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ACTIVITY 4. SHORT ANSWER QUESTION(S). Read the questions carefully then answer in 5-10 sentences only (50pts).

1. In general, describe the great public speaker of history (the subject/content of their speech; their personality,
delivery, and impact on society). 20pts
begin here - The great public speakers of the history have their kind of speeches with a lot of inspiration,
encouragement, purpose, fighting for their rights as a person, talking about equality and many more. Most of
the speakers has really a purpose on why they are doing those speech while others are expressing their selves.
There are also others who want to prove something and wanted to promote on certain issues. With regards to
their personality, I know that all of them are really determined on sharing their speeches in public. They wanted
to share their thoughts and somehow an encouragement for the people. Most of the speakers are there to stand
for what they believe and others are for their personal experiences. All of them are brave enough to make those
speeches and share it to everyone. They also deliver it clearly to be able to understand by everyone. They talk
clearly and has a loud voice to be able to be heard by others. Their speeches is not only for their own benefit
because they have shared their thought but it is also a benefit for the society to open their eyes on what is
happening around us. It is also a way for everyone to think on what are the good and the bad things that we
should do or we should not do. It helps us to also understand someone’s life situation and experiences and to
give those audience a kind of experience wherein they might relate from those speeches.
2. How should speeches or topic presentations be organized? and what do you think are the tools you need for
public speaking/ topic presentation? 20pts
begin here –Speeches or topic presentation should be organized in way where it has a purpose on why you are
delivering that speech. It should also have supporting ideas or let’s say examples to have a strong stand
regarding your speech. And most especially a speech should have a lesson or encouragement for its audience. I
also that think when you are doing a speech you should make it like you are just talking to them instead of just
reading it. The topic should also be relatable and can be easily understand by everyone. The use of words should
also be considered because there are different audiences. It should also be in general so that everyone can easily
catch up the main points of your speech. And lastly it should be ethical for you to be away from being
misunderstood or being judge by your audiences.
3. Should public speaking be ethical too? Why or why not? 10pts
begin here – Yes, I think public speaking should also be ethical because you are not just giving a speech but you
are attracting your audience to listen to you and believe in you. If you will be unethical, they will no longer be
interested on your speech. It is very needed to be ethical because your audience is not just one you are delivering
it to a larger group of people. If there are words that is not suitable for the event you might be misunderstood by
everyone and it will lead to conflicts. The audience will not be able to understand what you are trying to convey
because what they can see is those unethical behaviour that you are doing. So for me it is really necessary for
public speaking to be ethical.

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