
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~ <>f<frCTr
~(~lr<l>I ~ ~' ~1-(~) (~) l!l"'i'1" Yf<!'f (~) "!i!
l1Bli 8()il!J<q @-<>f-l1Bli ~~on-

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(<r) cW® '5l'£e1u'M ~, ~ {l ~ C!F{1<t>1ffi l!l<f~ ~ ~

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(<r) '1<!'T (<r) ~ ~ ~ R~ ~, ~ {l ~ ~~

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@-~ ~ ~ '!Tl:!Wr ~ R<frR ~;

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(transparent) ~, ~W, "f"<>f"IJ'r ~'!>JIM'i'l '!Tl:!Wr cWTfu ~ ~

(~) ~ ~"1JIITl'!J 'i'i'l'il'!Jl'i'l Jf~<fJT ~<IT~~ 01D1R!c\!) AA~~ w;;

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Rlc<lf5\!l ~ g

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(o\) 3.t>.t;> (~) '(4) ~-Jo~ ~tJl 4~ ~ '~ l1!1.hl ~ tJ1 (\)~-Jo~(~)
I~ ~~~~.181 c>\tijlfkoft
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Jill1jk J:>1~~ .181 ~ ~.181 i.WhlJ:,~ c>\tijlfkoft ~ ~ (Ji,)
3.t>.t;> : lli. ~ lli~ ~ J_J,,Jo }iJkt]Jo ~fa~~ ~
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lk : ~ lliSlhl ~ PP? I Pl> pk iloJo lili&k
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~ ~ ~ ~ '~ lli. ~ _l&.181 ~.181 ~
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Jili.k ~ l/2k,Q.h (~ .t>Jk '~Qjo '~ '~ ~
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(<!>) ~<mT-~~~g

('5!) ~, ~~ ~<f~ ~~ ~ ~~Jlfq<;j <qffiT ~ ~~

~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ m
(established practices) ('<f
'B ~ ~ ~ ~<f~ ~ ~-~ C~l~IC<l<fl 7W
91full1C"Kf, C>i~C'lf'Cl!l ~ M4'1bC"l'!1 iSMJ ~ ~

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(~) ~ ~~9J:cf Pl~IC\:!!'!1 ~'!1>i~C~ ~ ~ ~~

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'>!"~~ ~ ~~9f ~ ">i'lli:ll"l>i~C~'!1 ~'f;

(~) ~~ 91fu<l'~"ll'!1~914'W=1lb"ll;

(~) '@i»~'>l"~flr~~~~~;~<f~

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(\5fT) \!f~<l'lffi ~~ ~ ~'i@ ~ fW!" ~O\r ~ ffi <!'T<f~~


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~~!Jl ! l!J,..r. kl COIW>ctjicl
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~ ~ ~ <l>boltc>j(Jiti hlJJl<l>Jt<l> & ~ %®3k G\l@jlti?tj tt?::ll:>J?lsl> Ji:ll1. l>lgl<l>tHJ'I
~ Ji::ll:> 8"> l>llil<l>ti<!;;) 3J?.IJ> ~ & ~ llil!Pl>lsl>~lc\ ~ .t>.II' (tidOH) .hll:il6
& ~ ~~ '~ &k? & ~ ~ hl;Ji) ~ & ~ hl;Ji) ~~ .P.k~ (!PIJ>) \
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& ~ hl;Ji) ~ G\~lt??tj ~ Ji::ll:> & sl>?llil<J,.ttsl> 8"> ~ ~ & lgld>{Jl:>t>pk '.t
hl;Ji) l>llilsl>ti<t;; 'llii<l>IG\~ft:ik hl;Ji) ~ ~ & ~ '~
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& .!:>!<$ ~ & .l.P.!P. ~ hl;Ji) ko?lsl>etiil>&:oil> ~ & .b~tH:~Jf6'.li::ll:> -I \ ~
~ hl;Ji) '~ ~
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I$~ .b.P.f6'J ~
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~~J,- I ~C"l<iUM<P ~ ~ ~ ~1-(~) ~ ~ ~~
~ <t>'i<P R~ ~Nil!IG'\I ~~ c<T e<rrT <!i ~ ~ ~ ~C'i<tdiH<fl

(~) ~c<i<fllaH<P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' c!l~ m~ Fl-'ft<T '-'l<fZ

'Q:ciil<fllaH<P ~ ~"Fl-~~ e<rrT f<rcmi:r (conflict) ~ w ~c01<tdl f.i<t>
~ ~ "Fl-l:ftif ~<:fAT ~ I

~~?\> I <P'1C>t"R ~ ~ ~ 1-(~) c!l~ m~ \5f"lJ e<rrT ml:ft\5 ~ ~

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~ ~' ~<P'i<P iStlmt\!) ~ c!l<R ~ ~9!t!r ~' ~ 13 ~
c<fM \51~ <!i ~ c<Prn<Plrl \51~ ~ l!IM<PHI ~ (Build Own Operate) ;
mtct 91RlDliii<il ~ (Build Operate Transfer) ; mtct l!IM<PHI ~ ~
(Build Own Operate Transfer) ~<!i~9f ~~~~ 9ftfuc<r I

(~) mtct l!IM<PHI 9!BlW1<il, ~ ~~' ~ l!IM<PHI ~~

~ <!i ~9f ~ ~ ~ fux'l<r 15/fl:f"<Pffi <!i ~l:ff ~(concessionaire) <ff
l5c11Jll3il (entrepreneur) C<P ~~"1\5" ~ ~9!t!r ~ \5/l:lf.T ~ ~ W ~
*98T 9f<ftm ~ 9fror c!l<f~ ">t'ffil:f<P ~ ~ R~ ~ (optimal
combination of evaluation criteria) ~ ~' C<!"R ~ \5/q ~ m '8
<m9f"<Pi:5t, ~ ~l:ff <!i ~~ ~ ~ (performance specification of
the facilities), <lM·~J<l<Plm <!i ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~l:ff <ff ~9!'1T ~ ~
\5FfWIT i5fffi c!l<f~ ~l:ff <!i ~~ ~<lmM (depreciation) c:mTM ~ f<tc<lt>'11C~ l 'fr

~~o 1 9iR41'll''1 ~mm >t~<Plc~rn ~ 1 - (~) ~ l:ffm ~q (<r) c!l~ ~

~~, ~ l:ffm ~q(~) 13 ~'1("1) ~ P!f~ ~ <mrnT ~ ~ ~

(<r) m-*
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~~V'li~~~; ~l!l~, Gffif,
~ ~ ..~,, ililli. ~oo~ ·~ ~\ g ~ ·~oo~/~-G\o~ ;~ SI ·~ 'kt;\
BkJ&aj3k 2-}i~ ~-~~~Tu. Qk1jk (~) <> (~)
~ }>~>?Gjl<Y ~3.k@o ~Tu. Qk1jk (~) ~ (~)
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JO uo9u::i~
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~~ <1>bo'ltetit::~ ~ ~3k ~ ~-~ f)\ .k>~. (~) ~~
& (gJ!BUO
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! (~~&~3&) )G\ti~)l-S\ ! (gltmd
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~~~~Tu. .tili2klj ~ f.?>?Gjk; ~ 31>.t;'l ~
~) ~ l>)f.ql>?lci l>l>?ld>l>k ~Tu. l>ltt~tiltk ~ t;'l ~ -~ ~
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l>~lkt>ft> ~ 12?d>etit::~ .f..Jk ~}>QI l>,.il?)<l>tHF1 31>.t;> Gjl!;Gjlt ~3k
~.kt;'> ~t
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J..f.. tJi.. J<,~ ~ l>ltld>ti<(;\ '.k~ ~ ll2)6.l>.h [& ~d>ti<(;\J,
~3k ~ ~ Jillkkk ~ .tU.Rtj ~ 31>.t;'l ~ ~-~
~ilt>. l>f.?ti)p:<A)t> l>~lboteJ!.i G\J,(tll-S\ sl+d>~ f)\ ~Jaj. 4t;i ·~ (~)
(~) ~ (~) ~ ~l:1T ~ ~ ~ Jf'Zfil2 ~ GT
~'>lt:cGT ~Cf \3 c~ ~ ~ Jf'Z~ '1Wi{<IJR

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~'Z"<ITR ~Cf ;

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~~ \3 ~ ~ >i<1<Mlc~ 'SRT ~~ "'319R" J'f'Z~ \!!~~

~; ~ I

(~) ~~Jf'Z~ '3rn1>11~n ~Cf~~~9!llf\'.l

i5fi1TRT ~ ~ ~-
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<1J<1~1<1<t>lffi">rc:cGT 'SRT ~ ~ \3 ~ ~
~~' <il<f'( f<rc4 <rffe%tJ Jf'Z~, ~ 'UR<P, \!!Mm<r ~ I

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\!l<f'Z ~Cf-"[<f \!!~ i$ll~>i1C~ Jf'Z~ Jf'Zfil2 \5l lij'Sflf\<i4>
~ \3 m-f<r~ Jf'Z~ Jf-zv.rr'if ~ ; 8 1
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~~ ~ ~, ~ <t>'{<t> f.1~ ~
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~ <rcf.n ~ ~ ~ <il~9f *~ m;r q 1

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,;<!!'I, 15ffi!,
Review) ~1] '51'5g<>rn ~ l!I~
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I(~) \8-~
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~ 'llik Jili.k ~
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~ ~o (~) "f'l!' ~ ~ <ffei1M<ll '3 c~ 0<fi ~ ~ 1

~"' (~) \!F{l<!llm ~ ~\!lJlfi'tl5 ~ ~ (Intended Completion Date)

~ <Pt<f ~~ ~ :>'l~{l>il~I ~0% (~~'SN) ~;
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~ ~9fr'll> Q

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foe) ~o,ooo ('P't ~) W .!j~ f.t1r91m ~ (security ~o (-<.) ~
deposit) ({o,ooo (~ ~) W ~ ;

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g llt~fl.olt ~ ~ t>~21t>t:.t;k ~ e&i~Gjlci ~
I~ (k@lli
,l,.~21liol;'l ~ '~11~21)1~ 3ll~Gj~ '( UO!JU!.IUA) ~ ~li2~~? [( 8 )~8b
I~ (J.J1) o \ ~p~~ l:H:!Jlti?<I~~

g ltt~liltk
D22hl ~~21 ~1 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W.!J,21~? (8) \ b
I~~ [(fili&) ~\ Jt ~~ ~~ .
g D22hl ~~~ ~1~1~1~'6 ~ (~)('\l) ~'\I
[I~~ (g!.k) O'\I ~!Uk~~
~~~(J.,..h) O\~p~~~~Jkk} G\lf'? .
I ~ ~ (J.Jg) OG\ ~!Uk~~
~ ~~(.9J.l6) ~~~~~~~~~~kf.iliJ.:,.k,

g D22hl ~ ~~ ~!J,2~21~ ~
~ ~~ (~) "'~~~~~~Jkk? G\ lf'? .
I~~ (fili&) ~\ ~!Uk~~
~ ~~ (~) (;\~~~~~~~ ~~k D:i.k. (~) ('\I)

g D22hl ~ ~~ ~!J,2~21~ ~l, ~.k.IJ>( \ ) ~"'
g llt~[;i ~~~~~ ~~W.!J,21~?
~(~iJ>) \ ~ .
g .llli.k
~ ~ ~ ~ ~D22hl ~ ~ ~~li l)'6 ~ (GI) 4'\I
~ ~ (S!)J.k) b

g .llli.k~
~~~2Gjl6 ~ ~ ~ kla)6 ~ ~ ~ ~~lil)'6 ~ (~) b'\I
~ 'Mlili.k ~
AA ~~'~ ~
~[%(~) ~ ffe (direct contracting) !!I~~~~ ~' ~ qq
:<llU" C~l<f'l!':<l011~ 9Mr, ~IS
./ ~~g

