Tinacho Chitongo Resume (C.V.)

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Tinacho Gerald Chitongo

email: tinachoc@gmail.com web: www.linkedin.com/in/tinacho mobile: 0775 141 190 Physical Address: 17 Devizes Rd, Mabelreign, Harare, Zimbabwe

> Bachelor of Arts Political Science

> Class 4 Drivers Licence

Relevant skills: - Strong written, visual and oral presentation ability coupled with excellent research skills;

____________ - Experience in planning, implementing and assessing youth targeted life skills interventions; ___________ - Content management on Wordpress web publishing platform: webmaster at www.capetocongo.com ; _ - Proficient in Windows & Mac OS operating systems. ____________________________ _ Writing Samples (Published): #Toward a beta Zimbabwe (The Zimbabwean, Aug. 28, 2011); ________
________________________ #Using Social media for tourism promotion (The Zimbabwean, July 14, 2011); _______________________ #Diplomacy Meets Conflict: Darfur, Sudan & the limits of international diplomacy (Providence ________________________College Digital Commons, April 2008), link: digitalcommons.providence.edu/glbstudy_students/12

Professional Experience:
Field Intern at Grassroot Soccer (Port Elizabeth, South Africa) an international NGO using the power of soccer to
educate, inspire & mobilize communities in the fight against HIV. Key responsibilities: planning & implementing HIV Counseling & Testing events; and assisting in program management. ________ Notable achievements: - Led introduction of Skillz Street (a female targeted intervention) to Port Elizabeth site. Duties included a 5 week pilot of the intervention; planning a week of training for peer educators and an initial roll out of the intervention. - Raised +US$5,000 to supplement costs for this volunteer experience through an online fund raising campaign using social media & the following blog: ____________ http://tinachograssroots.blogspot.com/ August 2010 to June 2011

Research Assistant at Providence College Political Science Department (Providence, R.I., USA): Assisted
Political Science faculty design & research material taught in Political Science classes. Focus on Russian politics, political theory & international affairs. August 2009 to May 2010

Resident Assistant at Providence College Office of Residence Life): Ensured safe living environment for up to 50
Residents by enforcing college policy in residence halls; Planned & implemented programming for residents, program categories included: Community-building, Community Service and Educational programs. August 2007 to August 2009 Teaching Assistant at the International Institute (Providence, R.I., U.S.A) in small adult English classes for recently resettled refugees in Providence, Rhode Island. Assisted refugees acclimatize to American living by going over American customs and helping them formulate family budgets. June to December 2008 Internal Audit Assistant at Star Africa Corporation (Harare, Zimbabwe): Star Africa is a multifaceted company which mainly deals with sugar production. As an Audit Assistant I assisted in routine and year end audits; Conducted surprise cash counts, stock reconciliations and asset verifications; Reported findings to supervisor, using Word and Excel to document findings. January to July 2006 Delegate at Global Young Leaders Conference [GYLC], (U.S.A): Two week global conference held in New York and Washington D.C., hosted by the Congressional Youth Leadership Council. Activities included conflict resolution simulations; speaking events at the United Nations and the World Bank; discussions on pressing global issues and the role of young leaders in the near future. July/August 2005


Providence College (Rhode Island, USA)

Degree obtained: Bachelor of Arts [Political Science] (May 2010)

__- 2009/10 Student Leader of the year awarded at annual Student Achievement Awards [April 2010].

___President, International Student Organization [June 2009 - May 2010], ___Member, Board of Multicultural Student Affairs (BMSA) [June 2009 May 2010], __ Treasurer, Toastmasters Club [May 2009- April 2010] __ Peterhouse [High School] (Marondera, Zimbabwe) Attended: Jan. 2000 to Nov. 2005 Diploma: Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced levels (Nov. 2005), & Ordinary levels (2003).

Referees and proof of qualifications available upon request. Tinacho G. Chitongo.

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