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Zakaria Muttaqin Aditama (2188203020)

Chapter 5
Phrasal Verbs

Get these exercises done to know wheter you have understood the
material well or not.
A. Fill the gaps to complete the phrasal verb in each sentence.
1. We went round the school and picked up all the rubbish.
2. I don’t think they ever figure it out how the man escaped.
3. This milk smells horrible; I think it has go off.
4. Do you think they’ll make it through the exam next week?
5. They had a bad relationship at first, but she get on
very well with him now.
6. The price has go up three times this year.
7. I agreed to look after my sister’s cat when she goest to
8. We can carry on until the teacher tells us to stop.
9. Why didn’t your alarm clock go off this morning?
10.I’m afraid this photocopier has run out of paper, but you can
use the other one in my office.
B. Complete these sentences in a logical way.
1. It will take her a long time to get over with it

2. I’m afraid we’ve run out of time
3. He had to look it up firstly before he move on

Telegram Vocabulary Robot - 2

4. I don’t really get on with it
5. She came in and took off now
6. I had to put out the thing
7. Who is going to look after it if you leave
8. I went to the garage to pick up my car
9. The plane took off to destination now
10. My rent is going up this month
C. Look at the dictionary entry for pick up, and match the
meanings with the sentences below
1. I said I would pick her up at the airport. ( to come after writers friend)

2. I picked up most of the rubbish that was on the floor. (to

collect trash that scatter)
3. Where did he pick up that strange accent? (to use or choose things)
4. Business was bad at the beginning of the year but it’s picking
up now. ( to tell that writers business going up)
5. I hurt my back when I tried to pick up that chair. ( to
bring object)
D. Write two sentences for each of these phrasal verbs to show
their different meanings.
pick up
The Air Forces picked up F-22 instead of Su-57
Her mother picked her up at 02.00 am

take off
Lufthansa Flight DLH74F take off from Frankfurt to Stockholm

Your jacket, please take it off

go off
Fat man is a bomb that can go off with rads
You should hear a bomb going off at backyard

get through
He just get through from that accident
Michael Schumacher got through the world title with just two point

E. Complete these sentences in a logical way.

1. I’m not very good at making up decisions
2. Could you lie down on the mattress?
3. She asked me to turn on the engine
4. Two men tried to break into my barn last night
5. We have asked an engineer to come and sort out the problem
6. Are you going to stay in my house now?
7. Why did you leave out all your problems?
8. I’m afraid we broke down the systems
9. Can you get by in Auschwitz for 5 years?
10. I grew up in Trenggalek for 20 years
F. Is it possible to separate the two parts of the phrasal verb in the
sentences below? Look at the examples first, and use a
dictionary to check your answers.
Examples: I forgot to get off the bus. NO (get the buss off x)
Why did he take off his trousers? YES (take his
trousers off √)
1. She decided to carry on working.Non separable

She carry the work on (False)

2. He had to put out the fire. Yes, its separable
Put the fire out (True)
3. Could you turn on the radio? Yes, its separable
Turn the radio on (True)
4. I had to lie down for a few minutes. No, its not separable
Lie for a few minutes down (False)
5. Could you go to the shop for me? We’ve just run out of coffee. No,
its not separable
Run the coffee out (False)
6. I think she made up that story. Yes, its separable
She Made that story up (True)
7. I can’t get by on the money my parents give me. No, its not
I can’t get the money by my parents (False)
8. Children grow up very quickly these days. No, its not separable
Children grow very quickly up (False)
9. I turned off the lights when I went to bed. Yes, its separable
I turned the lights off (True)
10. Can we leave out this question? Yes, its separable
Can we leave this question out? (True)

G. Make these texts more informal by changing some of the verbs

to phrasal verbs with the same meaning. (There are three in
each text.)
1. The cost of living in increasing all the time and I find it quite
difficult to manage on my salary. But I think I can
probably continue for a few months.
1. The rent always going up all the time and quite hard to
manage my money. But I think I can make it out in few

2. She told us to enter, but then we had to remove our shoes and
I had to extinguish my cigarette.
1. She called us to come in, but we must take off our
shoes and put off my cigarette.

3. The teacher told the class to invent a story to go with the

picture in their books, and then continue with exercise 4.
She said they could all omit exercise 5.

1. My teacher tell the class to make a story and draw the

picture in the book and continue to exercise 4. Or She
failed to do exercise 5

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