( <.$) ~ ~ ~ \5l"ef~ ({o (~) ~ ~; ~ ffil<j<f ~

~~~ ~ '51'J:l~l11"1'4'C~ ~~ ~ ({ (9frD) ~
~) ~~g
~aici101~M~1r:~hf ~ g
~ ~ ~ \5l"ef~ ({ (9frD) ~~ ; ~ ffil<j<f 0H\!)
~~ \51-j_~~l11"1'4'C~ ~ ~o (f.M) ~~ I
~~ -r~ ~ (~~/~~) !!I~~ g

~ ~ ~ ef~ ~ (~) ~ ~ ; ~ ffil<j<f ~ ~ 170(8)(~

·<i>'t<f!G11H~:f~ (HOPE) \51-j_~~l11"1'4'C~ ~ ~o (Vf"t) ~~ I
~~ ~ ~[ir>r;~~ ~ g
~ ~ ~ ef~ ~ (l!l<P) ~ ~; ~ ffil<j<f ~ ~
~~~(HOPE) \51'3:C~ l 11"1'4'C~ ~ ({ (9frD) ~~ I
~ ~ ~[ir>r;~~ ~ g 17~
~ ~ ~ ef~ ({o (~) ~ ~ ; ~ ffi"!<f ~
'4'~<t>l11 ~ ~~ (HOPE) '51'J:l~l11"1'4'c~ ~ ~ (~)
17~(~ )(~
~aici101~M~1r:~~ ~ g
~ ~ ~ \5l"ef~ ({ (9frD) ~~ ; ~ ffil<j<f 0f'Glr
~~~ \51'3:c~l11"1'4'c~ ~ ~o (M) ~ ~ I
~ ~ ~ef~ ~ (~) ~~; ~ffil<j<f ~~
~~~(HOPE) \51-j_~~l11"1'4'C~ ~ ~o (Vf"t) ~'m>f I
"<l"'-~~9!Hlbl01!':<fi~ ~g
0-~(~ )(~)
~ ~ ~ ef~ ~ (l!l<i>) ~ ~ ; ~ ffil<j<f ~ ~ <.!l'f~
~~~(HOPE) \51-j_~~l11"1'4'C~ ~ ({ (9frD) ~ 'm>T I ?iib-(~~ )(~.
"~·-~~9!Hlbl01!':<fi~ ~g
~ ~ ~ ef~ ({o (~) ~ ~ ; ~ ffil<j<f ~
'4'~<t>l11 ~ ~~ (HOPE) \51'3:c~l11"1'4'c~ ~ ~ (~)
C'f<PR-~o c~
~L!l'f, \Sfrn, 1(3 .,--z l!>M-~/~o~~. ~ g ~~ ~. ~o~~ mm "fm" "'Z % (~) (<!13) c!l<f'Z (~)
.i.<!l'f ~
~ 1(3 LQ~" ~~. ~-l!>o (~) I ~"fG",,
1 OGI-~ 'QI),,~
..(~) GI,,~ ~!;> ..(~) ~., lli.J!, C\1\0~ '~ \~ g ~ 'C\1\0~/~- <)SGI ~1!. S-. '~ 'kl;>~
I(~) OGI-~
'QI),,~ .. ~IJ> e;-, ~ .. lli.J!, C\l\O~ '~ \~ g ~ 'C\l\O~/~-<)SGI ~1!. S-. '~ 'kl;>\
(~) ~ ~ lt?.j;'\f>J..illt
I (~ illlk £l2J.k ~) %~)"b ~p JIBUk ~ ~ ~ ~!~
%.V\ ~~ ( ;;JJ~Jd p;;i1;;iA.q;;ip) .lillU1. ~ ~ fil},'.2Jo ~
(ll))( (~)4~ l~~(~)-0~
( a;ma.1a1;ud ~kt;\ lkl~ti.\;1 ~ ~ lli
:msawop) ~~ ~2!~~1~1~~ E;\ ~l~~l~l;&~ ~~ (ll))( \)c;,4
llli~~~(MIJl) l~~(J,th)o\
\~~~~~kt;\(~) ~8 ~ ~ ~ ~ lgl~ti-R' ~ ~ hl
~~Wo~~·~~i&~~~ ~
4~ ~~~.WO~~·~ ~t-?l~llt\i&~g.f.>1 ~
~8~~~.wo~~·~~i&~~ ~
g ltt~tittk~E;\~~~
~ ~ El\~ ~ti1 ~ ~~ ~ti11W<s. ~ ~l!Li~lt??ajl6 ~aj~~I~ (~)( \)c;,4
~ ~t;1 (JUUO;);)V ;};UO.i) ~t;1 ~4
~ ~~ ~~ ~
[I~~ (J....h) o\ ~p I ~ ~ (~) -0 £ll.U,
.IUk.~ ~ ~ (~ ~) ooo'{)~ ~p ~ ~ ~ ~ .(£1~ti<li' ~ ~ 1U
g~~~~~~~J, \4
I (~J....h~) %O\ ~~~.!d:t (P~lSnfpu) G\tblH.t-.U. ~ l ~~(J,th)O\
g~~~~~~ (~)(8)04 lki~ti.\;1 ~ ~ h
~ffe ~ (.i,._tg) Ot;\ ~ f.>~1~?1~ ~ ~ ~ .f.>J•tli?lajC>I) ~
g l~~ti~~ ~2~~1ti~l6 .j.~21)1~ 3C.!gaj~ ~t;1 ~ !:!.!-ti2!gC>I? (~)(~)~b
I ~ ~j.'6 (illlk)b $~
~ ~ IG\ti~l!l!lti?l6 ~.. ?~?l,.~I~ 3'\laj~~ ~ l~plo UO!lB!JBA ~
g l~~ti~~ ~~.l-~21)1~ 3C.!gaj~ ~~~ti2!gs:i? (\)~b
I (~ ~ ~) %.V\ ~p JIBUk ~ _!d:t ~
~ (~) <)~_
g l~~[~h ~.(2k? ~ ~ 3C.!gaj~ ~t;1 ~~ti2!gC>I? (c;,)4b ~ .k\ ~ ! J.
I (~ ~ ~) %.V\ ~p JIBUk ~ Jd:t ~
g l~~[~h ~ ~ti1 .i-~2ltiolil ~~ii-;.-.'f... ~ti1 ~I~~~~ 3C.!gaj~ ~ bb
~ 'M.tili.k ~
AA ~~'~
lrlr(~) ~ "11bl<t>l<ll~ ~ IG 0qC"TMfir"lil>t1[~~~ g
~~('1) ~i
lrlr( ~)
~ i5!TI
~~(lr) ~(
~[~o(~)(~) ~IG~~<t>~~~g
~OTT~~~~({o (9M3M)~~'&~1]
~o(~)(~) ClP!<fi"f~~~~ ~~ '5C~<l>tl~c.Ti ~~~ g
~~(~) $1>-Cl!Mi
~ 9f"'tr IG ~~~ ~ t!!<f~ ~ IG ~ ~OTT~~~~
~ ( t!!<fl) c<l'lfiJ ~ <IT~ '&~ ; ~ 'iJ"

~ 1R!i11%<i> IG c~ ~ OTT~ ~ ~ ~ ({o (9M3M) ~~(~Ir) $1>-CWt!

~~<IT~'&~; mlll'l1
~ f<Rm"'R ~~ Prf~ t!!~ ~ c~ct ~ ~ 1 Pf~I

~~(~) *-~~~~1[0ill~lll g ~8(~~) $!>-~

~ ~({ (~) c<l'rtiJ~\5lflf<!l~~~; Pl~

~ ~ (~) c<l'rtiJ ({o (9M3M) ~~'5lflf<P~~~ct~; ~({(~) ~1

~ ~({ (~) c<l'lfiJ ~ '5lflf<!l ~ ~ IG <IB~ ~ IG ~~'1(~~) ~1
~ ~({ (~) c<l'lfiJ ~ '5lflf<!l ~ <:<l'R ~"'Rm~~ IG
M(~) "lfW!ill"Tll§
15l<l<t>lblC1ll ~ ~;

~ ~ (~) c<l'lfiJ ({o (9M3M) ~ ~ '5lflf<P ~ ~ ~ IG Hl

~ '1l"fe9!" <IB~ (custom designed equipment) ;

~({(8) ~
~ ~({ (~) c<l'lfiJ ~ '5lflf<fl ~ ~9RT ~ ; "lfW!ill~ll!i

~~(8) ~IC<l"Til<t>l~C"T~ *-C~1Jlbl~ ~IC<l"Ti191\il" ~~Cil~ >t1l~~lll g Pf~

~ ~9fl'll' ~~ ( t!!<£"f) fVM" I

~c!l'l, ~.IS 01"~ ~SQ-~/-<.o~~. ~ g -<.~ ~. -<,o~~ >mli "~Q (~)" c!l"if ~ "-<,o
M(~) ~~
(f<M)" '1~~. ~IS ><]<If~~. ~-~o (~) I ~~
\!l~, ~. IS'1"~ -<,o~-~/-<,ooil>, ~ g ~-<. 15/t~, -<_ooil> >mli "~o (l'f"f)" ><f'lf, ~~~IS~
~~ "Qo (9f\13M)" ><f<\f, ~~~IS~~~. ~-8~ (i:f) I
"c!I~, ~. IS 01"~ ~SQ-~/-<_o~~' ~ g -<.~ ~' -<_o~~ >mli ~~. ~-~o (~) I Pl~
l~~~~(~)G'l~llt~tiltk ~ I (51) 01;1-!!)
~ ~ ~ lilik ~ QW_~-~1;1 ~ ~16 .ll!l6fili ~
g~llI~lilI~~~~~~ ( C\1)-D~
~~I~~~ lilik j.._~-~ .lili2kk ~ ~ ~ .ll!l6fili ~
g lilik ~ ~ d>2~ld>li.U: ~ ~
'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2~~~k ~ hlSl.Utl~ ~~ (8)-D~
I il:!J.k ~k'.2~~~1~ (~) G'I ~ SI~~
8lilik~~21~~~J6.hlSl.Utl~&~~~~~~ ( G'l)-D~
I il:!J.k ~k'.2~~~1~ (~) -D ~
g llI~li!Ik ~~ (rnnpuappE) hlSl.Utl~~~~ (~\)b\\ SI~
~ ~ .lilhl ~1;1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l~li.U: (~)-D~
I il:!J.k ~ (~) .D ~ ~ illlk. ~
g lilik ~~')~~~ ~-~~~-$ ( \\)8~
I il:!J.k~ (~) 8\ ~fl_l:86 ~ ~t!'.21~1~ .ll!)6fili ~ IJ
g ~ ~2~d>~l>lcl d>2~ld>li.U: .li2klzj.
~~2Ji~~'6 ·~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~~!1~'.21~ .f.Whl-$ (4\)G'I~ (~) o~ !!
g ~~ ~~1~~!1~'.21~ .f.Whl-$ (~)G'I~
I il:!J.k ~k2~~~1~ (~) -D ~
g ~~ ~~ ~ ~2~d>~I&,..~~
~ ~l~U~-$ ~ ~ ~~1~~11~21~ ..tiliThk hl ~l~li.U: (4)\~
I~~ ~k'..l~~~ld> (~) b ~ltt~tittk ~ ~ .ll!)6~ ~
/ / '/ /'
g· ~~~.ll!l6~~b2~d>~k~~
~~,~~!1~21~ ~~ ~ ~-$ ~ ..tiliThk hl ~ ~l~li.U: (b)\~
~ 'fkklilik ~
m ~~'~
~[~~~~) (~) Cll"~919J'S~~~l!l~~'S~~~~l!l~
~~(~)] ~(multiple dropping)~~~~ g

~~Vil~~~~ ~o (fiiM) ~ ~ l!l<R ~


~ ~~ ~ :>jlj~~lll ~ ~~ ~ (~) ~ 'l!\:l:IT ~l:IR ~


~o~(8) ~ ~ ~ (TEC) ~ '51CJ:Clll~'1<1'1~ ~ f@t~l>il~ ~


~ ~@ Q- (9'ftD) <l'l~~<lC>i~ 'l!\:l:IT I

~o~(~) ~~ ~ffe~~(NOA)~~~
l!l~q8) ~~g

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q (~) <!il~~<lC>i~ 'l!\:l:IT I

~o~(q) ~~ ~~~~(Performance Security)


~8 (~) ~ 'l!\:l:IT, ~ ~ ~ ~ f.ifif2t\!) ~ 91@

~ '51!\'.!!151'!Ni<!i ~ ~' ~ ~ ~~ ~b-

(~) ~ 'l!\:l:IT I

~o~(~~) ~~ ~ffe~l'll'C~~~~g

~ ~~ ~~~~ ~b- (~) ~'l!\:l:IT I

~ '511\'.!!\5\!Ni<i> ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~b- (~)

~ 'l!\:l:IT I

( ~) ~ 'l!\:l:IT 1]

~o8(<r) ~ <trn~~<I' ~~(Least Cost Selection) g

~ '5Rf1:1<1l Q-o (~)~~I

~<!l'T, \5/rn, 'Son_ q~-~/~o)), ~ g ~q m-5°, ~o~~ mm~~'~-~~ (1') I ~<!l'f, ~. 'S OJ
~<!l'T, \5/rn, 'S .,-~ )M-~/~o)\r, ~ g q ~' ~o)\r mm "<!lffi" 'T~~' C'T<l'''i-Vi ("D) I ~ 'S "fffir ~'
I (it) OGI-~ ·~~ hJ,.. E;\ ~ ·~~k .. (J.J1) O',, E;\ ..(~) O~,, ~ ~ ~ E;\ ~
I (.'l,) GI~-~
·~~k ..(~) {),, E;\ ..(J,...!1) o,,, J.lill< "''o~ ·~ \'~ ·~ ''\l'o~/~-{)SGI ~~ E;\ ·~'kt;\:
I .D:i.Tu. ~ (g:Jk) b 2&.Q ~~ ~ ~
('a))OG\' g (uom
g ~? ~!cl~2~16 ~~ lH~21~~~ ~~
I .D:i.Tu.
~ ~ (.9J.l6) ~~ft ~!cl~2~!6 ~ak ~ ~ ~~l~ti~ ~
g llt~tiltk
~~' ~!cl~2~16~~~~~~ ~l~ti<lil (J&)( ~ )b ~'
I .D:i.Tu. ~ ~ (.9J.l6) ~~ft ~!cl~2~)6 ~ak ~
g llt~liltk~~~~
~~~~~l~ti<lil~~~t:i.',6~9l!cl~lril~? (~)(~)b~'
I ~(~)~8~~~~~1~~1~~
! ~ (~) 4~ ~ ~ ~ t.i~~[c;\~ ~
g.tilik~~t;i~~ ~~lkk)~?S\~~~~ c~')b" ~~~
~ ~"' ~ ·~1~~!cl~21~ ~ b shl:!~ a~"' ~ 8 ~
g ~~ ~ 3'.~l~lajl~ ~.aj~ (G'I)~"
I~ (~t;-i) '~ ~tt ~ ~ ~~l~~I~ ~
! ~ (~) 8, ~tt~ ~t.i~~[c;\~ ~
g .tilik
~ S\ ~ ~ ,6~~3'.[~ ~~~.lkkl ~' S\ ~~~~ (~)G'I"
(~ ~' ~) %~' shl:!~ filhlrt ~_Wt ~
g ltI~n~'It ~t;i (.1ap.10 UOffB!.l"BA) ~ ~ ~' S\ ~~~~ (4)(k)8o'
I ~ ~ [(J.<h) o,J, shl:!-.#k ~ ~~).}III~!&.~
! ~ ~ [( o~k shl:!-.#k ~ (~) ~~21~~)6 ~ ~
(~) (~)
g (uo!pa1as a;unos a1~u!s) ~~ ~~~~~~t;"> (k)8o'
~ 'fu&. .tilik ~
'1151''.llf-<lS : [M b-()8) !f:l
Procurement Processing and Approval Timetable)

Technical Sub- Tender Evaluation Project Director/Project Board of Ministry Cabinet Committee Total Period when
committee Committee (TEC)/ Manager/Authorized Officer/ Head Directors Minister/ Secretary on Government Technical Sub-
(TSC) Proposal of Procuring Entity (HOPE) Purchase (CCGP) Committee is
{If required] Evaluation
Committee (PEC)• Not
Required Required

Project Director (PO), or _ ____. 1 week Approval

Project Manager (PM), or
Authorized Officer (AO)
2 weeks - ----+ 2 weeks t NA NA NA · 4 weeks ; 6 weeks

& 1 week issue of NOA

11-- - -- -----1---- - -- -1 - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - -- r - - - - --+ · -· -·· --- ------· -- .... · .... --- ................. - ....... -- ---- -·- -
Head of Procuring Entity 2 weeks -f---+ 3 weeks ____. 2 week Approval ,
I NA NA NA : 6 weeks : Bweeks
(HOPE) 't · •

3 weeks -f---+ 3 weeks 2 weeks . -f+
& 1 week issue of NOA
..... --------""'*
weeks -----------------------· .
-------------------··!------····-r··----···-- µ
Board of Directors - - CE Scrutiny & observation -~ NA NA : 8 k : k 0
/ Approval by : wee s : 11 wee s 0
¥ Board : :
& 1 week issue of NOA .................. - ~--- ---- -- -~ -----------
3 weeks -I----+ 3 weeks 2 weeks 2 week Secretary ! !
Ministry/Minister - -- . HOPE/ .
Scrutiny & observat/ tt
Recommendation NA
!: g weeks !: 12 weeks
1 : & 1 week issue of NOA 1 week Minister Approva l ! ----------~-----------
Cabinet Committee on 2 .weeks HOPE . 3 weeks Secretary - - As req uired
Government Purchase ~ Scrutiny & observation Scrutiny & observation t - for expeditious 10+ : 13+
/ &
k · ·
decision before
expiry of tender
-- -' 1 week Issue o N A 1 wee Minister 1.d .t . d weeks : weeks
A. simple Cases 3weeks - 3weeks Recommendation va I I y perio ----------------------
4 weeks - -+ 4 weeks 2 weeks HOPE ~ 3 weeks Secretary -+ As required
B. Complex Cases !
Scrutiny & observation/
¥ J
Scrutiny & observation >-- for expeditious
decision before
11 + 15+
1 •
& 1 week issue of NOA 1 week Minister I exp iry of tender
val i d i ty period weeks weeks
I I Recommendation

Note : 1. For aided project/programme where prior review of a development partner is required at any stage of Procurement processing and approval the time required for such review shall be added to the above time table.
2.• For all cases of evaluation of consultancy proposals one week's time in addition to above time table shall be allowed to the PEC for evaluation/negotiation etc.


ex.mi;;:::,";.~"" "'"°" and . I I

I Contract Management 11 Tender Tend•r luuo, Rec•lpl & Procoss I I '" Tender PreparaUon ' ._.. I I ~'°"~~";'°"' II ~ ~
Pf q
0J • l

- i-·~,

l .. ~"

~ulDJJLl.D.Lil Ill Q_O_O_D_Gl_Q n ru O_nl fl _Q Ml

.................................. - - - ---- ~ declsiOn before
~ / •i expiry of tender
& 1 week issue of NOA 1 week Minister weeks weeks
validity period
3 weeks - i---. 3 weeks Recommendation -- -- --
A. simple Cases ---- :
4 weeks - 4 weeks 2 weeks HOPE 3 weeks Secretary ~ As reQulred
Sctutlny & observa/ Scrutlny & observation .._ for expeditious 11+ 15+
- ~ decision before
B. Complex Cases
+t expiry of tender
& 1 week issue of NOA 1 week Minister validity period weeks weeks

I I Recommendation

Note : 1. For aided project/programme \Mlere prior review of a development partner is required at any stage of Procurement prooesslng and approval the time required for sud1 review shall be added to the above time table.
2.' For all cases of evaluation of consultancy proposals ooe week's time in addition to above time table shall be allowed to the PEC for evaluation/negotiation etc.

[_contract Management I C::~ex.""::~~:,valuatlon and IL Tender bcue, Receipt & Pro<eu II Tender P-raUon h. ' I I ~~~e;""' I ~ ~
•AZAf ;;'
•i ~it '<
~·h-1 ::!
~ i' ~ 3
0J t ..
f a ~ !l' .. :r ..
~ z i ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~! "V i ; 2 -vf
, :p ~ £ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ i ~; l : ] i ~;4
;, )> - i . = : • £ fl :
~ ~
f~ ~
f. ~ ~~ 1~ ~ i :ii:
~ ~ l ~ <"> i .. ~· 5. ~ ;t ~~ i ~ ~~ 5 o~ l ~ i1 . :;·
~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 111 ~ § i -~ ~ ~ %g ¥. :;~ f ~ )>
~ -i ~ ~ 11 ;z a~]~ i : a> -<ji g ! Ri~i ~~ 8
i-<fg !l
~ !l ~ ~ ~ £: ~· ~ ~ ;. ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~~ = ~~ 2. ~= !~ <'
! !l a. ~ i i :> ~ ~ ~ • ;: a: :: ~ f . . . '5i! ~
i i Jr • - :.. it
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
a'• ~ ~~
.? • 0. ~ ;? .. ~g 2. 0 ~ ~a. ,,m0 ,;a
.. . ~~ i - 5
z ~
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)> z
= 'O 0
I I I 'O - µ
I m
a< ;i:i 0
5 5' zG) ~ v
"'~ rii
~ )>
"'c ;;::
- ~
S' m
0 -i Ls1
~ 0
• I .~ 0

.. ~ ~ 0
P'~ '' 'O

~ f £i g
i; a;~ !!!.
'' )>
?~~ '' !l
·H ~


~! fi ~ ~ f~ I ~ ~~ l
3 ~f ~? f H ~f n
! ~ 3 i '! 11' i J. 5
if . ~- i I~ •" . ~
[ ~ ~ i rii z
3 ~
If f H ~ ~: i ::
,_ ~

Key Key Tim
I N ot• • Action Line


P repare 9PeeiUcano• a1 obfe<.• ot

Pr0 C:Jtf't""8111

10 bit ltept con6d••tial

for CIP"fti11g t>y TtC
Prep.6ro on onkJAl
ol U'lilt ¢itit+et .(I
eo-at 4HtiM-*U!
dUf11fO .,...,.ttoc

St•fltdard ~

Doalfr'leftt i'SSHld 1>J
ttJ• C PTO aNtl be

OUvek:JQ TtmderOocument (WI

OJ&t.o ... Of Sta:adanlTencSec
Docutneata ( s TO'I)
PNooafle' JMtt.Uton to< PN-

~ rtJ:ie ttMt~ f<K

p,~ ~bOn

G.1y1 for

Recet'fo: ortd frlWate Pfe ·

qwtt41ca1ioct Ooc.urne•ti;
Reg. 23(1)o1 Ole



.....,._ , Ma
• Ot,fy on. T'fC


·- ·-·,

. u.. ~d

SIOn Illa Contract ~:;...--r--

WM-n ~M(2l


'<i!~"1-<t : [AA >&x(x) ail


Key Key Time Approving Authority I Optional Activity Notes

Hot•1 Main Activity ,.
Action Line

LLimlted Tendermg Method (LTM)
oi:sc.usswll:n No Ollicuu with
approved in Procurement Plan
001'!: .... HOPE or an authofiz&d
~O'facer ·1 I officer


