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The Geography Teacher

ISSN: 1933-8341 (Print) 1752-6884 (Online) Journal homepage:

Lessons Learned From Professional Development

Workshops on Using GIS to Teach Geography and
History in the K-12 Classroom

Lisa K. Tabor & John A. Harrington

To cite this article: Lisa K. Tabor & John A. Harrington (2014) Lessons Learned From Professional
Development Workshops on Using GIS to Teach Geography and History in the K-12 Classroom,
The Geography Teacher, 11:2, 47-54, DOI: 10.1080/19338341.2014.898212

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The Geography Teacher 11 (2): 47–54, 2014
Copyright © 2014 National Council for Geographic Education

ISSN: 1933-8341 print/1752-6884 online
DOI: 10.1080/19338341.2014.898212

Lessons Learned From Professional

Development Workshops on Using GIS
to Teach Geography and History in the
K–12 Classroom

Lisa K. Tabor
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas, USA

John A. Harrington, Jr.

Department of Geography
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas, USA


In recent decades, great concern has been expressed over the decline of geographic liter-
acy and less time for geography in the classroom. With these issues in mind, geography
education can be reinforced through non-traditional measures. In Kansas, about half the
social studies time is devoted to history with the remaining time split among government,
economics, and geography. Given this principle role of history in the K–12 social studies
curriculum, the use of dual-encoding to integrate geography and history lessons is one ap-
proach to bring more geography into the classroom. Considerable scholarship documents
the value and approaches to teaching geography and history together. Dual-encoding in-
volves the cognitive psychology theory that verbal and nonverbal information are pro-
cessed differently and travel along distinct pathways in the human mind to create separate
representations for information processed in each pathway (Sadoski and Paivio 2004).
The verbal and nonverbal codes for representing information are used to organize external
information into knowledge that can be utilized, kept, and retrieved for future use (Sadoski
Tabor and Harrington

and Paivio 2004). The brain perceives, recognizes, interprets, comprehends, appreciates,

and remembers experiences that are both text and non-text or verbal and nonverbal. Du-
al-encoding is a proven method of teaching that increases student learning retention and
incorporates multiple learning styles; students learn both subjects better when more than
one pathway of learning and memory is being stimulated and with the use of dual-encoding
an increase in learning is achieved (Paivio 2006). Due to structural limitations on available
“These reasons classroom time, the more content and knowledge that can be efficiently incorporated into
include that local one social studies lesson the better.
Using GIS in the classroom “helps students think critically, use authentic data, and
applications of GIS
connects them to their own community” (Baker et al. 2012, 255). According to McClurg
enable students to and Buss (2007), there are fundamental reasons for the incorporation and use of geographic
complete in-depth information systems (GIS) in the K–12 classroom. These reasons include that local ap-
studies of local issues plications of GIS enable students to complete in-depth studies of local issues and condi-
and conditions, tions, GIS is especially powerful for analyzing conditions and changes in the environment
GIS is especially and looking for solutions, and the use of technology and the meaningful nature of the
issues addressed enhance student interest. Furthermore, the growing use of Google Maps
powerful for
on smartphones and the Internet provides a real-world example of the power of maps and
analyzing conditions GIS for students. Geography and history naturally couple together and reinforce the use
and changes in the of dual-encoding and teaching with maps, through subject integration and teaching to
environment and multiple discipline standards in one lesson (Tabor and Harrington 2011).
looking for solutions, With an introduction to classroom use of GIS, teachers and their students will gain
and the use of greater knowledge of geography and students will learn better and retain more, all while
meeting or exceeding new technology standards in the classroom. With this rationale
technology and the
in mind, we applied for funding and received the 2012 National Council for the Social
meaningful nature of Studies (NCSS) Grant for the Enhancement of Geographic Literacy. Our NCSS funding
the issues addressed and partnership with the Kansas Geographic Alliance (KGA) allowed us to complete two
enhance student workshops. The first was held at Kansas State University in September of 2013 and the
interest.” second was during the Kansas Social Studies Conference in November of 2013. This article
provides details on the approach that was used in the workshops and participant responses.



