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???????Rajeev kumar jha?

Submitted To: - Reg no:-10900919,B -38

Mr.Amerish dogara Rajeev Kumar jha



In 2003, Cipla was one of India's top five pharmaceutical manufacturers, the others being
Wockhardt, Ranbaxy, Dr. Reddy's and Nicholas Piramal. Cipla recorded sales of Rs. 15,990.04
million and a net income of Rs 2477.44 million. Over the years, the company had developed
strong research and marketing capabilities. Cipla had enjoyed an average annual growth rate of
30.3% from 1999 through 2002, at a time when multinational pharmaceutical companies had
grown at only 1%. Although Cipla's primary market was India, the company sold its products
worldwide. Cipla's line of more than 400 drugs, included anti-asthmatic, anti-cancer, anti-
inflammatory, anti-depressant and anti-AIDS medications.The company had 21 sales offices and
five manufacturing plants in India, three of which had been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
administration (FDA) as well as the World Health Organization (WHO).



The promoters of c 
% India¶s  $
 drug maker by sales, are in negotiations to sell
their stake to a global buyer, according to investment banking sources familiar with the situation.
They have
& Investment Bank and may conclude a deal sometime this year, the
officials said .Lucrative benchmark deals in the 

  ' over the last couple of years,
such as Japanese company
&'( ' )
*', and the purchase of Piramal
Healthcare¶s domestic formulations business by US pharma major Abbott, suggest there is no
better time ) 
o sell. c 
talks with Germany-based &eem to be most advanced,
the banking officials said. Mails to Merck Germany went unanswered.Speculation that an MNC
would emerge as the owner of c 
 has been doing the rounds for years, but has been
vigorously denied by the company. The denial was reiterated in response to a question from this
paper. ³We would like to reiterate the information on c 
 stake sale is absolutely baseless
and is purely speculative in nature and the company has no intention of any stake sale,´ said the
+ S Ramesh, Chief Operating Officer at Kotak Investment Banking, declined
comment. Cipla, with over 5% market share, makes a good fit for any company looking for a
sweet spot in the I 

&+ With shareholders of multinational companies urging
them to expand in India, and relatively few sellers here, buyers have been paying a handsome
premium for available assets. Investment bankers said the promoter stake in the company is
likely to be valued
  ,-%... + If the promoter shares change hand, investors can
expect an open offer to other shareholders under Indian regulations. The company has a large
(  /01% so the tendering process may not mean as much for the
average retail stock holder, one banker said.Another global company by the same name, #&
2cI % is

( ') 
'+ The company is also said to
have met at least three other Indian pharma promoters to initiate talks. A Merck spokesperson
declined to comment on the matter. Bankers said Watson Pharma and Boerhinger Ingelheim
evaluated c 
% but those talks are unlikely to work out. Yet%c 
has long been  P
software company whose promoters exited late last year after several aborted deals²of the
pharma industry. Over the past eight years, talks of its sale have waxed and waned. This time,
however, with chief executive Amar Lulla retiring due to health reasons, the buzz around the
possible entry of a strategic investor is intense. ! 
 , the company¶s charismatic
promoter, is 72. ³Every banker in town has pitched deals to Cipla. It is a company that has been
rumoured to be on sale all through the last decade,´ said a senior investment banker.Two bankers
advising foreign clients looking to buy pharma assets in India said c 
may not fetch the same
premium that Abbott paid for Piramal¶s generic business last year.

c     )   

This is the glossary definition for c       from E-marketing glossary which provides
succinct definitions of the many terms related to managing and implementing Internet marketing today.

  5   5   
   ' 5   



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Unfortunately, far too many organizations seem to believe that CRM is a magic bullet.
According to, Head - IT, SRL  
³A common misconception often promoted by CRM solution
vendors is that CRM is a technology to be purchased by implementing the latest and greatest
CRM system your business can afford. This message is a myth that has resulted in many CRM
implementations failing to provide any real customer benefits.´I  )c# concepts being
explored and explained in the past, companies land up with a process and solution that do not
deliver the promised benefits. To avoid such a situation, CIOs must look at the correct strategies
for creating and deploying CRM in an enterprise, and make it work its In spite of CRM concepts
being explored and explained in the past, companies land up with a process and solution that do
not deliver the promised benefits. To avoid such a situation, CIOs must look at the correct
strategies for creating and deploying CRM in an enterprise, and make it work its hardest.