Conditions of LTM fulfilled -~Q. '- · - · - • - · - · - · -~ Reasonli to be stated

and apptoval ol the
HOPE ls required

I I otlle1 rNtllod1
Prepare spec1f1cation of objecl ol
lo bt kttpt con6d. . lial Procurement
fOfOPH"'9 t>y TfC
d!Jrl•o .,.-.,ttoa To be kepi confidential

Prepare an off1c.ial cost estimate of the

HOPE or an
-- ·- --·- ·---· . lor e>p4:ning by TEC
during evaluation

Sta..aard Pf'e.
object of Procurement

QfelftcaLOI !
Document tssa9d oy
ltl• CPT\J anal be E.
Develop Tender Document on the basis of
Standard Tender Documents (STOs)
Standard Tender
Document Issued by
the CPTU shall be used
STOl ln1Mtd·bi/ Ole
C PTV !Sbal ,,.u:secl Selection shOuld be in
a non-discrimlna1ory
Prepare lnvitatlon for Tender manner and number
_ . _ . _ . _ . _ , _ , _ . _ . -M should be sufficient to
ensure effecllve
·Ad¥9rtis.e I compelition
Identify limited Suppliers/ Prepare a list of
qualified potenlialTenderers .-.·_-,·_-.·_-_ ·_-.·_- -.-.I :~~~:~k


L.::_J T•NHrers on
I -TOCtobtifo~
Send Invitation to limited
Su ppliers/Entisl<!d qualified Tenderers
1nnu.ilbula I
·MinutHtobtitaken ,,
• OP41nirtq In p1esence

Goodaand ol•tla.utone
21 d«y1 for
w~"' . Open inor>e
. ; I• Receive Tenders I01ation
~ hnders.cudty
0 Open and process Tenders
.... .j

,,,,._. .,.._.,.
Mlnv1es to Mt&k_.

of•lt . .tonoe
Op.fl•Ot'Wtou~ Ex.amine and Evaluate Tender As per Delegation of ·As pe-r procurem4m

Chet:* b'Ttndlr° Financtal Pow.irs Proc•ull'IQ and
Approval Proc;edur•

..........._...- Extend Tender Validity 11 irv•lu.te

Extension of Tender vahdity period Is
·Proc.&& lo be
necessary ' ontld.,'111«1

Forfeit Tender Securily is needed
f - - - - - - - - - > t F o r l e l t Tender Security
· cmtron• TE( ¥ria
c-ontwxcic.I No

Posl-qualify the successful Tenderer

-·-·-·- ·- ·-·, Approve Contract Award

~ per Delegation of L·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-1
Financial Powers

·UH Standud

- UN Notify Award ot Cor11ract CDntr«ctfo1m
CorlO'Kt 'onn.
..:.,....,,........ If 5uccessful
· No
Tenderer fails to 5lgn
i' allow•d

wtr..n ll99->1(2l
Sign the Contract
the contract, select
from remaining
responsive Tenderer
· P•rform«r>«t
Procure the ollject tak•n

J Maintain the Record ol Procurement

~.~-1!>) 1


'5!~"Pl : IM ~~( ~) ail

Key Key Time K•Y
Main Activity Approving Authority Optional Activity Notes Kty TlrM L
Action Table tctlon

~ I
No Discuss with
Two Stage Tendering Method {TSTM) approved !n
ProcureffiQnt Plan ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·-·- HOPE or an

~ STAGE authorized officer

Conditions of TSTM tutfltled
STDs Issued by the
CPTU shall be used
PrepareTender Document on the basts of Conceptual - ·
design ;ind/or stipul<1led perlormance specmcalion
.2 using (STDs) Reg. 25(1): a-m Technical Sub·
e[ Committee may be
Prepare lnvltalion for Tender

..." Advertise for unpriced technical proposals
TOC to bt formed
Opening in pr1sence
Minlmum28 of at least one
days for member ofTEC
NOTM & 42 Open In ont location
Receive, Open ;;ind Process un.priced Tenders No Tender ucurity
days for
Reg-29(1) & 39 (2) and Reg. 30 & 39{2) is required

Eumioti and Evaluate Tenden

Oe!tgatlon of
.- ., Tenders

Processing and
Retain responsive Tenders Approval
- . -1· - . - . j

• Onty one TEC will

TEC consult with each responsive Tenderer on any evaluate
aspect of the proposal except price ·ProeustolH
'E confld.antial
'§ TEC prepare Individual Minutes of Tender . , 1• _ • _ • _ • _ • _ , _ • Consutt.Jtion be

i3' Review
Individual Minutes of confidential and not be
l> Approve Minutes of Tender Adjustment
Tender adjustment sent disclosed to competing

.i... O.legatlonol
to respective responsive
Approved Tender Adjustment should be signed by Should be kept
all members of TEC con1idenUal
Modify final Tender Document based on °Minutes of Should be specific with

Tender Adjustment' detail specification &
evaluation criteria
STOs issued by CPTU
- a. Distribute Tender Document to all responsive
shall be used
·H Tenderers to submit 'best & final' Tender Review Tender
Documents and I
or go for retencktr
Priced • best and final'
Receive Tenders

No responsive Tenders TOC lo be tormed

Open and Process Tenderors
MlnulH 10 be Uk•:IO
of:.t le.astone
.__ _ _ _e._a_m_1"_•~ao~d-E_vo_1u_•_te_1_,,_._.,_'_ _ __,•·~ Aspe< memt>erofTEC
Delegation of
Financial .'. '. Open In one loca1k:>n
Check for Tender
Post-qualify the successful Tendere Powers Security

Approve Contract Award

Nollfy Award of Contrac l
• Only one TEC wlU
·Process to be
Repeat !he confiderl!ial
Contractor/Supplier accept the offer process to next
lowest • Use Slandar<l
~----'I ContractForm
• • • No Negollauon is

Pro~ure the object
Security to be
Maintain the Record of Proctnement

~[ ~-'fl! i !AA l'K( aj 1:t1J


Notes Key
AU.In Activity Apptovlng Authority OpUonol Activity Not&$

Discuss with
HOPE or an On• Stage Two Envelope
Tendering Ml.thod IOSTETll)

authorized officer
•pprovitd U1 Proc~ Plan

STDsissued by the Condlt.ofl.a of OSTETlt ~
CPTU shall be used ~-1"t . . . ~ ....
~ :llPP"__, ... .._HO"Ee.
Technical Sub·

·I -
~n..l- -r-=-1
~-- - --·- · ---
h ... 11..,.,~ ...
p,..,...... .....
requirad ,...w.g by T'f.C ~


Mm111estobetake11 _...._..., ,_ ~, .... ~ eoa.r-i.r.~~hCPTU
m1mbtrofTEC ~T..,....~-lhl~d
... ~

...... _
Open In one location s~ r....w Doa.snetq ~I

Proc.tning ;md
..j Approval

.. ,.,..,.o.a-it ~

DOM L:':'.._J
Consultdlion be
dlsclond to competing
Tenderers .TO(; ..
.-....., .... .......

Should be kept
R~l .......
. ep.,.. ...
..,.r Should bes1X1ciflc with P\.lbk~-'fJocl~ottw_.
......""' .....
. f~p,~

detdilspecification & ., .,... ........ ~""'" .......
STOs issued by CPTU
.~.:-:-:' tt:-...W•
I ''""' "'' sNI Ev-..1.awcai1 on.-
t.:::.w. . . -·-~

~-"'~"' l~

~.,...,,, I-
..._.... °"""'
. -.J~andfinar
...~vu r:~~~rs
TOCtobt bmed
Opening In presence
. . . . . T..ew.,..-..


- aa..dF~...: ()fr..,

l •
........... ,_,_ .
..._...h,.:Ol."':..o.l. ....
-·-;i.r. ~:;,l


- ap..1ro.,._--.a,....
o..~· · -~ty

membtrofTEC ~~r..u..t ~:J rw-,-ll:C

Open lnoneloc;itlon
Security ~Dl1",..wt,
""' ......,.,. >---------..~T ...... ¥~,_.;..4
... ,_
f"wWIT..,_, ~ k -.dM
- - -- ·-·-·-·;-·- · -.



--c~--- h-tz~1

-UsaScandard ,, __
ConiractForm .,_... ~

·NoN99o1lat1on 11

anowtd · VM~•

j l~11MT..,
~--·- · -·- · -·- 'f9"--~t,~t......,
&frhC-ar-t _
,_ _,..,.. ...... ~


~""""""° .._
~ .... lll-dolP,___,,

~ ..!Pf,~. \'3 'R '\~ ~/~o~~. ~ g ~'\ ~. ~o~~ qtm "~~-.rt-w' ~. ~-~8 1

'5!(''!-1; : !AA >b~(~) ail

Key Keynme
Key Key Time Action Table
Main Activity Approving Authority Optional Activity Notes
Action Table

. .i L
Request tor Quotation Method (RFQM) approved No Discuss wilh HOPE or
In Procurement Plan - . - . - • - . - . .... an authorised officer j
-·- - ~
Conditions of RFQM fulfilled


Prepare Quotation with details on quality,

quantity and delivery time
Choose OTM or olher
Reasons to be stated &
approval of the HOPE is

Send Quotations to prospective Tenderers
Standard Quota lion
Document issued by the
CPTU shall be used

Request at least 5

Receive prlced QuotaUon
If less than 3
Quotation verify with
Examine & Evaluate Quotations As per De.legation of ...

Flnanclal Po'Mlrs Procurerrvnt
·Only one TEC will
Recommend lowest evaluated Tender along with
comparative statemenls

r-------'--------~f Queriesl
Appt<we Conlract Award

Yes. No
1 ~-----~
As per Delegation of
Financial Powers
ll [
Choose OTM °'other
Glvt the purchase order or work order methods

Tenderer confirm purchase order in writing 4

... Repeal with Second ]
No lowest Tenderer
-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- ·-· -·- /!.
Procure the object

Maintain the Record ol Procurement



i [

15JT'f-"D : !M ~~(~) .!'!:]


I Key nme
Main Activity Approving Authority Optional Activity Notes
Direct Procurement Method (OPM) approved I No Discuss with HOPE or an
Discuss with HOPE or in the Procurement Plan authorized officer
.i Yes I. - . - . - · - · - · - · - · - · - 'I
----i i
Reasons to be stated &
approval of the HOPE Is
·~ Conditions of OPM No Choose OTM or other
Reasons to be recorded

rt fulfilled
-·-·-·-·- · -·-·-·~
& approval of the HOPE
is required


Prepare detall specification ol object ol

Standard Quotation Procurement as per Rule·29 and identify the
Document issued by the Contractor or Supplier
CPTUshall be used


Conllltions ol
Rule-76 (K)
Yes Issue Notification ol
Award (NOA) for
procurement of the


Proeur111wn1 Develop Tender Document on the basis of

Standard Tender
P1ocenin9iind Standard Tender Documents (STDs)
Documents issued by the
CPTU shall be used

Examine & Evaluate Tenders As per

Delegation of
· Procuremanl
Processing and
Financial Powers Approval
- Evalu;,lloo by only one

Negotiate with the Tenderer as applicable

j Approve Contract Award

~~As per Delegation
L,___J of Financial
-·-·- Powers

l Yes ! No ~

. _ . _ . _ . _ . I
Choose OTM or
other method
·-·-·- · -·-·-·-~
Issue Notification of Award (NOA) Use Standard
Contract Fomi

Choose OTM or other


. - .- . - . - . - .
Sign the Contract method

c Yes
!" Procure the object

Maintain the Record of Procurement


~~"l-Tii:: [AA )o<Z (~)ml


Key Key Time Keyn

Main Activity Approval Optional Activity Notes
Action Table

Finalise TOR (Rule·116)

To be kept .,c:

At least 14
Finalise Cost Estimate and
confidential .,e
. days to
Budget (Rule-117)

Call for Expressions of

Format as per
Appendix·D of Rule

Interest (EOI) (Rule-113) WI

Receipt of EOI Not less than four (4) na
Not more than seven app
and in
Evaluate EOI by PEC(Rule· (7) ar

case of
115) ca
involving Amend the
assignment or
Prepare Shortlist(Rule-115) associated EOI
not less I no
than 21 If shortlist is less than four Re-advertise thi
days (4)
"'c: "'c:
Review the assignment and [§] ~
found correct t:
t:: 0
0 Prepare Shortlist .r:

Properly advertised
Approval by Head of a All applicants
UiiJ Procuring Entity or an Participating in the
officer authorized by EOI must be
Finalise Shortlist (Reg-45)
him/her or an informed whether or
approving authority not they have been
, under the Delegation
Finalise Shortlist
short-listed by the
of Financial Powers(lf Procuring Entity
approving athority is
below the level of

Prepare RFP & Define Follow standard RFP,

Evaluation criteria and issued by CPTU
Minimum Qualilfying Mark
(MQM) (Rule-117)

'!! Send RFP to the short listed Approval by Head of '!:!.,

,o Time to
consultants{Rule-117) Procuring Entity or
an officer authorized
l::; Ti~
J; not less
Receive proposals from by him/her or an
~c: not I
c consultants {Rule-118) approving authority
0 than 28
(,,) under the Delegation (,) days

':oo ~

days and
in case of
Evaluate Technical Proposal
by PEC (Rule·119)
of Financial Powers
(If approving athority
is below the level of

c: in Caj
firms not Public Opening of Financial
HOPE) Minutes of the public Q.
less than Proposals of Technical
opening must be
distributed to all
~ 42 d
c0 42 days Proposals> MQM (Rule-120) c
g (Ru!~

;:> (Rule-117)
:> :>

Evaluate Financial Proposal
UJ by PEC (Rule-120) [§] UJ

~ Determine Combined Approval by Invite the next

Evaluation (Rule-121) approving authority
under the Delegation
highest ranked e
' Cl. consultant and so
Negotiate with Highest of Financial Powers on
>' Scoring (combined)
Proposal (Rule-122)

Contract Sign (Rule·125}


'5!~"1->si: rM ~o'll (~)ml


Main Activity Approval Optional Activity Notes

Finalise TOR (Rule-116)
0 To be kept
Finalise Cost Estimate and
To be kept
confidential ""·~
At least 14 Budget (Rule-117)

Format as per ~ days to Format as per

0.. submit Call for Expressions of Appendix-D of
Appendix-D of Rule Interest (EOI) (Rule-113)
written Procedure
interest by
I ,,-~1 I
Receipt of EOI Not less than four (4)
Not less than four (4) national
applicants Not more than seven
Not more than seven Evaluate EOI by PEC(Rule-
and in (7)
(7) 115)
case of Amend the
involving assignment or
foreign Prepare Shortlist(Rule-115) associated EOI
not less If shortlist is less than four
than 21 (4)
O> days

Review the assignment and
found correct
.z; ~

All applicants
Participating in the
EOI must be
Properly advertised

Finalise Shortlist (Rule-115)
"'~"'., "" . . . .-·-· · . . _. .
Procuring Entity or an ~!
officer authorized by
+- him/her or an
is again less than
four <4l
All applicants
Participating in the
EOI must be
informed whether or
informed whether or approving authority not they have been
not they have been !tr..,._
under the Delegation J Finahse Shortlist I short-listed by the I I t'
short-listed by the of Financial Powers{lf Procuring Entity
Procuring Entity approving athority is
below the level of

Prepare RFP & Define I
Follow standard RFP,
Follow standard RFP,I
issued by CPTU , ,~J I
Evaluation criteria and
Minimum Qualil fying Mark
I • issued by CPTU

(MQM) (Ru l•-117)

Approval by Head of
Procuring Entity or
"!? Send RFP to the short listed
consulta nts(Rule-117)
an officer authorized

~ Time to by him/her or an
prepare approving authority
<; Receive proposals from
under the Delegation
~c not less
than 28
consultants (Ruto-118)
of Financial
0 Powers{if approving
(J days and

c in case of
Evaluate Technical Proposal
by PEC (Rule-119)
athority is below the
level of HOPE)

foreign Minutes of the public
Minutes of the public firms not Public Opening of Financial opening must be
less than Proposals {Ru le·120)
opening must be
~ 42 days
distributed to all
distributed to all c:- shortlisted

0 (Rule-117)
shortlisted Evaluate Financial Proposal consultants
consultants ::J by PEC (R ule·120J
> [§]

Reject Propos als Whose
Eval. Price Excee ds budget
(Rule-120 )
Approval by
approving authority Hl~vite the next
under the Delegation
of Financial Powers
highest ranked
consultant and
Negotiate with Highest soon
Ranking Technic al Proposal
(Rule-1 22 )

Contract Sign 1Rule·125) J

'5f~"t-~ rm ~oq(~) ~l

Main Activity Approval Optional Activity Notes

Finalise TOR (Rule-116)

At least 14
days to To be kept
submit Finalise Cost Estimate and
written Budget (Rule-117)
interest by Format as per
national l+ Call for Expressions of Schedule VIII
applicants Interest (EOI) {Rule113)
and in
case of Receipt of EOI Not less than four (4)
involving Not more than seven
foreign Evaluate EOI by PEC(Rule- (7)
applicants Amend the
not less assignment or
than 21 Prepare Shortlist(Rule-11 5) associated EOJ
If shortlist is less than four

Properly advertised
Approval by Head of a All applicants
Procuring Entity or an Participating in the
officer authorized by EOI must be
Finalise Shortlist (Rule-115) him/her or an informed whether or
approving athority not they have been
under the Deligation of Finalise Shortlist
short-listed by the
Financial Powers(if the Procuring Entity
approving athority is
below the level of

Prepare RFP & Define Follow standard RFP,

Evaluation criteria and issued by CPTU
Minimum Qualiltying Mark
(MQM) (Rule-117)

