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The alphabet 4 ia\ Listen and repeat Spelling Cardinal numbers 2 a) Read the dialogue. 3 (A2\ Listen and repeat. ‘A; What's your name? J one i} eight LE} fifteen B: Anda. y4 two J nine i[-) sixteen pome K) three i) ten LY/ seventeen us ea C* four il) eleven if:) eighteen B: C-A- double L) five 1/4 twelve ik) nineteen aan ( six UE) thirteen [20) twenty Y/ seven UL" fourteen Asking about addresses & telephone numbers 4 Ask and answer in pairs, as in the example. 1 15 Apple Street - 2655 8278 b) In pairs, act out sit A: What's your address? dialogues. Use the names B: 15 Apple Street below. A: How do you spell it? 8: A-double P-L-E. r Jennifer Matthews 97 Newton Street — Rusa Herrera, n Street ~ 7239 8632 38 Mel . Mario Alfano rose Street - 3772 5921 anon 1 z ee Milles A: What's your telephone number? ia Moni 2 Mt al B: It's two-six-double five-eight-two-seven-eight. 4 Lillian Clark 128 Middle Street ~ 5524 3589 5 Pawel Gorski 64 Memphis Street 6 Yuri Zotov a 7 8 ‘ | Note In English, when we write a compound number ~ any number made up of two words - we use a hyphen in between them. e.g. 46 forty-six. 5 (aN Listen and repeat. What are these numbers in your language? 6 Counting Chai to 100. One ~ Two ~ Three etc. 7 Use the key to do the tasks. Read them aloud. + plus minus equals multiplied by divided by +n 6413 = six plus thirteen equals nineteen 9-25 30x3 = Starter Asking about age 8 Ask and answer in pairs, as in the example. A: How old are you, Abdul? B: I'm ten years old. Bar (Abdul (10) ‘Sandy (28) Sue (66) } Personal Subject pronouns Q Read the theory. We use personal subject pronouns singula before verbs instead of names or nouns. ral John is a teacher. He is from the UK. ! Me John isa teacher. He is from the You yes 1 always with a capital letter ie you -+ in the singular and plural = ' he + for aman or a boy eo) They she + for a woman or a girl east) it + for an animal (cat) or a thing (book) we -+ for people they -> for people, animal or things 1 4 Starter The verb to be (affirmative/ negative) , the Read the theory. How do we form t " affirmative form of the verb ‘to be’ in the present simple? Affirmative | Long Form Short Form | tam 15. i'm 15. | You are 15. You're 15. He/Shertt is 15. He/Sheit’s 15. | WelYou/They are WerYou/They're 15. | 15. | Negative | Long Form Short Form 1am not 17. I'm not 17. | You are not 17. You aren't 17. He/She/t is not He/She/lt isn’t 17. 17, | WelYou/They are WelYou/They aren not 17. 7. 12 complete with am, is, are. 1 Sue is 14, 7 He... 39, 2 Mary and Ann 8 She... 19. 16. 9 Paula andl... 3 1... Ted. 10. 4 You... 17. 10 It... a book. 5 Mark ... 8, 11 They ... 13, 6 We... 25. 12 It... apen. 13 Make as many sentences as Possible, Gina & Laura 15 years old, > Alex is a teacher. no &l are 16 years old, lelen friends, Gina and Laura are 15 years old, 44 2) Choose the correct word. Hi! My name 1)is/are Alisa and | 2) arelam 16 years old. This 3) isare my friend Molly. She 4) islare 16 years old, too. We 5) am/are students. Our favourite colours 6) is/are yellow and green. In this picture we 7) arelam at school. Be our e-friend, b) Correct the sentences, 1 Alisa is 15. Alisa isn’t 15, she's 16. 2 Alisa and Molly are 17 years old. 3 Alisa and Molly aren't students. 4 Their favourite colours are brown and 15 complete the sentences about you. Hil My name... and. vears old. my fret? (Ace) ovate” yy years old. We students. © favourite Colours... and (CoLours) ~ acai ae ll apn A/An - The | * We use a before words that start with a consonant sound. a book, a pencil * We use an before words that start with a vowel sound. an apple, an eraser * We use a/an for something we mention for the first time. We use the for something we have already mentioned. This is a book. The book is Anna's 16 a) Complete with a or an. Gad tisten and check. “= + Pencil eraser A a lamp atlas -- Pencil case To. aa 9 ... watch .. orange basketball b) Ask and answer in pairs, as in the example, A: What's this in English? B: It's a lamp. Starter Colours 417 a) (13¥ Listen and repeat. ee ee "eo 26 a) @”e pink black yellow b) What colour are these? oY The eraser is The ruleris The penci blue. / ie The sharpener The crayonis The pencil is... holder is .. The book is ..... The schoolbag The notebook is 18 Complete with a, an or the. 1 son This is a pencil. The pencil is yellow. This is ... umbrella. ... umbrella is red, This is ... eraser. ... eraser is blue. This is ... pencil case. ... pencil case is green. This is ... notebook. ... notebook is purple. 10 ee Gg Starter Asking about/Telling the time 19 ta Listen and repeat. o'clock 4 twenty past 5 hal seven 7 (@) quarter to 8 ten to sev 3 (@) quarter past six if past six 6 twenty to seven 2 9 five to seven 20 Use the table and the clocks to ask ea other the time. 1A: What time is it? B: It’s six o'clock. Days of the week 21 207) Listen and repeat. When is the weekend? MONDAY —_ na" TUESDAY ——_—_______TUESDAy | WEDNESDAY THURSDAY ——__ THURSDAY _ FRIDAY p >= —_ Sai | 2 SATURDAY a Ce a SUNDAY a ———__SUNDAY _ ») Ask and a example. A: Which day ig before Wednesday? 8: Tuesday, Which day is after Friday? A: Saturday. etc nsWer questions, as in the — a Parts of the body 22) Nu Listen and say. ; stomach finger = co" Rk b) Point to various parts of your body. Your partner says the word. Ordinal numbers 23119 \ Listen and say. Ist first Sth fifth 9th ninth 2nd second 6th sixth 10th tenth bs 3rd third 7th seventh ith eleventh "4th fourth 8th eighth 12th twelfth Seasons & Months in the UK 24 2) Aa Listen and say. Winter December S January February Autumn September June July Summer ate November ») Game: Find the month. A: It’s the first month in a year. 8: January. It's the twelfth and the last ‘month in a year. Starter ia The imperative | We use the base form of the verb to tell eer] | what to do, give them advice, and ask them to | do something. Open the door, please | | We use don’t + base form of the verb to make a | | negative imperative. Don’t open the door, please. ‘see p. GR1 }- Classroom language 25 a) din\ Listen and repeat. Say these sentences in your language. (Close your boo} (Come to the | \ voard, please. ) © A ‘Open your books. (Sit down, please. 7 ® Say ( Write in your © \ notebooks.) b) Tell your partner what to do. Your Partner does what you ask him/her. (Stand up, pleas A: Stand up, please. 44 é@ Starter Greetings is 26 (md Listen and say. In theta : people use these phrases INEZ yn] Se | ish language teach other. 27 a) Read the dialogue. ‘Ann: Good morning, Mary. Mary: Hi, Ann, ‘Ann: How are you? 4 Mary: I'm fine, thanks, ¥ % And you? t Ann: Not bad, - Mary: See you later. Bye! Ann: Goodbye, b) In pairs, act Out similar dialogues

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