 /#7 &c   P   

Think the only impressions your company makes are through branding, sales calls, and customer
service? Think again. Mishandling interactions like reference management and billing can cause
customer defection as quickly as a poor contact center experience

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 =$Last year Steve Silver worried that his company's
reference program was wearing thin on his top customers.
"We were frequently returning to the same subset of customers and asking for references," says
 7% 7    % 
  % U.S./Canada, for data storage firm StorageTek. "The
last thing you want to do is to turn happy customers into frustrated customers as a result of too
many rference requests."Finding a better way to manage references was also important because
Silver and his team were planning to involve references earlier in the company's lengthy sales
cycle to confirm StorageTek's leadership credentials. (The company has been offering data-
storage products and services for more than 30 years, and positions itself as "The Storage
Experts.") The solution came from a company that offered something Silver could relate to: a
system that store sreferences. Point of Reference recorded detailed interviews with  

 , and then stored the interviews in an audio file on the password-protected Web site
Point of Reference hosts for its customers. The recordings are organized into familiar topics,
usually centered on common business challenges, such as the way in which a company uses
StorageTek to help balance the cost of storing and managing data with its changing value over
time. StorageTek prospects enter a password and listen to customers discuss the company's
storage eexpertise. "Our salespeople were highly skeptical at first," Silver says. "But once they
listened to the recordings, heard the passion in our customers' voices, and saw how easy it was to
jump from topic,they were sold."Point of Reference provides StorageTek with reports detailing
each prospect's visit to the reference site--which topics were accessed and for how long. "Our
salespeople find that to be highly actionable data," Silver says. The primary benefit of the new
tool so far, he notes, is that salespeople "are more willing to bring their customers forward to
serve as references."StorageTek plans to integrate data generated from Point of Reference with
its Siebel and SAP CRM capabilities, Silver says, to develop a "single, holistic view" of the

  P  0= "   7    Managing the service operation using internal
intelligence can improve the process to the point of both productivity and sales gains. For
instance, the use of scheduling automation is widespread, but basic automation may no longer
suffice. Some organizations boast scheduling capabilities that rival the sophistication of complex
financial analysis.Take, for example, the field service portion of Siemens Westinghouse Power's
Customers First initiative. Siemens Westinghouse Power, a division of Siemens' power
generation organization, provides onsite maintenance and repair services to power-plant
customers throughout the Western hemisphere. Each year roughly 6000 internal doctoreand
medical repersentitivefrom 50 district offices conduct maintenance during customers' 1,300-plus
scheduled power outages. Stephen Darling, field service operations resource coordinator, can
also call on more than 1,000 part-timers from his Orlando, FL, office.

Darling's calls are the result of computations far more intricate than matching skills to locations.
Although the division's new approach has proved highly cost-effective, Darling stresses that
internal efficiencies always come second to meeting customers' needs.

In January 2003 the power division replaced a legacy scheduling application with Click
Software¶s Click Schedule, which integrates with an SAP system that contains a high-level view
of customer outage schedules. Click Software helps the division to track more than 400 skills and
proficiency ratings on all 
 7, all customer needs, outage start
and end dates, the location of each service technician, their vacation and sick time, up-to-date
training histories, language proficiencies, and passport and visa status.

"We need to monitor daily utilization and graph available resources-to-needs to make sure we
can meet demands," Darling says, adding that outages can cost customers as much as $100,000 a

The Customers First initiative has benefited Siemens Westinghouse as much as it has its
customers. Since Siemens  
    the division has posted record sales and profit, while
reduc ingits field service force by 10percent.
  P  ?= &) 5 

  Workflow management describes the processes and
cross-functional handoffs that occur in response to a specific customer request within an
organization. Bailiwick Data Systems has drastically increased the workflow IQ of its IT field
service capabilities, many of which are delivered through an extensive network of partners.
Two years ago much of the systems integration and IT professional services firm's workflow
management consisted of swelling manila folders, opened in response to work requests, and
passed through ordering, vendor management, invoicing, billing, etc. A Bailiwick employee
would print a customer's email request, slide it into the folder, look up the closest qualified
contractor, and fax that contractor a work order, which the contractor would sign and return.
Subsequent communications also were stuffed into the folder, which was then handed off to a
manager who oversaw contractor relationships and addressed issues that arose during the work.

Once the work was completed a third Bailiwick employee, responsible for collecting vendor
invoices, would take possession of the manila folder. When all of the vendor invoices were
submitted, an order would be entered into the accounting system and the documents in the
manila folder would be scanned and stored on a general server.

Thanks to Microsoft CRM and Outlook, Bailiwick Data Systems' internal workflow is now
highly automated, quicker, and more accurate. An emailed work request enters a service module
as a case and automatically alerts a vendor manager that a specific type of vendor in a specific
location is needed. The manager selects a vendor from the database--a custom application
integrates Microsoft MapPoint's location functionality with the CRM system--and then clicks a
"task complete" box, which alerts the person in charge of managing cases on a daily basis.