Binko and Neubert (1984) showed that a well-planned, hands-on, professional develop-
ment (PD) workshop, where the teacher-participant can connect to the material, produces
an improvement in the teacher’s content and pedagogical methods knowledge. It has been
determined that PD workshops provide teachers with increasingly efficient tools for teach-
ing and create enthusiasm for further learning (Ormrod and Cole 1996). Given the history
emphasis of the vast majority of social studies teachers, a PD workshop is essential to get-
ting more geography in the mindset of current teachers and into the classroom.
The two PD workshops were similar in format, content, recruitment, and evaluation;
they varied as the situation and opportunities differed (Table 1). Both workshops were
held on a weekend, with the first workshop lasting six hours and the second workshop
lasting three hours. Workshop one was held in the GIS Teaching Lab at Kansas State Uni-
versity in Manhattan, Kansas. Workshop two was held in a high school classroom during
the Kansas Social Studies Conference in Derby, Kansas. The content was the same for each
workshop, but given the differences in length, the participants in the first workshop had
significantly more time to explore and practice using each mapping resource discussed in
the workshop. Additionally, in workshop one, a GIS professional spoke about GIS from
their perspective. Recruitment for workshop one was through the use of existing education
e-mail listservs available to the authors and workshop two was offered as an optional work-

Lessons Learned from PD Workshops on Using GIS

Table 1.  Professional Development Workshop Methods
Format Content Recruitment Evaluation
Workshop -  Weekend day -  Teaching with GIS Through Survey pre- and
one existing post-workshop
-  Six hours -  Resources available educational
-  University GIS -  Make your own web listservs
lab map available

-  Identify classroom

-  Talk with a GIS

Workshop -  Weekend day -  Teaching with GIS Optional Survey pre- and
two workshop post-workshop
-  Three hours -  Resources available as part of
the 2013
-  High school -  Make your own web Kansas Social
classroom map Studies
-  Identify classroom

shop during the Kansas Social Studies Conference. Both PD workshops were evaluated
using the same pre- and post-surveys.
The overarching goal of the PD workshops was twofold: (1) to provide the participants
with background knowledge and rationale for using GIS in the classroom and (2) for the
teachers to find or make a resource to be implemented in the classroom immediately. The
workshop content was centered on four main topics that progressively built upon each
other (Figure 1).The first was teaching with GIS. This consisted of an introduction to
GIS and dual-encoding along with the why and how for K–12 classroom use. Examples
of teaching with maps focused on teaching geography and history standards together. The
next topic was on GIS resources available to Kansas K–12 teachers and examined Esri
Story Maps, ArcGIS Online, and National Geographic Map Maker. Since integrating GIS
in the classroom involves a technology learning curve, we introduced the teachers to the
GeoMentor Program from Esri and National Geographic, provided information on the
State of Kansas and Esri K–12 site license agreement, and made sure the teachers knew that
the Kansas Geographic Alliance was available for consultation. The third component of
the workshop allowed participants to make a web map using ArcGIS Online and National

Figure 1. Professional Develop-

ment Workshop content.

Tabor and Harrington

Table 2.  Workshop Pre-Survey Results

KSU Workshop Derby Work-
Question Total (N = 17)
(N = 13) shop (N = 4)
What grade level K–5 2 (12.50%) 0 (0.00%) 2 (9.52%)
of student do
6–8 5 (31.25%) 4 (80.0%) 9 (43.85%)
you teach/work
with? (Circle all 9–12 3 (18.75%) 1 (20.0%) 4 (19.05%)
that apply.) College 3 (18.75%) 0 (0.00%) 3 (14.29%)
Informal 3 (18.75%) 0 (0.00%) 3 (14.29%)
Have you had any Yes 7 (53.85%) 0 (0.00%) 7 (41.18%)
No 6 (46.15%) 4 (100.0%) 10 (58.82%)
Do you currently Yes 4 (30.77%) 0 (0.00%) 4 (23.53%)
use dual-
No 9 (69.23%) 4 (100.0%) 13 (76.47%)
encoding in the
Do you currently Yes 12 (92.31%) 3 (75.0%) 15 (88.24%)
and knowingly
teach standards
from two or No 1 (7.69%) 1 (25.0%) 2 (11.76%)
more disciplines
Do you currently Yes 11 (84.62%) 3 (75.0%) 14 (82.35%)
use maps to
No 2 (15.38%) 1 (25.0%) 3 (17.65%)
teach historical
Rate your Very aware 1 (7.69%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (5.88%)
Aware 1 (7.69%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (5.88%)
of Esri and
National Moderately 2 (15.38%) 0 (0.00%) 2 (11.76%)
Geographic aware
resources A little aware 6 (46.15%) 0 (0.00%) 6 (35.29%)
available to
teachers in Not aware 3 (23.08%) 4 (100.0%) 7 (41.18%)
Rate your Very aware 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
awareness of
Aware 2 (15.38%) 0 (0.00%) 2 (11.76%)
sources, such Moderately 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
as mentor aware
programs, for A little aware 5 (38.46%) 0 (0.00%) 5 (29.41%)
those learning
to use GIS. Not aware 6 (46.15%) 4 (100.0%) 10 (58.82%)
Have you used a Yes 8 (61.54%) 1 (25.0%) 9 (52.94%)
GIS of any kind
No 5 (38.46%) 3 (75.0%) 8 (47.06%)

