Reflection About Life of Andrew

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His name is Andrew. He was the first disciple of Christ. He is a fisherman from an
obscure place on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. His Greek name means “a strong man”. In this
story or his life I have a lot a learned and the 1 st is Salvation to is of the Gentiles as well. The
Greek men desired to see Jesus Christ and through Andrew, these men found the Savior and got
close to Him. This instance in the life of Andrew teaches that we must never think that it is all
about us. It is not enough to just be part of the Church, but we must fulfill our commission to
preach the Gospel and let God call more people through our effort. 2 nd is Actively look for ways
to serve. The Apostle Andrew was a humble man who did not seek pre-eminence. He was
satisfied to just work in the background and whether his effort is recognized or not, it doesn’t
matter to him. We must grab every opportunity to serve. As Christians, we are not called to just
be spectators, but players. We are not just to sit on the bleachers, but we must actively be in the
arena doing our God given work. If you have been in the church long enough, you know this one
holds true. Those who actively serve in the church are the ones who grow spiritually. Those who
choose to be just sitting around and doing nothing, they are the ones who most likely will suffer
spiritual growth retardation. So, if you want to spiritually grow into a mature and productive
Christian, then you need to be like Andrew, who actively work for God. Though he works behind
the scene, his effort is not wasted and God will reward him graciously because of that.

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