Send RFP to the short listed Approval by Head of

consultants(Rule-111 Procuring Entity or
Time to an officer authorized
prepare Receive proposals from by him/her or an
not less consultants (Rule-'117) approving authority
than 28 under the Delegation
days and of Financial Powers
Evaluate Technical Proposal
in case of (if the approving
involving by PEC (Rule-119
athority Is below the
foreign level of HOPE) Minutes of the public
finns not opening must be
less than
distributed to all
42 days consultants

Approval by
Invite the next
Approving Athority
highest ranked
under the Delegation
Negotiate with Lowest EvaL consultant and so
of Financial Powers
Price Proposal on
(Rule-12 2)

Contract Sign (Rule-125)


\5R-xt-\!t3 g [AA ~~o(q:mgJ


Finalise TOR
Tobe kept
confidential c
Format as per ~
Schedule VIII ro
IFinalise Cost Estimate and Budget I
less than four (4)
more than seven
I i
Prepare RFP

I Issue RFP
I Receive proposals from consultant
!pplicants c
licipating in the
Imust be
rmed whether or
lthey have been
Evaluate and Negotiate with the
<!·listed by the <t:
curing Entity I If

Approval by Approving Athority
under the DFP

ow standard RFP,I "'

;sued by CPTU
I! I I Contract Award

Start the Assignment

utes of the public

ning must be
ributed to all

'3f~""t-<r g [AA 1r(~1r) !igJ

Procurement Processing and Approval Procedure for Goods

or Works
Ministry I Division
Procuring Entity
Name of the Project
(if applicable)
Source of Funds Government Development I I Revenue I
(tick relevant boxes)
Project Aid
Own Funds
Brief Description of
Goods or Works
SI Activity Planned Date Actual If any Delay
No (if not applicable indicate NIA) (as per flow Date Indicate No .
chart) of days
A1 Date of Advertisement of Invitation
A2 Date of Submission of Applications
A3 Date of Pre-Qualification meeting (if any)
A4 Date of Submission of Evaluation Report
with Recommended List
A5 Date of Approval of List
81 Date of Advertisement of Invitation for
82 Date of Issue of Tender Document
(if different from 81 above)
83 Date of Pre-Tender meeting
84 Date of submission of Tenders
85 Date of Opening of Tenders (if different
from B4)
B5 Date of Submission of Technical
Sub-Committee Report, where applicable
B6 Date of Submission of Evaluation Report
87 Date of Approval for Award of Contract


Date of submission of Tender Planned Date (as per flow Actual Delay
re for Goods Evaluation Report to the chart) Date (in days)
approving authority

MENT Project Director Received

Project Manager Approved/ Reviewed

Authorised Officer

Head of Department I Received

Approved/ Reviewed
Revenue Head I Chief Executive of a
- Corporation

- Autonomous Body

- Semi-Autonomous Body


Board of Directors Approved/ Reviewed

If any Delay Forwarded

Indicate No.
of days Received

Ministry I Division Approved/ Reviewed



CCGP Approved/ Reviewed


Date of Issue of the Notification

of Award (NOA) for Goods or

Signature of Chairperson of
Tender Evaluation Committee

Name and Designation of

Chairperson of Tender
Evaluation Committee (TEC )

~~""t-~ g[m irc~ir) agJ
Procurement Processing and Approval Procedure for Services (Firms) Date of subm
Evaluation Re
approving aut
Ministry I Division
Agency Project Direct
Procuring Entity
Project Mana~
Name of the Project
Authorised Of
(if applicable)

Source of Funds Government Development rl Revenue r Head of Depa

(tick relevant boxes)
Project Aid
Head I Chief E
Own Funds
- Corporation
Brief Description of
Services - Autonomous
- Semi-Autono

Board of Direa
SI Activity Planned Date Actual If any Delay
No (if not applicable indicate N/A) (as per flow Date Indicate No. of
chart) days
C1 Date of Advertisement of request Ministry I Divis
for EOI
C2 Date of Receipt of EOls
C3 Date of Submission of
Recommended Short-listed Firms
C4 Date of Approval of Recommended
Short-listed Firms CCGP

cs Date of Issue of (RFP)

C6 Date of Submission of Proposals
C7 Date of Submission of Evaluation Date of Issue
Report for Technical Proposals
Award (NOA)
CB Date of Approval of Evaluation of
Technical Proposals
Signature of C
C9 Date of Opening of Financial Tender Evalua
C10 Date of Completion of Combined Name and Des
Chairperson o
C11 Date of Submission of combined
Evaluation Report
C12 Date of completion of Negotiations
C13 Date of Approval for Award of


s (Firms) Date of submission of Proposal Planned Date (as per flow Actual Delay
Evaluation Report to the chart) Date (in
approving authority days)

Project Director Received

Project Manager
Approved/ Reviewed
Authorised Officer
Head of Department I Directorate Received

Head I Chief Executive of a

Approved/ Reviewed
- Corporation
- Autonomous Body

- Semi-Autonomous Body


Board of Directors
If any Delay Approved/ Reviewed
Indicate No . of
days Forwarded


Ministry I Division
Approved/ Reviewed



Approved/ Reviewed


Date of Issue of the Notification of

Award (NOA)

Signature of Chairperson of
Tender Evaluation Committee

Name and Designation of

Chairperson of Tender Evaluation

Procurement Processing and Approval Procedure for Services (Individuals)
Date of Sl


the appro·
Ministry I Division

Agency Project Di

Project M;
Procuring Entity
Name of the Project
(if applicable)
Head of D
Source of Funds
(tick relevant boxes)
Government Development I l Revenue I Di recto rat'

Project Aid Head I Ch

J; i .

- Corpora!
Own Funds
- Autonorr
Brief Description of
- Semi-Au

METHOD Board of [


SI Activity Planned Date (as Actual If any Delay Indicate

No (if not applicable indicate per flow chart) Date No. of days

N/A) Ministry I I


D1 Date of Advertisement
of request for EOI CCGP

D2 Date of Receipt of EOI

D3 Date of Evaluation of
Date of Is!
of Award (
D4 Date of Interview of
Selected Individuals Signature
Tender Ev
D5 Date of Evaluation of
Final Selection List Name and

D6 Date of Submission of Chairpersc

Evaluation Report Evaluation

D7 Date of Approval of


es (Individuals)
Date of submission of Planned Date (as per flow chart) Actu al Delay
~MENT Proposal Evaluation Report to Date (in days)
the approving authority

Project Director Received

Project Manager Approved/ Reviewed

Authorised Officer

Head of Department I Received

Revenue Directorate
Approved/ Reviewed
Head I Chief Executive of a

- Corporation Forwarded

- Autonomous Body

- Semi-Autonomous Body


Board of Directors Approved/ Reviewed

If any Delay Indicate
No. of days Received

Ministry I Division Approved/ Reviewed



CCGP Approved/ Reviewed


Date of Issue of the Notification

of Award (NOA)

Signature of Chairperson of
Tender Evaluation Committee

Name and Designation of

Chairperson of Tender
Evaluation Committee

(14) Imr
Steps for Opening Tenders
(15) Re<
(1) Check and confirm the deadline for submission and opening of Tenders;
(16) Dis
(2) Collect all Tenders received in accordance with the procedures set in the
Invitation for Tender (IFT);
(17) Cht
(3) Make sure that Tender Opening Committee (TOC) members are present;
(4) Check presence of intending participating Tenderers or their authorized
(18) Put
(5) Open ·the Tender box/sealed containers whatsoever on the date and time
declared in the IFT;
(6) Sort-out the Tenders in accordance with the IFT and Group/Package;
(19) Rec
(7) Enter the names of Tenderers (Tender-wise and Group/Package-wise) in the dev
Tender Opening Sheet (TOS) maintained by the office opening the Tenders ;
(8) During the process under Step (7) above mark Tender Serial Numbers (TSN)
(20) It ti
and encircle TSN with red-ink on the sealed cover of the Tender;
(9) Open envelopes marked "WITHDRAWAL" and read out and the corresponding
(21) If ti
tender shall not be opened, but returned to Tenderer. If the withdrawal
envelope does not contain a copy of the power of attorney or a letter of
, authorised confirming the signature of the person duly authorised to sign on
behalf of the Tenderer, the corresponding tender will be opened;
(10) Information relevant to withdrawals or modifications by the Tenderers may be
clearly noted under 'Remarks' in col. 7 of the TOS;
(22) Ift)
(11) Next open envelopes marked "SUBSTITUTION" and read out the letter and
exchange the substituted tender with the corresponding tender being
substituted. The substituted tender shall not be opened, but returned to
Tenderer. No Tender substitution shall be permitted unless the corresponding
substitution notice contains a valid authorisation to request the substitution and (23) All
is read out at Tender opening . mu
(12) Open Envelopes marked "MODIFICATION" and read out the letter. No Tender (24) lftt
modification shall be permitted unless it contains a valid authorisation; quc
( 13) Tear-open the sealed Tenders one by one (tender-wise and Group/ spa
Packagewise) and again mark and encircle TSN wigh red-ind on the Tender am1
(original and copies) wigh full dated signature of the Chairperson and other
1 (25) Ob
members of the Tender Opening Committee [:
Provided that in case of One Stage Two Envelope Tendering Method, first tear-
(26) Ma
open the Technical offer and the financial offer remain sealed and are held in
safe custody by the Head of the Procuring Entity (HOPE) or authorized officer.]

~~'f, '!iITTf, \S O,~ q~-~/~o~~, ~ g ~q ~, ~o~~ ~ ~9f ~ ~ C<PFR ~ (27) TO

~91'5 W ~<f~ ~g~ ~9f ~"f 'f~~, C'W'R-~~ I im

(14) Immediately after tear-opening the Tenders, put TSN chronologically on the
document duly encircled by red-ink as earlier done in Step (8) above ;
( 15) Read-aloud the tender prices quoted by the Tenderer ;
iing of Tenders;
(16) Discounts offered by any tenderer in accordance with the Tender Document
procedures set in the
shall be read out and recorded under 'remarks' in Col. 7 of the TOS;
(17) Check the requisite documents, requirements etc., and the Tender Security, in
)ers are present;
particular. Write the amount of Tender Security in column-3 of the Tender
s or their authorized Opening Sheet (TOS) .
(18) Put the TSN on the Tender Security (Bank Guarantee/Pay Order/Bank Draft)
on the date and time
with red-ink duly encircled and initialled by the Chairperson of the Tender
Opening Committee (TOC).
(19) Record the missing documents or any incompleteness and major or minor
p/Package-wise) in the deviations in the appropriate location/pages of the Tender Document as a
)ening the Tenders; whole;
Serial Numbers (TSN)
(20) It there is no correction in a particular page, write comment at the bottom of
that page that "no correction in this page" or so, as appropriate ;
and the corresponding
(21) If there is any correction or overwriting in a particular page and duly initialled
1rer. If the withdrawal
by the tenderer, encircle and initial that particular correction with red-ink. If
attorney or a letter of
there is more than one such correction and initial by the tenderer, repeat the
' authorised to sign on
procedures. And at the bottom of that particular page write comment that "one
correction in this page with initial", "two corrections in this page with initials"
the Tenderers may be
and so on, as appropriate ;
(22) If there is correction in a particular page but not duly initialled by the tenderer,
·ead out the letter and
encircle and initial that particular correction with red-ink. And at the bottom of
ionding tender being
that Particular page write comment that "one correction in this page without
ened, but returned to
initial" "two corrections in this page without initial" and so on, as appropriate ;
1less the corresponding
est the substitution and (23) All red-ink encircled figures and words of the corresponding items and rates
must be initialled by the Chairperson and other members of the TOC;
t the letter. No Tender (24) If there is any item in the Bill of Quantities against which the tenderer has not
authorisation; quoted any rate and/or amount i.e. kept blank, put question mark in that blank
!er-wise and Group/ space and at the bottom of the page write comment that "No rate and/or
red-ind on the Tender amount quoted for item no ... ..... .. . in this page";
Chairperson and other (25) Obtain signature of the Tenderers and/or their authorized representatives in
the TOS;
~ringMethod, first tear-
(26) Make sure after opening of the Tenders that all the members and the
sealed and are held in
Chairperson of the TOC including the Tenderers or their authorized
or authorized officer.]
representatives who attended the Tender Opening have signed the TOS;

I ~~~~ (27) TOS must be faxed or mailed or sent out to the appropriate authority
immediately upon completion of Tender Opening .

\!)~~ai-~ Col
1¢f~irt-<r g [m ~~(b-) ~1
9 Pn
Total Procurement Plan for Development Project I Programme
This part identifies the packages for Goods, Works and Services that are
required under the development project/programme. It identifies each Procure-
ment package, giving it a unique code and considers the expected cost of the
package (as per the DPP/TPP), as well as the anticipated dates when the
Procurement package will be supplied. 10 Im

A separate Schedule , completed as shown below, should be provided for Pq

Goods, Works and Services.
Col Activity Note
11 Si~
1 Package Number In ascending numerical order.
(e.g . GD1, GD2, GD3; WD1 , WD2, WD3; or SD1 ,
SD2, SD3 etc) 12 Co

2 Description of Brief description of the Procurement package,

Procurement Package expressed in quantifiable terms. (as per

3/4 Unit/ Quantity The unit of supply. (e.g. 1, set, sqm, lump sum)
The quantity of the unit required (e.g. 1,2,3 etc ; or
1,500 etc)

5 Procurement Method Procurement Method (e.g. OTM (NCT) ; LTM

& Type (NCT), DP, etc.)

6 Contract Approving State here the approving authority that gave

Authority approval to the Tender I Proposal Evaluation

7 Source of Funds Source of Funds (GoB or Own) or

Development Partners (IDA, ADB, EU etc)

8 Estimated cost Express the anticipated cost in Taka million as

in Tk million per the DPP!TPP .
e.g. 50 Lakh would be 5 million, 1 Crore 50 Lakh
10 thousand would be 150 million 10 thousand

Indicative Dates These are the three key dates of any

Procurement activity, the date at which the
Procuring Entity invites Tenders, the date at
which a Contract is expected to be signed and
the expected date of completion of the Contract.

Col Activity Note


9 Pre-Qualification I Not generally used in Goods, so this shaded

column is left blank
Expression of Interest
Services that are
Pre-Qualification (if applicable) may be used in
ies each Procure-
Works. EOI is used in Services
)ected cost of the
I dates when the
10 Invitation for Tender I State the anticipated date when the
Advertisement will be placed and when the
Id be provided for Proposal
Tender Document will be ready for issue.

For Services this is the issue date of the RFP

11 Signing of Contract State the anticipated date when the Contract will
be signed.
VD2, WD3; or SD1,
12 Completion of Contract State the anticipated date when the Contract will
be completed, excluding any warranty period or
:urement package,
defects liability period.
terms. (as per

sqm, lump sum)
,d (e.g. 1,2,3 etc; or


uthority that gave

roposal Evaluation

) or
DB, EU etc)

in Taka million as

n, 1 Crore 50 Lakh
ion 10 thousand

I dates of any
ate at which the
ders, the date at
to be signed and
in of the Contract.

Annual Procurement Plan for Development & Revenue Budgets

Time bound Procurement assists a Procuring Entity to effectively plan its 11

Procurement requirements and is an important and useful tool used to monitor the
progress of Procurement (a) to ensure that it does not go astray; (b) to ensure that early 11
problems with slippage can be dealt with promptly; and (c) can form a useful Annual Plan
for Procurement. 11

A separate Schedule, completed as follows, should be provided for Goods, Works

and Services. Also a separate schedule shou ld be used for Development or Revenue 12

Col Activity Note


1 Package Number
2 Description of To be copied from the Total Procurement Plan for
Procurement Item Development

3 /4 Unit & Quantity Project/Programme for those packages required in this

financial year.
5 Procurement Method
& Type

6 Contract Approving
Authority In the case of Procurement using funds from the
Revenue Budget the Columns shall be completed
Source of Funds
based upon information in the Revenue Budget.
7 Estimated Cost

8 In Tk. Million

9 Time Code for In the first row on each form examples have been
Process given to assist the Procuring Entity in completion of the

10 Not Used (Goods) Column 10 does not app ly for Goods Procurement

10 Pre-Qualification If Pre-Qualification is used then enter the anticipated

(Works) process time in the "Planned Days" Column 11.
Include time for Advertising, Responding to Advert ,
Evaluation and Approval (this may be as high as
80-90 days in some cases). 18
10 Advertise EOI Determine the time it will take from issue of EOI ,
receiving responses, evaluation and approval to Issue
of RFP date and enter the number of days in the
"Planned Days" box in Column 11.

Col Activity Note


ctively plan its 11 Advertising Tender Always show "O" in the "Planned Days" box in Column 11.
to monitor the
nsure that early 11 Advertising Tender Always show "O" in the "Planned Days" box in Column 11.
3ful Annual Plan
11 Issue RFP Always show "O" in the "Planned Days" box in Column 10.

r Goods, Works
ent or Revenue 12 Opening of Tender I

13 Evaluation of Tender I The date for each activity will automatically be calculated
Proposal and appear in the "Planned Dates" box.

nent Plan for

equired in this 14 Approval of Award

15 Notification of Award
1ds from the 16 Signing of Contract Now determine the number of days it is expected that
)e completed each activity will take place and enter the time for that
Judge!. activity in the relevant "Planned Days" box. 1 [* * *]

17 Completion of Planned Dates & Planned Days :

s have been Contract For each Procurement package, consider the Date on
1pletion of the
which the Goods, Works or Services are required to be
completed and enter the date in Planned Dates (Column
~urement 17).