(Continued on next page)

Lessons Learned from PD Workshops on Using GIS

Table 2.  Workshop Pre-Survey Results (Continued)
KSU Workshop Derby Work-
Question Total (N = 17)
(N = 13) shop (N = 4)
Rate your level Very 5 (38.46%) 1 (25.0%) 6 (35.29%)
of interest in interested
using GIS to
Interested 2 (15.38%) 3 (75.0%) 5 (29.41%)
help you in your
classroom. Moderately 5 (38.46%) 0 (0.00%) 5 (29.41%)
A little 1 (7.69%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (5.88%)
Not 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)

Geographic Map Maker Interactive. A good portion of the time during the workshop
was allocated for teachers to become familiar with the online map resources. They were
challenged to identify or make at least one resource that could be readily implemented
into the classroom. The final portion of the workshop was a discussion period where
teachers were asked to share what they would use in their classroom and how it would
benefit their class.


The total number of participants for both workshops was 17 people. The pre-survey has
an N = 17 and due to two participants having to leave the first professional development
workshop early, the post-survey N = 15. The same pre- and post-survey was used in both
workshops and the responses are provided in Tables 2 and 3. At the end of the post-survey,
participants were asked to provide feedback on the workshop through an open-ended re-
sponse question and selected responses are listed following the tables.
All open-ended responses were positive. Select answers include:
•  “I always joke at my NPS site that I’m not the science-y type. GIS was a “science-y” term
I avoided. Now that I know what it is, watch out!” “I can do this! My
•  “I can do this! My students are about to get mapped!” students are about to
•  “I’d like to see an advanced session as a follow-up, perhaps bringing in GIS users from a get mapped!”
variety of fields to work side-by-side with educators.”
•  “Give more ideas for implementation of GAW materials. Plus, additional tools for 3rd
graders. GIS is not such a mystery.”
•  “You gave us a wonderful intro and the confidence to explore. Well done!”
The pre- and post-survey responses showed that a mixture of grade level teachers par-
ticipated in the workshops and that the majority had no prior GIS-related training. The
workshop prepared participants to use dual-encoding and integrate subjects and standards as
they teach. Participants responded that they are now more likely to include a map or graphic
as they teach. Following the workshop, most participants rated themselves as now aware of
Esri and National Geographic resources available for them to use. All participants responded
that the workshop equipped them with basic knowledge of online GIS that they could use in
the classroom and the majority of participants reported now feeling comfortable using GIS in
their classrooms. The open-ended responses supported the rationale for doing this research,

Tabor and Harrington

Table 3.  Workshop Post-Survey Results

KSU Work- Derby Workshop
Question Total (N = 15)
shop (N = 11) (N = 4)
Are you now better Yes 7 (63.64%) 4 (100.0%) 11 (73.33%)
prepared to use
No 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
dual-encoding in
the classroom? Already do 4 (36.36%) 0 (0.00%) 4 (26.67%)
Are you now better Yes 8 (72.73%) 3 (75.0%) 11 (73.33%)
prepared to
No 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
teach standards
from two or
more disciplines Already do 3 (27.27%) 1 (25.0%) 4 (26.67%)
Are you now more Yes 7 (63.64%) 3 (75.0%) 10 (66.67%)
likely to include a
No 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
map or graphic as
you teach? Already do 4 (36.36%) 1 (25.0%) 5 (33.33%)
Rate your awareness Very aware 4 (36.36%) 1 (25.0%) 5 (33.33%)
of Esri and
Aware 5 (45.45%) 1 (25.0%) 6 (40.00%)
Geographic Moderately
2 (18.18%) 2 (50.0%) 4 (26.67%)
resources aware
available to A little aware 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
teachers in
Not aware 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)

Rate your Very aware 2 (18.18%) 0 (0.00%) 2 (13.33%)

awareness of
Aware 6 (54.54%) 2 (50.0%) 8 (53.33%)
resources, such as Moderately
1 (9.09%) 2 (50.0%) 3 (20.00%)
mentor programs, aware
for those learning A little aware 2 (18.18%) 0 (0.00%) 2 (13.33%)
to use GIS.
Not aware 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)

Did the workshop
Yes 11 (100.00%) 4 (100.0%) 15 (100.00%)
equip you with
basic knowledge
of online GIS
that you could No 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
use in your
Do you feel Yes 9 (81.81%) 4 (100.0%) 13 (86.67%)
comfortable now
using GIS to
help you in your No 2 (18.18%) 0 (0.00%) 2 (13.33%)

Lessons Learned from PD Workshops on Using GIS

helped document the teacher enthusiasm for what they had learned, and corroborated the
gain in knowledge that can be seen from the pre- to post-workshop survey.


