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NCM 35 - B

1. Implementation of Nutrition Care Process in the Philippines and

Ethico-Moral Principles in Nutrition Care

Administrative order 2019-0033 implemented by the Department of Health

serves as a guide in utilizing the Nutrition Care Process (NCP) to hospital
institutions, private or public. It is also emphasized in the administrative
order that patients will still be screened either they are at-risk or not-at-
risk. Because of this implementation, nurses can assess the patients
uniformly, making both physicians and Medical Nutrition therapists
determine the patients' nutritional needs. Screening tools made the job
easier for all the workers involved easier to make the patient's welfare
better. Technological advancements in nutritional support may cause
ethical quandaries. However, these modern technologies can aid in
postponing death and prolonging life, but at the expense of quality of life.
Furthermore, we must also practice how to address ethical issues in
Nutrition Care. We may know what is best for the patients, but we must
respect their decisions. Healthcare providers must determine whether
providing health care to one patient would unfairly limit other patients'
care. With this implementation, the scope of the healthcare workers is
clearly defined.

2. Legal Mandates Related to Nutrition and Diet Therapy

NCM 35 - B
The implementations of legal policies in terms of Nutrition and Diet
Therapy give us a clearer view of the objectives and goals of how important
it is to focus on the country's Health and Nutrition. Presidential Decree
491, which is also known as the Nutrition Act of the Philippines, states
that nutrition is a priority of the government to be implemented by all
branches of the government in an integrated manner. This act seeks to
bring about social, economic, and political reforms to eventually improve
every Filipino's nutrition, health, and quality of life. In addition, all of the
National Policies on Nutrition impresses more so that simple law can
significantly impact the people. Some of the policies may be complex to
understand, but it is unique how it accomplishes the main goal for the
Filipino people. With the help of the implementation of the Food and Drug
Administration Act of 2009, Filipinos benefit so that we are assured that
we are protected from various factors that may affect us negatively. We
were also taught how to act according to the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA
10173), which protects each client about their private information to the
public. As Ms. Soluta said, "Policies may remain as a document, but this
will also lead us to spark innovations for the improvement of nutrition."

3. Core Values of Nursing as Applied to Nutrition and Dietetics

NCM 35 - B
In every nursing care process, nutrition is inevitable present as always.
Nursing's core values are so significant not just because nurses must
provide services to the patient. Instead, nurses develop empathy for the
patients and make a connection with clients. With the help of 6C
(Communication, Competence, Care, Courage, Commitment, and
Competence), this ensures the trust established in the relationship.
Showing CARE and being COMPASSIONATE can make the patient
comfortable with their identity and trust what the nurse is talking about
their needed nutrition. Aside from this, the nurse can fully grasp the
patient's opinions towards their nutrition, which can help the nurse unto
the next intervention. Being a COMPETENT nurse can make the patient
feel secure with every food administered to them. The patient can rely on
the nurse's knowledge, believing that they are receiving the optimum care
they deserve. COMMUNICATING with the patient is one of the essential
values that we should adhere to for the patient to be vocal about what they
are feeling regarding their health. Being COURAGEOUS and COMMITTED
can make the patient safe all the time because the nurse possesses the
core values.

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