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Teaching Strategies Educ 3314

Answer the following questions:

1.Page through, In (Chapter 11 Approaches) choose one of those approaches to teach

through Reading Skills for seventh graders.

The Direct Method

seventh grade unit two (world languages)

(1) Reading Aloud

(Reading sections of passages out loud)

*The teacher asks the students to read the lesson aloud, and to divide the lesson into
several paragraphs, each student reads a part.

(2) Question and Answer Exercise

(Asking questions in the target language and having students answer in ful sentences)

*The teacher asks questions about the lesson and has the students answer in full sentences.
- Answer :
How many people are speaking English ?
Why is English important ?

(3) Student Self-Correction

(Teacher facilitates opportunities for students to self correct using follow-u questions, tone,

*For example, if a student answers a wrong answer to one of these questions, the teacher
does not immediately answer the question, but rather asks another question that brings the
meaning closer to the student and helps him to provide a correct answer or for the teacher to
lend the tone of his voice so that it shows the student that his answer is wrong and thus the
student tries modify his answer.

(4) Conversation Practice.

(Teacher asks students and students ask students questions using the target language)
*In this stage, the teacher asks the students oral questions, they debate, they discuss each
other and each other, and they discuss some of the issues in the educational lesson.

(5) Fill-in-the-blank Exercise

(Items use target language only and inductive rather than explicit grammar rules).

* The teacher writes a question on the board (fill in the blank) or have it on a worksheet to
save time and do other activities.

- Complete the following sentences :

kiss – ages – smile - upset
1- A ...................... the best way to say hello .
2-Some mothers usually ...................... their children .
3 – Some people can be ...................... if touch them.
4-Jane hasn’t seen her friend Ann for ......................

(6) Dictation
(Teacher reads passage aloud various amount of times at various tempos, students writing
down what they hear)

* Now it's the teacher's turn. The teacher reads aloud and asks the students to write down
what they hear.

(7) Paragraph Writing

(Students write paragraphs in their own words using the target language and various

* At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks his students to write a paragraph using the new
words they have learned today.

2. In your point of view, Discuss and Explain the important of lesson planning.

❖ Writing a lesson plan helps teachers to think deeply about the lesson and beyond. This
includes thinking about:
❖ The goals of the research lesson (including the topic, the learning goal, the student skill
development goal, the teachers’ instructional goal, etc.).
❖ The rationale for the lesson and ideas for instruction.
❖ Student thinking, anticipated solutions, common misunderstandings and errors, and how
to react to them.
❖ How the curriculum is aligned and/or how to make sense of recent changes in
❖ The plan of the entire unit plan and how the research lesson is related to students’
learning throughout the unit.
❖ How to evaluate the effectiveness of the lesson.
❖ The lesson plan enhances communication among teachers (both within and outside of
❖ By having the lesson plan beforehand participants can learn about the lesson before
observing the research lesson.
❖ While writing the lesson plan, teachers can communicate with knowledgeable others to
get helpful feedback.
❖ A well written lesson plan helps knowledgeable others to provide more constructive and
helpful comments during the discussion of the lesson.
❖ The lesson plan facilitates a productive post-lesson discussion.
❖ The lesson plan is a good evaluation tool.
❖ The lesson plan helps to reduce the pressure on the teacher who is teaching the lesson.
❖ The process of writing the plan helps teachers to clearly understand and ingrain the flow
of the lesson.
❖ The lesson plan helps the teacher to pay attention to the students’ learning process, not
just the steps the teacher needs to follow.
❖ The lesson plan helps to prepare the teachers on the planning team for the post-lesson
❖ Since writing the plan helps teachers to think deeply about the lesson, they are better
prepared to answer questions and engage in a good discussion about the both the plan and
actual outcomes of the lesson.

3. Why do you think Multiple Intelligences are important for teacher and students?

- Gardner selected the term ‘intelligence’ to describe what previous theorists classified
as gifts, talents, or skills. To Gardner, there were seven initial ‘intelligences’ that a
person could possess: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial,
bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. These definitions of
‘intelligences’ as Gardner detailed.

- Although it has received criticism over the definition of ‘intelligence’, Gardner’s theory
continues to find practical applications within schools and classrooms, as it allows for
more malleable understandings of what constitutes and ‘intelligence’ or ability. This
malleability then serves the purpose of including people into the teaching and
learning process, helping to break a pattern of disengagement from education.

- Perhaps the success of implementing Gardner’s theory is, attributed to the

enthusiasm from the teacher utilising elements of Gardner’s theory in their lesson
activities, which incorporates elements of ‘fun’ to the lessons. On the other hand, as
proponents and supporters have claimed, the students who had previously not had
their learning needs addressed are responding holistically, as their lessons are
capitalising on the elements that they are most successful with, whilst simultaneously
developing areas that they require improvement. In fact it has useful applications in
- Gardner’s theory and the teaching methods and activities that are informed by it, are
one of many valid approaches that can be used for the benefit of students’
achievement, and for providing an element of critical self-review to the school’s in
which they are learning.

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