We identified that teachers want to learn about how to use GIS in their classrooms and geography to history
knowledge of programs and training sessions to support implementation are important.
The opportunity provided to network with a GIS professional was very helpful for the
attracts social studies
teachers in better understanding GIS and its applications to society. Connecting geography teachers and history-
to history attracts social studies teachers and history-based examples are essential. Finally, based examples are
there are numerous great GIS resources available for teachers online. essential.”

As with all technologies, there were minor technological difficulties in each workshop
experience and participants had to overcome some technology-induced frustration while
learning a new skill. It is important to have a number of workshop leaders to assist partici-
pants as they make their way into the online GIS resources. Finding geography and history
standards that aligned to create a good classroom example was a challenge and called for
additional time to be spent in creation of these materials. Kansas geography and history are
taught at the seventh-grade level, so we selected examples from those grade level standards.
A follow-up workshop might encourage teachers at varying grade levels to create examples
that will work for them. In recruiting participants it was problematic to get people to will-
ingly give up their own time on a weekend for professional development.
The survey results and interactions with the workshop participants helped us recog-
nize several successes and challenges regarding using GIS to teach geography and history
together. It is hoped that these lessons learned will serve as advice for those interested in
offering similar professional development, as well as help guide us in the next steps for this
research and workshop series.


There are several research directions we are pursuing. Teachers are interested in and willing
to use GIS in their classroom and it has been demonstrated that the one-day workshop can
make an impact. Now longitudinal data are needed on how the teachers went on to im-
plement the information and materials they gained; we are currently working on acquiring
this type of data through follow-up surveys with the teachers who participated in these
workshops. We are set up to continue this professional development workshop series in
our state. We have made connections with local teacher professional development service
centers and will continue to offer these workshops as part of our state geographic alliance
programmatic activity. We are also investigating offering a university-based “Teaching with
GIS” course to reach pre-service undergraduate teachers and in-service teachers who are
continuing their education.

Tabor and Harrington


We would like to thank the National Council for the Social Studies and Herff Jones Nys-
trom for support through the 2012 grant for the Enhancement of Geographic Literacy, the
Esri Education Team, the Kansas Geographic Alliance, and Dr. Shawn Hutchinson.


Baker, T. R., J. J. Kerski, N. T. Huynh, K. Viehrig, and S. W. Bednarz. 2012. Call for an agenda and cen-
ter for GIS education research. Review of International Geographical Education Online 2(3):254–288.

Binko, J. B., and G.A. Neubert. 1984. An inservice education model: Teachers and professors as equals.
Journal of Teacher Education 35(6):15–17.

McClurg, P. A., and A. Buss. 2007. Professional development: Teachers use of GIS to enhance student
learning. Journal of Geography 106:79–87.

Ormrod, J. E., and D. B. Cole. 1996. Teaching content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge: A
model from geographic education. Journal of Teacher Education 47(1):37–42.

Paivio, A. 2006. Dual coding theory and education, 1–19. Paper presented at the University of Michigan
School of Education “Pathways to Literacy Achievement for High Poverty Children” conference, Sep-
tember 29–October 1.

Sadoski, M., and A. Paivio. 2004. A dual coding theoretical model of reading. In Theoretical models and
processes of reading, 5th ed., ed. R. B. Ruddell and N. J. Unrau, 1329–1362. Newark, DE: International
Reading Association.

Tabor, L., and J. Harrington. 2011. Using geography to help teach history: Dual-encoding history lesson
plans. Research in Geographic Education 13(1):20–34.

Lisa K. Tabor is a Ph.D. student in Curriculum and Instruction at Kansas State Univer-
sity. Her research focus is on geography and GIS education and teaching climate change.
Lisa has a Masters in Geography, a graduate certificate in GIS, and an undergraduate
degree in Spanish and International Studies. She is an active member of the Kansas Geo-
graphic Alliance and regularly connects with pre-service teachers and in-service teachers
through professional development experiences. She also consistently offers workshops for
K–12 student groups on solving problems with GIS, climate and storms in Kansas, and
using GPS.

John A. Harrington, Jr. is a Professor and former Department Head in the Department
of Geography at Kansas State University. Since 2007, John has been Coordinator of the
Kansas Geographic Alliance. His research and teaching interests include the human
dimensions of global change, remote sensing of land cover change, climate science,
GIScience applications in local resource management, and geographic education. Dr.
Harrington has considerable experience working on interdisciplinary teams to address
research questions related to challenges associated with coupling natural and human
systems, including adaptation to climate variability and change.


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