Then show the expected duration of the Contract (in

1e anticipated
Days) in Planned Days immediately under the above Date
Column 11.
1g to Advert , (Column 17).
as high as
18 Total Time (in Days) This is automatically calculated by adding together all the
;sue of EOI, pre-determined number of "Planned Days", it will change if
·oval to Issue any of the Planned Days are changed.
days in the

~<!l'Jf, ~,-.SOR q'!>-~/-<.o~~, ~g-<_q -mS, -<.o~~m~~, ~-.s~<>tW,r~, ~--<.~ 1



'51{"1-~ g


Minis1ry I Division Budget: Development
~ro~~~~ Entity Nam~. & ~-
GR1 I (20) rnilll!ll ·nnng
I No
I ?0
(?:i~':f, ~ I ~~IHd I GOB
I I Planned
__ . . . . ,. .. 100
Actual Da\eS 30-Apr..04

"14-:lan~ 25-Feb-04 03-Maor-04 1 31-Mar-04

04-Feb.()4 T 18-F•b-04
I Purchase 01 25 twenty
~~ii b~) Motor Cycles. No
I 25 I Na"°""' I

" •• 77

AcCual Dates

Total Value Of GOOds I I I total : 9


'5!~"1-Y:f :
Budget: Development
Ministry I Divisjon
Procuring Entity Name & Code
Project I Programme Name & Code

I Description of
Procurerrent Pac:kage
I Unil I Quantity I P=xemen
t Method &
I Contract
Pre<iuel (If
to Award
of Award
Signing of
Total ~me
Time for
WORKS TYO< g Funds Mil Hon appllcable) Tender Slgnatute of Contraci
Authority Tk.
6 7 8
• 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

l I I
- ":"."""''°'
Planne<! ~:;;t~-:,~r-O.a '- 21....,.--01·- ~02<1un-0t 30.Jun-<le 07.Jul-08 31-May.o7
clc~~t:~~) -, 5 OTM (tCTJ Board ot
AD6 120 ·Dates

--·· ·- ·- -- - ~~A

·- lie. -flays'~:: ::= . ·_.:. j - .

Actual 0&~165
Plann~ os.Jun-t16 l 04-Jul~ I 25.Jul..06 I 08-Aug..06 t 1S·Auo·06 I 12.sep-06 I I 31-Mar..07
I ~
W02 Cons1ruction C>f 2 (lwo)
flood regulalors 2 OTM HOPE GOB 60
No I I I I I Days

Actual Oates
wo• __ J_
I ~
Total Value of Works
Procurement I I I I I Total: 160


I I I I I Budget:
I Revenue
Ministry I Division

Procuring Entity Name & Code

I O&iCt'lptlon of
Procu<ernenl Pack~
Unit -- YUSntlly ~n.
tMeltiO(f& --
--- "Jlt1r6'1ng
of Funds
for Process
P<oquel ~f
Evaluation .....
lo Award
i lflingd
- ~raet
Total lime
WORKS •- fYPf ~thi>nty Mllllon appUcable) 5'gne1ure ofCOnli>Ci
2 3
-- 4 5 6 7

10 11 12 13 ,. 15 f_B 11 18·
Renovation 91 · eiannea
25""""'°• O.&o.$ep.03 22-Sep<>• ·29-sep.o• 06-0ct-03 03-HOV.03 10.J~4
WR1 I Wai<shop - Sq!"' 100 LTM
Authorised GOB 3.0 Dalee
" • 14 ,. r r - ,. fU u.o
Actual Oates
Repair inhmance en 06-Mu-04 13-Mar-04 18·Mar-04 21-Mar44 26-Mar.o.4 31-Mar-04 15-Apr--0.4
WR2 ! of Hydraulic Strucl\Jres No 2 Project GOB 0.2 Oates
RFQ Manager
National Planned

::: I
Actual Dates

ANO SO ON Value Of Work!

Procuremenl I I I I I ! Total: 32 I I I I

~~llf-1! g
8 udget: Development
Ministry/ Division

Procuring EnUty Name & Code
Project I Programme Name & Code
P::ickaga Descr1pt!oo of ProoJrement U"1 Quantity Procuroment
Me!hod &
Conbad SoUIC
I E&!d. Co&!
n Mll 1on
Time Code .......
Issue RFP Technical

p._.1 ,,_.,
Flnanctal Negotiation Ap""""1 S1g-nk\g0i Total time TJM !or
Aulhorily Funds n. '°''"""" Evaluation Opinhg &.
Conl>d to

- -3·-- §--
SD 1
' 7 8
" f'\annocl
10 18
. :--·.S091o-o6
20 •b. 6 ,
ptt!~lionofTender ·

_.=:~-:&~~$ nvm - C.C U() CCBS

" PiaM.d
.ba>i --'
O· ... ;t'l ' 480-.--

SD2 Construi:tlOO mana11emenl Plannoo 01·Nov-06 22-Nov-06 10.Jun.(17
of cHywater supply system Dates
100 LCS
National HOPE GOB 4
0 40
" 22 15 5 0 21 200


S03 µ
TotalV;lue ol SeMCeS
Procurerpenl I I I I I Total. 81
I I I I I Budget:
I Revenue
Ministry I Division
Procuring Entity Name & Code

I De~lon d Procurement
I Un~ uuanttty Procu""'8n
· 1-MetnOd
E31d. Cos1
1ri fA!lhon
!&We RFP Proposal -
. """'°'"I
NegotiaUoo App<w.11 SignlnQOI
Time for
SERVICES _:..;. ATii>o . _ Autllo!fbi Funds 11<. Propi:>&a! Conlracl c<Conlraci
, ..

----- ----
.., ....,, _,
,. ,. ,.

. lc.c"cc·c_ I ' ' 7 ~ ·1Q

" " " " "
SRI I TedlobJAu,,_,,to . I Pomed
' 21.S.p-03 11-,..... s - 1&.flov-83

05-0tc.03 02.Jin-04 11.Ja~ 1.,....,.r.44
~-evakt.~ <?( -
m1m 25 acss
Mlnifltry GOB
·-~ °''°'
,. Z7 ,. ' 28 .. 1'2

Actllil l ~
SR2 - r ·siuilyon GrOiildWa\er ""MM 18.Aug-03 15.Sep-03 07.Qct.03 22-0ct.C3 27-0ct..03 27-0ci-03 17-NOY..03 15-MJly.o.4
i:JepletiOn wiflk'I Dhaka City FBS HOPE GOB , 0 Dates
'° Na Ilona I
P•med 0 40 28 22 ,, 5 D 21 ,,, 180
Actual Dates

I I Total

Total Va,Jve tif Services Procurement

I I I I 55


~ O'
~~ ~
" (1<D
<t> o CD WWWWWNNNNNN NNNN_.._.._.. _..._..._...-tr._..
:3)1 g_ b s· ~ u ~WN_..OCDCO-JcnCJlJ::>. WN-tr.Q(()CX>-JQ)U'l~WN

di"' ~ ~ u v <n -...,,O')CJl ~WN_..

"' - 3 ::J -l
ru.- =r.


I 1 ~ ~ [f.Wl "°' ()) ~g J

Format for Reporting Contract Award

~[* * * *]

~ {This is the website format w/Jich requests only the data needed to complete
! ;;
~ Tiie Contract Award Notification Sheet]

1 Ministry/Division <select>
2 Agency <select>
3 Procuring Entity Name < tvoe in name >
. '--
Procuring Entity Code
Procuring Entity District <select>
6 Contract Award for <select>

I '•g

=r&;;;ure1 ~'" i!i! !->'l!l . !ll!lijl{·:l!IMM-
1!1111!! .!l •l li11'!1! 1""1!:1! !,1"ll!il··-----'l!l--!!l!l!llllll
!•l l

'-- Procurement Method <select>

~ Budget and Source of Funds ~select>

~ ~
DevelJment Partners (if a p p l i c ! J L J ; ; , ; ; : ;
~ '--
1:11m1 oBMJ.lroN= "''i1:g~ . 1 .Q#AMl#&AH
12 Project I Programme Coce (if applicable) < use MOF code >
• 13 Project I Programme Name (if applicable) < use MOF name >
- 14 Tender I Proposal Package No.
15 . Tender I Proposal Package Name
~ 16
17 Date of Advertisement
I Date
Date of Notification of Award <select> ,
19 of Contract Signing <select>
20 Proposed Date of Contract Completion <select>
,___ 21 No. of Tenders I Proposa is Sold < type in Number >
22 No. of Tenders I Propos;c' s Received < type in Number >
_ ll ~
23 No. of Responsive Tenders I Proposals < type in Number >
H~ ~8
·~ Add reasons for non-

~J; ~~~~_•.;!h'St:~~m~~~~~ ~
,___ 24 Brief Description of Contract ' < type in details >
g 25 Contract Price < type in details >
~ 26 Name of Supplier I Contr2ctor I Consultant < type in details >
27 Location of Supplier I Co ntractor I Consultant < type in details >
£ 28 Location of Delivery I Wo rks I Consultancy <type in 'tietails >
29 Is the Contract awarded to the Person with the lowest priced Tender? I <select>

30 If no, state brief reasons < type in details >

31 Was the Performance Secu rity provided in due time? I <select>
32 If no, state reasons I
- 33 Was the Contract signed in due time? I < select >
34 If no, state reasons I < tvoe in details >
- 35 Name of Authorised Officer < type in name >
~ i• 36 Desianation of Authorised Officer < tvoe in name >

-"" < select > These fields in the website are "pop-up" fields and the procuring entity will only have to select
r· ;g
I. the correct name, address or date in order to complete the form.
< type in name I details > These field s are to be completed by typing in the relevant data .

HI ~ )

<.!l'l', \51Bf, '8 ~~ ~O~-~/~ool\l, ~ g )~ ~ ~ool;i mm .. (for Tk. l 00 million and above
~ ffi ffi for goods and works contracts)" <.!l<i~ "(for Tk. 5 million and above for serv ice contracts)" ~f.'r,
'l'~<!Jrof.'r '8 ~f.'f WJ:1$, ~-8~(~) I


Im ~C\(~) agJ
(Goods or Works)
(I) The n
Contract No: Date: shall b
(2) In case
[Name of Contractor] be syst
basis o
lot a S•
and p
This is to notify you that your Tender dated [insert date] for the execution of the Works/for the
supply of Goods and related Services [delete as appropriate] for [name of project/Contract] for the three c
Contract Price of Tk. [state amount in figures and in words] as corrected and modified in or pac~
accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, has been approved by [name of Procuring Entity]. fi !es sh
You are thus requested to take following actions: -/Pro cu
i. accept in writing the Notification of Award within seven (7) working days of its
receiving pursuant to ITT Sub-clause XX. (3) The fi l1
11. furnish a Performance Security in the specified format and in the amount of Tk [state be close
amount in figures and words], within fourteen ( 14) days of issuance of this letter but not contrac
later than (specify date), in accordance with ITT Clause XX.
(4) Aparti1
111. sign the Contract within twenty eight (28) days of issuance of this letter but not later than file nun
(specify date), in accordance with ITT Clause XX.
(5) The ch(
You may proceed with the execution of the Works/supply of Goods and related Services [delete as- or not.
appropriate] only upon completion of the above tasks. You may also please note that this Notification of particul
Award shall constitute the formation of this Contract which shall become binding upon you. remain

We attach the draft Contract and all other documents for your perusal and signature. (6) The cm
which r

Signed (7) If relev

Duly authorised to sign for and or behalf of Procure
[name of Procuring Entity]
(8) Ifitis1
Date: maintai1
NOTE:- Tender Validity Date is critical to Notification of Award and fulfilment of subsequent relevant
obligations.] This sit1
~<.!lJf. i!iffif. '3 "f'Z ~81'.1"-~/~o~"'' ~ g ~~ ~, ~o~"' ~ "~-'\" <.!l~ ~ "~­ (9) The pag
q" ~<>f\!l, ~-~~ I

~~--t-~ g Im 8~ (8) ag 1
Records of Procurement to be Maintained by a Procuring Entity

( 1) The records of Procurement of Goods, Works and Services made through each contract
Date: shall be maintained separately.

(2) In case of more than one contract falling under a particular package, the files or records shall
be systematically maintained on each contract basis and arranged or grouped together on the
basis of each package. For example, if one package of goods consists of 3 lots and for each
lot a separate contract has been concluded, then there should be three files for 3 contracts
and papers relating to each contract shall be maintained in the relevant contract files. All the
of the Works/for the
three contract files relating to the particular package shall be maintained together as a group
oject/Contract] for the
or package. If in a goods package, say Package No. GI there are 3 contracts then the contract
\ted and modified in
files shall indicate as GI: Contract-I (3), GI: Contract 2 (3), GI: Contract 3 (3). All the 3
f Procuring Entity].
contracts shall be serially maintained under one package. The file number may include---/---
-/Procurement/GI: Cont- I (3)/2004-06. The indicated years are the file opening and closing
) working days of its
(3) The file should be opened indicating the year when it is opened and the year when it should
be closed. In other words it should include year of commencement and year of completion of r
1e amount of Tk [state
contractual obligations.
tee of this letter but not
(4) A particular Contract file may have more than one Part file. Part file shall be indicated in the
letter but not later than file number as Part- I, Part-2 say for example: -----1-------/G 1: Cont. I (3) Part- l/2004 -06.

(5) The checklist of records format shall be placed at the top of every file whether it is a part file
ted Services [delete as- or not. The format of the checklist should be filled in stating the records maintained in a
that this Notification of' particular file. Where part file is opened, some of the columns of the checklist of records will
upon ytlu. remain blank concerning the records not maintained in a particular part file.

(6) The concerned officer of the Procuring Entity should indicate in writing in the format 111
which part file or main file the records appearing blank are available.

(7) If relevant papers relating to a particular Procurement are maintained by more than one
branch of the Procuring Entity, the relevant branch shall transfer the records to the main
nd or behalf of Procurement file.

(8) If it is not possible to transfer the records and documents, the concerned department(s) shall
maintain the documents/records relating to the Procurement for the period stated in the
Regulations and the Procedures. The concerned Procurement Officer shall ensure the
lfilment of subsequent relevant branch is complying with the requirement and the Procedures of the Regulation 9.
This situation may arise in case of documents/records maintained by the Accounts Branch
who may retain the original documents for audit or other purposes.

q"<!l~~ .. ~- (9) The pages of the file shall be numbered serially. The entire file should be preserved in a
manner so that no page should miss. The pages in the file should be bounded if possible.
(I 0) The attached format and the records mentioned therein shal l be placed as part of the records
on top of the papers of each file.
(I I) The file shall be given a number and maintained systematically so that it can be located
immediately whenever required. Description (obj
(12) The file shall have a title page. The title shall mention the project name object of of Procurement)
Procurement Package Number etc. An example of a title page of a file is attached. Package No.
Contract No.

File No: ... ................ / ....... ./GI: Cont. I (3) Part 1/2004-6
SI Minimum Rt
Date of opening : 2004

Date of closing : 2006

0I Brief des
Works a
02 Method 01
Subject : Procurement of Goods under Public Procurement Reform Project Method,
Request fc
03 Justificati\
Package No : GI tendering
method ~
Contract No : GI: Cont.(1)(3)
04 An invitat
Advertisement No ........ . ..... . .. .......... .. . .. . ... date ..... . ... ... ... .
05 Copies
Specify object of Procurement and Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qualificati
06 A copy o
EOI or ot~
07 Records o
any or sho
08 Invitation
09 Document
I0 Clarificati1
11 Addendun
12 Names anc
13 List of per
place of 01
14 Minutes ol

d as part of the records '5R-xt-~ g

Records and Documents to be maintained
that it can be located
Description (object
roject name object of of Procurement)
is attached. Package No.
Contract No.

State briefly Reference of file

where appropriate page no/pa11 ti le
SI Minimum Records and documents to be maintained or
No. No
state yes or No Refer; Col-3
Refer: Col-2.
I 2 3 4
01 Brief description of Goods and related Services/
Works and Physical Services, intellectual and
Professional Services.

02 Method of Procurement used (State if Open Tendering

teform Project Method, Limited Tendering Method, Direct
Procurement Method, Two Stage Tendering Method,
Request for Quotations Method etc).

03 Justification for choosing a method other than open

tendering with the level of approval obtained (State
method adopted/authority approving the method or

04 An invitation for pre-qualification, if any.

05 Copies of the published advertisements for pre-

qualification, if any.

06 A copy of pre-qualification document or request for

EOJ or other solicitation documents.

07 Records of selection of pre-qualified persons/ firms , if

any or short listed Applicants.

08 Invitation for Tender/Letter of Invitation with copy of

Advertisement notice in newspapers, if any.

09 Documents regarding sale of tender.

10 Clarification issued, if any, and to whom addressed.

11 Addendum issued

12 Names and addresses of the Tenderers/Consultants that

submitted Tenders/quotations/proposals.

13 List of persons present during tender opening, date and

place of opening.

