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1. The cultural communities of the cordilleras, the Manobos, Bagobos, Tausugs of Mindanao are
among the Indigenous People in the Philippines. ( answer – True)
2. There is no superior or inferior culture amidst cultural diversities. ( answer- True)
3. It is right to judge the indigenous culture as backward and inferior to modern culture.
( Answer-False)
4. Indigenous people are cultural communities who live a distinct traditional culture practiced
over a long period of time , is remarkably different from the main stream society and they
inhabit a an ancestral land where they are rooted and dependent on. ( True)
5. Indigenous knowledge and traditions provides great wisdom in dealing & preserving nature &
environment and a significant pathway in achieving sustainable development goals. ( True)
6. Consumers have the right to access basic goods and services at reasonable cost as well as safety
on goods and service they buy and use. (True)
7. Indigenous knowledge and tradition is incompatible with science and technology in addressing
the challenge of climate change. ( False)


1. What is the right perspective in understanding cultural differences in cultural diversities.
A. Viewing others culture according to the standard and norms of those who practice them
B. Judging different cultures according to ones standard & culture
C. Viewing others culture as better than ones own culture
D. Regard of different culture as equal and uniform.
2. Which Dep Ed Order responded positively and catered to Indigenous Peoples Education?
A. DepEd Order No. 32 Series 2015
B. DepEd Order No. 62 Series 2010
C. DepEd Order No. 52 Series 2013
D. DepEd Order No. 100 Series 2018
3. Why do we celebrate International Day of Worlds’ Indigenous People?
A. To recognize the achievement and contribution of the Indigenous people for the world.
B. To become aware of the rights of Indigenous people
C. People are encourage to participate in different cultural activities
D. All of the above
4. At present ,how many countries are members of the United Nation?
A. 200 countries B. 193 countries C. !50 countries D. !90 countries
5. Which does not support the principle underlying the United Nation Charter?
A. International Peace & Security
B. Promulgation & Promotion of Human Rights
C. Support to the development of the most advance Nuclear Weapon
D. Promotion of Sustainable Development Goals to address challenge of Climate change .

1. What is the law enacted that is known as the Indigenous Peoples Right Act? ( RA No. 8371)
2. What is the first and foremost principle underlying the founding of the United Nation?
( Answer- International Peace and Security among nations)
3. What is the Theme of the 2021 International Day of worlds Indigenous Peoples c?
Answer-“ Leaving No one Behind: IP call for a New Social Contract”

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