All the information is also available to the sales force, and if the Bailiwick employee who
handles ordering, vendor management, or invoicing happens to be out of the office on a given
day, the process of fulfilling the work order no longer comes to a halt. Other managers can use
the system to push the order through its appropriate workflow.
Accounts receivable also finds value in the CRM system. "When you're dealing with large
corporations it is important to communicate quickly if something isn't paid, because usually it is
a bureaucratic error somewhere," says Missy Carbonneau, IT administrator. "If you have a good
communications trail you can usually resolve the issue quickly."

  P @=c   A  Patrick Harris, Sealing Devices' IT director, used to cringe
when his salespeople "misquoted" each other while dispensing different price estimates on the
same item to the same customer. Before the manufacturing company implemented Oracle Sales
and Quoting in 2003, the inside and outside sales teams were doing just that. A clunky, legacy-
quoting application frequently short-circuited consistent communications between internal and
external sales forces, and drove salespeople to workaround mode. "Some would email word-
processing documents, because it was easier than dealing with the old quoting system," Harris
says. "Some would handwrite the quote and then fax it."

Now when a customer calls, an inside salesperson creates an opportunity and then, when the
customer gives the nod, converts the opportunity to a detailed quote with a click. That single
point-of-entry also replaces the previous need to manually enter the same data separately into the
quoting system, order management system, and the ERP system.

Price breaks associated with quantity discounts are automatically listed; they were not in the old
system. The new system also creates a quote in PDF format and emails that document to
customers. "In my mind quoting is at the heart of the sale process," Harris says. "The way in
which we now present ourselves gives us a lot of credibility with customers."

  P ;c  

  According to Saffron Rouge CEO Jeff Binder, there is
a difference between meeting customers' needs and meeting one customer's needs--especially
online. When it comes to tailoring sales and marketing efforts to the individual needs of online
customers, Binder believes many CRM tools fall short, because "everything on an analytical
level is essentially performed on an aggregate basis, as far as Web sites are concerned
Lump-sum analyses of online customer activity may help identify top-selling products, but they
frequently neglect to factor in other crucial questions that can improve marketing effectiveness:
How much has each individual customer spent in the past year? When did the customer last
make a purchase? What product categories and subcategories does the customer spend the most
time reviewing? Binder uses one of them, NetSuite, to segment customers and create marketing
campaigns in a more complex fashion. A customer who has spent more than $500 in her lifetime,
but who has not made a purchase in nine months, receives a different marketing pitch than a
customer who has spent a total of $50 and has not bought an item in six months. NetSuite also
generates reports that show Binder which categories and subcategories on the Web site generate
the most revenue.
   P  /=   Companies routinely neglect the way in which an innovative new
process or a snappy upgrade affects their customers' actual experience. Karen Smith, Microsoft's
global CRM product manager, mentions a telecommunications company that converted to
unified billing: customers received one bill for all their lines and the company cut costs.

One of those customers requested a slightly modified version of unified billing, one that would
meet his specific needs. When he asked to have his two business (a LAN and a cell phone) and
two personal (a different LAN and cell phone) lines on two separate bills for expense-submission
purposes, service representatives responded, "Sorry, sir, we can't do that. We use unified billing."

The frustrated customer devised a workaround by moving his two business lines to another
provider. His original phone company responded with a rate increase--he no longer qualified for
a volume discount. So the customer moved all of his business to provider number two.

c# &'

At the root of any CRM, success or failure is a well-designed operational CRM infrastructure.If
an organization¶s front-line customer service, sales and marketing employees are not efficient, its
CRM initiative is bound to fail. Operational CRM is the source for customer-related information,
which is invaluable for an organization as it can be processed by analytical CRM tools to extract
business value.

This aspect of CRM, popularly called the ERP of CRM, provides the primary customer touch
points, and allows an organization to create standard customer profiles, understand buying needs
and get first-hand feedback from an organization¶s most valuable asset²its customers.

A badly co-ordinate operational CRM initiative will capture incorrect data, paint an untrue
picture of the buyer¶s needs, and provide insufficient service and response levels. For instance,
improper co-ordination between the personal finance division and the operational CRM unit of
your bank will result in your receiving calls and emails asking you to take a personal loan even if
you already have one.

Operational CRM needs to be in sync with business units to receive complete and updated
information on which it can act. It must also integrate the systems at various customer touch
points. A mix of legacy and updated infrastructure is all right provided the systems interoperate
to provide a unified view of the customer base.

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  the price, thumbing its nose again at the pharma multinational by selling drugs at a fraction
of the original rates. Cipla¶s launch of its drug Soranib ² used to treat kidney cancer 3

0-%... )
    % comes just a month after Bayer filed a patent infringement case
against the company.


