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Def arledl ym Fey CHEMISTRY 102 Werk fer #8 below Heat for Se%~> [SOC Stepli 4300, Se*) 5 H,0 LL, feck) Fall 2019 Hour Exam II Step2? Hee%lec®) > H,0lg, eee) Page _(_ - \eSteps' H,O(q (00) 7 4200s, Ie’) 1 Consider the following react at Some const ir oa 3 cca B é Bale(g) +3 0x(g) AH = 2035 KJ, K=4.8 » 1077 Since & PK p rxw shits lebt Ye Peach equilibrium CAll Fecck ctawecshs increase cad at proiuet a elecends i contain, What ll happen othe unui ot :Us preset as tne reaton eae ghee, equilibrium? Bro, , (ee all reaches, Wil increase im amend eS reectien : Bes EES Teet HS ted ee wil brig ‘ap It will increase because the reaction will shift to the Heft to reach equilibrium. ») It will not change because solids are not involved in the equilibrium. ©) Itwill not change because the reaction is already at equilibrium. Jt will decrease because the reaction will shift to the right to reach equilibrium, — Aysheao = aay + Let $= raclar solebi lit ae 24.16. Excess AgsPO«(s) is addéd to some water. At equilibrium, the concentration of Ag" is 4.8% 105 M. Calculate the Ky value for AgsPO,(s : 5) Esp =Gsis= 2487 lee puablene Pede= W2ne nn =35, $= Lene a 14x10 by 23x10% 9) 44x19 n,Q x10") ksp= 27s" = 23(16 00°)" CEsp=1.8 MOD 17, Consider the following reaction which is utilized for propulsion in space shuttles: Constent Pressure, AH 9 f BE Gitte ty Annas -6 = Snel 4 NHsCHa() + 5 Nr0x(l) + 12 20(@)+9 Nig) +4'COx(g) * AN =? We -PAV = -RTAR juss 4ST R33 hx IG mel =- F956 OTT TAK At 1,00 atm and 110.°C, AE = for the above reaction, Determing.AH for this reaction at 1.00 atm and 110.2 a AE HGtw, ~Fere ks = 9 +(-74GK), GAH = 4S4qY ED a) 4754 kJ +b) -4623 kJ c) -4725 kJ d) -4594, e) 4674 kJ 2b 18. Which of the following statements (a-d) is true if AE for a system equals -95 J (214 (AE =-95 J)? KEscy =O = AEs, + AE seie » AE sone = ~ AE sas A957) BE gece = ~(-48) = 4 957 ‘95 J of energy, while the surroundings are losing 95 J of Zyenergy. Sésters leses emerge, surroundings Gale energy ((o)/tThe system is losing 95 J of energy, while the surroundings are gaining 95 J of feet energy. ms ©) Both the system and the surroundings are gaining 95 Jof energy. (5 «y ace!" 4 QE7 ) Both the system and the surroundings are losing 95 J of energy. ~~ © @.e8 2) None ofthe above (ot) are ue E82 Ce PFS 504% Let s=mulersolubilidy « bsp Lee LEY = He eo! E- S$ ©.6e Zk 19. How many moles of CaFx() will dissolve in3 0.050 M NaF solution? 3s Assume no volume chan; (OH Of CaF.(3). Kp for CaP2 = 4.0 « 10-". Frew set-pen righty Kop 24.0 010-" = S(0, os042s)* a) 8.9% 10% mol b) 8.0 « 10-* mol Assume @.050428 T OOSO d) 2.7% 10-*mol ©) 0.15 mol $ o oil é LEK roel Co GRO nd Caf, 4.0K = sLese) cool CaF Bon |heins | ‘ = SF Le io fin umaprion goed Ase cless Bo.08D The stanLecd enttulpy of Formate, fer « R CHEMISTRY 102 substance, refers fe the Tebey of emia ene pall 2019 our Exam fe of that S Ubstauce fiom the elanesds flct — paye & [> Nea ebeep tect eubstance atCiaphesr chandardd PAB Ao 20. For how many ot ih6 falloihg CAV) ocd hc crthaipg Ghange for the reaction equal the IPy LI! > standard enthalpy of formation for the product in the reaction, i.e., for how many does it AH action = AHS? ; « é Death find ky Srenen 9 hei deel lens of [de t25e- Mw! je Mae) Dewt Fee Wo ‘ 