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Name: Sayas, Ada Kaye B.

Level/Section (Program): 4th Year College/AIS4B (BS Accounting Information System)

My AWorld Journey
Level Points Action Kg CO2 Liters of kWh Acts of
Taken Saved water electricity Kindness
saved saved
Level 1:
The Spark
Level 2:
Level 3:
The Pivot
Level 4:
The Spark
Level 5:
The 4000
Level 6:
The 8000
Level 7:
The 14575 30 102.5 14455 45.33 10
Guide Questions towards CAPSTONE Initiatives
1. Among the 14 JOURNEYS you engaged with, select one or more journeys that
made a huge impact on you. In 3 - 5 sentences, tell us why for each journey.
The journeys that made a huge impact on me are:
1. What is Sustainability: This made a huge impact on me because it made
me reflect on my actions on how I am capable in contributing for the
environment. This awakened me to be mindful of everything that I acquire.
I will live a better life.

2. The SDGs: It also impact me because it made me have different insights on

how we can contribute for the betterment of the world. The SDGs want to
bring three key elements of the future together: economic growth, social
inclusion, and environmental protection. It made me have a more
meaningful view in life contributing peace and harmony. The SDGs provide
global advice for tackling the international community's global concerns. It's
about preserving people's opportunities to live in dignity and prosperity
across generations by better conserving the natural underpinnings of life
and our planet everywhere and for everyone.

3. Our Global Food System: This also made a huge impact because it
enlighten me on how scary climate change is and that we need to be more
careful with the things that we do. A third of all greenhouse gas emissions
come from the global food system, which is higher than all emissions from
transportation, heating, lighting, and air conditioning combined. Extreme
weather occurrences such as floods and droughts are now threatening food
production as a result of the global warming.

2. How can you sustain the impact to create a bigger contribution to your
community? Give at least three (3) activities that contribute to your community.
Three activities that contribute to my community are:
1. Simple things such as picking up trash and sorting out trash.
2. Encouraging ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ and;
3. Being mindful with every actions, and always plan for
3. Propose a project that you can develop to start your CAPSTONE Initiatives,
following this format:
3.1 Idea (what is your project?)
Promoting sustainability, by planting trees and practicing sorting of trash,
implement strong policy of no littering, and promoting ‘reduce, reuse,

3.2 Beneficiaries (to whom it will be beneficial?)

It will be beneficial for the whole community.

3.3 Impact (what are the possible results?)

This will contribute to lesser pollution, and healthier environment.

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