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1. What are the roles fulfilled by facilities in the hospitality industry?

- They play a major role in guest satisfaction by providing an appealing visual
environment. Also by providing guests comfort with heating an AC. They also provide
basic supplies like clean water for bathing or relaxing in spas, or swimming. Facilities
protect guests from the elements and keep them safe as well as their possessions.
- Facilities allow a hospitality operation to function by interconnecting systems and
- Facilities help to define the industry and provide identity in the marketplace.
- Provide owners with a return on investment
- Play a key role in the amount of revenue generated at the property.
2. What are the three major categories of costs of hospitality facilities?
Initial costs, operation costs, and renovation costs. The hospitality facilities manager is
responsible for operation and renovation. The most variable is operation because utility
costs are influenced by occupancy and weather. Maintenance costs are also varied due
to occupancy and will generally be saved to do until the hotel is not as busy
Initial costs are those that are incurred during the design and construction process.
They can include any of the following: Planning, preliminary engineering, and project
Operating Cost is calculated by Cost of goods sold + Operating Expenses. Operating
Expenses consist of Administrative and office expenses like rent, salaries, to staff,
insurance, directors fees etc. Selling and distribution expenses like advertisement,
salaries of salesmen.
3. What are some advantages of gathering utility and POM data on a per-room
basis? What are some disadvantages?
advantages are that most of the POM expenses' costs are not different if the hotel is
occupied or not. Disadvantages are that there could be differences between each
property because each location is doing different business, so occupancy levels and
utilities expenses affiliate with POM expenses will be different as well.
4.How might knowledge of equipment lifetimes affect maintenance decisions?
If a maintenance crew can regularly check up on equipment, then they would be able to
efficiently work towards extending the expected life of the machine. They would be able
to know what could happen under the incorrect conditions and prevent malfunctions
from happening.

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