50, in standard Phd solfor edexygen as Sey re (OE 11, Hale) +800) > HaS041) Dew! Finks dt ee UO IIL. Cie) +e) CO) > CHiOH(e) en LE af badtezes of Ope G stele. WUD W.Ba*(aq)+2.Cr(aq) > BaCl(s) Barwon stole tte 1s Bacs) auf Chlorive Stendend state is Rg the a) 0 (none) b) 1 2d 3 e) dea peter BC 83 Bets) + Chie) 2 Bl) Att = ANS acce,e) dig : : |e Z\}IS 21. Consider the following ae sa cba OH Hee # 0, tive) G]iz Stepr + C2 Heon(G-IW'd > Glico, asc) Hosp. = steps + Gstep2 *c 5 ost 42 13h ( I -114 Melting point = -114°C, b.p. = 78°C AH asion for ethanol = 5.02 kJ/mol heat capacity of ethanol(1) = 2.46 I/g.°C heat capacity of ethanol(s) = 0.97 J/ge°C : heat adder Holy Soc KT_\ by steel = 23.05 GAgom “Eeladosy Sct) 2.51 How much energy is required to conVert 23.0 g of solid ethanol at -114°C to liquid ethanol at 25°C? The molar ss of ethanol is 46.0 g/mol... __ Aston BHO we (AR0. MIM Rae KeT = FLEET a) 535k) by 2.51 kJ ove ki oF e) 5.04 kJ FISTAL ~ 2.5| KT + FE6ET “WO37 EP celghreusho 2 {4 22. Which of the following four salts when dissolved in Wafer will prt esa kcal concentration Pb at pula? The bye. 40 ie ea Shpotor eu ee eee cone Altus F Setlin 3 Alse, +e calcula paelez S250 Ft tle +48 OF ip PbCrOy Kp = 2.0 10- 37, The sal itl the largest solubility valve will have the largest a) PbCOs b) PbS GPoouy 1) PbCrOs Coucecteation ef PTs iS PhlOH), SS). ae 23. An initial chemical reaction is reversed and then the coefficients are all multiplied by a factor of 2. The K value for this final reaction is 0.01. What is the value of K for the intial eaction? Whew op Ceaction 16 reversed) Knew = at jouene ecreachien is multiplied by some AUMbEEN, Enea “Cbg Yet a) 001 b) 100 ©) 01 F 10 e) 10,000" * BK these are fL\_ peal R Sa yn, Pes G)= 004 6 eae a 2 9) (BY) Shove, a= P—— thes eguds gf AH=-SI9 ET b. 2 F-f) + QH-E-N 9 4H-E + ce] — CHEMISTRY 102 — o Fall 2019 Hour Page Pea Ara = Sieben + BWyorcannd oc 246. 24. Consider the reaction 7 Is - us ie Bends Broken Boks Formed” ae bond bond energy - 2F-F 201543) H-H 432 ki/mol qe CDE Y Heo 4 C46 #3) O-H 467 kJ/mol bese 1G 4asts) FF _1s4kvimol == 404g THaS ES BHecobas = 219 0-0 146 kJ/mol Hormel ee 0-0 495 kI/mol Athen = Sy chen + ANfornel = IEE HMDu-e 498) = ~SPTKT a) 314kJ/mol —_b) 159kl/mal. mol) d)S15kJ/mol —_e) 2149 kJ/mol Selvings Dye -GESK » S|Z. 25. Some Cu(NOs)2(aq) and KOM (aq) are added together and a precipitate of Cu(OH)2(s) 20 forms. How many of the following (I-IV) will cause the precipitate to dissglve? Coloil),cos Cu cagh + LOW coq) hep = Ce Lon-]* in We I. Excess Cu(NOs)x(aq) is added. ) ard oF et coves fe ay aes © shit ausin, UConn) Het Ecce Ne i alad prceipilate tofermDnee less « Set At wah ceok a Added WH, remeves CoeMten as CUCM, As es ess HNOs(aq) is added. C4241, Vewevecl, more, CuCoH \,Cs) dissolves. VAD eK H+ Lrewn HM ect S wiflat to form Ho, Ag 2. O(oore) dy as 5 : Of fen is Pemeoved) mere Colon) will Lisselve Vo e) 4 [All will cause the Cu(OH)2(4) to Sissolve J replenst He Git So UE «Lv beth cersetheptecp tele of aE 26. A oo Late iedaa's Rentoul of $.02 kJ/°C and an initial temperature of al 24.62°C. What is the final temperature in the bomb calorimeter if 1.785 g of benzoic acid (HC;H50;) is combusted in the calorimeter? The energy of combustion of benzoic acid is-264DWIE yc, gop (ZEEE) = WING ET Wad ICR Le colorineler