14 Minutes of the tender opening.


l 2 3 4
15 Tender, Quotation or Proposal/documents submitted
by each Tenderer/Consultant.
16 Evaluation criteria stipulated and applied.
17 Report on Tender, Proposal or Quotation evaluation
including comparison sheet.
18 Records of approval of the TEC/PEC Consu
recommendations. Conllil
19 Name and address of the Tenderer to whom the
contract was awarded.
20 Notification of Award
21 The amount of contract price works
22 Contract documents specifi
23 Copy of performance guarantee document with Date were TI
and No. by the
24 Delivery/acceptance documents/reports for goods. consul

25 Completion report of Works and Services Number of

Con tin
lots delivered/ assignments completed.
26 Location of delivery of goods/completion of Works
27 Information on any decision to suspend or cancel
proceedings after initiation.
28 Documents in respect of any complaints to
administrative authority with decision of the
appropriate Authority/Secretary. Confli
29 Appeal to Review Panel assign
Appeal petition to Review Panel
30 Payment of registration fee for appeal
31 Constitution of Review Panel by the CPTU
32 Decision of the Review Panel with report '

33 Compliance of the decision of the Review Panel, if Relate1

any. assig111
34 Records of payment against bills/invoices other
35 Bill of quantities for Works/measurement book
submitted .
36 Bill passing orders
37 Bill payment records Relate
38 Mode of payment : cheque, cash etc. assig11
39 Acknowledgement of receipt of payment by comp
Tenderer/Consultant client

40 All correspondences with Tenderers

(Important correspondences)

G!~"f <!' g [~ (t(t ( ~) a-g l
(Consultant Conflicts of Interest: Range of Possible Cases)

Category of Example Is the Risk for Client: !\'litigation of

Consultant Consultant Consultant may Risk
Conflicts allowed to take

Supply of Equipment. No Favor its associates Disqualilication

goods and computers of consultant
wo rks whose and afliliates
were prepared
by the

Continuation Detailed design Yes Influence TOR, bias TOR of

ass ignments after feasibility feasibility- study cont inuation
study recommendations drafted by third
party who ,

Conflicting Environmental No Apply partiality in Disqualify the

assignments audit of assess ing its own consultant
consultants· designs
project design by
the same

Related Restructured Yes Unduly influence Have third party

assignment study of a pub Iic (pem1issible TOR of rel ated draft TOR. or
other than asset after upon assignment disqualif)' the
continuation preparing conditions) consultant

Related Study of a No Advice to client(s) Disqualify the

assignment for project (permissible may be biased consultant. or
competing competing- with upon both clients
clients another client's conditions) agree on scope
project of work

Category of Example Is the Risk for Client: Mitigation of
Consultant Consultant Consultant may Risk
Conflicts allowed to take
(I) Ap
Related Study of No .. Featherbedding,. * Disqualify the Cor
unnecessary superfluous consultant pro.
assignments alternatives
Unrelated Study of future Yes n.a n.a.
useful projects
assignments exp
req r
Conflicting A consultant's No Be unduly favored 1-:xcludc the
relationships staff has a family (permissible in the proposal client's staff Cor
re lationship with upon evaluation process from the lnte
a client's staff conditions) selection oft
involved in the process, or any
selection process disqualify the (2) Cor

Conflicting The consultant No Be unduly favored The consultant

relationships includes a client (permissible in the proposal shall attach to its
employee in its upon evaluation process proposal a
technical conditions) client's
proposal ceriification
stating that the
involved client's
employee is on
leave without
pay (e)

* Featherbedding is the practice of requiring an employer to hire more workers than needed to
handle a job


\5!~-.rt ~ g [m ~~~ (lr) agJ

~litigation of
~~irt<l' g General Considerations for the Employment of Consultants

( 1) Appointment of Consu ltants, local or international, at times is a crucial element in the project
cycle. Depending on the nature of a project, combination of both local and International
Disqualil): the Consultants in implementing any project or activity can be more useful and effective. A
consultant project may not be ready for financing without Consultant's Services. An aid agreement may
not be effective ti ll a Consultant is in place. A tender document may not be issued or even
prepared without a Consultant. A system may not be introduced or reformed without the
Services of Consultant. At the conceptual or project preparation stage it is to be thoroughly
scrutinized to identify the areas where the Services of the Consultant is necessary if the
technology involved is complex and not locally available and the concerned agency has no
experience. Therefore, where it is considered expedient that the service of a Consultant is
required, appointment of local or International Consultants should be considered. However,
Exclude the the Procuring Entities should be selective in appointment of Consultants. International
client's staff Consultants may be appointed when local expertise is not available. While using
from the International Consultants arrangements should be made to ensure a mechanism for transfer
selection of technology or expertise. Human resources development should form an integral part of
process. or any technical assistance programme.
disqualify the (2) Consultants are generally appointed for the following purposes:
(a) Pre-investment Studies: These comprise the investigations that normally precede
decis ions to go forward with specific projects. These studies determine the investment
The consultant
needs and the type of interventions needed to attain the desired goal. These include
shall attach to its
identification of priority area of investment, need for policy adjustment, feasibility
proposal a studies for project or programme, improvement of existing management practices etc.
(b) Preparation Services: These comprise the technical, economic or other assignment
requ ired to fu lly define a project and prepare it for implementation. These Services
stating that the
normally include the preparation of a project, collection of relevant Documents,
involved client's information and data, setting objectives, identifying activities for attaining objectives.
employee is on requirement of physical and financial resources, preparation of Procurement
leave without Documents.
pay ( c) Implementation Services: These relate to actual implementation of the activities using
resources already identified during preparation phase. Implementation shall follow the
<ers than needed to time chart already worked out and revised from time to time. Implementation may be
of the nature of construction of a complex road, building or a bridge, procurement and
installation of goods and equipment. It may be of the nature of reforming a system in
order to improve efficiency and ensure better performance. This involves supervision,
management, inspection and providing necessary technical Services.

(d) Technical Assistance: These comprise a wide range of intellectual and professional
Services along with other support service, such as development and sector planning
and institution building, including organization and management (O&M) studies.
staffing requirement and training needs and assistance in the implementation of study
recommendations .

(3) Technical Assistance Projects have a clearly stated policy to build local capacity in
course of execution of the projects. The objective is to facilitate transfer of knowledge
and technology through the interaction between international and Local Consultants
during the implementation of the project.

(4) For each position created in consulting service appropriate attention should be made l. &
to compatible international/ local positions. International Consultants can be of any M
national of eligible countries including Bangladesh. a~

a. Association of Consultants with International & Local Consulting Firms:

2. &I
( 1) For development projects implemented in Bangladesh by the GOB with the support of
development partners, may require the engagement of international consulting firms.
Each international consulting firm is encouraged to seek participation and obtain full
range of expertise by associating with local consulting firm(s) or entities in a joint
venture or sub-consultancy, as appropriate.

(2) International consulting firms may include national Consultants in their payroll and (b
are entitled to apply their Fees/Charges for the Local Consultants provided they are
recruited as their team.
3. .fu
(3) The local consulting firms will have Local Consultants in their payroll and are entitled
to apply their Fees/Charges on the Local Consultants working for them. (a:

( 4) If a Bangladeshi firm is short-listed to compete with international firms , it may use the
Services of both international and local Consultants and is entitled to apply
Fees/Charges for both categories of Consultants.

(5) In a joint participation of international and local consulting firms member firms will
mutually decide the payroll arrangements.

b. Billing Rates and Modus Operandi:

(1) Billing rates shall be calculated on staff-month basis. The billing rates of consulting
firms usually consist of staff remuneration, social charges, overhead charges, and the
Consultant's fee.

(2) The billing rate will vary depending on the nature of the consulting firm. As
guidance, an example of typical billing rate calculation is provided below:

Item Component International/ National Firm

1 Staff Remuneration

2 Social Charges 40% of Remuneration

3 Overhead 60--100% of Remuneration

4 Consultant's Fee 10--15% of(l+2+3)


~~-ict '>\ g [~ ~~~ (b-) ~]

I capacity in
1f knowledge
General Considerations for Employment of Bangladeshi Nationals as
Individual Consultants in Aided Projects

I. Employment of Bangladeshi Nationals as Consultants in Foreign Aided Projects: All

1uld be made
an be of any Ministries, Divisions and Government agencies including local authorities shall, subject to
agreement with the development partners employ qualified Bangladeshi nationals as
Consultants, if available, in foreign aided projects under their execution.

2. Eligibility for applying for the posts of Consultants:

he support of
suiting firms . (a) Any Bangladeshi national including persons in the service of the Republic or the local
1d obtain full
authorities/corporations 1[* * *] may, if he/she is qualified for any post of Consultant,
ies in a joint
apply for the post.

r payroll and (b) No person who has been convicted by any Court of Law or dismissed from Services
ided they are for misconduct shall be eligible for consideration for appointment to a post.

3. Educational qualifications and experience:

id are entitled
(a) Broadly, the Bangladeshi Consultants shall be divided into three main groups, tr

it may use the
led to apply (i) Junior Consultant;

(ii) Consultant;
ber firms will
(iii) Senior Consultant.

(b) A guideline for educ<ttional qualifications and experiences of the Local Consultants is
provided below, however, educational qualifications and experience will vary
of consulting according to the nature and scope of assignment and a Procuring Entity, taking this
arges, and the into account, will specify the requirements. Preference should be given to a person
with intellectual and professional knowledge and skill for the required service :

ng firm. As
(i) Junior Consultant: (i) Bachelor/ Masters degree or an equivalent (mention
one depending on the type of assignment) for the following fields-medical/

rm engineering/ agriculture; and (ii) Masters degree or equivalent for other field s,
with at least five (5) years of professional experience in the relevant field of

~<!I~, ~, '8 ~ ql!l-~/~o~~, ~ g ~q "l:ft6, ~o~~ mm "(See Schedule M)" m, ~fc'r '8 '1-cf
WJl$,~-~q I

(ii) Consultant: (i) Bachelor/ Masters degree or an equivalent (mention one
depending on the type of assignment) for the following fields: medical/
engineering/agriculture; and (ii) Masters degree or equivalent for other fields,
with at least ten ( 10) years experience in the relevant field of assignment with
comprehensive intellectual and professional knowledge and ski ll.
( 1) The fol
(iii) Senior Consultant: (i) Bachelor/ Masters degree or an equivalent (mention
one depending on the type of assignment) for the following fields- medical/
engineering/agriculture; and (ii) Masters degree or equivalent for other fields, (a) T
with at least fifteen (15) years experience in the relevant field of assignment a1
with high level of intellectual and professional knowledge and skill Experience e1
may be relaxed in the case of highly qualified person depending on the field of (b) 0
assignment. jc
1[4. For an assignment, the Local Consultants' payments will be in commensurate with the a~

qualification and expertise depending on the current market price.] p:

5. Advertisement procedure: (c) A

(a) Advertisement shall be made in accordance with Regulation 21 of the Public cc
Procurement Regulations 2003 stating clearly the name of the post, brief job (c
description, tenure of employment, required educational qualifications, experience,
(d) D
age limit (or relaxation, if any) and time for receiving Applications. However, for
hiring individual Local Consultant the time for the submission of Applications may be
reduced to two weeks.

(b) Persons who are already in employment shall send Application through proper
channel, otherwise they shall not be considered for appointment.




~<.!l~, '5!ffi, 13 'R 1!>8Q-~/~o~~, ~ g ~~ ~. ~o~~ ~"(Article 4)" <.!l~ ~"(Article 4)"
~91\5, ~-1!>1!> I

~uivalent (mention one

151-z-xt ~ g rm~~~ (l\l) ,!fgJ
lowing fields: medical/
Terms and Conditions of Employment of Government Servants and
~ivalent for other fields, Employees of Statutory Bodies, Local Authorities, Etc.
field of assignment with
and skill.
(1) The following terms and conditions of employment as Local Consultants shall apply to
Government officials and civil servants including persons of autonomous bodies or
an equivalent (mention
corporations, namely;-
!lowing fields- medical/
1ivalent for other fields, (a) The person (i) will be on leave of absence without pay; (ii) is not being hired by the
vant field of assignment agency if he/she was working for immediately before going on leave; and (iii) hi s/her
dge and ski ll Experience employment will not give rise to any conflict of interest.

lepending on the field of (b) On completion of his/her service on lien he/she shall be allowed seven day's time to
join the post from which he/s he was sent on lien and for these seven days, he/s he
shall be allowed his/her usual salaries and allowances of the post he/s he joins. After
commensurate with the assuming duties of the post of a Consultant, he/she shall inform in writing his/her
parent Ministry, Division, or Government agency.

(c) All expenses in connection with his/her joining as Consultant to any organization I
project and his/her return to join his/her parent department I organisation on
ation 21 of the Public i completion of his/her lien period shall be borne by the Procuring Entity
of the post, brief job \ (organization using the Services as Consultant).
ialifications, experience,
(d) During the period of this deputation the Consultant:
plications. However, for
i of Applications may be (i) shall be entitled to get his/her fees and allowance, leave, medical benefits, etc.
from the Procuring Entity that employs him/her as Local Consultant as per its
terms and conditions of employment;
lication through proper
nt. (ii) shall not be entitled to any salary, leave salary, special pay, technical pay or
any other allowances from his/her original Procuring Entity (Government of
Bangladesh parent organization);

(iii) shall be liable to pay to his/her original Procuring Entity (Government of

Bangladesh parent organization) in time all his/her debts and dues, such as,
subscription or contributions to provident and pension funds , house building
advances, car advances, subscription to benevolent fund and group insurance;

(iv) shall not be entitled to any medical allowance or other facilities for any
member of his/her family from his/her original Procuring Entity ;

(v) shall be allowed to reside in the Government accommodation, if allotted to

him/her for a period not exceeding one year and, for that period, he/she shall be
liable to pay standard rent fixed by original Procuring Entity and pay all utility
and other charges in accordance with standing rules, orders and instructions of
4)" <!1~ ~ "(Article 4)" the original Procuring Entity.

(vi) provided that, he/she resides in a Government accommodation, he/she may

reside there for such further period as the Government may allow and he/she
shall be liable to pay besides the standard rent all other dues in accordance with
the rules of the Government;

(vii) shall bear subject to Government rules all charges in connection with the
telephone, if any provided to him/her by his/her original Procuring Entity;

(viii) shall not be entitled to any transport facility, if any, provided to him/her by
his/her original Procuring Entity;

(ix) shall obtain prior approval with respect to any change in the terms and 4
conditions of his/her service which effect any provisions of this paragraph from 6 Ir
7 Ir
the Ministry of Establishment and the concerned Ministry, Division or
8 D
Government agency from where he/she went on lien;

(x) shall not join in any other project other than the one to which he/she has been
sent on lien without the prior permission of his/her head of the organisation ;
12 p
(xi) shall be liable to pay the amount of VAT deducted at source for consultancy 13 p
service as per VAT Act and Rules.
18 A
(e) The period of lien if necessary, may be extended with the permission of the
19 N
appropriate authority following standing rules and orders Government/ other

(2) The conditions mentioned in sub-paragraph (I) shall apply mutatis mutandis to an employee
ofa local authority.

(3) Permission: 21
Subject to standing rules and orders concerned Ministry, Division or Government Agency 24
may accord permission to an employee. 29 N
30 D
31 A
32 c
33 Tl

name, a

ccommodation, he/she may

ment may allow and he/she
ther dues in accordance with Gf~""f-<P g [~[~ ?i>o(cr) '8 ?i>~(~~)agJ

Invitation for Enlistment

ges in connection with the
This is the website format and as used for published advertisement.
,iginal Procuring Entity; It is included in this document for information only]

my, provided to him/her by NT

Ministry/Division <select>
Agency <select>
Procuring Entity Name < tvoe in name >
r change in the terms and Procuring Entity Code *'\
Procuring Entity District <select>
isions of this paragraph from Invitation for Enlistment II < select > <select>
Invitation Ref No < type in name >
·ned Ministry, Division or Date <select>

e to which he/she has been <select>

< tvpe in name >
head of the organisation ;
12 I Project I Programme Code (if applicable) I <use MOF code>
ed at source for consultancy 13 Project I Programme Name (if applicable} <use MOF name>

18 I Application Closing Date and Time <select>

Nith the permission of the
19 I Name & Address of the office(s)
orders Government/ other
-Application Form Availability (Principal)
-Application Form Availability (Others)
- Receiving Application Form
atis mutandis to an employee

21 Eligibility of Applicant <type in name>

22 Brief Description of Goods or Works <type in name>
23 Brief Description of Related or Physical Services < type in name >
sion or Government Agency 24 Price of Aoplication Form (Tk) < tvoe in orice >
29 Name of Official Inviting Application <type in name >
30 Designation of Official Inviting Application <type in name >
31 Address of Official Inviting Application <type in name>
32 Contact details of Official lnvitina Aoolication <Tel. No. > I < Fax No. > <e-mail>

<select> : these fields are "pop-up" fields and the procuring entity will only have to select the correct
name, address or date in order to complete the form.<type in name> : these fields are to be
completed by typing in the releva nt data.

<.!l~, ~, \3 .,-~ -<,o~-~/-<,oo~, ~ g ~-<. ~, -<,oo~ ~ "ffi ~o(a-)" ~, ~~~M \3

~ ~ "ffi ~o(<I') \3 ~~(~-<.)" ~M, ~~~M \3 ~M ~~, ~-8-<, I

Invitation for Pre-Qua lification

[for use when there is a SINGLE lot in a package

This is the website format and as used for published advertisement.
It is in cluded in this document for information only]

µ.;...w.......,;iliWiii~~:.....!imfilWIE.NTO ~[fj;QE~~fijl!fm~imf~me§]j~fiiiilii:J
Ministry/Division <select>
Agency <select>
Procuring Enti ty Name < t pe in name >
Procuring Entity Code
Procuring Entity District <select>
Invitation for < select > '1J < select >
Invitation Ref No < type in name >
Date <select>
. ·~

Budget and Source of Funds <select>

~ABXKp~ellv~eiE1od...Pffi.mlB:e_n!E_~~P~-aurtne~f app1ica,,.b::;1e;::::l:Jt::!:tZ~iiiiii'tl!ifill~S~r.=~:iiimil~ir.i·
Ji. .LO ""'
12 Project I Programme Code (if applicable) < use MOF code >
13 Project I Programme Name (if applicable) < use MOF name >
14 Proposed Tender Package No.
15 Proposed Tende r Package Name

18 Pre-Qualification submiss ion Date and

19 Name & Address of the office(s )
- Selling Pre-Qua/. Document (Principal)
- Selling Pre-Qua/. Document (Others)
- Receiving Pre-Qua/. Document
20 Place I Date I Time of
Pre-Qualification Meetin g (Optional) 2
tmli~mmnm~1pu -, 2
21 Eligibility of Applicant < type in name >
22 Brief Description of Goods or Works < type in name >
23 Brief Description of Related Services < type in name >
24 Price of Pre-Qua/. Document (Tk) <t e in rice>
Lot Identification of Lot Location Completion
No Time in
Weeks I
25 <~VJ~ in name > <t pe in>
~~mmw;rm_:tuErAtrs.:: -= . :a~L:::D&&maemam•
- - :..;,,,:
29 Name of Official Inviting Pre-Q ualification < type in name>
30 , Designation of Official In viting Pre-Qua/. <type in name>
31 Address of Official Inviting Pre-Qua/. <type in name>
32 Contact details of Offici al lnviti n Pre-Qua/. <Tel. No. > < Fax No. > <e-mail >
33 The rocurin entit res erves the ri ht to --- deleted-- re·ect all Pre-Qual ifications

<select> : these fields are "pop-up" fields and the procuring entity will only have to select the correct
name, address or date in order to com plete the form.