))  0+-
    )     C9 asked
Cipla joint managing director Amar Lulla. Pharma analysts and patient lobbyists welcomed
Cipla¶s move, saying the launch will benefit the country¶s kidney cancer patients by radically
slashing treatment costs. India has nearly 5 lakh cancer patients.


( %9 said Cancer Patients Aid Association chairperson YK Sapru,
adding that market forces will further reduce the drug price. This is the second instance of Cipla
cocking a snook at Big Pharma. In 2008, the company launched a generic version of Swiss
drugmaker Roche¶s lung cancer drug Erlotinib at one-third the price.


*    *

The reality of the Indian pharma and healthcare marketplace is

that it is an OTX market (ie. a combination of prescription and over-the-counter). This means,
 ? ?  ? ?   and pharmacists are important in influencing the consumption of
healthcare goods. The rising power of the media has given rise to the empowered consumer who
now exercises his or her choice in making healthcare decisions. Moreover, the rising incomes in
Indian families, particularly in double income families, have led to greater consumption of
healthcare goods.? ? ? ?  ? ?
 ? ?  ?  

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< 5

Here¶s a summary of reasons why CRM projects fail:

Œ? CRM initiatives are launched without a strategy.

Œ? The CRM strategy is not integral to the business strategy.
Œ? The operational CRM is not effective in capturing data from customer touch points.
Œ? The CRM toolset is based on someone else¶s success.
Œ? Deployment is without regard for enterprise or customer interfaces.
Œ? There is no customer input.
Œ? It is considered an IT project and not a business initiative leveraging technology.
Œ? There are no defined metrics and objectives.
Œ? It is considered a one-time event.
Œ? It is assumed that you have a customer-centric culture because you have customers.
Œ? There is no top-down leadership and employee buy-in for CRM.
Œ? The organization tried to implement µeverything CRM¶ at one time.

  ) 5 =

Lack of targeted customer profitability management due to:

1.? Fragmented customer data

2.? Lack of data model to capture customer profile
3.? Lack of well-designed customer scoring systems

Œ? Enterprises are sceptical about the time and cost involved in a CRM implementation.
Œ? Issues in integrating CRM applications with existing legacy systems to facilitate a smooth
flow of information.

 ( )  )

Œ? Create a co-ordinated, customer-focused business strategy: An organisation should have
business strategies that promote CRM across functional boundaries. The lack of a single
customer view across business functions makes it difficult for the organisation to move
far from the traditional product focus.
Œ? Have a CRM-friendly organisational structure: Organisational structure in customer-
focused organisations needs to promote cross-functional co-operation. Independent
business units, disparate marketing and sales organisations, and diverse customer care
centres can inhibit the ability to determine and perform next promotion or service activity
for the customer.
Œ? Build a customer information environment: Customer information is the keystone to a
successful CRM strategy. It¶s important for the operational CRM to be alert and capture
information at the beginning. This information must provide a single customer view and
must be the same across the organisation to facilitate both operational and analytical uses.
Œ? ³These require a robust technology architecture that integrates multiple channels and
mixes with operational legacy applications with call centre systems and data
warehouses,´ opines Krishna Kumar, Head of Technology Management, iSeva Systems.

Good relationships depend on the little things, but it takes more than just first-call resolution or
prompt follow-up from a sales rep to fulfill CRM's promise. Even businesses with sophisticated
CRM strategies lose valuable customers to the mismanaging of basic touch points--one too many
reference requests, a botched service visit, a sloppy sales quote, shoddy billing practices.

In fact, organizations of all sizes and levels of CRM sophistication often overlook six primary
customer touch points: reference management, field service intelligence, workflow management,
sales quoting, customer segmen- tation, and billing. What happens to relationships when those
crucial touch points are mismanaged? The relationships end?

 D  I D"PP!Ic#PIc!

The main advantage that brings harnessed the implementation of the Administration of the Relationships
with the Clients in a enterprise is the increment of the information that this have of its current and
potential clients, what allows to address the offer toward its desires and necessities, increasing this way
the grade of satisfaction and optimizing its cycle of life.

Other advantages that brings harnessed the implementation of the CRM is the increases of the sales and
the reduction of the sale cycle. The disadvantages are so much related with the high costs that has the
application of CRM, in terms of economic Resources as likewise human, and with the difficulty that has
the handling of the given information the reticence of some sectors to share it and also to the risk of to
invade the client's privacy and to expose it to situations not wanted

The micro and small companys have the advantage of having less clients and less personal what facilitates
him the handling of the information and makes difficult the appearance of problems to share it.

The fact of managing a low flow of information also reduces since the costs many times it is not
necessary to acquire a special software to make it but rather you can take manually or in simple programs
as the Access.

A problem that you can sometimes present in the companys of smaller size is the lack of formalization of
the procedures and the lack of the employees' interest for submit in the importance that they have these
and in the philosophy of work of the company.


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