L756 Bors 5 Rote Hud feup of Colerimetor will imcteese. a) 51.07°C b) 29.88°C_ —e):19.36°C. ad 1523 MOOT ee W416 KG = DOPED» AT / AT= 939°C PT = MbXerh3ICBH.EIT re 27. A reaction at equilibrium shifis left to reestablish equilibrium when the volume of the 4 \22- container is increased. For the same reaction, the value of the equilibrium constant ipeteajes as temperapure pees, Ug of the flowing eguld be this reaction? « have, fagre reactant mbles eF G45 Phan f\ + oles of GS. These are reections SF Hsxd) > 2 HOW) + 0.) This eaction is exotherti ow b) CaCOsx(s) + CaO(s) + CO2x(g) This reaction is endothermic. @ 30xg) > 2048) This reaction is endothermic. d) 4 Fe(s) +3 Ox(g)> 2 Fex03(s) This reaction is exothermic. Readbios whose Kvalve lncrecses witha tempendure Mrcreas e are exdetherme reachous Cheat 15 a reactaut). Se reactions bande are enes whese Rvalve Increases a$ T incvesses. Combining the fie Sbserveticns reaction C fits both, Porn Set-up te His TCA ECE problent’s helow pd CHEMISTRY 102 Mote thet the lniticl Concentrations of Ce 3? [D> Hour Exam 11 ank FOS have beer halved. this 1S becouse Hervelguje doubled when wy ahdeb mee When 100.0 mL of 5 FTA UN 6A K10x,A precipitate of , 28 lee mm Ce(103)3(s) forms. Calculate the equilibrium concentration of 10s in tn#solution, Ks 2s|28 for Ce(IOs)s is 3.0 » 10"! 3 Cee,)os) 2 Ce*! + S16, 2 ie Seis\Aasy x io ie Fall 2019 Page > SPE BE ET EAIER? by Sse 10 Mf Ley iv Absonteg E5ETS © 0.56 (si wcso 71S d) 11x10" es M A 3 ioe 50a 9S) " B= Selutility = 281 UC IM (assemptor ge eck f= 35 230281 x0 NS KO 4, idér the following four fant press| C(s) + H20(g) > COL) + Hale) An= 2° a2 +3 Ch(g) >» 2 PCl(g) +3 Br(l) Ab = 27S I, 3 Fe(s) +4 H20(g) > FesOu(s)+4 Hag) An = 4-4“ =O IV, 2200) > 2 Ha(g) +0xg) 4a = 3-© ee Seale 1s Wee *werkis a positive Value when For nsmany of Od regia inc Pv rere ive value (w > 0)? hegc “as 6ccurs ta & CemAtession Where ay “3 a) O(néne) ye 32 4) 3 ed Moles ef gad Recreest ag reactaids ere converte 40 pred As, 4. (All of these reactions have a positive valye for the PV work ‘ Woke utes Co teagreen, Vie erecta ae aa “ar nL Sg Mew which is a positive valve Bed, Only remehin ne 2 30. __ Consider the following reaction at some temperature? 5 & compres sith Nesom Som OS™ when tale reverse > rele forwendl 3. 2% si =x : y 20) == TH +d%) feaction Shifts left 1o E ©Se+3x 502% 0.50~% reach fui [ibrium Initially, 1.0 mol of Ha, 1.0 mol of Op, and 1.0 mol of H20 are placed in a 2.0 L container. At these conditions, the rate of the reverse reaction is greater than the rate of the forward reaction. Which of the following statements (a-d) regarding this reaction i true once it reaches equilibrium? a eo recch epuilibriv Ce eC F rachon shill IEE te Soa Ee teehee” a) k> fh? Seat ght bigges. This means KEI. | \ b) At equilibrium, [H2O] = [Hp]. Fron FEE Table, Hese concectnation cadthe efieh Fe) AL equilibrium, [H2O] > 0.50 M,C Haede= 0.50 * %, Se LteC Je > 0.50M. 2 ‘At equilibrium, [Hz] = [Oz]. Frese TCE Table, Hese two Cocesleehions are e) None of these statements (a-d) are true. Ket @guel ( £H,3.= ©50-9K an k £0,). = ©-S©-x), 31. My answers for this Chemistry 102 exam should be graded with the answer sheet associated with: a) FormA b) FormB c) FormC d) FormD__e) FormE

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