<type in name> : these fields are to be completed by typing in the relevant data

~~··Pt g

Invitation for Pre-Qualification

{for use when there are MULTIPLE lots in a package

This is the website format and as used for published advertisement.
;ement. It is included in this document for mformation only]

SzUfi\MiGstiZERtjM&liT OF T!::!f; eeoei;e@Rl!RfJSt:IMQl!DJISDESQlllGM

1 Ministry/Division <select>
2 Agency <select>
3 Procuring Entity Name < type in name >
4 Procuring Entity Code
5 Procuring Entity District <select>
6 Invitation for < select > II< select >
7 Invitation Ref No < type in name >
8 Date <select>

9 Procurement Method <select>

Budget and Source of Fun ds
Development Partnersjif ape._tLc~~.
mmm(MA®'N "
£'.izl.-........ ·-·. ·-
· ·.' i!/£H;~ R··~·····&'i&ih!MM§i#iiMkM-~
12 Project I Programme Cod e (i f applicable) < use MOF code >
13 Project I Programme Name (if applicable) < use MOF name >
14 Proposed Tender Package No. < type in name >
15 Proposed Tender Package Name

18 Pre-qualification Closing Date and Time

19 Name & Address of the office(s)
; select> - Selling Pre-Qua!. Docum ent (Principal)
- Selling Pre-Qua/. Docum ent (Others)
- Receiving Pre-Qua!. Document
20 Place I Date I Time of
Pre-Qualification Meeting (Optional)

mm@m~fti-CANT - --·--·
21 Eligibility of Applicant < type in name >
22 Brief Description of Goods or Works <type in name >
23 Brief Description of Related Services <type in name>
> 24 Price of Pre-Qua!. Docum ent (Tk) < tvoe in orice >
> Lot I Identification of Loi I Location Completion
> No Time in
?' Weeks
Completion /months
Time in 25 < type in name > <type in name > <type in>
Weeks I 26 < type in name > <type in name > <type in>
months 27 < type in name > < type in name > <type in>
28 < ti' e in name,_:: <t e in name > <t e in>
rne > I <type in>
leim£!li1i~mJ:Jri~~JAl.l,.:S ~ .·; ..

29 Name of Official Inviting Pre -Qualification < type in name >

30 Designation of Official Invi ting Pre- < type in name >
No. > I < e-mail >
31 I
Address of Official Inviting Pre-Qualification I
<type in name>
32 Contact details of Official ln vitinq Pre-Qual. <Tel. No. > I <Fax No.> I <e-mail>
33 I The procuring entity res e_r~e~_!!:e right to --- deleted-- reject all Pre-Qualifications
<select> : these fields in the we bsite are "pop-up" fields and the procuring entity will only have to
ve to select the correct select the correct name, address or date in order to complete the form.
<type in name> : these fields are to be completed by typing in the relevant data.


Invitation for Tenders

[For use wh2n there is a SINGLE lot in a package]

1 Ministry/D
Ministry/Division 2 Agency
Agency 3 Procuring
Procuring Entity Name 4 Procuring
Procuring Entity Code 5 Procuring
Procuring Entity District 6 Invitation f
Invitation for < select > < select > 7 Invitation I
Invitation Ref No < type in name > 8 Date
Date <select>



12 Project IP
12 < use MOF code >
13 Project/ P
13 < use MOF name >
14 Tender Pa
14 < type in name >
15 Tender Pa
15 < tl'P.e in name >
16 Tender P
16 Tender Publication Date <select>
17 Tender La
t ~>lfi~D~
17 Tender Last Selling Date
< selec.;.
Dat.2,. _.
18 Tender su
18 Tender Submission Date and Time <select> <select>
19 Tender O~
19 Tender Opening Date an d Time (if <select> <select> different fr
different from 18) 20 Name &/lJ
20 Name & Address of the off1ce (s ) -Selling 7
- Selling Tender Document (Principal) < type in name > - Selling T
- Selling Tender Document (Others) < type in name > - Receivin
- Receiving Tender Document < type in name > - Opening
- Opening Tender Docum ent < type in name > 21 Place I Da
21 Place I Date I Time of < type in name > . Pre-Tende
Pre-Tender Meeting (Optional) Date :;:5,Dt£)111'1;~,~'ll·l!ffieg'B~!!:3JmJI
< select > .1/!. < select >
Eligibility of Tenderer
Brief Description of Good s or Wo rks
·-· <type in name>
<type in name>
Eligibility a
Brief Desc
24 Brief Desc
24 Brief Description of Related Services < type in name > 25 Price of T
25 Price of Tender Docume1~~iT.'._'.k:.J._~--------"r-<-'tLI::.:e:...:::inc.I.'::.r:..:ic"'e_>,----.--::-----:-cc-::::----; Lot Ide
Lot Identification of Lot Location Tender Security Completion Time No
No Amount (Tk) in Weeks I Months 26 1 <t
27 2 <t
26 <t pe in> 28 3 < t
29 4 <t
30 Name of Official Inviting Tender <type in name>
31 Designation of Official In viting Tender <type in name> 30 Name of
32 Address of Official lnvitir~g Tender <type in name> 31 Designati
33 Contact details of Officia l lnvitin Tender <Tel. No.> <Fax No.> <e-mail> 32 Address a
34 The rocurin entit rescfyjs the right to --- deleted-- re ect all Tenders 33 Contact d
<select> : these fields are "pop-~p·· fields and the procuring entity will only have to select the correct 34 The rocw
name, address or date in order to complete the form. <select> : these f
<type in name> : these fields are to be completed by typing in the relevant data. address or date in
This is the website format and as usecl for published advertisement. It is included in this document for <type in name>
information only}

'51~"1-l!i g
Invitation for Tenders

[for us e when there are MULTIPLE lots in a package

This is the we bsite format and as used for published advertisement.
It is in cluclecl in this document for information on/
.. ~.·-=-•-.;t{!i!~t!'!i°~.·"'~,~G-OJJ.-f;-
..B-.!J-M-E-NT.. 6F,_Tt!E.P-E~.'..§..R.E£1JB(!C"Oi:BANGL,A
Procuring Entity Name
Procuring En tity Code
Procuring Entity District
Invitation for
Invitation Ref No

< type in name >

, - .· m;~ '.'l''~~qt:'*·"li

12 < use MOF code >

13 < use MOF name >
14 < type in name >
15 < type in name >
16 Tender Publication Date <select>
17 Tender Last Selling Date <select> .. ~
. ·?tr . ¥@'· i!:.W'
18 Tender submission Date cind Time <select> ---
19 Tender Opening Dale anc: Time (if <select>
different from 18)
20 Name & Address of the office(s) Addl".e s~Jmlllj
- Selling Tender Docume nt (Principal) < type in name >
- Selling Tender Docume nt (Ot/Jers) < type in name >
- Receiving Tender Docum ent < type in name >
- Opening Tender Docum ent < type in name >
21 Place I Date I Time of < type in name >
Pre-Tender Meeting (Opt iona l) Date ~

22 Eligibility of Tenderer <type in name>
23 Brief Description of Goods or Wo rks <type in name>
24 Brief Description of Relat ed Services < type in name >
25 Price of Tender Docume n.!..l.I.!1 _ _,,_<_t~e_in~r_ic_e_>_~---------<
Lot I Identification of Lo t I Location Tender Security Completion Time in
Completion Time
Amount ITk Weeks I Months
in Weeks I Months
26 <type in name > < type in name > <type in>
27 <type in name > < type in name > <type in>
<tvpe in>
28 < type in name > I < type in name > <type in>
29 ~e,;: ir;:ame > I <type in name > <t pe in>

30 Name of Official Inviting Tender < type in name >

31 Designation of Official In viting Tender <type in name>
32 Address of Official Invitin g Tender < type in name >
33 Contact details of Official lnvitin Tender <Tel. No. > <Fax No. > <e-mail>
; select the correct
34 The rocurin entit reserves tile right to --- delete_d_-_-_r~ej~e_c_t_ al_l _T_e_
n_d _e_r_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,
<select> : these fields are "pop-up" fields ~nd the procuring entity will only have to select the correct name,
address or date in order to complete the form.
in this document for <type in name> : these fields are to be completed by typing in the relevant data.
Request for Expressions of Interest (Firm)

This is the website format and as used for published advertisement.

It is included in this document for information only}

1 Ministry/Division
2 Agency
3 Procuring Entity Name <t e in name>
4 Procuring Entity Code
5 Procuring Entity District <select> EOI Ref No:
6 Expression of Interest for Sel ection of < type in name >
7 EOI Ref No < type in name >
8 Date <select> The [ 3
Bangladesh (Go
these funds to pi
a Consulting Fir

12 The Services in1


14 EOI Closing Date and Time lect >

The Experience

The [
16 Brief Description of Assig nment < type in details >
17 Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity Req'd < type in details > Services. lntere~
18 Other Details (if applicable) < type in details > to perform the
19 Association with forei n firms is <select>
operating condi
Ref Phasing of Services Location Indicative Indicative
No Start Date Completion staff, etc.).
20 81 <type in name> < type in name > <type in> <type in> An Applicant m
82 <complete as req uired > < type in name > <type in> <type in> with foreign firn
83 <complete as req uire d > < type in name > <type in> <type in>
84 < comfllete as req uired > < t pe in name > < t < t e in>
r.-- - - TAILS ~ A Consultant \.
21 Name of Official Inviting Exp ressions of < type in name > Procurement Re!
22 Designation of Official Invit ing Expressions < type in name > that the Services
of Interest 20 (4) ] at[
23 Address of Official Inviting Expressions of < type in name >
Interested Appli
24 Contact details of Official Inviting , Tel. No.> <Fax No.> <e-mail> normal office ho
Ex ressions of Interest Expressions of
25 The rocurin entit reserves the ri ht to -deleted- re·ect all EOl's
delivered to [
< select> : these fields are "pop-up" fields and the flrocuring entity will only have to select the correct 6 ].
name, address or date in order to comp lete the form.

< type in name > : tl-:ose fields are to be completed by typing in the relevant data.

) L!l~, \5fffi, \'.l 'R ~o'-'-~/~oo?l>, ~ ~ ~~ ~, ~oo?l> ~ "f<rti:r ?i>~(~~)" l<f'lf, ~~~M \'.l

~~ "ffi ?l>o(Q)" l<f'lf, ~~~M \'.l ~M~~, ~-8'-' I


~~-xt-~ g

Request for Expressions of Interest (Firm)

This letter will be self generated from the webpage Advertisement

rnent. 2

Request for Expression of Interest (Firm)

For Selection of I 6 I
EOI Ref No: 7 Date [ 8 ]

The [ 3 J has been allocated public funds from the Government of the Peoples Republic of
Bangladesh (GoB) toward the cost of the [ 13 ] and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of
these funds to payments under the contract for the provision of consultancy Services for the project by
a Consulting Firm (National).

The Services include [ 16

The Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity required are [ 17 l

The [ 3 J now invites eligible Applicants to indicate their interest in providing the
Services. Interested Consultants are invited to provide information indicating that they are qualified
> to perform the Services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar
operating conditions, availability of appropriate professional qualification and experience among
dicative J Indicative
art Date Completion staff, etc.).
An Applicant may associate with other Consultant(s) to enhance their qualifications. Association
with foreign firms is [ 19 ], however this is not mandatory.

A Consultant will be selected using the selection sub-method in accordance with the Public
Procurement Regulations 2003 and Public Procurement Procedures issued by the GoB. It is expected
that the Services will be commenced on [ 20 (3) J at [ 20 (2) J and shall be completed on [
20 (4) ] at[ 2 1 (2) ].
Interested Applicants may obtain further information by applying to the address below during
No. > I < e-mail > normal office hours.
Expressions of Interest shall be submitted by [ 14(2) ] on [ 14( 1) ], in sealed envelope
delivered to [ 21 ], and be clearly marked "Request for Expressions of Interest for Selection of [
ave to select the correct 6 ].

ata. 25

~ li>~(~~)" "N, 'f~~m \3 23

~[~~"t-<I' g [f<ifl:r ~~ ~g]

Tender Submission Form

Mandatory Spar
[this letter shall be completed and signed by the Authorised Signatorv
preferably on the Letter-Head pad of the Tenderer]. Factor applicab
(ITT) Sub-Claus

To: Date:
In signing t
[Contact Person}
[Name of Procuring Entity} (a) 01

[Address of Procuring Entity} c

Invitation for Tender No : [!FT No .. . .... .. . .. ...

Tender Package No : [Package No . . ... .... . (b) a

Lot No (when applicable) : [Lot No .. va
We, the undersigned, tender to supply in conformity with the Tender Document the
(c) if
following Goods and related Services, viz :
In accordance with ITT Clauses XX and XX, the following price applies to our Tender:

The Tender Price is: (d) We

(ITT Sub-Clause XX and XX) TL. yo

[in figures]
Taka .. me
[in words} ace
The advance payment (when applicable) is; Tk an.
[in figures] be1

[insert the amount based on percentage of the Taka ... (e) we.
Tender Price] fin words] fm
(GCC Sub-Clause XX) wit

and we shall accordingly submit an Advance Payment Guarantee in the format shown in Form (f) we

In accordance with ITT clause XX, the following discounts shall apply to our tender ; (g) we
The unconditional discount proposed by the tenderer is In percentage (%) (ITT sub clause XX
5 J(
and XX)
(This discount shall be applicable on all the items of Price Schedule after Arithmetical (de!
(h) we,
)\!l'l, '$!', IS OR l!l8<1"-~/~o~~. ~ g ~~ ~. ~o~~ mm "~-~~ \!l~ \51~"!-<t> IS \51~"1-<f" dire'
\!l~ ~ "\51~"!-<t> IS \51~"!-<f" ~9(15, C~-l!l8 I desi

[in figure:,)
Mandatory Spare parts Price (when Economic Taka
ignatorv Factor applicable) is: [in words}
(ITT) Sub-Clause 52.6)

In signing this letter, and in submitting our Tender, we also confirm that :

(a) our Tender shall be valid for the period stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-
Clause 29. I) and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time
before the expiration of that period;
(b) a Tender Security is attached in the form of a [pay order/ bank drafi/ bank
ge No .. .. .. ..
guarantee} in the amount stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Clause 31) and
1.... valid for a period of twenty-eight (28) days beyond the Tender validity date ;

Tender Document the (c) if our Tender is accepted, we commit to furnishing a Performance Security in the
amount stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-Clause 62. l) in the form stated
in Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-Clause 63. I) and valid for a period of twenty-eight
(28) days beyond the date of completion ofour performance obligations:
>lies to our Tender :
(d) we have examined and have no reservations to the Tender Document, issued by
you on [insert date} ;

including Addendum to Tender Documents No(s) [state numbers], issued in

accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers (ITT Clause l l ). [insert the number
and issuing date of each Addendum ; or delete this sentence 1f no Addendum have
been issued} ;

(e) we, including as applicable, subcontractor for any part of the contract resulting
from this Tender process, have nationalities from eligible countries, in accordance
with ITT Sub-Clause 5.1;

format shown in Form (f) we are submitting this Tender as a sole Tenderer ;

(g) we are not a Government owned entity as defined in ITT Sub-Clause 5.10 or we
1 our tender ;
are a Government owned entity, and we meet the requirements of ITT Sub-Clause
Yo) (ITT sub clause XX 5. IO];

'.Jule after Arithmetical (delete one of the above as appropriate)

(h) we, declare that we are not associated, nor have been associated in the past,
directly or indirectly, with a consultant or any other entity that has prepared the
an~ <!l~ \5l~"I-~ '3 \5l~"f-~"
design, specifications and other documents, in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause

(i) we, including as applicable Subcontractor have not been declared ineligible by the
Government of Bangladesh or the Development partner, under the laws of
Bangladesh or official regulations or by an act of compliance with a decision of the
United Nations Security Council on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive, coercive (or obstructive in case of Development Partner) practices, in
accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 5.9;

furthermore, we are aware of ITT sub-Clause 4.2 concerning such practices and
pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the To:
Contract; [Contact Pet
(k) we intend to subcontract an activity or part of the Supply, in accordance with ITT Name of Pre
Sub-Clause 16.1 to the following Subcontractor(s) ;
[Address oft

Nature of the Supply or related Name and address of Invitation fo1

service Subcontractor
Tender Pack;

Lot No: (wh

We, th(
(1) We, confirm that we do not have a record of poor performance, such as following Wo1
abandoning the Supply, not properly completing contracts, inordinate dalays, or
financial failure as stated in ITT Sub-Clause 5.8, and that we do not have, or have
had, any litigation against us, other than that stated in the Tenderer Information
Sheet (Form PG 3-2) ; In accor

(m) We are not participating as Tenderers in more than one Tender in this Tendering
The Ten
process. We understand that your written Notification of Award shall become a
binding Contract between us, until a formal Contract is prepared and executed ;

(n) we understand that you reserve the right to accept or reject any Tender, to cancel
the Tender proceedings, or to reject all Tenders, without incurring any liability to
Tenderers, in accordance with ITT Clause 57.1.
The adv
Signature: [insert signature of authorised {insert ti
representative of the TendererJ Tender
Name: {insert full name of signatory with
National ID}
and we
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory]
Form PW3-10
Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer

In accordanc
[If there is more than one (1) signatory add other boxes and sign accordingly].
The uncondit
Attachment 1: Written confirmation authorising the above signatory (ies) to commit the and xx)
Tenderer, in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 36.3. This discount

oeen declared ineligible by the

~-xt-~ g
partner, under the laws of
npliance with a decision of the Tender Submission Form
fgaging in corrupt, fraudulent,
;lopment Partner) practices, in [This letter should be completed and signed by the Authorised Signatorv
on the Letter-Head pad of the Tenderer}.

concerning such practices and

ieting for or in executing the To: Date:
[Contact Person]

Supply, in accordance with ITT Name of Procuring Entity J

[Address of the Procuring Entity]

Invitation for Tender No : !FT No .. ................. .... ..

