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3170501 – Chemical Reaction Engineering-II

Chemical Engineering Department

Enrollment Number :- 190173105003

Experiment No:10. Date:09-09-2021

Mass Transfer with or without Chemical Reaction


Solid-liquid mass transfer plays an impo rtant role in some indust rial operations. The
dissolution may occur with or without chemical reaction. In case dissolution is
accompanied by solid-liquid reaction, it is desi rable to know the enhan cement in the rate of
mass t r ansfer due to simultaneous reaction and compare it with the enha ncement p redicted
on the basis of the film and the boundary layer models. Here the system under study is
dissolution of benzoic acid in aqueous NaOH solution. The dissolution of a solid in a
solution accompanied with instant aneous chemical reaction can be exp r essed as:

A + nBB => Product

where A is the solid and B is the liquid phase reactant. Assuming the reaction to be
instant aneous so that A and B don’t co-exist. The mechanism of solid dissolution involves:
dissolution of A in liquid followed by its reaction with species B diffusing from the bulk
liquid phase at a reaction plane. If the film model is applied to this situation, the
enhancement facto r, φ defined as the ratio of the solid liquid mass t r a nsfer coefficient with
reaction k r to the mass t r ansfer coefficient without reaction k given by

And for boundary layer model it is:


1. To stu dy the dissolution of benzoic acid in aqueous NaO H solution.

2. To compare the observed enhancement facto r for mass transfer with those
p redicted by film and boundary layer model.
3. Mass t r ansfer with chemical reaction (solid - liquid system) : Dissolution of benzoic
acid in aqueous NaOH solution.
Enrollment Number :- 190173105003

The setup consists of a cylinder of benzoic acid mounted on a SS rod and with a D.C.
moto r. The operational range of rotation is between 10 to 30 rpm. The cylinder is
immersed in an aqueous solution of sodium hyd roxide of known concent r ation in a 500 ml
vessel filled to two-thi r d its capacity. The position of the benzoic cylinder is so adjusted that
the liquid level rises above the top surface by about the top surface by about 3 cm. The
dimensions of the benzoic acid may be fixed at diameter 2 or 3 cm, length 5 to 7 cm. the
cylinder can be prepared by pouring molten benzoic acid in the mould of desired
dimensions with 4 to 5 mm SS rod located in the cente r of the mould in a vertical position.
3170501 – Chemical Reaction Engineering-II
Chemical Engineering Department
Enrollment Number :- 190173105003
1. Record the dimensions of the benzoic acid cylinder (o.d., length and od of s s rod) and
then fix it in a vertical position with the D.C. motor.
2. Fill the vessel with aqueous NaOH solution of known concentration upto 2/3rd of its
volume. Record the volume of aqueous NaOH solution added (v).
3. Start the water bath and fix the dissolution temperature, ambient upto 50 degree Celsius.
4. Fix the benzoic acid cylinder inside the vessel containing aqueous NaOH solution and
start the motor at a fixed rotational speed N rpm.
5. Run the experiment for 10 minutes.
6. Stop the motor and remove benzoic acid cylinder and measure its dimensions again.
7. Mix thoroughly the contents of the vessel and analyse it for unreacted NaOH
concentration by titration against standard HCl solution.
8. Measure the benzoic acid cylinder dimensions again.
9. Repeat steps 1 to 8 for different concentrations of aqueous NaOH solutions.
10. Repeat steps 1 to 8 using de-ionised water. This run may be carried for about 45 to 60
minutes duration. During this period small samples should be withdrawn at regular
intervals of 10 minutes and analyzed for dissolved benzoic acid by titration against
0.02kmol/m3 NaOH solution.


CASE 1: To find the Enhancement factor when Benzoic acid is dissolved in 1.5L of 0.5 N
NaOH for duration of 10 Minutes.

1. Outer diameter of the benzoic acid cylinder = _3_ cm
2. Length of the benzoic acid cylinder = _4.8_ cm
1. Outer diameter of the benzoic acid cylinder = _2.6_ cm
2. Length of the benzoic acid cylinder = _3.5_ cm
3. Normality of HCL used for titration (N 1) = _0.5_ N
4. Volume of 0.5 N HCL used (V1) = _8.4_ ml
5. Volume of NaOH taken (V2) = _10_ ml
3170501 – Chemical Reaction Engineering-II
Chemical Engineering Department

Enrollment Number :- 190173105003

Let the normality of unused NaOH in dissolution be N 2
N1V1 = N2V2
N2 =N1V1 /V2
The concentration of unused NaOH = _0.42_ N
The rate of dissolution of benzoic acid = R
R = N2*Volume of NaOH solution in tank
Let the average dimensions of benzoic acid cylinder be
Dav = _2.8_ cm
Lav =_4.15_ cm
Let S.S rod diameter d = 0.78 cm
Average surface area (AS)

=4.78*10^-3 m2
Specific rate of dissolution R'

=2.19*10^-4 kmol/m 2 - sec

3170501 – Chemical Reaction Engineering-II
Chemical Engineering Department

(Note: In the snapshots all the boxes with a green background designates
inputs/measurements, with a blue background designates virtual data and with a pink
background designates user's calculated data.)
It consists of two parts –
1. Physical measurements (dimensions)
2. Chemical measurements (titration)
STEP 1: Physical measurements are to be entered in the space provided.

STEP 2: In this step virtually titration is carried for a case where benzoic acid is dissolved in 1.5
L of NaOH and titrated against .05 N HCL for 10 min.

STEP 3 : In this step virtually titration is carried for a case where benzoic acid is dissolved in
1.5 L of deionized water and titrated against .0.2 N NaOH for a longer duration.
3170501 – Chemical Reaction Engineering-II
Chemical Engineering Department

STEP 4: In this step we determine the average surface area and specific rate of dissolution. The
final length and diameter of the cylinder is virtually displayed for the given user inputs in step 1.

STEP 5: In this step we determine the experimental ø value and the values for ø film & ø
boundary are virtually displayed.
3170501 – Chemical Reaction Engineering-II
Chemical Engineering Department

STEP 6: In this step the user's data are compared with the virtual data and accordingly the
conclusion is made.


1. Value of Henry's law constant H :

i. Increases with temperature
ii. Decreases with temperature
iii. Independent of temperature

2. The individual gas phase mass transfer co-efficient has the same unit as :
i. Diffusivity
ii. Molar concentration
iii. Molar flux
iv. None

3. Friction generated in separated boundary layer is called :

i. Form friction
ii. Skin friction
iii. Kwick friction
iv. None

4. Friction generated in unseperated boundary layer is called :

i. Form friction
ii. Skin friction
iii. Kwick friction
iv. None

5. law is applied Reynolds no. should be :

i. Less than 1
ii. Greater than 1
iii. Equal to 1
iv. None

mass transfer.flv

ht tps:// youtu. be/C Mo_lE C 9lS s

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