I address of
tctor Tender Package No : Package No . .......... .. ......... .

Lot No : (when applicable) Lot No ..... .. .... .. .. ........ .. ..... .

We, the undersigned, tender to execute in conformity with the Tender Documents, the
of poor performance, such as following Works and physical Services, viz :
contracts, inordinate dalays, or
and that we do not have, or have
ited in the Tenderer Information
In accordance with ITT Clause 27 and 28, the following price applies to our Tender :

,an one Tender in this Tendering

The Tender Price is :
cation of Award shall become a
(ITT Sub-Clause XX) Tk .................... ...... ... . ... ... . .......... ...
·act is prepared and executed ;
[in figuresJ
pt or reject any Tender, to cancel Taka ...
without incurring any liability to {in figuresJ

The advance payment (when applicable) is: Taka ..

iature of authorised [insert the amount based on percentage of the [in figures]

tive of the Tenderer} Tender Price] Taka .............. .. ................. ... ... .
(GCC Sub-Clause XX) {in figures}
name of signatory with
and we shall accordingly submit an Advance Payment Guarantee in the format shown in
;ignation of signatory] Form PW3-10.
oehalf of the Tenderer
In accordance with ITT clause xx, the following discounts shall apply to our tender ;
boxes and sign accordingly}.
The unconditional discount proposed by the tenderer is : In percentage (%) (ITT sub-clause xx
e signatory (ies) to commit the and xx)

36.3. This discount shall be applicable on all the items of BOQ after Arithmetical Correction)

In signing this letter, and in submitting our Tender, we also confirm that :

(o) our Tender shall be valid for the period stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-
Clause 33.1) and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time
before the expiration of that period;

(p) a Tender Security is attached in the form of a [pay order/bank draft/bank

guarantee} in the amount stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-Clause 36.1)
and valid for a period of twenty-eight 28 days beyond the Tender validity date;

(q) if our Tender is accepted, we commit to furnishing a Performance Security within

the time stated under ITT Sub-Clause 66.2 in the amount stated in the Tender Data
Sheet (ITT Sub-Clause 65.1) and in the form specified in the Tender Data Sheet
(ITT Sub-Clause 66.1) valid for a period of twenty eight 28 days beyond the date
of issue of the Certificate of Completion of the Works;

(r) we have examined and have no reservations to the Tender Document, issued by
you on [insert date} ; including Addendum to Tender Document No(s) [state
numbers}, issued in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers (ITT Clause 11 ).
[insert the number and issuing date of each Addendum ; or delete this sentence 1/
no Addendum have been issued};

(s) we, including as applicable, any JV partner or subcontractor for any part of the
contract resulting from this Tender process, have nationalities from eligible
countries, in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 5.1 ;

(t) we are submitting this Tender as a sole Tenderer in accordance with ITT Sub
Clause 40.3


we are submitting this Tender as the partners of a JV, Comprising the following
other partners, in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 40.3 ;

Name of Partner Location & District of Partner

(u) we are not a Government owned entity as defined in ITT Sub-Clause 5. 3

we are a Government owned entity, and we meet the requirements of ITT Sub-
Clause 5.3;

(v) we, including as applicable any JV partner, declare that we are not associated,
irm that: nor have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a consultant or
any other entity that has prepared the design, specifications and other
'ender Data Sheet (ITT Sub- documents
may be accepted at any time
in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 5.5 ;

(pay order/bank drafllbank (w) we, including as applicable any JV partner or subcontractor for any part of the
)heet (llT Sub-Clause 36. I) contract resulting from this Tender process, have not been declared inel igible
the Tender validity date ; by the Government of Bangladesh on charges of engaging in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause
Performance Security within
lmt stated in the Tender Data 5.6 ;
ed in the Tender Data Sheet
(x) furthermore, we are aware of ITT Clause 4 concerning such practices and
ght 28 days beyond the date
pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the
render Document, issued by
1der Document No(s) [state (y) we intend to subcontract an activity or part of the Works, in accordance with
bTenderers (ITT Clause I I). ITT Sub-Clause l 9. l, to the following Subcontractor(s) ;
m ; or delete this sentence if
Activity or part of the Works Name of subcontractor with location
and District
ontractor for any part of the
nationalities from eligible

n accordance with ITT Sub

(z) We, including as applicable any JV partner, confirm that we do not have a
record of poor performance, such as abandoning the Works, not properly
V, Comprising the ~ollowing completing contracts, inordinate delays, or financial failure as stated in ITT
3; Sub-Clause 5.7, and that we do not have, or have had, any litigation against us,
other than that stated in the Tenderer Information (Form PW3-2) ;
1& District of Partner
(aa) We are not participating as Tenderer in more than one Tender in this Tendering
process. We understand that your written Notification of Award shall
constitute the acceptance of our Tender and Shall become a binding Contract
between us, until a formal Contract is prepared and executed ;

(bb) we, including as applicable any JV partner, confirm that we do not have a

n ITT Sub-Clause 5.3 record of insolvency, receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, our business
activities were not been suspended, and it was not been the subject of legal
proceedings in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 5.8 ;
e requirements of ITT Sub-

(cc) we, including as applicable any JV partner, confirm that we have fulfilled our
obligations to pay taxes and social security contributions applicable under the
relevant national laws and regu lations of Bangladesh in accordance with !TT
Sub-Clause 5.9 ;

(dd) we understand that you reserve the right to reject all the Tenders or annul the To: [Name
Tender proceedings, without incurring any liability to Tenderer, in accordance
with ITT Clause 60.

Signature: {insert signature of authorised Dear Sirs:

representative of the Tenderer} We, the
in accordance
Name: [insert fit!/ name of signatory with
attached Finan
National ID Number}
exclusive of 101
In the capacity of: {insert capacity of signatory}
Our Fim
Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer
Contract negot
indicated in Cl1
{If there is more than one (1) signatory or in the case of a JV, add other boxes
and sign accordingly}. Commissions a
Contract execu
Attachment 1:
Name and A
{ITT Sub-Clause 40,3/

Written confirmation authorising the above signatory (ies) to commit the Tenderer [and, if

Attachment 2:
We also
{ITT Sub-Clause 29.2(b)/ Subconsultants
fraudulent, collu
Copy of the JV Agreement/Letter of Intent to form JV with draft proposed Agreement.] in competing fo
Proposal Docum

We unde

e have fulfilled our
pplicable under the Financial Proposal Submission Form
"cordance with ITT
[Location, Date]

enders or annul the To: [Name and address of Client]

lerer, in accordance

Jrised Dear Sirs:

derer} We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting Services for [Insert title of assignment]
in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated [insert date] and our Technical Proposal. Our
itory with
attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of [insert amount in words and figures]. This amount is
exclusive of local taxes, which we have estimated at {insert amount in words and figure:.).
Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from
: Tenderer
Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, i. e. before the date
indicated in Clause XX of the Proposal Data Sheet.
JV, add other boxes
Commissions and gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by us to agents relating to this Proposal and ,f'

Contract execution, if we are awarded the Contract, are listed as follows:

Name and Address of Agents Amount Purpose of commission or


i Tenderer [and, if

We also declare that the Government of Bangladesh has not declared us or any
Subconsultants for any part of the Contract, ineligible on charges of engaging in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices. We furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such practices
:ement.] in competing for or in executing the Contract, and are aware of the relevant provisions of the
Proposal Document (ITC Clause XX).

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

In the capacity of:
Duly authorised to sign the proposal on behalf of the

Technical Proposal Submission Form

[Location, Date]

To : [Name and address of Client]

Dear Sirs: l. Short tith

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting Services for [insert title of assignment] Procurem(
in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated [insert date] and our Proposal. We are hereby
2. Applicatic
submitting our Proposal, which includes the Technical Proposal, and the Financial Proposal sealed
in two separate envelopes. indirectly i

(2) This C
We are submitting our Proposal in association with: [insert a list with fit!/ name and address Persons en
of each associated Consultant, also specify, whether they are in joint venture or as sub
consultants]. 3. Definitiom

If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal , i.e., before the date (a) "Co
indicated in Clause XX of the Proposal Data Sheet, we undertake to negotiate on the basis of the rel1
proposed staff. Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to the modifications resulting from (b) "pu
Contract negotiations.

........................ We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to initiate the consulting services 4. General ex
related to the assignment not later than the date indicated in Clause XX of the Proposal Data "his", "him!
(2) Where a
Person. Wh1
We also confirm that the Government of Bangladesh has not declared us, or any sub organisation
consultants for any part of the Contract, ineligible on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, be construeo
collusive or coercive practices. We furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such practices in
competing for or in executing the Contract, and we are aware of the relevant provisions of the 5. General pri
Proposal Document (ITC Clause XX). to assist in
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.
(a) com1
We remain,
Yours sincerely,

Authorised Signature
[in full and initials]
Name and designation (b)
of Signatory
Name of Firm

!AA ~~q (~) agJ
[Location, Date]

The Code of Ethics for Public Procurement

I. Short title and commencement. -This code may be called the Code of Ethics for Public
Procurement, 2007.
vices for [insert title of assignment]
~]and our Proposal. We are hereby 2. Application. - (I) This Code shall apply to all Persons, whether they are directly or
.I, and the Financial Proposal sealed indirectly involved in public procurement activities.

(2) This Code shall be considered as the basis for best practices of ethical behaviour for
Persons engaged in public procurement within Bangladesh.
;ert a list withfidl name and address
y are in joint venture or as sub
3. Definitions.-In this Code, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context-

(a) " Competent Authority" means the Government or other authority to whom the
of the Proposal, i.e. , before the date relevany powers may be delegated by the Government ;
rtake to negotiate on the basis of the
(b) "public servant" means a public servant as defined in Section 21 of the Penal Code,
:t to the modifications resulting from
1860 (Act XLV of 1860), and includes officers and staff of all Procuring Entities ;

4. General explanation.--(!) Where the public servant is a female, reference to " he", "him",
I, to initiate the consulting services " his", "himself' in this Code shall be construed as reference to "she", " her" or ''herself'.
j in Clause XX of the Proposal Data
(2) Where a Person is an individual then the references shown in (I) above shall apply to tha~

Person. Where a Person is a body of individuals, a firm or a company, an association or an

organisation whether incorporated or not, reference to " he", " him '', "h is" or " himself'' shall
esh has not declared us, or any sub
be construed as reference to "it'', " its" or " itself' as the case may be.
ges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent,
not to indulge in such practices in
5. General principles. - (I) A Person shall always act professionally and selflessly, seeking
ware of the relevant provisions of the
to assist in enhancing efficiency, competition, transparency and accountability in public
procurement in Bangladesh by-

osal you receive. (a) complying with -

(i) the Act, Rules, guidelines, orders or other documents concerning public
procurement in Bangladesh ; and

(ii) any contractual obligations established between the Procuring Entity and · a

(b) maintaining the highest possible standard of integrity in all their dealings with public
servants both within and outside the Procuring Entity ;

(c) encouraging and developing the highest possible standards of professional

competence amongst Persons, and those who work under their supervision and for
whom they are responsible ;

(6) A Person sh
(d) enhancing the proficiency and reputation of public procurement by acquiring and
any trade in the
maintaining current technical knowledge, following best procurement practices and
establishing the highest standard of ethical behaviour; employment of

9. Communicatio
(e) optimising the use of resources under their control and supervision to provide the
this Code, a Per
minimum benefit to the Procuring Entity and the nation.
servant, or a pri
(2) A Person shall not allow himself to be deflected from the principles mentioned in this communicate it,
Code. confidence to hi
the procurement
6. Gifts.- ( 1) Save as otherwise provided in this Code, no Person shall offer to any public
(2) A Person sl
servant, or any member of his family, any gift the receipt of which will place him under any
information whi1
form of official obligation to the donor of the gift.
as may be reaso
(2). A Person may give to a public servant a gift of small intrinsic value such as business contract in force
diaries, calendars, key rings or a ballpoint with the Person's company symbol provided that
JO. Conflict of Inte1
the value of such individual item does not exceed Tk. 500/-.
impartiality in ar
as a conflict of 1
7. Hospitality. - (I) A Person shall not influence or put a public servant under any obligation
being aware of s
by offering hospitality to influence the making of a procurement decision by that public
servant as a consequence of accepting hospitality from a Person or any other private
(2) A conflict of
individual. related to, either
public servant wi
(2) A Person shall not encourage any meetings or entertainment to be held , the main purpose
of which shall be to honour or praise a public servant. I I. Obligations of ;
performing his ol
8. Unacceptable activities.--( 1) The following activities shall be considered unacceptable
the Act, Rules, or
activities under this Code:

(2) A Person shall not offer to or secure for, or promise to secure for a public servant any
foreign award, title or decoration.
12. Contravention o
(3) A Person shall not approach any public servant to secure for that public servant an misconduct and
invitation to visit a foreign country or for training abroad, unless such training has been procurement eith
formally approved in any procurement document or aid agreement. Entity.

(4) A Person shall not lend money to, or borrow money from, or place himself under any 13. Decisions and a
pecuniary obligations to any public servant with whom he has any procurement dealings. acceptable he sho
the Competent Au
(5) A Person shall not encourage a public servant to construct a building whether intended to
14. This Code not t
be used for residential or commercial purpose, nor encourage a public servant in the buying
from the provisio
or selling of valuable property, moveable and immovable, nor encourage a public servant to
being in force, rel
speculate in investments.

(6) A Person shall not encourage a public servant, or a member of his family, to engage in
r acquiring and
any trade in the area over which such public servant has jurisdiction, nor to undertake any
rt practices and employment of work, other than his official duties.

9. Communication of official documents or information.-(!) Save as provided otherwise in

1 to provide the
this Code, a Person shall not disclose directly or indirectly to any other Person, or any public
servant, or a private individual, or to the press, other than those to whom he is authorised to
communicate it, the contents of any document or information which has been entrusted in
1entioned in this
confidence to him by a public servant, or to which he had access owing to his involvement in
the procurement proceedings or the content of the document.

er to any public
(2) A Person shall disclose the contents of any official document or communicate any
e him under any
information which has come into his possession to another official only if so provided for, or
as may be reasonably expected, during the performance of the procurement proceedings or
contract in force at that time.
such as business
iol provided that I 0. Conflict of Interest-A Person finding a personal interest arising such that it may affect his
impartiality in any matter relevant to his obligations at the point in time should consider this
as a conflict of interest and shall therefore declare this personal interest immediately upon
er any obligation
being aware of such interest to the public servant with whom he is dealing at that time.
n by that public
ny other private (2) A conflict of interest may also be considered to exist if a Person is in any way closely '
related to, either as a friend or a relation or has a financial investment in a business with any
public servant with whom he is dealing at that time.
the main purpose
11. Obligations of a Person. - A Person has an obligation to a Procuring Entity that in
performing his obligations under any procurement activity or contract, he will comply with
red unacceptable j the Act, Rules, or other documents published by the Competent Authority.

(2) No Person shall indulge in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices, the nature
ublic servant any I of which is defined in Rule 127.

public servant an
training has been
I 12. Contravention of this Code. - Contravention of this Code shall be construed as
misconduct and may. result in that Person being debarred. from partaking in any future public
procurement either mdefirntely or for any penod of time as determmed by a Procuring

1imself under any 13. Decisions and advice. - Should a Person be unclear as to what is and what is not
nent dealings. acceptable he should seek advice from the Head of the Procuring Entity, or as appropriate,
the Competent Authority.
hether intended to
14. This Code not to be in derogation of any law etc. - Nothing in this Code shall derogate
vant in the buying
from the provisions of any law, or of any order of any competent authority, for the time
a public servant to
being in force, relating to the conduct of a Person.

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Remuneration ~~ ~) I
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Loading <.!l<f~ Post qualification <.!l~ ~M- 1"1Jl$1C"'I ~ <flm ~ ~

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Similar experience, Litigation history, Turn over (<Pl<f ~ ~) Liquid
assets (working Capital), Joint venture~~~~~~(~
rt"~ ~8" ~91'5, ~--W I ~), Tender Capacity~~ ~-"li m
Wet~ g

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